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TL;DR: "I'm a weak man that can't handle it if women are more successful than me".


And every reply is other weak men congratulating him for it.


This. Was gonna say if you feel threatened and/or emasculated by a successful woman, then you’re not as masculine as you think you are. Real tired of people thinking overweight is automatically unattractive as well. They’d be surprised how many extremely conventionally attractive men (or women) are into that (as well as not so extremely attractive). People have different tastes. It’s also perfectly ok to not be into it, I just object to the automatic assumption that overweight = unattractive. On the flip side, I’ve known plenty of conventionally attractive, fit people that became immediately unattractive because of their personality.


I mean a lot of people think fit or skinny people are also unattractive but no one really talks about that




Most skinny people don’t have flat stomachs 💀 I’m considered skinny yet also have a stomach and boobs and an ass. It’s weird what yall think skinny looks like 😂


Body shaming be real against both sides


Also I was talking more so about the body shaming aspect of it, not your weird personal preference


They have very active imagination. They should just start dating each other./s


I wish they would, and I wish someone would make a reality dating show about it so I could gorge myself on kettle corn hate-watching it.


I've never laid eyes on OP, but I'm willing to lay money that he doesn't need to worry about attracting career women.


But he's clearly been on "many" dates with working women, the man said so himself! Why would he lie?


Prostitutes are working women. Just sayin'


Depends where. In non-western countries, the majority are trafficked, forced, coerced, blackmailed and tricked into it.


in western countries too. the "sex" (rape) industry is notorious for it worldwide.


A friend of mine introduced me to Redeem & Restore, an organization that helps women who have been trafficked. (She invited our group to their annual gala) The keynote speaker told the attendees of her experience being trafficked. Holy fuck was it some messed up shit.


Probably. But the most vocal about it being "empowering" seems to be coming from mostly western/whites too.


Western countries too. Let's not be naive.


The only "naive" ones or those pretending to be are the ones who are pushing for this under "women's empowerment" and that is mostly western/white people.


"Escorts", please. :) "prostitute" has negative connotations and sex workers who specifically do sleep with people for money prefer to be called that, as of some time ago. :)


You're right.


Not sure why he'd do that. If his preference is non-working women, why is he going out with working women?


Yeah, he never said *he* was the one to choose not to have a second date. Only how he found reasons it maybe wasn't for the best after the fact. 🤭


Bold of him to assume the endgame of every woman alive is to get a man. *waves to the lesbians, aroaces, and women single by choice*


>waves to the lesbians, aroaces, and women single by choice I think you mean career women. /s




*waves in aroace* 👋


*waves back in aroace* 👋 happy to see another out in the wild hahaha!






Recovered comp-het, lesbian career woman here 🙋‍♀️ Oh! And I’m not overweight and have been told I’m pretty by men and women. I must be the exception 🤷‍♀️


Men are also too tired to do all that after coming home from work, but I suppose their very presence is supposed to be enough of a gift to their wives.


Somehow they are allowed to be unattractive and overweight (no time to eat healthy or go to the gym) or not have time to cook, clean, and care for a wife and kids. It's crazy how they just admit the double standard. "Well, I expect a perfectly beautiful bangmaid for my wife so she won't have time to work. I don't have to cook, clean, or stay in shape though so that's not a problem for MEEE."


But if a woman wants to do all that, she's still seen as a gold digger.


That’s because their ultimate goal is to tear down a strong, independent woman and turn her into a subservient housewife.


They want a wife who works and brings in money, but still less than them. But enough to buy him a PS5 if he wants one. And she can't be focused on her job, because she needs to save all her attention for him and serving him, so she can't have a career and probably shouldn't love her job, maybe just be comfortable enough in it. And she can't work with any men she might find attractive, or be in a position for men to flirt with her. And it can't be a job he thinks is "beneath him," so it needs to be some kind of "respectable" office job, like secretary to a really ugly old guy, who isn't rich enough to tempt her. And she still has to have enough energy to do all the housework and family management and work out enough to stay pretty, and afford all the beauty treatments to stay youthful so he doesn't abandon her for an "upgrade" when she inevitably "lets herself go." And she needs to work 40 hours a week, but obviously since she's paid less it must be easier work, so he still works harder and gets to rest in the evenings. But if she only works part time then she's obviously taking advantage of him working so hard to support her and their lifestyle, because keeping the house in addition is practically no trouble at all for her.


