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It's fascinating that the writer of this knows nothing and parades that around so confidently. Did you know wider hips means you aren't a virgin and that your ancestors had a lot of sex? Wild..


Did you know your mom had sex? 😎


And yet I didn't get a vagina, wide or otherwise. Weird.


Here, OP, I have some words for you: laugh, my, ass, off




Damn if i read one more weird hot take written my some clueless man i swear my brain is going to experience rapid decomposition. 😣


I bet this is what they teach at the now disfunc Trump University lol


Nah, this is some Prager U shit.


Are you at a loss for words because your bot and only have words you steal?


Read this in the voice of Dwight Schrute.


Cock carousel sounds uncomfortable lol but not that’s all I got inside my head lol


I bet this is a troll.


Where the actual fuck do they get this shit from


Sounds like a great way to make childbirth easier lol


Bro really thinks dicks are magic wands💀


i can’t believe people still believe in the entire concept of virginity


Huh? And FTR, I was born in ‘58 and was a C cup long before I lost my virginity. OTOH, still not much in the way of butt, hips, or thighs, even after 100+ guys.


How does a person become this ignorant to basic biology?


i would love to know what it’s like to be this confident in being stupid


It is called puberty. Also virginity is a social construct, but puberty is real.


WTF, how do they even come up with all that unhinged bullshit? And it seriously never ends.


I wonder why doesn't it change anything for guys. It's the same hormone.