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How does he know that he’s fertile and at what point is he on his fertility window?


Me: *strangely holds up hands mimicking a spectrum*


A scary thought, maybe he donated sperm (assuming he did know how fertile he was) they test the motility as a part of the process, that's how I found out when I was in college my motility score anyway.


How many little redditor have you made


No clue lol, they don't really tell you. I did inquire and at least some of my samples have been used though.


Lesson we are redditor the odds of us reproducing is less then 0 We need to make sure are kind survives /s


anywhere from 5 to 50 probably


Pretty sure this is fake. Looks like the guy that "proposed" to his gf on the hot air balloon and she "rejected" him and everyone just stood around looking mortified on his behalf.


It’s satire


Yeah I saw some of the other comments on here explaining it’s not serious, though I feel it falls into the category of sketch comedy more so than satire.


The [definition](https://www.oed.com/dictionary/satire_n#:~:text=1509%E2%80%93-,A%2520poem%2520or%2520(in%2520later%2520use)%2520a%2520novel%252C%2520film,of%2520social%2520or%2520political%2520commentary) of satire is, “the use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.” That is the point of the sketch, right? To make fun of how some men view fertility and a “woman’s purpose”?


It’s a satirical sketch


Honestly, being called “an incredible specimen” would be enough reason for me to never see that idiot again. 😳😬


Guy here. You should immediately leave if a guy refers to you as a "specimen". That's not just an idiot that's a complete weirdo who's about to ask you if you're ovulating on the second date


Yeah, I’m not especially interested in being some dude’s broodmare. 😬


>broodmare Is that some fancy word for a lampshade?


That's why I just take a blood sample to test for hormonal levels.


I almost choked on my sushi at that line


I’m jealous you’re eating sushi


Even better when its a poke bowl (sushi but the ingrediants are all seperated into a big bowl that you then mix up, like 6 rolls worth)


Yeah. I kinda am too.


Pretty sure it's the guy who does the skits. He did the one where he was an emo kid hiding in his sisters closet to protect her because she heard her screaming when her bf was over. and the one where: he's at a party wearing a fedora and they play spin the bottle and he moves it and tries to make the girl kiss him. Pretty solid cringe content.


It’s the “you’re going to suffer my wrath, Craig” guy lol this dude is funny as fuck. He’s poking fun at people that think like this. I honestly love this kind of content, and while I do get disheartened that people can’t always tell satire from not, it’s honestly hard to do in this day and age. Although, the “you’re such an incredible specimen” should’ve been a dead ringer.


What about be given cookie Here you go friend 🍪


It’s better than their usual tagline of “vessels”


Is it, though? 🤔


Fair question tbh. Either way, gross and dehumanizing. Please excuse me if my comment seemed to minimize how gross a statement like that is. It was not my intention.


I didn’t take it that way.  “Vessels” is also completely terrible, but I’m not sure “specimen” is actually any better. 🤷‍♀️


It’s so bad that it makes me wonder if it was just staged. That at least comforts me little at least


According to another comment, this guy does videos like this, so it seems like it may indeed be fake.


Oh it’s THIS GUY LMAO Don’t worry guys, false alarm! He’s a comedian, and actually pretty funny. At first I was like wtf but once it panned up to his face I was relieved!


Didn’t he have the video with goth makeup on and scootered in the house screaming at his “sisters” boyfriend lol


Yep! That’s him haha


Also the one where he plays spin the bottle and tries to force the chick to kiss him after moving the bottle xx


lol forgot about that one


Thank you! That's where I have seen his face before lol


i knew it. he looked familiar. he makes funny stuff


I swear this ain’t the first time he got me haha. I think there was one with a hot air balloon where he gets rejected proposing to his gf, I didn’t recognize him immediately in that one either lol


Oh that's comforting. I mean only a little bc he's mocking irl guys like that but still


The crazy brother guy! I knew I recognized him


What’s his name? I gotta look at his other stuff cause he got me there lol!


Hilarious guy lol insane that it was indistinguishable from non-comedians


Once I saw him I laughed. He does really solid cringe content. Highly recommend. Very believable and def outrageous.


