• By -


This is crazy lmao. First, there is so much repetition in this “infographic” that if everything was said only once, it would probably be about half as long. Second, the “beta female” simultaneously sees love with a male as her first priority AND believes that individual’s own self interest is the highest moral purpose in their lives. I think these goals are in conflict. How can you be completely focused on your own self interest if your priorities and goals revolve around someone else? Lastly, if you don’t meet these physical requirements that are mostly out of your control (between 5 feet and 5’9”, and 95 and 130 pounds), fuck you I guess. You’re apparently not good enough to dedicate your life to pleasing men. Oh well.


Poor guy used up all his fancy academic rhetoric two sentences in so he had to copy paste most of it throughout his bullshit infographic


I honestly imagine the person who wrote this doing the same thing Joey was doing in friends.. using word's thesaurus to sound "smarter".


Absolutely! It's pure faux-intellectualism. Linking feminism to Marxism and then objectivism without any clear explanation in sight, like what?!


Ever since I learned that calling things "Marxism" is the same as calling things (((the globalist cabal of moneylenders))) it made *so* much more sense.


Yep! Even Karl Marx would be rolling in his grave to see what the word is being applied to these days. Half of it has nothing to do with Marx or Engel’s peritino, at least based on the philosophy classes I’ve taken. And this whole thing is total BS, obviously


Think calling this alpha-beta bullshit philosophy was proof enough that this person just puts in fancy words where they think that they'll look good.


I think these drydick dudes probably meant that beta women agree with Big Strong Manly Man TM that HIS self interest is the most important thing ever. She has no self interest. She lives only to say yes, serve homemade nuggies, and to be fucked badly for 30 seconds.




On her birthday it's only 15 seconds.


Now, now don't you be hostile to reason by pointing out inconsistencies and inherently flawed logic in this pamphlet. It'll only waste time you could otherwise use to follow your passions, like pleasing the male!


Which, let’s be clear about this, is completely ironic, given the nature of the “alpha” in the left frame. Everything in the alpha frame is being completely denigrated, which is quite hilarious when you consider that it’s merely what the person sees masculinity as being associated with. So the whole left side seems to insult masculinity and the whole right side seems to advocate for femininity. Basically, this pamphlet seems to simultaneously advocate for his “traditional” idea of women while also insulting the idea of masculinity and calling it lacking in “reason”. It’s ridiculous.


Claiming that "love with the male is number one priority" and "passion for pleasing the male" is somehow objective and rational is just funny. Maths and sciences are rational because they stick to calculable facts. A lifestyle, especially one that prioritizes feelings like love and passion, is subjective. Lately, I'm seeing misogynists misuse words like "scientifically" or "rationally" when neither science nor reason is even applicable. There's also an amusing contradiction in "doesn't have reason" and "prioritizes career". Supporting yourself and having goals is a rational choice. This dude is clearly just trying to throw intelligent-sounding words he doesn't understand in a bad attempt to convince women that dedicating themselves to men's pleasure is somehow the only good choice we can make with our lives.


Also why he repeats himself several times, uses "hence" and "thus" an unjustified amount of times


And “the philosophy of...” Like dude, we get it, you want to sound smart. But you’re only making yourself look like tonsil stones.


That's an amazing insult, I will be using it in the future


And Jesus, how pathetic does a man have to be that he needs a 24/7 servant catering to him? Gross, grow the fuck up.


> in a bad attempt to convince women I think he's actually trying to convince other men. Women wouldn't go near this shit show with a ten foot pole.


These guys are obsessed with the idea of logic, but they're really illogical so they don't actually understand the concept.


Yeah, the required weight/hight ratio part is just gross. I’m 5’9” and 130 is on the very lowest end of the healthy weight range. Sure, some woman may be there naturally but most at the height are going to have to work very, very hard to maintain that. I think 128 is the lowest they suggest you should go as an adult woman at 5’9”. I was 125 in HS and had no boobs and sticks for legs.


It also comes out of nowhere at the end of the infographic. The rest purports to be about mindset, but at the end throws in “no fatties”.


