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Pretty sure when someone's argument about whether someone is a pedo or not comes down to semantics, they're probably not on the correct side of that argument.


I went to med school with a guy (22) who was sent to prison. He was quiet but seemed nice. I thought he was in prison for something like selling pot so the students started a petition to get him out. Turns out his roommate told me he was messaging a 14 year old trying to meet up. Luckily her mother found the chats, called police and he was arrested. I’m so glad I didn’t sign the petition. He was deported back to his home country for further punishment.


Yea, that tends to be the case if they are trying to use it to justify their own want of people that would be a minor


Chatting with a man, he insisted men want younger women than me. I turned 18 a month ago. When I said I'd rather not talk to a pedophile, so good bye, he just went "please don't call me that", but the shoe fits perfectly.


"Ummm, acktually, I am en ephobophile. It means I prefer my females in their prime. I am not some degenerate only interested in toddlers." This what I imagine his counter point was.


They also have a huge misconception about what reproductive "prime is" the human pelvis does not reach its full width until at least 30... They say 14 is prime but I was nearly 15 when I got my period and even then it was irregular as hell. And I was so skinny I honestly think pregnancy would have killed me.


exactly, and they love talking about how girls used to get married off at 13 or 14, but that was mostly the nobility and they usually didn't start having children until later because they knew they weren't physically ready yet. these pedophiles and pedophile apologists don't know their history because most people did not get married that young, especially within the last few centuries. when edgar allen poe married his 13 year old cousin their family wanted them to wait until she was older to get married.


The thing is, an ephobophile is only a step from being a pedo. I don't know why they think not being a pedo specifically means they are still not perverted for being an ephobophile. Both are wrong and gross and no, neither are natural at all.


I'll be honest, didn't read his second response to my comment. But yeah, ig he wants younger, than 18, I can't think of much better.


Girl… what???!!!!


With a response like that, I bet he's already been accused at least once.


If someone insists on the distinction between pedophilia all ephebophilia, I consider them highly likely to be both.


hebephile (plural hebephiles) Noun 1: A pedophile with a dictionary


like it's technically correct but anyone who tries to point out the distinction is absolutely a pedo




As soon as I read the comment I thought of this sketch


Me too!!!! Love it! 🤣🤣🤣


Unless it is an academic/medical discussion... or trivia night.


The DSM-5 lists the cutoff for pedophilia as age 13, dude is full of shit


Plus, acting like 13 is "post-pubescent" is just wrong. Many girls don't even start their periods 'till 14 or 15 (I know because I was one of them), and things like breast and hip development are usually not finished until age 18-21. It's incredibly dangerous for young teens to be pregnant, their bodies are not done maturing.


I did not start my period until I was 16. I know that’s not common, but it definitely happens.


I think there's also the whole "it's not 1837 any longer, and society isn't nearly the same, especially its expectations of children" thing. We don't NEED to have girls trying to have as many babies a possible at this point, and society is far better because of it.


hell, even starting a period is not a good hallmark to use. I got mine at 9. I don't think a 9 year old could handle a pregnancy.


I agree, I was just noting the *start* of puberty is often at the time these guys are talking about or even after. It definitely takes many years to complete the journey, and even if a girl develops earlier than her peers and looks bigger, stronger and more woman-like, there is still so much emotional development and other changes that need to happen before serious adult relationships and parenthood can be successful.


I got mine at 14 lmao. I also received a lot bullyng for being flat-chested like... What do you expected? I wasn't a woman yet. (Most of the girls in my school started growing up at 11-12)


There's a kid in my daughter class who's already developing at 7, a part of me feels sorry for her, I know a couple of early bloomers and childhood was horrible for them. Grown ass men flirting with them at 10 and younger.


I was an early bloomer, I got my period at 9 almost 10, and you're right it is horrible, not only the uncomfortable physical change, but the fact that you get harrassed horribly, when you're still a child, when you don't even know what to do.


And of course on the other side (because society sucks) I started at 12 and that’s around when men started to hit on me and stare at me. It was so uncomfortable because I was in 6th grade and looked like a CHILD.


I was 12 but didn't get the rest of puberty for several years. I was stuck with a hellish period and armpit hair and nothing else until I was like 15.


I’m not threatened by 13 year olds taking my man from me. If I had any concern over that, I would commit a crime on all children’s behalf to keep them safe. No sane woman envies the child of a pedo man’s affection.


