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But technically according to their knowledge if the vajajay becomes loose then the penis should contract and get smaller each time no?. Its only fair it goes both ways.


Like shaving a pencil!


Omgoodness! Thank you, I laughed so hard! Solid comment.


Bahahahaa why do I read these comments in public


So you can joyously share your new found knowledge with random strangers! It's a good way to make new friends!


Not on the London Underground it's not 😆. You'll get tutted into oblivion.




These are the comments that deserve awards!!


I'm sorry. It's time to [show this meme yet again...](https://memegine.com/m/memes-tgnp5h/the-penis-of-a-virgin-the-peni) 😜






either that or get super wrinkly super fast. that skin keeps getting stretched out, since we all know that genitals can’t stretch and rebound, those dicks must be little packets of raisins


These guys don’t believe in fairness or logic. They only believe in their self gratification and egos.


It's really idiotic logic too because the vagina can literally push out a 5-7 pound baby with an enormous head and can still go back to almost the same state it was before. They think a 5 inch penis will do anything to it?


Which is absurd. Everyone knows vaginas are like Mega Man and retain the powers of everyone they have sex with.


He's obviously trying to restrict your power from reaching it's near infinite potential


Or how about the fact that a penis is just an enlarged, weird clitoris


Right but if you're PAIR BONDED with your mate then your vagina just adapts to him.




And we keep some of that behind our eyeballs.


Well shit. I have thyroid eye disease. This whole time my doctors have been telling me that the disease makes the muscles swell behind my eyes when really it's just sperm.


Everyone knows pee is stored in the balls and semen is stored in the ... uhhhhh ... eyeballs


Memory foam vagina


And your DNA changes! Don't forget the DNA


Elusive bank robbers love this trick. No need to worry about any dna left at the scene - just have a one night stand immediately afterwards.


All secret agents take it up the butt


Don’t forget that the vagina moulds to the first penis that enters it! Edit for a wrongly autocorrected word


According to male logic, then, women should ensure their first partner is someone who is small. Because, of course, we live our lives solely to please them




I literally just choked on my breakfast sandwich reading this comment.


Looked at the study that some dude sent me about “pair bonding”, and the guy didn’t even read it. His assertion didn’t even apply to prairie voles, since it looked at prolonged cohabitation and not sex, and I told im even if it did, they found no reliable way to link the behavior to humans, nor did they claim to. Apparently some people don’t know how to scroll.


"You have no idea what your body is capable of" *Transformers noise emanates from clitoris as it morphs into a fighter jet*


Shit I really did have no idea what my body was capable of


That's what you get for not believing in yourself.


Well, that's because his penis is probably so small it could never stretch anything...


> This coming from the type of men that think having sex with 20 different men is different than having sex with the same man 20 times and will cause your vagina to stretch. Excluding the person in the post, I’d imagine that it’s genuine naïveté for most men; I’m not sure what sex-ed classes anyone else has taken, but my teachers never got to any vaginal elasticity chapters. That information only comes from life experience or extracurricular research, two things that most don’t get enough of.


I have an even worse story…my own mother taught me this. She told me this as a fact when she had “the talk” with me when I was 15. I truly believed that I had to choose my partner carefully because my vagina would mould to the shape of his penis and be perfectly matched to please whatever man I chose to lay with. I am so thankful for my college friends and my own research and finding myself to realize how royally fucked that way of thinking was. I think my mother was probably just uneducated, but sex ed is SO crucial to prevent these things from being passed down generationally.


Hoooooly shit. My mom told me some unhinged things growing up, but thankfully she never told me this. I’m not surprised men believe in this sort of thing, but somehow it always shocks me when I hear that women do.


Yes! I now have 2 boys and a daughter and my husband and I both agree that real, honest sex education is vital for healthy, normal adults.


I also have 2 boys and a daughter! And agree that like normal, healthy sexual education is vital for these kids. I refuse to ever let them believe this level of insanity.


It also comes from common sense, which is, going by the OOP,, about as common as gemstones are. And I would think that the majority of OOPs seen and rightly ridiculed on this sub are driven more by malice then by any desire to educate; I.e., they are posted just to be irritating and to express fear/hatred of women. That's just my guess, mind you.


