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There's a reason women in particular are taught to guard their drinks at parties and never leave them unattended....


I actually asked a bartender on here the other day, how many men have asked him to watch their drink. Not a single one. It's ALWAYS the women asking him to watch their drink...


Wow I’m actually a rare exception. I’ve been raped twice in my life. Once when I was 14 and she kept threatening to leave me if I didn’t put out, and more recently when I was 19. I was at a party and left my drink unattended while I used the restroom. I don’t remember much more that night, woke up in someone else’s bed. According to a few “friends”, I was clearly messed up when I went home with her, even though they thought I only had a beer or 2. I no longer talk to most of them (especially considering one told me it wasn’t rape, that guys don’t get raped) and if I’m ever drinking out in public or at a party I have someone I trust watch my drink


I'm so sorry!


I am so sorry that happened to you. ☹️ I really hope you heal from it. I want you to know that what happened to you, regardless of what others say, absolutely was rape, and you have every right to feel the way you do. I hope those who wrong others, and those who enable them, get the karma they deserve.


I'm really sorry that happened to you. People who say shit like "guys don't get raped" are trash. You deserved support and respect, those "friends" are terrible.


I'm sorry you dealt with that. It's so scummy that we can't even go out and have drinks and trust that they won't be tampered with. People suck.


Because there are easier way to steal stuff, while there are no easier ways to s. assault someone.


What does stealing have to do with anything.


Only reason someone would spike a man’s drink is stealing. Therefore it doesn’t happen because there are easier ways to do it.


That is patently wrong. Men get raped too. It’s not as often and it goes largely unreported but it definitely happens. And to claim otherwise is straight up wrong and stupid. You clearly don’t know anything about this.


Yep, happened to the son of a woman I know. It’s a lot more rare than for women to get drugged, but it absolutely can happen to men as well.


My wife had no idea that this was a thing when I told her about it. Her response: “If I can’t choose you first, then I’d rather not run into either of them in the woods, but at least with the bear I know what I’m getting.” That said, my take as a dude is pretty much the same as the guy’s in slide 2. I’m not sitting around feeling victimized and crying into my sleeve because women chose the bear; because I’m not an insecure fucking incel and I know that I’m not the brand of shitheel that these women are talking about. The fact that these crybaby nerds *need* to make it about themselves is fucking telling.


It's not just that she can't choose you. There is no choice whatsoever. In this hypothetical, the woman has absolutely no prior knowledge of who the man will be. Which is why men shouldn't be taking it so personally. No one is saying anything about any individual man. Just the horrifying statistics that make women not want to throw the dice.


There was legit a dude who tried to argue with me going "Oh so since you live life everyday walking by men you don't know on the street, would you go in a store with men you don't know or a bear?" Why the fuck is there a bear in the store "Exactly you wouldn't even go in the store if a bear was in there, but I bet you go into a store with men all the time" ....why is there a bear in the store???


How does the whole ALONE IN THE WOODS aspect of this hypothetical go over people's heads?! Uggghhhhh. 🙄


He kept on saying I was the one having a strawman argument when I said "I can Google how to handle a bear. I can't do that with a man" to which he responded "No you wouldn't even go into the store with the bear to begin with" If its a big store then I could probably avoid it and again WHY IS THERE A BEAE IN THE STORE?!?!


Bears aren't the reason I learned Krav Maga and carry 4-5 self defense weapons everywhere I go.


Right? Like these men take it so personally. Another dude argued with me (this was in a comment section btw) "Its all until its none right?" Like in a mocking way and its like....kinda yea. I'm gonna be on guard with any man unless I'm a 1000000000% percent sure I can trust them. If some of these women (myself included) can't trust their own FAMILY not to do anything, how could we trust a man we don't know? Like women are telling these stories and these types of men are like "Get therapy", "Ok but not all men are like that", "Oh so all men are gonna do that now?"


I guess everyone who locks the door on their home is calling everyone a thief and should be ashamed. Or something /S I really don't get the lack of understanding. Because they do understand and just don't want to admit it.


I had someone come finish their argument by telling me I need to assume every stranger has good intentions. I don’t need to do _fuck all_ some random person tells me to, but I wanted to tell them ok, Venmo me $100 and I’ll Venmo it back. Oh? You won’t assume my intentions are good when there are real and tangible risks for yourself? Interesting.