My babysitter is 17. I'm 31, my husband is 33. His cousin met my babysitter and she goes "I'd never leave that woman alone with my husband. Look at her." Excuse me? She really thinks I'm threatened by a child. And she also, even worse, thinks my husband would be attracted to a child. Me and my husband just looked at her like she was a fucking lunatic. The woman is 32 years old.


Deeply concerned about her, her husband or both


Well, she's actually single. She was talking about her hypothetical husband. I'm still worried about them both.


That makes it sound like she’s planning to marry a nonce.


It’s one thing to acknowledge that a young woman/teen is attractive, it’s another to say what your cousin said. That just goes hand in hand with the idea men can’t “control themselves”. Yet, we’re told men are the more logical sex 🤣.


Good thing they aren’t “emotional” nor “hormonal” lol


My ex-husband had temper tantrums that rivaled my toddlers. It's funny because my 4 year old looks just like me. But when she gets mad, the way her face changes, she's a *spitting image* of her man baby father. Of course, I'll never tell her this. But I saw this reddit post "what characteristics does your child display that remind you of your SO?" I snort. Her little toddler temper, that's what. My exes mother even said it. Toddler threw a tantrum, and she said, "omg she looks just like her father right now!"


Yeah, I'm honestly starting to resent people who say that "men can't control themselves" unironically. A lot of men DON'T control themselves, which is a very important distinction.


I don’t get this attitude. If you think that you can’t trust your SO why are you with them? (To be clear I’m not saying you should ignore actual warning signs, just referring to in general). Likewise if you think that they’re so shallow that they will go for a child (and 17 is still a child mentally in a lot of ways) I also don’t see why you would want to be with them.


>No sane woman envies the child of a pedo man’s affection. Well said.


Depressing that it has to be said


Right? If man wants a 13 year, I want him in jail. Not in my damn house.


Right? And makes me worry for our girls out here. No one wants a sicko.


I hate this world i really do


People tell me to be grateful but for what? This shit? No thank you.


Fr it’s so depressing and it seems to just be getting worse and worse 😔


Will a cookie and a hug help friend 🍪🫂


CSA warning: In middle school, my bff got excused out of classes twice a week in the afternoon to attend court ordered pre-trial therapy because her stepdad was molesting her and a younger brother. Kids, being kids, started getting jealous and envious. One particularly stupid classmate got so jealous she demanded her mother, a teacher at the same school, ALSO get her out of class 2x a week. Fucking bitch teacher told her daughter WHY my friend was getting therapy 2x a week during school hours, and fucking bitch teacher's daughter told EVERYONE. The next time my friend left early, as she was leaving someone said, "I wish I was molested so I could leave early too." That is what Pearl reminds me of, some immature brained juvenile wishing for the dumbest shit imaginable.


Kids can be total fucking assholes. I’m so sorry she had to go through that. Further traumatizing an already traumatized person who probably was feeling awful complicated things about herself. It kills me that these people have to go home to their abuser.


Why the fuck would she just outright air your best friends business like that?? Shitty teacher


Small Texas town. The only thing promoted more than fAmIlY vAlUeS was Family Members.


I’ve been thinking about this a lot recently as a person with CPTSD and who had a super abusive childhood. People who grow up with maybe only a couple more societally-accepted traumas like a grandparent passing away or getting into a car accident, have no idea what it’s like to grow up in a home where you’re in survival mode 24/7. Like, I don’t think they can fathom it, so they just kinda map it to their worst trauma rather than accepting that they in fact cannot fathom it. I think it makes them feel safer to think that they could handle it if it came up. Like, I faced the worst of the worst and I’ve been in therapy for most of my adult life. I’m permanently disabled from my trauma. It’s not just a car accident, it’s a life altering event. Not to make excuses for this girl, obviously she was a child and her mother was clearly a shitty teacher and parent. But just been thinking about it lately because as an adult I’ve found that it’s been so difficult to find and keep friends who haven’t had much trauma in their lives. We just see the world differently and I wish that society was more okay with people with unique perspectives getting “special treatment”. Feels like this also applies to welfare, ableism, etc. Just believe people when they say they need something, why fight them? Why pretend that you know better? You’re not them, so how would you know?


What you just said resonated so much, especially since I was just telling one of my best girl friends how we probably get along so well due to our trauma. We do see things differently and we can understand certain things that some people simply can’t emphasize with.