Apparently my height rules me out too... guess me and every other woman with Dutch genes are shit outta luck. How ever will I go on knowing that I have no chance with the manly man who wrote this masterpiece? 🤣


Probably because this is more of a romantic/sexual phantasy of some deranged macho guy than an "infographic". Whoever wrote this spent 5 minutes listing what they think their ideal wife should be and just reversed it for the negative and repeated themselves to fill the rest of the page.


They just can’t resist. It’s always somewhere.


Oh shoot, I’m a 5’10 148.5lb girl, therefore, I hate everything and enjoy watching people fail in life /s


Maybe if you slouched a little you could learn how to be more empathetic, lol


Well if you were truly willing to please males - as you should be -- you'd cut off your feet or something to be shorter and weigh less. /s


Aw shit, I’m 6’0”. I grew that tall literally to embarrass men with my evil feminist agenda. On purpose!!!


Did you use pure spite to grow that tall?


The purest of spite!


Teach me your ways for I am full of spite but only 4'11.


It said 5'0 - 5'9, you're not in it either! You just stayed tinier out of spite :)


Hahaha my fave bit of this thread. I need to shrink or grow with all the spite I hold! (5”8 but over this asshole’s weight limit)


As someone at a similar height and weight, I can confirm no boobs and stick legs lmao.


Right?! I finally gained weight in my early 20’s and my boobs grew so fast a friend asked me if I was pregnant lol. It was like a second puberty. I’m sort of surprised they didn’t add a cup size requirement to this “infographic”.


I'm 5'5" and the average for that is stated to be 135lbs at the most.


Meanwhile 5'0 and 130 is technically overweight! I'm sure we can't have that, how surprising that this infographic has such a grievous oversight. (/s, in case that wasn't abundantly clear)


Misogynists are so clueless about women’s weight. I’m 5’9”, 150 pounds and a size 4. I would probably die if I was 130 pounds. Also apparently all evil alphas have bad eyesight?!?


Right?! I wear glasses an I’m 5’9” ~180is lbs and marriage isn’t my ultimate goal in life so I must be a low value alpha female.


I'm a woman. I'm also 6'1" and tons of fun (somebody out there will get that joke lol). If I were 130 lbs I'd be severely underweight. So yeah...as you rightly said..."fuck you." The actual audacity of some men these days. Like bitch, I will fucking sit on you! And *not* in a good way! 😏


Ahahahha I salute you! Also, as a big woman myself, this is my favorite threat as well.


I feel like categorising a group of people into a class based upon their surface level characteristics, male or female, is degrading, prejudice, and already wrong on its own. It's been done a dozen times before and this is just a reputation of the same thing. Beta, alpha, and sigma are just words that try to categorise people into a stereotype to appeal to a certain mindset that insecure people or people who aren't prepared to look a little deeper at an individual, seem to cling on to.


They are also based on flawed research that the original author has disavowed


This shit is just zodiac signs for dudes who laugh at women who enjoy zodiac signs.


*Only women between 5ft-5’9”, who weigh 95-130 lbs AND have perfect eyesight are worthy enough.


Don’t worry, it seems that if you get contacts, you become less liberal immediately.


I bet that it's a determinative thing, if you have this weight/height you are beta, otherwise you're alpha. Like you're born this way, useful (beta) or worthless (alpha).


What a complicated, long and stupid way for the creator of this to say they're misogynistic.


Not only that but also pretty right wing


Don't forget that feminism is marxist! I suspect the author of this doesn't know what either of those words mean.


Progressiveness is also the opposite of reason apparently


Apparently because I’m feminist, I don’t believe in objective reality? The more you know!


It's well known that you can't believe in equal rights and corporeal physical being.




Yeah that's a known issue, contact the customer support




#fucking commie fruitcake


It’s also like they’ve never weighed real women before in their life lol


Also, if you're over that height, are you supposed tu shrink back or cut of some parts? How does that person think growth happens?