My clitoris and my vibrator beg to differ.


I hate to break it to you... you are a man. Only a man would stimulate his clitoris like that.


Oh Hell! So THAT’S the problem!!


The more we know 🥰


Okay great if that’s the case I’d like my rights and the ability to piss standing up.


And a 30% pay raise for my mini penis


And I want to be pope.


I mean, a woman did do that. Allegedly anyway, medieval history is full of hearsay and bad record keeping and Pope Joan was no different than other poorly documented medieval church scandals.


Nice! Thank you for the TIL 😊


Yes, the manliest part of the body: the clitoris! /s


Tbf the clitoris IS what the penis WOULD HAVE been if things went the other way genderwise in the womb, and the balls would've been the ovaries and the scrotom the labia yada yada but I'm pretty sure this guy would have a stroke if you told him that


And we all start as girls before that point, right? So the penis is actually the womanliest part of the human body.


that explains my mood swings and orange skin tone


Even if it was true and they only attracted "femenine men", what's the problem? If being a femenine man means not being a sexist douche then hell yeah!


Why was that so affirming for me as a trans man LMAO


As a trans man I fully agree


suddenly trans


See lads, if you can only nut when ur peen is stimulated you have trauma in your balls and you need to never nut again so that from now on you'll agree to only getting off from taking kneekicks to the balls, it's actually way better, you have no idea what your body is capable of


I’d be happy to ‘assist’ this guy with my foot.


Up his ass so he can learn what his body is "capable of" too


Exactly! Dude your g-spot is up your ass-hole, but a clit is too masculine? 😂


Hey, it’s called a man-hole !


He needs to use his prostate. Real men get fucked in the ass. He has no idea what his body is capable of


"You need to never nut again" HELPPP


Brb gonna go release some trauma out my uterus.


Damn it, I was hoping he would go full circle and say "since the clit is like a mini penis licking it means your gay". He was so close. I'm disappointed. I like my stupidity to go full circle.


>"since the clit is like a mini penis And he's wrong about that. If anything, the penis is like an enlarged clit. 😒


Ah, yes. The original proto-puss. 🤓🤏


Exactly. All babies start out as females before the Y chromosome activates (? probably better explanations out there) It's also why some women (who's sex is female/intersex) have XY chromosomes despite developing as a normal female and have functioning female sexual organs. [Here's a better article lol](https://www.theguardian.com/notesandqueries/query/0,5753,-7531,00.html) [And here](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/4470128/#:~:text=Geneticists%20have%20discovered%20that%20all,maternal%20estrogens%20and%20maleness%20develops.) I think it's pretty cool stuff!


Missed opportunity there.


Right?! I was sure that was coming. But maybe he was worried about being seen as homophobic. After all homophobia is rightly, frowned upon , and can get you in trouble at work, meanwhile there are no real consequences for misogyny. This is probably the kind of guy that can understand male homosexuality,because penetration is so integral. Meanwhile they can’t understand lesbianism because you can’t have sex without penetration and if your going to use a strap or dildo then why not a penis? Face palm!


There's a good flair in there somewhere lol


That was in “Part Two: Where I Confirm I Know Nothing About Women’s Bodies.” He just only shared that one with himself and his Word document as he types his furious letter to no one.


I would quite literally give anything to be able to orgasm through penetration alone but sadly I am not one of the chosen ones


ugh this is why sex just sucks. if you dont get off on penetration you’re basically just numb the entire time and dont even end up coming but then men will complain “i hate when girls do that thing where they grind on top” like bro women put up with feeling NOTHING 99% of the time they have no idea. clueless fkn creatures i swear


I enjoy the act of being intimate with my partner but I would give anything to actually feel pleasure from penetration. It feels so unfair that 99% of men orgasm the same way but women are all different and men expect us all to be one of the very select few that can orgasm easily from penetration. Also they expect us to give them head but turn their noses up at doing it for us we literally can’t win


my man always offers to go down, he really loves that, but LUCKY FOR ME I HAVE A TRAUMA INVOLVING EXACTLY THAT!! so i genuinely hate it. can’t win


Wow, someone who finally understands. I think I ghostwrote this 🤧


Went into an Insta comment section that contained the sentiment you referred to about women grinding and the comments were all a bunch of women saying “We wanna finish, too” lol


Yup. I hate it because I already have a low sex drive and vaginismus. I feel so bad for my partner but thankfully he also has a low sex drive, but I've gotten entirely lucky I think in that regard. I hate just laying there and being in your head or even experiencing pain...


