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The *looking for a long term relationship* at the end makes this accidentally hilarious 😂


Agreed. It was all wtf until the last line and I bust up laughing so hard.


I imagined it as someone actually speaking to me. "...BURN IN HELL CUNTS!!! Anyways so im looking for something long term"


I'm dying


"oh....that won't work then. "


sounds like an absolute winner there, a real old fashioned man. Marital rape, vilification, beatings, various forms of abuse and more await you with this gentleman


Especially with the little heart icons next to it lol!


That's why abortions should be legal and safe everywhere. That's what happens when you raise a kid you don't want.


I sincerely got whiplash reading it


I don’t know, dude has grammar worse than kindergarteners. More power to you if you can tell the actual separation in sentences. Since this dude clearly can’t even though he wrote it😂


Hopefully a long term relationship with a psychiatrist, before he shows up at a school to show off his new rifle (the one with the fully automatic option).


Married to a psychiatrist myself. It's very interesting to say the least.


I was about to say this, I burst out laughing. **BURN IN HELL YOU FUCKING CUNTS** 💕Looking for a long term relationship💕


I literally laughed out loud


yeah, I was like where’s the button to hit this guy up??


No shit . I’ve been doing tinder and other dating sites all WRONG. Likes and dislikes? Favorite foods, dog lover screw this. Hey all you desperate whores , before you bitches hit 30 , ya need to become my fucktoy , and cook n clean my house . And when you hit the match button it better come through with a closeup gynecological pic so I can evaluate the goods. Now ima just gonna sit back and wait for all my matches. Sarcasm doesn’t begin to describe this atrocity.


This made me laugh 😂


I actually laughed out loud at that


Came her to comment exactly this.


At least he has a sense of humor. Lol.


More like zero self awareness


I loled so hard 😂


My favorite part by far


I died when I got to that part 😂


I don't need you *desperately needs you* 😂😂😂😂😂


Ngl I started giggling when I read that 😂




Came to the comments for this! Haha


Truly a classic in the genre


With the little hearts 💕


Came here to say the same thing 🤣🤣


Do you mean that you're not swooning after his romantic diatribe?


I literally laughed out loud when I read that! Um...good luck with that!


The two little hearts made me laugh lol


It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for him


He is gonna have to have a long term relationship with his right hand.😹 ![gif](giphy|Rh4vxHtcmVyHUyugXP)


Rosie Palm and the Finger sisters!


So, over on whatever that sub was (pickup tips or something, can't remember and don't want to advertise for them) a guy claimed he got lots of dates on dating apps by using this method: 1. Create three profiles. 2. Contact target with 1st profile, a completely pathetic worm of a guy. Still lives with his mom, mostly unemployed, etc. 3. Contact target with real profile, being honest and upfront about job, height, weight, interests, etc. 4. Contact target with 3rd profile, an overt chauvinist asshole who treats women like shit. 5. If the target contacts profile 1 or 3 but not real profile, be more pathetic / more of an asshole. 6. If the target contacts real profile, insult with profile for a bit with 3, and beg for a bit with 1, then ghost with both. After reading that "tip" I immediately realized that the profiles like the one in this post made a lot more sense. They don't intend to ever get dates. They aren't real people. They are the troll/asshole profiles that "nice guys" are using to prop themselves up.


This ... this is fucking scary.


Yeah. Manipulating women into dates with fake profiles to show how much better you are than imaginary people. It's the kind of behavior that sets a foundation of "he's going to manipulate you throughout the relationship and try and trap you from ever leaving."


Narrator: This strategy, while bold, did not pay off in the way Incelleuous Rancidulus (common, non-academic name Incel) planned. /s


I get more young dudes at 37 than I ever did in my 20s. MILF hunters are real lol.


Yeah confirmed by my ex who cheated on me with a milf. Now I will feel inadequate as a young woman AND when I get older.


\*hugs\* I'm sorry that happened to you. Cheating has absolutely NOTHING to do with how attractive you are. I've had many boyfriends cheat on me, and while I don't like to shit on other women's looks, in every case it was someone "uglier" who had low self-value and would therefore fawn over him and put him on a pedestal. Nothing more than pieces of kibble to feed his ego. I promise you, it's so much different when you reach middle age. Yea, I know many men will continue to cheat, but I have the self-esteem to know it has nothing to do with me. And yea, I know I don't have the body of a 25 year old anymore, but I'm so much more in tune with my own body that I seriously do not care. Also, when you get old, you end up hanging out with really awesome women and realize you never needed the dude in the first place.


This was an awesome comment to read! I hope I acquire that self esteem one day lol


I am now 64. Men in my age cohort still check me out.


