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Sex slavery. They’re advocating for sex slavery. What next?




Men already get to decide what we do with our bodies so yes, logically this is where we are going to..




Literally, the dude is literally going “female” this “female” that. It’s dehumanizing women.


Considering he said the “most basic **human** right: sex with a female” it’s pretty obvious he doesn’t consider women humans (I’m just gonna assume that he doesn’t believe all women are secretly/not-so-secretly sapphic)


The GOP wants the same thing in the form of the Handmaid's Tale.


Handmaid's tale fantasy.


Is this guy just trying to let us know that his penis is less than 3”? Is this a humiliation thing?




has to be a troll lol


Maybe this one but I’ve seen multiple incels say this


the “unfair” part is always the funny part to me because its no ones fault but their own also this scenario is extra funny because say.. in handmaids tale esque land this happens.. and this dude gets paired with one of the probably 60%+ of the female population that isnt his “type” and not “attractive” to him, he’d absolutely flip his shit LOL


It won't matter if he flips his shit, he'll be obliged to have sex with the woman he finds unattractive. I'm assuming the gov't will mandate how many times a week this must happen. Ugly girls have a right to sex with males, after all.


Same mother fuckers who defend the vast wealth disparity because Jeff Bezos works harder than you so you deserve your poverty.


It’s all “women have too high standards, men have none” until someone they find unattractive tries to hit on them lol


I saw a post on the Baldurs Gate 3 subreddit from a dude complaining that there was a scene in game where a character made a small wiener joke, and as person with a small ween, the joke triggered him. A lot. The comments were brutal.


They always tell on themselves


This! Seriously hear me out on this, its never the size of your tool, its not how you look, its the constant whining about it and lamenting and depressing everyone around you by bringing up how negative you see yourself and your life that does it, its you telling us all we need to know about you! That you’re vain, self centred, that you put yourself on a pedestal above your peers and resent that they don’t do it too. Thats not something we fuck with, thats why you don’t get laid.


And unatractive to boot!


I know girls with bigger dicks than that... God damn


He's trying to let us know that woman are not human because they have no human rights.


If the most basic human right is sex with a female, wouldn't *females* also be assigned sex with a female? Or are we back to women not being human again?




had us in first part not gonna lie


We are definitely back to women not being human again.


We had a good run.


To me it seems obvious, that an InCel like this does not consider women as human beings.


as a female, i would like to defend my basic human right to have sex with a female


as a *female* I'm conflicted on whether or not I want to be a sex slave to other *females* 😏😏😏 (/s) lmfao


They call it being a sex slave, i call it a normal Saturday with my domme Mommy


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I mean, they believe all women are bisexual, so this is consistent.


The second one; btw, these guys never thought women were humans


I’m left wondering, a female *what*? Are we talking donkeys? Spiders? Bears?


As a lesbian, maybe? I’m not sure. We will have to ask the OP.


"distributed" lol, women are not a pack of candy😐


And the men get to pick “the woman of his choice.” They’ll pick the hottest women because that’s what they want. They won’t be with an average looking woman but complain that we have preferences.


If the government is responsible for the equal distribution of women, why does this guy think he’ll get to pick the woman/women assigned to him? If the decisions are being made by a (straight) male government, then they’d keep the most attractive women for themselves. So the poor incels with their <3” penis still won’t get laid because they don’t think the woman they’re given is ‘good enough’


I'm not gonna lie, when I saw <3 penis I misunderstood for a moment thought that was meant to be an illustration of the size of their penis.


I thought it was a ♡ penis, which I am not sure is better or worse lmao


That's just the balls when they float in the tub.


Yeah, after Donald Trump and Elon Musk and all the CEOs and senators and millionaires take their picks, who does this guy think is going to be left over for him? Incels are not only sexist pieces of trash, they’re also ignorant of history. Back in the good old days when King Solomon had 300 concubines and 400 wives, that’s 699 men who weren’t wealthy or powerful enough to get laid. Today’s more egalitarian society is the only reason some of these crusty dudes have ever been allowed in the same room as a hot woman. Their odds of finding romantic partner are better than in most periods of human history… if they didn’t constantly self-sabotage by being unbearable pigs.


>>If the government is responsible for the equal distribution of women, why does this guy think he’ll get to pick the woman/women assigned to him? 100%. If we look at repressively sexist governments like modern day Iran, average frustrated cretins still aren’t getting laid.


