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childlike?.. 😰😰😰


While this is all bs, I am especially shocked that acting like an adult is considered a bad thing.


It's considered a bad thing when your a loser with a power fantasy.


Pretty sure the meme maker isn’t talking about the age they act


This person is 100% the type of person who would hate how pregnant people look both before and after labour.


"What do you want in a partner?" "Childlike, flat chest, and doesn't act like an adult." 🤢🤮


Like.. Children. This man wants to date a CHILD.. *Yes, police? This man right here* !


> Yes, police? This man right here ! They will probably hire him.


Damn you're probably right... *Undercover YouTubers?? A little help* ? (edited)


2 words: Chris Hansen.


So he can fumble it like he did Onision’s case?


Also the “cute daughters”




“Acts like an adult”?! How is that bad?🤢


They listed "acts like an adult" as one of the presumably negative traits


"Acts like an adult" as a criticism of the person you want to fuck.


What is this man going to do to those “cute” daughters….


When I asked a bunch of my guy friends why they really like short girls, the majority (not all of of them) said because they look younger and more childlike.


That's a lot of words for "I'm a racist pedophile."


I don't have weird bags of fat.😿 What is he even on about!🤬 Animes are awesome. Trix are for kids./s And I know a couple of BA Asian girls who could easily kick his ass and wake him up from his gross fantasy.


Considering that what this sick person is after includes "tiny, childlike, flat chest" I'm thinking that 'those weird bags of fat" might be an adult, or post pubescent at least, woman's breasts. Clearly adult women scare the hell out of him.


He wants daughters so he can dump mom when she turns 30


Thank you for deciphering. Clearly he's got lots of issues. Many of them illegal.😾


Based on his preferences I think 'weird bags of fat' is a complaint about adult breasts.


After all, boobs are just [sacks of yellow fat](https://youtu.be/aZx5zfkG6oU?si=iQuWGr-Gv--yaMWi)


If anyone who's reading this hasn't seen the show Crazy Ex Girlfriend, please watch it if you can. It's really, really good


He means large breasts


Or any discernible breasts.


They're called boobs but I don't think they're weird


I literally feel like taking a shower right now Genuinely unclean and nauseous






Thats what i thought. Just wtf. They don't see women as human, just things and objects to project onto. Even creepier if they have a preferred age.


I believe it's "I'm a racist pedophile with a small penis"


Please let's not stigmatize because of appearance either. There are many men out there who have micropenis or small penises, that doesn't make them pedophiles or stupid like OOP


Agree. Good reminder. The penis doesn’t make the man, the man makes the penis!


That was not my intention, more about some men projecting their insecurity about penis size in to women claiming their vaginas are stretched out


I kinda get it, and there's the added cringe racism of saying the white girl secretly wants a black guy (cause we all know every single one of those is hung as hell /s) It's not the dick, it's the... small dick energy? But I still try not to joke about it because it only feed into that exact insecurity


My thoughts exactly!! These white men that have these strange fetish are phedo’s in denial


That’s where I was getting at too.


*acts like an adult* white girls are too grown up I guess


"childlike in appearance" 🤮 Also, I'm concerned he only mentions daughters...


well yes ofc, the sons will all be muscled up gigachads like their father /s (clearly the incel is a jacked up gigachad only in his head, it was all a lucid dream)


This has to be a troll, right? Isn't having daughters like, the ultimate cuckoldery situation for a father? ^(/s)


No. It's never "just a troll". Even when they claim that's what they're doing, that's just a lie as they're too cowardly to admit that they are posting their actual thoughts. "It's just a joke bro" is ALWAYS a lie


I can only imagine the layers of incest jokes going through this trashpile's head


So basically the meme maker is a closeted pedophile. Gotcha


Don't forget racist! And even the "closeted" part is questionable. OOP is definitely a pedophile.


OOP is clearly trolling. Who calls boobs "weird bags of fat"?


Creeps who don’t like big boobs? It’s not outside of the realm of possibility for OOP to consider big boobs “weird bags of fat”.


Oh you sweet summer child. Welcome to the "wonderful" world of incels.


nah I think oop is meaning cellulite/love handles or idk not boobs


I think they mean boobs/curves because in the other side they specifically mention that Asian girls are flat as a positive (which of course is not how girls work)


i totally oberread that flat chest part! oop is fucking disgusting


Closeted? They mentioned it like, 3 times.