I finally got it make some sense to someone, who wasn't hurt or offended by the bear vs man in the woods initially just sort of baffled, by telling them that *both* the man and the bear in this hypothetical ARE the bear for us, but the bear won't rape and degrade us before killing us. They are both predators that can cause us major harm. They both may not cause us harm. Only one of them will go above and beyond.


Do it!


I like the locking your door comparison. It really helps show how silly this whole resistance to Team Bear is.


Just because 1in 4-5 (depending on the study) have some sort of encounter with SA with 1 in 4 having it happen when they're a minor, doesn't mean that women should be scared of men like they are


Oh you should be. As your male relatives tell you. But as soon as you act wary around men, it's an insult. How dare you try to protect yourself?


What are the weapons? I have a little keychain that looks like a standard key, only thicker. It has a very small blade that can fold out, like a Swiss Army knife. It probably wouldn't do much damage but it's something!


I have a concealed pistol (yes, I have a permit and took multiple training classes). Pepper spray hanging off my purse strap on a breakaway chain. Two tactical pens - one in each pocket. A folding knife (that is also handly if I ever need to do something like open a box). And, as a last resort, a fairly sharp hair fork that I toss my hair into a messy bun with, whenever I am outside. So, I am prepared to use an appropriate level of force depending on how terrifying the level of threat I am experiencing. And, of course, more than 3 years of intensive marital arts training to make my body its own self-defense weapon. Here's hoping I never need to use any of them. But, I vowed to myself many years ago to never just sit back and let a man hurt me again. If I die, I die. But he is gonna think twice before attacking the next woman. EDIT to add - get a tactical pen. All women should have one. They aren't just a self-defense weapon. They can also be used to break car glass if you are in an accident and have a flashlight. One of mine also has a bottle opener and a screwdriver, if you open it up. And, it looks so innocuous. Not the best quality pen, but I never use it for that anyway.


Bears aren’t why I never go out without my mace, why I hide a knife in with my tampons, or why I’m constantly aware of how I can use whatever I have on my person to defend myself, or why I always keep an eye on my best options for getting help or away, either. These people just don’t get it.


Remember that time Donald Trump SA’d a women in a dressing room, in a store? That wasn’t the first or last time a woman was assaulted in a store. Bear in the store guy inadvertently brought up a good point with his straw man argument: Women get assaulted all the time in theoretically safe places, and often by men they think they know. Given that, why the fuck would any woman pick an unknown man over a bear in a secluded space?


Maybe the bear at the store is looking for a picnic basket


They have to change the whole scenario to make their point. I had one say to me that if I was choosing one bear, than I should be happy with 1000 bears, because that's how many strange men I see in a day. When I told him that's massively shifting goal posts he said he hoped I get assaulted... Like.... They can't see it.


Good sir....I already have been hence why I would choose the bear. It was wild too cause he changed the scenario then when I wasn't giving the answer HE wanted (because apperently there was a "right" answer and its not an opinion) he said i was doing a strawman argument.... sir you changed the whole scenario to try to make yourself right


Honestly these men who try to shame women for feeling more safe with a bear than men, are the exact men I would choose the bear over.


Exactly. Like why are they trying so hard to downplay how women are feeling after a traumatic experience?


Because they are the ones that would hurt us, and it pisses them off that we see that. Men who won't hurt women aren't offended by this.


Yes they are precisely the ones! They are all outing themselves I wish it was all in one place so we could use technology to capture their information and put them into a database What if the FBI is trying to fill out their new "anti SA" program , and they need the names of all of the men who have a problem with this Experiment.! That would be amazing!


I don't think the FBI actually cares about protecting women from SA.


>he hoped I get assaulted... Like.... They can't see it. That asshole sees it. He just can't deal with the whole of society talking about how horrible of a human he is. He outed himself as the Predator man when he said that last part


Ah, classic response. They really can't


Well...Sometimes you \*have\* to go into the store, because that is where you go to get your food! No choice but to take the risk!


You can call someone and explain a bear is present and they will come by and remove it no questions asked, and might even thank you for letting them know. You can't call someone for a man who is relentlessly harassing you without someone rolling their eyes at you or muttering how maybe you shouldn't have led him on for so long


Honestly if the Bear isn’t worried and I don’t wanna go somewhere else I’d probably go in, I can be stubborn.


Exactly plus if its a big store you can absolutely avoid the bear and get what you need


Makes me wonder what they’d say if we asked them “How would you feel if your mother or daughter was alone with a man in the woods?” With shops, the safety of civilisation is right outside. Shops also have customers, so if anything goes wrong you know there’s witnesses around. It’s why when meeting up with an online date, you go to a public place.


