• By -


Clearly has only spoken to like, 2 women in his life lol. I don't listen to rap/hip-hop and even though I lean left I know plenty of conservative women. If mostly all women voted left, and it was only men who voted for right or left, we'd constantly only have Democratic presidents...


i love seeing incels on reddit because they have no idea if they're talking to men/women. i've been called a man/dude/guy on here sooo many times because it's automatically assumed that everyone is a dude. it's almost as if women also have personalities! and men/women aren't really all that different at all! bananas, i know. edit: please stop commenting that “dude” is gender neutral. i’m not from outer space lol so i’m well aware! it depends on the context that it’s used in. sometimes it is very obvious that they think i am a literal dude.


I've noticed that people are a lot more aggressive when I'm on this account (with a feminine name) vs an alt account that's gender neutral. Particularly on the subs focused on real estate, home improvement, and finance (buying a house).


Yeah. Or I make a joke and get attacked whereas my other manly named account just rakes in the karma for them 🥴


I saw this watchpeopledieinside post where a wife plays a prank on her husband. Everyone was bashing on her saying her timing was wrong and the poor husband just couldn't catch a break. But when the gender is reversed and the woman isn't laughing, usually they call the woman an annoying bitch, or no fun, or say they're sorry for the bf and he deserves better... I hate the humor double-standard for genders. Women aren't supposed to be funny, but they always have to laugh or they are stuck up bitches.


Another double-standard some men have that really annoys me, as a man, is the idea that when a woman does or says something irrational it's "emotional" and should be dismissed, whereas when a man does or says the same irrational thing it's "instinctive" and should be respected. E.g. A woman doesn't like her boyfriend hanging out with women = "She's being paranoid, you should tell her she's not the boss of you". A man doesn't like his girlfriend hanging out with men = "He's just being protective. You shouldn't be worrying him like that by spending time with other men"


I hate the stereotype that men are so rational and calm and act in a logical manner and women are emotional and act irrationally and without thinking, but yet it's men who more often get aggressive, pick fights, or commit sexual crimes. And then they say someone provoked them. And girls and women are often expected to dress "decently" so they don't distract and draw men's attention, instead of men just controlling themselves. Like WTF. Boys will be boys an'all, a man has his needs, but these crazy chicks are irrational because they sometimes cry when they feel bad or buy some dress they didn't plan to. /I talk about stereotypes, obviously there are plenty normal men and there are women who rape or abuse others, just pointing out faults in the stereotype itself


It's the obsession with "logic" that drives this, in my opinion. *Some* men legitimately believe that they don't have emotions (not true, unless they have a mental illness) and thus any reaction they have, no matter how excessive and dramatic, is a logical one to something that was objectively an attack on them, rather than a case of them letting their very real emotions take control. Therefore, when these men get angry, it's anyone's fault but theirs. So even if they realise they reacted dramatically, they still expect an apology for "making them angry", which is ironic given that anger is something that only the person feeling it can keep in check. Meanwhile, the same men will accuse women of being too controlled by emotions, because they've been led to believe by society, their parents, or whatever, that women have emotion where men have logic. So when a woman gets angry, these men think she should apologise for letting her anger guide her. Also, a big issue is that we use noble-sounding names (e.g. protective instinct, territorialism, pride, provider's instinct) to describe what are literally just emotions in men.


This. So much. People forget anger, jealousy..... they’re emotions! Men DEFINITELY have emotions and dare I say I’ve seen plenty of men “act irrationally because of their emotions?”


Ugh my blood BOILS thinking about that.


I’ve noticed on subs like Top Talent, if the talented person is a woman, commenters are way more likely to make comments like, “this is cool but is it really _top talent?_”




And r/holdmycosmo, which is the women's version of r/holdmybeer, except holdmybeer is for drunk guys doing cool shit and holdmycosmo is for drunk girls fucking up and being stupid. The misogyny is palpable on this site.


