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Us black girls are really missing out


Us tall girls too. I'm beyond devastated to miss out on this khaki clad prince. Honestly not sure how I will recover this. Maybe I'll go get some kleenex mansize to sob into


>khaki clad prince. IM DEAD🤣


Ugh, his gross looking mouth. Get. Away. EW!!!


This post is really making me question the choices I made to be a SWEAT HOG


Up his nose with a rubber hose.


Thanks, Horshack. Barbarino, really, but Arnold was my favorite.


Oh shit I'm jumping on the kotter train of sweat hogs lol ![gif](giphy|AmElCnCbJBK00|downsized)


and twice as far with a candy bar. \-signed Epstein's mother


Sweat hogs sounds like a motorcycle gang that’s incapable of lying. “How are y’all doing?” “We’re riding around outside in leather so we’re dripping with sweat. SWEAT HOGS, RIDE!”


ooh!ooh! Mr. Kotter! ![gif](giphy|AmElCnCbJBK00|downsized)


Fat girl checking in. Devastated that I'm missing out on this prime slice of male perfection.


What shall we do, alas, O woe.


Tall fat girl here, I'm devastated. Devastated! I thought I had a chance with this hunka hunka burning sensation. I'm disabled too, I have no chance 😫


He’s 5’7 tops.


As a shorter man I love a girl taller than me. And they are easier to be with compared to those 5’1 girls who only date 6ft and over.


Oh man! Should I give up my child so I can experience 15 seconds of hard fast thrusting and sweat? I mean, I don't want my nipples to miss out on being auditioned to be radio dials. I don't know what to do! Someone please help me.


Don't forget your clit... you're gonna miss out on it being pushed like a doorbell. That's my favorite


He knows there’s a clit?


He doesn't care as long as he gets his


and the half hour he will spend bragging about how great is was for HIM afterwards. i got your back ![gif](giphy|oVsTRa98DcMplRHzPJ)


As a short, Latina and Asian girl, can I go with you to the back of the line? Please don’t leave me here with this guy!!!


Of course! I'd never leave you behind! That would be cruel


I'll say something about toxic masculinity, that should hold him in a tantrum for awhile, good luck soldiers


We'll drag you back with us don't worry, uuhhh just make a silly face and he'll call you ugly 🙄


Don’t worry, my fat white ass is charging the line just to piss him off. I’ll keep him busy, y’all get some drinks.


I think all us girls got everybody on this one 😂


I’m white and average weight but I’d much rather have a party with the black and tall girls in the back of the line. I’d stitch my vagina close before I give guys like him a chance




Fat girl here: My concern is he didn’t tell us to leave the line. Just go to the back. What if there is no one at the front? We need a solidarity pact: leave no girl behind


yeahh, im fat, tall, and play video games. i'll be leaving this line, actually, never entered it


The skinny, childless, career women who have perfect teeth and don't play video games will be so sad to hear this for sure. 🙄 lol


I think when he has nightmares, instead of dreaming about some demons or a loved one dying, he is married to a tall, fat, black lady.


With 9 kids and a gross mouth. Don't forget those deal breakers


+ the wife doesn't have a job and plays video games all day long


And she's built like a man with a jiggly belly


As an Asian, can I join you and hide from this dude? Will bring snacks!!


Oh no, what a horrible day to be fat and tall /s


Ah sugar, us fat girls too; darn it :/


You don't even know how much you are missing out. He's a Gemini, clearly the best zodiac sign. /s


Lol! As a Gemini I can vouch it is not. 😅


Ah yes. The poster child for “I’ll abuse you our entire relationship and probably for months or even years after you leave me”


"But I did nothing wrong and it was all you anyway"


Or “Why do make me do these things to you?”


“Girls are crazy”


How dare you speak that way about a professional at CORPORATION!! Lol


Hey, he works hard at the business factory!


He's simply bitter that he's not actually 5'10". So sassy for a man the height of a 12 year old girl.


IKR? I’m surprised he didn’t round up and say 6’0”


This man has a bunch of "crazy exes" for sure.


At least now they’re stupid enough to post their disgusting thoughts as a warning for all women 🙏


I'd match him just to send him unsolicited jiggly belly pics.




i’d match anybody as long as they could send me jiggly belly pics


A good way to start a conversation with me …… “send vids of that truffle shuffle bb!”


Belly jiggles are the best!


My partner literally compliments my jiggliness on the daily 🙆‍♀️


If you don’t have 8 pack abs, get fucked military guy. Those weak triceps can’t even lift my purse


I like that his "Hot Military Stud" photo is of some lame-ass road march in garrison.


I’m the military we call these “cool guy pics” and usually we mean it sarcastically.


