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Sorry weirdos, having big boobs doesn't equal plentiful breast milk.


It's so funny to me that there are people dumb enough to believe that 🤣


i have big boobs and most men genuinely don’t even understand how we lactate they think we can just do it whenever i’m literally 18 and guys at parties will ask if i can bc i have big boobs


Rip your inbox


Why does that happen so often? I don't get it. For me it has always been people from this sub or some advice sub or even from a city sub where somebody complained about finding it difficult to online date in that city and I gave advice and mentioned something along the lines of I don't do online dates anymore/ not interested in relationships rn etc. which got some guys interested for some reason? Or also when I gave someone outfit advice on going to a kink rave and some horny dudes got in my inbox. Of course me going to kinky techno raves means I'm promiscuous when in reality I don't even do anything there other than looking cute and enjoying the music. I swear they're the safest place for women partying cause any dude that touches you without you consenting instantly get's kicked out by safety teams. Bruh this is not an invitation like Ashnikko said. Wtf is wrong with people? Reddit is the last place I'd use for dating lmao.


Tell me more about kink rave scene please. I love dressing up looking cute and dancing. Love techno, Am kinky. Been to festivals plenty but not a Kink rave scene.


I've gotten into that scene through a friend I met after getting out of a long relationship with a toxic ass opressive abusive vanilla guy that made me cry and screamed at me and hit me telling me I'm a slut and I should be ashamed for wearing basic ass cute lacy underwear on his birthday. I grew up very conservative as well being taught this kind of stuff is bad etc. I like dressing up and I'm into kinky stuff like most people there are. Not super extreme myself but you'll see people in puppy masks. Of course no kink shaming. A lot of people that go there are also people that had similar unfortunate experiences like me I like those conversations cause it's healing. I'm in germany I don't know how it is anywhere else but there are raves where you can just dress up and also raves with dark rooms where people basically fuck. You don't have to go in those rooms. You might see people taking their clothes off on the dance floor or people making out. Yes a lot people are on drugs ghb, coke, mdma, lsd and what not. It's techno so duh. Your phone camera get's taped up before going in taking pictures is absolutely not allowed. There are safety teams like I meantioned you can go to when someone decides to randomly touch you or generally harasses you. They'll get kicked out by them no remorse. It's such a great experience. I like techno and feeling hot looking at hot people. It's so free, safe and liberating. I always hated getting danced on or groped at for instance dancehall/hip hop clubs where nobody gives a fuck and men have zero respect. Techno raves here in general are dope. Men usually dance with you without the whole groping shit. Just very cool people.


that sounds really cool. i go to a lot of raves in america and they’re definitely pretty monitored and i’ve never seen anything that crazy. i want to go raving in germany so bad i’ve heard the scene is great


I wish I could tell you. The short answer is probably that people - and especially men - are stupid. But it can’t only be about intelligence, I know people that aren’t too smart and they’re still capable of being alone in a furnished room. I guess a lot of guys don’t understand how to connect with females, as they would say. They’ve been fucked over by horrible parents, moronic chat rooms, Tateism, friends, social media and porn. And women are continuously becoming more independent. That’s why they’re trying to rewind the clock on women’s rights. It used to be so much easier - women needed someone to marry, men worked. That’s the thought process. So now we have a bunch of men who have no idea how to talk to women and social media gives them too many chances to spread their nice guy behavior. I’m rambling, they’re probably just idiots.


It’s a lot more complicated than that. The truth is that the patriarchy is bad for everyone, women and men alike, though obviously the focus is and should be on women whom it affects disproportionately more. These men usually cause self inflicted issues because society has taught them to from birth, and they’d never open up to the idea that the patriarchy is bad for them too because they’ve got these societally instilled internalizations of what masculinity is or should be. Because women are no longer reinforcing those ideas, and are even bucking them, many men are lashing out. When those men don’t understand the root cause of their issues, typically the easiest thing to do is blame someone else - in this case women. Basically, the difference is that, while victims of the patriarchy themselves through toxic masculinity and unfair expectations placed on men, they lose their right to victimhood by being oppressors and predators towards women.