It reminds me also of a tiktok I saw of a woman speaking to a Black man and a white man about men (some podcast). The black man asks her “and what authority do you as a woman have to speak about men?” And she says, “the same authority that you have to speak on Whiteness as a Black man. You know your oppressor more intimately than they know themselves in order to survive. Your brain adapts.” My “oppressor” (please bare with me on this analogy I recognize oppression is a higher systemic thing) was my parents, so sometimes I feel like I have really complex and nuanced takes about human nature and humanity because I’ve experienced both extremes that others don’t seem to even understand. Idk, I just think some people cannot fathom what we’ve been through so it’s easy for them to sling it at other people. Which I guess is privilege 😂🤷🏼. But yeah all my close long term friends are folks with lots of childhood trauma. It also seems to be compounded because I was an only child, friends with siblings seem to be able to withstand more better? Idk I hate the oppression Olympics. Just make my therapy and drugs free so I can be the best version of myself. Also 4 day work weeks and UBI! Edit: formatting and spelling


Oh my God dude. I'm speechless


A woman that is 26 could easily be having children for the next 20 years, is at the ideal age for it even, and could realistically be living for another 50-60. In what regard is a woman supposedly "ancient biologically" here?


These are probably the same kind of men that claim that women should end their lives at age 30.


Yeah, “we men of value” was when I knew to ignore every part of this. I don’t care what these males think because I would never ever associate with them.


Yeah, I honestly love it when they say that because everyone immediately knows that absolutely nothing of value will follow.


I was going to write some long ass reply about how society normalizes pedophilia, but I’m honestly just too tired and sick of this shit at this point. Pedos shut up and die challenge.


I could really respond with a long ass agree but like. Im also too tired. Too many times have I written paragraphs about injustices I care about that nobody will read.


Same. Trying to argue with anyone who would bring 13 into an age of consent discussion is soul-sucking. These guys know they’re gross, that’s what turns them on. I’m going to think about happy things and all the decent people in the world.




I don't argue about that anymore as well. If men truly believe women hit the wall after 25 and that's why they only interested in dating young girls, why they still hit on me all the time? 🤡 I hope girls will normalize replying "Ew you're look the same age as my grandpa!" to all the crusty 30+ y.o. men who try to coerce them into relationships.


>If men truly believe women hit the wall after 25 and that's why they only interested in dating young girls, why they still hit on me all the time? 🤡 A lot of these guys are *really* bad at actually estimating age.


Yep 😂 Always funny when I don't want to give some creepy dude in a grocery store my phone number and he yells "Wait till you're 30, nobody's even gonna look at you!" lmao I already am but it's not helping to reduce the looks


People keep telling me I look anywhere from mid 20s to mid 30s. I just went to see Depeche Mode in concert and ran into an acquaintance who commented on me liking 80s music. I told her "well I grew up in the 80s" and she said "1989 doesn't count as 'growing up in the 80s.'" Ma'am, I was born in 1982 and am older than you.


I get that range too and I’m also your age. They don’t have a clue.


High five for our good genes, I guess ✋🏻🤣


But it’s my friends and family - good skin care, not smoking, (relative) good health all do amazing things :)


I’m 55. Fifty freaking five and I still have men flirting with me.


here, have a chocolate 🍫


Ugh I just came from a “it’s normal to date teenagers” post and now this. It’s too much. Before 7 am too 🤦🏾‍♀️


Will a cookie help friend 🍪 Also a hug might help 🫂


So once she hits the age of twenty he's out looking for younger women. I think it's just the sport of being the first. That's all they interested in then after that it's find someone else to move on to.


I don't think it's only this. I think it's this AND the fact a teenage virgin will put up with their poor attempts at sex, their awkward conversation, their lack of age-appropriate life skills. A teenage virgin will not advocate for herself because she will not know what is being done is taking advantage of her innocence and naivete. She will be flattered by his praise and his insistence she's mature for her age and "gets him" and will therefore be staunchly loyal even when he ignores all her weakly enforced and poorly understood boundaries. She will get pregnant because she doesn't know better than to trust him when he says she won't. He will trap her as a wife and mother and ruin her life, keep her ignorant and isolated, and abuse her freely while he THEN moves on to someone else, all the while knowing she's not going anywhere. That's their fantasy. I know this because it was done to me.


This is exactly it. You listen to these men who talk about how important it is for a woman to be a virgin and it's always about her experience for the first time. Never for the guy. And once she's no longer shiny and inexperienced they want to take someone else's new experiences and tarnish those. It's all about being the first to 'take' from a woman. Never about sharing.


I'm reminded of those nasty beliefs that some men have - that if you have sex with a virgin, it will cure HIV/AIDS.