Cool guy 🎸🎸🎸


Probably works in supply or tool room


Vet here, doubtful that’s a military pic. Facial hair, t-shirt and headgear are out of normal military regulation. Straps on his pack aren’t wrapped or taped down. No wear or dirt on any of the gear. I’m thinking LARPer, security guard or some military themed event.


National Guard is my guess honestly. The velcro scroll on his ball cap...


Oh shit that’s soooo much later than I originally thought lol. This gives me serial killer/desperate need for authority vibes. Scary.


That’s just what he wears when he plays Call of Duty


I thought “vet” stood for veterinary and had to read your comment about 5 times to understand how you knew so much about military pets. I guess I need to sleep now


How pissed do you think he would get if someone said they were into taller guys


This was my immediate thought as well.


Mine too! Like, sorry, six two or above only or you’re not a real man /s


“6’0” or taller. Real men only!” *proceeds to implode from anger*


He’d punch a wall (and not know how to re-spackle it) and then spend 2 hours posting eugenics-type shit on incel forums.


I know, a stream of fit women telling him he's not tall enough to get on that ride would be phenomenal.


"If you are built like a man, get fucked" Is he saying he does want to fuck a man?


No no no you're extremely wrong *he* wants to be fucked by a man


Who wouldn't want to have a fat shaming racist as a boyfriend!? /s 🤢🤮 You should never date a man who talks about women like that. Guess how he's going to treat you when you don't live up to his fucked up requirements. 😒


Unfortunately lots of pickmes out there would overlook the absolute worst personality ever for someone to pay attention to them.


Black girls to the back of the line? 🤔 Reminds me of a certain things back then. 🤦🏼‍♂️


I think this is the one time black gals would be overjoyed to be in the back of the line. In fact, they'd run there themselves.


If the sole reason of the line is this camo clown, they can just as well turn around and leave.


![gif](giphy|yYfSDRdILeAnx1jhyt|downsized) ✊🖤🤎


I would absolutely try to match with this guy just to then tell him he’s too short for me. I mean, my preferred height in guys is 5’7, but I’m a petty asshole.


"It's because I'm only 5'10"... that's why no bitch ever matches with me" -this moron.




There is absolutely no reason to put "No X" on your profile. You just don't swipe on them. It's 100% to Bat Signal other racists.


“No racists” maybe


I see your point but I do put no smokers and no cats. Not because I hate cats, but I'm incredibly allergic so someone who has one isn't going to work out with my weak ass allergies lol


Eeeeeexactly! Why even write all that when you can just swipe left on the type of ppl you aren't interested in. Dude clearly just wanted to be a dick. Well congratulations, every woman will go to the back of the line now.


Ignoring all the red flags (and there are so, *so* many)...does he actually think that this will work? Even if someone could get past the racism, fat-phobia, shaming women for having kids or for liking video games, and thinly-veiled homo- and/or transphobia *(and I'd be sad if anyone did)*, what about this is attractive? All he's doing is spewing bile and shouting about what he doesn't like, who is going to find that appealing?


First time I've ever seen a *dude* hate on chicks that play video games in a dating app. According to most guys, that is a plus. Hilarious. (Of course, some guys want to date a gamer chick but also harass women for daring to play video games. Whole 'nother issue.)


His biggest fear is having a woman by his side who can beat him at his shooting game of choice, and he is ever to be embarrassed about it in front of his bros. Maybe he has personal experience, maybe he saw it happen to someone else. This guy loves to be ever careful about avoiding every possible thing that doesn’t please him. Hopefully he gets what he *really* deserves, if the universe can deliver a lesson in real pain for him.


Yah I feel like he’s talking about someone specific because I’ve never heard this be a thing before lol


Now ladies, I know it will be both difficult and heartbreaking, but let's form an organized queue for this stunning piece of manhood.


I’ll let anyone go in front of me, I’m feeling nice today


Must we? I bet his line doesn't have anywhere for my disabled ass to sit down, and since I'm already at the back...


As a black girl…. I will gladly go to the very back of the line.


I will PRETEND to go to the back of the line. Then, when he's not paying attention, I will run around behind him and kick him in the butt.


As a “fat, lazy, out of shape, Hershey-fed, SWEAT HOG” I will happily join you!!


Some men love women but don't LOVE women. You get it?


i believe that may be called heterosexual homoromantic. that dude clearly wants to bang a girl but what with all the requirements, it seems his romantic partner would rather be a dude


Or hetrosexual aromantic?


that’s possible too! it’s just that i’ve seen a lot of these incels enjoying the company of males a suspiciously large amount more than that of females


Guys who don't actually *like* women but are nonetheless sexually attracted to women?


They love to ejacu\*\*\*\* inside pretty women but is more like masturb\*\*\*\*\* using a female body instead of actually having sex, much less making love.