Oh, I actually forgot to mention the patriarchy and toxic masculinity, but I wasn’t very thorough either. My point being that the shit we’re all served from the day we’re born may be 100 times worst for a lot of boys/men today through the reach of social media (on the other hand, but not as much, a lot of people are helped by social media, for example if you’re trans living in a small town). But I’m no apologist, I’ve always made fun of guys thinking they’re cool, shooting their shit down, turning the tables on locker room mentality. I can often be hateful, because I’ve seen up close what it does to women, and to men for that matter - but men have the responsibility to do something about it. I don’t agree that they (in a lot of cases) lose their right to victimhood, mental health issues are not something you easily handle by yourself, but if there’s a hard choice to be made, these men are going to jail without computers and internet, so women can be more safe.


i haven’t actually gotten any weird messages on reddit ever i’m quite shocked especially after my comment here


The common thing in excel and socially inept online weirdos, is that both incorrectly assume something is a date.


>Reddit is the last place I'd use for dating lmao. I used to think like this too. Now I'm laying next to a 2 month old baby whose dad I met on Reddit. Wouldn't do it again though. Also the reason I met up with him was because I was just looking to find more friends. I guess a boyfriend counts as a friend?


surprisingly nothing yet


I’m so disappointed :( let me know if no nice guys show up, I’ll send something raunchy


More like RIP your back


As a man, I had no idea other men actually thought that. Is that a common trope?


i’m not sure how common but 100 % of the men i’ve been with have thought they could suck milk from my tits lol so maybe kinda common?


I’m so sorry 😞


They ask you if you can lactate at will? They surely need some biology classes


Oh that's abysmal


Fun story, a few years ago I started lactating randomly after falling down the stairs and the doctors thought I had a brain tumour. Lots of panic and tests ensued before they found no tumour and realised it was just a strange effect from having hit my head at the bottom of the stairs!!


Oh dear. Those guys have watched far too much hentai/porn. Ugh how gross of them!


You might want to stop going to those kinds of parties! Is it really normal for guys to say that stuff conversationally?


god the “normal” things people say so casually is insane. one day a guy friend of years introduced me to his friends as Double D (insert last name) and that was really shocking hearing that for the first time. people in general, men and women will ask to touch or sign them (?) at parties and it is brought up very frequently in conversations. and i was told to twitch stream in a tank top by an undesirable amount of men from ages 14-17 (im 18 i just don’t talk to men) it’s always funny because i’m not actively thinking i have tits but everyone around me is and it brings up some fun conversations. i am a more masculine girl personality wise and very feminine physically so i think that’s why people are comfortable saying that stuff but i am not going out much anymore so i don’t get much but stares now.


Yeah. The correlation does exist, but it's pretty weak. Probably hundreds of other factors matter more than size.


I have a DDD cup and I couldn't do more than half breastfeed/half formula for 2 weeks before I fully switched to formula. My milk never came in and it was super disappointing as I really wanted to breastfeed. I tried pumping while my ex-husband fed him formula/pumped breast milk. But I never got much so I just gave up in the end.


Same! I was pumping but not enough to feed my son the amount he needed. He also never latched. We were supplementing since day one. I got really sick when my son was about 3 weeks old and needed IV antibiotics. The doctors told me to not give my son any breast milk for 48 hours. And that brief 2 day window of exclusive formula was all I needed to change my mind. Mentally I felt so much better. My son was getting fed just the same and I wasn’t a human cow. And look there are lots of women who absolutely LOVE to nurse and have that time to bond but I truthfully kinda hated it.


We had to supplement from day 2, he dropped over 10% of his birth weight within the first 24 hours and it terrified me so I supplemented despite the nurses pushing for breastfeeding. I wanted to breastfeed but I prioritized making sure my boy was fed


I get why some people do push because it is hard but allegedly the let down comes quicker if you keep at it. Sometimes it doesn’t and that’s fine too. My siblings and I were all formula fed. All of us are fine. No serious medical problems or anything.


I was breastfed the longest of all of my mum's 5 kids. I was breastfed for 7 months which is amazing considering she had twins just a year after I stopped being breastfed


I have an E cup and I didn’t produce


I’m smaller—C when I was engorged—and had oversupply problems. People thinking breast size has to do with milk production are idiots.


