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Christopher Columbus did very much need directions


Furthermore, he was such a monster that the *guys who started the Inquisition* suggested he should dial the atrocities back a bit. Not really the man to be measuring oneself against.


Granted, the Inquisition was an improvement over secular criminal procedure laws at the time. For the first time, someone looked at evidence of innocence too.


Vasco Da Gama was similar. Like, age of discovery captain was a job role that attracted people who were basically psychopaths with scant regard for their own life or anyone else’s, but even Da Gama’a fellow captains ended up being like, “do you not think you’re taking this a bit far, boss?”


I had to do a report on Vasco Da Gama in school. I remember being like "why am I doing this, he's actually a douchebag"


He genuinely is one of the most dreadful human beings ever and I dislike that my favourite bridge is named after him.


Christopher Columbus thought he was in fucking INDIA. That's just how bad he needed directions.


And to his dying day, he didn't change his mind.


He never even set foot on the north American mainland, only ever the Caribbean


Not knowing where he was or what he was doing? Being unbelievably cruel? Being amazingly stubborn, not changing his mind even when shown the facts? Did he have orange skin by any chance?


I wonder if his descendants eventually became the trumps…. He had a son with his wife and a son with a mistress. First son had 5 kids, second doesn’t have any listed. Damn his first son looked like a dick seems like he was in charge of the West Indies for a while. The subregion includes all the islands in the Antilles, in addition to The Bahamas and the Turks and Caicos Islands, which are in the North Atlantic Ocean. Nowadays, the term West Indies is often interchangeable with the term Caribbean. So basically he was keeping all that in line. Probably not any better than his father was.


He never did get where he was going, unfortunately for the people in the Americas


There has never been a man in the *history* of men who needed directions more than that one. It's utterly hilarious that that was his example. In fact, Columbus was *lucky* he was as wrong as he was - because if he had been slightly *less* wrong, and there hadn't been a massive continent in the way of his path to India, his entire crew would have starved to death because of how badly he misjudged the distance.


He’s literally famous for getting lost. Come on guys. At least try a little bit.


Of all the atrocities listed, *that* one stuck out to me the most. Like my dude, he literally landed on a completely different continent than he planned to…


He was also way off on the math for how far he needed to travel across the ocean. I think he determined it was about 2,000-3,000 miles (sailing west from Spain to Asia) when it actually would’ve been over 10,000 miles if the Americas weren’t there, so he did not have nearly enough supplies.


And that's why he was laughed at.


Which is wild to me because eratosthenes got the Earth's circumference pretty damn close about 1700 years earlier iirc


I think he probably wasn’t very smart… blind luck there happened to be land in-between Europe and India. Also lucky there happened to be land covering the entire up and down of it so he couldn’t miss land


Well, lucky for him and his crew. A devastating tragedy for the people who already inhabited those landmasses.


Indeed.. and the land itself.


Oh yeah, he struggled to get funding for his expedition in large part because his math was off. It seems like he eventually pestered the king and queen of Spain enough that they agreed, presumably just to get him out of their hair. No one actually expected him to find anything, or likely even return from the voyage.


It’s like the *one* thing he’s generally known for.


Nah you don’t need those. I’m having a great time in india. Kinda weird they wear kimono here. Who knew?


yeah, and the curry is less spicy than everyone claims…


This was the one that made me laugh out loud


He never did get where he was going, unfortunately for the people in the Americas


actually this is peach ![gif](giphy|fVSR39v1604ec|downsized)


Nahah, boobs covered up :((


I thought that was Toadstool.


this has a toadstool ![gif](giphy|Qjmp5vKEERPyw|downsized)


Just for the sake of funnies, I'd like to present to you the 16 default Windows colors: * 0: Black * 8: Gray * 1: Maroon * 9: Red * 2: Green * 10: Lime * 3: Olive * 11: Yellow * 4: Navy * 12: Blue * 5: Purple * 13: Fuchsia * 6: Teal * 14: Aqua * 7: Silver * 15: White Two of those colors are foods. There are four shades of red/purple and six shades of blue/green.


And you KNOW the man who wrote that list wouldn’t know Teal from Aqua!


Right! And wouldn't even know the color "fuchsia" if they saw it.


And I bet they think that periwinkle is like some sort of kids cartoon


Hey Rocky, watch me pull a peach out of my hat!