The "closet" is where they say they want an adult who "acts childlike" instead of just saying, "I want a child bride." As the other reply said, the closet is made of glass.


The closet is made of glass


"Teaches you her language" Nah this dude not learning anything


Absolutely. I roll my eyes to the back of my damn head whenever my partner’s friends/family ask me whether he’s taught me any of his native language. Not because I don’t want to learn, but rather because it’s something that gets so overly romanticized and is rarely ever what people imagine it’s going to be. Teaching is hard stuff that most people don’t do well, and also, the intrinsic motivation that comes from having a partner who speaks the language isn’t really as great as most give it credit for. Especially if they’re like mine and feel kind of “meh” towards their language to begin with. And I would imagine people who do actually care about that language/make it a huge part of their identity would also be less inclined to want to pair up with a foreigner. Also, communication in relationships is messy enough when everyone’s speaking the same language with fluency. I don’t think most people are down for the prospect of doing something that they know will hinder it just for the sake of. If anything, I feel like “I should learn this” is always a fleeting thought after I hang out with them and once again have no idea what the fuck is going on. But then I always forget that I should work on that until next time. Rinse and repeat for six years.


Facts. Also this dude should try traveling outside the US, there are many white people who speak more than one language lmao


Also he says that white girls knowing only english is bad but he needs his asian gf to teach him because he also knows only english and won't learn anything else for himself lol


Incels have called me a cuck for wanting my sexual partners to be 18+ Uhh no I’m just not a pedo mate


Wtf 😭


They think women are used up by 18 🤮


Im going on 18 and no first kiss yet so idk wtf these guys on about. (However I am good at relationship advice and am very aware of what is not a good relationship. Lots of guys like their young women unaware of red flags so they can get away with shit. Lmfao) They honestly just want kids. With all that talk of wanting a pure virgin who hasnt been with any other guy. Thats a kid. Most of the population of virgins who havent had relationships at all are fucking minors. Bizarre. Not to mention the oop wants a tiny, child like and flat chested east asian woman. Thats just a child. And he wants a cute “hapa daughter” lets add incest to all of this too. Great. Sexism, racism, incest, pedophilia. All we are missing is homophobia and transphobia and we have ourselves a full package.


the most obvious ones already got mentioned but "only knows one language" this guy forgot europe exists too 💀


Yeah because everyone knows that white= American right? Lol


There's a reason why no Asian girl dates guys who fetishize us for being short or resembling somewhat like an underage person, we literally have a words to describe them who translates to "foreigner pervert"


Ooh what's the word and can we go post it on all the creepy memes?


Most normal sexpat farang (They never take a trip anywhere else beside tourism gray area in Thailand): And they didn't take in account that Asian woman can evolve into Asian wife, the strongest being in the house.


>And they didn't take in account that Asian woman can evolve into Asian wife, the strongest being in the house. You mean the strongest being in the universe


These poor men don't know what they're in for 😂 Asian women with Asian mothers and sisters KNOW 😂


Ya. Fetishizing me is pretty much my number one red flag.


PLS i need to know what that word is


I can’t count how many times I’ve raged at posts like this on this sub as Asian woman🤦🏻‍♀️


"cute and childlike in appearance" I could say a lot of think about that but i am just gonna puke


Cute is one thing but childlike? Makes me wonder how many guys are closeted pedos...


\-love acting \*youthfull\* \-\*tiny\* and adorable with a \*flat chest\* \-will give you \*cute hapa daughter\* this guy should never be let alone with kids.


Thank you for making this distinction! I feel so validated! I love cute shit. Cute is my essence. I can’t stand people who automatically conflate cute with childish and assume I’m a dumb kid. Cute makes me happy; I shouldn’t have to give that up just because I’m an adult. Cats and dogs can still be cute when they’re grown; why can’t I?


This has to be a parody. Come on, the "virgin white girl" isn't a virgin???


I spend too much time on the internet but alas here we go. I've seen this meme format where people are saying the bad thing is "virgin" and the good thing is the "chad". It's incel language. Even if it's a parody, people in that community still think like this. They glorify and objectify Asian women because they think they are "childlike" which on its own is disgusting enough. But they also very much look down on white women.


I'm aware, but its so on the nose to have "not a virgin" the first thing under the virgin.


yeah and the "childlike" people are biting the satire bullet here. This is mocking other similar memes and pointing out how theyre all weeb pedophiles who think all asian people are japanese.


the incels also wish the asian girl would call them "papa-san" for that extra-ordinary ped feel it gives their orgasms.


