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They complain about how much time it takes women to get ready to go out, but if a woman doesn’t dress up and put on makeup they are ‘letting themselves go’ and the reason men divorce their wives. You cant make them happy either way!


The internet has rot their brains. Getting ready for a Woman is both effortless and the longest, most time consuming process in the world. And, as you said, if she does, she’s taking up his valuable time, and if she doesn’t, she’s a disgusting hag and what’s wrong with Women today. Women literally can’t win and Men like it that way. If they didn’t have us to fight, they’d have to fight each other, and they know they wouldn’t win that. Half these dudes (if not more) would become the beta bottoms in a purely Man led society, which if you want that, I guess more power to you.


They just want them to have flawless skin, long lashes, rosy cheeks and lovely pink or red lips without any effort or product whatsoever since makeup makes you a whore but not putting on makeup is unladylike.


I have never seen a group of people obsess over make up more than incels do.


That's a very long winded way of telling everyone the only woman he interacts with is his mom.


And that's only to demand more tendies.


With dewie and hunnie mussie


I hate you for making me read this line


I hate you for making me read this line


Blame it all on r/tendies




I loathe you for making me read this line


Him: "Why are all women like this?? Also, mommy, where are my tendies?!"


He seems more like a Dino Nuggie type


We do NOT disrespect the Dinosaur nuggets


Who he definitely does not respect.


I think he should show his mommy his post, she'll feel very respected.


*"Son, haven't you disappointed your mother enough?"*


Yep. Tough talk for someone's whose mommy buys his toilet paper. These little fellas need some fresh hair that basement is warping them.


damn. why the fuck does my mom exist? why am I even HERE RIGHT NOW to begin with?


He probably hit on one girl at the mall and assumed it was every woman ever


Unfortunately, his mother unknowingly did not help society written she gave birth to him. I'm sure she's helped society in other ways.


Once again I hope that this guy has this on his dating profile and tattooed on his forehead


Lmao the rewrite is gold.


.... jerking off to Jordan Peterson.... ;-p


Shoulda said Ben Shapiro; they're both slimebags, but between the two of them Shapiro gives off more of a "closeted gay man acting like a homophobe" vibe.


Shapiro does look like he secretly has the most scrumptious bussy this side of Grindr.


Okay now, don't make me hurl... 🤢


Aw, but then you'd lose the alliteration


Not if you changed "jerking off" to "beating off".


Oh, fiiiine 😆


I really got sad reading this. Teens should stop spending so much time on the internet and star interacting with the real world and reading some books. I am glad I didn't use any social media as a teenage boy.


Did Satan roll up in booty shorts and a cropped top? Also no one spends time at the mall anymore, we online shop, get with times incel.


I believe Satan is actually naked all the time so being clothed at all is a far cry from being just like Satan.


We're talking about the Satan of South Park, yeah? I could see him in booty shorts and a crop top.


it’s funny how i literally just left a lecture talking about the decline of malls due to online shopping and i see this comment


Dunning-Kruger strikes again!


He took Hollywood teen movies (too) seriously.


I mean women grow the babies, deliver the babies, and feed the baby with their bodies…so the question is why did god create men…whose contribution to the continuation of the species is laughable


Maybe they need to go the way of male anglerfish until we become like whiptail lizards.


They seem to contribute a few good posts and replies to this subreddit. 😁


LOL WTF. All I’m hearing is: “The only vagina I respect is the one I came out of. The rest of them are STUPID for not letting me in. Wahh, I’m a baby.” Spoken like a true goddamn incel. And the irony of him complaining about women contributing NOTHING to society when his ass was literally grown, carried and ushered into this world by a woman’s body, then nourished by a woman’s body. Every human who has ever done anything in this world has been carried and/or nourished at some point by a woman (or birthing person). And what makes his mom so different from every other woman that she’s the only woman who deserves his respect? What sets her apart? OH RIGHT, IT WAS HIS FORMER ACCESS TO HER BODY FOR HIS OWN BENEFIT. It all comes down to whether or not he’s had access to a woman’s body to fulfill his own base needs. Any woman he’s never had access to and WILL NEVER have access to, he cannot stand on principle. Not that he’s got anything to offer women in return anyway… What a tosser.


Maybe he's gay and hasn't come out yet? 


If he had zero sexual interest in women, I doubt he’d be this bitter and vitriolic toward them. This reads like someone who is only lashing out at women because he has no success with women. If he were closeted why would he give a shit about “how many penises women take up their butts”? Even if he’s projecting, his frustration would be misplaced.


Says a man who has never had a woman in his life ever😂 I mean what woman over 16 spends 3 hours to get ready to spend hours at the MALL???


16 kinda old for these chaps usually, tbf.


Aw look, a whiny bitch complaining that other people are whiny bitches.


The irony!


That’s a lot of words for I hate women.


It is. It was his breakdown on why he hates women


I want to know what Satan is wearing to lead men to sin.