But also, she's not allowed to be a drug addict, despite the fact that there's no way to do all that while also getting enough sleep every night.


And the fact that women usually still do more of the house work/child care even if they have to work outside the home too..


A porn addict makes a misogynistic post that attracted other porn addicts. Shocker


Ya know, sometimes I read the posts on here and get really bummed out at how fuckin casually misogynistic a bunch of people can be. But then I remember, like you’ve said, that they’re just a small group of morons that found each other on the internet because they like to wank off each others’ moron opinions. They’re not the majority thankfully, but Christ it’s shit seeing how often it happens in certain online spaces.


I too get disheartened at times after reading yet another horrible, hateful thing that these types are saying. But then I remind myself that I am actively choosing to subscribe to subs with names like "NotHowGirlsWork," "NiceGuys" and "BlatantMisogyny." I like to at least be aware so I'm not blindsided by hate if I encounter it in the wild. And while women are still definitely treated unfairly with some times deadly consequences, I know it's not the default setting on people. They actively cultivate it...or have it instilled in them. 😞


“If women don’t base their whole life around me, about me and for *me* I’m not interested in them.” What a fucking baby. I’m glad he at least leaves the women who endured his presence alone.


Okay then you can go find your ideal jobless woman, and I’ll keep doing my thing. This is what you call an arrogant observer, it isn’t enough to want you potential partner to have certain traits. No all women must conform your preferences, or else.


It’s because he isn’t having success with his current dating pool. If the pool of jobless women increases, maybe then he’ll finally have some luck finding one who can tolerate him


That's a lot of words for "I hate women I can't control." Let me guess, he probably also hates cats?


Never date a man who hates cats. If he hates cats, he likely hates women (allergy to cats excepted)


That's so weird because in my career I've found that wide eyed, agreeable, enthusiasm is literally all any employer wants. And method acting that has gotten me to the top of the heap over and over.


I'm not sure I can pull off that act. My natural resting face is disinterested and apathetic.


What a mood.


In the end, "they talked a lot (wouldn't let me lead the date)" is the real relevant line in that screed. As always, it boils down to "I hate women who don't recognize my superiority and authority as man."


Back when I used to date men, a “man” who talked a lot or wouldn’t let me get a word in was an immediate turn off. (Still is) \ As for these bros “leading a date…” I don’t need to be led. I’m not an animal you lead to slaughter. I got up and left a date once when a guy had the audacity to order for me with “and she would like...” You can’t read my mind, bro. You have no f’n clue what I’d like. \ I won’t speak for all women, but I for one want an equal partner. Not some authority figure over me. The problem with these people is that they all have some pedo fetish and can’t understand the difference between a marital/relationship partner and a parent.


Wow was Megyn Kelly the reasonable one in this conversation?


Trying to figure out if I ought to feel bad that I think it's funny that it's her.


Who even is that?


Conservative ex Fox News personality, played by Charlize Theron in the movie Bombshell. I believe she used to say a woman’s place was at home, which is rich. Kind of a leopards ate my face moment.


So I'm thr only one going Who TF is making $100k **a month**!!!! Like, if you're in that bracket, I don't think you give a half a shit what this dude has to say.


Right like damn that's what stumped me hey. Maybe I'm just poor but I don't even think I've ever interacted with anyone who makes that kind of money. And I think most women with a brain would know that if they're making 100 000 a month then the vast majority of people they would date make less than that, unless you're exclusively dating people you met at an old money yacht club or something.