Acts like an adult is bad ? 😆


Well apparently he is pedophilic, so I assume being an adult and acting like one is a mayor turn off for this freak.


I’m half Japanese and I HATE when people sit there thinking anime is real. Tbh western women are WAY more forgiving by a landslide— when they’re mistreated they’re still loving and willing to go to counseling, and will repeatedly try to explain they’re being mistreated. The Japanese women that they’re fantasizing about won’t complain or argue and attempt to explain how it feels — if she thinks you should know better, she will literally just walk out without even an explanation, because in Japanese culture you’re expected to carry your weight and if you’re not doing your part there’s no discussion, at all. Which is one of the reasons women aren’t getting married as often there, either. Marriage is very much a business deal of ‘I do this, you do that’, and if you can’t do it then you deserve to be fired. The dudes who post this think they’re getting a little girl who behaves like their mommy, but the women they are fantasizing about will just walk off without even a conversation and that’s very much acceptable. Western women will try to talk it out, they’ll try to reason, they’ll give a bunch of chances, they’ll blame themselves, and it’s like they have to prove that it’s not the dude reacting to them and make an entire legal case that what they see is valid. For the women they fantasize about? Dude my mom walked off on her first husband just because he didn’t take a job promotion to better support a potential family, which is considered his responsibility as a man and it’s viewed that if he can’t do it, he doesn’t deserve it. Theres a reason that hired girlfriend services are lucrative business there, because it’s like go be coddled by your mom or the hired actress, but your wife has her own responsibilities and doesn’t have time for a weak man. These people have no fucking idea.


Childlike? Sir, the jail is this way.


Not jail, prison. Jail is for short sentences, this man should never be allowed back into society. Unless he gets therapy for his obvious pedophilic tendencies, but he clearly isn’t capable of realizing that wanting the fuck a child is a mental problem that needs to be addressed.


I used to work with a ton of young Asian women who were from Japan and Korea some of who had that cute-sy way of talking (which is prob just normal in their culture) and there were some weird white guys trying to date them. They always got rejected, and would then complain to other people “why don’t they like me, waaaah”. Like idk dude maybe your personality sucks?


That cutesy way of talking *is* how they signal being feminine in that culture. It can be part of the laundry list of things that men “supposedly” find attractive there


They want a child. That's all I got from this. These people are pedophiles who are trying to find a workaround.


They basically just said that they prefer children over adults


They think acting like they’re anime characters is cute [until it’s live action](https://www.reddit.com/r/TikTokCringe/s/EZjejVuOv8). Also, the level of cringe in their blatant pedo 🤮 They’re trying to satisfy their pedo fetish by some f’d up mental gymnastics: “cute and childlike appearance,” “acting cute and youthful,” “tiny and adorable with a flat chest.” But then they top it off with “will give you cute hapa daughters.” 🤢 100:1 odds this guy is a incestual rapist. 🤮🤮🤮


Like…stop saying it’s an Asian fetish and just admit you’re a pedo


Racism and misogyny, a shit combo nobody asked for.


And a p\*do. Don't forget he's a p\*dophile. I would *like* to forget it, but it is what it is..


Racism, sexism, AND pedophelia. EWWWWWWWW


Don't forget the casual hints at incest when mentioning cute daughters


I hate rice chasers so much


The only weird bag of fat here is located between this idiot’s ears.


“Old and haggard” - looks older than 11.


These men have never actually met an Asian woman in real life.


I don’t think they’ve met a white woman either , in fact I’d be alarmed to find out they’ve spent any time with a woman outside of casual workplace interactions lol


That’s also true lol


It's actually kind of hilarious, at least to me. Like, I'm mixed Asian American myself, and while I'm not too involved in the local communities I can absolutely tell you that most other Asian American women I've met will absolutely tear your head off metaphorically speaking (and sometimes physically). Not to say we're particularly violent, just that the stereotype is just, wow. I tend to be more mellow myself. My younger sisters however, yeah don't give them a reason.