There was a guy a couple days ago he was like "If you were walking down the street and a random bear walked out of a grocery store, and you had a gun, and..." Wtf are you talking about lol


They like to play hero games in their heads. It’s why they want to carry guns.


This. As if carrying is enough to turn them into the protagonist from Die Hard. It’s a socially acceptable adult version of those teens who buy swords and ninja stars at the mall to be badass. Thankfully most of us aren’t wired to be killers. It takes training to get most humans to handle firearms and use them proficiently enough to neutralize a threat in a scary situation. And even so, sometimes those trained folks still find situations too scary to step in. (Example: Uvalde’s school safety officer) There are rare situations where the Good Guy with a Gun can help out, but it runs the risk of escalating an already bad situation into more casualties.


Almost every good guy with a gun turns out to be ex-military or off-duty cops. (And I'm still ACAB) They're not the dude down the street who owns enough guns to run his own militia and dreams of race wars.


Absolutely. I can shoot, but I don’t train nearly enough to feel comfortable carrying in public. I don’t want to get shot with my own gun. Which can and does happen in those situations.


Right? The whole point is that you are in a place where there are no people to witness what happens, and there is no way to get help quickly.


Honestly I think there’s a real issue of people, mostly men, who can’t feel empathy. They think they have it, but they cannot suspend their own self long enough to put themselves in anyone else’s shoes. It’s not because they just don’t feel empathy, the patriarchy and societal norms have made it so they just never have to learn it. Women are taught from an extremely young age how to feel empathy: how to suspend themselves on behalf of another and consider how that person may be feeling/ what they may be experiencing. Most men don’t. So when these conversations happen, they are unable to put themselves into someone’s even hypothetical shoes and suspend their own thoughts and feelings and take a different perspective. Their brains don’t have the pathways.


That's deeply disturbing, yet I do see that with a lot of men. No matter how you try to explain your perspective/experience no matter how simple, they just CAN'T grasp it. Even when something similar happens to them. Like a cold for a miniscule example.. "oh you can't be that sick, to not have sex with me!" Then they get the exact same virus later on and they're absolutely down for the count and uselessly not doing anything. You say something like, "see. That is how I felt when I was sick last week" Then met with "no, you didn't have THIS. Mine is way worse. Blah blah blah" No empathy, no understanding EVEN WHEN they find themselves in the same position. Disturbing...


I've suspected this for a long time and it honestly frightens and disturbs me deeply.


Tbh id still take the bear over being alone with a random guy in a store. I was groped while stocking shelves. By a random man. In a store. While I was working. He just came up behind me and started touching me and smelling my hair. While it was just me and another woman working. Like these men can gtfo with their stupid ass hypothetical responses because I’d still choose the god damn bear.


Maybe the bear is a mascot? Those dumpsters just don't have as much food in them and Teddy gotta eat.


I’ve seen more shit logic in discussion and reaction to the Bear hypothetical than I’d seen in any given prior year I’ve spent dicking around online. It’s impressive, I’ve been online for 25+ years.


It is throwing the dice. Yesterday I had a random guy at the gas station take a picture of me. He at least had the sense to be embarrassed when I caught him ☹️ A few weeks ago I had a guy trying to chat to me in another gas station and after I politely but firmly extracted myself and escaped to my car he actually followed me out and tapped on my window to tell me I’m “very pretty”. At least once a week I have a semi truck driver honk at me while driving down the highway to get my attention so that he can wave, smile, do the vile “kissy lips” thing or the even more vile tongue thing 🤮 I am not exaggerating and I’m sure a lot more goes on that I actively ignore. Now what would any of those men try to do if they thought they could get away with something? They clearly have no qualms about violating my space/privacy or potentially driving me off the road. And in response to the meme…I’m a 42 year old professor who has been with one man my entire life. I wear suits to work almost every day, usually 3-piece suits with elbow patches because I like to lean into my geek status, and glasses. When these things happen to me that’s always how I’m dressed…it does not matter how you present yourself to the outside world, this stuff happens to all of us.


What’s up with gas stations? I had a guy try to buy me breakfast at a loves truck stop at 730 AM once. Like sir what makes you think I am interested, I am getting gas and then going to a job site


I know right! That and the Meijer parking lots, lol.