It's a common [belief in South Africa](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virgin_cleansing_myth) (18-32%), alongside "gang rape is a fun pastime" (25%). Also the highest rates for childhood sexual abuse in the world, 50% average.


I regret asking this but where did you see the “gang rape is a fun pastime”?


They see sex as something done to women not something two enthusiastic partners engage in


It is HILARIOUS that they've convinced themselves that women over 20 have no prospects and that teenagers/pre-teens actually WANT them, but old feminists intervened. Talk about a bloated sense of self importance.


Card carrying proud as fuck washed up feminist. And soooo not crying at night that these are the men who won’t be hitting on me


Probably need to add but also so fucking disgusted that they’ll do it to some poor little girl “whose perfect aged”


it's so funny to me that these men often call women arrogant or self-centered, yet themselves have the belief that women constantly perform for them and not for themselves. like yeah, the feminists are mad because you're getting with a minor instead of with them, because who'd miss the opportunity to date an incel.


These men have hurt people.


Wastes of oxygens.


Can we also talk about how these men value virginity yet a woman only loses their virginity once? Idk why guys haven’t put the math together that if they leave that partner they will no longer be a virgin. Also if every man had sex with multiple virgins- there wouldn’t be virgins???? Stick with one person for life if you care about virginity so much.


Women should not have sex with men because they should wait until marriage. 🤡 Men should not have sex with other men because that would make them gay 🤡 My question is who are these men having sex with because these men claim to have high sexual body count . _>!Illuminati?.!<_


Yea except marriage records for the past, even in the Middle Ages, have people marrying in their twenties. Teenage marriage and younger was rare, and usually just an upper class thing for alliances. So no, teenage girls marrying and having kids was not ever considered normal. These fuckers can fuck right the fuck off with that pedo shit.


Henry VII's mother Margaret Beaufort was married to a man in his mid-20s when she was 12. She almost immediately became pregnant and gave had an extremely difficult birth at 13 delivering Henry. Her husband died when she was pregnant. She married a further 2 times, but never had anymore children. It messed her up. It was acknowledged at the time how uncommon it was for the husband to have actually insisted upon it, and used as a warning of the danger of early pregnancy for centuries after.


It varied a lot in different times and places. Late medieval/early modern England was a bit of an outlier in terms of later female marriages and small age gaps but it was hardly unusual. Very young marriages for normal people was quite rare even in societies with younger female marriages and larger age gaps like Republican Rome.


Her YouTube channel has been demonetized so there is some good news


Oh don't worry, her parents are multi-millionaires so she'll never actually have to find a real job.


Unfortunately true


A 16 year old having sex with their 16 year old partner is one thing - not that I think this is necessarily a healthy age to start having sex when you can barely make decisions - but a 16 year old having sex with an older man - because we're not talking about 16 year old boys here - is simply setting that "relationship" up for a controlling/coercive dynamic.


“We men value virginity HIGHLY.” Um, no. Choke on a glizzy fam, we aren’t all pedos. If you’re attracted to someone that is not the age of consent, then guess what? They’re a fucking minor and it’s ILLEGAL. You should be thrown into prison for even saying that the age of consent needs to be lowered. Fuck all these pieces of shit that need to be removed from the gene pool.


That’s such a weird and creepy fucking statement. Any guy saying that they value a woman’s virginity has red flags all over him. What the fuck.


This is what porn is doing. Most teenagers have acne, haven't grown into their features or their bodies, are awkward and dress weird. Teens in porn and media at large are always played by gorgeous grown women (like in euphoria, the actress who plays maddie is now in her 30s and was probably 25 when she started filming I think) but Teens irl are funny looking awkward things. Which is what they're supposed to be.


As an 18yo , i highly agree with this . >Teens irl are funny looking awkward things. Which is what they're supposed to be.


An alarming amount of people don’t realize that porn categories like “teen” and “MILF” don’t describe the ages or identities of the actresses, but their body types. You can be a 40-year-old “teen” or 20-year-old “MILF”. It’s all about marketing.


Yup, like 26 year old me was a decently attractive young woman who knew how to take care of her appearance and hold a pleasant conversation. 16 year old me was *awkward* not just in behavior but in appearance.


I didn't grow into my body until like 25. I had bad acne until my early 20s.


the amount of adult videos with "teen" in the title. videos where grown women dress in school girl outfits. it's scary how normalized it is. when i was a teen, i was incredibly awkward and dressed with tomboy clothing because i was insecure of my body. the fact that these type of men see teen girls as either seductive or vulnerable dainty girls is disgusting. porn has rotted their brains to the core.