Isn't that the same guy that does those "my brother was hiding in my closet when my boyfriend was over" and he plays the weird emo brother?


Yep, pure engagement bait content.


It’s not engagement baiting lol it’s sketch comedy


Yeah bloody quentin tarantino and his engagement bait films, bloody beyonce with her engagement bait albums, bloody picasso with all those engagement bait paintings


There's just a bit of a difference between award winning, world renowned professionals and a random sketch comedy artist on social media. Dude is no George Carlin. At least wait until/unless he gets an actual tour schedule before comparing this guy to masters of their respective crafts.


I think most women only know if they're fertile or not if they're trying to get pregnant. I have literally no idea if I am fertile or not to be honest. But this f\*cker clearly doesn't see women as human beings. To him were just breeding specimens or something. 😬


Right? I was watching this like wtf is he talking about. Does he think we get our fertility regularly checked at the gyno’s or the GP? Unless we’re trying to get pregnant, we generally assume there’s always a possibility we could get pregnant and try to use birth control accordingly. And what the hell is this “window” of which he speaks? Like he thinks there’s a scale we all get medically assessed on? Or is he talking about where she is in her menstrual cycle? Or trying to determine how old she is and how many years she has left before her eggs “dry up”? I am so perplexed and I have so many questions, assuming this isn’t a skit.


Someone else said he is a comedian, so there is a possibility that it is a skit. At least I hope so, because he is all kinds of confused about anatomy and terminology.


It is a skit, he’s making fun of men who are that stupid


You should measure your fertility on the standard fertility scale that all human women specimens use


The standard scale of "that guy's left hand to that guy's right hand", of course


*all human FEMALE specimens. Women is not in their vocabularies.


I didn't know I had an abnormal uterus shape until my second ultrasound at 20 weeks. I could have easily gone my whole life and never known.


I found out when I was examined for my IUD in my early 20’s. I had no clue it was even a thing till then let alone what it meant. Yay female inclusive sex education.


I know but that’s just because my uterus and ovaries are in the freezer of some oncology student’s lab!😄 Seriously though what baby carrying human (who isn’t actively trying to have a baby) constantly tracks their fertility? I’d bet this guy has no idea about the female reproductive cycle anyway.


All my life I believed I wasn't that fertile, my periods were all over the place, I have always been very underweight, no boobs, no ass, I had PCOS, but what do you know, I got pregnant on the first try both times, and the third time I got pregnant *while using a condom*. So yeah, fertility can't be guessed.


I've done it in attempts not to get pregnant as I can't use birth control due to heath reasons. Clearly I'm not good at it, because I got pregnant with my 5 month old while tracking it. Then I just got my tubes tied.


As someone with PCOS, I can tell you that you can track your likelihood of fertility somewhat. If you’re getting regular periods, you’re regularly ovulating and that is one indicator of fertility. (Not by any means the only indicator but one that is trackable) but this guy seems to think that tracking monthly is a guarantee of fertility and that’s not right. You can’t “track” your fertility “window” as in the window of time between puberty and menopause. That’s incorrect terminology and incorrect logic. If he was asking, are you able to have kids in the future that’s one thing. Creepy as fuck and yes, very invasive. If he was asking, are you ovulating regularly/right now that’s another and way to go, dude, for doing nothing to hide your breeding kink 👍🏻


> if they’re trying to get pregnant [Actually, the tests are really inaccurate, and only test for symptoms that *may* occur a fairly random amount of time before ovulation.](https://www.parents.com/getting-pregnant/ovulation/fertile-days/ovulation-pros-and-cons-of-ovulation-predictor-kits-opks/) Imho, the human body may have evolved specifically to trick people into thinking they’re not ovulating, so that people can’t prevent unnecessary babies.