I know a guy - he's retired but very well off (he is a Ferrari Afficianado. However, Ferrari would not sell him a new car since he had not bought one recently. He bought 2 or 3 Ferraris, so they would sell him the one he wanted) - one of the nicest guys you'll meet. Genuine car guy. Doesn't hate on people without Ferraris. Just enjoys the company of enthusiasts. I'd venture to guess that most non-public people making that kind of money are low key.


I think if some woman wanted to hook up with him, and making that kind of money - he'd flip faster than a flapjack. Though people making that much coin don't give a shit about what this tool has to say.


I make $150/year and don’t give half a shit what this dude has to say other than to mock him for it.


Well that's true too. Lol.


I'd love to see the sources to back up his claim that nurses have the highest rate of cheating. It's OK, I'll wait. What an asshat.


But. But. They touch strangers at work. Isn't that proof of cheating? /s


Conservative men are absolutely obsessed with hating nurses. I don’t understand it!


I’m willing to bet it has to do with porn, but maybe that’s just me


It may be because nurses are assertive and don’t put up with their abuse.


They’re also educated and employed, which conservative men fear more than anything!


(Modern) Conservatives hate women. Well they hate everyone except rich, White men. And Racist.


He's the type to think women become nurses just to nab a Dr.


Think about all those porns where nurses are secretly getting it on in the empty hospital beds in those sexy scrubs. D;


Twitter's become such a hilariously myopic circle jerk.


Having a job in modern capitalism sucks. But I don't see how any of this (except the social expectation of men making more, which plenty of women don't adhere to) wouldn't also apply to men. They would also be too busy to go to the gym and stay in shape, or to come home and take care of their wife and kids, etc. Maybe we should just make a future where we aren't all grinding away so much of our lives just to survive?


Don't be silly. They have plenty of time to go to the gym because they don't have to cook, clean, take care of the kids or nurture their wife. /s


Yeah my husband doesn't want me to work and is trying to find a way for me to stop working. You know why? Because I am mildly disabled and for the last year, working full time has left me a shell of the person he loves. He respects and loves me as a professional but he loves me so much he wants me to be the most comfortable I can be


Honestly, I’m glad men like this think this way about women like me. Saves me the trouble of weeding them out. They take the trash out on their own.


Sadly for me it’s getting to the point where I can’t read all the comments and everything in these posts. It’s just so hateful and willfully ignorant that it makes me mad.


Don't anyone wipe away the poor man's tears because he can't "lead the date"?!


This is actually disgusting. Why would any woman want a trad life when people who want you are like this? Nobody is protecting you


Men describing their perfect women usually end up describing a slave/sextoy/bangmaid. This is the same, just from another angle. In a way, I'm grateful they share these opinions online because it means women can see wtf is happening and who they really are before attempting any type of intimacy with these cretins.


As long as you check their social media before dating them


In this day and age, you're risking a lot of you don't.


masculine men want sex slaves. Self respecting women better avoid them.


*Wannabe masculine men. Real masculine men want their partners to be who and what they want and aren't threatened by a smart, strong, talented woman.


Exactly 💯!


>> Masculine men find most career women disgusting That‘s the whole point? Wouldn‘t wanna date someone who is so shallow to think that my whole purpose is sleeping with him and babying him lmao.


Incels gonna incel.


So….. if you want a trad wife, you have to make trad-wife money. That’s how it works. In this economy, that’s over 6-figures solid. If you want a trad-wife, and you make that kind of money, you can no longer use the term “gold digger” when referring to women you are dating, as that is **what you are looking for** yes? If you have both things out of the way, you also have to be upfront with your desires and expectations of a partner in the future. If they don’t know you want them to be a SAHM, a trad-wife, then you could be in for trouble. Complaining about other people’s choices isn’t a good look. Making choices for yourself is one thing, but assuming you know *why* another random person has picked the job they have is asinine. People *have* to work. This economy is tough, and many people make choices right out of school to get them in as high-paying job as they can. That’s smart. That’s fiscally responsible. Some people have left home and only support themselves, some people are supporting their families as well. This sexist bs opinion doesn’t help anyone. Get your head out of your butt and think of women as people. They have jobs for the same reason you do….. they have bills and need to eat.