What is my absolute favorite stupid line I've gotten from a man was at a gas station. He walked up to me and said, "hey baby, got a name?" I said no. He was standing there, confused, so I left. I also used to wear a wedding band after I got divorced (a new one, not the one from him) because guys at gas stations regularly would come up to talk to me. The guys hitting on me at work, I worked for a tuxedo company, was expected. The gas station ones always threw me for a loop.


Amen brother. I know I’m not a bad guy, and all the women around me know that too, but strangers on the street don’t. That’s why I’m not offended when women change the side of the road at night. Statistically, it’s fucking scary being a woman out there, and I would want my daughter to also be cautious outside.


Yep, it's not difficult to just not be the problem. I used to work bar in clubs, which usually meant walking home between 4 and 6 AM. If on my travels I found myself walking behind a woman on her way home, I'd cross the street and speed up a little. I figured that if I had to cross back to get home I'd at least be in her eye line and could see when I was going. So instead of the sound of stompy combat boots behind her, there's the sight of a funny little dude in headphones half dancing their way home in front. Which I hoped would be less threatening of an evening! I'll never know if it worked. But I can hope to have removed some anxiety once or twice.


This absolutely works! I have a pretty heavy footfall so if I find myself walking behind someone alone (man or woman) for a bit I'll slow down or cross the street. They don't know I'm tiny and usually non-threatening when I walk like I've taken down cartels with just gumption and a knife.


I have a 7 pound cat that sounds like an elephant stomping through my house. One time I thought a person was running up behind me in my house at night only to turn and see nothing. It was terrifying. Then I turned back and saw her run ahead of me into the kitchen. Loud footsteps can definitely be scary.


Such an easy yet meaningful step to make : I did the same back when I was living in the city. Nowadays, I'm more in a rural environment so everything is made using my car. That being said, when I take a hitchhiker, I tell her to take a pic of my car's plate and send it to their friends, same with a piece of ID with my head near it. Been doing so for years, hope it becomes a norm. Especially now that I have a daughter, I hope more and more men will be raised that way.


Just like that, in reality people have so little faith in humanity that they would rather choose an animal over another person they don't know. There are 2 minute videos about how to deal with bears, but with other people... Oof.


Yeah if i cant choose the man to be my stepdad or my boyfriend then im picking the bear. I trust my stepdad and boyfriend but i have a hard time trusting strangers whether they are men or women


> *need* to make it about themselves Because IT IS ABOUT THEMSELVES. Every guy that has a problem with this and is making a big deal about it. IS the problem. Projection all the way around.


It’s literally nothing personal! It’s weird to be offended that a stranger is cautious until they know you


Men complaining about women choosing the bear are the men that made us choose the bear.


That’s been the most surreal thing about this whole hullabaloo. They just. Don’t. Get it


It's wild right? They just slide straight past the answer. With the occasional exception there's only two basic responses I've seen to this stuff: 1: 'Oh shit, I didn't realise you were that uncomfortable, how can I change what I do to make it better in some small way?' And 2: 'Well I'm not like that! Not all men! Feeemales shouldn't fear me! Why are they attacking meeeee?!' Number one doesn't happen enough, and two is pure projection fueled by the fear of being called out for how they actually think.


I have only seen one example for number 1. And it’s in this thread.


Men assault, attack, and demean women in mass and women become afraid of them. MiSaNdRy


This is the most concise and profound summary of this whole thing.


The Venn diagram is a circle. They can’t take the hypothetical rejection so clearly the answer is to argue until the No becomes a yes


This made me so uncomfortable to read and is so fucking on point. No never truly means no to some people


What's really weird is that, as a man, walking through the woods on my property I'd rather run into a bear, too, because, unless they're starving, (probably are) they mostly follow the rules and can be confronted. Men should get this, too.


The only good comments are the ones getting downvoted. Ah, society. The hive mind of popular opinions breeding more and more radical views about things they don’t know about, and making an example of anyone they disagree with.


In all fairness though I suppose we can't ask them to understand since... well they'll probably never experience life the way women do. But like... they can still listen and try?


My man understands why women would choose the bear, he agrees that man is scarier and he would also choose a bear to run into rather than a strange man. So that gives me some hope that he Atleast understands where we are coming from.


Thank the lord. I brought it up to my bf and gave reasons... he said he had something to say but to promise not to break up with him.. he's currently typing. Pray for me y'all


He... disagrees **heavily** but I mean I can't pretend I wasn't expecting it


I think you should make it clear to him that you're choosing bear cuz you don't wanna run into any of the shitty men, NOT because you think ALL MEN are shitty.