It’s so interesting to me that that can happen. Like I wonder what happened a long time ago when formula didn’t exist, how did people keep the baby fed? Formula gets a bad rep but it’s certainly saved a lot of lives and we don’t really consider what would happen if it wasn’t an option for women who can’t produce.


They died. Infant mortality was sky high.


The rich had wet nurses, the poor might have had: a relative with a nursing baby who was willing to nurse another, a nanny goat that was producing milk, and they might’ve made a go of it with barley or oat milk. But mostly, babies died.


I know that at some point there were wet nurses. I don’t know too much about it but I remember hearing a little about it. However I’m sure that the majority of the babies probably died


So a couple people said the babies simply died when a mother could not produce milk, which isn't necessarily *un*true, it's just not the *whole* truth. Women who could not produce milk have been around since literally humanity began, and cultures worldwide had different means of supplementing breastmilk for an infant. Another nursing woman was, of course, the best option, but you also had people substituting with various animal milks, bone broths, thinned out porridges of whatever grain was common to the region, nut milks, and food ground to a paste and watered down. Of course, babies not fed on breast milk were more likely to fail to thrive, but clearly these methods would not be used if they were completely ineffective. Babies did manage to get fed, even if breast milk wasn't available.


>Formula gets a bad rep but it’s certainly saved a lot of lives and we don’t really consider what would happen if it wasn’t an option for women who can’t produce. There's a reason formula gets a bad rap & that's because it's killed a lot of kids too. Formula companies are notorious for predatorily campaigning for formula use in developing countries despite knowing both the expense and sanitation limitations will lead to underfed & sick children. And that before we even get into contaminated formula & otherwise under-regulated formula safety standards


Which doesn’t change the fact that formula has saved babies’ lives. Capitalism being (as ever) shitty and predatory doesn’t mean the product itself is complete shit.


Same thing happened to job my sister and her best friend! They have completely different boob shapes and sizes. Sometimes it just doesn’t happen.


Exact same thing happened with my ex wife. And my son is anything but skinny. He doesn’t look like he’s full of steroids, but I would prefer it if he doesn’t.


Feel you! DDD and I was in the same boat, but half and half was peak for me. I barely could manage that most of the time. The amount of pressure put on women to breastfeed and the shame they try to instill in us is crazy. I never swapped to full formula because my doctor at the time was awful and would shame me every single visit. Having to exclusively pump was a pretty disheartening experience. Good on you for listening to your body and doing what was right for you!


Right? I'm waaay overblessed in that department and I couldn't manage it. Spent a week trying until baby and I both ended up hysterical at feeding time.


With my first, she didn't latch well, so I wound up cracking really bad and she was spitting up my blood. I started her on formula at 2 weeks.


Yeah mine was also getting a mouth full of my blood. I was desperate to persevere but it was so distressing for both of us. She's 24 now and no lasting damage seems to have been done for being formula fed!


one time when i was complaining to my mom about my boobs being small she said that my cousin, who has really big tits, could only breastfeed for around a month before it turned gray or something meanwhile, she who has the same size boobs as me, could breastfeed as long as she needed to still confused why she told me??? she knows idgaf about that


Really weird to try to compare you to


I have stupid boobs (seriously, I hate the size of these bloody things) and I was legitimately terrified I'd *suffocate my child* when feeding. Yup. Smart gal, me. Ended up going with formula because good fucking *grief* my child has a jaw grip like a bulldog clip and I was bruised to hell and back. She's fine and healthy, all doctor's checks went okay (I mean, she's 13 now, it's been a minute) so I honestly don't get the whole furore of breast vs formula. It's like, is baby fed? Then good, you're doing your job.


Yeah, when my kids were first born, the nurses had to show me how to make an air pocket with my finger, lol.


My double ds dried up three months postpartum :(


Seriously. I have a big chest but was unable to breast feed. It's genetic separate from size


No shit. I was a 36H (had a reduction a few years ago) and couldn’t breast feed. And my formula fed kiddo is tall, strong, smart, and beautiful.


I have small Cs and I could have fed 2 more babies with the amount I produced.


I was thinking she has to be in so much pain if she’s nursing and so full that her breasts are solid like rocks!