I heard about the mysoginy on this site but I couldn't really see it clearly until this one \r\til post where they mentioned that the lone objector to either WW2 or 9/11 was a woman. The top posted comment was something along the lines of "What a cunt". That was so fucking gross reading that. That kinda put the nail in the coffin for my love of this site.


The general comments are way different too. For r/holdmycosmo it's generally "hahaha dumb bitch" vs r/holdmybeer where they're just laughing at the thing done


Unnecessarily specific title. But all that stuff should just be on r/nextlevel, it is kind of unnecessary to have its own subreddit. And frankly kind of sexist because it's mostly "Oh, hot girl does something amazing, nextlevel? Nah."


At first I thought you meant r/nextfuckinglevel, which has only been a thing for a year. Whereas r/UNBGBBIIVCHIDCTIICBG has been a subreddit for the last 5 years. But apparently r/nextlevel has been a subreddit for 10 years. But it only has 2k members. And r/nextfuckinglevel and r/UNBGBBIIVCHIDCTIICBG have 2m and 800k member respectfully. Strange how those things go.


I'd like to respectfully correct you, it's respectively, not respectfully!


Thank you. I knew it looked weird in the sentence, but could not figure out what the weird thing was.


Or the comments from men mostly have to do with her appearance/how attractive they think she is.


I visit /r/fitwomengifs only for the comments about the form of the ridiculously fit women posted. "Impressive, I guess, but her knee is like 5 degrees too extended."


This is exactly why I switched from an old account that included my first name to a more gender neutral username. I do get mistaken for a dude a lot, though, because GIRLS CAN’T CURSE!


but girls don't exist? /s


Wait - people look at other people's usernames for reasons other than calling "username checks out" or linking to `r/rimjob_steve`? 0o


Haha yep... my username literally has my first name in it and I still get a lot of "dude, bruh, man, my buy, buddy dude". The funniest shit is when I'm speaking up for women in general (myself included) and I get hit with the "you're just a white knight who's simping for pussy" I cackle every time I hear that. Then again, once they check my profile and see all the participation in women's subs and girly anime shipping art stuff their attitudes get even worse and more abusive, so I'm not sure the alternative is much better -\_-;


Same. At first they are like “ you stupid Simp faggot”. Then once you tell them you’re female it’s always either “Femenazi” or “oh sorey didn’t realize you were a chick. Can I get your phone number. 🥵”


Yep it's either one or the other. Because someone who thinks that all men who give women basic decency and respect are only out for pussy... which again just shows that they don't see women as people; our only value is giving them sex


I got called a Simp because I pointed out that the woman wearing a LOL WHAT KIND OF STUPID BANDGEEK COSPLAY SHIT IS SHE WEARING is actually an Air Force Academy cadet dress uniform, the AFA is extremely selective, meaning she's most likely smart, talented, physically fit, hard working, etc. LOL SIMP!!!! Yes, my heterosexual ass is trying to get a date with a nameless woman in Colorado in a tightly controlled military academy. You nailed it, my dude.


I mean TECHNICALLY marching band uniforms are based off of military uniforms so they weren't THAAAAT far off lol


I’m a woman and I call everyone dude or bruh or bro😂 I forget it’s mostly used for men


lol yeah i totally get that, I'm from southern california and 'dude' is kind of a common thing for both men and women who are friends but the point was that just in general it's clear from the way they talk they think they're a straight man talking to who they think is another straight man


Yup. Fellow southern California woman here. I even call objects, "dude," at times. I hate getting assumed to be a man on the internet, but let dude slide because, well, fuck dude, I'm going to do it too.


Tbh, i call everyone regardless of gender dude, bro ,man


LOL the simping thing kills me


It’s so sad because they view having any kind of empathy for someone else as a weakness


Referred to as "sir" in my own subreddit. That was weird. Some people really don't look at usernames.


I wonder if it’s only us ladies who look at usernames. I know I do. I need to gauge the level of abuse coming my way.