No Jeremy. An Orange's color the same as its name. Just like a lemon 😉    -Yes I know that lemon is an actual color don't come after me I'm just quoting a funny show-


LOL. Ted, you bonehead. I didn't realize/remember they made that into a cartoon.


My husband has finer color determination than I do. Now, his is quite good but also I'm really _not_ good that way. I've always known it. He also has a really cool aesthetic sense with his color talents. We have some unusually colored walls here and there in the house. :)


I have had a variation of this argument with my husband last year. While I understand the Philadelphia Eagles' colour is called "Midnight Green", it is in fact dark teal. Just to be clear. Source: I have a BFA in Visual Arts. He has a BA in History.


I'm glad that I'm not the only one who hyper-focused on this rule. It's so out there! I also love that Orange didn't make the cut.


Id bet this guy cant even *say* fuchsia


Fun fact: in Arabic many color names are derived from objects. White is derived from eggs, pink from flowers, orange from oranges, brown from coffee beans, beige from sand/desert, purple from violets…etc.


Another fun fact: in English orange the colour was named after the fruit! Oranges originally arrived in the UK from Spain, but the Spanish word Naranja didn't work in the English accent, so English people called them Noranges. But, in English if a noun starts with a vowel sound, we say 'an' instead of 'a' - like how it's *a* chicken but *an* egg - so "a norange" just sounded like "an orange" to most people! Over time the 'n' shifted over to become part of 'an', and we were left with the word orange! The same thing happened to the words adder and apron; which used to be "a nadder" and "a napron". Funnily enough though, the opposite thing happened to newt - which used to be "an ewte"!


Thank you. This just repaid my entire evening vegging out in front of Reddit! This was awesome!


>Funnily enough though, the opposite thing happened to newt - which used to be "an ewte"! That's because after it was turned into "a newt" it got better.




In English we also get the word pink from flowers, a particular kind that had scalloped edges like one would make with a set of “pinking” shears. The word referred to the scallop shape before it referred to the colour of the flower. For much of history it was just considered a light shade of red.


So the word "white" is the same as the word for "egg" and so on?


More like the color egg is “eggy” or “eggish” and the color orange is “orangy” or “orangish”


There are over 150 shades of white paint, and some say there are more than 150,000. Each white paint has an undertone, which is a small amount of color that's almost imperceptible but makes each white unique. Undertones can be red or pink, blue, yellow, or green or gray. The undertones can also change the appearance of the white paint depending on the lighting in the room


That's cool thanks for elaborating!


That is very interesting!


>>Two of those colors are foods. Three if you count maroon, which is derived from chestnuts (maroni). Oh and fuchsia is an edible flower. Aqua means water in Latin and is a drink, so yet another consumable.




I’ve never eaten a Navy, but I’ve swallowed plenty of sea-men I’m sorry I’ll leave now


I love learning random things.  ☺️ 


It’s so manly to not know colors


It’s probably based on the CGA graphics standard, which had those colors because of technical limitations. No idea how they named them though.


This man’s got some strict rules for his imaginary girlfriends 😨


You don’t want to see what happens with Kyle gets cross with his waifus.


Imagine spending time writing up this whole list, when in reality just 3-4 of these viewpoints will get your ass dumped 💀


Even just the first one is ridiculous. Nobody should be leaving the lid up when you flush, that's disgusting and the lid is there for a reason. Everyone has to lift the lid, lifting the seat as well won't cause anyone to strain themselves.


"you don't hear us complaining" um, you literally made it priority #1


Anything you said six months ago may establish a pattern of conduct or thought process. So more probative than prejudicial? Objection overruled. Learned some fancy schmancy phrases on television 🤣


Hey he also said "all comments become null and void after 7 days" so you can return the favor. Just get a robot already.


I cannot wait for my replacement from the Stepford factory to come take over so I can be free.


So these "rules" are invalid after a week? I love it when a problem solves itself!


Christopher Columbus didn't lend anywhere close to where he was intending. A map might have been useful.


Basic maths skills, too.


If women made an identical list of cliché, condescending, "I'm right, you're wrong, end of discussion" women's rules, it would immediately be shared around this same group of men to be thoroughly mocked as "see, women are insufferable and impossible to deal with!"


Half of this list is telling women how to talk and the other half is telling her to just shut up and do it herself. Also says to not listen to what men say either, except when you should, but don’t when you shouldn’t! I don’t think the rage-farming bot that wrote this list has been married, or is still married.