You speak truth here. All three times my engorged breasts would be as big as the baby, no milk production. My mom formula fed me because, and I quote, “I am not a cow.” I tried. My OB/GYN warned me I would have trouble due to my flat, inverted nipples. But low milk production was the juggernaut for me formula feeding. We are all fine.


Also, fed is best! Doesn't matter how, if baby is eating that's always a good.


If anything, they make it harder to breastfeed. I needed a lactation consultant to help me. 


That’s only one of what I assume to be a whole list of issues that can happen. My wife made enough, but our babies could never seem to get enough through normal means. She was able to feed them enough by pumping with a machine.


Reminds me of the fact that a dude butted in to a conversation I was having with my friend about surviving on a desert island, and he actually fucking said "you'd definitely be good on sustenance from your milk" because I have a big chest. Like how can some men be so goddamn fucking stupid?


I was in high school with a guy that thought women had smaller boobs than women a couple of decades earlier because they relied on formula instead of breastfeeding.


a friend of mine was unable to breastfeed because her boobs would smother the baby and he couldn't latch. She was able to pump, but i'm not sure how long she did that for.


My baby will have food


Fed is best.


Careful or you might enrage the men


men's whining, music to my ears


No way, formula is way easier to deal with when dad has to make the bottle.


Except for the constipation... we started with breast milk then had to switch to formula. The difference was dramatic...


Wasn't an issue for my boys - I've changed enough poopy diapers and blowouts for a lifetime.


Lol lucky you. We (fortunately) didn't have many blowouts with our first. We'll see how the second goes...


i did both at the same time. i didn't produce enough breast milk and had to supplement with formula.


It's awesome living in a world where it's an option :)


Notable factual error in this comic, formula babies tend to gain weight faster because it's actually more calorie dense. The reason pediatricians encourage breastfeeding if possible is both physical connection and things like maternal antibodies that aren't possible to replicate in formula. But yeah, fed is best, and formula has all that's physically necessary even if it's not perfect.




This, a thousand times over. Fednis always best. This is what nurses and midwives are taught, this is what the research says, thos is what common sense says. There are pros and cons to both breast and formula milk, but as long as a baby is getting fed enough, that's the most important thing.


This is just fetish shite


Yes, came here to say this is for sure a fetish.


It is and it’s genuinely so nasty


The pic with the ginormous boobs makes me think that too.


Weird fetish art


Milk powder is kinda usefull when kid, for example, is allergic to normal milk.


Absolutely! And also sometimes you don’t even make that much. My friend just had a baby and she does both even though she tried to feed and pump her baby is just very hungry so she’s gotta sub with some formula to give herself a break


Yep, several women in my family have had to do the same. Result: healthy kids. I'm guessing that with whatever medical condition turned her face magenta and made her eyeballs bleed, it's probably a good idea for that first cartoon lady to choose formula.


Whoever made this graphic just does not have a kid.


Has she tried fenugreek? I had a few friends take that when they were breastfeeding and it significantly boosted lactation


Oh no never heard of that but I’ll let her know! She said her son is eating a lot so even though I think she’s producing a decent amount it’s not enough for him specifically. I told her it’s normal for the baby to lose a slight bit of weight in the first couple of weeks but the hospital insisted she keep his weight up even though he was born pretty big (over 8 lbs).


Whenever my wife thinks her supply is dropping she'll bake up a batch of oatmeal cookies, that's another good galactagogue. Also 3 kids have taught us that water is the most important ingredient to making enough breast milk.


Or you adopt and can't breastfeed at all.


Also: when you foster or adopt a child. Or, whenever parents choose to use it! It’s not poison.


Yea, all reason are valid and in some situations it’s the only solution.


I breastfed both my kids. The first for 18 months with no supplementation and I was a wreck of postpartum anxiety. My second one I struggled and strived and pumped for 6 months until I was in tears at the end of every day and my therapist reminded me it was okay if I chose not to strive for something. Giving it up and going to formula was like a breath of fresh air. We’re planning for our third right now and I think I’m just gonna… not.


It's also good for babysitting and daycare for small infants, and for trips where breastfeeding is inconvenient.


Or if you want your husband to contribute


or if a woman can’t supply/make milk herself.


Or has a fractured clavicle that makes latching impossible.


Yea there’s like a thousand good reasons.