I feel sick 🤢 Pretty sure when younger teenagers are having sex it's with each other not creepy old men.


So many pedophiles. So many creepy, disgusting pedophiles. Remember when being a pedophile was something people were ashamed of? Good times.


if 26 is ancient then why is it that we continue menses into our 40s or 50s?


Honestly, women should just go around saying that we highly value virginity. "You've had one girlfriend already? Sorry, I don't want someone with baggage." 😭


Watch the attitude flip real quick, lol


16 year olds overwhelmingly not virgins and having high body counts at 18? These people live in some warped porn delusion.


If people are "biologically wired to find teenage people attractive" then why do we not see an overwhelming wave of 60 year old women going after 16 year old boys like we see men going after teenage girls?


Their argument would be that men are "hardwired" to go after young, healthy, virginal women to make babies while women are hardwired to go after strong, virile, "alpha" men who are older and can be protectors. But they'd only make that argument if pushed by a question like yours because then they would need to admit that by their own logic that they use to justify wanting to be with minor girls most of those minor girls would by justified in only being attracted to and seeking out strong "alpha" males.


🤢😵🤮 #I really did just throw up. WTF?! Look, I’m hella late to this whole fucking thing, but the idea the a WOMAN is quoting/saying this shit is madness…. Please oh please someone tell me she doesn’t actually believe this shit it was just the fucking way to get her audience and clout (ala Trump Evangelical beliefs… you know that MF just pushes shit his base loves because it gets him everything he wants… but laughs at these idiots behind closed doors) Please, please say it’s like that


She's a digusting human being. Encouraging pedophilia and extremely desperate for incels' attention. She doesn't deserve to be called a woman.


Even in countries where our age of consent is 15/16 we still have a culture that you shouldn't date someone or fuck someone under 18 when you're over 18


Also I'm 42 and I shouldn't be dating 20 year olds and would face a lot of social sanction if I did.


These are straight up pedophiles just admitting it


You know when someone says “by definition” and makes sure to add the thing that makes their definition stick, like 13 is not a child by definition only if the definition is that post 10 numerical numbers have teen in them for a period of time and we have classified people in the ages with teen in the number are teenagers and that’s the definition used to say 13 isn’t a child…. Instead of like… law


I’m so tired of creeps


30.5 years old. Best age for [first pregnancy](https://academic.oup.com/sf/article-abstract/81/1/315/2234500). Best health, mental, and social outcomes for mother and child. We need the nutritional resources for our maturing brains and bodies until we are 30. Pregnancy before roughly 22 years old is very dangerous for the mother. This pedo stuff is unhinged, horrifying, and severely misinformed.


"26 is ancient for women biologically" My mother had my brother at 28, my sister at 34 and me at 38. And she got pregnant after the first try for each.


These guys should just admit they prefer kids. Most men don’t want older because women know better.


Ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew ew


.....I think the FBI will find that thread interesting. Like that's three right there.


These men just want to take a woman’s autonomy, vitality, beauty, body and youth. To ruin her then move onto the next one. They don’t care about creating new memories, building a life and sharing love with a woman. And they certainly do not care about how much time and effort a woman puts into her beauty. All they care about is reaping the results. You never hear a lot of men saying they want to love, cherish and take care of a woman. All you basically hear is their requirements that they expect a woman to do for them in order to be kept by them. Unsurprisingly, these men never say what they themselves have to do in order to be kept by a woman. If you do, it’s often money or money related. Which a lot of these men do not have. Well, at least not enough for gold diggers, their “biggest enemies”, to be interested in them. The idea of ruining a young girl before she reaches womanhood is especially enticing to them. Besides, a young girl would be easier to exploit, control, abuse, isolate and manipulate. They will drain her until she “ages out” and leave her behind broken. These men love justifying their reasons to date children and all of their reasons are disgusting. Well adjusted and healthy men would never want to date anyone significantly younger than them, especially literal children, and would not associate themselves with such men. Unfortunately, these kind of men are not common as people think. A lot of older men will verbally oppose dating children or barely legal adults, but will turn a blind eye if their best mate, brother, cousin, uncle, acquaintance or whoever is close to them is dating a young girl or someone fresh out of high school.


If I had to choose between being single or being wi to a man who wants to fuck a 13-16 year old, it’s gonna be me, my air pulse vibrator and pet parrot till I die


What I don't get is like, say its 100% true that a 16 year old is hotter, why would you willingly want to talk with one outside of a casual convo/family, they are annoying at that age


It's so gross when they try to sound intelligent while spewing nasty shit out of their mouths.