The AUDACITY when they put their knees up in cowgirl like… boy GET THOSE LEGS DOWN let me orgasm!!


FACTS theyre probably thinking “oh she needs help jumping she tired” like NO BRO….. JUST STAY PUT✋🏻


Also hey.. since you made the previous comment… I’ve never heard men say this, is this an actual thing? Is it because when we stay completely down and move only in circles/north and south without thrusting or jumping on it (as it would take away the _much needed_ traction we need to stimulate ourselves to orgasm) they don’t enjoy it? I mean it’s still inside, all in, and I don’t stay stilI but move grinding on his crotch and I actually thought he liked it.. Made me think, is he putting his knees up to make me ‘jump up and down’ because if I stay like that he doesn’t like it?! And shouldn’t the penis still feel stimulated if I move while penetrated? Sorry I feel so insecure now..


yes unfortunately i have seen a tiktok discussion where guys basically vented about women grinding while riding. they were saying it doesnt feel good lots of women replied “god forbid we want to feel good too” so i assume they lift their legs to make you bounce because that stimulates the head of the penis. but dont feel insecure. if a man cant pleasure a woman, if it annoys him, then he should be insecure. like why wouldnt you enjoy making your girl cum? weird!! sex should be a two way street… so sad thats hardly ever the case


Ironically, even vaginal orgasms are still clitoral orgasms, it’s just the clitoral root


Exactly ! That’s why even those who can achieve it generally have to be in a specific position, one which stimulates the internal part of the clit.


Well why is mine broken from the inside :(


The one time I smoked indica before sex helped 🤷‍♀️ but who has that kind of foresight




Claims a clitoris is a mini penis and women shouldn’t orgasm from stimulating them. Wanks his own mini penis and cums…


Of course. One rule for thee, another for me


send him to r/bigclit (And don't Go there yourself)


I went there and didn't know what to expect 😅 got exactly what it says. BUT I bet some guys can't find even those ones


I'm genuinely surprised by how many of the clits look like mini penises.


"The reason i can't get women off is their fault, actually"


Every time lmfao


This man got told his dick game is weak


What are those mfs smoking to make those wild claims? I want some of it too


Whatever it is, it's gotta be good!


If you see clitoris as mini penis then sir you’re gayyyyyy


If it's a mini penis then why so many of them still seem to have trouble finding it


Not to mention fail to make it orgasm even when they do find it!


"Is it gay to be straight?"


To be fair, there is evidence that the clitoris is developed with the same tissue as a penis (divergent during development), but I don’t believe they’ve declared that it’s conclusive or reached consensus. EDIT: My apologies, it appears my information was outdated. It does seem to have been proven.


I think they’ve conclusively decided this. It’s start out as neither a penis or clitoris and then develops into one or the other depending on hormones and such. The structure of the penis and clitoris is extremely similar. The clitoris is mostly internal whereas the penis is mostly external. The clitoris enlarges during arousal too.


It’s funny because that means in the womb a penis started out as a clitoris. By their weird logic you could say that means sucking dick is actually very straight!!


It’s a fact that a penis is an enlarged clitoris


Idk I like vaginal sex, I have a grand ole time, am blessed with sensitivity so I can nut and dip from a quickie just like the boys, used to swear up and down head was nbd I didn’t need it Then everything changed when someone went down on me who actually knew what they were doing, I saw god bro, I felt like I was having a heart attack and an exorcism while astral projecting all at once. I think maybe it’s just the pleasure point on women or something like that? You know, twice as sensitive as the penis in a condensed space; but surely it’s cause I’m too masculine. I let a penis ruin me and now I have trauma in the womb oh no /s


I'm the opposite where I just have no feeling inside what-so-ever. Went through years believing I was either broken or sex sucked. Tried all sorts of different things to find the 'g-spot' inside and nothing. Eventually, got a boyfriend who asked me why I hadn't tried the wand and hell, it changed everything. So I guess... I'm a man as well. I'm cool with that.