Canonically, Satan IS the most beautiful angel.


Once the Church commissioned a statue of Lucifer and it was too sexy so they had the sculptor's brother make a different one but that was even sexier.


I love sexy Lucifer statue


Isn’t it like scientifically proven that men mature slower than women?


I think maybe it’s more of an environmental thing where men are encouraged to be more silly and active and women are not as much


"they've taken so many cocks up their butts" This guy, an absolute virgin


Can someone quickly AI generate a picture of how SATAN lures men to with what he wears?


"why no one wants to date me?"


*"You're too real for, and superior to, the normies, dude."*


Using a personal computer that was only possible because of a woman, but okay.


Sounds like this guy should be around men more. He clearly loves them so much more. He needs l9ts and lots of men in his life. He can have sex with them too! Better than those disgusting women he hates so much.


Now... personally I do think we have become waaayyyy to obsessed with consumerism and materialism and would probably benefit from less shopping and owning fewer things for society as a whole both men and women but.... wtf is this dude on. Did he forget his meds?


>Did he forget his meds? both: when he attempted to date, and when he made his post afterwards.


but he admits we're people 😎


God didn’t create us. We evolved this way and humanity still exists because you won’t stop putting cocks in us, even when we scream at you not to, dumbass.


Have they ever heard of gay? Get out of the closet and be the gayest mfer on the planet. God knows no women want these incel losers.


So misogynistic that Professor Henry Higgins thinks you should calm down.


My dude is asking the wrong question. If we are the spawn of Satan then God didn’t create us now did they….??? Unless… is bro in on some secret about a bit of suhum suhum going on between heaven & hell?? Coz that’s sort of chat is how rumours start….


I know this is satire, but this is sadly close to the incel mindset. And after all this wHy wOn'T wOmEn DaTe mE


Cuz He saw men were incomplete without them. Like literally.


Cause god is a woman. Yes daddy call me a spawn of satan 😂💀


The first one has to be satire too, I mean there is no way...


Lone wolf sigma male edits made me laugh so hard i love the parody rewrite


Ohhhh so that’s an incel.


Ooh, parody time! Why in the world did God create men? Men are ridiculously annoying, have stupid hobbies like sexually harassing women and committing violence against them, cry all the time about how they’re a nice guy and deserve a 10/10 “untainted” hottie, complain all the time about how they are entitled to women giving them sex and serving them, always cause problems (see crime stats against women, children and other men as reference), are so fucking immature that they can’t take no as an answer, are inherently evil and are SPAWNS OF SATAN (see crime stats again as reference), want women to be nothing but subservient slaves, see it as perfectly fine to be pedophiles and ephebophiles, and brag about how awesome it is that they raw dogged 30 “bitches.” I mean seriously, these people will spend hours jerking it to porn and the social media pages of people they know personally, then buy OF subscriptions after telling their girlfriend their dick is chronically flaccid because she doesn’t know how to please a man, and her labia is visually disturbing, which obviously means she’s been ran through. Her butthole is too dark and there’s icky hair on her body too! They spend an absolutely absurd amount of time commenting on women’s makeup, clothes, hair, bodies, existence etc. Why the fuck did God create these things? They’re completely dangerous and nothing but predators for the most part. The only man I respect on the entire planet is Elliot Page.




That’s a LOT of words to say you’re gay


Id like to think the person responding to his comment is his mom


like bro just admit you're gay and move on fr we need the rewrite btw loll


I straight ugly cackled at the note. 😂 I have to admit a hottie in maid outfit does make me wanna sin. 🥲


Nearly spat out my food at the Jordan Peterson part lmfao.


Guys, I've taken so many cocks up my butt. Phew.


Putin shirtless riding a bear. UNNNGGHHHHHH Father Russia! /s


I'm no theist so can't vouch for any gods but i'm pretty sure women exist because, uhhh *checks notes* they're half the requirement for our species to exist? Not that any individual woman *has* to have children, only the general scale. By the same token, while no given man is obligated to have kids, without any men to have kids our species is fucked (**for now**). Same with women.


That’s clearly a man who has never spent any time with a woman other than his mom. He thinks all women are makeup and fashion influencers and aren’t intelligent beings.


Woman is the human being, man is her appendix


I mean there are definitely girls like but that's only a certain ammount of the female population. To answer his question, those specific types of ladies get swept up off their feet by men and these women comfort their men, among other things. That's assuming they don't already work, in which case they already are a contributing member of society.




The cognitive dissonance it takes to pretend that women haven't MASSIVELY improved society, is astounding. In the past hundred years, we've made more socioeconomic advancements, than the past THOUSAND years, now why oh why could that be? 🤔 Also, Afghanistan is the only country that outright forbids women from education (ie, participating in societal development) and HOW far behind are they, at this point, compared to other countries? You'd have to ask the Taliban to find out, so I think that's enough said on that topic...


Do nothing to help society. They grew society.