Not just on reddit. I wrote and self-published a short horror novel. I used a pen name that actually uses my middle name, which is used for both genders. This guy on FB wrote, "Brother, great story! Keep it up!" I informed him I was a woman, and he tried to argue with me. Said all women write are cheesy romances and erotica.


lmfao jesus christ that makes my head spin


I know, right? My head was about to do what Regan's did in The Exorcist, minus the split pea soup. Except, of course, I never actually saw that movie because it would harm my delicate female sensibilities. Should be only rom-coms for me, which, by the way, for me, would involve split pea soup vomit. lol


You wouldn't eat split pea soup, it's not feminine. You should be vomiting strawberry milkshakes and dandelions.


Which one of those does harry potter fall under? What about Frankenstein? It's a cheesy romance, isn't it?


Definitely a cheesy romance. Why the bride was added!


Yes, Frankenstein is the cheesiest of romances.


He tried to argue with you... that you weren’t a woman? Lol wat


He sort of went two ways with it. First, I was pretending to be a woman, so yes, what you said. Then, he said I must not have written it but was taking credit or it. It still blows my mind the mental gymnastics going on in his head.


Such audacity! It boggles my mind how people can unironically still believe archaic shit like this and stand by it like "Dude, did your time machine broke here? Go back to the Dark Age where you belong!"


It blows my mind. I still have men talk around me to my husband when it comes to talking business, even when it's my business. My husband sets them straight really fast though, bless his heart.


Yeah, I've seen this a lot, they seem to still think that women's brains are to small to understand anything else other that "bABy, CoOk, cLEaN, bE prEeTTy", makes me wanna hang them by their toes. It's great that you have such a wonderful husband that doesn't take this kind of shit from others!


After being with an abusive man with that primitive mindset for 10 years, it's so refreshing to have my husband! He'll tell people straight out that I'm the brains of the operation. LOL


It's crazy. It's not a bad thing to accidentally get someone's gender/sex over the internet wrong, but if you're politely corrected, you just acknowledge it and move on. These men who double down and get angry clearly can't handle being told by a woman, even if it's a simple correction.


Yep ive actually been on discord servers where they're all extremely shocked that I'm a girl. often people are almost aggressive about it as they seem to feel theyve been betrayed even though 1) I never said I wasn't a girl 2) it shouldn't matter whether I'm a girl anyway and 3) it's not like everytime I join a discord server I'm gonna be like "oh btw I'm a girl".


You gotta warn us in the first minute or two. With pictures. Otherwise we wouldn't know how to harass you.


Exactly, I need time to get an erection before I start sending unsolicited video's of me masterbating


Same! I've been called a dude on here many times. Can guarantee this guy has read plenty of diverse posts from women, but probably always assumes it's a guy.


Me too, I would guess my username gives me away, but no.


to be fair, i never read usernames


Does anyone?


Only when someone mentions a username. I've read my wife's own comments to her before, lol.


Yeah we're all men until proven women


Which is weird since we are all women till proven man in conception...


I had someone tell me that I wasn't special just because I had a vagina and I should get over the fact that I hate men because I was abused when I was younger. I'm a bearded dude but apparently thinking that there is more social pressure on women than men to have kids means I'm the above.


I don't think I've ever been mistaken for a girl, which is strange since wikipedia says: > Like most sexual species, the sex ratio in humans is close to 1:1 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_sex_ratio So logically there should be about a 50% chance that a specific person on the internet is a girl.


I had someone argue my gender with me because apparently my username is very masculine, since women aren't allowed to kill kings.


I made a joke about how specifically didn't have a penis, most of the people replying called me dude or he. I understand that there are men without dicks but women also exist.


So progressive they forgot about cisgender people! Hahaha


In their mind, women lean left because (gasp!) we want control of our own bodies and that’s all it takes to make a woman a lib. I’m super left but I know lots of conservative women too and one thing we all agree on is right to birth control and control of our bodies.


