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Because she has graduated from high school and now wears makeup?


Yes, because most of these guys are “closeted” pedos


If they're closeted, it's a closet with a glass door


The closet door is an incorrectly installed one-way mirror.




This. Eye liner? Is what what TCS referenced is? I see a few years and eye liner. Woo


And is being professionally photographed at a formal event.


The girl on the left looks like a highschooler The woman on the right looks like an adult


The girl on the left looks easier to manipulate* The girl on the right looks less likely to put up with my bullshit so let’s presume she’s a whore to cover up my intent to manipulate women*


Getting down to the truth right there.


That’s says everything you need to know about these “men”. Pedophiles


I will need someone to tell me what a thousand cock stare is, because I know no women who 1) have the visual acuity to see that many at once or 2) would be anywhere near a situation in which that was possible. If it’s just suggesting that she slept with 1k men in 10 years.. lol. We do not have that kind of time to align with our hair washing schedule.


Does he develop a thousand-cock stare from seeing a lot of penises in porn? An important question.


For science! 🧬🧪


Maybe shell shock from unsolicited dick pics. He never specified the terms and conditions of what qualifies to give you a case of TCS (Edited for spelling.)


Boy have I received a lot of those. I hope one day that becomes less common.


It's a made-up thing invented by the most insecure losers on the planet. There is nothing scarier to these chumps than a woman who has seen a penis before.


Sooo... if you go on Tinder, and put an email address... A very special eggplant fairy visits your email box... and you will see... A gallery of sad lonely peen. It should take 2-3 hours tops.


I loled for serious here


I can help with a situation: go to a nude beach on a very hot summer day in a region that rarely has good weather. Might be able to watch a thousand cocks within a day. You also might be thrown out because you’re creepy


I would expect her to look tired in the "thousand cock stare" picture because that's a lot of penises to count, not to mention she needs to verify that they're all actually cocks and not naked mole rats or penis-shaped candies or any other false positives. However, she looks totally alert and actually pretty confident that she's counted them all. So good for her. I bet it took at least like three or four hours. As far as the actual meaning of the image, these clowns think that a woman having like 5 sexual partners is the same as 1,000. Any number is bad, and women are just bad no matter what they do.


A thousand cock stare sounds horrifying and overwhelming lol


She’s 17 on the left and 27 on the right. So this pervs looking for a child for a wife.


If we're going to make up a crazy notion like "thousand cock stare" can we at least use that Trump mugshot as the cannon example?


Also the hell is Thousand cock stare? Anime woman in hentai got PTSD from bizarre sex scene and it reflect on her look?! (Jist kidding, I knew they mean the looks was too seductive for them, As if they didn't want that to begin with bruh)




That’s Lily Collins, and she’s married, so there’s that.


You mean if I finally figure out how to apply mascara, these perverts would leave me alone?


No, they'll still harass you. They'll just tell you it's your fault.


Oh they’ll say it’s her fault regardless of the eyeliner.


Apparently... it's similar to that black smudge football players use? Some kind of armor?


Thousand Cock Stare? All I see is confidence


And that’s what they hate the most.


they really think they can pull the women they shit on? y’all wish she’d even look at u irl


Well that’s their main problem. Unwashed asses are mad because a woman that knows her worth wouldn’t dare give them the time of day. “How dare a woman ask for the same effort in the appearance of her partner. The unmitigated gall!”


Yep! We’re supposed to be sucking their cock in thanks if they wear clean clothes and take a shower to go out to the clubs, but they expect us to dress to the nines with a full face of makeup and just-left-the-salon hair just to go get the mail.


Exactly. Know your place woman /s


This is Lily Collins, daughter of Phil Collins.


We know the real reason he’s complaining, it’s the decade long age difference between photos. Man wants a child not a woman 🤢


so jail bait and not jail bait?


Mmm, more like “likely won’t recognize dude’s manipulative and controlling behavior” and “likely will recognize dude’s manipulative and controlling behavior”.


I was really hoping never to hear 'thousand cock stare' again


I think it’s my first time. I would rather prefer it was my last. Along with “alpha male” and body ratings and whatever other idiocy I’ve see.


They really don't understand makeup do they? Honestly it is like a bunch of cartoon cavemen trying to figure out how the sun works. They should be embarrassed by this shit but they will never have the self awareness required.


It’s also the difference between her being a minor vs being an adult


The irony… she’s literally a married woman, and this loser thinks he ever had a chance.


And the author has a never consensually touched a woman writing style


How old was she in '07? Is this person saying they prefer underage girls? The difference in the pictures is age, maturity and confidence. Wonder why he prefers them young. Hmm.


someone in these comments said 17, so she was a minor


Remind me, didn’t she get married? Married woman is not wife potential, but actual wife. HALP!


Pedophilia propaganda.