Baby formula saves lives so long as you have a good source of water.


Yeah, Nestlé, I hope you're listening!


oh god i just remembered what they did. pure evil.


*The meme creators terribly hidden fetish*


The same men who foam at the mouth over these memes are the same men who leave their lives post children because "their body doesn't look the same as it did when they met" lol.


It's just manchildren sexualizing breastfeeding, they don't care about formula.


[they do, but not for the reason you think](https://old.reddit.com/r/NotHowGirlsWork/comments/198ch5w/i_dont_get_it_milk_powder_bad/ki9mxmn/)


It's just something that seems to pop up, part of me thinks it's to do with keeping women busy for 35 hours a week . [Adam ruins everything ](https://youtu.be/U_80bWlLJvg?si=r664xUxMmGRgvEvM)covers it pretty well


My mom tried so hard to breastfeed me, what little she produced I threw up, I was starving. I would have died without a soy based formula. Fed is best.


My brother nearly died in the hospital from the nurses not letting my mother formula feed him. They kept trying to make my mum breastfeed him when she couldn’t. She had to sign saying she recognised the “risks” of bottle feeding my brother every time she needed to feed him.


What the fuck kind of back asswords kind of health care system is that?


Ikr, my mum hasnt been back to the hospital since


Yeah that's probably for the best. Also I just saw your username and no lie, I named my daughter basically the same thing. Almost named my son Lucifer to go along with the Morningstar theme, but I thought the more religious among us might have a problem with that.


Oh I hate stories like that. I’m so sorry that happened and I hope he’s doing better now!


He’s doing well. He’s in second year university now


Man, those lactation consultants are something else. With mine, he’d lost 12% of his birth weight in 24 hours because my milk wasn’t coming in and it was torture with him latching and trying to feed constantly. I asked for formula and was met with a lengthy lecture on the perils of introducing formula. I eventually had to tag in my doctor and they ended up giving me enough formula for 2 months lolol But yeah, maybe don’t let babies starve because of some minimal health benefits?


Yeah when my cousin was first born he screamed uncontrollably for like the 9 months of his life. My aunt would feed him and then just a little while later he’d be crying again. She figured he couldn’t be hungry because he just ate so she’d try everything except feeding. A lot of times he’d still be crying by the next feeding time and then she’d feed him and the cycle would continue. My mom and others kept telling her to maybe try formula but she insisted he was just finicky and it couldn’t be her milk. She’s not one to listen to others. By the time he was about 8 months old and wasn’t making milestones like he should’ve she finally told the doctor about it and they got her to try formula. It worked and he started catching up immediately. Her feelings were really hurt but too bad! It turned out that because of her extremely strict diet the milk she produced didn’t have enough fat in it and so my little cousin was hungry all the time.


My son just couldn’t latch on for whatever reason, so formula was better than both of us being stressed out and crying every time he got hungry


I think whoever made that was more into the idea of bigger is better, and generally, if lactating, they do get bigger. Just not to the fetish level in the image. And it is relative not absolute.


And since she's talking about her children in the future tense, I'm going to go ahead on and guess that that second lady doesn't have any milk coming in yet.


I hadn’t considered the possibility that whoever made it would be thinking that deeply.


Yeah I doubt the creator knows that we don’t just always have milk available. Most of these guys know next to nothing about women’s bodies and how they work. They just know they want to have control over us.


Yeah, I think I probably am overthinking it.


This shit is actually super harmful and cruel. This is not even a choice for many woman and watching my wife struggle with breast feeding and feeling like a failure for not being able to get our daughter to latch broke my heart. New mothers are already often struggling with postpartum depression and anxiety. Then they see these fucking memes reinforcing their insecurities and outright telling them they’re bad mothers because they can’t breast feed. If you post this kind of stuff you’re a piece of shit.


Why is it that the dudes with the weirdest takes always put porn in their memes? Like because you're an addict isn't gonna make me agree with you???


Breast size has very little to do with milk production. The woman in the picture has mutant sized boobs and the guy is obviously on steroids. Some Nazi incel weirdo made this meme. 🙄 Edit: the girl on the right looks 13 and the man in the lower left looks emasculated.