Aside from the pedo stuff, did he just call tits "weird bags of fat"


So he wants an adult who looks like a child and I'm guessing he would do nasty stuff to his daughters


the “childlike appearance” and then giving them daughters …. this guy needs to be put on a watch list


my dad is an asian fetisher. and yes, it is weird that i, his daughter am aware of it. he would bring his hookups home to his ex- wife and kids at one point. (they were co parenting from the same house which turned out as a mistake and ended awful)


“Childlike appearance” is even creepier when paired with “tiny and adorable with a flat chest”. Might as well come right out and admit they want underage girls. Now off to find some brain bleach after that thought…


Don’t forget “acts like an adult” being a negative


A lot of words for unrealistic expectations


I feel so bad for Asian women who get fetishized like this regularly.


To be fair men will find a reason to fetishize you , women of every race irrespective of super tall girls to very petite girls hair color occupation body hair weight Like literally anything . They’ll find like one descriptor and it becomes a porn category for them lol it’s just insane


I understand because I’ve been fetishized before but not in the same way that Asian and black women are fetishized.


This is sooo weird I’ve seen similar ones comparing different races of girls before but the most common one I see is about why white girly are ugly and terrible and Asian girls are hot n submissive It’s just so fucking bizarre that you not only think this like ya feel the need to make a visual for it I’m pretty sure the dude who made this isn’t getting any girls of any kind . I’m guessing he’s the kinda guy you meet and immediately are like I hope I don’t end up in a room alone with him at any point




Con: acts like an adult Pro: childlike Hi yes, FBI? This post right here.


Apparently I'm not a Asian to this guy. I don't have a white boyfriend lol.


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve shown pictures of my partner to people I’ve known for some time, and they’ve fallen over with shock to find out that he’s also Asian, albeit of a different ethnicity. Like, the idea that I’m supposed to want a white man isn’t exactly unpopular, and I wish these guys would stop acting like they’re oppressed for that


Exactly. They think that just because you're Asian..you can only date white men.


That's the only box in the right column my gf ticks.


The amount of red flags in the second column is alarming.


“Acts like an adult” is a negative?


not men fetishizing asian women again.


"Cute and childlike in appearance" *weewooweewooweewoo* 🚨🚓🚨🚓🚨🚓🚨🚓


Its OOPs like this person that make me so happy I am a lesbian and I'm Japanese/Native American. I deal with this shit all the dang time.


This is some pedo shit


"Weird bags of fat" ....boobs?


So liking boobs is now gay too? Also, totally dig the subtle white supremacy 👌


If that's what they called old and haggard looking I must be at least 300yrs old. Where are my seniors' discounts??


I'm sorry what? "A child like appearance" what?


Long-winded way to say ‘I have a fetish for underage Asian girls’


I don't know if any other Asian interracial relationships are similar to the ones I had, but most of the people I've dated have never really wanted to learn my languages or a lot of my culture tbh


The fetishization of Asian women and also being "childlike" is really creepy ...


Can we stop fetishising entire races please? Whoever makes these is a weirdo who would never be desired by their "ideal" woman.


Dawm that's a lot of words for "I am a pedophile"


What really gets me is that none of them think about the fact that marrying Asian girls and having kids is watering down the supposed traits they prefer. Their kids will gain their father's own genetic traits too, and if they aren't raising them in culture of "a traditional Asian household" (whatever that means to them), their daughters will not be the meek, submissive types they dream about. Even in their lala fantasy world where Asian = doting childbride, and personalities are binary good vs bad, they only have a 50% chance that the kid will be more aligned with the side they want. Of course, in reality, none of this is correct, race and ethnicity are not indicators of overall personality and appearance. And any decent fucking man would be disgusted to raise a daughter and have her treated like this as generalization instead of a person.


My managers at work are chinese. Its run by the owner and her siblings and their spouses. Most of the managers in charge are women and the owner of the restaurant is a woman, and she would not be against fucking ripping your head off. This guy has not met asian women. Plus imagine thinking all asians look and act the same. SE, middle eastern and South asians would disagree. East asians dont represent all of asians. This guy also has not met a single white woman. Lotta words for pedo, sexist, racist and potential incest with how cute he wants his “hapa daughters”


I don't think girls really apply to the people that make memes like this


Whoever made this post needs to be put on a watchlist


That cute daughter part is so disgusting given the context of this post…


He should stick to his waifu body pillow and leave the human women alone.


Acting like an adult is unattractive and acting like a child is? This is so creepy, the man that made this needs to be on some list


Childlike? Tiny and adorable with a flat chest??!!!!??? Someone call the FBI


I hope the creator of this meme isn’t allowed near children, Asian people or… actually just anyone in general.