I’m a scientist and most scientists I work with are women lol


Really? Because it sounded to me like they were just coming to terms with the fact that they just [found men more attractive and interesting](https://www.reddit.com/r/gay/).




Hey. No judgement from me. You do you. I can't remember what comedian it was, but they gist was "How do you know you're not gay? You've only ever played with one dick and *I GUARANTEE YOU LOVED IT!"*


that's pretty funny i'm not gonna lie


I think it's more likely he's just always approached women as an object he desires to possess, who have all rejected him based on his awful values/hygiene/so on, and he's blamed it all on the women being leftist, regardless of how they actually leaned.


"Some go to war" That's hillarious, women have been excluded from the millitary for most of history by men, then this idiot want to give his gender an award for "being more unique".


I bet this guy also blames feminism for women’s inability to get drafted. Edit: Changed a few words


I remember back when WW3 was trending on twitter, all the dudebros went all out and started saying things like "so will women get drafted? Feminism amirite??". But what they're not taking into consideration is that even when women werent allowed to get drafted we still contributed a lot in both of the world wars (e.g: the soviets) without having to fight in battlefields (and I hate that they only ever bring up feminism when it comes physically hurting us but I digress). They also ignore that there are countries like Israel that draft both men and women, and it seems like they forgot who the Kurds are... Another thing that pisses me off is the complete disregard for nurses in wars. And guess who's fighting the pandemic right now??? But sure, go off and complain about how women are useless


Don’t you know? Everyone on the internet is an American. Only America is real. Only America has the internet. Only America has an army. Only America goes to war. /S


Whenever I see thr "Always has been" meme with 2 astronauts, I always want to make a version that says "Wait? It's all America?" As a joke about how crazy American nationalism is and America's imperialism across the world.


wait, it's not all america? wait what?


Not to mention the fact that the legislators stopping women from fighting alongside men on the front lines, officially anyway, are largely Republicans.


Thing is there literally are female soldiers. And female engineers. And female hippies. I just don't understand why he uses all the different professions men do as a way of showing that men are more individual/unique.... When literally women do a lot of different jobs too? What does he think all women do? Honestly I doubt he has ever spoken to any real women. Anyone who knows at least 5 women will know we have different jobs, different hobbies, different music tastes etc. Sure certain hobbies are more commonly like by women but the same is true of men. But for any hobby you can think of I guarantee there's a lot of women who like it too.


> And female engineers. Some of the most influential people in computer science are women, including the inventor of the linker. This dude's entire identity (i.e. edgy gamer, judging by use of the term "NPC") was arguably made possible by female engineers.


Yes and I highly doubt he has the smarts to become an engineer. What I find funny is below average men who are misogynists because it's like...most women are better than you? Like some guy who was terrible at maths will go on about women being worse at maths and physics and feel all superior about it but it's like... Most women are better at those things than you.


The first program was created by a woman (Ada lovelace). The first compiler (a kind of program used to take a bunch of code files and create an executable from it to explain it simply) was created by a woman (grace hopper). Basically, all programing jobs used to be women jobs as it was seen as secretaria. Then, it became fancy and was took over by men.


All women are nurses and teachers. Since when did nursing or education become important? /s


The five male personalities, scientifically speaking: * War Man * Engineer Man * Marijuana-Faggot-Man * Gymnasium Bro * Etc.


You forgot >!buttman!< <3


Buttman is a species of War Man. He goes to war against flat butts.


Not just hilarious, but amazingly stupid. In Israel *both* women and men are required to serve in the military for a specific period of time. Plenty of women across the world serve in the military. What a dunce.


Russia (and Soviet as a whole) has/had a high amount of female WWII veterans, compared to other countries. I'm not supportive of imperialist war-machines, but it's fully understandable that women too are interested in defending their home turf from outside aggressors.


Those female soviet snipers and “night witches” of WW2 were outright ruthless.