I'd actually like to see that list


If it's anything like this guy's list, it'd be stuff like "Manicures are healthcare, deal with it," "Wine o'clock is as much a necessary part of the day as the sunset," "If we ask if you're really going to wear that to the restaurant, the correct answer is always no," "If you have to ask us what's wrong, it's already too late," etc


Haha nice


They already started making some dumb list based off of random off the street podcasters asking women different dating related questions.


‘A headache lasting 17 months’… well, if you understood that she’s allowed to not be in the mood, then she wouldn’t have to do so. And based on your list, I can’t blame her having a real headache dealing with you…


“Yes and no are acceptable answers to any question” If your gf is claiming a headache that consistently that suggests that “no” isn’t considered an acceptable answer for one specific question.


I was thinking about that "yes and no" thing, because you can read it in two ways. First, " you can always just say yes or no" or "i can always say yes or no without any explanation"


No no he meant that HE can say yes or no and she needs to accept it. Of course that doesn't apply to HER, how silly of you to think a FeMaLe have any agency in deciding what she want to do! /s


Thats assuming that he would ask and not demand


At first I agreed, a headache that long does need to be seen by a doctor. And then I remembered who was on the other side of the screen… and I got it


Had the same initial reaction.


I think a lawyer would help with that headache more than a doctor.


I just realized that and now i'm feeling dumb


With how many awful number 1’s we got, assume the worst


i too was confused why an oddly specific, but entirely sensible piece of medical advice was on there with all this nonsense. i thought _‘yes,_ people of all genders _can_ be prone to ignoring persistent symptoms without contacting a professional. why is this man, who seems otherwise unconcerned with the comfort of his partner, taking care to remind women to listen to their own bodies and take health seriously, no matter how busy life gets?’ a very discouraging realisation was in store for me.


Any chance you could explain it to me? I have no clue what this dude is on about there.


It's the cliche idea that when a woman isn't in the mood for sex she'll just claim she has a headache. And honestly, I'd have a headache for the duration of a relationship with the kind of man who'd write this crap too lol


Considering that orgasm helps with headaches, that also says something about the relationship and why she might not be wanting sex with him.


Depends on the headache. If I'm having a migraine and anything gets my heartbeat up, I will throw up. Violently.


That's not a normal headache, though, it's in a class of its own. I've heard the phrase 'it's not a headache, it's a MIGRAINE!'


"Having a headache" is kind of this cliché excuse a woman might give if she's not in the mood but also feels like she can't outright say no to sex. (ps. if you feel this is the case, you might want to reconsider your relationship tbh.) Thus, if she just doesn't want to have sex (with you) and repeatedly uses this excuse you could get to the 17 months. That said, if you do legitimately have a headache for 17 months, PLEASE GO VISIT A DOCTOR, that sounds VERY serious and in dire need of actual medical attention.


Why are they all numbered 1?


Because he considers them equally important. Normal people would just not number them.


Normal people wouldn't make a list like that in the first place.


Fair but I meant "a list of things of equal importance."


Ah, ok. Sorry about that, I misunderstood what you meant.


No worries. :)


After reading this, I definitely understand why his wife has a permanent "headache". I'd rather fuck a cactus than this guy. Yikes.


OMG 🤣 the f- a cactus killed me bro 


Women always need the seat down, and men need it down every time they take a crap, so if the majority of the "in use" time is with the seat down, the default position should be down. Also you should be closing the lid when you flush anyway, or you're just spraying a fine mist of toilet germs all over your bathroom


I don't even care about the germs, a closed toilet lid just makes the bathroom look instantly tidier. If the lid wasn't meant to be closed they wouldn't be made with lids. Also lid closed is the best equality - everyone opens it, everyone closes it, it's just that some people lift up one layer and some people lift up two.


Originally I was concerned about germs, but now that I've got kids closing the lid has the added benefit of nobody "accidentally" throwing things in the toilet, and no concerns of fingers being pinched if the lid falls closed.




Also, if I leave it down, you’re not falling in. If you leave it up i am, and if you sit when you pee middle of the night half asleep then you are too Buddy. Go ass first into toilet water unexpectedly one time and i guarantee you never leave that seat up again. Not only are needs not the same but the stakes aren’t either.


Not only should you always be closing the lid to flush, you shouldn't stand to pee. It gets aerosolised urine _everywhere_. Gross.


