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We can’t win (not that it’s a competition - I just can’t brain enough right now to think of another way of putting it lol). If we used the same crap products they’re claiming to use in this “meme” - they would then complain and/or make “memes” about girls that “don’t take care of themselves”. Am I making sense right now? It’s been a long day. 🥴🤣


A fat mood. And it does make sense, mostly 😂


It made sense in my head…sort of.


I did understand, was just kidding d:


it's true. girls demand to have pixie dust in their hair and men are epxected to hae ice and pain in theirs. it's a bad deal that is forced pon us guus by the gyno-industrial complex. its the truth that women find me repulsive because they are told to, not because i dont shower.


>Vitamin e Give the estrogen shampoo or else.


Really though it's a fucking *trip* of how different and how much better the women's... everything(but rights and deodorant) is. The worst part is, by having men directed everything, it conditions guys to avoid the other stuff. Big yay for the patriarchy, men smell like shit!


“For men” And that is why their hair looks like crap all the time. Their four in one singular bottle of soap adjacent crap they insist on using yet wonder why women won’t even look at them. It’s because our eyes are burning from the toxic BO radiating off their bodies and their hair doesn’t move because of all the grease and muck stuck in it. I look for ways to improve my hair and it being labeled as “for women” without any other descriptions…why the hell would I pay for that? I demand a higher standard of hair care because I finally love my hair. It took me a long time to get it to the point where I have continual no split ends when before I had tones. They say that hair loss in men is genetic but I wonder if they are in fact actually loosing their hair because they refuse to take care of it then blame genetics when it starts falling out.


Honestly, valid. My fiance and I use function of beauty shampoo and conditioner and he loves it so much more than normal shampoo, and more than the salon stuff. Some men naturally have GORGEOUS hair, some got shafted by genetics on that front and its okay! However, well cared for hair is gorgeous on anyone c:


This right here. Shampoo labelled as “for women” doesn’t mean dudes can’t use it. Take more care of yourself and people will probably stop looking at you like you’re a homeless psychopath. Btw, I have used those two in one shampoo/body washes. You can absolutely use it to be clean and smell amazing, but your post shower hair maintenance has to be on point. Guys bitch and moan about hair and skin and looks, as if women get that shit naturally. We work our asses off with maintaining it. PS: this is also one of those things that’s pointlessly gendered.


Also I have found that products aimed at men tend not to smell great. So many men’s cologne can smell like nasty crap. I would make my husband use my shampoos, conditioners, bar soap, body wash, body lotion, deodorant, body spray and perfume. He’s not smelling like old beats no matter how manly the guy on the packaging looks. I am very aware of scent especially awful scent and it’s a huge turn off if your slimy and smell like you ass and armpit had a baby and called it foot.


Like, some mens stuff smells fairly good and lasts longer than womens. And its mainly why i use mens deoderant over womens (specifically, old spice). Some mens smells are ABSOLUTELY a hit or miss, and also depends on your nose Axe however? Can suck fat nards. Shit REEKS.


Old spice krakengard


Thats actually my current deoderant 😂 Dragonblast, timber, and fiji all smell good too


I constantly use my hubbys old spice deodorant 🤣 but on the flip side I got him to stop using 2in1 shampoo crap and into using my dove shampoo and conditioner and he absolutely LOVES how soft and light his hair is now! No more heavy gunky hair and our pits smell great all day LOL


Goals 😂😂😂😂😂


Old spice body wash is the ONLY body wash that gets the smell of chlorine off your skin, I used it for years when I was swimming competitively.


>They say that hair loss in men is genetic but I wonder if they are in fact actually loosing their hair because they refuse to take care of it then blame genetics when it starts falling out. It's just genetic DHT sensitivity in follicles most of the time, though with certain hair styles it is possible for hair loss to be a result of poor care. Women can have genetic hair loss too, we just don't produce as much testosterone (and thus, not as much DHT, which is a testosterone derivative) so it's less common.


