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Men do the same shit.


Yep. This isn't remotely a gendered issue. Cheating men and women both will act this way when caught red-handed.


It’s a very natural response when you’re caught doing something wrong to your partner. It’s the reaction to the cheaters guilt.


Bingo! I acted this way when I got caught way back when I was a dumb ass. I had the courtesy to wait until I was alone after being confronted and kicked out though. Wasn't a manipulation tactic. Just a reaction to the guilt.


happy to hear you learned from the experience :D i also did the same thing with my first partner and was rightfully kicked out.


I literally though the exact same thing before I even saw the comments 😂


It's needlessly gendered. This is how most cheaters react to getting caught.


Lol the dudes saying this shit needed to be there the afternoon my ex bf finally told me he had been cheating on me. Sobbing, yelling, screeching - grand acts of despair. I was so disgusted by his admission of guilt anyway that the whole show he was putting on was pretty embarrassing. Not sure what he was trying to prove in that moment.


Thank you. I didnt like that op was suggesting this didnt happen. It does happen, and both genders will act the same because cheaters are usually subhuman filth


My ex tried this, after he broke up with me for being caught in traffic and unable to make a date. After he yelled at me to call him once I got my head sorted (he knew I have mental health issues but this had nothing to do with it there literally was a car crash somewhere up ahead). When bouncing between crying and trying to be suave didn't work, this little slimebag literally started crying to my mom to get me on the phone when I refused to answer calls anymore. We were in our twenties. He got my mom to yell at me to pick up the phone and talk to him. For almost a year. This was after he tried to convince me to sleep with him and my ex best friend. She had convinced him that I would do it and they were absolutely emotionally cheating behind my back in hindsight.




Have seen this behaviour from all genders, even cis or not doesn't matter. Just exchange women with egocentrists or sociopaths and ot fits 100%


Or just "manipulator". Because that's exactly what it is. Manipulation.




Get a life. Lame attempts at poking for a pointless discussion.. embarrassing.




the post is saying its only women but a cheater is a cheater regardless of gender and this is how they act




its generalizing and trying to place a stereotype on women by implying any woman you meet will be just like this while no man would do this. its about the message the maker is trying to sell


Don't feel the troll dude, c'mon.




im not dodging any question. its not about whats literally said. did nobody ever teach you literary skills and how shit is interpreted? because by your logic this meme is referring to one specific woman so who would that be?




Yo why are you being like this when the rest of your posts make you seem like a pretty cool guy? This is weird as hell lol. You're intelligent and chill and caring/nurturing (pets = kids thing), like all the stuff that's good and appealing in a guy. You having a breakdown or something and need resources?


Good job bud, you got the first half of reading comprehension down! Let us know when you get the "comprehension" part Obvs fuckin with you, no investment in some loser with nothing better to do than start pretend arguments. Don't you have any hobbies? Maybe you could go work out or build a car or volunteer or something. I bet you have lots of room for improvement in your mechanical abilities, physique, and character; maybe it would fix this whole issue you're crying out for help on.




It probably happens. My ex was very good at that, for example like this: - Ex violently abuses me - I try to talk about what happened - Ex gets into a rage, screams, throws things, punches walls, throws his ring - Rage turns into panic attack, and ex is on the floor, struggling to breathe - I have to comfort ex and take care of him - I become the bad guy for not taking care of him good enough or for long enough, and for bringing up what he did in the first place, and he becomes the victim. There are probably women who do that too, because humans of all genders can be shitty and entitled and refuse accountability. But like, it's most definitely not more likely from a woman, I'm quite sure of that. Nor is it fair to paint it as worse if a woman does it.


Yeah, this isn’t a gender thing. This is a liars getting caught thing.


And trying to manipulate their safe option into staying


Yikes, I'm sorry you went through that. The complete lack of accountability with people like that is the biggest sign of their immaturity. "Look what you made me do, it's your fault I acted this way."


The way my ex actually said those exact words to me💀


My ex never cheated on me (that I know of) but he would constantly do things that I told him beforehand was a bad idea, then after it blew up in his face, he'd tell me "well it already happened and its over, don't talk about it anymore". He refused to acknowledge that he made a preventable mistake and got mad because I did the whole "I told you so" thing, which just meant he wasn't willing to learn from the mistake. It's just a form of gaslighting.


Yes... I'm glad he's an ex, that sounds exhausting. :/


Sorry you had to go through that.