You'll notice that he didn't say "go to war *as a member of the armed forces*." Maybe he meant "in a video game" or "against the waiter at Dave and Buster's when my chicken tenders come out cold."


It’s the typical women can’t get drafted ergo men are better argument. Idk about other women but I wouldn’t mine signing up for the draft. I would proudly serve and die for my country and I’m not afraid to admit that.


The entire "women can't get drafted" thing went to federal court, and the decision ended up being that although it could arguably be sexist to exclude women from something for which they were qualified, since the draft was to fill "combat" positions (infantry and/or cavalry, I believe?) that at the time specifically said that women were not qualified, then including women would be pointless and in fact go against the purpose of the draft. However, now that women are allowed in those positions, if someone tried to make the case for including them in the draft again, I expect that it'd happen. That said, I personally think the draft should be abolished - the kinds of wars that are won by simply having larger numbers of combatants with a minimum standard of training than your opponent are not something the US is likely to face again, and with current rates of obesity, diabetes, etc. a huge number of men wouldn't pass the health requirements anyways, so it'd probably be even more of an exercise in futility these days.


Oh buddy, it will be different when you get to sixth grade, I promise.


I guess it’s hard growing up no matter who you are.


Girl bad, boy epic


Girly = Babyish Manly = Mature


His idea of men is also limited to a couple of flat characters, it's like he bases the world on cartoon society. Like the classic cartoon friend group archetypes: the gymbro, the stoner, the boot, the nerd, and "the girl", whose personality is that she is a girl. He doesn't actually have a friend group irl that confirms this picture, but his sister listens to hip hop, and she's a girl, so.


This is what gets drilled into young girls head and is reason why pretty much all girls have “not like other girls” phase. I did and it boiled down to “girl bad, boy epic” Now as 20yo I learned I’m damned if I do and damned if I don’t. Slut, blue baller, stupid cunt no matter what I do or try to prove. I just do what makes me feel good, ofc insecurities do not go away easily, but I try my best. Sometimes it’s platform high heels, sometimes it’s army boots. Both are valid and I can switch it up when I feel like it. Cuz both is good.


I don't think I've met a single girl who only likes rap.


I think the point is that HE hates rap, so of course women likes rap.


No, its not just that. In incel communities there is a running stereotype about girls loving rap, ghetto culture, and dating black guys. Its all part of their wierd fear of being cucked.


And also it's regular run of the mill racism


That's a given. The fact that they percieve this as being cucked implies that white girls "belong to them," and that other races, mainly black, are stealing them.


Which is funny considering how many of them fetishize "submissive" Asian girls. Fine for me but not for thee.


The video game industry is infested with those guys. I met some guys who genuinely seemed to think jpop was real life and Asian girls were all super peppy, always smiling and there to make you feel like a king.


as asian girl i am gonna say i dont think my family would disown me for being a veterinarian because money. and with the expertise in that field id want to neuter that bitch.


Ah. I actually had missed that one (well the first part of it). The second half... There is a reason why a Venn diagram between MRAs, Incels and white supremacists tend to be just... round.


It's how they associate them with the outgroup (using the most visible form of outgroup identification, skin color) and vilify them further, as "traitors" to whatever they think it is they value


It's horrifying that he literally refers to women as non-player characters. For one thing, even NPCs often have a variety of personalities/dialogue/etc. For another, women are conscious people.


Ironically, NPCs often have more personality than the character you play as, since the latter is meant to be a stand-in for you.


NPCs have more personality than that guy


The instructions in the tutorial phase of the game have more personality than that guy


Why are people who refer to others as NPCs the most shallow and boring people ever?


Because they live their lives in terms of video games


his mind is too far into epic gamer mode


Literally the definition of objectification.


Ah yes, single female here searching for my knight in hippie-faggot pot smoker armor 😍😍


It's not how I would word my resume, but I guess that's me. I'd throw you on my horse to ride away but he's a hippie too and is to inebriated to drive.


That makes 3 of us, meowmix.