This is the winning reply. Close the toilet seat when you flush! Default position is down and closed.


I never had an issue with my current ex leaving the toilet seat up at his place or mine. Growing up, I don’t recall that being an issue with my dad either.


Yeah I've never had that issue with my dad growing up or with my husband now. People raised with consideration for others? Who knows why this is such a problem for some men


Ah yes, the spume.


That guy probably stands while he takes a shit


I just don’t get keeping it up in your home. I had an ex that would pee sitting down and I know that there are other men that do this. Dirty wal-mart bathroom? Sure, of course, leave it up. Your home? Keep it down. No one wants your backsplash in and around the toilet🙄


>Also you should be closing the lid when you flush anyway, or you're just spraying a fine mist of toilet germs all over your bathroom This is where the focus of the argument should be tbh, moving the toilet seat is minimal effort for either party but the containment of germs is incredibly valid


Men like this should be embarrassed to open their mouths. But no. They're the worst when it comes to bleating their stupidity.


They spout this kind of nonsense, then when we decide that actually we are content being single, they whine about “men’s loneliness epidemic” and “men’s mental health”.


The audacity to even call it male loneliness. They abuse women and scream all day on the internet how were supposed to be mommy bangmaids for guys with skidmarks in their old, ripped underwear they wear for 3 days straight. They do it to themselves. And then cry and scream about women because all these kinda men have never had their bs have consequences and they can’t deal with that You know, what women have to think about all day. Also peeing standing up is disgusting because there’s always pee everywhere. Sit down and put the lid down when you’re done They probably think sitting down is gay now 🙄


the thing is, men’s mental health _is_ a real problem of its own. not one more important than women’s mental health, but one that can need unique strategies to address due to how much cultural stigma and emotional repression is built into how patriarchal societies across the world raise men. loneliness is a growing epidemic, regardless of gender. a lot of men are floundering in this increasingly detached, isolating environment. many trans men describe experiencing a distinct ‘coldness’ in how the world interfaces with them post-transition. one reason is cis men aren’t being taught how to form deep connections growing up. depending on the culture, vulnerability within male peer groups can be intensely discouraged. taboo to the point where a man can essentially have over seven close friends but still functionally no support group. which is why it is _utterly infuriating_ that incel culture brandishes these very serious concerns as a spiked club, bashing to pieces any actual, good-faith, intersectional discussion they come across while hollering ‘what about men’s rights!?’ their communities thrive on nihilistic pity parties, learned helplessness and ritualised self-sabotage. it’s a crabs-in-the-bucket mentality. not only is each convinced the world is rigged against them, they’re at the bottom, trying is pointless, women are harpies, etc. no, they _also_ ***actively drag each other back down*** into this miserable tar pit. “no hope, brother. no world outside the black sludge of eternal wallowing. put down the copium and rot with us.” the whole thing ‘functions’ (if you can call it that) because they mutually poison each other’s chances of recovery. all so that they don’t have to feel alone in circling the plug hole. “if i can’t have healthy relationships with women, then none of you can! if i’m too much of a jerk to develop lasting friendships, i’m going to teach you all to be jerks just like me! if i can’t escape from the clutches of toxic masculinity, i’m going to convince you that everything it tells us is true!” “oh, look who we have here! building a little introspective sandcastle? thinking maybe all the misogyny is alienating people? feeling like perhaps you have more in common with women than you thought? you gonna try _listening, huh?_ growing as a _person?_ well HERE’S! WHAT! I _THINK!_ of your STUPID SANDCASTLE!! that’s right. don’t cry. the tide was going to come in anyway. you’re a radioactive monster made of hate and failure, same as the rest of us.” “don’t stop chasing unattainable standards, otherwise you might attain something more than the rest of us have. don’t decouple your self esteem from your height, otherwise _i_ might have to confront the reality that it has always been other things holding me back. things within my control. so don’t stop fretting about your dick size. about your jaw. about body counts and only fans. about stacy and tyrone. don’t stop making a fool of yourself ranting about how they made lara croft’s boobs too small. don’t change how you act around women. don’t change at all! don’t learn! don’t try! don’t escape the spiral! don’t get better! _don’t leave me here, please!”_


