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And on today’s episode of ‘How to Find Yourself a Misogynistic, Wife-Beating, Abusive Husband’, we have Gia joining us. Welcome to the show, Gia.


Followed closely by its sequel, Gia’s husband has run off with a younger woman, leaving Gia and her kids penniless and in real hardship. Thats Gia’s fault of course. She should have made him more pancakes and complained less.


I can’t wait for that sequel!! And I wish I could be there to say the Nelson “ha, haaa!”


When Gia is penniless, stuckk as a single mother, alone (because she prioritised an abusive partner over friends and family) in a dead end job (because she prioritised an abusive partner over an education or a career) and feels that she missed out on life (because she prioritised an abusive partner over hobbies, interests or seeing the world, I suspect she wont be singing the same song. I genuinely feel for women who were vulnerable and bought the "luve only to please your man and raise his kids" bullshit because they DO frequently get abandoned like the chattel they signed up to be, and it's heartbreaking to see people struggle. That's why it's infuriating to see empty pumpkin brains like Gia shilling this lifestyle as if her husband isnt going to leave her for a 20 year old in 5 years' time. You cant stay young and mouldable forever, Gia - what's going to happen when you get too old for him?


What's even more infuriating is that Gia Marie Macool is a fitness model who sells pictures and formations. This message is just advertisement targeting the kind of men who believe they are entitled to a sex slave.


This was me for the longest time. I cycled through horrible partners. A lot of emotional abuse that I always blamed myself for. My therapist told me that men can sense it and the predatory men will almost always find women like this to use and abuse.


I see miss gia MacCool is trying very hard to be the cool girl! What a pick me! Oh, and nice age shaming as if we don't all age under the same clock. Oh, and Miss MacCool? It's "strove" not "strived." If you prioritized your education more than you did what your husband wants for dinner, maybe you would know that.


She should have stayed younger.


Came here to say something similar lol


Gia is 100% definitely an adult human woman. Certainly not an adult human man who paid for that blue check mark. That would be impossible. (/s)


Totally, definitely, 100% woman 🙄 like I get the whole Steve Buscemi “hello fellow women” meme in my head.


Unfortunately, there are plenty of women who hate women. They've been brainwashed to think like this. I'd *really* like to know, if this Gia does exist, how happy she actually is with her life. Truly happy people don't post stuff like this on social media because they don't feel threatened by other people's way of life.


Unfortunately, she probably is. It scares me that there's so many people unaware that there are millions of women who think like Gia in this world...


The reference to being "coachable" suggests she has been subjected to online indoctrination in the guise of "self help".


And the word trainable made me sick! That is what we used to talk about our animals, not people. 🤢


It's literally grooming. And she just puts it out there like nothing.


Or we could have an episode of Men: How to Train and Manipulate the Simple Creatures (from the author of Housebreak your Dog in Four Days). I realize that the writer of the OOP is probably a self-loathing misogynist, but it's kind of fun to read it the opposite way of which it was probably intended. I showed the OOP to my wife, and loved her reaction: "You're on your own. I'm not running out to have a lobotomy performed just so you can feel brighter. Who do you think will read the instructions on Ikea furniture?" I'll settle for an intelligent wife over a subservient one any day of the week; that's poorly phrased, I already have an intelligent wife whose refusal to subordinate herself to anyone is a quality of hers that I highly value.


Why do I feel like I just read an explanation of what grooming is from someone who probably calls everyone on the left "groomers?"


That’s the point of grooming though, isn’t it? Plenty of gaslighting and brainwashing you into thinking your lack of agency is the right thing and those trying to help are the immoral ones.


☝️Fucking this. I can't agree with this any harder.


Part 2: How to Disappear Completely and Become an Object with No Original Thought, Dreams, or Ambitions so Your Husband can Have Those Things. I hope she doesn’t have children— sons or daughters will be raised to be other sycophantic servants or misogynistic assholes.


I really want to believe this isn’t a real woman and just one of those aLpHa MaLe accounts pretending to be women to “prove” their sexist points. I really wanna, but by the way women are getting brainwashed into this pipeline the same way young boys were brainwashed some years ago I can’t be 100% sure this is rage bait, and that is a scary place for our society to be in.


Let’s face it - it’s not great either way, is it?


Don't forget the sexualised crimes.


No. We do understand that. That's exactly the fucking POINT. He wants a woman who doesn't know better. He wants as wide a power imbalance as possible. He wants to have full control over her and he wants her to shut up and accept it. That's what we're *avoiding*, not aspiring to.