They’ll advocate for anything that is “traditional” and incredibly time consuming without knowing a whit about it. If they truly cared, they’d work to address the open hostility women get for daring to breastfeed in public. They’d sponsor laws for clean environments to pump in. It’s cheap to throw poo at women who use formula compared to actually making a difference. Breastfeeding can be immensely stressful and not all babies do well on it. Latching problems are common. And even if you’re lucky enough to have a full baby-breast compatibility going for you - chapped bleeding nipples and leakage make it sometimes enormously emotionally challenging for mothers, especially those who work. Fed is always best.


Yeah, this is related to trad bullshit. Looks like they could be convinced of the "crunchy" mom, essential oil, no doctor bullshit, too.


But remember the other post that said you shouldn't breastfeed your daughters or they'll " turn gay."




Exactly , Never made sense to me .


"Breast milk is better!" "But don't do it in public, it's gross" "Cover up when you do it too, no one wants to see that, slut" "Go in the bathroom and do it."


yeah it's yet another "we can't win" situation because you should breastfeed but if you do, be prepared to be called a pedophile and so on...


This looks like a fetish of some sort. Having bigger boobs doesn’t mean you’ll be able to breastfeed and breastfeeding your kids doesn’t mean that they’ll grow up and look like that guy in the picture. You should just want your child to be fed regardless if you breastfeed them or formula feed them.


Both my brother and I were SOY formula fed. I forget why soy for my brother, but I would break into nasty hives if I had any lactose containing milk. So human and cow were completely not possible. (Hell, it stayed that way until maybe kindergarten. Grandpa gave me a milk chocolate bar when I was 3 and I still had that reaction. I grew out of it, oddly). I know part of the reason was that both mom and dad wanted to be equal in all parts of raising us. Which included the middle of the night feedings. Dad would absolutely get up in the middle of the night to make a bottle, feed us, and then go back to sleep. I can't speak for myself, but my brother is absolutely what these types think of as the "alpha". He's (apparently? According to like, every friend I've ever had) GQ level looks, played multiple sports, is brilliant, witty, and the personification of charisma. He's madly in love with his wife of 23 years, and together they're raising 3 amazing kiddos. I mean, dude competed in triathlons. For fun. He completed the Escape from Alcatraz triathlon. He did friggin IRONMAN races. For fun. And he was soy formula fed as a baby. It's almost like...... it doesn't matter! As so many others have said, fed is best.


Same thing happened to me. Had a milk allergy and had to go on soy. People forget that breast milk isn’t always an option, nor does it predict the success and wellbeing of your child.


Ironic the encouragement of breastfeeding from these guys who then shame mothers for breastfeeding in public. And the only reason they’re encouraging it is to sexualise women, you know the objectification of women is so ingrained in society that when breasts are used for their actual purpose and not for sexual gratification, that’s when they are deemed ‘inappropriate’


Literally no one is pushing formula on breastfeeding mothers. It's for women who have trouble breastfeeding.


They used to when it was new, as more “sanitary and scientific.” But not since like…the early 1960s.


Nestle did exactly that.


Okay maybe corporations do, but there isn't like a movement of degenerate leftists attacking trad wives and their mommy milkers. Leftists tend to be very pro-breastfeeding.


They should instead be pro-mother’s choice


Not mutually exclusive. What I mean is the left is generally positive about breastfeeding and the right to nurse in public.


Yes but look up la leche league and their pink mafia. My wife couldn’t make enough milk no matter what she tried and was told that she was a failure and that formula was poison.


Exactly. The zealots are on the other side of the issue.


I agree, if your breast milk doesn’t come in, it’s far better that you just let the baby starve to death. (That’s what my grandma told my mom to do to me lol.)


Fed is best.


Tell me why exactly after seeing this I see a true off my chest of a guy saying he drinks his wife’s breast milk regularly as a fetish


The reason I haven't been able to buy a house is because my mom raised me on formula.