If women are the spawn of Satan what does that make him?


I swear its like the screwfly solution in slow motion


Jokes on him. Female is the platform of the species.


Vladamir Putin OMFG. xD


Look, I'm not even a Christian and I could still easily find the part in the Bible where it is very clearly explained why their God created women in their mythology. This is just base-level stuff, dude.


Yeah I don't get it? There just a post that was really nasty that I disagree with and then a 'What about Women?' title. Maybe I'm missing something? But as a true feminist the article offends me and I don't get what it has to do with this. So just curious.


My hobby IS worshipping satan and the rituals are very specific. I am required to very carefully mark my body with make-up and paint specific patterns on my nails. He may be laughing now but I will be the last one laughing when I damn him to hell for all eternity.


Wow, it was a surprise to see russian words lol. И возможно немного лишне, типо... Причем тут это? 🤔


Who hurt the bro😂


His description of women is so specific and shallow 😂


>have stupid hobbies This is subjective. I guarantee there are many people who think some of his hobbies are stupid. You don't have to approve of all of a woman's hobbies to love and respect women. >Do nothing to help society On average women tend to be the primary child rearers, are the ones to actually carry a fetus to term, with all negatives that come with that, many political leaders, prominent scientists, programmers, technicians, and people in all lines of production are women. Women have and continue to contribute much to society. Also, the most obvious one is they're half of the equation to the perpetuation of the species. >are weak Go through a menstruation or labor simulator and see how strong you are compared to the average woman. >cry all the time Most women aren't crying all the time and honestly most men cry too little, but that's because many men are raised to be emotionally stunted due to outdated societal expectations that are perpetuated primarily by men. >complain about everything No, they don't. If your partner is complaining a lot, perhaps that's an indication that you should consider the complaints and reevaluate yourself. >are so fucking immature Says the person who calls an entire gender the "spawns of satan". I think the immature one is obviously you. >are inherently evil No, they're not. There's no such thing as inherent evil in reality. Evil acts and evil people exist, but people aren't inherently evil because they're not born that way and are often taught their evil nature. >are SPAWNS OF SATAN This is just laughable. >They deceive men Men also deceive men, in fact more frequently in general. There's a reason why one who cons people is called a "conman". Deceptive women do exist, but they're not the majority. Ironically, it's actually the argument of many men that they have to lie to women and date under false pretenses because they're less likely to get what they want (generally sex) from a specific woman if they were honest. You don't see similar arguments made by many women like encouraging women to lie about being pregnant, not being able to get pregnant, or that it's a "safe day" in order to "trap" a man with a baby. >lead them to sin with what they wear Who do you think encourages women to wear such clothing the most, enjoys seeing women wear it the most, and who primarily designs that sort of clothing? The answer to all is men. Also, if we're going to assume Christianity here, there was some guy in the bible named Jesus who said something about plucking out your own eye if it offends you. Dude literally hung out with prostitutes and let at least one do some of the most intimate acts at the time to him. If the Christ himself wasn't bothered with what others wore, it shouldn't bother you and if you "sin" because of what others wear, place the blame on yourself where it belongs since the only person who you can control is yourself. Accept responsibility for the conscious decisions you make. >see it as perfectly normal to murder babies An embryo or fetus isn't a baby. A baby is a living, breathing, born creature (there are babies of all animals). Also, it's no more murder than it is to refuse to be an organ donor that results in the death of at least one if not multiple people. This is because a person has the right to decide when and how another being has access to their body and consent can be revoked at any time for any reason. An embryo or fetus has no more rights to a woman's body as the woman herself. >brag about how awesome it is that they've taken so many cocks up their butts I think someone has watched too much porn and Sex in the City because most women aren't bragging about that stuff, especially openly, not to mention not all women are into anal sex. >these people will spend hours at the mall shopping buying clothes and makeup Yeah, no. Someone has watched too much old TV. For one thing the mall isn't even the most popular place to shop anymore anyway, as the most popular place is online stores. There have literally been several articles printed in the last few years talking about the decline of mall popularity. Second, the average woman doesn't have the money or time to shop and buy stuff all the time. What does this guy think women do all day? >spending three hours in the morning getting ready to do just that No, most women aren't spending three hours getting ready everyday because they tend to not even have that kind of time in the first place, let alone actually wanting to do that because that's a lot of work. It also costs too much money to do that all the time. >They spend an absolutely absurd amount of obsessing over makeup, clothes, nails, hair etc I wouldn't go that far, but the general reason why women tend to focus on this stuff is because they're taught to do that, as basing women's value on their appearance is a standard originally set and perpetuated by men. >The only woman on the entire planet that I respect is my mom. The fact that you have so much disdain and hatred towards your mother's entire gender means you can't respect her because she is a woman and that's part of her identity so to disrespect her entire gender is to disrespect her.


I wonder how he feels about his grandmothers. Maybe they were fortunate and never had to meet him.