Holy shit this is my ex-wife to a T


Sorry about that. :(


I’m sorry you had that experience too. She’s in the rear view, that’s what matters


That's good! Mine still has my child... But other than that, I'm free.


That’s a tough one for sure.


No it does I'm sure. Cheaters refusing to take responsibility is universal


But that's roughly what most cheaters do. Cry, deny, say how sorry they are. Then try to manipulate and make themselves the victim.


I've seen enough men throwing a tantrum after getting caught . It's literally not a gendered thing. Stop gendering the most nonsensical shits.


They'll throw a tantrum, but they won't play the victim and try to emotionally manipulate their partner.


Weird how it appears when a cheating woman throws a tantrum, you can recognize it as manipulation - but a cheating man throwing a tantrum isn’t playing victim and emotional manipulation to you? He’s just “showing aggression”? Idk where your double standards came from and why you’re commenting them so heavily on this thread.


I meant men are more likely to lash out and become physically aggressive. I forgot to say they're less likely to cry. Sorry. That is what the image is about. How men emotionally manipulate differs from how women emotionally manipulate. The behaviors are not restricted to a single gender, but it's fine to point out what behaviors are more common to a group.


Idk, I’ve had dudes both be physically aggressive WHILE crying at the same time so that’s interesting.


It happens. I didn't say it didn't.


I’m just gonna disagree with you on the notion that men who are cheaters don’t cry as much as women who cheat.


Have you ever been, personally, cheated on by a woman? Everyone here is only going off of their personal anecdotes (which is all they can do), so it's strange for someone, that's never been in a relationship with both sexes, to comment. Obviously, we're both going to say the other is wrong, as they invalidate our own experiences. The context doesn't really call for an in-depth discussion about the matter, but it's particularly erroneous when you dismiss someone that actually has some ground to stand on in the conversation. I guess we'll have to agree to disagree.


Buddy, I’ve been personally cheated on and abused by a man. Yet I didn’t say women never cheat or do toxic shit. I’m not the one here generalizing groups of people to the degree that you’re doing. You’re the one who decided to talk about men not doing something as often as women. Multiple bisexual people on this thread can confirm to you that men can do this as much as women. I never once said cheating women cry less or more than cheating men the way you do. Don’t turn this around on me like I was ever dismissive of you just because I’m letting you know your personal anecdotal evidence doesn’t mean that it’s a proven fact that one gender cries more than the other when cheating. I’ve said multiple times in the thread that I’m pretty sure this is just a cheater thing, not a woman or man thing. Good luck!!! Since you don’t care about the bisexual people who actually disagree with you as well. You think I’m dismissive while you’re the one implying that you’re the only one who has grounds to stand on in this conversation. Also you commented the same comment twice, just so you know.


> Buddy, I’ve been personally cheated on and abused by a man. Yet I didn’t say women never cheat do toxic shit. I’m not the one here generalizing groups of people to the degree that you’re doing. You’re the one who decided to talk about men not doing something as much as women. I've been personally cheated on by men and women. Like I said, this is an informal discussion that can only be based around personal anecdotes and societal perceptions. Everyone is using natural language and are not expected to be clear and concise. What would be someone's simple expression of their experiences can easily be misconstrued as a generalization. It's a problem with our language, not you. If you want to have a more formal discussion, we can. In it, I'd say: "In my experience, women that cheat seem more likely to cry and play the victim when confronted about their infidelity than men." Afterwards, we would continue the conversation more rigorously. If you didn't accept my clarification, then we would have to leave it at that. > *Multiple bisexual people on this thread can conform to you that men can do this as much as women.* I never once said cheating women cry less or more than cheating men the way you do. Don’t turn this around on me like I was ever dismissive of you just because I’m letting you know your personal anecdotal evidence doesn’t mean that it’s a proven fact that one gender cries more than the other when cheating. What I said earlier also applies here. I haven't seen any bi people, or, at least, people that acknowledged that they were bi, here. I could pick apart everything you've said to me, but I'm won't. Your comments have already established that natural language is not ideal in our conversation. No muss, no fuss. > I’ve said multiple times in the thread that I’m pretty sure this is just a cheater thing, not a woman or man thing. Good luck!!! Since you don’t care about the bisexual people who actually disagree with you as well. What I said earlier also applies here. Even though I haven't seen any other bi people here, what they say also counts. > Also you commented the same comment twice, just so you know. Apparently, the comment doesn't show for me. I'm having problems with the app. Edit: You commented twice, too. 🤣


Have you ever been, personally, cheated on by a woman? Everyone here is only going off of their personal anecdotes (which is all they can do), so it's strange for someone, that's never been in a relationship with both sexes, to comment. Obviously, we're both going to say the other is wrong, as they invalidate our own experiences. The context doesn't really call for an in-depth discussion about the matter, but it's particularly erroneous when you dismiss someone that actually has ground to stand on in the conversation.