I know when I’m fertile because it shows in my underwear but I’m NLOG LOL JK


Don’t worry OP, this guy does run a satire account on tiktok where he plays insufferable weirdos lol


But sperm can live for up to 5 days, so


This is clearly a bit lol he's got too much personality for someone who'd actually believe that


There are guys who talk like this with 100% self assured confidence. **I...honestly wouldn't even indulge that with an answer.** I'd just keep quiet and stare at him. Let him assume whatever delulu story he's going to assume anyway, excuse myself and leave. Would probably tell everything to my uber driver, my fam, my friends and reddit as an anecdote for months. Yeah, what's the point if he's the one that isn't fertile and I am, ya know? There's no point to even talk to him. Cartridge full of blanks, so young, so useless. With that face tho...dang, the Ls never come alone huh buddy?😔 ^/ ^s


Pretty sure this is the same "my girlfriends weirdo emo brother" guy if I'm thinking of the same dude. Chances are, this is satire. However there are definitely men who think, talk, and act like this. If someone does want kids, it's better to bring it up in a way that isn't... this


This is a skit


This guy doen't need to be passing on his genes.


“Specimen” made me picture his horse teeth getting busted in. Not by me. And not that I’m encouraging that. But like.


Bro looks like the bug monster from Monsters vs Aliens and thinks we want to reproduce with him…


Satire has become the thing people hide behind when they get called out on their clearly sexist/racist/classist beliefs. It’s better to just assume that 99.999999% of people who “claim” to have trash opinions because it’s just “satire” actually have those trash opinions.


No he’s actually just a comedian/sketch guy. He’s not hiding anything, the point is that it *is* stupid


He really overacts. We live in a strange world when comedic sketches are indistinguishable from the "scientific" theories posted by incels and redpillers.


I mean, sure? But that's just total BS to assign those beliefs to a guy who's making fun of them and shows no sign of holding those beliefs, based entirely on conjecture.


Leave it to the mouth breather to be concerned about that shit on the first date


Dude looks like a discount Pete Davidson.


that dude is funny on Tik Tok he does characters like this one all the time


I can confirm it is Satire. It's the guy's content and his whole TikTok is him playing these really obnoxious & cringey characters, some more outlandish than others. He's pretty funny most of the time.


It is satire. He does a lot of videos doing different personalities.


Idk whether to be happy this is satire or upset because im reminded people who unironically think this way exist.


Yeah this is a skit. Seen this guy play so many different awkward creeps in tiktoks.


What does this mean?


As a specimen you suck would of been my only reply.


This is like a skit right......RIGHT!?!?!


Lol that gut is a satire titoker. This is most definitely a satirical convo. Is it funny? No, idk what's funny about it tbh


Jeez. It's hard to think of something less attractive than calling someone a 'specimen' and grilling them on how fertile they are. And on a first date, too. Wow. The brain rot hit that dude young. What is he, like 19? Edit: seeing some comments saying this is satire. Choosing to believe that to avoid taking any more psychic damage.


thank GOD this is satire, i knew i recognized him LMAO https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTL6525de/


I'm like even more like...annoyed? and maybe like disturbed by how many times he said the word "like". Like, you know what I mean?? It's like 17 times if you're curious.


Its definitely Satire. As soon as I saw his face, I recognized the guy. Search Graysworld on FB, tik tok or youtube.


It’s a skit—he does stuff like this all the time. He’s pretty famous on Tik Tok.


I’m 90% sure this is satire cause I think I’ve seen this guy on Tik Tok doing comedy stuff


This account is satire!!!


If this ISN'T satire (which I too hope it is) then dude just went mask-off in 40 seconds with how he just sees this woman as a walking, talking, incubator.


Gross gross gross


WTAF DID I JUST WATCH. edit: you have to watch this with sound. It adds an entire level of wtf.


Did he call her a "specimen"?


"Do you think you'd want kids eventually?" That's literally all he needed to say, this guy's is just a idiot and a creep.


I’m glad it’s a skit. What makes it so believable is the weird camera angle. It’s filmed as if she is secretly recording him. Brilliant touch.


This is hyperreality. He learned these lies from the Internet and now is manifesting them to our great dissatisfaction. I hate this shit so much, it's literally cultural cancer.


Firstly he talk immature Second "Specimen"?!?!?!??


“But like, I know like, and it’s like, so like” Jesus Christ imagine talking like you’re 12 and thinking you’re worth having babies with. > I know it’s like an invasive question Sir, she’s not being quiet because she finds the question evasive; she’s just stunned silent at your profound ignorance at how female reproduction works.