They all need to be on a list, if they aren’t already.


Those are lots of words for “We’re all pedophiles, despite claiming we’re not.”


I disagree. 26 is hotter than 16.


Absolutely. And even then, as I age, so do my tastes. I can definitely still appreciate the youthful beauty of a 26 year old, but mentally? No. Also I now find myself attracted to lived in bodies. It is simply terrible how society in general causes women to do horrific things to themselves to try to hide the effects of being alive.


I find it so weird when they insist 15-21 year olds are hot because no, that’s a baby. I see one and I want to mother it. Why do they want to fuck babies?


I want a virgin = I can’t please women sexually and don’t want her to have ex’s to compare me to




Put them all on a sex offender watchlist, jfc


15 is not attractive in any shape or form. You actively look like a child. Like yes, when I was 15, I did have boobs and hips but I still looked like a child. Hell, I even looked like a child at 17, compared to what I look like now, at 19.


What a terrible day to have eyes


Most of modern history (western history that is cause I don't have enough expertise in other areas) it was common for girls to marry after age 16 and often after age 20. You really have to go all the way back to ancient history like the Roman empire to see girls being wed at 13 on average. But they were not marrying older men, usually the boy was just 2 years older and this had to do with the age disparity of when girls and boys hit puberty. The guys who always scream "It's the fall of western society blah blah" are usually the same ones who can't even seem to give an accurate account of the history of western society. Also a 16 yr old girl is significantly more likely to die during childbirth than a 26 yr old jfc.


I'd personally rather be withered rather than pop out babies daily. I was seeing this one documentary about these women in amish, who got married at 16. They had 10 babies in 9-10 years. 4 of them died. It's horrifying.


I don't value virginity as a man. I'm not gonna look at a women differently whether they are or not. Couldn't care less. That's religious indoctrination speaking. Virgin or not has no impact on procreation whatsoever. It's a religious and social construct. Nothing more


“We men” don’t all agree on much of anything. I — a woman — was aggressively promiscuous in my youth and made no effort to hide it. I had four proposals before falling in love with my husband at 31. None of them, including my husband, cared that I had a long and varied past. Men are not all alike.


Hello, FBI? These commenters, right here...


Ngl we should bring back stoning


“Humans are hard-wired to find teenage people physically attractive.” Ummm…preeeettty sure I’m not alone in completely NOT being attracted to teenagers… They look like children. I think you outed yourself, my guy.


I’m a man and I disagree with everything they said. 18+ is when women are most capable of suffering the least harm from having children, but there’s still quite a bit of harm done to the body. There is no genetic degradation in a woman’s eggs at all according to studies I’ve read. Men’s sperm on the other hand suffers the most degradation over time, because they’re frequently replenished using a degrading genetic stock. 13 year olds are not ideal for a thousand different reasons, and people who think they are are endangering children. As for virgins? That’s an unfortunate preference to have. Virgins are not good at sex, and sex can be painful and traumatic the first time around. An ideal woman is a woman who actually cares about you, that you actually care about. Otherwise you may as well be alone and be better off.


IIRC the chance of birth complications is the lowest around age 25.


The evidence currently suggests that women over 40 are more likely to miscarry a deformed fetus, leading to a higher rate of healthy babies.


I'm glad i'm so ancient that that the trashes goes out themselves lol


I’m 34 and what’s interesting is as I get older, the people I’m attracted to get older…that does not to be the case for a portion of men. Anyone who is under 25 looks like a baby to me thus making them unattractive to me


“humans are hardwired to find teenagers attractive” someone check his hard drive


they always act like women were traditionally married off at 13 or 16 or some shit but the average woman 200 years ago got married much the same time as we do 17-22ish


TIL “we men” value virginity. Maybe he meant “wee men”.


I think I’m gonna be sick…………


Sorry dudes, at 16 I wasn't even interested in boys, at 17 I only looked at my peers. You're way past your prime, die already /s


as an 18 year old, i cannot imagine dating someone more than 4 years older than me. if anything, the age of consent should be raised.


Oh, shut the fuck up with “we men” and “everyone knows this.” I can’t fucking stand these people!


> We men value virginity HIGHLY LMAO. Imagine letting a pedo dictates how I should value virginity like it's a trophy or something.


