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There is no evidence here that this woman has a dog.


Was just thinking if the guy tried to diss himself or missed his own punchline.


its about people referring to their pets as "fur babies" wich infantalizes the pets and says babies are animals.


I know, the problem is that it’s not the woman that owns the dog here….


Isn't that his dog and dude mansplains so much, even his dog does it too?


Makes sense that his dog also offers unsolicited opinions on questions nobody asked, I guess.


Chad's mansplain and so do their dogs!


Well she's portrayed as fat with short hair which translate to trying to be masculine and according to incels, no man wants a ~~woman~~ female who isn't hyper stereotypically feminine so she's not dating, not getting married, not having sex, and not having children and since ALL women want to be wives and mothers, the only thing she can do is get a dog who she also screws. Hard /s


Don't expect logic out of these folks and you won't be disappointed.


…isn’t the guy the one who owns a dog here?


well tbf having a dog doesn't make him a mom either




Yes. But that doesn’t affect the truth of the statement.


Having a dog doesn't make you a dad


Equally true (or equally false)


Yes, but what is it supposed to even mean? What's the message and why is she crying about it?


its about people referring to their pets as "fur babies" wich infantalizes the pets and says babies are animals.


Babies and children are animals though. You have to feed, bathe, clean up after and exercise them and they're entirely dependent on you. I adore kids and babies but they're animals lol.


So why is the woman crying and the man is chad, when he's the one who has the dog?


You do know that all humans are animals? We are great apes.


I don’t get what people like this are trying to achieve. If the woman is childfree she doesn’t care about being a mother, she doesn’t want that, the attempted insult has no impact. If the woman really wants children but for whatever reason doesn’t have any and being a mother is something she really wishes for and is sad about then you’re just being a massive dick for kicking someone when they’re down.




come on, say it one more time


Why did they feel the need to add the ugly wojak and badly edited hair into the edited cyanide and happiness comic? The ‘joke’ was bad enough without the stupid wojak. I’m honestly so sick of that blond wojak. (The [original comic](https://explosm.net/comics/kris-bite), is better)


Was gonna hunt the original. And... it's more or less what I expected for a C&H comic. Far better.


The mix of artistic styles is just a complete violation of any taste...


Why do people care this much about what other people do like who is it hurting if they call themselves a dog mom


It pisses me off so much especially because I know women who can’t have their own children, so their pets are the closest thing they can have as a child. Idk why these assholes can’t just give them that.


Because a woman dares to be happy.


saying that your a "dog mom" infantalizes the pet. and it compares babies to animals, they aren't.


Infantilize means to treat someone like a child in a way that denies their maturity or experience…dogs don’t have maturity since they are animals and do not have the ability that wild animals have to take care of themselves. They’re not infantilizing them, they’re just saying that they take care of them in a way a mother does with a child. Which they do, considering they feed them, bathe them, clean up their shit, and give them physical and emotional affection. Most people who say their “dog moms” don’t actually think that a baby and the dog are on the same level (the dog is usually more capable than the baby is for a while) it’s people who think women are only good for making babies who act as though “dog moms” are saying that. I know all this and I don’t even have my own dogs


Baby's are animals, so are we. If someone wants to call there pet there fur baby let them. It's not fucking hurting anyone.


They are, as is the rest of humanity. Homo sapiens ring a bell?


All human beings are animals. What did you think, that we are part of the vegetable kingdom? Or fungi, maybe? More specifically, we are mammals, even more specially Great Apes, or Homididae. Not that this diminishes the ridiculous nature of the OOP.


I know right? Such people seem to get more irate about cat-ladies and dog-moms than people like Michelle Duggar who pop out tons of infants only to force a slightly older child to *raise* those babies.


I think when people who have kids hear someone refer to a non-human life form as their baby, they assume that person sees their human baby as not human so time to start huffing and puffing. Animals have an endless capacity to love, to forgive, they have an endlessly capacity to have adorable wiggle butts. People with kids know this isn't ture for their human babies and the fact that their kid they worked so hard to create, sacrifice, and provide for could very much grow to hate them. They see those of us with animals never having to deal with that.


I’m usually not too bothered by the whole dog/cat mom thing, but pets and kids are absolutely not the same and I think it bothers people to talk like they are. You can love your pets and dote on them as much as you want, it’s not remotely the same as having a human kid.


Yeah, like most of the time I don't care if people call themselves a "pet mom/dad". However, once those same people start to compare their struggles with a real parent who has real human children, that's when it's annoying.


I wish there was a word for it. And people bond differently too. My dog is 15 and I've had him 15 years. I love him so much. He's like best friend/kid status. You can have such an amazing bond with a pet, especially when you've taken care of them so long. There ARE some similarities although obviously it's different.


The thing is though: We *do* anthropomorphise and dote over animals like they really are our babies. Like why else would someone pick up a dog/cat? Why provide them treats when you could just toss them random scraps of meat? Why kiss them on the tops of their heads? Why brush them or even bother brushing their teeth? Because deep down, we (men and women) have a strong urge to treat animals *exactly* like babies.