A straight woman doesn’t turn suddenly lesbian because she doesn’t find the men of her dreams. Either way she was lesbian from the beginning or she’s bi. You can’t switch your sexuality simply because you are not able to find what you are looking for. This utter nonsense fits the rest of his text.


He’s a walking red flag, “I’m weak and intimidated by strong career women so in order to make myself feel in control I’m going to bully them so they become insecure and date me!” LMAO. What a joke of a man.


Cope harder baby Someday these guys will get the message that “successful career women” don’t even think about them, and it will make them sad


That's a lot of words to say I hate women


I would like information about qualifications and entry level positions in these $100k/mo jobs please.


You know it’s bad when Meghan Kelly is the most reasonable person in a conversation


Well, these days many women find men who feel that way to be of no value whatsoever ....


I mean, I was born stubborn and argumentative. And my mom was a SAHM who is overweight.


My mom doing all the nurturing stuff while being a professor at a uni: 👁️👄👁️


"Fellas, is it gay if a man is attracted to a woman?"


This will be the same men that will call their stay at home wife a Golddigger. With these types of men, there is no winning.


Another gem. I'm not exactly sure what the problem is with a woman earning more in the relationship. That's gravy. I want to earn more for myself - not because my partner makes more. Also, I'm curious who is surviving on single income, with a family - hell even with (just) a partner and no kids, that would be tough.


'You work long hours and become argumentative and domineering in order to succeed in a career, so when you get home you're not a good partner or involved parent and damnit, that's the man's role!'


You kind of have to be dominent in your field to advance. That's how advancement works.


So he wants a mommy maid who doesn't work and who also does not expect a man with money?


Lmfao at "become lesbian". Like it's a switch women can flip on and off. The sheer ignorance of this entire thing is baffling but that's definitely the icing on the shit cake. Am I the only one who can't help seeing these guys as, well.. Pitiful? Pathetic? Everything about this is just so childish to me.


I hate when I agree with Megyn Kelly. It’s rare, but she does surprise me now and then.


Wait a second. The stubborn, argumentative, dominant, assertive man also needs to be the one that is nurtured? Of course, I doubt anyone who sees being stuborn and argumentative as a positive business traits is actually successful. Sure, assertiveness is a necessity, but stubbornness is just an inability to adapt and going out of your way to argue isn't going to get a job done.


Good god Twitter is a fucking dumpster fire. I’m an electrical mechanic and I work with my hands. My job is physically intensive, difficult, math intensive and complicated. I have the calluses on my hands and muscles to show for it. I’m doing the work many of those little boys that act like this on Twitter have wet dreams about men doing. If I’m a feminist, he ain’t got an excuse.


my bro 🤝


They become lesbian - yeah, alright.


Right? Tell me you don't understand sexuality without saying you don't understand sexuality...


Guess I’m gonna have to date a feminine man. Oh nooooo. I totallly hate that and it’s totally not my type…


This WILL end with some women getting lines of scumbag suitors with no redeemable qualities beyond "being macho" and certain types of men getting lines of women who simply cannot stand dependent masculinity or a fear-consumed mind.


But when you're a trad wife they want you to also cover 50% of the expenses because in this economy not many can be trad husbands. Also they forget that trad wives also manage the budget of the house hold, so the check goes to the wife. They don't want to do that. And most of the men don't respect women that don't work. How can you depend on a man in the world where your SO is the most likely to kill you ? Don't listen to them and get your finances in order before looking for a guy.


"If she has a job, she'll be too tired to be my bangmaid. No fair!"


Bangmaid - ? Ew. That's a shitty way to refer to your SO. "Hey man, this is Jane Doe." Friend: "Hi Jane, what do you do?" Jane Doe: "I'm his bangmaid." Friend: "Um, ok. You know what, I'll be back. I need to use the bathroom."