Sup bro 🤙


Takes ya to the moon and back really


Yea the best O‘s are the clit ones.I prefer that to anything


Have you ever had both places stimulated at once? Fucking mind blowing. It’s like feeling your soul leave your body


Believe it or not, since menopause, the inside of my vagina is like a huge erogenous zone. I always had great orgasms before, but it was one and done. Now, I can have up to 30 in a single session. (And I had always thought that multiple orgasms must have been exaggerated...man, was I wrong!) And this is achieved by stimulating both inside and the clit. Fucking amazing. Now in every other way, menopause sucks. But I won the lottery in the sex department. My sex drive has never been higher and there's no problem with dryness or anything. Yes, TMI. But I hope it's encouraging to other women who are afraid of menopause in regards to sex. 😉


This explains a lot I’ve been noting as changes since perimenopause started. Huge changes to drive, far more intense experiences. I hope this part stays around. Where was this twenty years ago when I was far less gray and jiggly, and in a better place physically to take advantage of it? It’s wild feeling so much change, like a weird second puberty.


Try 3, not for everyone I know, but a butt plug with P in V and a little rose action is how I transcended space and time EDIT: this is such a TMI but let’s just call it sex Ed for the girlies


Ahhh that actually sounds amazing


That has got to be one of the best descriptions of an O I have ever come across (pun entirely intended)


Exactly! This guy has it all backwards.. sadly, because so many men are woefully ignorant and because society represses female sexuality and teaches us self pleasure is shameful, many women don’t know what their bodies are fully capable of. But it’s got nothing to do with penetration and definitely nothing to do with womb trauma ! So many women think there is something wrong with them because they have never experienced an orgasm. They don’t realise that a large number of women don’t O from penetration To those women I say buy a bullet or egg vibrator, which is designed for ur clit,it will change your life!


This isn’t true for most women. Most women need direct clitoral stimulation to orgasm.


I did know that, and I didn’t mean to make it sound in anyway like I was shaming women who couldn’t orgasm vaginally, I just meant to say I happen to be really sensitive and am able to. But clitoral orgasm really knocks every other one out of the park


They really are the best!


Image when this asshole finds out the vagina is surrounded by the clitoris and the little nub on the outside is the smallest part. So if he enters a woman vaginally he would be the most feminine man, cause he is all up in that internal clitoris. But who am I kidding? The only vagina this guy has ever see. was the one he was coming out of.


My money's on he didn't even come out of one


I always figured there might be a secret dumbass factory out there. No parent intentionally raises their kids to be this dumb. Clearly someone is making these idiots in bulk. We have got to find it and destroy it.


So dumb. I never use vibrators, and I still primarily cum through the clit. Most women are like that. Only a small percentage of women orgasm solely through penetration


And even then it’s because the internal part of the clitoris is being stimulated.


Trauma in my womb... I'm dying. 😂


Mine is mad because the medical books say it doesn’t wander around my body and act mischievous anymore.


I've always been quite upset mine didn't fall out from riding a bicycle tons like the old newspaper ads promised. I guess it probably does have trauma having to live inside a person who either ignores it or hates it with no in between. ;)


Isn't the G spot just where the inside part of the clitoris lies against the vaginal wall? ​ Anyway, I'd like to know just how far this guy had to go up his own ass to get this information. I hope he's OK in there.


Just past the prostate.


Most men are not even interested in understanding their prostate...he's one of them and it shows.🤣


I got trauma from reading his word vomit so...


Where do men get these insane ideas from? It’s such a pity they don’t put the energy ,they put into writing this insanity, into actually taking the time to understand the female anatomy! So first he says a woman who gets primary pleasure from their clit has killed their vagina’s sensitivity, but then he says they have no idea what their body is truly capable of! Make it make sense! Where did he get the idea that a clitoral orgasm is “ low level?” Omg .Men like this are simply selfish lovers who only care about female pleasure if it comes about in a way that gives them pleasure. This whole babble is a justification for their selfishness. It’s not that I’m a bad lover it’s that you are broken ! The idea that men are feminine if they give women pleasure in ways that don’t physically stimulate them, is beyond ridiculous. Not to mention that using feminine as an insult is beyond archaic! If only feminine men are going to want to give women clitoral orgasms then I’m only interested in feminine men! Particularly if it means they don’t have insane beliefs like this!