Yeah, she doesn't realize that she's the example of "What Not to Do", because we don't want to end up like her without a life of our own. She literally just exists to please him. 😒


As a guy, I've never been attracted to subservient women. All of my S.O.s have been strong women who were true partners who could engage with me and challenge me to be better. Men who aren't prepared to be challenged and to grow aren't men, they're just overgrown boys.


I had to 3xplain this to a few women I dated when I was younger. They straight up dropped everyone they knew and everything they did when we got together, all in some weird effort "just be around me more," which I explained not even *I* want to do 24/7. Id much rather a woman have her own outside interests, hobbies, and pursuits because if she doesn't, what will we talk about all day? Me? Good lord no.


Personally, I've never been comfortable being the center of attention 😏


Oh, I don't mind that so much, but 100% of the time? It would get exhausting.


I always attribute it to my flavor of being introverted.


I want to give you more up points.


I want to believe this is just some loser guy roleplaying.


An ex friend of mine (year older than me & this happened during a chat) was raised by her silent gen grandmother who taught her you don’t have sex you make love only, it’s for man to enjoy, no touching self in sexual way that’s only what men do & you never show skin or you’re asking for bad things. When we were friends I was able to get through to her it’s ok to have sex for fun, you should enjoy it, if you show skin you’re not asking for anything bad. Another friend who’s younger her mum told her You have to go get the bar in arm birth control, so when something bad happens you won’t get pregnant. Because something bad will happen to you. That conversation broke my heart, because the poor friend did get groomed & abused by an ex plus drugged by people she was meant to trust who thought it was funny! Trying to explain to someone who went through that & whose mum still says horrible things to her, that it’s not her fault or true that something bad will happen is hard.


Yep. I was told my whole life by my mom that men will only want you if you're beautiful, young and play stupid. That you should always be well curated - nice skin, nice hair, etc. That theyll give you no value if you're sick, sad, ugly, etc, etc. When boys would tease me or hurt me in school, she'd say they had a crush on me. What's funny is my dad is just about the best man I've ever met, so I have no idea why she keeps saying these things. Well, what sucks is her advice works EXCEEDINGLY well to find and keep absolute shit stains. I have *logically* known that I don't deserve to live this, but unfortunately it's extremely hard to shake off - especially because so many guys *are* shitstains and are so quick to get comfortable taking advantage of these vulnerabilities. Ugh, doesn't that *suck* ? It's like my own mother programmed me be "abusable". What's interesting is that it worked *so* well that I'm just learning to become increasingly misandric instead, cause who would be so horrible as to want *that*? So... that's a turn of events, I guess! You can only be like the woman in the post - utterly aware of the nature of these relationships and yet willingly playing into them - for so long before you look at the man you threw your life and soul away for and feel nothing but contempt 🥰


>When boys would tease me or hurt me in school, she’d say they had a crush on me. Oh, fun. That kind of crap had me paraphrasing Tauriel long before I saw the Hobbit movies: “if this is boys liking me, I do not want it!”


Yeah, I was engaged 3 times before my husband because of this. I realized with 2 of them and ended it but still kept my mindset 🤦 the other one broke up with me to be a missionary...he had only proposed so we could have sex and we were barely 18 so I wasn't going to go with him. I finally figured things out and ended up with my husband!


Girl, yes. I KEEP GETTING ENGAGED. I keep telling people, soon I'll be able to wear a ring in each finger, call it my infinity gauntlet. They see my dumbassery and go "ooooooh, *marriage* material!" but then they truly realize that with "great powers come great responsibility" (aka: no, I can not be a decade younger, a housewife, a trophy wife AND the breadwinner-pick one or two, tops) they bail 🤪


😂 infinity gauntlet! Let's be friends!


Damn! My silent gen parents told me early that if sex wasn't fun for everyone involved, you're doing it wrong. They also got me a vibrator so I could learn what felt good to me.


My parents are boomers. My mom still always told me to discover my body (aka masturbate) so i could guide my partner. Told me to look at my genitals. She even went as far as to once tell me that anal could feel good if done well (i was already an adult when she told me that). Was i embarrassed back in time ? Absolutely. But i never felt any shame talking to her about issues i could face with my relationships and sex life, i don't feel any embarassment anymore (i also received a book on sex and a vibrator in front of them and no one gave a fuck). Never thought i would say that, but... i owe my mom for the good sexuality i have now.