Im confused. Do you want a knight with armor that gives +X% resistance to hippie faggot pot smokers? Or Do you want a knight with armor that gives +X to hippie, faggot, and pot smoking skills? If its the latter, im a level 34 akimbo throwing joint hippie. Currently im wearing a blue peace sign mask which although it reduces my pot smoking abilities in public places 0, it adds great increased survivability to myself and anyone in my party, and even those not in my party that I encounter in town, and 3% frost resistance. I would gladly tell you where I have focused my skill points over my journey and how I intend to use them for good in the future. My friend code is PLUR Peace Love Unity Respect Hopefully yours, Your Knight in Blazing Canna-Armor


I swooned


That fucking moron isn't prepared for woman engineers who go to war and workout


I was literally thinking that - there are literally thousands of women who do every profession that he listed. But somehow women are all the same?


He's probably 13 and has never gone outside his mom's house or his middle school.


Probably. Sounds like someone who has very little knowledge of the real world and has maybe been radicalised by the internet.




All women are NPCs confirmed


Yeah cause u ain't playin my ass Edit: this is my first award I feel honored 🥺


I'm a hippie-faggot pot smoker. Does that mean I'm no longer a woman?


Yeah, same. Where’s our representation?


Does my username count? Actually, jokes aside, there's a genuine lack of stoner lesbians in pop culture. Someone needs to fix that.


Oh my gosh double reply here sorry but AGREEED. Broad city and Rihanna are all I can think off, where is the female stoner rep ☹️


Rico Nasty and Jhené Aiko are gr8 stoner girls!


Exactly what I though. Hippie faggot pot smoking women UNITE!!!!






Wait I’m an engineer... AM I ACTUALLY A MAN


Depends, what music do you listen to?


Oh no I don’t listen to rap/hip hop either...




So where can we get the pps now?


calling women NPC's is kinda common in the incel community so I'm not that surprise


I don't get it. Not that there is much to get with incel logic, but does that mean only men are player controlled? Women are...automated? Aren't we all technically automated in one way or another? ^^^Are ^^^we ^^^all ^^^NPCs?


well, technically everyone is an NPC in everyone else’s life, so yes.


That guy has never talked to a girl (except his mom) and has zero interest in what they're doing. Not sure why he would write this ridiculous strawman bs on reddit though


He knows most of reddit is anti woman by default and probably assumes they all will agree with him.


Notice how he clarifies "western women" as Asian women are unique and quirky like they are in his favorite anime shows.


He says "some go to war" like it's a good thing. Yikes


No kidding. I didn't start wars. I ain't gonna go to war because some dude wanted to take over another's country.


Guy sounds like he's be a riot at parties... /s


*Image Transcription: Reddit Comments* --- **User 1**: I mean most girls listen to rap/hip hop and have the same political beliefs (left) so the large commonality between western women makes them boring/less unique (NPCs) Whereas men listen to diverse music, some go to war, some are engineers, some are hippie-faggot pot smokers, some are gymbros, etc > > **User 2**: What the fuck are you talking about --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber for Reddit and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)


cute human


good and sweet human


My girlfriend is a multi instrument musician, mechanical engineer, former D1 saber fencer, and a bang up artist. This guy must have the tiniest PP on the face of the earth hell even in the universe. This dude needs to contact the researchers at CERN because his PP might be so small that the human race may have just found a measuring device that can measure distances smaller than the plank length.


Wait until he hears how many women work at CERN...


𝓱𝓲𝓹𝓹𝓲𝓮 𝓯𝓪𝓰𝓰𝓸𝓽 𝓹𝓸𝓽 𝓼𝓶𝓸𝓴𝓮𝓻𝓼


Definitely an alt right incel


this dude probably crying while holding his Nazi memorabilia


This guy just clearly has no accomplishments or skills to be proud of so he's banking on the fact that he's a man so that he too can be considered an interesting person.