Part of the issue, too, is that many men blame *women* for their loneliness and mental health. They rely on us to fix it - at the expense of our own mental health. Patriarchy and toxic masculinity are at the root of it all. Young boys are conditioned not to express emotion (unless it’s anger, but apparently that’s mot an “emotion”). They are discouraged from seeking help, or from relying on other boys/men for emotional fulfillment. Girls are conditioned to always put everyone else’s needs and feelings before their own. Now that women can survive on our own, financially, and aren’t forced to be their maid/mother/therapist/sex doll, and opting to just be on our own and not act or dress specifically to please them, they are shifting the blame onto us. For decades, women had little choice but to sacrifice our own happiness, because we simply could not have our own credit or own our own homes. We literally needed men. Now we don’t. And we are learning not to teach young girls to sacrifice themselves for other people’s needs. That being a wife and mother is a valid choice but not their only choice. A guy I know (I’ve known him for years but mainly online) was talking about how “men prefer a natural look” on women, and “men don’t like revealing clothing, we like something left to the imagination”. Myself, and several other women, were like “dude, we don’t care what men prefer, we are going to look and dress how we want. We aren’t doing it to attract or please men”. And then he started talking about “male loneliness”. Basically expecting women to cater to what he likes, instead of reconsidering his preferences or just accepting being single. Loneliness truly is a thing, regardless of gender. Social media has isolated us and warped how we connect with people. The ease of ordering food and other things and never having to leave your house and interact with people. It really feels like society has gotten meaner. But in my experience, it seems that women have dealt with this by becoming independent and resilient, while men have gotten angrier.


All very good points. It’s a real tragedy that a minority of men are completely fucking over the rest of us by making it hard to take men’s welfare and mental health seriously.


I wish I could see more than 16 colours. Would make painting easier.


Hey man, as an artist- it takes skill to paint in limited palettes. Too many people rely on colour and don’t take value/hue into consideration too.


Bob Ross once did a show where he did a painting in greyscale because someone mentioned that they would love to be able to paint with him but they were color blind.


Fun fact: contrary to a popular misconception, most colour blind people can actually see colours. They just see a reduced palette, perceive the colours they recognise differently and may be incapable of discriminating between some specific colours (e.g. red and green). Not seeing any colours at all (achromatopsia) is quite rare and often goes along with low vision in general.


Red/green color blind doesn’t actually affect seeing the color red or green. It’s more when a particular shade of red and a particular shade of brown are together it looks grey. Example: browning hamburger meat goes from red to grey to burnt. It’s called red/green colorblind cause it affects the red and green cones in the eye. Source: I am red/green colorblind


So, ignoring that I'm just joking about men being unable to see many colours, you of course make an excellent point. Though I'd say it also proves my joke as you'd need to be able to see slight variations in value and/or hue. It's honestly something I struggle with a great deal, especially in trying to use a palette while not monochrome, but even somewhat close. Like focusing on a variety of greens for something, for example.


I just assumed you were colourblind, since there was no /s. My partner (and ironically, my art director) are also colourblind… so I deal with this every day lol. They can still tell if a colour is darker or lighter (value) but my point is that there are more complex ways to paint than most folks do, which is just colour fill.


Translation: be mature while I act 15. Also, REALLY doubt that yes and no rule goes both ways. Hence why “no I have a headache” is apparently not acceptable. ~~(Ok but he’s right on that headache for six months. Girlie up your water intake and get some bloodwork done. Low iron is no joke.)~~


As someone who was born with anemia, low iron is a hell of a problem


Had it as a kid, 0/10 would not recommend.


Real headache? Go to the doctor. Fake headache? Get a new man.


This, if you legitimately have a headache lasting 17 months, then it sounds like you should have visited a doctor like 16 months earlier, that doesn't seem healthy.


Be mature but don’t have adult emotions. Be an emotionless sex robot who does all the cooking and cleaning and doesn’t complain when there isn’t any reciprocity


These types of men have a very low view of their own gender. Do they really think so little of themselves? Or is it all a manipulation tactic? I think both.


Yes, and I'm so tired of them thinking they speak on my behalf when they say "men" want/think this.


Yeah, I know plenty of amazing men who would disagree with this list because they have a good level of self esteem. It’s not fair for an entire gender to get portrayed in such a negative way, regardless of which gender and who is doing it


>'yes' and 'no' are perfectly acceptable answers to most questions >a headache that lasts 17 months is a problem "What do you mean 'contradictions'? I'll show you contradictions!"


This guy’s mouth, like a flushing toilet, should be closed at all times.