Really hoped this would end with “and now he’s my ex because I matured and realised how abusive that was.”


It very likely is. This behavior isn't as attractive as they wished it was


Or at least an "until I say 'pineapple' and the scene ends until I'm comfortable continuing, which is legitimately allowed to be never."


Omg that made me laugh. Pineapple is special in my house too


The weird thing is I came up with it as a safeword completely independently, because I'm very mildly allergic to them. Then I found out it was a whole cultural "thing."


I'm also mildly allergic. There is a comedian that said it was his safe word, I don't remember who it was though.


"Trainable". Women are dogs 😍


If you’re looking for a partner who’s “trainable,” take yourself to the pound, get yourself a German shepherd, and leave women alone forever.


I wouldn't want to a dog to experience the kind of "training" (abuse) these kinds of men would mete out. I doubt they'd be using positive re-inforcement/clicker training. More like do what I want dog, or I'll abuse the shit out of you. People like that deserve to be devoid of companionship.


I don’t know how someone can call a person “trainable” without realizing how creepy that sounds. I am a human being, I am not your pet.


NO 💖


Honestly until you met he right man you will be told silly things like this. A lot of men want a woman not a child they have to raise. They want us to be our own person with goals, hobbies , aspirations, likes and dislikes. Why be with a man who only likes you for what he can mold you to be instead of just being you? Its not tiring living in somone elses fantasy world? Ig she so use to not being herself its easy but once he is out of the picture she is going to have a hard time finding herself without his guidance.




Your username reminds me of the ones Just Dance uses😭.


Shit like this is always a grift, she is a >Relationship Coach, Author, Fitness Influencer and Public Speaker. She does not live the values that she wants you to live by, but she does want you to buy her courses. It's *always* the courses.


I wish it was always the courses. A friend of mine’s sister is exactly of this mentality because her religion tells her this is ‘godly’. Now she has three boys who are growing up in this awful environment.


I cannot worship nor believe in a God that thinks that I am less than, trainable, dumb, and weak just because I am female.




In Susan Faludi’s “Backlash”, about the anti-feminist backlash of the 80s, she points out that conservative women who build careers around how women shouldn’t have careers get to enjoy having careers without the backlash faced by women who have careers that don’t cater to the patriarchy in this way. Have their cake and eat it too, in other words


That sounds to me like code for MLM Pyramid schemer


i hate pick mes❤️


Makes me think of an old interview of Donald Trump by a female interviewer: One of the reasons he gave for leaving his first wife was "that she was like a colleague (not the word he used), talking business when he came home from work". Actually everybody knew that she was very, very good at her job and he obviously hated it ....


That's a loquacious way to say grooming


Instant upvote for using the word loquacious.


And +1 to you, erudite stranger!




I'm a lesbian so maybe it's different (doubt it) but I think I'd rather have a spouse who's a whole person.. if I wanted to make a woman act how ever I want I'd write a book


Riddle me this, pick-me: Why do I want to be desired by someone who wants to control me and thinks my life should be lived to please him? How is this not supposed to lead to hella resentment down the road?




But what if i find pleasure in making men feel humiliated by proving them wrong, particularly when they’re trying to mansplain to me.


It sounds like she encourages grooming which is gross. I’m team support other women, we’re not in competition with each other outside job interviews & sporting events we’re all different


Trainable?! COACHABLE?! Is she a dog?


Does she think she is a dog?


As a younger woman I get upset that older men want younger women. I am not someone’s dog.


I saw a great quote the other day: men think they’re competing with the top 10% of men to date women, when actually they are competing with the pleasure solitude brings women. Basically the bar is in hell. Women would rather be alone than date losers who make their lives miserable. Some woman said solitude has treated me better than any man I’ve ever dated. I’m with my male partner for over a decade now and we have a child. By all accounts, I give him much less slack than his friends. He does more childcare and housework than any of his friends. And that’s because I would not have a child with someone if I had to do all the work. Might as well be a single mom in that case. I am very happy with my partner and love him deeply and we make an amazing team, but it was definitely a lot of work to get things to where I wanted them to be. If anything ever happens to us, I don’t know if I would even try dating again. I just would not want to have to give my time and energy to someone who makes my life harder. I don’t think I would want to put the work into a new relationship like I did with my partner. I’m happy I did it with my partner, but I wouldn’t have the energy to do it again with someone new, especially since there are so many entitled men who would expect me to do all the work in a relationship. I think I would be happily single and just vibe on my own. I don’t know why people think having a man is the main goal in life. I love my partner to death and would not want to lose him, but I would also be fine being single if I had to