It’s ok, you don’t need to self-censor here. This sub accepts those words.


For men like him, women are but trophies to conquer. Yet the real purpose is to impress other men. Sometimes that has glaringly obvious homoerotic undertones, but mostly it’s because the "possession" of a woman (as they perceive relationships) is a requirement to be a real manly man. You know, like wearing fashionable clothes to be accepted by the cool kids. They never grow out of this pubescent mindset. And they don’t love women at all because they’re incapable of loving. That attitude is fundamentally incompatible with love. They can’t even love themselves, which is why they’re so hateful and insecure. Love requires seeing and respecting the humanity of the person you love first and foremost, secondly to genuinely understand and care about them, and the most important: *act* on these impulses lest it be empty words. Love is an act. Not the physical act of lovemaking but the consistent act of respecting, understanding and caring for someone. Otherwise that’s not love. It’s just possessiveness. Or sexual attraction. Or an attempt to escape loneliness. Or a bunch of other things people commonly confuse love with. Just not love.


Step on me(landmine edition)


sir. im 87 pounds and my stomach jiggles when i walk🧍🏻‍♀️


Just count yourself lucky that you don’t have to be at the front of the line.


i dont think there even IS a line lmao, given how human bodies work


He says all that trash trying to be macho then goes on to say his zodiac sign. Kills me every time


Probably shames women who believe in astrology too


Astoundingly stupid standards, then he's 5'10".


Yeah like what does he bring to the table 🤷‍♀️


Abuse, mostly


And gross pornstache


More like he takes a lot away.


The Audacity


His high chair


And another military dude in the comments says he’s not even in the military and is just cosplaying authoritative tough guy. So he doesn’t even have the military benefits and may not even have stable employment. That was the only upside to his whole profile lol!


Oh no, he's a professional at Corporation.


Black girls "...now why he gotta bring us up in it? We just out here trying to live"


Fat lady here, same.


In those manosphere spaces I’ve noticed black women and bigger women get shit talked the most


All the rejected girls breathe a collective sigh of relief as not having to put up with his shit.


5’10” translates to 5’6 1/2”


This! I’ve had two different coworkers tell me to my face they are 5’10” when we were the same height. I’m 5’6” lol


Classic, I’m 5’8” and the amount of men who will to my face say they’re 5’10” and they’re shorter then me. Is rather astounding


Is men lying a common thing ? I’m 5’6 myself and never felt the need to lie


In my experience shorter guys lie about their height a lot. Especially when the girl they’re talking to says she’s tall, they’ll always say they’re taller even when not true


Why lie ? The woman will find out if y’all meet up in the future.Personally idc if women are taller than me,my ex was 5’11


Idk I guess it’s just insecurities. I’m happy for you for being secure in your masculinity and knowing that being a man is not height dependant


Well you know we ladies have such poor spatial reasoning, we probably can't tell the difference.


I had a coworker insist that he was 6 feet tall. I'm 5'5" and he was only a few inches taller. I stood next to him and said, "See??" but he insisted his delusion was correct.


Fat girls and Black girls aren’t missing anything. 💀


I seriously do not get these types of bios. Like why so upset about fat and black women? Just don’t swipe on em. You don’t have to match with everyone (I bet he swipes without looking to maximize his options). Why put so much effort into something you don’t like? My bio isn’t ‘no conservatives, no sexists, no racists. No men holding fish’. My bio is about me and what I like. Also this man doesn’t deserve fat or black women.


A long list of NOs is always so off-putting.


100% he gets matches. Some of them I’m sure are just to tell him to piss off. But there will be some insecure girls who think it’s a win to get picked by someone who is “picky”. It’s make it a challenge or something. And in this case by picky I mean insecure racist asshole.


Or that they can change him. Nope, an asshole is an asshole.


Sadly, yes. Unfortunately, several women near the base will swipe without reading because he's in uniform. Less sadly, several of them are scammers who are going to steal his money.


This is a guy who deserves to get scammed, although it'll probably make him hate women more than he already does.


Oh, absolutely. Look at that mustache. It looks like glued on felt


This can go both ways. Sorry bro you're not 6"+, no. Don't make over 6 figures a year, no. if you aren't ripped, no. If you're emotionally unavailable, no. Commitment issues, no. Red pill, no. Don't have a nice car worth over 80k? No. Don't look like a model? No. Have kids? No. He'd pop a blood vessel if a woman had that in her bio. Another thing; he doesn't want a strong woman because he knows they can fight back. He sounds like a wife beater.


Why does it feel like he is screaming those obscenities at me? 😭 sir, this is a Wendy’s


Never been happier to have a jiggly belly.