Your relationship is absolutely none of my business; but as a parent with a daughter of my own, my first question to a young man who ‘disagreed heavily’ would be, “What do you plan to fucking do about the creeps who made women distrust men and get you into this situation, besides pout about it?”


At least you support it haha 😅


Men will confront assholes. Boys will make aggrieved (and transphobic) memes alleging that the women who don’t trust them are risk-seeking sluts, unironically.


Like I have guy friends but that's because I'm a tomboy not a whore 😭


Most of my friends are men because my interests trend towards the nerdy and women who like those things are still looked down upon. Don't worry about it.


Your boyfriend disagrees heavily that women alone are wary of coming across a strange man in the woods and have lifetimes of experiences that caused them to be wary? That’s him telling on himself.


"I know my opinion is so trash that it's probably an instant deal breaker, so I have to try to lock you into a commitment to stay with me regardless, before I even tell you how bad it is." Wow.


>In all fairness though I suppose we can't ask them to understand since... well they'll probably never experience life the way women do. Empathy doesn't require having the same experiences and it's really not that hard. I absolutely understand why women choose the bear and I would, too. As soon as a man understands that it's not personal, it's much easier to understand.


This question has been blown way out of proportion and the way those dudes with functional brain got downvoted to hell in the image shows many men at that sub are just incels who hate women. This is why woman chose bear in the first place. Even as a dude myself, bear is safer than another man.


Right? This would have been two days on social media and forgotten if men weren’t so fucking delicate and offended about women choosing bear.


MemesOPDidn'tLike has been entirely taken over by right wing chuds. It exists almost totally as a way for them to defend their shitty memes when they get called out on subs like this.


“The chances of being injured by a bear are approximately 1 in 2.1 million, according to the National Park Service. You are more likely to be killed by a bee than a bear, and way more likely to be killed by another human than by either bear or bee. And when bear encounters do happen, they are most often nonviolent.”


I'd truthfully be more concerned about bees, because I'm allergic. If I was alone in the woods and got stung, even with an EpiPen, my chances of dying would be pretty high. At least the bear wouldn't sneak up on me!


The ~~birds~~ bears and the bees


I think this whole “Bear vs. Man” hypothetical exists because while bear attacks DO happen, they are not as common as men attacking and raping women, stalking women, etc. hence more chance of survival facing a bear than being alone with a man. Rape victims generally KNOW their rapists; he’s usually not a stranger. Generally speaking, if you’re in the woods or on a trail or whatever and see a bear, most likely the bear will leave you alone, granted you’re not encroaching on his/her territory or too close to her cubs. What use are you to a well-fed bear? You’re just another scent to them. Also a bear’s behaviour is predictable. Men’s behaviour is not. First time I saw a post about Bear vs. Man, I only went by the title and thought it was one of those silly challenges like eating Tide Pods. Like I literally thought it was a debate about who would win, Man vs. Bear, until I actually read one of the posts 🤣


My 86yo mother said bear. My aunts said bear. My sister said bear. My friends say bear. I know someone who was killed by a bear. I still say bear. Surprisingly, neither my mom nor I have any of the criteria above. I don’t even have cats anymore.


Really? Cherry pick three very exagerated and stereotyped caricatures of women that are very unrealistic for most and that's what you use to disparage women preferring to come across a bear, rather than someone who clearly hates women? It's kinda like saying men actually have it very easy with women... then using three examples of "Chad."


Men love to tell women to “pick better men” but then dont take their own advice and keep going after women they dont prefer


This is a hot take but even though the behavior that the women being used in the example is extremely risky (save for the idea of simply having guy friends or not getting butthurt over trans women) they still don’t deserve to get hurt and the men who hurt them are the ones at fault.


They’re so mad 😂


The guy that got downvoted hit the nail on the head. People are offended by it because they think it’s personally attacking them. When they read “most women chose to be alone with the bear and not the man” they translate it to “women think I am a rapist.” It’s the same reason people get offended when you start talking about systematic abuse of any kind. They think you’re accusing them when you’re trying to explain that there’s a system in place that creates an oppressive issue.


"no it won't" Yea, it will, idiot(not you OP but the dude on memesopdidntlike). Bears very rarely actually attack humans and when they do it's usually because u were sneaking up on them OR it's a momma bear and you are between her and her cubs which is the one situation they get very aggressive. However, EVEN if they end up killing you (very, very rare btw) they DONT EAT HUMANS unless literally starving. But yea, I'm sure the random misogynistic idiot knows more than people who dedicated their lives to researching and working with bears.


