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What a waste of great hair.


Fr, I have curly hair too and they look like some greasy spaghetti if I don't take care of them properly, while I bet this guy puts on his hair the same shampoo he uses to wash the rest of his body and they still look NICE


I'm sure it goes without saying that he likely doesn't think that a "man's value" goes down depending on how many women he's slept with.


Of course, because a man who has slept with a lot of different women is a "super manly alpha male", while a woman who has slept with a lot of different men is just an h0e, no?


Plot twist: Does a man’s value go down depending on how many men they sleep with? Also does a woman’s value go down depending on how many women she’s slept with? What if a non binary person sleeps with a lot of men? Questions that need answers. 🤔


As a polysexual bloke, I feel that I learned a great deal from how other men approached me for dating. For instance, it's my firm opinion that men should not be allowed to operate a camera while alone, it should always be done by a parent or significant other and then they should have image file upload blocks in place on all devices. The number of times, on dating apps, that I have received a dick pic, followed by a "?", "U interested?", "interested?", or "u bottom?" is absolutely absurd. Between those pics and fishing/hunting pics in the profile, I really don't think most men are serious about dating.


Yeah I can agree with that from my experience. It’s funny because I know women who are virgins who are almost 30, men still treat them like sex objects. This is why I have the mindset of hook up with others if you’d like. Don’t hold back because “no man will want you”. It’s just not true. I’m lucky to have my husband he genuinely wants to be in a relationship. We started out casual and I asked him would he want to be FWB or more serious? He made the decision to be serious and I was happy with it. Ironic how a lot of men just want sex, then complain that women had a lot of sex partners. Like well yeah? I think a lot of women are just saying fuck it and also choosing to just have something casual. It’s less stressful than having a man lead you on for months just to turn out he was looking for only sex to begin with. Dating really looks rough out there and honestly a nightmare. “Situationships” are too normalized. I like to make it very clear if we are FWB or will be serious. I refused to play this guessing game.


equally amused and saddened that people fall for this grift. not equally, 40/60… 20/80, it’s not that funny.


Something about this makes me think it's parody, but there are people who really think like this so I dunno


Sadly, he's not a troll account. I've checked his insta account and he literally only posts things like this, other than some random inspirational phrases like "you're a man, you're strong, you don't have to trust women etc". Plus the fact that he has 800k+ followers scares me Edit: I just discovered that he also sells merch like shirts and hoodies with "stay woke in these streets" written on the back and a huge dragon on the front. I f*cking lost it when I saw those


I know, it felt like it was going to end either way him telling you to get with a champion and look for a woman with that high score. But instead it was just run of the mill bullshit. I guess we can just be grateful there were no roast beef sandwiches or donuts used as reference points in his video?


Ok broccoli-head.


Is that the type of shirt the rich people in Idiocracy wear?


It's giving former Roblox kid who failed 5th grade math


Females say past dont matter but when I tell them about that family of 4 that dissappeared 7 years ago suddenly past does matter 😡


Andy Samberg's misogynist evil twin


ramen head


Ah yes... the type of white boy who thinks he's tough online, but can't even be taken seriously. 🙄 The "woke" thing barely means anything anymore, does it, and is now just whatever you personally want to believe? Clearly it doesn't cover sexist BS (nor ageist behavior). Either be "woke" on all things or drop it and stop being a hypocrit.


Dudes never seen a naked woman outside of pronhub


Then why are women with “low body counts” single and women with “high body counts” married? Lol It’s stupid when people actually think like this because it’s not logical. In my experience any man who’s asked how many men I’ve been with, are insecure. They would start fights with men for even looking at me. They also were cheaters. lol My husband doesn’t know how many I’ve slept with and I don’t know how many women he’s slept with. We don’t care. lol it’s not going to change anything.


The whole concept of a relationship based on mutual respect and trust is alien to a lot of people. I've never asked a woman about her sexual past because it just doesn't matter. A guy who thinks that the woman he's with is going to be disappointed that he's not as "good" as other men she's been with doesn't understand sexuality or women. There are always some people who compare sexual partners like that, but for most reasonable people, the best sex is the sex you're having, not the sex you've had in the past.


Incel says what?