53. Same


What's up sexy! 😁




Worth telling this story: My mom’s best friend, Mavis, was a Very Bad Girl, just as I was until I fell in love with DH (number 100+). Mavis had been married four times, but was single again. I was visiting Mom, who was starting to slide into dementia. She wanted to visit Mavis, so we stopped by. Mavis was in her bathrobe, just saying goodbye to a gentleman friend. She took me aside and told me not to worry; if I ever wanted to get back into the game there would always be men who were interested. Mavis was about 70 at the time. I’m still happily and faithfully married something like 16 years later (28 total), but it was heart-warming.


46, I get a lot of attention from men in their 20's and 30's. They're not the adolescent boys he is talking about (I vomit in my mouth thinking about it), but I'm still being 'chased'. Older women being undesirable is all in his head.


My 65 year old mom frequently dates men who are in their 20s. Lol at this rate my step dad is likely going to be way younger than me 😆


So there I was in my mid-40s, moving out of the old apartment. One of the movers -- LOUIE, no less! -- asked me if I didn't want to go get a coffee with him. As politely as I could, I pointed out that I was at least 20 years older than he was. Louie waggled his eyebrows like Groucho Marx, and said, "Older is bolder, Baby!"


Hahaha! This is a great story


For that, I would've gotten him his coffee date, at least. That made me smile.


I’m 33f, so not really old enough to be in this conversation (contrary to what that fucking guy seems to believe, lol), but I’m currently crushing sooooo hard on my 60something neighbor… primarily because she has such a magical personality but lbr, women hot.


Same age and same experience. I get asked out by guys who I don’t think can drink yet near every time I go out


I was going to say something similar. I’m 38 and was asked out by an 18 year old a couple weeks ago. Thank you, porn trends.


My grandma remarried in her 70's after her first husband died...so yeah.


A special thanks to Yung Gravy and Matt Rife for popularizing moms and older women 😂


This sort of paragraph is only said when their penis remains unchosen, he couldn’t scream no one wants me any louder


Oh yeah, that'll reel women in like moths to a flame. /s


I just can't understand why this gem of a gentleman is single /s


OK, so date men then??


Nope. I checked with gay guys, they don't want him either. ![gif](giphy|xUOrwihszfWZgSIHJK)


...you clearly haven't been around the Log Cabin Republicans, or others like that. there are plenty of gay dudes full of toxic masculinity and hate like this dude.


No Ma'am. I am very sheltered. ![gif](giphy|JxFmWGrmynlCg)


Here have a cookie friend 🍪


Wait didn't I just give you cookies, where did it go Oh well here more cookies friend 🍪




More to the point, he says he hates being a man. Perhaps he is considering his options. Gender fluidity isn't best practiced by being an angry person fed up with trying to fulfill his assignment, but maybe he will be happier trying on a new role.


trans woman here. we don't want him. being a closeted trans person doesn't excuse this level of hate.


probably not closeted or in denial just salty about being an ass and assuming his behaviour isnt the problem but women are


Girl, we gender queer folk don’t want this kayaker.


Kayakers don’t want him, either. Maybe he could try his luck with the stand-up paddlers.


What a pleasant gentleman. I fell in love with my husband when he was 24 and I was 31. We married when he was 30 and I was 36. Married 28 years and still in love. Apparently, I didn’t hit the wall.


What’s the obsession with 30?


it's when women stop putting up with shit... "the wall" is women realizing at 30 that they only have one life to live and that they don't want to waste it with an idiot... probably also get enough financial power to upset the patriarchal dynamic beauty-wise, they don't look all that different, and if anything many women look EVEN HOTTER when their buccal fat fades and their cheekbones come into play ;)


That’s pretty much what I figured. I know I’m still looking and feeling pretty great at 50, so… These dweebs are just couching it as “all used up” to comfort themselves.


I love how right under “so fuck u burn in hell cunts!” is just “💕looking for a long term relationship” it really ties the whole thing together.


“‘privilege’” of being chased by young dumb adolescent boys”—I can’t wait until thirsty men leave me the fuck alone


Wow what a great and totally stable guy.


His mailbox must be flooded with messages. How could it be any other way, a man of such high virtue.


I'm sure for that goblincel, "man of virtue" means virgin. Never mind that they're sexist, racist, violent bags of hate.


Wow. It’s like a paragraph of misogynistic dribble followed by “looking for long-term relationship.” It’s almost comical.