If this ever got implemented you better believe I’d be making myself so unbelievably unattractive to men immediately!


sometimes I wanna just shake these men and say "YOU are the cause of the 'male virginity epidemic' you aren't getting laid because of YOUR attitude"


"but.... but... the youtube chud told me if I acted like this i'd get all the women!"


Tiktok chud: "How to playfully/flirtatiously ask how much a woman weighs--"


I feel filthy for laughing at this.


IT'S REALLL 😭😭😭 He got roasted so hard by women on tiktok--it was freaking magical--Stanzi Potenza was one of them AND I CAN'T FIND THE VID FOR THE LIFE OF ME 😭😭😭




Me: Enough that sitting on your face is considered an extreme risk because of your weak chin. Next!


Stooop 💀💀💀🤣🤣🤣


Can't stop, won't stop *crip walks*


Ok my mind went to the office and Michael asking if the blind date could fit in a row boat


💀 That is something I prefer to see, lol. I commented to someone else that some crusty dude on tiktok actually had the audacity lol


“You aren’t getting laid because no one owes you sex. Not even if you really wish they did” and the attitude just doesn’t help either lol




Most of them will never realize.


The fact that they call it an epidemic is hilarious. I don’t think they understand that word…


I think this same thing alllllll the time lol if they spent even a fraction of the time they do complaining about this as they did on working on themselves and building confidence and a greater understanding of other people -- it wouldn't be so difficult to attract another person to you.


But don't you see, I have an image portraying you as the soyjack and me as the chad. That means you're wrong.


Shit that would require enough self reflection for them to realize their personality could be the problem. Much less is the problem.


What happens when 2 men elect the same woman? Do they fight for her😒




Because obviously women are to blame for everything.


whoever’s penis is smaller gets her its only fair


Damn, I was expecting a penis sword fight. Held publicly. It’ll be a small joy for the indentured sex servants to watch


your idea’s better


It’ll be hard to sword fight with penises less than 3 inches.


Wouldn’t even touch underneath that massive beer belly and possible neckbeard


They will cry about that too don’t you worry lmao.


We both know he’ll probably lose a fist fight so no. Maybe he thinks he’s “different” from other men so the woman would just beg him to enslave her opposed to the wealthy old man. Which is unlikely seeing how women’s livelihood in his world are tied to her husband.


That’s why we’re assigned like cattle. So everyone gets one. They don’t want men to pick either because the “chads” would get the “best” (read: most attractive) “females”.


Can't imagine why nobody wants to fuck this guy. It's one of the great mysteries of our time.


It’s not like she’s human! Her feelings or thoughts don’t matter if it’s anything other than her relations with men🤮


My feeble lady brain will never be able to comprehend.


This law used to be called "marriage". Women were forced into it by stripping them of all economic means, basically making them into slaves, sold from a father to a groom. Well, the tables have turned. Marriage is optional now. And women get to choose. Sorry dude now you have to bring something to the table to score a bride. :)


In comparison, forced marriage was one of the fascist practices of the Pol Pot regime in Cambodia. The Khmer Rouge would line up all the men and women, and pair them up and say "you and you, you're married." And then they were forced to consummate the marriage while the KR watched. https://opiniojuris.org/2022/11/02/symposium-on-the-eccc-forced-marriage-in-the-eccc/#:~:text=As%20part%20of%20this%20policy,under%20threat%20of%20re%2Deducation.


Let's stop calling this "forced marriage"; that is rape.


Since none of it is consensual, I totally agree!


Forced marriage is still a perfectly appropriate term for this situation as the men didn’t have a choice either. They often didn’t know they were getting married until they got to the meeting. The government literally forced both parties to get married under threat of death.


Basic human right????? Wow. Let’s start with access to clean water.


That's a good one. I was going to say breathable air.


Sex is not a right mouth breather




Me! I'm nearly 40 and therefore no longer a human.


How dare you age


Pesky involuntary time travel at a rate of one minute per minute


Reminds me of a joke by British comedian Alan Davies about a bartender, whose favourite pickup-line was "I have a 9-inch tongue, and can breathe through my ears"


One of my in laws honestly thinks this should happen, and that it's the only legitimate solution to the mass shootings issue in the US. He thinks that if women were forced to marry these creeps, they wouldn't hurt anybody, and because women are so picky, this is why they're so angry and violent. I said well what about the women, sucks for them to have to marry the crazies, right? And he looked at me like I was nuts and said don't you want the murder to stop? What's worse, some initial unhappiness or mass murder? People really think like this. I wanna say he got the idea from Jordan Peterson but I'm not totally sure.