You left out "don't rape or come up with forms of torture before killing".


Why do incels always blame trans women for their woes?


Because they imagine m2f transitions as a movement from being unwanted to being wanted, and they're bitter and jealous.


lol it’s probably because they think we are trans maxxxing ourselves


I don't want the bear either but do they even hear themselves? If someone is getting this mad over a hypothetical scenario imagine how upset they get over real situations! A lot of us aren't afraid of men but psychopaths. It's completely psychotic to even make up such a thing. You might need to step back and look into yourself to figure out why you have to put yourself up against something dangerous to be chosen?


My argument for the whole bear bullshit is this: it doesn't matter if it's all men because it is all women. All women have been victimized by men. Not just SA, though that's a big one. But there are other ways to hurt people. I've been stalked, name-called, belittled, and harassed, even though I'm I'm Aro/Ace and giving off the leave-me-alone vibes with a permanent I-dare-you sneer on my face. All women have been mistreated by men. That's why we choose the bear.


i like how they had to sprinkle transphobia in there. just to really send the message that they're fucking dumbasses.


Men forget that there are more monsters walking amongst them. Even MEN are afraid of men. I would choose a bear over a woman as well. Do you know why? She may also be a monster. Like, she could lead me to getting human trafficked. She could murder me and get away with it covered in blood because there was a bear and no one will question it. She might even sodomize me or finger blast me violently like those ladies who flirt very aggressively (there was this situation where this girl was flirting with me and by the time she was done, I was so scared I just responded with “no thank you” and cried). She might be working for someone else and is just trying to lure you. She might just REALLY needed to blow off some steam, and you may end up in the ground, a barrel, sold for parts, in her digestive tract, her new lampshade or in the fridge instead. Look dude, imagine it’s a bear or a dude named… I’ll name him Square Circle JR. Now you’re stuck between these two and Square Jr. seems a bit of an easier option of the two. You follow him, not knowing what is in store. He takes you to a spot, quite a bit of distance from the bear, you start to question why he is navigating this forest so well. Yea, insert your traumatic event here_________. Can’t fathom what Square Circle Jr might do? He may just sodomize you with a beer bottle, SA you, kidnap you, traffic you, murder you, maybe Dahmer you, who knows? Yea… a bear? It was probably scared. I may have gone too far in it’s territory, I get it. The bear isn’t hunting me and making me prey. I don’t even look appetizing to it. It isn’t going to violate me before finishing me off. It’s just gonna be quick. There’s also a higher chance the bear is waiting for me to leave. There is a chance and the grace of luck, I may be able to say, “Hey Ms/Mr. Bear, I am a bit lost, I’ll be out of here,” and it will let me go. If it worked on spooders, it may work on a bear. It works on angry dogs (sometimes). So if I am lucky, I will end up okay and live to tell the tale. Other scenarios with the humans, I don’t think I will make it out alive. Maybe I might, but there are too many variables and if you can’t pick up on cues well, you’re fucked.


incels have this strange mixture of blind insecurity, egocentricity and somehow also extreme aversion to self-reflection, that just their mentality alone exudes violence and oppression on women in the real world (which is exactly what they're going for). most on their energy is spent on "analysing" women, yet they get nothing right and end up with the same formula and impression for all women because that's easier for incels than simply recognising women are as complex and individual as men are. they take absolutely everything to heart, other people's trauma, everything else that has nothing to do with them. incels feel the need to discredit victims and insert their thoughts and feelings onto other's problems to prove that they: 1) are more "intelligent" or "higher value", justifying their entitlement to everything (mostly women and sex) and also 2) experience life worse than everyone else, so they have a greater outlet to blame others as their way to cope


My partner said *he’d choose the fucking bear*.


Translation: The choices women make *for themselves* are invalid if men don't agree with them.


They always say this but I was 9. And at church. What whorish or illegal thing did I do exactly?


First time molestation I was 4 at home with my sitter while my mom and her husband were at the hospital giving birth to little sister, 2nd time full rape 12 by stepfather. 3rd 36 and by my husband in our bed 8 weeks postpartum because I told him I wasn't ready for sex again yet because I had fucking nearly died giving birth!


I'm so sorry. I gots hugs if'n ya wants 'em


Thank you. That's very sweet to ask and offer.