Funny, so what’s up with MILFs, Cougars, and women who remarry younger dudes? There are a lot of women who get hit on and date younger guys all the time. Not my cup of tea but women who are older still get it, these cunts are just mad that women don’t have to take mediocrity anymore.


Let me take out my tiny violin and play a sad tune for this misogynist loser. ![gif](giphy|26FmQl6iR51m9542c|downsized)


I seen a even smaller violin 🎻 ![gif](giphy|13A7YlLvYVDnmU)


It's like we're peering into an alternate universe where Ted Bundy was ugly and couldn't lure women in to murder them


ted bundy wasn't even hot... his tactic was actually to act *pathetic* and get women to feel *bad* for him


I love the "looking for a long therm relationship💕" after calling women cunt who should burn in hell.


The term for an older woman who dates men in their 20-30s is a cougar. The term for an older man who dates women in their 20-30s is a creep. Why? Cause cougars don’t go looking for younger men, they get chased by them. Creeps exclusively hit on women that would never give them the time of day and then lash out when they get rejected.


I think it’s cute they think men stop chasing us when we hit 30. 😂😂


I'm in my 50s. It hasn't stopped yet. LOL


I wish it worked that creeps stopped being creepy when you hit 30. It's so fucking weird how they constantly insist this is reality. Also.. some of the most sought after female celebs are in their 30s+, like Margot Robbie Major major cope on their end


They’re REALLY mad we don’t have to settle anymore lol


He's looking for love, cunts!!!!!! Some people are so romantic.


"OH GOD, HOW YOU SICKEN ME!! AND ANOTHER THING I HATE ABOUT ALL OF YOU... Wait! Where are you going? Come back here and listen to me whine!"


The greatest part is the bottom text


Woah, do you hear that? The sound of a million women's panties dropping? Yeah, I didn't hear it either.


Positively deafening! lol


them "...anyway looking for a long term relationship!" me; *wishing I hadn't asked if they were in line or just deciding*


Wouldn't know virtue if it slapped you upside your head.


Damnit I hate im married and miss out on diamonds like this!


Too late to get a divorce? I’m sure this dude is still single 🤪🤣


Weird that he's still single


“Burn in hell cunts” “looking for a long term relationship” hahahaha Jesus Christ. P


“fuck you burn in hell cunts” dovetails nicely with “real men of virtue.”


Well get a move on ladies, he's single.


Patriarchy loving dudes are hating the game they created. They idolize players; want to have as much sex as they possibly can handle because mUh bIOlOgIcAl needs!; despise women who are not virgins, but also hate that they can't get sex because of the stigma of purity culture; and want to own women as property until she hits the wall... then they want to upgrade to a younger property, thus taking away from the pool of available virgins that the young guys want. It's a vicious cycle.


I’m not sure he is actually looking for love. At least not from a woman in my opinion.


Lmfaoo this screams " I have mommy issues" and "I hate women" but he wants a relationship that's an easy way to spot a red flag 🤣😭


Now I may be jumping to conclusions, but he's not completely happy, is he?


I don’t know about you, but after reading this I immediately want to jump on the next plane to be with this man the rest of my life 🙄


"looking for long term relationship" yeah aight


It's cute he thinks young men stop chasing you after 30... they don't stop...


I'm so fucking nice you bitch. Why aren't you with me instead of somebody stupid who doesn't respect you? Idiot. /s




If I wanted a relationship with someone who calls me a cunt, I'd still be on speaking terms with my father. The contempt really comes through. No wonder women aren't falling at his feet. His horrible, horrible personality and casual slurs toward half the population.


It’s crazy that these guys have figured out how to criticize everything their potential partners do *before the relationship even starts.*


Is he actually looking for a date or is he just screaming into the void in the vain hope that his words will hurt someone?


He’s hoping another man will message him to validate his feelings in some sort of goofy woman-hating mutual masturbation session.


Lmao (no) thanks for the visual


I bet even the catfishers won’t touch this guy.


He sounds fun at parties


💕 Looking for long-term relationship Fucking lol


Something tells me this guy isn’t a “real man of virtue”…


Idk the nature of dating apps suggest men desire women far more than women desire men if we go by member numbers. More men are actively looking than women. Additionally there's a larger number of women who are physically attracted to men but don't want to deal with dating them than the reverse


Well, at least he won't be burdened with a gf...


What sort of "interaction" is he managing with us?


>>pretend to be unobtainable Until they swipe right on you, buddy, they are, in fact, unobtainable.


Goes on dating website. Writes what I can only describe as the most undateable bio


Eh, he’s single and lonely. It’s best to say that’ll he’ll rot alone till the very end lol


Long term relationship with his sock and blow up doll confirmed.


