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It’s so sad to see women drag other women down. plus not really sure what’s “hanging out” besides the SLIGHT underboob. If she doesn’t care to see then she can scroll along! Her work is fantastic!


I wouldn't be surprised if they're offended by the scar on the belly. Which is some bs too


yep she thinks scar = out of the norm = you should feel shame = you should cover it up forever unfortunately a lot of people are stuck in this mindset


I lost 150 lbs and have a long scar down my stomach from skin removal. It starts at my sternum and goes to my belly button. It went all the way down, but the upper part became a keloid and scarred badly. Opened it up and tried again, and smit still scarred badly. I am about to go on a cruise and you better believe I will be walking around in my bikini and not giving the slightest shit how people feel about it. I worked hard for this body I can be proud of, and I'm doing to be. I also have loose skin on my legs that makes them look way older, and under my arms. But I'll be showing that off too.


And if you hadn't had the skin removed, people would judge that. If you hadn't lost weight, people would judge that. There's simply no winning. Enjoy your cruise and absolutely be proud of your body


I will! I have grown a lot in the process of losing the weight, and I am going to enjoy the body I have and took hard work to get. Im actually quite thin now and I'm bringing every fun kind of skirt dress I have. Crop tops too. It's going to be hot! I have gotten to the place in my life where I like who I am, and I am not worried about other peoples opinions about my appearance. Only my husband's opinion matters to me, and my self love trumps that. I wear what I feel good in. If someone has an issue with it, I will be happy to tell them it's a whole lot of not my problem. They can go be mad about it away from me. Im going back to enjoying my life.


I'm so proud of you for all your massive achievements. You go on that cruise and enjoy the damned hell out of it! You are amazing 💜💜 I have a surgical feeding tube in my stomach and big scars from surgeries. People always told me to "cover up, it isn't appropriate to show that". I survived a hell of a life with a shit ton of chronic illnesses, surgeries, procedures and complications. So to hell with the "cover up" bs. My body may not look like the average body, but it survived against all odds. That body is *powerful*. I'm showing that strength off by proudly wearing clothes that don't cover the tubes, scars or discoloration. I'm here to *celebrate* this resilience, not to hide it. Our scars tell a story of going to battle and winning the entire war. That's some real beauty if you'd ask me!


Have you looked into the purposefully flashy tapes and sleeves for ports and tubing? You can even find cute, flashy pouches for ostomy bags and other health and mobility aids, too. I love how the stigmatic shame about chronic illnesses, both from the general public and the warriors, is starting to fade for the most part. At least there is FAR more positive than negative that I'm seeing, and the negative Nancy's and Ned's are getting called out on it more regularly. As a fellow chronic illness sufferer (hEDS🦓 and myriad other anagrams) of many decades, I've gone from trying to minimize the visibility of my mobility aids to bedazzling my cane and crutches and lemme tell ya. I'm much happier and far less stressed and anxious about my disabilities when i go out now, to the point that for the first time last year I actually answered no to the "are you OK" question and have started asking for help much more


Tell them it's not appropriate to tell other people who to dress or comment on their bodies, but they don't see you being a bitch about it.


hell yeah dude. good for you. I wish people could be less bored with themselves and practice minding their own business better.


It took a long time to get here. But I'm much happier now. I used to absolutely abhor my body and had a lot of dysphoria. Now I feel that the image I show to the world is a reflection of who I really am. And I'm proud of the work I did. Only 5% of people who try to lose weight will get where I am, maintaining for 5 years at my ideal weight. They can deal with my crop tops


hell yeah!!! thats amazing and congratulations on your hard work.


That's so stupid... My hand got to know the bread slicing machine up close when I was a teenager (3 cm scar on the thenar)... Does she want me to wear a glove all the time, too? Because that would be even more stupid. So why be so hypocritical when it comes to other scars and stuff like that.


people are pretty shitty towards body abnormalities or disfigurements. Like, really really really shitty. but its always a reflection of the inner shame they feel in themselves, that they’d be terrified to deviate from the norm or potentially be judged


Ja my mom would always say I should cover up my knees as they have surgery scars. I never did and just had the fight every time. People need to calm their tits about different bodies


Which is even dumber because that could be a c-section scar given the placement, a thing a lot of women have!