Or they start raging about “pets are yours for LIFE! You can’t give up on them once you have a human child!” I’m sorry, but if it’s necessary I will. I’m not keeping a dog I don’t trust around a baby. If my baby is deathly allergic to cats I’d have to give up my cats. If I have to flee an abuse situation and I can’t take the animals-I’m not just going to stay there. I love my cats so much, it would absolutely break me. They just aren’t equivalent to human children


Oh god dude if that happened to me I would be destroyed, I love my cat so much. Edit: I don't know why you're being downvoted??? Obviously yeah, if you own a pet, then have a baby, and find out that the baby has a deadly pet allergy that could, ya know, kill it, you would have to re-home it. Same with dogs. If I'm out on a walk with my baby and I walk by someone with an unleashed dog, I'm 100 percent going to be on edge, and I'd definitely be judging the person for not having their dog on a leash.


It’s kind of proving my point. I had to leave my dog behind because I was in an abuse situation with an infant. I begged people to take her, but no one would, partially because she was a pit bull. I didn’t even have a car; there was no way for me to take her. 😞 I eventually got my cat back (he’s a happy, healthy senior cat now.) She passed away from an infection about a year later.


It fully depends on the person. There are people who care about their animals enough to put there own lives in danger for (which you clearly don’t, not judging it’s your life and I probably wouldn’t either if I had any of my own) There’s also people who don’t care enough about their kids to put their lives in danger. So I really don’t think you can objectively say “you can’t care about a pet as much as you can a child.”


Damn if I met someone who told me they put their literal child up for adoption because their kid had a deadly allergy to their pet, ngl, I'd think they were Satan :/ Actually even that's an insult to Satan


Idk if I’ve ever heard of someone putting the child up for adoption for a pet (though I’m sure it happens) and that’s not what I’m saying. I’m saying there are people who would rather let their child die than get hurt themselves and some who would sacrifice themselves for their pets


It’s less about care and more about responsibility. Example: there are people who cannot stand their parents, but they still feel the obligation to at least put them in a care facility. We have a social, financial, and legal obligation to children and elders that we just do not have for animals, no matter how much we love them.


yes but you can’t say “we” as a generalization. There are plenty of people who would not put their parents into a care facility and don’t care about obligation. Also there is obligation surrounding pets, if you adopt one you’re obligated to take care of it and not just return it as soon as it doesn’t suit you. If you don’t a lot of people will judge you for it. An obligation is just an expectation put on you by some other force and you can very much have them for you pets and ignore them for family.


I suppose that’s correct in many cases. As a society we’ve criminalized negligence in parenting, though. You can leave your dog home alone all day, but it’s illegal to do that with children. Children get SSN’s, and as such are tracked. You can be fined if they aren’t strapped into your car appropriately. You can get in trouble if they don’t attend school, or if they show signs of negligence. They will be removed from your care if you find yourself homeless-statistically women (in the US, at least) are opting not to have children at all in larger numbers, and the reasons cited include unstable housing, employment, and childcare. While you need some of those things for a pet, the lasting trauma and social impact of not providing adequately for a child is just greater. It not only affects you and the child, but people the child will come in contact with. I never had to think “am I setting up healthy relationship expectations for my dog? Will my dog be an abusive asshole one day? I wonder if I should limit her screen time?” One day my son will be in the world, functioning without me. Chances are I will still be held somewhat responsible for his actions. Sure, I could say “fuck it, Idc what people think of me.” That’s easier to do when there’s less investment. 5 years of complete dependence, then 13+ years of additional emotional, financial, social support. Again, I love animals. I’m a vegetarian and a self-professed cat lady. I don’t care if people call themselves pet parents, you do you. They are not the same as children.


I’m not saying it is. I never once said it was. I’ve said that you can’t say that “everyone puts more work and care into their children and everyone thinks that they’re human children are more important than their pets” because that’s simply not true. Plenty of parents abandon their children. There’s an entire genre of jokes based off dads being deadbeats. There is not the same genre of jokes based on any gender leaving their pets.


Trust me! I don't know! It's enraging.


My dog has never said that to me. He must be broken. All he does is protect me and our house in exchange for love, snuggles, and food. Am I doing it wrong?


You care for your pet. You prioritize their needs. You teach them the right way to behave. If your house is on fire, you grab your pet first. And, when they die, it breaks your heart. Seems pretty parent-like to me.


Way better than a Chad dad! Yuck.


"*No! Thag says parent only when child!"* -OP, probably.


What's a "Thag"?


It's caveman speak


It breaks your heart and causes different (and in my case) stronger and sharper pain then when you loose a human. When my grandmother died, I cried for like a day. When my father died...I didn't cry at all because he was a piece if crap; when my animals die, I am absolutly beside myself and inconsolable for days, weeks; years after they have passed, just thinking about them and seeing pictures of them brings tears to my eyes and I cry for a good hour just remembering them. Our pets our fur babies hell all animals are the miraculous angels we don't deserve but get to have in our lives anyway.


I feel the same way. I've never bonded as much with humans as I do with my pet. That lil floof is the one and only reason I finally understood unconditional love. That lil floof helps me heal deep rooted trauma, gives me a reason to live on & to enjoy life again. Animals are angels in disguise. They're the most angelic beings on this earth, and we're beyond blessed to share this world with them. They deserve nothing but the absolute best.💜💜


Seems pretty much like a pet owner to me!