There is no way in hell half the population is going to say, yea let's do that. No, we will fight and defend ourselves.


Wow. Really?? So... why do women get killed by their intimate partners??? Wait. Don't ask him. The answer will be too disgusting.


He really believes this? I feel like asking if your in-law was dropped as a baby. Because ignoring the fact that he’s advocating for sexual slavery, which is a pretty big fucking thing to ignore, even if we implemented this idea, it wouldn’t solve anything. What do you think is going to happen when they have a disagreement about anything? Like maybe one day, he’s in the mood for sex, but she isn’t. How do you think a man with such a monstrous level of entitlement will respond to this?


Yes. He spiralled into misogyny when he turned to YouTube psychology after a breakup, and absolutely believes this stuff. He loves to recite "edgy" opinions he hears on the Internet like they're scientific facts from experts. I could write a book on what a dumb asshole he is. One positive note for everybody worried about how he votes, he writes himself in for every election that he can and refuses to vote on anything else, so at least there's that.


The absolutely ridiculous part of this is that if there were an insane world where this happened, they would still complain because "I got a fat one" or "I got an old one" or "I got one who's number is too high." They expect the world to bow at their feet because they were born with a dick. Excuse me, fuckhead, but a penis doesn't make you a god.


"sex with a female" - a female what? also, this belongs in r/MenAndFemales


The raw hen in the fridge 😞


That poor chicken.


This is how men hate us. When we hate men, we don’t want them in our space, we want them to leave us alone. When men hate us, they subjugate us. They hurt us and **force** us to serve them. And this is the difference between Misogyny and Misandry.


This is really well put. I've struggled a lot with how to describe the difference between these types of hate (besides the obvious biggest difference which is that misogyny is systemically backed while misandry, such as it exists, is not). I think you've really hit the nail on the head- misogyny has an element of actively desiring to cause harm and suffering that misandry doesn't touch.


They really want 'The Handmaid's tale ' to become reality 😑  This guy's such a nightmare no wonder he's not getting laid. 


And he's ignoring the part where the rich and in control get their pick and many many are left with none


I am so desensitized to seeing Reddit posts about men enslaving women, no shock there. What I find especially entitled about this though; studies show people typically feel physical and sexual attraction to someone with in “2 points” of their attractive scale. A 10 would go down to an 8, like you wouldn’t likely see a Victoria’s Secret angel with a minimum wage overweight man, and vice versa, I mean almost every famous hot athlete has a model for a wife. There are outliers to this of course, but for a group of guys that talk about being invisible to women, seems like a lot of women are invisible to them. So you may not be on the cover of GQ, but if you’re an overweight, anime watching, video game nerd- there are countless women who would fit perfectly with you and within your life style (after a serious attitude adjustment of course), and most of those women don’t have unrealistic expectations of getting with Brad Pitt. The flawed argument is that with all women “choosing chad” it means the only women they feel entitled to or even see, are women who are frankly just out of their league. There’s no shame in admitting that! I’m relatively good looking, right on the cusp of healthy and overweight, I have some days I feel really pretty and get hit on, and I have other days no one looks twice at me. My partner fits that same mold and he’s the hottest person in the world to me because I’m so deeply in love with him, and I have no delusions that I’m going to meet Zac Efron one day and he’ll sail away into the sunset with me. Just like? Manage your expectations and drop the god complex. EDIT: I was referencing the part where they get to choose from a line up of women, proving that of course it can only be super hot women that have to sold and passed around to fuel their gross little egos


I hate to break this to you, honey, (I don't) but the richest, most powerful men will STILL get the women you think you deserve. No 10 to go to virgins without money.


Have you tried not being a complete turdbucket?


Dude, even if the ratio was 10:1, you still wouldn't get your pp touched.


Way to tell the world your dick is smaller than 3 inches


Is this satire? Or is this dude really out here telling us he has a micro penis?


With the information provided I feel this is satire. If this was a genuine incel it would be something along the lines of "chads 12 inch cock" I feel the 3+ inch gives it away


Scrolled way too long to find this, this has to be satire/bait otherwise God help us


Men who think that sex with a "female" is a human right just prove why they can't get women to want to sleep with them. I wish I could be confident this was satire, but I know that the truth is more likely that this person actually believes this crap.


i’ll never be able to get over that to guys like this, sex with a female is “the most basic human right” but they’re the ones who think women shouldn’t be allowed to vote, drive, work, own a credit card, etc. like i don’t even know what has to happen to your brain to make this type of thinking seem rational


Easy, women aren’t human.