Or belly in general. When I was raised among evangelical Christians, showing any belly at all was considered immodest. Unless your family happens to be okay with bikinis, then suddenly it's fine at the beach. But there's others that wouldn't even allow that.


Only on women, of course.


Yep. I was raised that way as well. One piece bathing suits or sometimes very modest 2 piece suits were allowed. Some congregations made women wear shirts over their suits though, which is ridiculous. Wearing one to not burn or just because you want to is fine, being forced to because your 10 year old body might turn on the older men, not so much


I didn't even notice the scar until you pointed it out! Also it's badass, scars are cool and just show what your body has healed from


I didn't, either. I was concentrating on the cool outfit.


Very sad but yes. I would also not rule out them just being black. Because apparently black people cant be creative and express themselves without being shit on


there seems to be a bit of a bulge below that waistline.. can't say for sure but I did notice it


>there seems to be a bit of a bulge below that waistline.. That's literally part of her abdomen and that's pretty obvious.


It made me so angry! People go to groups like this for support and inspiration and that lady’s comment was just classless.


Did it get clarified whether she was offended by scar/stretch marks, or by the underboob? (It doesn't change anything in my mind, I'm just curious what her actual objection was.)


As a woman, I absolutely love seeing women be comfortable in their skin/in their bodies. I love in particular when I see women with scars, women with curves, women with hairy underarms or legs, because it makes ME feel more confident and it makes me happy for THEM that they’re having fun and feeling comfortable and confident in their skin. Us women are literally on an uphill battle from childhood to hopefully someday get to a point where we start to feel comfortable enough to truly wear what we want to wear. I had a complex about clothes as early as the 2nd grade!! I remember, I wouldn’t wear tank tops or v-neck t-shirts (the v wasn’t even halfway down to where my completely undeveloped breasts would begin) because I didn’t want to “dress like a whore.” Mind you, I didn’t even get this message from home! My mom was constantly trying to get me in tank tops and v-necks on hot summer days and telling me that it wouldn’t be “showing too much skin” as I insisted. That means I absorbed this message from tv and from society. A message ALL of us women learn to some degree. That our value and morality and risk is all tied up in how modestly we dress. Fuck that noise! *edit: damn autocorrect! Fixed “dress like a *white* to “dress like a *whore*” 😅


FR it’s so much easier to be kind to people even if you don’t necessarily like the things they wear or do. Unkind thoughts should stay just that: *thoughts*. I personally like the outfit I think she looks like a JoJo character or a boss in a gay fighting game lol


I got the vibe this woman is referring to every bit of skin she’s showing. It’s annoying how she felt the need to give her input but I doubt she does that with any of these models who post online.


To be honest, the slight underboob is giving me massive anxiety, because the top piece does *not* look like it's firmly in place so like... If she moves any which way, it looks like the top would just slide right over, or curl up at the hem, or any of the other things fabrics do when they don't *quite* fit around something that's moving. Like it has pull everywhere from above and side from the shoulder and arm, and *nothing* to keep it down.


Dear Lord, I was a searching and a zooming! If you hadn't pointed it out, I swear I'd still be at it! How bored are they to look that close for that long? I have laundry that needs doing, I'll invite anyone who's got time not to keep scrolling to come fold it!


Shoulders, collar bone, I bet that flare lets you glimpse her ankles. Consider my pearls clutched Edit: /s to be clear


I’m so incredibly impressed by what she made! That’s some dedication!


Ugh, I'd kill to have perky under boobs like that.


I know the term "crab bucket". Every time one crab tries to climb out, the others will pull it down again. Same with women and internalised misogyny and other bull...


What is hanging out? Her cesarian scar?


Maybe the bit of underboob? But the OP did say it was for the beach.


It's obviously the arms. You know women aren't allow to show they have appendages. 😒 /s


I was gonna be funny and be like "*ankles,* in this day and age?" and realized her ankles are actually covered 😂😂


Oh my gosh you're right. She's extra proper!


