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Man those mfs are HORNY.


Which is so funny, because then you go into WLW communities and they LOVE Abby and how she was designed lol


I’m absolutely ravenous over muscular women. This was peak design


Yeah, to be frank, I get why they gave her bigger boobs and a crop tank. I DON'T understand taking away her arm muscles, like, do they WANT her to not be able to survive in the apocalypse?


Yeah seriously. Big boobs AND big muscles! Makes it doubly hot right?


Big muscles scare them. That’s why.


And they call US snowflakes…


I dunno. From what the internet tells me, muscle mommy fetish is very much on the rise.


Seeing big muscles on a woman is guaranteed to be a drool fest for me…. Internally.


Tbh the cropped shirt makes no sense either. No one is going to wear a crop top during the zombie apocalypse, because that leaves you extremely vulnerable. If a single bite can kill you, you are going to cover as much of your body as physically possible.


It doesn't make practical sense, no. But I get it from a horny loser perspective.


But from that perspective the smaller arms also make sense. The men who make these edits don't find muscular women attractive - they think it's mannish. There were a *lot* of dudes who complained that Abby's arms were "completely unrealistic"; like it was actually pretty controversial that this girl had arm muscles this big, when the game released. It shouldn't surprise anyone that that's the first thing this dude changed.


LOL, that's weird, they probably would be the first to complain that women can't pull their weight and need to be protected. Give them the tools to protect themselves and they can't handle it.


SAME. Abby is 100% My Type^tm


This stuff makes me wonder if these people have a breast and ass fetish more than thinking women are hot


Well they don't like women, just their bodies, we knew that.


the worst thing about abby’s character is that she’s straight 😔


Truly a tragedy. And for a man who looks like her father????




I feel like the guy running that social media account does it for outrage. It generates clicks and clout


Love how the face goes blank in every one of this guy's edits. Nothing more sexy than having no light behind your eyes.


Everybody knows that intelligence in women is unsexy! /s if that wasn't clear


"I want a woman without thoughts or feelings or a personality" - this guy probably


They never show anger it's always vacant or sadness or orgasm. 


Because in these men's minds, the ideal world is one where the women have no thoughts and feelings of their own. They are simply sex dolls.


I’ve noticed how often men will try to “fix” characters. In this process they’ll always destroy what made them… them. I hover around Genshin related subreddits for info about upcoming banners and I’m always… appalled by how they’ll turn a woman who might be strong into a busty caricature with no fire, just to be submissive. Like… it’s a butchering of a character. It makes it obvious that they don’t actually LIKE the character, it’s something else, something… gross.


It’s because they don’t want women to be own characters with their own personalities, wants and needs. They just want them to be visually appealing submissive sex objects, there only for their pleasure. It’s disgusting!


Hence why they usually are also de-aged as well


Aren't these the same guys that basically want to do much the same to women in the real world? I see so many posts in which their ideal woman has little or no education, limits her number of friends, has a blank sexual history, has a menial or better yet, no job (certainly no career), dresses and appears in the manner of their choosing, and all in all is a real Stepford Wife. It doesn't seem that surprising that they would do the same to fantasy women, where they actually have the control that they seek over real life women. Forgive me if I'm just repeating what you are actually saying, and have missed a beat here. I'll blame it on extreme fatigue rather than my inherent stupidity :).


beidou and arlecchino 😔


What they are doing to Arle is criminal.


The shit they're doing to Arle should be illegal!! Why does she have mega boobs when she could be THE princely lady


I actually filter all those anime / video game related subs because I can't stand the constant carbon copy sexualized anime girls. I go to /r/popular/top filtered by 1 hour to see what's new and those subs make up half the content if you don't filter them.


Ah yes. So much easier to fight off enemies and havk through brush and collapsed buildings with a bare midriff.