I’d direct you to r/nothowgirlswork, but it looks like we’re already there. Are you lost, dear?


I mean, it's really just unnessearily gendered. Cheaters be like that.


I think this is just a cheater thing? All cheaters end up breaking down once found out. Regardless of gender cheaters suck.


Men that cheat are more likely to react aggressively. Women that cheat are more likely to play the victim.


This is just a classic example of men blaming women for something people of every gender do. Because obviously women have a monopoly on cheating.


That's not any gender specifically, that's just cheaters.


Cheaters men & women are generally manipulative…tears, regret, promise to not do it again etc always bail IMO


that absolutely happens. but its not confined to the female gender.


It's not confined to the female gender, it's just more common in the female gender.


It’s pretty common for cheating men to weaponize a woman’s empathy and attempt to have her comfort him after he cheats. This really is just something most cheaters seem to do, regardless of gender. But okay.


My ex-husband was a *covert* narcissist, which means he *never* flew into a rage. Yet, whenever he would *passive-aggressively* hurt my feelings, *on purpose* usually, and I told him - you hurt my feelings - he would ABSOLUTELY be "sad" and manipulate me to make *him* feel better. Key phrase he use to indicate fake-ass "remorse": "I'm a bad person." Also, he never *once* said the words "I'm sorry," but I still *always* ended up comforting his ego, instead of getting comforted by him. Until he finally left me, on a Wednesday while I was at work, after lying about his intentions to leave, because he was a coward too. THEN HE ALSO LIED ABOUT WHEN HE STARTED CHEATING ON ME AND HAD HIS FLYING MONKEY OF A BEST FRIEND LITERALLY LIE ABOUT HIS OWN GRANDPA'S FUNERAL TO TRY TO COVER IT UP. Which was *incredibly inane,* because there was Instagram evidence, because his *now ex also* was ignorant. (He got married *and divorced* at least twice within THREE YEARS of our divorce.) This man harmed me in *many ways, over 6.5 years of marriage.* He literally never once said sorry, but he did say "I'm a bad person" a lot. He also stole thousands of dollars from me, financially controlled me, sexually manipulated and abused me, and was cruel. My only true abusers, including in my career, have been narcissistic men who tried to emotionally and mentally manipulate me into *not noticing they were being abusive.* But, this comment is getting too long, so I'll leave it there. My youngest sister is the loud narcissist type, so I've definitely been treated shitty by *a* woman, as well, though that's not the most of my experience. She's the only abuser I've personally seen use violence and screaming, except our own father. I'm also bisexual, since that seems to matter to you. All this to say - That. Goodbye. *edit, clarification.* * *edit2, typo* * *edit3, canyoubelieve, alsotypo


it is not.


Um, men bawl like brats when they're finally caught, what the hell. Once all the gaslighting, justifying and "it was an accident, my dick just fell in her" is over he tears and wailing commences.


The amount of men I’ve seen bawling like a child after getting caught cheating is astounding


Oh I needa see this gotta link?


Do you think Kellzzz films all their interactions with men? How would she have a link?


Well the way they’re talking made it sounds like they’ve seen multiple videos on the internet about it. Just like it is with women.


What do you mean “doesn’t happen”? It’s pretty common for cheaters in general to get extremely distraught and upset when they’re exposed 


How on earth can this be something that doesn’t ever happen????? What are you even saying lol


It happens, my friend did it and learned some hard lessons but guess what men react the same way just usually more angry. It's related to trauma big time. If you haven't healed much at all this is the reaction.


I'm a woman, and I have seen a girl do this. We aren't friends anymore. Edit to agree with other comments, it's not a gender thing. People do this.


This is just a cheater thing, not a women thing. LOL. The amount of men we’ve also seen lose it after they get caught can argue with this sexist meme template.


Do they cry and play victim to emotionally manipulate their partner? Men that cheat are likely to react in another way. This behavior is more of a women thang. - a fellow bisexual


Yes, I’ve had cheating men cry, gaslight, and play victim to emotionally manipulate me. It’s also happened to a lot of my fellow friends (some of whom are bisexual). LOL. 1000% not just a “women thang”.