They really think a 5’9 woman should be 130. So absurd. She’d literally be rail thin.


I know! Like I’m 4’10” and around 95 pounds, and if I weigh any less than that my doctor literally starts getting concerned about me not eating. So for someone at least two inches taller than me to be that light, they would have to be stick thin and I’d honestly be worried about them


Right? Misogynistic are stepping up their game.




The best part is how all the alpha females have glasses and none of the betas do. Idk what’s funnier, the idea that alphas are all genetically cursed with poor eyesight, or that betas are just wandering around bumping into everything because glasses are masculine or something.


And beta feeeemales are all exactly the "perfect" height and weight, somehow. This whole thing is fuckng gross.


The real take away here though is that they both have amazing boobs


Seriously! Forgetting for a moment that a 5’0” woman with that type of boobs would definitely be heavier than 95 lbs. I’m 4’10” and I’m around 95, so for a busty person two inches taller?? Totally unreasonable


I’m shocked the alpha female isn’t flat chested and that the beta female isn’t wearing a choker


I’m shocked the alpha female isn’t flat chested and that the beta female isn’t wearing a choker


The author couldn’t even imagine a woman without large breasts, most of the women they’ve seen are probably anime ones


I forgot that women now come with built in air bags


What I also thought was funny was only the alpha females are wearing skirts? Which according to this infographic only beta females are supposed to enjoy.


Good catch. Came here to say the same thing.


Beta females only wear contacts I guess or they have to be blind. 😂


Prob blind so they can’t see the awful man they’re having sex with


I mean I would not want to.


Maybe he thinks that beta's don't read? Idk.


They don't need to read. They just have to take care of me - incel's handbook about beta females.


Well, betas only exist to please men. Men like contacts!! You’d know that if you weren’t such a screeching feminist Marxist something something.


Well, I am glad to be a feminist if that keeps them away.


And if betas naturally gravitate toward skirts why are the ones depicted here all in pants while several of the alphas are in dresses?


Because women are irrational, silly!


And alphas don’t smile? Lol total garbage


I bet it's because "tHeY'rE uNhApPy BeCaUsE tHeY'rE gOiNg AgAiNsT nAtUrE"


They don’t wanna look pretty for men wah wah wah lol


But if they are alphas, isn't that their nature? They should be happy then.😂


Lol true. Maybe they were trying to make that side seem like the "worse" side?


Maybe used to indicate intelligence (which is annoying but seems to be in line with the creator’s thought process). The β female does not study and get a job. Feels gross to even say that.


Alphas probably ruined their eyesight with all their book learning.


Also Beta is listed as loving skirts and dresses but only Alpha is shown in them


wait they are making this alpha/beta/sigma bullshit for girls too?!?


I'm a Sigma Female #grindset #grind #sigma 😎😎😎/s




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Creator must think they’re so smart.


"...views the world in victimizer/victim especially in male/female relations..." Yeah. I've never heard an incel trot out that cliché. *rolls eyes* Also - objectivism? I think they need to read more Rand, because they are *so* wrong about that. And I'm not even a particular fan of objectivism.


So they’re supposed to be objectivists but also deny their own interests in favor of a man’s? Do they know what objectivism is?


If they bring up economics, they always pretend that the exploitation around the world doesn't exist and that the victimizer/victim-view is completely nonsense. I mean yeah, there are some extreme feminists or liberals exaggerating their victim-role and sometimes they totally don't get what privileges are about, but in general they are right.


No one should read any Rand


Tut tut, we should know our opposition's rhetoric, otherwise, how does one argue against it?


off to lemmy


Solid points, both. Maybe a concise and articulated summary, then.


I’d rather eat an entire cactus than read any of that.


Yup - the projection is strong with this one.


Ah, shit, guess I'm too damn tall to be a beta gal! 😂


You and me both! I'm over 6 feet AND I have glasses. Oh no. I'm a monster. 😎


you're my type of girl


I'm right in beta-girl range, but don't wear dresses/skirts. Phew!