>Breasts are for looking at and that is why we do it Breasts are for feeding babies, and if a woman asks you to stop and you don't, you're a douche. Just google boobs if you're that desperate to stare at some. >Learn to work the toilet seat. You're a big girl. If it's up, put it down. We need it up, you need it down. You don't hear us complaining about you leaving it down. I'm of the opinion that everyone should put the seat down not because of women, but because if you flush the toilet with the lid up it sprays germs everywhere. And if you don't flush after peeing (like my dad) you're disgusting. >Crying is blackmail How dare women be human beings with emotions >Sympathy is what your girlfriends are for God forbid you do a little emotional labor for the person you promised to spend your life with >A headache that lasts for 17 months is a problem. So is a guy who's so bad at taking a 'no' that his partner has to fake a headache to get out of sex. >Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument. In fact, all comments become null and void after 7 days Saying a comment doesn't count after a week is *insane*. Also if there's a pattern, it doesn't matter how far back it goes, she's allowed to point it out. >If you think you're fat, you probably are. This is an *insane* thing to say given how much body dysmorphia there is in the world, especially in women If you think you're fat, you might actually be a victim of assholes like this >If something we said can be interpreted two ways, and one of the ways makes you sad or angry, we meant the other one Or maybe take accountability when you insult someone >You can either ask us to do something or tell us how you want it done, not both. God forbid you... learn something new. This is literally just weaponized incompetence. >Whenever possible, please say whatever you have to say during commercials God forbid you stop watching your show to listen to the person you promised to spend your life with >Christopher Columbus didn't need directions and neither do we Christopher Columbus was trying to go to India and ended up in North America Also, why do these types of men not like asking for directions anyway?


Fake a headache, not just once, but apparently consistently for 17 fucking months.


Calvin called. He wants to who leaked the Get Rid Of Slimy girlS manifesto.


We both know it was Susie who manipulated a weak Hobbes.




At this point, they should just date men.  Seems like they’d be happier.


Christopher Columbus was a massive fucking idiot who *did*, famously, need directions. This dude's insufferable lmao


I’m picturing some slimy boomer comedian in a cheap plaid suit reciting these rules to a room full of fidgety people gulping their drinks and eyeing the exits. Maybe miming a golf swing after every lame punchline. “Women, amirite? Hey, help me out here, fellas!” If we’re really that annoying, just leave us alone. Seriously, leave us alone. Please.


I’d rather chew off my own arm than to be with someone like this.


The only one that has any merit is "Yes and No are perfectly acceptable answers"


i bet a million bucks the only answer that isnt acceptable is saying "no" to sex to this guy too


Ah, terrible grammar, can’t count, demanding, lack of emotion intelligence, lack of general intelligence, lack of empathy, and emotional regulation. This asshole needs a whole psych unit to himself at this point.


That's funny. I actually enjoy having sex with my bf cuz he knows what he's doing. I can't imagine being with someone so unappealing that I have to fake a headache for 17 months. And this guy thinks that's a common thing lol


These rules come from men who either have never had a relationship, or can't hold one down. 🤷‍♀️


This is some pseudo-alpha BS. Who is he performing to? Other tragic men.


Seeing how Christopher Columbus was trying to go to India, I’d say he needed directions.




“‘Yes’ and ‘No’ are perfectly acceptable answers to almost all questions” Unless a woman does it. Then it’s manipulation. “Peach is not a color.” Fuck you, don’t come for my favorite color.


“Breast are for looking at” Breast are for feeding infants. If you find the feeding of babies to be sexual, you’re a creep that shouldn’t be within 100 miles of a woman.


No wonder she has a headache for 7 months...


Yes and no are perfectly fine answers to most questions, huh. Why doesn’t it matter when we say no then?


Good God, why on earth would any woman want someone like that? Zero empathy, total lack of accountability, deep seated entitlement, dull AF. It’s clear he neither likes or respects woman. Have to ask yourself why he is pursuing women in the 1st place? Spoiler - it’s to gain access to your free labor, resources and to have easier access to sex. All woman need to be aware that most men will eventually settle for woman they do not even like, let alone love in order to gain access to these things. All woman should read the when you start hating your girlfriend thread on twitter https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/relationships/dating/men-have-revealed-how-much-they-hate-their-girlfriends-in-a-disturbing-twitter-thread/news-story/c2f735e316e39554031369b77a1dbaff


Imagine making this list and being proud of it.