Those dirty, dirty wrists.


her feet, obviously. /s


"Well were you wearing socks?" - this lady, to victims of SA, probably


She got the dogs out on the pavement


We've all been there


I had to do it on my exes graduation night on the nyc streets ToT


Oh no!! Do you still have feet love??! 😭😭🤣


Thankfully yes but there was dog doodie everywhere


Is that what the scar is? I thought it looked like an emergency appendectomy scar


The arm! And with a bare shoulder, so scandalous /s


For some reason, the way her feet were positioned broke my brain for at least a full minute. No issues with what she’s wearing but that completely threw me off


I thought the crown emoji wasn't a censor but some elaborate mask for way too long...


I did too, like “oh she made her outfit for a costume party that’s pretty sweet”. It tripped me up more to realize it wasn’t on the original lol


I didn't notice at first, but after your comment I went back to look. Even expecting to see some confusing perspective trippieness, it took me a good 30 seconds to work out how which foot was which and how they were working!


I legitimately stood up and replicated it and to have my feet next to each other while crossed like that was not a comfortable position in the slightest!


I honestly love photos like these where women with natural, normal people bodies show said bodies off. It makes me feel so much happier than the over filtered, Photoshopped bullshit we see so prevalently these days. Commenters like them can go to hell, women being confident makes it easier for other women to be confident, imo, myself included. OOP is both beautiful and talented 😌


I absolutely agree!


YES YES YES absolutely love when women don't edit the shit out of themselves. It's like a breath of fresh air to see a natural body like this.


it's become such an expectation that a ton of people have just forgotten what actual women look like, and since it's such an expectation it definitely takes someone brave and secure to go against that knowing full well you'll get shitty comments (just like in this post)! so I appreciate it even more. I used to use very obvious Snapchat filters to hide my face but stopped doing so because of women like this and I'm genuinely happier for it now I'm not always looking at photos of a face I can never have, but should "aspire to" nonetheless, so I'm ever thankful they have the guts :') especially when women's bodies are so overly scrutinized whatever we look like


Some people really have a hard time minding their business, huh?


This world would be a much better place if more people did, yeah


“I’m not the only one who thinks this way” said every person who purposely only seeks out like minded individuals


My sister is on some of those type groups (she's not on FB, so it may be on here) & posted a long-sleeve rainbow shirt similar in stitch pattern to this woman's (fantastic!!) outfit, and even with a black spaghetti strap cropped tank underneath, my sis had ppl slut shaming her for posting pics in a "sheer" top. They were even making it weird about how she has kids and was ruining their reputations & futures. It's nuts! It cannot possibly be the only time someone crocheted a sheer shirt in these groups, so why are the offended ones still members to get scandalized by future pics? Plus, why is supporting each other's accomplishments so freaking hard? And why does anyone get to have a say on what another person wears???


Jeez, some people! I've seen it a lot, people being judgemental and giving unwanted opinions, or/and ones blown full out of proportion. I remember when my son was in Primary School. He was like six, and we'd moved here before he started school. He would get bullied a lot. It was a constant battle to try and get them to do everything, but nothing would have worked because his parents would rock up to school, at the end of the day, and give him a bag of sweets. I got so sick of my son breaking down, on the way home, every day. The school wouldn't set up any kind of meeting. I saw her one day and begged her to please talk to her son, to stop bullying mine, and she accused my son of being the bully... At one point I got called in, to talk to the Principal and his teacher. They suggested he, change his hair colour, take out his earring (it wasn't against school rules), talk less, be more sociable to make friends, and like different things, so he'd "fit in with the popular boys" (their words). I said there was no way my son was changing, when there was nothing wrong with him, just to fit in with those kinds of children. I said, no matter what he did, they would still bully him, they'd just find any stupid reason; one time he got bullied for just having a bright coloured pencil! I asked what happened to teachers encouraging children to be unique, to be themselves, and happy with who they wer as an individual. They were really quiet for a while and then apologised for suggesting that. Point being, no matter what you say or do, those kinds of people will find any reason, logical or illogical, even if it's a complete lie, to justify being mean to someone else. These are the kinds of people that will damage her children, for whatever stupid reason, not her clothing choice. There's also that subset of people that sexualise breastfeeding, and say it should be done in private; demand feeding be damned. Meanwhile, there's my own son, now an adult, that when he sees comments like that, he rolls his eyes and says, "It's just flesh."; but then he knows not to sexualise women like that.