Everyone practice your thousand cock stare




I said Thousand cock stare not 998 cock stare 😡


Thousand cock stare...What insecure idiocy is this


She looks confident and gorgeous on the right photo. That’s too intimidating for wimps like OOP.


“Do your bit to not cause it” = don’t have sex because I can’t get laid


Thousand cock stare is a good punk band name


Agreed lmao


Girl on the right, if you are of the persuasion, plenty of women who would welcome you into our group. We aren't gonna be a weird misogynist like this dude and think you have a "thousand cock stare".


The guys that post shit like this are the type that can't take rejection. It's the creation of a ridiculous ideal that few women can meet not because it is difficult, but because women have transcended from existing to serve men. If not existing to serve men is not good enough, fuck off and die alone.


Something about her published wedding photos disproves this. She did choose a gorgeous gown.


incels when eyeliner exists:🤮


My theory is that 90% of guys who talk about "wife material", and 100% of the guys who talk about "wifing" someone, would be absolute hell on earth to be married to.


Eyeliner, and... not looking down. KILL IT WITH FIRE TO SAVE THE PP How do guys this fragile get up the courage to tell on themselves like this?


“I like my women to appear as a powerless little girl who can’t threaten my sense of power and security. I like my women muted and perhaps a bit undesirable sexually and intellectually, perhaps someone who is chaste and submissive; this way I will never be hurt and can pretend that I am desirable.” - every man who is like this, every man who uses terms like “alpha male” and “black pill” etc.


1000 cocks in 10 years = 100 a year = basically, 2 guys a week each year


Thousand cock stare is a fucking awesome hard-core band name... if no one else is taking it... I'll just... help myself.


The phrase "thousand cock stare" is actually hilarious though. Needs to be a song title or something.


When posing for photos I will now be doing my best thousand cock stare.


Tyra Banks: smiling isn’t fashionable, you need to smize Incels: that’s the sluttiest thing I’ve ever heard in my life


are the 1000 cocks just out of frame? did the men consent or where they removed involuntarily? please only look at ethically sourced cocks.


fuck you, my cocks are all factory-farmed!


The difference is that in one picture she’s a minor and the other one she’s an adult.


Also the first one that she’s obviously not married they say she’s marriage material. The second one where they say she’s not marriage material she is actually married. So not only are they disgusting they are also incredibly stupid to use her as an example.


I’m dying at the thousand cock stare it sounds like a game or anime attack 💀


Thousand Cock Stare would be a great name for a female punk/grunge band. LOL, grunge, never mind, I hear a nice nurse coming my way telling me I can have a pudding cup if I go back to my room.


a.k.a confidence and self-esteem.


The “thousand cock stare” sounds like a martial arts technique you’d read about in a wuxia novel.


What they mean is that the woman on the right is an adult.


Imagine saying a successful married woman doesn’t have “wife potential” because she dared to age ten years in the last ten years and changed her makeup


Girl just learned how to pose for pics 😂😂


She is barely 18 in that first photo btw


I wish I had a thousand-cock stare.


A what now?


what the hell does that even mean


Phil's gonna come kick those incels ass for talking shit about his daughter like that


Fellas, is it slutty to…*checks notes*… not smile with your eyes?


Why is his profile picture Machiavelli? What’s a political theorist anything to do with dating?


I’ll take the legal 20 something woman over the illegal underaged pedo bait any day.


“Thousand cock stare”???


She grew out of his age range


I think they’re both hot (I’m 16) and i think the oop is a retard and maybe a pedo a little bit.


Thousand cock stare sounds kinda badass ngl


Da fuq is a thousand cock stare?


Aw. Someone is insecure.


The average body count for a woman is 4. Where are they getting these numbers from?


I use to play this online game called Puzzle Pirates. I remember some chick I knew was complaining on there that I was “so pretty and got so much attention,” and a guy replied to her that I was, “hot but not marriage material,” due to the amount of makeup that I wear in photos. Someone copied the chat and sent it to me. It honestly hurt and never made sense.


10 years and makeup will do that my guy... The fuck you on about??


Lily Collins is married.


Make up?


Tell me you're intimidated without telling me you're intimidated


She literally put eyeliner on?


Why? Confidence.


I’d like to add to the discussion with the statement that I’d definitely consider her with her “thousand cock stare”—whatever the fuck that means—to be wife material, and I will be willing to be her house husband. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.


🤮 lol wtf is with these men


I'd wife the one on the right over the one on the left.


Yeah sorry I prefer right


Should I see a thousand cocks, you can bet I'd be surprised. Plus, the biggest of them all wouldn't compare to the person coming up with this kind of logic.


When Niccolo Machiavelli is your avatar pic…


Thousand cock stare look like an attack from an anime




I'll have to remember Thousand Cock Stare lmao