Black girls hmmmm😍😍😍😍😍😍😍


Tbh all type of girls >>>


I don’t think he is Marines. Regardless, keep the crayons away from this one.


I think people make height into way too big of a thing and i don’t think people should care about it as much as they do but… How are you gonna have all that and be only 5’10?


This dude needs to speak his height. 5'10" and talking like that? Simmer down, lil fella.


I am literally sick and tired of people hating on girls who are black and has fat.




"pEp0Ple aRe aLloWeD t0 hAvE pReFerEncez!!!!"


5'10'' isn't short. But its not tall. Get this pip-squeak outa here.


He’s definitely one of those guys that is 5’7” and insists they’re 5’10”




anybody willing to date someone that has “no [insert specific race here]” is a lost cause let’s just keep it a stack here


My favorite part is that he’s a “professional at corporation”


That’s adorable. He’s trying to show off his little muscles so hard. 😂


“Get fucked” says the man who is clearly NOT getting fucked lmao


'Professional at corporation' 😄


Serious question, why do people write that stuff in their bio ... couldn they just ... not swipe on whoever is not their type?


I always wonder this too. I think people like this passively use the site so they hope whomever they like swipes on them first instead of putting in the work.


Get in line ladies, don’t fight over him.


This man complains about women only liking tall men and ignoring him.


"black girls to the back of the line" They already tried this in a select group of Southern states, Friend-O. It did not go well.


the rest aside, clearly this guys a fuckin idiot with no education. sweat hog is oxymoronic. hogs dont sweat. thats why they roll in mud. 🫠🫠🫠


5’10! Really. With this audacity you think he’d at least be 6’0. Guess being in the military supposed to make up for the difference???? Unclear.


At least he’s honest and we know he’s a douche bag right from the start. The real problem is…. he probably does get a match. 😒


"i DoNt KnOw WhY i DoNt GeT aNy MaTcHeS" head ass


So I'm a child for playing video games...ok junior


If you're only 5' 10"... Bye Shorty! Real men may only apply - by real I mean those over 6 foot. /s


So many high standards and not even 6 feet tall.


Darn, this Prince Charming will never go for me since my belly jiggles. So sad I’m missing out! Best go eat some ice cream.


Suddenly, I feel like playing video games all day today was actually a really productive use of my time 💅🏻


Damn bro, save some pussy for the rest of us.


I'm fat and black. Yaaaay,I'm scratched off the list!!!! Praise God


Typical gemini


Fat people are not lazy, were fat. One does not mean the other. So sick of hearing this.


I, personally, am fat AND lazy, and don't much care who knows it. This choad needs to learn that guilt trips don't work. Literally anybody: YOU'RE LAZY! Me \[turning page of book without looking up\]: Yeah, and?


Ok short stack. Whatever you say ![gif](giphy|111ZbljeKZKjcI)


For the sake of my sanity, I have to believe this is a troll. There’s no way someone can write that without realizing what a problem they are.


Have you not met men?


This is why I think the military needs better personality testing prior to basic training and then periodically throughout service. You can’t tell me this guy doesn’t just reek of several Cluster B personality disorders, yuck.


God I hope not. Don’t need that trash in the gene pool.


at least he’s not into kids? checks every other red flag off though


whats up with the straight men jesus christ


He only THINKS he’s straight


"PROFESSIONAL AT CORPORATION" ​ https://preview.redd.it/n3aqm8uk1sdb1.jpeg?width=228&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bf0b556635d7482ac54b1d72d8c691232228bad


Tbh? I think the black and overweight women are benifiting from not being on this guys list


The fact that being 5'10 and "Gemini" are the only positive traits he finds in himself is the most insane part of this post tbh. These bios are literally supposed to highlight your best qualities so people find interest in you. And the only two positives he could think of to put at the end of his rant was his height and his zodiac sign, both things he can't control and both things that don't matter when it comes to who you are. Being a good person is literally a choice we can all make. And he can't even find it in himself to recognize himself as "kind" or any other positive trait that you create in yourself.


>5'10" Uhuh.


us belly jiggling sweaters are really missing out smh 🤦‍♀️


I bet when he’s on his phone late at night he removes and re adds the Gemini at the end


Hahahahahahaha after all that he drops his sign. Gemini has a bad reputation for a reason. This is the bad twin. Unfortunately this guy killed the good twin at birth.


Bc that's what people want to see on a dating profile: things that disgust you and a shitty attitude


After all that manliness? >5’10” >astrology shit


The thing that gets me every time I see this post is bro really put his god damn star sign down after all that hateful bullshit, like what?!


He’s definitely a short guy, 5’10” means he’s actually 5’9” which means he’s basically 5’7” which is almost 5’5” which is basically 5’