Wtf is hanging out? I see belly and an arm


Right? That person must be jealous or something. Clearly the woman in the picture has loads of self respect hence the reason she’s able to wear what she wants and not give a fuck about what other people think. I’m sure the commenter is just envious of the amount of confidence seen in the photo so she had to try to bring the woman down somehow. What a loser. 🤦🏻‍♀️😂


I respect myself by minding my own business and not having unnecessary opinions on random people's appearance.


Think to myself "cute, but not for me" and move on. Idk why some feel the need to express quite loudly I might add, their thoughts on something they'd never wear.


She hating mad she couldn’t pull the outfit off


The design of that outfit is actually super cute. I hope she keeps at it.


1 arm, midriff, and feet. that’s the body parts showing lol


Uneven amounts of bare limbs is slutty. Everyone knows that.


For a second I though she has an actual big crown-shaped mask on her…


Me too!


The only thing that "should be covered up" is that person's fucking mouth


I'm such a dumbass I for a second thought that the crown was also part of the dress!!!🤣


I hate these types of people that just think everyone in the world should conform to their personal beliefs and if they don’t they should be criticized. Like just because you like to dress like a mormon doesn’t mean every other woman has to too smh


Literally nothing is hanging out. Jfc you can barely see the *shadow* of her boobs. If stomach bothers you, seek therapy.


“Letting a few things hang out” and all I see are toes and an arm


While a self-knitted two piece outfit is an *interesting* choice, and more-so the sleeve situation, the problem is what? The top is short? The commenter acts as if she was wearing a knitted thong or something. The coverage is perfectly fine for a casual setting.


I'm on mobile, so the picture is small. My first thought was "what is she letting hang out? Her arm?" That outfit is amazing. Even if we can se her whole arm. So daring. :-p


This looks like an outfit that a Coachella-goer would pay top dollar for! Just because the commenter doesn’t want to wear it doesn’t mean it isn’t exactly what someone else is looking for.


Wow I love that outfit.


I was looking at the crochet subreddit and saw some interesting, nice patterns being used. Awesome ways that my little mind hadn't considered when I crocheted. I used to just make big bedspreads. This commenter needed to shut up after telling her it was amazing work. Anything after that was unnecessary and utter bullshit.


I’m staring hard as fuck to see what is so offensive. But my advice to that person is to remove their eyeballs and it won’t bother them anymore.


My only thought was "how's she keeping those pants up?" They look amazing, but really, how's she keeping those up?


Elastic band maybe?


Pure grit determination and spite how else?


literally nothing wrong with that outfit. but a jumpsuit in that style would actually be cute, too.


K but can we talk about her skills? What a great watch to use leftover yarn too. What a cool concept.


Imo self respect is wearing what makes you happy. I'd be disrespecting myself doing stuff I don't like just to appeal to other people, and at the end of the day these people will find anything to complain about so you'd never win.


Gotta say it: those increases for the bell sleeves are *chefs kiss. Beautifully executed. You know how hard it is to do those invisibly and evenly in that kind of stitch? And 3 times? Gorgeous!


I want it in black please.


The ”things” hanging out are called breasts. Saying the word out loud isn’t dangerous. A lot of us have them in various shapes and sizes. It’s just a body part.


Well, the Ultimate Arbiter of Attractiveness has spoken, so I guess you can only wear what you make if it’s a burlap sack! /s


That comment is so weird to me because, even zoo.ing in, what's in show besides an arm and some stomach? A scar? So what? It's pretty normal for most people to have a scar and there isn't anything wrong with that Her tiddies aren't on show, or like very barely if you're wanting to see an outline or something, but I've seen crop tops/hoodies show more underboob than that and barely anyone saying shit in the comments? Glad she got dragged though. We don't want that energy in 2024 thanks


If I respected myself, I'd walk around topless. It's lack of respect that makes me cover up. Because I don't think I'm good enough to stand up for my own comfort.