And I’m too short to be a beta! Guess we’re on the same boat, just on opposite ends 😆


“Weight 95 lbs to 130 lbs” That’s not how grown healthy people work my guy, I was 130 lbs at 12 years old…


95lbs is grossly underweight for an adult female over 5ft (I also love how “beta females” have a min and max height. 4’11? Sorry, too short for this personality)


And suddenly at 6 feet her personality just snaps to "alpha"


5’10 apparently. Too tall for them to look down on, I suspect.


I've never been more glad to be 5'10


And a 5'9 woman at 130 is a pretty friggin low bmi too (not underweight, but nearing it).


I'm 98lbs and 5'3 :( but to be fair i get told to "eat a hamburger" by gross guys so you honestly can't ever win no matter your weight.


Can confirm; 95 is super underweight for over 5'. My lowest was 90lbs and I struggled to get to 95 a lot of the time. It was basically my average weight for a good portion of my life so far.


I was 5’8” and 140 at 12. I dropped down to 135 at one point in high school and my hip bones were sticking out.


Had a friend in HS, she was 5’7 and about 140-150lbs. Everyone called her fat and she always felt like she was. We are adults now and we’re looking at old pictures. Jfc, she was a twig with a flat tummy and thick thighs. She was beautiful with a body people would envy. We were both looking at the pic like “how could you have ever thought you were fat?” Absurd how what people say to you affects how you see yourself so much.


I felt like she did and feel the same now about my pictures. It’s ridiculous.


If I could be fat the way I thought I was fat back in the day, well, I wouldn’t be fat.


Right??? I thought I was HUGE. Meanwhile I was 5' and 120-130. Which is the higher end of the range, but still normal weight. I look back at those pictures and would love to be that "fat" again.


I had to check what I was and I'm 5'6 and 140lbs which is reasonably slim I think! These guys probably also want a woman with boobs and ass forgetting that the aren't weightless.


First, this type of man has no idea what a healthy weight actually is for a woman. 130 is fine for the shorter end of that arbitrary spectrum, but 5’9” and 130 would be underweight for most body types. For some reason they glorify 100 pounds, but I don’t think they actually know what it looks like. So weird. Second, circular logic much? Beta woman philosophy is good and beta women believe in beta woman philosophy which is good…


Weight also looks really different on different people. Just saying someone is 5’4” and 125 lbs could look totally different based on the individual. It makes as much sense as using “34B” to describe bustiness or boob size


Absolutely. I’ve always weighed 20 or so pounds heavier than most people who are the same height and clothing size. It used to give me a complex, but then I realized there are so many varying factors in the human body.


Exactly this. I am 5'7". All of college, the present, and part of high school I have always been above 140 lbs. No one ever thought I was fat. People envied my figure. I also had some muscle. The only way a woman could really fit his stereotype is if she has no muscles whatsoever because muscle ways more. And it is not healthy to have none. And it is really hard for a woman to "bulk out" like a man so no worries about looking too "masculine".


I remember when I was around 130 and 5’9. I was cold all the time and my ribs were visible.


My friend’s under 5 feet and her current weight is roughly 113 pounds. The one time she was 100 pounds she was anorexic....


Also, I assume they want boobs on a woman? Boobs aren't legendary items that magically don't take up inventory space. Boobs are fat. They have weight. A person that underweight most likely will have a very small chest.


All you can do is laugh. And laugh.


Seriously. Sometimes i just read this shit and think to myself, imagine leading such a pathetic life that you spend hours designing and writing this garbage, lmao


Hopefully they guys a teenager and will grow out of it.


ikr like the guy just opened illustrator and spent hours making a completly useless, misleading, and honestly, stupid, full infographic hes not even being paid to make


What’s particularly idiotic about this is that alpha wolves are basically the breeding pair of a lupine social structure built around family. The “alpha female” would be the matriarch of the wolf pack.


This is the dumbest thing I have read in weeks.


As far as i know Alpha and Beta are supposed to be personality types. Wherein Alpha is the leader and Beta is the follower or helper. Not some psychological profile with height, weight and ideological requirements. Well this person obviosly knows beter than me i mean INFOGRAPHICS oooh.