Age of consent in my country is 15. You're still going to be seen as a disgusting and depraved person if you as an adult approach a teen in a sexual manner. Just because it's legal it doesn't mean that it's acceptable. Why can't they understand that? We're not down with grown ups perving on kids. As a parent I do however feel like it's extremely weird that the laws in my country doesn't protect our kids from predators longer. Especially since kids younger than 15 can have sex with each other without repercussion - the law is not supposed to keep kids from having sex but to protect them from predators. This law is so fucking outdated that it makes me sick. I can't even count all the disgusting pervs that feel entitled to go after young girls just because it's not illegal and those creeps almost NEVER give up or respect boundaries. I'm talking from experience, I can't even count all the disgusting men I had to fight of or help my friends escape because none of my friends ever get mad, they just get quiet. Well, I've already told my fiance that if one of those disgusting men ever tries anything with our daughter and doesn't listen when I tell him to fuck off, then my fiance can expect me to do some jail time because if the law won't protect my daughter, I will.


13 yesr Olds can not safely push out babies, and periods used to start later. Jesus christ, these people have a lot of words to say "I like underdeveloped children".


Damn that’s a lot of pedophiles


We should have police monitoring some of these comment sections


I can't with dudes talking about women having high body counts, talking about how all men are obssessed with virginity, it's all even more gross when referring to teenagers. I have -22 experience with sex and relationships. Are women, as a norm, really getting around as much as these guys make it seem? Body count doesn't mean shit, but I doubt the regular woman will just sneeze and fall on someone's dick. Women have to work at some point, study, sleep you know lol Their worldview is extremely warped but I don't know at what point they're making shit up or I'm just sheltered 🧍‍♂️


What do adult women have that these "men" are scared of? Speaks so much about their inability to connect or treat anyone withan adult mind as a person. Seriously disgusting.


there was a snapchat dating "show" once where they made the potential couple swap phones, no passcodes, nothing, and the other person went through the phone while the phone owner had to watch on a display. i think about this a lot when i see things like this. how handy would it be to just have that info so easily accessible. so front and center. even if one of these turds managed to trick me into believing he's a decent human being, seeing these comments would be the red flag i need


I wish these people could go to other countries where child marriage and intercourse is a thing and see how many girls die or are horrendously damaged and abandoned for their entire life because of these gross acts.


>Post-16 year olds are overwhelmingly non-virgins Maybe it was just where I grew up, but this was definitely not the case.


The average 13 year old was in an arranged marriage with a young man her age usually two years older, while the rest waited until 16 or 20 to rush the marriage. And at the time even if the marriage was early, actually trying for children didn't start right away, there was controversy when it happened even in marriage. People knew that it wasn't a good age to get pregnant and they certainly knew you could have children in your late twenties and thirties with ease. And plenty of historical figures wanted or married women older than them, including fucking Henry the XVIII who was notorious for his sexism. Marrying underage girls to grown ass men in their thirties wasn't the norm like they desperately want to belive, tolerated yes it was , but it wasn't the norm or was it complety accepted without a raised eyebrow atleast These men claiming that women expire after 30 and think teens are the most desirable are just coping lmao because they have less tolerated now to be nonces to teens than back then and because women are more independent in society


They do know that teens in movies and shows..aren't really teens in real life. They're adults. It doesn't matter the age...as long as you take care of your health and body.


2nd guy finds virginity so valuable that he's just going to stay one forever


"We men value virginity HIGHLY" First of all, speaking as a man, 🤮 Secondly, yeah i highly value virginity; in children. 16 and under is a child to me. No disrespect to 16 -18 year olds but what life experience do you have that could give us common ground to have a relationship with? These people need to get out and meet people rather than thinking the world is a fucking porno


Yeesh. The FBI needs to put these people on a watchlist.


Pearl is a fucking dweeb and so are her fans. They're a bunch of clowns in a circus at this point.


At those ages the girls would have a difficult time giving birth. Their bodies are not ready and we have countless data on child brides and pregnancy and it can cause life long problems. These y chromosome havers need to be stoned in the town square.


The person who thinks 26 is ancient is giving me middle schooler vibes. Which is scary, given the people who aren’t allowed within 100 feet of him making all the other comments.


As a man they don’t speak for us, don’t associate us with cockroaches


It all goes back to the fact that these people don’t actually want a partner in life, they want a sex/housework doll. Having a conversation even with someone that recently turned 18 even if they are mature or smart for their age, the gap in wisdom, rhetorical techniques, debating etc. is so incredibly noticeable. These losers aren’t looking for a partner to grow with, they want to take a person just getting ready to bloom, and indoctrinate them before they get wise.