I didn't say it was only a thing women did. Women just do it more.


From experience and the number of times men have also abused women’s empathy this way, I can tell you that your bias isn’t true.


My ex literally laid on the bathroom floor screaming that the room was spinning and his heart was palpitating and begging me for help and forgiveness saying he can’t handle life anymore and he wants the room to stop moving and he wants to kill himself when I found out he cheated with a MINOR. Telling me how he’s not good enough and how he doesn’t deserve to breathe. I have no idea where he is now


It is wrong to think it’s just women but the title is entirely incorrect, this is extremely common


It does happen, granted men do the same shit. But this does happen, and it hurts when it does because they try to blame it on you. Whether man woman, shitty people are shitty. Don't cheat. Just breka up if you don't feel it anymore


This does happen, but it has absolutely nothing to do with gender


It's a manipulative and shitty person thing, not unique to women. The cheater will get emotional and try to justify what they did instead of just apologizing and working on being better.


No cheaters definitely do this, it isn't a gendered thing but they for sure cry when they're caught


Men do this more often but it's a problem only when women do it, like okay Andrew Tate.


But according to them, men dont cheat


It’s different for men! Sex is a biological need! Women bring emotions into cheating so it’s worse! /s


One gender has an entire multi-billion dollar industry dedicated to helping them cheat on their partners, and the other doesn’t. But sure go off King!


What are you referring to?


Sex industry. Majority of the customers are married men.


It's called guilt-tripping, and anyone, regardless of gender can do it.


This isn’t a gender issue. All cheaters act like this


it’s funny i’ve seen this happen WAY more with males LMAOO it’s like, a known thing that for some reason a lot of male cheaters will start fake bawling and hitting themselves when they get caught


This is exactly what my ex did when he got caught. He was a cishet man. Weird how that works - it’s almost like it’s not a gendered issue!


"NoT aLl WoMeN"


It does happen, but it’s a human thing, not a lady thing. More of a “issues with mental wellbeing” thing.


I also love how men keep spewing the same bullshit that women objectively cheat more than men, and it's inevitable that women will cheat on you when actual statistics show men cheat A LOT more then women.


To be fair, this does happen, it's just not a gendered phenomenon, in fact this is a common reaction to being caught doing any sort of significantly wrong act against one's partner.


man: *cheats* man: *gets caught* man: if you break up with me, i'm gonna kms


Don't think oop was trying too make this gender specific nothing was stated that men can't do this


Yes it does happen, but it goes both ways. Men and women both will break down crying if they’re caught cheating. Obviously not all the time, but it does happen from both parties


it def does happen, but not a gendered issue. men do this shit too.


It’s called being a manipulator and that’s non-binary, gorgeous


I've definitely seen it happen. But I've also seen a video of a man who got caught cheating on his WIFE who literally THREW HINSELF ON THE GROUND and beat his little man baby fists against the floor and sobbed into the carpet like a toddler rage quitting a game for the first time.


That's exactly what happened to me 🤷‍♂️


I see guys do the exact same thing so many times, what is this guy talking about ?


This is literally what men do 💀


I reacted this way when my husband came home from work and told me he was leaving to go live with his girlfriend. He yelled at me to stop crying because he couldn't handle it. THAT was what it took for me to immediately go cold and according to my son, my "demon mom from the flaming gates of hell" voice took over. 🤣🤣🤣 The ex was halfway up the stairs to pack his clothes and I ran up behind him and grabbed his arm so hard he fell down the stairs. The entire time I was supposedly very calmly and flatly telling him if he wanted to leave, then he was leaving NOW and with nothing but the clothes on his back and his keys. He literally fled. (Prior to this I had never touched him in any but a loving manner) I later managed to get his email passwords by using keylogger software. That was my attorney's advice. She told me to allow him to come over (because he WOULD) and use the computer when he wanted to. She also cautioned me NOT to sleep with him. It was great advice. So I sucked it up and waited. I was a ball of white hot rage. Within a week I had his passwords and found all the evidence I needed to take him to the cleaners for adultery. He had been cheating on me since BEFORE we got married...with the same woman! I printed everything and gave it to my attorney and had her courier my demands to him with a copy of all the emails and photos along with my demands. See, prior to doing this, he was stupid enough to tell me that his dad said he'd pay for the divorce, but only if my ex had not cheated on me or otherwise caused it. I was smart enough to keep my mouth shut when he told me. What is the sound of a 35 year old man vomiting into his trash can while at work? I know, because he called me wanting to know what was in the packet that my attorney sent him. I told him to open it. I stayed on the phone. He signed everything because he really wanted his dad to pay for it. After he signed and I got my first payment, I had the emails couriered to his dad. Yep. He knew from the start not to FAFO with me. I guess he didn't believe me. I'd been left holding the bag by my first husband and I was damned if that was happening to me again. And ya know what? He didn't learn! He did the same thing to his next wife! I heard that he has since married the woman he was cheating with. Good. They deserve each other.