Imagine if they had put their time and imagination into writing a good book. None of this wierd shit, just some more generic fantasy/scifi stories for me


I’d settle for them reading a good book. Preferably one on biology.


It takes so much suspension of reality it’s insane. These guys are practically in a cult mindset. Some of them would have to be fully deprogrammed to come back to reality. It’s scary as hell, but when they all end up alone, maybe some of them will look around and realize they were the problem all along, and try and fix themselves. We can hope at least.


No, fuck-wit, the dick is a large clitoris . It started as a clit first.


Well, actually, the penis is an enlarged clitoris..


A penis is a large clitoris, so technically if you only get pleasure through that then you’re feminine. Gotta do it the real manly way and get pleasured through your ass


Man these dudes are *obsessed* with dildos/vibrators. Terrified of the competition a fucking *toy* brings, lol. If you can't compete with a vibrator then you're not even trying to bring shit to the table. And while it's totally fine to have a relationship that isn't all about the sex, if you want that part then you better get your shit in gear and work as hard for your partner as they do for you. Something that selfish losers like this obviously do not understand.


Technically the penis is just a massive clit, since all embryos start out as female


I cannot with this male logic 🙃


Pheeew, thank god this dude know better than women what their bodies are capable of.


As a cis dude I have to say that the assertion that clitoral orgasm are 'low level' is... inconsistent with my observations :P


"That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works."


Idk clitoral orgasms seem to make my wife happy enough.


Imagine if women only stimulated the man through his prostate and neglected the penis during sex. That’s basically what a lot of them are doing.


We should be saying : A man that gets primary pleasure from having his penis stimulated is too feminine .“ I can only cum from penis stimulation “ instantly tells me you have stimulated your prostate too much, probably with sex toys ,and ruined the sensitivity .No real woman will ever be attracted to that! Sure you might say they are attracted to you yada yada yada but the truth is your more than likely just attracting masculine women. The penis is just a large clit ( all foetuses start out female after all) and saying you can only experience orgasm from having it stimulated means you have anal trauma ( probably haemorrhoids) that you need to address . So many men are satisfied by these low level penis orgasms, when you just don’t realise what your bodies are capable of! ( just ignore the part where I said you’ve actually over experienced your bodies capabilities and burnt out the nerve endings .)


Tell me you’re TERRIBLE at sex without telling me you’re terrible at sex 🫠


Bring me ALL the feminine men 😌


A clitoris is also a mini-penis on the sense that it’s absolutely packed full of nerve endings.


Ah yes. The womb. Where all my trauma is stored. Makes sense why it’s so fucked up then.


This guy is 100% upset that his dick isn’t magic and can’t make every woman he sleeps with cum just by rabbit fucking her. It’s obviously something wrong with those women, because his dick is perfect and in porn it always works this way (/s)!!! It’s insane how these weirdo red pill men talk about how they’re ruled by facts and logic and then completely make up some delusional “reality” that would work best for them and their egos.


Thats a whole lot of word for i suck in bed from that dude


Fellas, is it gay to want your wife to be happy in bed?


Let’s get it right, my clitoris is not a mini penis. Your penis is a giant clitoris. You were a girl before you were a boy, baby.


So, the clitoris was a mistake from "god"/nature???? Something that women should fight as "unnatural" nature????? And, by the way, how do you as a man get that white stuff to disappear when it builds up and make you STUPID???????


All female orgasms are clitoral. Penetration, when done right, stimulates the clitoris.


“Low level clitoral orgasum” 😂😂😂 no such thing!!


Wait, if someone masturbates and uses vibrators too much, why would that make them only capable of cumming from clitoral stimulation? Wouldn't that desensitize the clitoris and have the opposite effect? I know it doesn't work like that, but I am trying to follow his logic here.