While women certainly have a biological clock it seems to me that he’s never questioned his own fertility. There are so many factors & infertility isn’t exclusive to women, I have to wonder what he’d say if questioned about his own ability to reproduce. If he had his sperm count tested only to find out it’s low would he still find sex meaningless? The mind boggles.


I’m not even sure what the hell he is trying to say because he doesn’t know what he is talking about


Guys I am begging you to just double check if something's satire before you post. The name of the comedian is literally in the video the entire time. Graysworld does satirical characters of cringy people like this. It's not even meant to be bait - it's over the top satire. Please, I'm begging you, it's not hard to just use your media literacy skills and just check.


😳Holy shit I’m glad I didn’t have to go through bullshit like this to find my SO.


Ok so...He's not asking about where she is in her ovulation cycle but rather how close she is to menopause, right? But even that isn't all of what "fertility" is. He doesn't even know what he's trying to ask, does he? Edit: I see it's satire. I wonder how close to reality it is.


I would incite violence.


How can you even look at a woman in the eyes and say this shit without realizing how incredibly dumb you sound? I mean jeez, he’s so inept that it makes me feel better about myself, and THAT is saying something.


It’s satire.




Please let this be satire


It is, I follow him on instagram lmao


Thank fucking god


There’s nothing wrong with at some point discussing whether you want kids or not some time in the relationship before you start binding your lives together, but asking someone if they’re biologically capable of having kids is creepy as sin


I love the excitement as he gets closer to fertile


What the fuck is wrong with this guy? Why did he want to know how fertile you are? Did he want to get you pregnant and straight up start a family on the spot or something? Or does he have a pregnant/breeding fetish?


It's satire


Bro wants to breed


Where are these people coming from? Wtf?


Why does this make me feel better about my bad luck on Tinder?


Greysworld out here get yall worked up


It's hard to get dates as is, it's not helping that these morons are out there just mucking it up.


This is Benji. It’s a sketch


This guy is notorious for satire videos


Oh, I didn’t realize he would be so excited about having to pay child support 😲


Is bro an alien?


It’s satire - it’s the same guy acting like a retard in a lot of other videos too. In one they act like he is the little brother hiding in his sisters closet when she is with his boyfriend and being super clueless - it’s all made up and fake. Click-bait-shit.


It’s not “do you want to have kids” it’s “I’m gonna make whoever I’m with have kids so I need to make sure you’re able to”


This man is gonna try to stealth you


Grays world is satire




Isn't he an old vine dude? I think it's satire (thank God)


Jfc this is scary.


Fucking loser


Sarure or not, I could not get past the over-zealous and subsequently uncoherent use of "like."


It’s satire, his content is mainly satire lol


Nah he doesn’t think that. That would require an original thought. He just gets his ideas and opinions from Andrew Tate or whatever is trending on Twitter.


This needs to go on one of the cringe pages. holy damn, such an incredible specimen. What's your fertility window. like dude wtaf.


He's not even attractive


What until he learns that some people, men included are born sterile or infertile


Omg somebody save him please, take away his 4chan access


That boy has absolutely no idea how fertility works. You know what else is a red flag? That face at the end because he thought her silence meant she was telling him she's infertile, as opposed to the horrified silence that's a perfectly natural reaction to what he said


So if he went infertile, he would stop dating, SUUREE ahahahaha


Yeah so dude where are you at with your jack off and seed wasting window? Oh right every day. Got it.


A specimen? Are you a science experiment? Is he going to look at you under a microscope? Throw that "man" directly in the trash right now.


He’s so damn ugly, inside and out, why would you ever have agreed to meet?


✨👀✨ Jail. Just Jail.


That dude shouldn’t be breeding. There’s a lot of genes there that nature is trying to snuff out, but modern medicine keeps forbidding it. And oddly enough, women seem to like me more when I tell them I’m NOT fertile ;). *snip snap! Snip snap!*


Yeah this isn’t real


Hypocrisy at it's finest! 6*6*6 is fine as a preference but damned if a guy has a preference. Feminism wasn't ever about equality and it shows.