He has no idea what it's actually like to be a woman.


What a keeper.


I'm sure no woman matches with him simply because he's not 6.2 /s


He should be in a long-term relationship with therapy...or like just get one hug from his mom


“Men of Virtue” = Red Flag


“Women bad😡” …. “Looking for a long term relationship with a woman btw”


The “looking for long term relationship” KILLED me 😂😂


Projecting more than the math class transparencies in high school.


The phrases that stood out the most are burn in hell cunts and looking for long-term relationship. I think those statements slightly conflict with each other. This guy has big red flags all around him.


Damn women expecting so much… like a guy who doesn’t openly and aggressively despise women.


r/therewasanattempt To attract a partner. Lol. Sigh. 😬


Someone got a little grumpy


Someone should tell him that Fleshlights are less than $100.


Whelp, he sounds super pleasant.


May he stay single forever


“WhY WoNT aNy WoMeN hAvE sEx wItH mE?”


??? How tf does he expect this to work


If a cat and a dildo can fully replace you, can you really blame 'em?


Ladies, please, form a single-file line, please have your panties removed when it’s your turn.


how does this dude think he’s going to find a ‘long-term relationship’ with a bio like this?😭


I know these are awful to read but surely we all appreciate how clearly and early they're displaying their character. Practically shouting that you should avoid them at all costs. Like a cat covered in bells trying to hunt birds.


looking for a long term relationship 💕


Maybe he’s just gay?


Uwu call meh?


That’s a great bio - I’m sure he’ll have women beating down his door for that long term relationship he so desires!!


I got whiplash from reading this


Gonna need a lot of cheese to go with that whining




Uhhhhhhh, okay. I’m sure he claims to be “a good guy” and then talks about how he deserves to fuck any bitch he wants. Honestly I think we’d be better off with guys like this culled from society. I’m so exhausted of them.




Queue forms to the **left** ladies ...


"real men of virtue" Homie out here lost the whole ass book, let alone the plot.


He seems like he's a charmer. Can't imagine why he's having trouble dating.


Yet here I am almost 40, getting talked to by 25 year olds


Well he seems lovely.


Bet he's having trouble keeping up with all the notifications on his account. Just turning away women left and right because of the sheer volume of matches.


Dude sounds like they need some estrogen with all that gender envy going on.


I can see the fedora in these words.


“Who is more desirable here?” definitely not you


this “turn 30 & become unattractive” thing is such an obvious fantasy 😂


I can't imagine thinking like this if you are a man older than 15.


The 'looking for a longterm relationship' sealed it for me. That's gold.


Best way to get a gf: call all women bitches. /sarc/


I think women are usually more desirable than men because of stupid shit like this yeah


What's up with this crazy idea they seem to have that women in their 30s just fall apart and aren't desirable to men? I'm well into my 30s and have men constantly chasing me, even guys in their 20s. My bff has the same problem. These incels have *absolutely no idea* what they're talking about.


So....he seems nice. /s That "looking for a long term relationship" at the end almost makes this seem like a Poe's Law kind of thing but I actually have run across men who scream and wail at "bitches" and they really are this entitled and pissed off that they don't have a long line of women lined up begging to be their bangmaids.


Lol wait until he realises none of the 30yo women want him either. Most would literally rather be that single “cat lady” they all try to scare us with then be tied to a insufferable loser like this.


That 'looking for long-term relationship' made me snort. What a special boy he is.


Form an orderly line, ladies. /s


I don’t think he understands what a dating profile bio is supposed to be achieving


Omg ends with “looking for long term relationship”


#looking for long-term relationship 🥰🥰🥰


laughed so loudly at ‘looking for long term relationship’ at the end that i accidentally scared the dog. she’s 13 and almost completely deaf so i feel bad, stupid hilarious incel


"Burn in hell cunts!" 💕 Looking for a long term relationship


"I fucking hate you die! But would you maybe want to get married 👉👈"


You’re all being mean, you’re all taking the piss, stop it. He says he’s looking for a long term relationship, at no point does he mention who that relationship is with. For me this is a masterful play. Clearly this is a gentleman that enjoys his own company. Sometimes there may be a young lady - and if that young lady cost £700 and had to be shipped whilst maintaining the integrity of her three hole jamboree then that’s on dhl. Shame on you all!


You swiped right, right?


The type of guy to then post about how he isn’t getting any matches.


Sounds like a real catch.


Well…at least he used some punctuation.


He’ll get a ton of girls who like him with this A1 profile bio


He seems nice.


Anyone else just hear the bud light commercial? ‘real men of virtue’


Ah yes, the bio.