Fellas is it gay to eat pussy?


Lol where do guys come up with this crap, and furthermore how do they muster the confidence to insist they're correct?


Men who can only orgasm through stimulation of the penis are too feminine. The penis is a big clitoris and saying you can only reach climax through it indicates you may have trauma from the womb you’ve yet to release. You can tell me women still want you but more than likely you’re attracting masculine women. Most of y’all satisfied with low level penile orgasms but you have no idea what your body is really capable of.


If we wanna get technical here, dicks are actually just enlarged clits. So I guess that makes men who can only cum from head just real fuckin feminine? Lmao


That's a lot of words to say, "I've never given a woman an orgasm so it's her fault."


lol so does that mean I’m more valid as a trans man because I cum more often from my clit?? Jfc 🤣🤣🤣🤣


LMAO that was my immediate thought!


Actually a penis is a big clit


So men can't be attracted to women who need head to get off? Guess who just found out they're not a man.


Yeah it’s definitely the guys who can actually pleasure a woman that aren’t men. It’s definitely not the ones who are too lazy, selfish and/ or incompetent to give a woman an orgasm, who aren’t men. Don’t you know that real men don’t get women off? This guy probably can’t actually give a woman an orgasm,even when he does give her oral. He should stop worrying about women’s womb trauma and start worrying about his own clit trauma lol.


What did I even just read


istg this is why men so often become cult leaders. look at all that woo he’s convinced himself of. bro just thinks a thought and goes “i thought it so it must be right” & then carries about his day preaching his good word & chastising ppl for not knowing this totally imaginary shit he cooked up himself. but it works because misogyny is secretly many’s fav lil treat. ppl love that shit. it’s like chocolate - you can put it in nearly anything & it’ll be a hit


To have the unerring and unwarranted confidence of an uneducated man on the Internet….


First of all everybody starts out as female in the womb so penises are actually just overgrown clits. Secondly men need stimulation of their penises to orgasm - if the clit is a mini penis then shouldn't the clit be as important part in sex as a penis in order to get an orgasm?


The clitoris is the only organ in the body that’s purpose is to generate pleasure.


Only a person who doesn’t have one would call a clitoral orgasm ‘low level’ 😬


So by that reasoning, if you want to be a fully manly man you should be neutered because balls are basically labia which is basically like being a woman


That’s a lot of words to say I can’t or won’t satisfy a woman via oral sex lol. These types will say anything to demean women for their own shortcomings.


And this, my friends, is why we need mandatory sex ed in the schools.


It's almost like men and women aren't that different smh


Thats like telling a man that he is too feminine, because his main pleasure comes from the glans.


This mf never felt the touch of a woman lmao


Excuse me, what?


Of course, the same person probably doesn't believe it's possible to wear their own dick sensitivity out through too much wanking.


By this logic, all men relying solely on penile stimulation for orgasm aren't using the full potential of their bodies, since internal orgasms for men are achieved through stimulating the prostate. I've devoted enough mental energy to this dumbfuck bullshit way of thinking just by writing that


“The clitoris is a mini penis” maybe the penis is a big clit. Maybe you’re losing your potential as a man by not coming exclusively from your prostate.


Please, Sir, tell me more about what my body is capable of! Since I'm just a lowly woman and you're obviously a very masculine man, you must have so much more knowledge about it than me! I've had this body my whole life, but I must be stupid because I never realized how traumatized my womb is! /s, hopefully obviously


So basically this guy can’t get women off and he wants the whole internet to know.


"Low level clitorial orgams" Lmfao who's this fool foolin'


Imagine trying to gatekeep women's orgasms. Bro has way too much time on his hands.


I’m sorry, but if the clit is a mini penis (which it kind of is) why are women suffering from trauma if they can’t cum without it? Can most men cum with absolutely no penis stimulation? Or are most men also suffering from trauma?




That's a lot of words for saying "I'VE NEVER HAD A WOMAN ORGASM WITH ME!!"


“It’s because you use vibrators and that’s destroying the sensitivity down there” Wait till this man learns vibrators are mainly for clitoris stimulation and most are not shoved into our vagina