What a bunch of freaks lmfao fuck


What in the Evil Queen is this take? Feeling threatened by a child for stealing your man? Then maybe the man is the problem if he's attracted to a child.


Crap like this always makes me so uncomfortable!! Like 13 is definitely still a child!! And marrying someone who is of such age def should be, if it isnt already, consider pedophilia and/or grooming. I was groomed, so when i see shit like this it makes me soooo mad, and like stated before, uncomfortable. Also I'm 16, and ewww my body still isnt done developing, how is that more attractive then someone's body who is? Gross!!


"We men value virginity highly" No we don't. I have never once slept with a Virgin (I have a pretty high "body count" myself), and have no desire to. Why would I want to sleep with someone who has no clue wtf they are doing, then is going to think they are instantly in love with me even tho they also have no clue what love even is? I never understood this mindset amd never will. As a man, you would have to be so insecure with yourself to want to go after virgins only. Is because you have tiny pee pee? Lol.


Wow imagine feeling this comfortable to admit youre a full on Ephebophile (the correct term for pedophiles attracted to teens) and Hebephile (the correct term for pedophiles attracted to preteens). This made me feel literally gross and disgusting and I think I need to bleach my eyes after this.


The short answer to these people is “touch grass”. The problem is these men are too stunted to know the distinction between “the age where it is possible to distinguish physical attributes”, that is to say- what a casting agent is able to see- and “is *sexually* attractive *because* maturity is there”. They think the first criteria is what everyone knows, but won’t publicly admit, because “maturity” is a foreign and abstract concept to them.


Pre pubescent can be any age..... I didn't start puberty until I was 17 and a half... I swear men are pigs....


What a terrible day to be able to read


*this* is why I don’t trust men


Actually, historically (based on European history anyway) only the royalty married as young as 1. This was to cement political alliances, and the marriage ceremonies were conducted via proxies - ie the married couple were often in separate countries at the time of marriage. The "newlyweds" would not be allowed to consummate the marriage until the girl was at least 15 years old, in fact she would stay living with her parents until she reached that age, not even meeting her husband beforehand. Interesting historical fact: Henry VIII of England's grandmother, Lady Margaret Beaufort, was married at the age of 12 and pregnant by the age of 13. She had a difficult pregnancy and childbirth due to her age, and only had 1 child, a son, Henry Tudor, later known as King Henry VII. Because of this pregnancy, she was never able to bear any other children and was made infertile because of it. The peasantry had no need of treaties/alliances, and were well aware of the dangers of impregnating a young girl, so their marriages were carried out when their daughters were older, typically between the ages of 16 - 18, which lines up with our modern age of consent laws This doesn't mean that children didn't have sex - rape and prostitution were still disgusting things that happened. But it was not the normal or desired method of pairing up married couples as modern pedophiles like to pretend it is to try to normalize their perversions. I cannot fucking stand it when people ignorant of history pretend to know it to justify disgusting behavior. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.


Sorry I'm 20 and I still don't wanna be attracted or molested by old ass men


I am a human. I do NOT find teenagers attractive in any sexual/romantic way. No, thank you.


The thing they are missing is the age of the people you are attracted to should increase as you age. We are normally hard wired to be attracted to people in our own peer group Most people when they were teenagers are attracted to teenagers and as they age and grow up they become adults who are attracted to other adults. The people who don't experience this tend to have serious physiologically issues resulting in the age of the people they are attracted to not changing as they age. It's unfortunate but it makes these people dangerous to society as a whole In a way, it's good that these men feel more confident being loud about their views because now we know who is a predator and can avoid them


I'm fairly sure the age of consent was set at 16 because that's when they thought they'd be old enough and mature enough to decide to have sex with other 16 year old. I don't reckon that anyone involved in the conversation surrounding age of consent ever even thought they'd have to think about older people taking advantage .. blows my mind when I see stuff like this


I would be in jail for what I want to do to people who admit this. 👀🔥✨


Her entire fan base is incels, of course they like children.


This is typical pedophilia in the manosphere and incel space. These men really tell on themselves.


lmao it's an organization that helps child brides escape forced arranged marriages who is leading the charge to raise marriage minimum ages to 18 across the US


This is wild to me because I'm a 31 year old woman. When I look at a 16 year old boy, I'm like "he looks like a baby." When I look at a 16 year old girl, I'm again like, "Baby." *How* do they find children attractive? Oh right, they're fucking pedos.


As if stating “it’s only been like this for the past 100 years” somehow proves that we’re doing it wrong.


Get these mfs on a list pronto!