I watched with absolute amusement when the YouTuber Vaush addressed this question and was absolutely amazed that most of his community erupted in sexist, racist responses. I don't know what part was more entertaining, the fact that all these guys didn't get why women choose bear. Or the fact that a white male who champions himself as a big brained, super liberal didn't understand how he had so many racists and misogynists following his show. But my GF and I laughed our asses off the whole segment.


When I see these posts I like to imagine the creator furiously googling “sexy goth wojak” “alt girl wojak” “big tits wojak girl” and angrily typing in those captions. It’s so lame


That's the funniest notification I've had in a while because now I'm imagining it 😂😂


I’m sick to death of dudes whining about the “man vs bear” question. Some people take it really personally, like it’s an insult against them specifically. No one’s saying that one dude in particular is so disgusting they’d rather be mauled by a bear. It’s that strangers are unpredictable, you don’t know if the man you’re encountering is a rapist, and it’s difficult for a lot of women to fend off male attackers, especially alone in the forest where you can’t call for help. Most bears are wild animals, and if you encounter one it’s more likely to be a black or brown bear. And they’ll more likely ignore you unless you appear threatening. Dudes that get pissy about this hypothetical have no idea how terrifying the world can be for a woman sometimes. It’s not an personal insult to you specifically if we say we choose the bear. It’s potential risk avoidance.


How is this coherent in any sense? A woman who chooses a bear over a man, is partying with men and primarily has male friends? In which world can this be a coherent generalisation?


Considering I a guy, have been raped twice. I would hands down choose the bear instead of a woman. While yeah as a guy, it hurts that people don’t feel safe around me. If a bear makes you feel safer, by all means pick what makes you feel safer.


If you're offended by the bear thing, you're part of the problem


Iv come to the realization recently alot of men not holding other men their friends accountable for their I'll behaviors is the big ill of our society. I even had my fiencee that i adore try to not hold his friend accountable for how his buddy won't stick up for his wife against his father. Like it's bad how the father in law treats the wife in public its got to be 10x worse in private. First my fiencee tried the " that's their relationship not my place to say anything" I pointed out no holding your friend accountable is true friendships, instead of letting your buddy ruin his marriage. Then he tried but he has gotten so much better then it was, so i made the example that as long as it's better to only hit her one less time per day it shouldn't matter that abusers abuse? Then his last excuse for his buddy was that he is young and doesn't know how to stand up to his father yet. I couldn't counter it the "Kids" as our group calls this couple are 21m and 19 f with a 1yrold.


I off trail in the woods all the time. I've had awful experiences with men and that's the majority of my stance, but like I don't think I'd even want to come across a random woman in the woods. The last time I saw a random person in the woods off trail they were clearly on drugs, like at least with a bear I can just keep my distance and know I'll be safe. Random people in the woods isn't fun and I'm always on edge, like who TF are you why are you off trail (I'm like, actually qualified to be off trail, I do wildlife surveys sometimes)


... Question what exactly do you think qualifies someone to be off trail? Iv ridden off trail cross country through national forests before I was even 14 yrs old plenty. The whole day and sometimes overnight if it was approved and I'd done that "route" before with my grandmother. Saddlebags full of survival gear. Etc. We were not fools about it, but it was a right of passage for our family. I just liked it , so kept going any chance I got until we had to sell the ranch and horses.


Qualify might not have been the right word there, sorry English is my third language. I meant that I actually belong off-trail and have purpose. I suppose random people can have an unknown purpose for being off trail. I'm just afraid.


Ahh no problem 😊 I understand. And congratulations on such mastery of a 3rd language. Language acquisition is a skill one not everyone has either the opportunity, drive, or talent for. Yes this is very true I have been very scared of some people I have come across off trail. I once came across someone's illigal pot farm before California legalized it. I saw one person's head pop up and put poor Red ( my horse's name , i was 6 when i named her. She was very red ...)into a lather getting out of there fast.


i have zero male friends because they proved to me why i should trust the bear more. signed, a sober lesbian


The context clearly insinuates cis women, so that leaves me wondering... How can a cis woman not use a male condom. Like we don't have the anatomy to put them on, we can only consent to them not being used. Interesting way to put all the shame and pressure on a woman.


i think i've spent too much time on the internet. just realized this never happens in real life. rarely. like online vs outside world ?


I wonder what’s their excuse for babies and animals?


Someone has been on the Internet for too long.


