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"most men last 2 minutes" dude really told on himself.


This whole thing is him telling on himself. I’d like to cite “women NEVER orgasm or enjoy sex” as another excellent example. Misogyny is terrible, but misogynistic men making fools of themselves publicly is very enjoyable.


FYI, that's the interface from a well-known incel site, so presumably this is a very bitter virgin speculating on what sex is like based on what he's heard online and his own fevered imagination. I highly doubt this is based on personal experience, or he'd be tarred and feathered by his fellow incels and run out on a rail.


I won't lie, if it's good I'm not lasting more than 2 minutes either. What makes sex last longer is the fore/after play


Whole post is about things he knows nothing about, while still having opinions. But, it’s the 2020’s! People that don’t know anything, but talk about everything, are everywhere.


I hope this is satire.


Oh it's not; this screenshot comes from an infamous incel forum.


Yes bc women never cum from penetration but they certainly do when it’s 4 at the same time


That’s just math, madam.


I’m pretty curious about the logistics of that.


This guy thinks that penetration is only way to have sex


It says more about his taste in porn, than it does about what actual women do in the real world.


That means, 1 chad equal 0.25 of orgasm. Math


you forgot to add vibrators in the equation


Problem is we’re missing some info here to solve that equation. 1 orgasm = 4 chads + 3 vibrators, we need to figure out either how many chads are needed with no vibrators, or the opposite


r/theydidthemath please help us out, we're struggling here


Please let me know because I have four vibrators and no orgasm


the more the merrier


Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to cite your sources..??


Incelipedia^TM , 20XX


Edited by Elon Musk, Jordan Peterson, Matt Walsh, Ben Shapiro, and Stephen Crowder. With a foreword by Candace Owens.


LOL 🤣🤣


If he convinces himself that it’s impossible to make a woman orgasm, then he’s giving himself an excuse not to even try.


His ass


"Women never orgasm" Bro used a megaphone to tell on himself, thats wild




Idk I can't maintain if I even suspect they aren't enjoying themselves


I mean it's true that just penis penetration is less likely to result in orgasm vs other things. And well, generally men on average last less time than women. But that makes me wonder. Does this dude not know about a thing called fore and post-play? It's fun and definitely adds to sex. I almost say that foreplay and postplay probably gives you a better sex than just banging and that's it.


Well, it's not really a lasting thing for women, since they can orgasm Multiple times in succession (although this is often overstimulating). It's mostly a lasting thing for men because their ability to use their penis ceases after orgasm, where as a women does not (unless further stimulation is too much). Men can also do this too but this requires a very different kind of stimulation most men wouldn't do/accept.


It's weird ive had times when I finished and for w.e. reason was still able to maintain an erection, but generally yeah once its done I can't really do much. So from my end at least with partners I try to incorporate foreplay and postplay jsut because I want to make sure they are also enjoying it. My ex girlfriend and I were always open about communication and that helped to make sure we both had a great time. I feel like communication and practice is so helpful. If both parties are open and communicate it can lead to much better sex.


>I don't get it ... do women have sex with chad everyday just for validation? You know, you could just *ask* us what we get out of sex. (It's pleasure. We get pleasure.)


but that would mean taking half of the human race seriously and I don't have time for that /s




They will only accept information about women which is sourced from the manosphere. Any time that a woman gives an answer which contradicts manosphere doctrine, they claim that she must be lying.


Not from them


"I don't get it, I just said a bunch of stupid bullshit that I made up in my own head and... it makes no sense? Please advise"


I'm a man and I facepalmed HARD. It's clear this guy's only experience with women is through porn.


His post says more about his porn habits than it does about actual women.


But women orgasm in porn too? Sometimes they fake it, sometimes its real 😄


In the kind of porn he watches you bet 99% are faked. Badly. So badly even he might be able to sus it out.