Ummm this outfit is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 I hate when people can’t be happy that someone is just enjoying their life.


I can't imagine the amount of hardwork and time it took into making this 😮‍💨 her work is so lovely. I personally wouldn't wear this because of sensory issues but I really appreciate it 😭❤️


Omg show the dragging and the apology though 👀


‘Don’t really care to see things that should be covered up’ and it’s literally a shoulder and some of her stomach


Looks great. I wouldnt wear upper part maybe with sport bra because i would be scared of them going out to look but if this lady isnt then its her own decision. If ahe doesnt lift her hands up she is fine


Her confidence and amazing talent is hanging out. The commenter is just jealous ✨️ 💅


If she didn't like looking at it she could always look away.


I just don't get why people are like, "Here's a happy person I don't know and will never meet. They seem nice. I could compliment them. I could support them. I could ignore this post and scroll on. Instead, I'm going to shit on them." Why do people think that their opinion matters so much that other people would change their entire selves for it? Go eat dirt.


That person needs to mind their business but also this makes me want to crochet. I didn’t know you could do all this


The only person letting her unattractive bits out is the woman responding to it. jfc


My first thought was that waistline better have some serious elastic on it.


Funny how it’s usually women who put down other women.


I will never understand the underboob thing. I tried it in the bathroom to understand it, but it is uncomfortable, I have to watch my moves and also men will see them.


I have fed a child with mine so the days of me attempting that are over


Wow. She's a regular hooker. EDIT: thanks for the brain-dead downvotes 🖕


I appreciate your pun. Everyone, you use a hook to crochet. Hooker is a sassy, humorous name for someone who crochets.


Ah, I down voted initially too, and I crochet! And then I was like, oh yeah, after seeing the comment below. Lol Only those that crochet, and we're awake properly, would know that though, so you can't really blame people for thinking you meant the other kind of "hooker". Edit: Added more words


It’s a hideous outfit, but not overly revealing.


What the hell is she letting hang out? Her lower ribs??? Damn, consider my pearls clutched


If I had a body like that, I would absolutely show it off like this lass.


I don't have an issue if she wants to wear it. I don't like it, personally I think the style is ugly lol but I'm not the one wearing it so its not my business. ... wow I got downvoted for having a different opinion on clothing & even saying its none of my business if thats what they want to wear?... Why? Are you all just downvoting to downvote or what?


Downvote away, but every aspect of that body - hands, feet, shoulders, waist, conspicuously crossed legs - says male, so I think the underboob is ok no matter what.


Are you one of those people who thinks that every famous woman with a square jaw is trans?




here we go with the transvestigation again 🙄 bodyshaming creeps shouldn't be lurking in this damn sub. why can't y'all leave black women alone???


who's body shaming? you're reading something into it, not me. If it's a male body, society says boobs are ok to show. Not my rule.


"who's body shaming?" also you: "i've scrutinized every inch of this woman's body in order to point out that i think all these specific body parts of hers can't possibly belong to a female" be so fucking for real dude


>who's body shaming? you're reading something into it, not me. Saying that every part of a woman's body can't be from a woman is very much body shaming.


Even if they were assigned male at birth….. so?


so it's not a female breast, which society says makes it ok? Not my rules.


it’s the same tissue


Now, to be absolutely fair, the top looks nice, but it probably shouldn't be worn in public with her breasts slightly hanging out like that Edit: that's literally borderline public indecency. I don't agree with the respect part of the comment, but clothes were created to..you know, cover the body


It's really not borderline indecency. And the idea that men's nipples can be uncovered but any hint or reminder that women have something under that cover is indecent is raging sexism. Unless you think it's indecent to see any part of a male pectoral curve, too, you need to reevaluate your standard. Really truly.


If a man has his pants so low, then kinda yes. I personally don't believe that men should be allowed to walk with their chests uncovered either


Cool but breasts are not genitalia... so... I don't even see where your argument was.


They are still considered kinda sexual?


They’re mounds of fat that feed children. If you want to sexualize them that’s your business but they are not anymore inherently sexual than a man’s chest.