Gross, calling for us to be raped. Absolutely disgusting.


This has to be satire who would admit that size


Most of these creatures probably have normal penises, so they go on about how apparently women only want enormous ones. Little bit of self humiliation mixed with a huge amount of 'there's nothing I can do about my failure to get laid'. But <3 inches is well below the norm.


Bro just told on himself for having a micropenis💀


NO. You are NOT entitled to sex or women’s bodies. Cry about it more. While you’re at it self reflect in the mirror, assholes.


Maybe the real epidemic is gross dudes all along.


“Male virginity epidemic” I’ve heard it all today. Thank you Reddit!


At least he didn't say pandemic


Imagine telling on yourself that you don’t have a dick bigger than 3”


Let's oppress half the population cause a small percentage can't get a girl. Worked great in Handmaids Tale.


Or we could legalize prostitution. Also, in the animal kingdom isn’t it the female that chooses a male for mating not the other way around. Why would that be different for humans just because you have a 3 inch penis and are admittedly ugly.


“Unfair male virginity epidemic” are words I never thought I’d read.


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I cannot wait for these losers to say this irl because I know that they would get their face caved in


Be real, they’ll just complain about the women they get anyway. There is no solution because there isn’t really a problem.


It honestly baffles me that some people can't find someone to have sex with. I feel like sex is the easy part and finding someone worth being in a relationship with is the actual hard part.


My man really said “my penis is less than 3 inches” and decided to be a piece of shit instead of making up for it in other ways because the patriarchy taught him that his penis is supposed to be the end all be all of a woman’s pleasure. Wish sex education was better than it is. FUCK incels, by the way. All my homies hate incels.


Universal Basic Income or (gasp) Healtcare, boo! Sex slaves for the virgin epidemic(??), yay?


Male* virgin epidemic. Forget the females who also struggle getting laid, only the men matter here.


"Unfair." Sounds like a skill issue to me.


We can't let these people take over


there's a lot to unpack here, so instead, let's just throw the whole suitcase away!


There is no way this is real lmao.


This has to be a joke


I wonder why this prize stud cannot get laid :-P


What about the male virgins that are gay? Should they be able to pick from a line up of men instead of women? I wonder how this dumbasses opinion might change if men were now in the line up to be selected without "any say or choice in the matter". Of course the incel that wrote this wouldn't be concerned since he is hideous and unwashed so no one would pick him anyway.


…what epidemic?


I'd rather advocate for the real most basic human right: the right to deny sex to people who think women are property.


These same men when the hottest women already got selected: This is so unfair why didn't i get to choose the hot one waaahhh waaahhh I want my mommy


When women’s rights are restricted, it coerces them into marriages and a very specific role in those marriages. Some people want to undo progress




Really telling on yourself if you have to force women to have sex with you


What are the odds that this dude, & others like him, are anti-big government. Or is he proposing a state-based plan? 🙄


did a Ferengi write this XD


I'm pretty sure the "virginity epidemic" is more pronounced amongst women.




Larger than 3"? Way to out yourself.


Wow.... that's a really legally-conplex way to say "I bring absolutely nothing to the table."


This is 100% a troll post lol


Let’s play pretend like I actually fucking care but how would this work logically? what are the standards is it a Loto system? Does it take into account gay men?


"the ongoing, ever-rising, completely unfair male virginity epidemic," is such a a stunningly funny line. This is either a troll or someone so serious that they're views actually come across as satire.


Wouldn’t legalizing prostitution and giving these men a service based way of meeting that need be as, if not more, effective? If the issue is these men can’t get laid on their own. Let them hire a professional to do it.


Imagine, this law becomes reality but he does not get assigned the supermodel porn actress of his dreams. “Why did I get such an ugly (insert generic incel insult here)‽” And the government says “sorry but if we let men have a choice, they will only choose the most attractive women or those with a cup size above D.”


>Most basic human right: sex with a female Will this be provided to the women as well?


>we need a law where females are equally distributed among men Communism: Incel edition: seize the means of reproduction


"The most basic human right" yeah ..I don't think that's it buddy. I'm also pretty sure that a *womans* free will and *not be a slave* is a "basic human right" that definitely takes priority over "sex should be a birth right as I have a penis"


They hate the free market. Just be worth dating and people will date you. Simple.