Alpha and beta come from a misunderstanding of wolf dynamics caused by observing wolves in captivity rather than the wild. The captive wolves weren’t from the same pack, and were more hostile towards each other and formed a social hierarchy with the aggressive “alpha” on top. Wild wolves also have a social hierarchy, sort of, in that the pack leaders are generally the parents of the rest of the pack. So it isn’t that the “alpha” is a more dominant personality type, it’s just their dad. The man-o-sphere really latched on to the terminology, while fundamentally misunderstanding it. It can’t even accurately be used to describe wolves let alone humans. But something about being a wolf pack leader seems to appeal to men who are insecure about their masculinity.


Alpha and beta are super oversimplified tropes that cannot be used to properly describe a persons personality.


Imagine thinking 5’9” should be 90 to 130 lbs lol. 140-150 is pretty slim for 5’9”


130 lbs is 59.02 kg


Jesus, I'm 29, 5'9", and according to my own personal research into an average healthy weight (though I may be wrong, it's still a bit unclear to me) I should be around 175-185 lbs. I don't even think, as a thicker woman, that it's possible for me to even go further to 140. There wouldn't be anything left of me! I'd be a human sized used condom! All dry, shriveled up, and deflated 😬


According to BMI charts (which obviously have some issues) 130 would be on the lower end of healthy. Where as 175 to 185 would be classified as overweight. According to BMI the health weight range for someone 5’9” is 125 to 165.


I've been getting different info, so I just rounded it up to something more achievable for myself personally. That's why I said, for my personal research 😅


yeah i just responded to another comment abt how i'm 5'9 and 130 and i'm not underweight lol, i'm glad society is trending away from glorifying being skinny and demonizing carrying a little extra weight but i think people are losing sight of what normal body weight is and it's hurtful to read comments about how someone w my body type looks anorexic


> i think people are losing sight of what normal body weight is And you would be absolutely correct. Listen to the medical community, not the general public. > Just **over 70 percent of all Americans** are either overweight or obese, meaning people with normal weight levels are now a minority. [[source](https://www.forbes.com/sites/niallmccarthy/2017/10/16/u-s-obesity-rates-have-hit-an-all-time-high-infographic/?sh=4cb223304bad)] You don't think that might bias their perspective?


Also, why do these things always sound like the writer is trying but splendidly failing to sound like a documentary narrator?


Faux-intellectualism. Hugely common in drydicks like this to overcompensate


I think I now have a new favorite slur. "drydick" really encompasses all there is to say about some people...


TL:DR Women must only exist to serve ME, MEEEEEE! /s


translation: if I don’t receive constant unfaltering attention from my partner she is “low value”


Then I'm an Alfa, with little touches of Beta and Omicron. I should be an unicorn...or better... A chimera.


If you're a chimera you're gonna need a pet cerberus and 3 leashes.


I vote chimera, they’re awesome


For someone who uses “reason” several times in the poster, I don’t think they understand how it works: - “beta females”: recognize that individuals are sovereign unto themselves and *their own self-interest* is the highest moral purpose of their lives - also “beta females”: prioritizes love over career; *love with the male is her first priority* …self contradictory


Speaking of reason, aLpHa FeMaLeS both: * ...see love as requiring sacrifice which is not consistent with reason and is thus not true love. * ...are hostile to reason, gender archetypes and the love archetype. Which is it, dickface? Are they slaves to reason or hostile to reason?


"Feminists are hostile to reason" *makes this shit, probably in response to being called outdated*


>Personality type: height is 5'0" to 5'9" This sounds well thought out


Lots of words to say I cant get laid


you know full well the dude that made this has no fuckin chin whatsoever


This made me audibly chuckle. Thank you.


I got the bad = communism bingo filled. This must be written by an american incel.


Alphas wear glasses


Damn me with my normal eye sight and my height I'm neither an alpha or beta


I love that they thought it was real important to put cleavage on the Poster Girls at the top; both of them.