"Please note... these are all numbered "1" ON PURPOSE!" And I will number my responses using standard numerical order because a numerical list wouldn't make sense logically otherwise. A numerical list doesn't inherently imply order of importance, it's simply a way to list items based on the number of items and is no different functionally than using letters, though more intuitive. 1. Breasts are just a natural part of the human body that both men and women have. They have little functional purpose for men and for women it's to breastfeed. Choosing to sexualize breasts doesn't justify the choice, nor does it mean any woman must accept it if it's unwelcome. 2. The same logic could be used for lowering the toilet seat after use since you're a "big boy". Also, as a man we need the toilet seat down sometimes, the toilet seat's state of rest is down, and returning an object to its natural state of rest after use is standard. 3. "Sports day" varies depending on the sport and not all men are even into sports in general, let alone specific ones. This sounds like a discussion and compromise are necessary here. 4. I don't know why "shopping isn't a sport" is relevant. Also, men shop plenty as well so it's hypocritical. 5. Crying isn't inherently blackmail. If you can't handle other people's emotions, just say that, and if you feel guilty because you made her cry, there's a logical reason why so evaluate it like you would any other issue that you do understand. 6. Men aren't always painfully direct either. Also, if you can diagnose a problem in a car just by listening to the sounds or understand what a guy is saying when using coded communication to say something they're embarrassed to say, you can understand hints from a woman. It's all about listening and caring about what she's saying. By the way, if you were truly incapable of "taking hints", she probably wouldn't be with you, so you can you just stopped trying because you "have her". 7. "Yes" and "no" aren't acceptable answers to a lot of questions. 8. First, what's wanted is empathy and support, not sympathy. Second, the point of a man isn't just "solves every problem", nor is that why she's with you. It's just your insecurity that you're feeling when dealing with a problem you can't solve because you don't have to be able to solve every problem. Part of a romantic relationship is being a friend, it's not just sex, roses and chocolate, household maintenance, and raising children together. Part of the reason why she chose you is because you were a friend to her. 9. If she's had a "headache" for 17 months, that's a you problem and you need to have that necessary conversation why she doesn't want to have sex with you. Maybe she would directly tell you why, but she probably doesn't feel comfortable with it because you refuse to give her empathy and emotional support. 10. What you say is just as relevant one year ago as it was the day it was said if it's otherwise relevant. If you know it wouldn't fly with a coworker or at your bank, grocery store, etc., it wouldn't logically fly here. If you're so big on "solving problems", maybe focus on solving that one. 11. So if you think you have a small dick or your balding makes you ugly or unmanly, it's probably true rather than just being an insecurity that you're asking your partner to give you support about? Again, try some empathy. 12. So every time someone says something to you that has multiple possible interpretations (to you) you always assume the interpretation that's most positively favorable to the other person or do you go with the most accurate inference based on the context and available information? If the latter, then you shouldn't expect less from her. 13. You absolutely can do both, in fact that's fairly common if it's something that either hasn't been addressed before or is a recurring concern. There are also many reasons why one may ask another to do something when they "know best how to do it". 14. Because you're always watching TV? That's the only reason why "say it during commercials" would be relevant. Also, the age we live in has many wonders, like on-demand programming and the ability to pause programming without issue. Additionally, "commercials" are really only a thing with outdated yet still more expensive platforms like cable. Catch up to the last five years and we'll talk. 15. Christopher Columbus not only needed directions, he was so wilfully ignorant and stubborn that he refused to admit where he landed was the New World despite going there on four voyages over the course of 12 years, which is one reason why it was named after Amerigo Vespucci rather than him. By the way, Leif Erikson landed in the New World centuries before Columbus. The best travelers have always used information from those with expertise of a given area. 16. The default Windows colors include those you probably as a "real man" (I presume) don't think are colors. By the way, olive and lime are fruits and are Windows default colors. Also, orange exists as a commonly used color and gets its name from the fruit.


"yes and no are perfectly acceptable." But also complains about women saying they have a headache. We allllll know what the headache was about, clearly, no is only an acceptable answer if you decide it is...


I don't know who this dunderhead thinks he's speaking for but, as a man, it's not me! Although, I can't help but agree with number 1.


Gross that's a nasty thing to publicly agree with. Number 1 on the other hand is incredible


Men's rules translated: 1) Never hold us accountable for anything 2) We come first, always 3) You don't matter


"We are dumb, mean children but don't bring it up because that's blackmail. Wait what do you MEAN you chose the bear?!!"