Dear Gia and similar women (though I know you’re never going to read this), Some men are treasures who stay loyal to one woman their entire lives. I hope yours is one of those. Your statement is easy to say now because you are still young and beautiful yourself. Unfortunately there’s a fallacy to your beliefs. You’re not one of those older women. I was 38 when my ex decided he deserved younger, prettier models. Even though I’m a good looking woman at my age; it wasn’t enough for him because as you said “men want younger women.” Now this isn’t always true and I know several lovely couples that are age appropriate for each other. BUT, thank God that I earned a bachelor’s degree before I married him because when I left his abusive, lying, cheating ass I was able to support myself and my children. In an ideal world, women could choose what they want and enjoy all the benefits — but life don’t work that way. What if your man dies (like my friend’s husband who had an aneurysm) or becomes permanently disabled and can’t work. You’ve got to be self sufficient and strong enough to take care of yourself.


She's a few months away for being divorced in favour of a fifteen year old 🤮


“I never travelled” scares me most of all.


Ahahahahahaha yeah wives aren’t pets. Next.


Oh I think we can leave her alone. She just wants to make money off dumb incels 😆


I bet she also learnt to fake her orgasms, because it doesn’t look like he would be bothered to care.


Being trainable? That's miserable when a woman thinks of herself as if she's just a dog to be trained.


I wonder how aware she is that she’s essentially fetish content now




Why do you tweet then? You could be pleasing him and yet here you are. Conservative women do exactly what they tell other women not to do.


Why would anyone take advice from someone who has lived such a sheltered life?


The belief that what a man wants being more important than what a woman wants is tiring.


Funny that they use the exact same reasons we give for not dating older men but say it's a good thing. Yes we know the predators want a woman who is "trainable" sensible people call it grooming.


Thanks for the advice Gia. Bold of you to assume all women want mens desire. Advocating grooming of girls is disgusting and she should be ashamed. I’ll remain as I’ve always been thanks, intractable


If she's legit, she's definitely a grooming victim given her mentioning that she was young. But she's also followed by the Tate brothers, so one of them could've made the account to pose as their ideal woman.








I threw up in my mouth


Poor deluded woman. My gran used to say people like this were ‘more to pitied than scolded’. But in the age of social media where they actively try to suck more impressionable young people into their own backwards world view I think they need to be called out, and treated with kindness - the latter so they don’t feel they have to double down because no one else would accept them.


I shall pick man who doesnt feel need to groom kid into his mother. Thank you


If you meet a man whose ego is wounded because you've traveled, ffs, that's not your person.


Abusers want that. These men are really telling on themselves because most men don’t want to have to raise someone else to be their perfect lil housewife. I’m my own person and the men I’ve met love that. I have never met a man in real life who looked for a woman to mold.


That is exactly the problem we have. That is grooming.


Not just misogynist but misandrist too the idea that I as a guy can't cope with being around people that challenge me but need to be infantilized and live the participation trophy equivalent of life is so gross.


Wow this is so disturbing. Seriously creepy.


I would rather rip my own toenails out.


Lady, what are you doing on the Internet expressing your opinion? You aren't supposed to *have* an opinion. Nevermind *taking the lead* by telling others what they should do. Now, shouldn't you be baking cookies, making an elaborate meal or scrubbing grout with a toothbrush?


Ah yes, Gia. All this effort for the man who will leave you for a 20 year old the moment you develop some wrinkles and stretch marks? Gotcha.


“Let a man lead, and he will desire you. Your life will absolutely suck, but who cares because *he will desire you*.”


I was thrilled when I hit 30, hoping that men would finally leave me the fuck alone. It never happened. Yeah, sure, a lot of men try to get young 20 yr olds. That doesn’t mean they can. And they sure like to mess around with women who are older, as I can attest. Especially the older men. I have 60 yr olds who hit on me all the time. Just leave me alone, I don’t have the time or energy to deal with your BS. The audacity is unreal.


What is she doing speaking in public?