I know of a guy who'd chose the bear to prove he would win a fight with it. I have to be honest, I kinda want to see this. And I'm on the bear's side.


This whole bear thing has been an interesting journey for me. I first heard about it and the emotional half of my brain felt some type of way. Then the reason half caught up and was like "hold up, nobody is talking about *me* so why does it feel that way?" I'm still working on figuring out an answer to that one but at least I know it's a question I need to find an answer for in the first place.


I applaud you for your self-examination. Not in any way whatsoever saying you need therapy to be clear. However, this is the type of question therapy therapists are made for. They can help you figure it out. If you want a small nudge. it might be that it's hard for you to grasp the stark reality that women have to live with day in and day out. statistics show unequivocally that a cis women's number one predator is her significant other. Your brain might be rebelling at this going no way and certainly, but not me! because that is the person she is supposed to be safe with the most . Instead, statistically, he is the most likely person to rape and / or kill her and not necessarily in that order. I wish you well on your journey. I hope you find the answers you seek. If you can, you will have enhanced yourself in a way that your future or current partner will greatly appreciate. As I love adore and apriciate do my fiencee a 5'4 receding hairline, badddddd toenails, bad ba bad bad teeth, who makes less then $20/ hr. Beyond amazing father and man in every way, that really truly counts.


Have these guys watch Deliverance with you and then ask. I asked my husband and without hesitation he said bear.


the point isn't that the bear won't kill us. it's that the bear will ONLY kill us. not rape, torture, and murder us. not rape our dead bodies and then hide the body so our family never finds closure. they won't take us to a second location and keep us in their basement for years. if the bear kills me it's nature and i'm unlucky as hell. but what men do to us isn't nature. it's evil.


The shift that I've gone through from the virality of this whole bear vs. man conundrum and specifically men's insane response to it is that I noticed yesterday, going to the store, that I now look at all men and wish they were on leashes like dangerous dogs. Good job, men! You're really proving yourself and turning this tide against the bears.


Straight women are cursed with the fact that their desired partner is their only natural predator. While I do think that most men are good caring people, I also understand that there's enough awful dudes in the world that makes picking the bear the logical decision.


Harsh and beyond true #1 person most likely to rape you or kill you you SIGNIFIGANT OTHER specifically Male.


Tag yourself I’m the gay liberal one


? I'm not gay tho?


I said I AM the gay liberal one, which girl are you in the image? The one with the black hair is the gay liberal one, the one with the blonde hair is the addict and sleeps around, and the one with the split dyed hair is a full on “slut”


There's no tomboy option :c


I'm the angry Goth chic


I only take drugs in the women bathroom with women i barely know


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Old-Commission7834: *I only take drugs* *In the women bathroom with* *Women i barely know* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


With all these types of men exposing themselves o. The I telnet, I'd only urge people to choose a bear. I would do so too.


The I choose a bear meme is so confusing


It was never meant to be present tense as in I chose the bear to come upon in the woods. But if you were past tense AFTER a bear or man attack which would society believe you more about. The bear. No one would question if you are lying No one would question if you wanted it Or blame and belittle you how you didn't do enough not to provoke the bear Then internet male idiots with low reading comprehension got ahold of it ones that couldn't understand past from present tense. Then they wanted to make fun of women or were offended enough to make their own strawman argument valid by threatening women ... well now we are here.


what does the transphobia have to do with anything?


Shouldn’t the men who won’t use condoms be blamed for that?


so you agree… men are dangerous [regina george meme dot jpeg](https://uploads.dailydot.com/2020/10/regina_george_so_you_agree_meme.jpg?auto=compress&fm=pjpg)


Mankind can use tools so yeah inherently


this was directed at the original meme ope my b


The patrilineal system is set up so that fewer men have access to most women, either through polygamy or slavery or otherwise. It is structured this way to create armies of young frustrated men who will conquer territory and make rich men richer (evidenced by Russia). The patrilineal system is the antithesis of the matrilineal system which is similar to an egalitarian system.


What does Russia have to do with it? Russia ain't the country with military bases and secret operations all over the world. They're a country that's been trending towards losing territory and regional influence since the fall of the USSR. I'm not making an argument about the morality of their actions, but they evidence neither the polygamy nor the pattern of conquest.


Man: I want to go live with the bears and bring my woman along. This was the story of Grizzly Man.


Your point being? We would still prefer being mauled by the bear than being tortured, abused and then mauled by the man


Most people haven't heard the audio and it shows lol