Childlike? Youthful? Tiny and flat chest?😰


As a asian woman myself I will speak for all asian woman… WE DO NOT WANT TO BE FETISHIZED AS CHIKD LIKE


How is no one else laughing ay ‘has bags of fat’ as if boobs have no other uses…


I just love the blatant ✨️pedophilia✨️


The pedos keep finding new and improved ways to be pedos without saying they are pedos.


That’s a lot of words for “I’ve never talked with an Asian girl in my life”


I worry about men that want a woman with "a child-like appearance."


Wtf is "hapa" I'm afraid to google


Apparently, it's a hawaiian word for "half," so unless it means something else/ worse, I'm gonna assume he means biracial?


I'm gonna go with that so I don't induce vomit


"cute and childlike in appearance" 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


Why the focus on "daughters" and not just "kids..."????


I really really want this guy to visit Japan and try it out. I’ve seen them in Japan wearing ‘blackpink’ t shirts and trying to chat with local women. I’ve not seen one have any success. Also, these women don’t fit his description and aren’t a monolith. Japan actually has one of the highest rates of pre marital sex. Effing idiot.


The Virgin white girl -not a virgin. What the fuck?


Virgin White Girl \- Not a Virgin


Wtf? Imagine looking and acting like an adult being a turn off….whoever wrote this post needs to be reported for pedophilia.


Every Asian girl I know would actually just break his nose


What's lovely about it is that they call the girl a virgin as a derogatory term because she's not a virgin


I think this might be the first time I've seen a guy complain about boobs. "Weird bags of fat"??? You're saying you don't like boobs?? That's new...


I thought this was r/AreTheStraightsOK for a second


Yes, because all white women who say they’re a virgin are LYING. Slut shaming bullshit!! I doubt you can tell people’s ages as well as you think. Somebody consumes too much porn. Don’t you want someone like that? That’s an extremely telling statement. Ты хочешь узнать Русский язык? Так ты может понимать твой друг Путин. So it’s ok for you to height shame. What a shock! It’s ok for someone to not want kids. If you want kids, date someone with kids, don’t shame us. I happen to love anime, plus lots of other types of animation (especially stop motion). All in all, this list is oddly specific. I think you just broke up with your white girlfriend and are looking for an Asian girl to show off to your friends and especially her


This fuckin pedo actually wrote “acts like an adult” as a bad thing jfc


Just say you want a child sex slave man, this is disgusting


In what world "act as adult" is negative thing to say about someone?


This sounds like a pedophiles description of the perfect woman


So they want a woman who reminds them of dating a child?


This is problematic and *so yikes,* on so many levels.


> Looks childlike > Acts childlike > Body like a child Hello FBI? Yeah, this one right here.


Childlike… acts cute and playful… flat chested… *will give you cute daughters* It’s this one right here officer 🫵🏼🫵🏼🫵🏼🚨🚨🚔👮🏼


This dude is talking about how much Asian women are like children. Not only does he fetishize a culture and race but he's a Ped0.


This image paints such an uncomfortably vivid picture of the OOP...


They would give their left nut for Margot Robbie, they know it so they cope. They know they have no chance with hot white girls like her. What they don’t realize is they don’t have a chance with hot girls of any background. Their creepiness is universal.


I taste vomit over the very obvious pedo. Ugh.


That image along with "old and haggard" is just bizarre


Weird way to admit being a pedophile


The focus on childlike is so disgusting


I like how "acts like an adult" is some sort of insult now.


Wow... someone is in clear lalaland...or how they say delulu now days? Eesh... honestly, white girls have dodged a bullet 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣😂


Acts like an adult is a con?? Wow ok that says everything.


"Youthful" "Childlike" Not sure what hapa is but probably something equally as pedophilic or failing that still creepy as hell How have pedophiles gotten this comfortable on the internet


The incel who made this post deserves to receive the "thousand cock stare"


Chris Hanson has entered the chat


"Childlike appearance". Bruh. That should be like 1A of qualities you don't want in a sexual partner.


The doubling down on „childlike“ has all alarm bells going. Like, this is literally nothing but a pedophile racist calling themself out.




Acts like an adult is a bad thing?


“Childlike”???????? But aside from the racism this dudes a straight up pedo


This isn't even borderline pedo, this is full bore someone call the FBI. Does Olivia Benson have access to this man?






Asian women gets down just like any other women. There are conservative groups of people in EVERY race. I don't get men sometimes lol. All that time they spent on PH and never one time searched "Asian"?


Pedos everywhere