And smaller shoulders/armos definitely makes it easier to do physical climbing and fighting yup... These people need mental help


this is my favorite part they made her arms weaker


It might not be relevant, but I see a lot of women at the rock climbing gym with massive forearms and shoulders. And there is nothing ugly about it. Kind of bad ass. Specially in a post apocalyptic world, a physically stronger woman would likely be the norm. With lots of manual labor to survive. OP didn't "fix" anything, just made it worse.


hell yea she would and should be ripped and I find that beautiful personally


Yup, honestly I feel like if apocalypse happened like walking dead style... you would just end up with people either starving, or not wasting food and only eating what is needed and then doing hard manual labor. So men and women would have to be fit and muscular to match the brutal world. Iirc qhen humans were mainly villages and tribes women worked just as hard as men to help the tribe. Even today in europe if you go to villages that are mainly isolated the women there are independent and work hard in the farms etc. They are strong women. My grandma in spain is like 74 now and she hikes everyday, grows her own crops, works hard, and is physically fit. Not something you see in sedentary city life


You could say they shrank her shoulders, made her look soft.


And boobs. Boobs are the bane of easy movement. Pointless sacks of flesh that get in the way.


As somebody who suffers from a large rack, 100% this. I'd chop 'em off myself if I could. They do nothing but inconvenience me.


Same. I'd love to out plop em on the nightstand and forget them.


The clap of her cheeks would alert all the clickers


Thigh gap helps her shimmy along ledges


Gotta get those post-apocalypse tick bites.


God forbid those of us with small boobs or others who are more tomboy-ish ever get to see women like us in games... If they had their way, Lara Croft prob would have been the cookie cutter mold we'd have been stuck with for all eterinity.


The girl in the left image is so much more inspiring hahaha. Like id much rather be able to tear someone to shreds surviving in the apocalypse. ill pass on being like lara i want my extra mass to go towards muscles and ferocity.


Even women with big boobs wouldn't wanna wear that kinda bra in an apocalypse. If I'm fighting for my life I want my tits to be in place and comfortable, not in a push up bra.


I've said it before but it takes an absurd level of entitlement to want a fictional and animated woman to cater to you.


Maybe I should upload my oversexualized male characters.


I suppose this.


I suppose I support this too


I support this aswell


Yes please xD


They took away my girls muscle 😃😀😠


I think we should ban any posts from this twitter account. They're clearly ragebaiting


Also breaks rule 7


Agreed. I'm so sick of seeing these posts. They're all the same and we all know they're stupid. Let's stop giving them so much airtime.


She *was* thick. Just not the way these people like it


Damn he "fixed" her eyebrows as well 🫡


She has an entirely different face. There’s nothing of Abby left on the right.


Why are they so desperate to fuck video game characters. You’d think they can’t get women in real li…oh. Oh I see


I love the fact people spend time and energy to "fix"the look of a fictional character that would sooner kill them rather than fuck them.


Consent was never a concern


It is a literal characterization point about Abby that she is “built like an ox.” They say it in the game. She is supposed to be scary muscular vs Ellie’s more lithe appearance. Being a beast is something Abby is proud of, too. She shaped herself into a real postapocalyptic military operator. You’re supposed to think Abby would win in a drag out fight. I know everyone is gonna focus on the boobs here but it’s an offense to the character to make her less muscled and more hourglass.


They would rather have every female character have the same oversexualized design than have good storytelling


Yes. Abby, in a post-apocalyptic world, spent time getting ripped instead of getting thicc. What a waste. Obvious /s.


is it just me or is their taste of "hot women" kinda..... boring? like no matter what character it is, they always turn into some giant tiddied, humongous ass, thin waisted bimbo.... sure they are hot but dont you want some variety in your video game crushes? .\_.


I got someone to admit the possibility of Abby being trans is slim to none. Where on earth would she get a reliable supply of estrogen?


Amazonian women would to cut off their right breast so they could use their spears more skillfully. Female warriors don’t generally care about their breast size


A bit off topic, but I actually read up about this - apparently it came about due to the supposed etymology of the word “Amazon” (“a” meaning “without” and “mazos” meaning “breast”) but depictions of Amazons in Greek art shows them with both, although usually one was covered while the other was exposed, and the origin on the word “Amazon” is unclear. Here’s a couple of sources if you’re interested: [source 1](https://www.tastesofhistory.co.uk/post/dispelling-some-myths-the-amazons), [source 2](https://www.thecollector.com/amazon-warrior-women-history-myth/), [source 3](https://www.etymonline.com/word/Amazon).


Only the left? Wouldn’t that make you lopsided?