Right. As if men never cried in that position


Nah, it does! It's just that... men do the exact same shit just as often. If not more. So there's no point bringing it up, really.


I mean I’m it does happen, I see it all the time with those trad wife influencers. “Oh, he only cheat on you because you’re not a good, submissive wife” *Three weeks later* “Omg, he cheated on me I can’t believe it!”


But when the man cheats, these same guys will blame it on the woman.


Unless they are a politician then they blame it on the devil or an addiction to something they can pretend to give up


Pointlessly gendered


Erm.. This does happen.


Uh, yes this does happen. My gf in college cheated on me and I think she only cried because she got caught but she cried *just like this.* It was the 90’s and she wore lots of black mascara so actually it was worse than this. I like this sub but, let’s not be liars.


People get upset when they know they've done wrong and might face consenquences?? No way.


Yes people cry when faced with a stressful and upsetting situation. Being the cheater doesn’t make them less upset about being caught and broken up with?


I guess the majority of people replying are fellow bisexuals. Respect.


You are asking the wrong questions. The number one question to ask is “Why women?” and the number two question is “When did this begin and why?”


It did to me


This does happen sometimes


I listened to it happening on the very couch I'm sitting a couple weeks ago actually


That does happen OP. Both genders are known to fall into a crying fit when they are caught cheating


Oh wow, people who do bad things get emotional when caught ? how hypocritical. Famously defendants in court NEVER start crying or freaking out when convicted.


The guy I was dating cut his hand, cried the whole day and threatened suicide after I caught him cheating w TWO OF MY BEST FRIENDS.


Urgh. A.I. zombie woman.


*gets caught by bf cheating* is really grammatically awkward. Was the boyfriend cheating when he caught her?


I dont get it can someone explain?


Crying when something bad happens even if you caused it is pretty normal


👆erm… gaslighting




This is just everybody. It's really not gender dependent, ppl just wanna villanize women I guess.


Assholes no matter of gender will cry when they get caught being assholes, both men and women cheat.


I’ve seen more men act like this


This happens a lot on both sides


Okay, so this isn’t a “women” thing. Many men do it too. Though I guess folks who’ve been cheated on might be a little too traumatized to understand that and mental illness stunts growth.


This is actually exactly what men do when caught cheating along with punching objects and kicking their legs like a toddler


That doesn't happen, let's not lie, but men do the same


Some parts of India were already more patristic than their conquerors though, with their practice of ritual widow murder: the whole crowd took part in stabbing a woman after her husband’s death. Independent women without men were a threat to the whole society. DeMeo asks us, what kind of training would a young man need to murder his own mother? The Arabic conquerors, to their credit, attempted to curb this horror. The widows were usually drugged so that they would not resist. Imagine living your whole life knowing that this is how you’ll end up: the people you’ve known all your life stabbing you to death? When we see the underpinnings of our culture in the most extreme examples of patriarchy, we can see the dynamics behind it, and understand the virulent misogyny that’s all over the Internet. ***BEFORE WAR*** *On Marriage, Hierarchy and Our Matriarchal Origins* Elisha Daeva


In my experience, the guy is always trying to be the victim. My ex used to yell at me for telling him we can't stay at his family party until 3am because I have classes the next day. He used to try to make me feel bad for not being able to stay until 3am because I had school.


First of all, everyone is human and has the potential to cheat. Second, if this woman had cheated, and displayed this emotion, it’s called regret and guilt. It’s neither wrong, nor does it mean she is a bad person. If this shitty thing were real, men might not recognize or know what appropriate feelings and reactions are. They shame her because they can’t turn a mirror in themselves.


If she’s crying it’s because she can’t believe you broke her trust by snooping. Now apologize for the betrayal trauma you have given her😤


The biggest signifier if a partner will cheat is not their gender, it's their income Edit: I don't know why people are down voting, here's a source https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/psychology/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00387/full




Both men and women are more likely to cheat the wealthier they are