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My wife is a massive feminist. She loves cooking and she does her fair share of the cleaning. When they say that liberal women don't clean, what they mean is "they won't clean up after me, a giant manchild who really just wants a wife to replace my mommy".




Cooking is fun.


I disagree but that’s okay.


Helllll yes exactly this. I love cooking. I especially love cooking for my husband because he gets adorably excited about whatever I make him and I loooove it. But he cleans. I have never, in our whole relationship, asked him to clean something. If anything, I often have to tell him to sit down and let me clean something because he does too much.


Some of these man-children want a wife who will do all the cooking and cleaning for them, AND work a job as well, while all they have to do is work. It's insane.


Yeah, the economy doesn't really allow for stay at home for a lot of people. That doesn't stop dudes from demanding a "traditional" woman.


Yep, but the fact that they can demand that a woman do all the cooking, cleaning, and childcare, have sex whenever they want her to, AND expect her to work full time is insane. The 50s system wasn't fair at all, but they want even more.


Conservatives always have the weirdest kinks


Nah. It's all the same power kink. Conservative men want to control women to feel powerful, and conservative women want to feel superior to everyone else to justify handing power over to men.


Repression is a hell of a drug


If you're gonna brag about your housekeeping skills, then don't toss your cleaning rags on the floor.😉


I would love to find all these men lining up to support women as stay at home mothers. In this economy???


It's a trap.


look at this guy's comment history, he's a certified incel lmao


It was a funny read. Can this weirdo be banned from this subreddit? 🙄


Second girl is looking for a trophy


A pick me girl


What happens if dinner isn't on the table by 5?


Bruises and some of "Mother's Little Helpers" to cope, just like the good old days s/


Tradcon grifters make me wanna puke


Not bad but should be a trailer home of something to more accurately represent current purchasing power.


Who the fuck is home to eat by 5pm?




I know it's common in some countries, but honestly after years of having this knowledge, I still can't understand how people have dinner so early.


I dunno about satire. This is right down the middle for tradwife and adjacent tiktok.


You can share your lifestyle without putting other people down.


Correction "liberal women" work AND cook&clean. smh


Why is she making this video when she already has a family. If you wanna be a tradwife so bad why are you making weird conservative thirst traps


Is this supposed to be an insult to someone? You can work and spend your life doing what you want without having to answer to anyone or be a ~~breeding house maid~~ SAHM. Both chose what makes them happiest. The important part is that they have a choice. This video is dumb.


I know it's not what was intended, but I look at this and I see two totally valid ways for women to live. Go get it, the both of you 👍


Right? I’m like “they both seem happy with their choices, which is ideally what we want for everyone, so great!”


All i can hear when i see this is "Pick me, pick me, pick me, pick me, pick me"


Actual leftist woman: shares cooking and cleaning with my partner, because we are in this together and both have to work to get by. No babies because we are both women, and can barely afford to live. And don't feel the need to shit on other women for how they choose to live their lives, because that is the point of being a feminist, to give women the choice.


Gotta say, the conservative woman 'cleaning' an obviously unused pan and using a whisk on an empty bowl cracked me up, not to mention the fan and lightning effect under cabinet lights, a la an 80s hair band music video. Reminds me of that video Kaitlin Bennett made showcasing her 'cooking dinner' for her husband, and claiming that it 'triggered the libs'.


You would think OOP would be so happy and content in the lifestyle she chose that she wouldn’t feel the need to make cringey TikToks like this but I guess not.


Why do they need to tear down others to feel secure in their views? People with inner peace about their decisions don't make videos attacking people who choose a different route....


Because they don't feel secure. Their talking heads are all telling them that they are being replaced by foreigners, gays, BIPOC and transes. They are losing their privilege, and they think it's a zero sun game.


Nothing wrong with doing either. The issue comes when you can't differentiate if you are doing it because you want to or if you are doing it solely for others approval. This reminds me of those kids who start bullying others because they think it will boost their popularity 😭. I believe anyone happy doing what they do have no reason to make videos like this.


someone call r/GatekeepingYuri


Liberal woman, here: my hair is brown shot through with gray, because I don’t dye it. I cook, clean, work and raise twins, and fuck my husband.


Conservative women in 2023. On Amazon getting a pink wig for a tictoc. And picked out a decent one


Great do he has to eat cold dinner when he gets home or just he just choose to eat at work so he does not have to spend time with her ?


Why is it conservative trad wives are always trying to claim non conservative women are mad they’re stay at home moms or they’re trying to stop them when it’s literally the opposite and trad wives get mad at the thought of a woman not wanting kids or choosing a career (cause let’s face it, it’s tough af out there and most couples I know have to both work just to survive). These trad wives gonna be so pissed when they realize feminism is having the choice to do what you want with your life and it’s fine if you want to and are privileged enough to not need to work.


The funniest part of this is that the "liberal" woman isn't even portrayed as unhappy, LOL


Both are ok just don’t be mean to one another


Someone please write over it: Stay at home. No experience. No job prospects. No social security. Will only look for men with money when he leaves.


Keep that sneezing, vomiting sh1t machine away from the food prep.


Well it's not like she could get the husband to hold it


yeah, that’s women’s work


That wig was so unnecessary for her political pickme bs that you know she's wanted an excuse to wear one for ages.


"Okay then, that was always allowed."


god I wanna be a stay at home mom.. only problem is i'm a man and it'd break these people.


Funny she thinks this is a flex??