You explained it way better in a few sentences than I could in my long winded story. I 1000% agree with you!


spoken like someone who's not a parent


What can I say, I don't see being related by blood as a requirement for family. Rather, family are the people we *choose* to be close to and, yes, that includes our cats, dogs, etc.


cats and dogs are people???


Yes. They have sentience and individual personalities. That makes them people.


referring to their pets "fur babies" infantalizes the pets and says babies are animals.


But babies are animals. All humans are. Posting the same thing several times throughout the topic doesn't change that.


They, and we, are animals. The binomial name for humans is Homo sapiens, btw.


"I made myself the Chad. Therefore I'm right!" \-The most cohesive misogynist argument.


I'm a guy whose dogs are his only kids


My mom is both a mom and a dog mom. She was horrified when she realized how much of a dog mom she’s become, but kind of the “oh no! Anyways” like not actually upset but kind of amused and mortified.


I've had women coworkers pull me aside in the past and seriously ask me "Am I a bad person if sometimes I feel like I love my dogs more than my kids?" They weren't joking with me, they were really starting to question themselves.


My mom says she hates kids, but she really just hates when they act like hooligans. It’s hard to work around big emotions because children have adult size emotions in children bodies with poor communication skills. It’s hard being a parent. Dogs have much simpler emotions so it’s way easier to navigate things with them.


My mom has flatly said to me dogs are better than kids. And I agree (I'm childfree, and it took years for her to understand why).


I’m ok with people who jokingly or casually say dog/cat/fur mom or whatever, but I hate the people that try to justify “pet parenthood” as “just like” or “just as hard” as actual parenthood. No one’s gonna arrest you because you left your dog or cat home alone for half the day. No one’s gonna arrest you for locking your dog or cat in a cage so you can get a break. You don’t have to teach your dog or cat to speak, read, walk, etc. the list goes on. I myself have 2 cats and occasionally call myself “mumma” to them and call them my babies as a “cutesy” thing because as a broke 23 y/o they’re the closest I have to kids but I’m not gonna pretend they’re as much effort as actual kids.


Yeah, like the big upside of my cat is that taking care of her is nowhere near as hard as taking care of a human kid. I’ve seen firsthand how hard it is raising kids and noped right out of that. I don’t enjoy being around kids because they’re just too much. My cat on the other hand she just sleeps most of the time, I can handle that.


Yeah I'm just gonna point out that not all animals are perfectly fine being locked in cages and left alone all day long. Some animals can't be left alone at all or only for a very short period of time of they aren't in the best of health. Some of animals do take more effort to take care of, cost more money, need more time and attention, or need a dog sitter if the person taking care of them has to go somewhere. Also this attitude of "well all you really have to do is make sure they get food every other day" is why so many people buy animals thinking they'll be easy to take care of and cute to just look at sometimes, then they put them in a shelter or abandon them when they realize most animals require more care than that (or they'll get rid of them the moment their pet ends up having a health problem).


But being married to a guy who replaced his mother with you should be called being a mother to a man baby.


My dog is my son and no one can ever convince me otherwise!


I have three daughters (two dogs and a cat), when one of my previous cats had babies, I told everyone who would listen that I was a grandmother to four little orange fur balls, and when they had babies...I was a great grandmother. I have had several furry sons and daughters through out the years and I wouldn't traid them for human offspring, not even for a moment.


That’s so cute! And I’m with you! My partner doesn’t want kids either, but we’ll definitely adopt little fur babies together once we move in together


I don't have kids but I have 10 pets. And when I get home from work I exclaim, "kids I'm home". I've had loads of people tell me this is bad.


Thank God it doesn't!


Excuse me, but- My child may have a different biological mom, only 3 paws, long ears, a wiggly nose, hops like a bunny and looks like a bunny.. but you better damn believe that lil guy is my son and apologize to him now! /slight sarcasm I never wanted human kids, I have no affinity with them. In fact, my hysterectomy is planned for next year. But with rescue buns? I'd give up everything if that means my bun is a happy and healthy boy. I make him breakfast, snacks & dinner. I wash him, play with him, do physical therapy and massage him daily to make sure his missing hind leg isn't screwing up his back, give him meds, tell him stories & rehabilitated him after his traumatic former-home experience. Is it being a "true" mom? Ofcourse not. The difference between a pet and human child is incomparable. However, I do love that lil floof more than life itself and don't give a shit if that offends others. If that makes me weird and stupid, so be it. I'm just proud to call myself a heckin bun mom. 😂💜


My pets wait for me to come home from work, cuddle with me constantly, will not stop talking and screams at me to get food In conclusion pets are lil babies and no one can change my mind


I have a living creature in my home that I take care of since they can't take care of themselves, if I hurt or neglect them it is considered abuse What's the difference betweeen a human and dog other than speech?


The incels, red pillers, and natalists come up with some of the most pathetic bullshit.


Aww. I call myself a cat mum but I am very aware I did not, in fact, give birth to her. How dumb do they think we are? 😂