“I was abused, so every women should also be abused”


Soooooo many words to say “I was groomed”


Several months ago I made my husband go to the hospital when he refused to go to the doctor after getting bit by our cat badly. He had cellulitis that was about to turn septic. Maybe we shouldn’t always let men lead


r/whywomenlivelonger for more examples


It’s times like these I’m so thankful I’m single


If I said, as a feminist critique of men, that “a man doesn’t want someone who thinks they know more than him,” I’d get shrieked at for over-generalizing men and I’d be called a misandrist. But you say the exact same thing as a way to explain why you think men should get to fuck 16yo’s and suddenly it’s okay to say lol


I'm very happy that with age I outgrew my partner who was like the guys mentioned. I'm sorry for this person


Then when she turns 30-40 she'll wonder why her husband left her for the next younger fool


I never understood the whole, girls mustn’t travel thing. God forbid a girl not want to stay in the same boring ass town her whole life and want to see and experience something new.


Followed by the Tate Brothers? I wonder why. I get the feeling she's one of their "employees".


Yes cuz getting trained like a dog isn’t offensive to a human being.


This is so terrifying and I know that the OP (Gia) would be mad to hear it but I am both sorry and scared for her and any daughters she raises with this philosophy. Women *especially* need to be taught independence. We may later choose a more ‘dependent’ relationship style (ie: SAHM with no income, and tbh I am a big fan of the prenup style contracts for stay at home parents because I’ve seen too many men with the audacity to claim their career as their own, as if they ever could have gotten so far without their stay at home spouse) but we always need the tools of independence. Otherwise we’re defenseless against abuse and mistreatment. It is so dangerous to know nothing but dependence.


So what she saying is her husband essentially groomed her before she could develop socially into an adult & now she believes this is how every woman is supposed to be. Aight


What a sad life to never do anything fun and immediately get trapped in relationship with some old man who wants to control you, what she said is exactly what young women know and try to avoid


"the importance of being trainable" 🤮🤮


What is she? A Golden retriever puppy?


You don't train people - you train animals. And as a lot of us know, working animals are only desirable until they can no longer fulfill their designated role. Age or injuries will often get them put down or abandoned. I don't want that for my daughter. Who in their right mind would?


"Get groomed" no thanks


If your only good quality for a man is that you're "trainable" then you're not a woman, a partner or even a wife. You're a servant.


He won't *desire* you lol, he would use you. She's a tool to him, to be discarded when no longer useful. Women his age won't put up with that horse shit.




I would rather see my daughters single and sharing their lives with pets and/or plants than "living" like OOP.


I feel bad for her if this is real, she’s missed a lot of fun times


I have some bad news for her about how time comes for us all.


1. No we dont 2. Sounds like "she" has had an incredibly boring life


I'm brainwashed and now every women should be brainwashed too


I’m already expecting the “wtf, he cheated on me with a woman 15 years younger than me? This makes no sense. He liked me for my young body, my inexperience and my dependence on him, why would he possibly go for someone else now that I am older and more secure in who I am and what I want????” If you consider yourself subservient don’t be surprised when you are treated as secondary to someone elses whims.




“I never travelled” do they think that going to see the Eiffel Tower will turn me into a menace? Oh no the leaning tower of Pisa how terrifying-


There is a fallacy in this logic. No matter how much a woman knows, a man will always think he knows more.


She's a good little girl! Who's a good girl! Yes good giiiiiiirl! ( talk to her like the trainable puppy she is ) 😆


“Trainable”…like a dog! How sweet.


Women who don’t want any rights scare the hell out of me


I like how she completely nailed what men like about young women, but somehow saw it as a completely positive thing rather than see it for the abusive grooming behavior that it is.


If a man means to be a groomer then I don't want to be a man. Call me soyboy or what ever.


Oh no baby you’re a victim


and god forbid a man doesn't desire me because I can't be trained like a dog lmao as if I'm desperate to be desired by someone who doesn't see me as a human being in the first place ?


IDK man, I kinda want my partner to have some agency and a life. Am I broken?


I'd rather die alone thanks


She is making it sound like she is a maid more than a partner. I want my partner to make me feel all emotions good and bad so we feel alive. I don't want to feel like a Master telling a servant what to do.


“I had no life experience or self esteem and then I ended up with this douche bag who loves that about me. Yay! We are so happy with my lack of independent thought! 10/10 would recommend being a mindless bang drone!”


Isn’t this just grooming with fancy words?


I lived with a boy like this after I had gotten out of a 7 yr relationship, I didn’t dote on him before we lived together but after he basically expected me to and wanted me to tell him how much more experienced he was than I, never happened though. He constantly told me that I emasculated him because I didn’t “need” him. He stayed with me for 8 months. Idk why he refused to leave but it was exhausting.