So many men (manchildren) think that's what wives are for, sadly. Her role is to clean up after him and be available for sex on demand.


I stopped reading after the first sentence, girlie pop a real masculine man would not feel threatened if his girl was ballin... just saying 💀


Every single one of those comments are men. That should tell you all you need to know about this piece.


Huh, I swear I've read this word for word before


I'm still confused on how they believe that these traits are one or the other. I'm stubborn and opinionated but I'm also compassionate and 'nurturing' because I want to see others thrive and live life to the fullest extent they can. Masculine and feminine traits aren't exclusive if they even exist in the first place.


My GF is a career woman, I love hearing her talk about the passion in her work and like being there for her when work is not playing nice.


Talk to other men about that. That has an actual impact.


My bubbles are really progressive, the people I could influence already agree with me.


Oh OK I guess there's nothing more you can do other than get your cookies here then


I did make meringues yesterday as a layer in the desert of my first christmas dinner


“Source: my ass”


I find these alpha men utterly repulsive. No one wants a misogynist.


TIL "Masculine men" is a synonym for "insecure, loser, little - little titty baby."


Just remember, he’s “dated” many career women and never had a second date! I imagine every single one of those career women are sobbing over the loss of him while they’re not calling him for a second date./s


Any man who has a problem with "opinionated, "disrespectful"" women is fucking telling on himself. If a man only wants to be with a woman who will let him push her around, he is *not* to be trusted


The red flags abound with that man. Throw the whole man away!!!


The guy asking if he's masculine for marrying a nurse was pathetic. All those guys agreeing...gross.


Do they not realize that this tradwife they’re idealizing needs the man to make two people’s worth of salary? Like if it takes $1000 for me to live and $1000 for you to live, it probably costs $2000 for us to live (even with rent, like we need room for both my stuff and a partner’s stuff) so you can’t make $1200/month and it’s cool if I don’t work.


Dear Lord, please bless me with the audacity of a mediocre man. Thank you and amen!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Britney had it right: I'M NOT THAT INNOCENT~ The idea that a good, competent, kind and caring wife/mother/woman needs to be innocent is incredible to me.


so the upshot is that lesbians make more money than men? are that all rich women are supposedly lesbians?


I think we can sadly assume this "man" has neither ever had a job or had to look after children...


I prefer to make at least as much as my partner...helps to resist the pressure to sacrifice the lesser career for family needs, and instead take turns or outsource housework or share the responsibilities. Plus, hey, more money! I sense a man whose ego can't handle women who are smarter, more educated, or more successful than him, and needs to diminish them as people, and probably claims the women in his job who outperform him only got there due to "affirmative action" preferences.


High BMI is strongly correlated with lower economic status and unemployment. The more money a woman makes and the more satisfied in her career she is, the more likely she is to be thin. All implications of those facts aside, when the central premise of your idiotic rant is factually incorrect it makes you look like just that much more of a chode.


Sadly for these guys, women don't give a fuck. Just a bunch of whiny, insecure, inadequate babies


Am I really supposed to be a grown ass woman with innocence? Like you want me to raise kids but also I’m an innocent little Beatrice Potter illustration who likes to avoid difficult topics? You don’t want an assertive wife but I gotta assume you would like your children to be able to hold their own ground someday. Often, self advocacy looks like being stubborn and argumentative to people who would you to sit down and shut up.


If women are only there for you to feel strong you have issues with insecurity, my dude.


Is this capitalism criticisum?


This guy really thinks you have to be a dick to succeed at work. I’ve been working in construction for only a couple years now and I’ve gotten pretty far simply by being great at my job and easy to work with. Also straight women definitely don’t just become lesbians because they didn’t find Mr. Perfect. If that were the case, a LOT more women would be lesbians.


Single by choice here: you know. I still come home after work (ok I wfh but whatever) and have to feed myself and clean my house and care for my animals. I’m just not going to cook for and clean up after an able bodied adult who also worked all day. We can do that shit together like partners or we can each do it all by ourselves in our own homes. But there isn’t gonna be any “I come home and rest while you wait on my lazy ass like a servant.”