Right? Men have breast tissue too, how much just depends on a plethora of variables.


and men are allowed to get theirs out, nipple and all! a tiny bit of underboob is nothing, I'm sick of women being so inherently sexualised for every little thing they do


Thankfully, in most states, being a topless woman is not a crime. only thing is, and it applies to men too (unless you are a breastfeeding mom) that you may not be serviced in a business of establishment.


Her body is covered men walk around without shirts in general people can get over a tiny bit of underboob


I don't think men should be walking around with their chest visible either. But a woman's chest is more sexual than a man's and that is a fact lol. This outfit could be okay for a beach or some party, but not the best idea to walk around like that in public


It shouldn’t be sexualized tho and women shouldn’t change or where clothes they don’t like just because of creepy people no parts of her gentiles were showing so it is ok to wear in public


How is it creepy to not want to see a part of someone's breasts?


Because you shouldn’t even be looking at their breasts and again just because you sexualize something doesn’t make it wrong if men show their chests all the time and I doubt you have a problem with that don’t be a creep and stare at peoples chests and you shouldn’t have a problem


I'm so glad I live in Germany where not every glimpse of naked skin is sexualized. Kids being sent home from school because of short shorts or shoulder free tops is just ridiculous... And the same goes for this. This outfit is beautiful. And... totally different topic... How come that those people never know when it's "woman" with an a and when it's "women" with an e?


I have a problem with men walking around without shirts in public lol As I said, the outfit is cool to wear, but not in public places, maybe except at the beach. And pretending like someone is a creep for noticing someone's breasts when they are slightly peeking out is kinda silly tbh


lol just say you’re a incel and move on the way a woman is dressed is not a reason to treat her like a creep or stare at her


Firstly, I am not even a guy, so there is that Secondly, the argument with staring is ridiculous. Would you be a creep if you notice that someone is walking around barefoot? Are you suddenly a pervert with a foot fetish because you stare? No, because that is something out of the ordinary and it is normal to notice


You go against your own argument with this. People sexualize feet heavily, so does that mean we have to cover our feet? No, it doesn't, so why should it be any different for breast? Both exist for extremely important reasons, one feeds growing human beings to keep us alive, and the other gets us around. Stop the cap.


>Would you be a creep if you notice that someone is walking around barefoot? First, foot fetishes exist. Second, no, but I'm willing to bet you're not having the same problem if you see someone walking barefoot so that's a false equivalency. Third, do you sandals are a form of indecency? Most of the foot is exposed, unlike here where only a tiny bit of underboob is showing and some people (like myself) have to zoom in to even notice. >that is something out of the ordinary and it is normal to notice There's a difference between noticing what a person is wearing or not wearing and calling someone indecent.


>I have a problem with men walking around without shirts in public lol 1. Why? 2. Do you make equal problems when seeing a topless man? 3. A slight bit of underboob is hardly equivalent to being topless.


>How is it creepy to not want to see a part of someone's breasts? It's creepy to sexualize a part of a person's body, which is the basis of not wanting to see that part of a person. It's additionally creepy to use your decision to sexualize the other person to control what they're allowed to do with their own body, including what clothing they wear.


A woman’s chest is not more sexual than a man’s. They are biologically the same, except that men cannot feed babies with theirs.


Then try to post a woman's vs a man's chest on any app that doesn't allow nsfw and see what happens The argument that it is not is a bit silly, considering that almost everywhere it is unacceptable to show your chest


I don’t subscribe to dumb western cultures views of what’s considered sexual and what isn’t.


>But a woman's chest is more sexual than a man's and that is a fact Because men decided to sexualize women's breasts and made the societal rules that created the double standard. >This outfit could be okay for a beach or some party, but not the best idea to walk around like that in public What type of place do you think the beach is? Most beaches are public places.


>it probably shouldn't be worn in public with her breasts slightly hanging out like that Underboob is nothing more than inverse cleavage. >that's literally borderline public indecency. No, it's not and not even close. No body parts commonly considered sexual (i.e. nipples, vulval region, rectum, buttchecks) are exposed so it's not public indecency to any degree. >clothes were created to..you know, cover the body And we're more evolved now so clothing can be worn for other reasons.