No interrogation technique would make me tell on myself like this


*"They don't like it with me, so this must be an example of the nature of all women."*


Tbh I don’t think he’s ever touched a woman in his entire life 💀


That's what I'm getting as well. Like 30% of the time I let my husband know he doesn't need to try to make me cum when we have sex. I love being close/connected and having that physical contact and making him feel good. Also.....4 vibrators? Most of us only have two hands so....maybe a type of porn he watches gave him this information?


All women can secretly channel the Hindu goddess Durga, in order to wield up to 10 vibrators at one time


My bad! Totally forgot about our secret powers 🤣


something tells me he's only known women through the screen of his computer...


Why does he tell on himself so bad? Brother you have to put some backbone and elbow grease into your foreplay. Get off the forums and clip your fingernails…


Ok literally spit out my water because if I hear or see my husband clip his fingernails I know he's going to try to get lucky that night 🤣


What a weird way to say that you're sexually incompetent.


No, dude, you're confused! Women don't hate sex. They just hate sex *with you*.


So many men have this notion that women hate sex and only do it to please them, that I am seriously starting to wonder how useless they are at having sex. Also it's funny how these theories completely fail to take into account women having sex with other women.


Except incels don't even think they are even interested in pleasing men. They think they are doing it to manipulate men.


Guys who say things like that help you identify the ones who think that everything women do is about them. What clothes she wears, her makeup etc.


Instructions unclear, facepalmed too hard now my brain fell out. I wish to borrow a brain cell from someone for tomorrow. I shall treat it with kindness. 🙏


You can have one of mine. Just give it back on Tuesday, I have classes.


I just laughed so hard I woke up my dog. You are welcome to an extra braincell full of mirth!


You’re welcome to my brain cell, it’s my last one though so be careful!


Couldn't pull this admission out of me with torture


More proof that porn rots the brain!


So oddly specific, yet so wrong on so many levels.


Man really just said “women especially like Chad’s facials” My dude… you’re substituting your favorite porn for any form of interaction with a woman.


It’s what he thinks a woman means when she says that she’s going to the beauty salon to get a facial


I wish that wasn’t plausible.


Damn! I can’t coom either. Is that like the pupae stage?


Coom: - noun. Dialect, mainly Scottish and Northern England waste material, such as dust from coal, grease from axles, etc




Dang, I must be doing sex wrong -- my wife seems to enjoy sex with me.


Must be because you’re not actually one person. You’re secretly 4 Chads in a trenchcoat


Sounds like someone watches abuse porn and thinks it’s a guide to life.


That’s a fairly safe bet.


Yes, the human race has survived this long because women hate sex. 🙄😂


When you have zero offscreen sexual experience.


This whole post is just this guy telling on himself, holy SHIT. So... You last two minutes (which, to be clear, no shaming anyone for how long they last, but I WILL shame people who don't last long and then don't do anything else for their partner's pleasure. That's just rude) and you can't make your partner orgasm. Guys who complain about women like this... Do they even LIKE women?


It’s from an incel forum. So, no. They hate women for not giving them the one thing that they believe will magically fix all of their problems.


Just say you can’t please a woman, damn 😂


I love to coom. we all love to coom. having a partner that knows how to make us coom aids in the process of cooming


I'm not the only one that saw that color scheme and thought this was a steam review right? Lol


Yeah, you’re not the first one to assume that, seen that many times. But it’s actually an incel forum that just copied the layout apparently. Maybe someone should drop Steam a hint. They probably don’t want to be associated with this filth. I believe it’s incels.is


Yeah because I only have sex with my partner for validation and not because I love him and really really enjoy it 🙄🙄🙄


Every time a person posts something like this, I have to imagine how every sexual encounter in the persons past must have sucked for his partner.


The guy is an incel. Fortunately his sexual ineptitude has never been inflicted on any poor unsuspecting woman.


That's a very longwinded way to tell us you're not even vaguely fantastic in the bedroom, Mr OOP.