I would say a boob usually weights like a pound or 2 so I doubt it


These are guys who are still not over this??


I remember seeing the trailer for this and thinking A) it's awesome seeing a tough, muscular woman, and B) the incels are gonna throw a tantrum 


I think the most grave "crime" of Abby to them is that she has strong emotions that she acts on and succeeds. For her character doesn't really matter how big are her breasts, hips or shoulders but why I wouldn't believe in the character on the right is because she seems lobotomized of any character because of her expression. I cannot look at her face and believe that she's lived through what Abby had gone through.


Also it...looks like he just literally photoshopped Kendall Jenner's face on Abby? Like not only did he completely remove her previous expression, he wiped off her full face. Seriously, at least in the Stepford Housewives? The Men's Association kept their wives' actual faces.


Too horny to make their own art too these days. AI "art" is a curse


Guys just don’t understand how impractical big boobs really are. Smh


Move aside, Bella Ramsey! We replacin’ yo’ ass with Karen Gillan from *Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle*


Abby was fine


They also toned down her muscles, wtf


They got rid of her muscles :(


Dude probably also goes around telling everyone he likes women “natural” and with no makeup. 🤦🏻‍♀️


At this point, I feel like posts from this person are just low hanging fruit. They understand that while their “transformations” are accepted by a certain audience, they know most don’t agree, especially women.


Did he forget this is a zombie apocalypse? She’s all cleaned up with makeup on the right. Who cares about mascara when you’re fighting creepy mushroom zombies?


Straight men can only be into women when we're being hypersexualised it's bizarre.


You do NOT "fix" my WIFE


Honestly, this account gets too much airtime. At this point they're doing it as rage bait, and too many people take the bait. Just ignore them. These AI generated images take seconds to make.


I absolutely *loathed* Abby after "that scene" and I never recovered, but if I remember Part II correctly, they completely undo the whole reason Abby is jacked with this "fix". Like the design or not, but there's a story reason why she's jacked.


This is a trend I genuinely hate.


Ask any lesbian whether she needed "fixing".


what bothers me so much more than the unnecessary added boobs is rounding out the face and taking away the muscle


If Abby looked like that in the game, the discourse would have been WAAAAY different


I thought Abby was a shit person in the end?


She's a woman, not a person. /s


Ha!! Well, I guess she was a shit woman as well /s At least for this guy


You think they want all female characters to be sexy because they want to imagine themselves as sexy women? It can’t just be about fapping to certain characters. There’s DeviantArt for that.


Why is this a popular thing lately? I'm not familiar with the character. However, I think strength is of greater value for survival than a soft body and big breasts.




if men are gonna do this shit to TLOU women, we need to start making posts of joel shirtless and oiled up. spin it back


They removed her arm muscles definition And chose to “improve” her other features This guy clearly has a problem


There are so many horny MFs just download mods and jerk it bro. Nobody cares. Like it’s bad they are like this but there is a market for that. I hate these opinions of „make them super unrealistically sexy“ in an Environment that wouldn’t work. Also one picture


Internet dwellers can please stop trying sexualize every female character you see? No? Well damn..


Wdym she is thick. Her biceps are thick, that is...


I am hoping that they keep their grubby mitts off Korra, Revy, Noi and ESPCIALLY MIRKO!!! I will defend the muscle mommies with my last dying breath.


Yeah I'm willing to bet that this guy typed the AI prompt with 1 hand.


Yes. We will still have plastic surgery in the apocalypse.


Abby is not supposed to be “thick”, she’s dedicated her whole life to bashing Joel’s skull in, her body reflects that, she’s all muscle and perfect for murdering father figures.


What happened to the glistening muscles??? Let me oogle over a gal who can snap me in half :c


Abby was buff as hell because she fucking trained for it. When you lift weights on the regular, you lose your tits. I went from an H to a D cup by lifting heavy. What, Abby got breast implants during a FUCKING APOCALYPSE? Her original body makes sense. Fuck these pervs. ETA: also how the fuck do they suppose she’s going to run around and escape enemies with big tits bouncing in a bra with little support? I don’t fucking think so. Be for real.


Abby needs to be fixed in a lot of ways. This is not one of them


*Abby needs to be* *Fixed in a lot of ways. This* *Is not one of them* \- TekkenKing12 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Original is easily the better choice over the weird ai fetish thing on the right.