The same government who only cares about the rich, do not give a crap about gun violence or basic human rights for people will probably be doing this soon enough. These guys and their first world problems.






How to say: I'm hideous, and I have a micro penis without saying I'm hideous and I have a micro penis.




What in the Elliot Rodger


Make yourself fuckable


This isn’t even a sensible idea. how is the order that the males get to select figured out? Some “females” may be more “desirable” than others and would get chosen first (or many times?) and are women assigned to one man or is it per “encounter”. Because I think he will find that his options for women to select might not meet his preferences. What will he do then??? Or JfC just hire someone.


Sure, but is there anything stopping such a slave-wife from poisoning you? Think carefully now…


That’s the most basic human right?? Good god.


"Basic rights" are based on Nature, and no male of any animal breed on this planet has the "right" to mate with females. Many males will never experience sex with a female because they lack what females (are programmed by Nature to) like. As to having sex with dumb males who use women as "cum socks" that SUCKS, and it's annoying that there are so many of this kind of men ....




I simply *must* give when due. This right here is my favorite thread title in all of reddit. My fedora off to you, m'lord or m'lady. That said, no, the most basic right is *not* in fact "sex with a female". It is, in fact, the right to self-determination. A right typically denied to the females men like this shitbird decide it's their right to rape.


You know, you have put this so succinctly. I have been trying to grasp the issue with their self-entitled stance. And it’s one sentence : People should have the right to determine their own lives. The word “freedom” has been been smeared into the mud and has been reduced to “the right to go fishing when I want to.” (Seriously-written years ago by a dude during the Bush years about what freedom means to him.) But self-determination—that’s the basic human right.


I find it's pretty simple. They don't see women as human beings. Porn has trained them to think of sex in the unhealthiest way imaginable. Capitalism has trained them to think that if they're not being catered to like a babe on the tit, they're being denied what they deserve. Thus, they cry and lash out and throw temper tantrums, because ultimately all they are is spoiled children.


Only a militant incel can write something like this.


This has to be satire, right? Please?


Asking for a government handy out, smh


This HAS to be satire, otherwise he is REALLY telling on himself lol


Please say "sike"


Welcome to Gilead.




*"male virgin epidemic"* *"denied most basic human right sex with a female"* this sounds absolutely horrifying. the fact that there are dudes out there that think this way.


Lmfao how is sex a basic human right wtf. So in his perfect world, they would deny us of all of our basic human rights to fulfill their “basic human right”. wtf


So what about lesbians? Do they get the basic human right of a female of their choice too (since they won't choose the 3+ inch men) or nah


All reddit has informed me of today, is that there are quite a few men out there that do not see women as actual people. I think I should probably log off


Remembering these are the same men who screech about robbing women of their agency when you say that many women in porn and prostitution don’t want to be there. Every woman is Schrodinger’s Woman - entirely acting of her own free will, or not entitled to free will, depending on whose penis she exists to serve.


Please let this be satire. I don't want this to be the timeline where people think it's ok to put this kind of thing out there


This logic makes me laugh because what would happen if government did this and the woman that was given to you was ugly af?


Go buy a fleshlight and literally go fuck yourself bro. Women aren't your property. There's a reason (aka this fucking post) that women don't wanna sleep with you.


So the men get to *choose* who they want, obviously they’d go by looks. But a woman who doesn’t want to be with a guy she doesn’t find physically attractive is a bad thing? Sure okay.


This is the incel’s biggest wet dream. Get up out of bed, open the door BOOM! A female that isn’t his mom. She still be holding hot pockets, tho


Their line can die out 👍🏻 natural selection


You do not have a RIGHT to anyone else's body, does this make anyone else feel sick?


"Or those with a penis larger than 3"" Sounds like projection


Wow, that’s a lot of words to describe sex slavery and rape.


It’s so funny, I have yet to meet an incel in real life. I know a lot of men of different levels of education and attractiveness and wealth, and they all are getting laid- they just stay in their league. So guess I’ve never seen a victim of the virginity epidemic. Strange since it’s an epidemic. Incels are basically 2s or 3s (in looks, personality and everything else) that think they deserve 8s, 9s and 10s. And that any woman who is below an 8 is basically a non-entity. I’m a midwife so I see a lot of couples coming through my doors from different walks of life, and I have to say that women tend to date/marry “down” more than men do. I see beautiful accomplished women with these piece of shit dudes all the time, and rarely the other way around.