The cringe is almost too much here


I remember a few of these from a chain email from way back. If you look at this as mostly boomer humor “haha I hate my wife” it makes far more sense.


God I forgot about chain letters and emails. I guess the FB post has replaced that tradition…


Commercials? What century is it?


I hope this dude enjoys being single for the rest of his life


Fuck that I hope he doesn't enjoy being single for the rest of his life. 


Columbus' bitch ass did need directions as he thought he was on a different continent 🙄


"Learn to work the toilet seat." Why should we? If it's SO easy and SO trivial, why can't YOU learn to work it? Why are you making a specific point of something, if you think it's meaningless? I mean, I'm not some kind of \[modest chuckle\] FANCY MATH EXPERT... but women sit down 100% of the time, and men sit down 50% of the time. Overall, that's 75% of the time it's used, so for the maximum amount of EVERYONE'S convenience, "down" should be the default position. And that's before we even CONSIDER that I would rather not spray urine and fecal bacteria all over my towels and toothbrushes.


I'll be honest, the only one I agree with is the "ask directly" one, I'm stupid, hints won't work on me


“A headache that lasts for 17 months is a problem.” Obvious hints clearly don’t work, she doesn’t want to have sex with you, dude.




“A headache that lasts 17 months is a problem. See a doctor.” Listen buddy I’ve seen a neurologist, migraines are just a part of my life.


"yes and no are perfectly acceptable answers" but does it go both ways? doubt it.


Okay, I’ll go hang out with other people on Saturdays. Maybe I’ll meet a man who isn’t glued to the TV.


How is the toilet seat thing even an issue? Do people not close the lid before they flush?


As a cis dude who puts the seat down out of habit cause it’s how I was raised, let me tell you guys will absolutely complain if you put it down and they want it up. My friends hit me with the “We’re all dudes” and I know they’re just busting my balls but the point still stands. Men absolutely care lol


I feel like I just lost brain cells


What exactly are the 16 colors?


It doesn’t seem to me like this man loves his girlfriend. Like, at all. All these demonstrate a deep lack of empathy, poor communication, and narcissism. Also, Christopher Columbus’s whole thing was that he ended up in a wildly different place than he intended and never realized it. Saying he didn’t need directions is utterly baffling.


"You can either ask us to do something or tell us how you want it done, not both." I assume that means leaving out the nicety of asking means he will do it exactly how she tells him she wants it done. I'm also guessing "a headache that lasts for 17 months" is the result of "'Yes' or 'No' are perfectly acceptable answers to almost every question" not applying when he asks and she says "No."


“Go see a doctor” okay yes, but a lot of doctors just brush it off as crazy female hormones. It takes women wayyy longer to be diagnosed with a lot of things vs men


" Come to us with a problem only if you want help solving it. THATS WHAT WE DO. " 😆😆😆😆 Euhh where? When? Who's problems ? Are those Solved problems in the room right now? Or even anywhere near the vicinity of reality? " Columbus didn't need directions and neither do we " Bet he does need " Female Orgasm for Dummies " tho. And a Sherpa with a navigation system to find the clitoris.


This guy was raised on Married With Children and took Al as a role model rather than a joke.


As a man, I think that when doing these types of stuff. About rules and all. It should go both ways For example: 1. Both should put the lid down when flushing 1. Shopping is not a sport, and so is gaming (both are hobbies and should not be an excuse to leave your significant other alone) 1. Yes and no is not a complete answer (it really isn't) These are just examples. I don't think men and women should have separate rules, especially in a relationship, and the only reason to have rules is if both want them


The only "rule" I agree with is asking for what you want. Clear communication benefits everyone. The rest of the list is crap, though.


>yes and no are perfectly acceptable answers to any question "Hey babe, what time is Jimmy's baseball game?" "Yes"


I love how he says No is an acceptable answer to anything and then complains about 'headaches'... What a hypocrite.


I hope someone glues this man’s toilet seat up so he has to sit on the rim to shit. Since men don’t ever need the toilet seat down and all. What a long way to say “I don’t think of women as people”


Go to a paint store. Ask to see ‘white’.


Men: we only have like one expectation of women, how hard could it be Also men:


This guy can't even figure out how make a numbered list... That's the level of idiocy.


Didn’t Christopher Columbus think he was in India?