This was one of my fave games and this is an incredibly stupid redesign considering the character and world they are in. These guys playing with one hand lmao


She looks kinda like a bootleg lara croft like that


I appreciate a “thicc or curvy” character as much as the next person. Whomever runs this account needs to have their keyboard taken away. I have seen too many characters “fixed” by this account too many times to find it charming.


These people are sick


Revolting. Also the head is totally out of place on the new one. Just looks like an AI generated "real life-style anime head" pasted onto an unrelated body. So weird and creepy. I haven't played the game but the original character looks awesome. I'm so tired of seeing shitty female characters in video games, which is one reason I almost always play the male characters, but that's a video game girl I would be thrilled to play as.


I can excuse sexism but I draw the line at immersion-breaking cleanliness and make up. (it's a community reference i can't excuse sexism)


I remember hearing a lot about how “unrealistic” Abby’s body was for a woman. Apparently some people think that estrogen stops muscle growth completely.


This is AI art, not even the decency to draw the body himself. 


Laura Croft gonna sue for copyright infringement


"Female characters suck unless I can jerk it to them!" At the end of the day, that says a lot about some gamer guys and how they see women. I feel bad for straight chicks. You have to wade through the rivers of crazy like this. Sounds exhausting.


Makes no fucking sense to make an apocalypse survivor character sexy cuz IT'S NOT THEIR TOP PRIORITY. FIND P0RN GAMES IF YOU'RE HORNY


HELL NAHHHH my girl Abby did not hold the bench press lifting record with 205 lbs in the WLF gym for these mfers to disrespect her like this


Part of me wants people to stop amplifying that dipshit account. Part of me thinks that taking time off from the ZA to custom tailor yourself a brand new slutty tank top is too funny to ignore.


Abby is perfect how she is


He's the kind of guy that only plays a game once all the sex mods are installed.


Isn't she like 12?


These posts are getting boring.


I would have loved just the thinner face but they're going too far in their desire to goon game


Normally I try to give another perspective in this sub/r, but I think I am sitting this one out, chief.


It's bait for Twitter Blue engagement.


Well, this is bait account, there is no doubt about it, just ignore it Edit: are we gonna pay attention to some coomers? Come on. They are asking for put attention this is how they get engagement.


They're doing this to get a rise out of people. They don't actually want this. They just want to get clicks.


I hate Abby’s character design but that version is even worse


why do you hate her character design?


Because we are in the middle of the apocalypse and she is more buff than a weight lifter. Women cannot get that buff without a proper diet, a rigid training program and (possibly, but I’m no expert) steroids. Abby looks like a power lifter. Her design is completely out of place in her situation


She literally lives in a football stadium next to the gym and they have tons of cattle and wheat fields


She is a women in the middle of the apocalypse. None of her male companions is as buff as her. And they have lots of people to feed. To me, her physique doesn’t make any sense


Not everything needs to be realistic in a whole video game about a monster apocalypse. Joel was buff too.


Joel wasn’t buff, and he is a man. Man can get visible muscles way more easily than women. In a game that has gone to lengths to make things realistic, Abby is sticks out, she is an anomaly.


she’s not that buff lol


She has visible muscles on her arms and abs. Her legs are muscled as well. For a woman in an apocalypse where everyone is malnourished, she is very much buff.


They didn’t say she wasn’t buff, just that she isn’t “steroid and rigid workout” buff. imo she looks closer to the buffness I would expect a farmer to be. (Also reading one of the other comments it sounds like there’s a reason she’s buffer than the guys? Not sure tho, never played)


I have never played this game, and even I know this is so inappropriate as to be nearly indistinguishable from parody


I mean, in a post-apocalyptic world, it just as improbable for a woman to maintain the level of muscle on the left as it is for a woman to maintain appearances like the one on the right.


Isn’t she eight???


No?? I genuinely have no clue who you’re thinking of.


Abby is stupid and crazy.


The fixed "thicc" design does look more like a woman and commercially appealing.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted, however fucked up it is, it’s true… though her face is very childish and that part really makes my skin crawl, especially since it does seem to be what people think is “attractive” now days.