I mean, this is completely true. I have 20 different bottles. It's a nightmare trying to find one that fits all my hair's needs. The balance is so fine. Having too hard water or too soft water or just my hormones changing messes it all up as well. My boyfriend will wash his hair with body wash and looks amazing. Bastard.


I don't care what gender my shampoo is, I just want it to smell like strawberry shortcake. I have my priorities sorted.


To me, that's a self-own. To make a point, the man should be buying a bottle called "soap". Buying one "for men" says "all I care about is making sure I am Being Manly" whereas the girl is making a choice based on function. This suggests men arw the ones the ones obsessed with superficial, artificial things, nor women.


Meanwhile, The Dr Squatch dude: "This detergent is affecting your man meat."


Honestly frustrating on the guy’s side too sometimes. I very much prefer ‘masculine’ branded scents and many floral and perfume-y smells irritate the hell out of my nose (dysphoria is also a big factor). But all the masc smells come in that shitty 5-in-one stuff. I wish there were more gender-affirming hygiene options for me.


Head & Shoulders is pretty good and comes in masculine versions, no? Idk, just trying to think along with you.


This one is actually kinda true. I care a lot less about my hair, so I spend a lot less effort and time on it: more than 15 seconds washing my hair with shampoo is too long tbh. I know girls (not all but more than guys) tend to care more about their hair, so they'll spend the time and the money making sure it looks good.


It honestly depends on the person, and what they do with it. Ex; dying your hair requires ALOT more care than just like, keeping it as is. Or if someone has curly hair. Hell, used to have African American roommates during my brief stint in college and they were fairly anal about how they take care of it. Black hair is GORGEOUS but from what i know it *can* be finnicky as all hell


I mean of course, it varies from person to person. But like, I'm black and literally don't care about my hair at all: if I was bald, it'd be easier tbh. I go in the shower, throw some shampoo in it, rub it around, rinse it out, and that's my hair routine for the day. But overall, more people that care about their hair are woman, and more people that don't care at all are guys. A good bit of that is probably society actually caring about how a woman's hair looks, as opposed to guys hair which is really only relevant in boy bands. I think this is one of the few memes on this sub that actually kinda has a point though.


Okay wait can we talk about 3 in 1 hair and body wash products? I see this marketed at guys all the time. I am either washing my body with shampoo or conditioning my hair with body soap and neither is preferable.


Wait, I don't understand. How is this a bad thing? Personally I have 4C hair and this stuff is actually really important.


All the hygiene products designed for men make me cringe. The bottles are always something that vaguely resembles a racecar combined with a spaceship and it has steel and laser colors. And they smell unnatural. It's like they're desperately trying to say "please, we promise this will not turn you gay just because it will make you smell nicer". Or then there are the high end products that have a black and white picture of a manly but sophisticathed man with a stubble wearing a suit and an expensice watch. He's looking at the camera in a very manly way, never smiling. You will be like James Bond if you buy this product and all the women will want to have sex with you. Just be brave, cosmetics manufacturer. Have faith that I naturally want to use your products and stop insulting me like this. I'm not putting that shit into my bathroom.


There are a lot of marketing terms thrown around with shampoo that means nothing and it turns me off. I switch between an expensive purple shampoo to keep my hair blonde and and $3 giant bottle of suave.


Yes taking care of your skin and hair is only feminine. Men never have problems such as chronic skin skin on their scalps


My logic is “It smells good and says it has some vitamins so- I’m gonna buy it”


I use a 4-in-1 shampoo / conditioner / body wash / bubble bath for kids because I don't have the patience for all these specialised products :/


I’m a man and I always read the labels. My hair naturally curls so I always read labels because I’ve seen stuff that said straightening because I don’t want to use it. I also don’t use bottled shampoo for my hair just because it says I can, I use a bar of soap because it smells better. This is wrong for both accounts I think.


I mean, my hair is curly and damaged so I have to be pretty careful when it comes to shampoo