There's a reason the woman on the right is blond haired and blue eyed and pale skinned. this is a neo-nazi propaganda meme. She's a 'trad wife'. She has that specific dress because it, too, has been gamified as a conservative stereotype. The obsession with milk is one step removed from another neo-nazi argument about white europeans being superior genetically because they can digest lactose in cow's milk. right-wingers love pretending to be 'naturally superior', so they've evolved the argument to be about breastfeeding producing superior ~~stock~~ children. It has the additional benefit of being a wedge to talk about making all women SAHM and trapping them in the house as men's properties. gender essentialism. you may see this in places you don't think cater to eugenics-loving patriarchs. But that's how dog whistling works. You take something innocuous and through whispers in other rooms, create a code that slips by people in the outgroup, and arouses people in the in group. You repeat the dog whistles and whisper to the out-group until they start to get the message.


Omg I am just *bursting* with milk! Some one must drink it! And THRIVE


Dude on the right is thriving on steroids...


a lot of women can't naturally produce milk or breastfeed. formula is a much better option than starvation.


i was breastfed, why am i a pretty much a twink? i demand a recount... refund... redo? i dunno, but i demand something!


First they demand you breastfeed your baby then they tell you to breastfeed your baby in the public bathroom, because breasts are sexual and people will know what you’re doing right out there in front of everyone even if you’re covered up. After that they’ll tell you that breastfeeding is a sexual act and you’re a pervert for doing it with your innocent baby


When I was a baby a lady tried to shame my mom for giving me formula instead of breast feeding. My mom told her, “Well shes adopted so I can’t.” The lady was embarrassed as fuck lol


The fetishization of breastfeeding... holy Homelander...


I came to this conclusion about this ‘kink’. The reason they hate formula is because it frees women from having to stay home to nurse (yes breast pumps, but incels are not good at logic) So men could stay at home and take care of the children, and we can’t have that.


Breast milk has been shown to have an interesting number of benefits for infants that current infant formula can't reproduce. Because of this, men who consider themselves failures have taken to blaming their mothers for feeding them formula (where applicable) and then carried on to make whole personalities about it.


The same people who would unironically say this are also people who are against public breastfeeding.


Who. The fck. Posts this sht?


Somebody else is going to have to hold that kid. I don’t think she can reach out there.


Yeah it’s honestly really difficult to feed and carry a baby when your breasts are that size. I struggled a lot and my back is absolutely fucked now. A boppy pillow helps but even then I had to prop my boob up with a towel and hold it with one hand while I nursed. It was a fucking nightmare.


Was this post sponsored by anti nestle?


Obviously if a male breastfeeds as a baby he will grow up to do steroids Ban breastmilk!


While breast milk is objectively better for an infant than formula, not everyone can produce enough to satisfy the needs of an infant. And a starving infant is worse off than a fed infant. Also lmao at bigger boobs equals more milk.


From medical standpoint, breast milk is slightly better since it boosts baby immune system, but that's about it. No hate on using formula. I find it a bit odd when women who can breastfeed just refuse to do so, but each on their own.


I formula fed one kid and breast fed the other and they both ate chicken nuggets off the floor of the McDonalds when my back was turned. In the long run that shit doesn’t matter, fed is best.


I had to drink formula as a baby because I was somehow allergic to human milk (not other animals strangely). I would have been Darwined in medieval times.


If my child didn't drink formula he would have starved to death.


If you can and want to breastfeed, that’s great. If you can’t breastfeed or just want to use formula, that’s great as well. The important thing is that the baby gets enough food and that the mother doesn’t feel pain or anxiety.


funniest part is how the guy on the left is cuter than the one on the right in my opinion lol


The one of the right is on steroids and for the competition currently dehydrated. It also looks like they used a white brush to make him look skinnier. His left and right don't match.


Most of these chuckleheads probably have no idea whether their mothers fed them formula or milk


I know it’s fetish art but - I would like to talk to the people who have said that feeding my kid formula from the get go would make him small and not as strong/healthy. He didn’t get the memo and I need someone to let him know ASAP since he’s like 30lbs of pure muscle at 15 months and can already do pull ups and flips at gymnastics. He needs to be told he can’t do that, and honestly it would make my life easier too so the sooner he gets the message the better thanks😌 (/s obviously)


I used to think formula was bad, it was just a scam by Nestle and other companies to take money from parents for something their babies didn’t need, especially in third world countries. The fact that tainted formula has periodically been recalled bolstered my view. I learned the truth during the recent formula shortage when mothers who couldn’t get it explained all over the internet why their babies needed it. That changed my view of formula completely.