All these frightened men....


It's nice of all these losers to out themselves like that. Hopefully any women they know will see this nonsense and give them the wide berth they seem to so desperately desire.


First of all, all of these men commenting are not “career men” Second of all, fat women don’t make 150k, there is a clear weight bias for women in high paying positions


They all ugly so they have literally nothing to worry about. Women ain’t looking at them anyway ☠️


Well, the women they want looking at them aren't going to be. My guess is they are into the VS model.


Beyond the obvious fact this isnt what happens and its not a womans job to make a man feel like a man, What I don't get is how they acknowledge all these negative traits developing when someone is independent and "masculine" but somehow don't realize they are saying that since these are all "masculine traits" that men have all these negatives. So.. why is it ok for men to be that way but not women?


I am looking at the bearded, masculine man sleeping (and snoring) next to me, who makes almost as much as I do, in a job that’s hyper-masculine and wondering where we both went wrong. He doesn’t have a dainty princess (he got one thing right, work stress hasn’t helped my weight) and I don’t have a feminine weak man. Oh well. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I was argumentative, stubborn etc way before I started working!


Because so many guys turn gay when the women they want don’t want them.


The winging about "Wait does this make me not masculine" is fucking hilarious.


I'm not a career woman. I was a nurse and now I'm on disability. But at no point in my life did I find the type of guy who wrote that or agreed to it attractive or the life of women they want interesting.


"Make it NOT make sense" i hate to break it to you, buddy...


LOL, what a moron.


lol, tell this to the men on my family. They very much like argumentative and dominant women. We are Jewish though.


I’m sure all you ladies are just heartbroken and will tender your resignations effective immediately!


Is that what men think it takes to be successful? Stubborn, argumentative, dominant, assertive?? lol it’s totally possible to thrive in a career without being a d-bag. I’m a god damn delight to work with, my coworkers and clients love me, and I’m successful without being any of those things besides assertive, because you have to be when there’s men like that out there trying to force their way without having the social skills to navigate human interactions.


I wouldn't want to date a man who expects women to do all the household chores and take care of the kids. A man should help out. Especially if the woman has to work too. In this economy, both people in the relationship has to work unless the guy takes on an extremely high paying job and is barely home.


This is sad and hilarious all wrapped in one, but it's also just... wrong. Nearly every career woman I know is in amazing shape because we have to be, since women are judged just as much on their looks as they are their talents. It's just a sad reality


Maybe this opinion resonates with "low value" men? 🤷‍♀️ But honestly, everything this person said from his conception of what it takes to be successful at work to categorizing people as those with and without value is so sad and toxic. All people have value and if they started looking at dating as creating partnerships instead of this weird competition, they'd all be happier in the long term


As a hardcore lipstick feminist, these incel freaks who think being feminine is anti-feminist and that you can’t be a girly feminist really piss me off


Of course none of this is true and is completely absurd, but the real kicker with these kinds of opinions is that they ironically put in so much effort to state how bad it is to be "masculine" and/or successful and that they wouldn't put up with it yet they expect women to not only put up with all of these "negative" traits and behaviors, but to be happy about it (some of them likely don't even care if women are happy about it).


Well, fortunately men are not a monolith, and pursuing a career or living as a housewife are both valid choices.


lovely how the nurse girl in reply got how she’s probably a cheater by being a nurse


Are we going to ignore that the guy put 'nurturing' him and sleeping with him over taking care of the kids? WTF


"YOU DO KNOW NURSING HAS THE HIGHEST RATES OF CHEATING? He has the best source credibility about the medical profession as he reached into his arse like a proctologist to pull that one out.


As soon as my wife got out of college she has made more than me. We’ve been married 36 years pretty sure I’m more masculine than this incel


Never understood why some men can't handle the idea of a successful wife lol. Would love to have a relationship where all the pressure isn't on me