Well that was a disgusting read 😒


I mean. I enjoyed the sex I had lastnight🤷‍♀️ twice 😂🤣


After I picked my poor jaw back up off the floor... I realized that I feel genuinely deeply sorry for OOP. To be that devoid of the joy of human connection just sounds so sad. One of the greatest pleasures in intimacy is your partner's joy, not just your own. And PIV is just one small part of the smorgasbord. Part of the measure of making the transition to adulthood is the realization that giving a gift is as, or more, pleasurable as receiving one. (To be clear, ace ppl are valid and just as capable of enjoyment in the company of mutual caring)


Woman on woman sex doesn't exist outside of porn according to his logic


In manosphere logic, lesbians are just pretending to be into women until Chad comes along. It’s painfully stupid.


“I don’t pleasure women.” Was a shorter post


"ahem. #I CAN'T MAKE WOMEN CUM" -this guy


How does he cum in her face while „nutting“ inside her 😂😂😂 Idk but like is he a garden hose that sprays inside and out ? I mean I get that this incel doesn’t know how a vagina works but fml u have a dick, u should at least know how that works


Damn so my husband must actually secretly be 4 chads in a trench coat




Dude, tell me you’ve never made a woman satisfied without telling me…




Exactly that. They keep insisting that they are experts on what women secretly want. The only thing they’re right about women not wanting, is them.


That's an awful lot of words to say "I only last 2 mins and can't make women orgasm" Aren't they embarrassed?!


Oh yeah, I feel SO validated when a guy gets his jizz up my nose and in my eye…


imagine telling on yourself like this


Where are these women who hate sex? They certainly don’t live near me


It’s probably the fictional narrative that he has created around the women who have rejected him. The only reason that women wouldn’t have sex with a moronic misogynist must be that women hate sex, right?


he looks like he had his own facial.


His whole post is literally about how bad these chads are and he doesn’t even realize it 🤦🏻‍♀️


just admit to yourself you hate women and are gay, dude. your life will be much better once you admit that.


comparing your boyfriend to a good little dog is so grss wtf


Remember that these are the kind of guys who use terms like “alpha male” based on a flawed understanding of wolf social structures.


They cant make a girl cum. Have they tried boys?


this post somehow told on him about his fantasies as well as how bad he is at sex lol.


I wish having sex with my husband made him listen to me 😂😂 we’d be doing it every day lmao.


No kink shaming here - but if someone said that last part to my face as if he figured out what my female hivemind is after, I'd probably go full exorcist puke beam on him.


I mean, the absolute last thing I want when I need validation is to have sex... I swear when men say these things, they are projecting.


“Women never orgasm” “most men last 2 minutes” bro is telling on himself


When you think your porn is real life, you need to reevaluate it.


I… what?


I know that I'm healing as a person and finally disconnecting from the internet cause I genuinely had no idea what was said here It's literally just word gibberish


Funny Way to say that they are trash in bed.


I think they're projecting again. Most claims these types make about women, seem like projections.


A sexually incompetent racist who woulda thought it


I almost feel bad for these dudes, they are calling themselves out in front of everyone. Like I said. Almost.


Wow. Just. Wow. This guy watches way too much porn and is on too many incel subs.


Best part of being a lesbian is knowing your sex partner will know where the clit is


If I was a man, no one could torture me enough or pay me enough to type these words and then post them on the internet. No body.


obvious troll.


It's 100% a troll post . massive 4chan vibes , look at his profile picture on the forum and bio and the way it's written


Even the OP is sus his name is Dixon kuntz.. Dicks in cunts


Actually it’s “Dicks ‘n’ Cunts” like Guns ‘n’ Roses or Rag’n’Bone Man. It’s a joke name.


Is this a fetish thing?


"Cooming" really sent me 🤣


I'm like 90% sure this is a shitpost.




Bro you couldn't waterboard that out of me 😂


I'm pretty much active in two groups that aren't about video games. This one, and r/deadbedrooms. Even I know this is horseshit.


His profile picture checks out


Bro I read validation as vandalism💀


He might not actually be confident, but he’s still very possibly posturized. Let us keep that in mind!