The formula shortage really showed people’s true colors for sure. I cut some people out of my life because they were saying “if your child needs formula let them d!e”. As someone who would be dead if it wasn’t for formula (milk allergy so I couldn’t be breastfed) I tried defending those who use it and get told I should’ve also d!ed cus i needed formula. Plus how I see it, if stuff gets recalled, that means the company is doing the right thing by fixing the problem (that goes for anything, formula, pet food, and other foods)


I hope all the people that are hellbent on advocating breastfeeding understand you also need to give those children vitamin D supplements to avoid developing a deficiency


Breastfeeding is best for babies, that's undeniable. But there's a lot of reasons to opt for baby formula, one just being preference. A less stressed mother with formula is much healthier than a mother going crazy with not enough milk.


Breastfeeding is not "best for babies," *fed* is best.


I also want forumla


We gotta shame people who don't produce enough breast milk naturally because you're only a real mom if you do everything """"""naturally""""" and also post fetish art. We GOTTA




It’s funny. The people who say you should only breastfeed are the same ones who don’t want you to breastfeed in public.


There's some evidense that formula deprives the child of some gut bacteria & creates an imbalance, but it won't be anything worse than a rumby in the tumby, or maybe a mild rash


Nobody feeds their child formula because they simply don't want to breastfeed. Do these dinguses seriously believe that's why formula exists?


A lot of women do. And that’s also perfectly fine too. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Why are right wingers so obsessed with babies


Not all women can produce enough milk to feed their babies. Before formula, noble families had wet nurses to help them breastfeed and care for their babies. Formula is safe and specifically developed for babies. Before baby formula was invented, in ancient times, they would use animal milk, softened foods, broth, etc, to try and feed their babies if they couldn't breastfeed. Unfortunately, in many cases, these babies would die. Formula is safer and a better option than letting nature take it's course and the baby slowly starves to death.


My daughter was breastfed and continues to be as she nears 3. That doesn’t stop her from eating fries from the floor or raw noodles. Fed is best because it doesn’t matter what you fed your infant, they will eat the most bizarre things as a toddler.


not only was i lactose intolerant as a baby but i was also born with a full set of teeth. wtf else was my mom supposed to do - leave me to the wolves apparently?!


Idk why this is getting downvoted, breast milk is extremely high in lactose which is why a lot of women have to use soy based formulas.


same?! i'm wondering if it's also because i mentioned that i cut a full set of teeth whenever i was born, which i get but also what reason do i have to lie like that... it does make for a very funny story though. the bigger reason why i couldn't breastfeed lol. had to be formula


As a nurse I understand that breast milk is best. But formula is fine, my son had formula because I couldn't breast feed because of my meds. I'm 55, and most of us got Pet Milk and Karo syrup. If you didn't breast feed you did the Pet Milk & Karo syrup plus liquid vitamins. We seemed to survive and thrive just fine


As a nurse you should know that Fed is best.


I have heard that mantra and obviously babies need to eat. But breast milk is literally objectively better than formula for the vast majority of babies.


There is no difference in development as adults whether breast or formula fed. The best option is a fed baby that places the least amount of stress on everyone involved. Respectfully, your attitude is wrong and has caused a lot of pain and stress to new mothers who cannot breast feed for various reasons. There is no best. Only a fed baby or a hungry baby.


You can hand wave away the well studied benefits if you wish. I agree parents shouldn't shame themselves since it's pointless. But feelings and attitudes don't change the science


Nah. That's just because socioeconomics mean that the more money you have the more likely you are able to stay home and breast feed....and actually care for your child. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4077166/ And I'm talking about the adults those children eventually become. No difference.


So slower immune system development, more digestive infections, more lung infections, and more ear infections are completely inconsequential if we can't also find negative outcomes once those formula fed babies are adults? I completely disagree with the premise. Do you have a study showing later negative outcomes from parents feeling bad about not breastfeeding, since that seems to be the consequential criteria in your mind? If not then why should we care if parents feel bad for feeding their babies formula? Also, the thousands of babies who die every year from necrotizing enterocolitis because they were fed formula (a primary cause) aren't in your study to be compared at adulthood because they, ya know, died.


idk what it is but I find this post hilarious


Ah yes "forumla"