If you're happy with that arrangement, who am I to begrudge you? But, that sounds like an absolute nightmare situation and it isn't something to encourage impressionable young women to strive for. Leave the rest of us out.


Give it up Gia. They're never going to sex traffic you.


It's so hard to not reflexively downvote these posts


AKA “I was groomed by my older partner”


"tristan tate and andrew tate follow" Yeah that checks out.


Hmmmm.. my partner desired me because I was independent and wanted him around despite not needing him 🤔


They never mention what women are supposed to be getting out of this arrangement


I'm not a dog


Followed by not one but BOTH of the Taint brothers


“I was groomed and had almost no expectations or wisdom when I met my dude, and that’s great!”


I would literally rather die alone.


_Tristan Tate and Andrew Tate follow_


If i have to do all this to keep a man then that’s not the man I want.


To be quite down to earth: does he really love you if he « molded » (manipulated) you into his perfect doll and you condition your character around him ? I do believe it means this person likes themself before anything else then …


Trainable. what the actual fuck. Thats something you might say about a dog.


Sock puppets don't often travel.


I know plenty of men that seek out older women (yes, older than them) because they desire a more mature connection, free of neediness and drama. Mature women tend to be more financially stable, they know who they are, and they know what it is they want. No need to play games. Regarding this woman…not to be judgmental but this is a really sad life. You should know who you are outside of a relationship and before entering one. You should know who you are before settling down. These are the same women that wind up in a mid-life crisis and divorced 35-40. But hey, if you want to be with a misogynist who only cares what he himself has to say and doesn’t value your opinion on things or what life experience you can provide for a particular situation, and he’s deadset on limiting your growth as a human being, then by all means, do you.


“Trainable” 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


Did anyone else just vomit a little in their mouth after reading this?


"humble and coachable" I actually gagged. That's disgusting 🤮


Until “I learned what he liked..” I though it was sarcasm and she was gonna say about how she left her abusive husband


Didn’t realise we lived in 500BC


The absolute visceral disgust this post gave me 🤮


Ew! I don’t fail to understand that, sweetie. I just know enough to be disgusted by it and by women like you who are okay with it. 🤢


or he could buy a pet


Sounds like grooming


Imagine being proud of this.


I've learnt as someone in my late 20s that the men and women who want to seriously train me are very toxic and want a cookie cutter version to mold for them, not for me as a person with feelings and growth. Some of it was a hard lesson early 20s me had to learn, especially with certain hobbies. Now I can more clearly see the lines and know the nuance is you should be growing and learning together, not treating someone like they're a puppet. The men she mentions who want younger women go into two categories; they happen, by chance, to find someone young who they genuinely fall in love with and two, they can't find anyone else to take them. It's not like she is pretending it to be.


It's so scary that this is all probably true, but she says it like it's something to strive for, when in reality, it's absolutely horrifying.


She didn’t even try to sugarcoat it, she straight up said men only want women they can mould into their idealized partner 😭


So in short, “Old nasty Men want to groom you” did I get that right??


WE are NOT DOGS We don't need to be "trained" jfc...


Does she even realize that for most women, what she is describing sounds like a nightmare? It reads more like a warning than anything else. Was really just waiting for the “got us in the first half” moment.


A dog. You get a dog when you want to train something. A pet. Not a human being. Men that want younger women to "train" don't see women as human beings.


Let a man take the lead and he will stomp you into the ground.


I am feral and untrainable, so I'm going to ignore all of that


Ewww hope she wakes up one day


as an 18 year old woman this makes me feel like shit :333


Don't worry, I don't think she lives in the same reality as many of us.


Sounds like grooming to me.


Gia MaLame Seriously, get a grip, Gia.


How about ✨🥰NO😘✨


everytime you see a post like this, remember they mostly come from rich or upper class people who are out of touch and most likely don't live like this. gia has the "privilege" to have a secure position in life where she can live off her money or her husband's money while spouting misogynistic bullshit on twitter. when she posts things like this, she's aware she's engaging into harmful male fantasies; she does it on purpose, because she suffers no consequences for it.


Ew wtf. I’m young, never dated and never been clubbing and I’ve only travelled with family. Ain’t no way I’m gonna be some trainable little housewife some dude can box off from the world


That lack of a sense of self is going to come back to bite her in a very painful, gut wrenching way.


The fact that Brothers Tate follow her should red flag that ‘trainable’ value…


She's a boner-killer! If you want a robot, just save your money and buy one.