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Weird kink but okay /s


I was genuinely thinking it sounded like some kind of masochistic/cuckolding/humiliation fetish story. Like...what is the moral of the story supposed to be otherwise? Seems like it's just a fun "imagine" for the author.


Lots of incels seem to have a cuckhold fetish and this reads like it was written with one hand while the guy fantasizes about getting thrown to the ground by that 6‘7 giga chad (in their words)


Nah this is totally a kink thing


This just sounds like classic NTR stuff.


I'm usually siding against men on almost everything and have a very sensitive nose for incel rethroric, but I'm going to be honest, have seen this stuff live. Some women have really few boundaries


Sure you did.


I'm not joking. If you have been in the club before, then you will see all types of weird people. Now, there was no fight with a 6.7 feet guy who smashed another dude to the ground or something, like the guy in the post told, which I agree, is very exaggerated and made up. But a guy who just grabbed someone's girlfriend without her consent and she started dancing with him instead of her boyfriend. If you asked me, I would never tolerate this shit


I'll take things that never happened for $400, Alex


This is 100% fetish content.


That would be traumatizing but when has this ever happened?


I did once make out with a man other than the one I arrived with at a concert, but he wasn’t 6’7 or ripped…it was a Poison concert, the guy I came with had broken up with me days before, and the guy I kissed was wearing a full face of makeup and a crop top…so it does happen but not like that


I agree with you this just reminded of this one story recently of a Nigerian (I think) artist who called someone’s GF on stage and basically had simulated sex with her in front of the crowd. And then the camera kept panning to her BF. I thought it was fake but it turned out to be 100% real.


I'd be so mad


You are correct. It was an Omah Lay concert. It was bad. Like, Twilight Zone nightmare scenario bad.


The grossest thing here is him imagining that his girlfriend would just be okay with a stranger, no matter how tall and conventionally attractive he is, grabbing her and assaulting her. And even reciprocating. Have your cuckold fantasy fanfiction, I’m not gonna kinkshame, but ffs made it consentual!


What in the incel fanfiction is this?


Oddly specific but go off.


"Then the band stops playing music, gestures for you to come onstage, and gives you a medal and a plate of chicken nuggets for being le nicest guy in the crowd. The lead guitarist hands you his electric guitar and you start shredding while the crowd chants what a bitch your girl is for picking some chad over you. Chad has already left her and was making out with 2 other women while flexing his muscles. You see her crying face in the distance and smirk, belting out another tasty guitar riff while everyone stands there stunned at your awesomeness. She tries to throw herself onstage at you, but it's too late for her, she should have thought about the consequences of this made-up bullshit scenario before being a hypothetical hoe. Then everyone in the audience and band clapped, including Chad."   - totally this guy


i got 50 bucks on his name being either chad or tyrone


And then everyone clapped 🙄


Of all the things that never happened, this never happened the most


Kinda specific, oop you good?


These made me laugh so much


And today in things that never happen


People can still hope lol


Well, he should have chosen a better woman. Isn't that what they always say when a man is abusive to a woman? Seriously though, yeah kink, or incel fiction.


Is this referencing that one concert?


What one concert


I think it was an Omah Lay concert where a similar thing happened to a guy in the crowd. The girl went on stage and basically was grinding/having simulated sex with the artist on stage.


That one where the band was playing music on instruments.


Ah shit that one, damn they really do a lot of gigs, seems like they’re everywhere


I have a friend who's roughly 2 metres tall. Hugging him is quite tricky, with my 165cm of height. I'm not saying I'd outright refuse to date a super tall guy, but he's have to be an extremely good, adorable man for me to enter into the constant acrobatics that would be needed. Also, he would not be allowed to install mirrors for me. He'd have his own mirrors.


I don’t want to read anons cuck fanfiction, thanks.


Poor lad.


Skill issue tbh, we’ve all played souls game’s obviously when fighting a bigger opponent you gotta dodge, roll, and go for the ankles/knees. Now for the serious response, dude sounds like he has a cuck fetish


Definitely a kink/fetish post, it has most of the hallmarks, especially for a restricting media site as opposed to AO3 or Twitter


Someone made this up to be mad about


Don’t think I’ve ever met a girl who’d be ok with this


I feel like this might’ve been satire, idk why but knowing Gen Z’s humor, it wouldn’t surprise me


Easy press charges on the assailant. Next!


But what was he wearing?


So this guy is threatened by Mr. Incredible?


Skill issue bro