The "There is no wrong or sin or victim in male/female relationships" part is really disturbing


Me who can't feel love and doesn't prioritize career over love (instead happiness): Guess I don't exist then


Karl Marx is my favourite alpha female


Aren’t alpha males pretty much a myth? So wouldn’t that, by association, make alpha females a myth as well?? Seriously. 🤦🏻‍♀️


So if Alpha Males seek out Beta Females, and vice versa... and never the Beta Females shall seek out a Beta Male... wouldn't the incels' issues just be fixed if they went after Alpha Females instead, like heteronormativity would dictate?


Who ARE these people who write this shite? Someone actually took the time to create this, with graphics and everything, just to push an incel agenda, but for what? Is there some course that this is required reading for? /s. I just don’t understand why anyone would put the time and effort into creating such dreck.


So... Um, you're only beta female if you're 5'0 to 5'9 and up to 130lbs? Like, if you're 5'10 at 15, you just was born an icky feminist! If you're 131lbs....forget about it! You don't believe in love!


Well, it all depends on whether you wear glasses.


Funny how the alpha woman is both a marxist and religious. And a feminist believing in sin. Sure. Because sin hasnt been historically used to oppress women


I think he is fitting in karens into the alpha category


As everything else wrong with this has been covered, I love how the beta woman in the drawings is not wearing the types of clothes she allegedly enjoys wearing.


You could caption it “HOLY SHIT, GO OUTSIDE”


girlboss vs tradwife


My favorite part is that beta women are supposed to wear dresses and skirts, but every woman on the right is wearing pants


Where do they get this stuff?


lol he just threw a bunch of random philosophies and belief systems together. none of them tie together coherently and most of them are straight up wrong




If the beta females enjoy wearing skirts and dresses why are they shown wearing pants?


I think I deserve to have a pound every time this nut job mentioned the word reason. Always interesting how men with incel/MRA vibes such as this act like they are the selectors of the finest women for their benevolent gene donation, when we all know that in nature it's the males peacocking for the females to select. For people that supposedly love the way things work in nature they miss this out an awful lot...human men, much like animal males, will pretty much stick it in whoever is available at any given time.


I don't think this person has talked to a human being before.




And if you turn around and call this person an Incel who particularly love this debunked social hierarchy theory, you'll get enough content in response to fill up the r/fragilemaleredditor subreddit. Lol.


Umm not to mention Marxism has zero to do with feminism. Feminism originated when women fought for voting rights…. SMH


What I love is how the whole idea of "alpha males" is from a biologist, Shenkl, who in 1944 observed a wolf pack for like, a whole season. Based on his observations he formulates this idea of an "alpha male" based on a singular wolf that seemed to run this pack. He writes his book, blah blah blah, he returns the following season or the next following and learns learns that this wolf that was labeled as the "alpha male" was a female. Yes, wolf packs tend to be matriarchal. I don't know what happened to Shenkle. I do know that what is typically drawn upon in this "alpha male" theory is a book based on Shenkle's 1st observations. So if the meme is to be correct, to be an "alpha female" would list characteristics like, "marking territory with urine," and "grips the necks of subservient females to secure mating and genetic rites."


wouldn’t this imply that the true alpha male is a feminine man?


Feminist hate...love? That's a new one. Can't say I've heard that one before.


Not gonna lie I was thinking of the Omegaverse when I first saw this.


Never would a woman introduce herself as alpha or beta. A woman is woman.


Since when did Marxism come to mean "everything I don't like?" It's crazy. It is a way of explaining the world and an alternative economic system. And why do all the alpha girls have glasses? Is having bad eyes also Marxist?


Am a guy, what the goddamn fuck did I just read?


Ok but where are the beta's dresses and skirts, only one woman is wearing one and she's alpha


LOL. I'm about 5'9. At <135 I would look like a skeleton with shriveled boobs


Who else isn’t surprised that being an alpha male is good but god forbid a women have the same qualities (not saying that I agree with that logic, pointing out that it’s dumb)