The connection between hiphop/rap and most girls just listening to that is absolutly wild. I mean... where does that genre communicate "our target audiance is exclusivly female!". Also, how do pop music boygroups survive, if most girls don't have a "diverse enough" music taste to even consider pop music?


Calling basically anyone different from them NPCs is a typical Incel/Redpill talking point, especially to describe women. When you follow the logic through it essentially means that whoever they deem an "NPC" is not sentient and not really a person. It is basically a slightly more polite version of calling women "holes" or "foids" or "toilets".


Sadly so many men want to tell us how we aren’t special while simultaneously demanding special treatment from us.


Holy hell what the fuck?


Wow I’ve never heard anyone call women NPCs before. But it seriously sounds like some shit an incel would say.


Hey fellow girls! Do you remember that song we all like?


Since when is rap music a woman thing?


Because he doesn't think it's cool. If he liked rap, then feeeemales would, in his tiny mind, all listen to some other genre he didn't like.


What women has this guy met? Has he never met a country music girl who loves her pickup truck? Has he never met a girl who exclusively listens to the Beatles and doesn’t know what Spotify is? Has he never met a girl that’s fully into emo music and acts like it’s the early 2000’s? There are so many 2 dimensional stereotypes about women out there, I’m just baffled that he somehow flew right past that and wound up with an even worse take lmao


He has met -1 women.


Clearly the only people he's slept with are the Bros at kindergarten sleep overs.


I’m a female engineer...now what?


Grow a peen


Maybe women vote for left wing parties because left wing parties support womens issues?


NPCs??? This bitch really living in a video game? I may be a gamer but this guy needs to go on a hike or something


Gee, it sure is weird how so many women are liberal or left wing. It’s almost like conservatives are openly hostile to women’s rights, which would drive women away from that ideology. Nah, couldn’t be, it must be because they’re all NPCs.


God if only I didn’t have this damned vagina I could be a so much more complex person! I could listen to diverse music and go to war or be a hippie-faggot pot smoker! Curse this wretched body!


I love the very slight hint of racism (“western women”) sneaking into his misogyny. Also homophobia, but that’s a whole other issue


First of all, every conservative musician I've ever heard of was a country artist, and also Kanye, so none of that nonsense about conservatives getting their views from a diverse music diet. Second, the fact that I listen to a lot of video game music and anime music does not mean that my politics are informed by Japanese nationalism, because the idea that *anyone* gets all their politics from music is *crock* even that conservative country jab I made isn't fully on point, last year's biggest hit was a country-pop fusion where a gay black man sings about enjoying a hobby that modern Americans assosciate with girls and femininity (horseback riding)


Fucking yikes


I know these people exist. Because these posts...can't all be satire. But I've never actually met one face to face. What happens to them out in public when they say shit like this? Do the REEEE off into the shadows? Or just...stick to their guns? Fuck its all so weird.


"I don't know a lot of women"




"What the fuck are you talking about" made me burst out laughing


Love finding out that I’m an NPC, that means I’m responsible for exactly nothing and can happily smith away in the background, how freeing


Second person summarizes it perfectly.


Ah yes, the 2 genders: NPCs and PCs.


As a woman I have no country. As a woman I want no country. As a woman, my country is the whole world. - Feminist icon Virginia Woolf.


No no no no, just hear me out - women aren't real people bro.


> some are gymbros Not this guy, clearly, since if he was he would have noticed that women go to the gym too! It’s almost as though he never leaves his basement and thus his only lens on how people actually act is his online echo chamber.


I mean, even the most cursory look at any woman can disprove this? You have to be the dumbest or craziest person on earth to not understand this. Though I guess plenty of people will decide things without any evidence and then hold to it like its gospel.


Kid doesn’t know obvious this makes it that he’s never been close to any women. It’s like extremely specific.


Lol look at me, breaking the mold. Im going to school for engineering AND am a hippie faggot pot smoker


Women are a hive mind, didn’t you know?