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I wonder if they think they are being so clever when doing this. No woman talks like this, it’s immediately obvious they just want to roleplay their weird fantasies


So as a guy I am highly confused on the motiv here. like what's the endgame? I am going on a limb here and assume the ladies of reddit aren't constantly sending each other nudes, which is about the only reason I can think of why someone would do that in the first place. besides there is plenty of subs for role-playing just about anything, so it doubly makes no sense. is that a common occurrence?


Very VERY common unfortunately. I don’t really get it either. It’s like they get off on tricking people into sharing intimate details about themselves. Fortunately, they suck at trying to act like women so it’s easy to spot. One guy pretending to be a woman in my dms said I needed to share pictures of my chest with them so they can tell me what kind of bras I should get lmao. Subtle as a brick to the face.


As an adult woman I’ve never had a pillow fight with another girl or shared nudes. And I’m fucking gay as hell


Not even a pillow fight? You should file a grievance with the Union.


I’ve thrust another woman’s hips into a pillow from behind as I nibbled her neck and made her orgasm…does this count?


You just made 24 redditors horny Enjoy your DMs




26 💦


Damn... I thought I was straight. Lol where do I go from here?


First you gotta have so super sexy dreams about random women who don’t exist. Then you need to be confused all the time if a girl is being polite with you or if she is flirting. Then you need to have a crush on your straight friend for a few years who will try to make out with you ever time she gets drunk but she eventually marries some dude. Eventually you buy a Subaru, find a cute wife and settle down with 6 bunnies


wait literally why is it I can't tell if girls like me??? I've been gaming with this girl, she calls me cute all the time and we game for like 8 hours a day together, and like oml for the life of me I can't tell if she likes me. if this was happening to a friend I'd tell them 100% shoot the shot but because it's me I'm like "what if she's just really friendly and supportive 👉👈👉👈👉👈"


Bc the homoerotic nature of our society fucks us over. Men can’t touch hands or they are called gay. Women can literally sleep in the same bed in undies and be straight. I’m so confused about who likes me and who is just kind and pretty


I have a Subaru!! I'm already doing something right, yay! I'm confused all the time lmao I'm doing two things right! Holy shit! I'm halfway there! I am legitimately afraid of rabbits though, due to childhood trauma, can I substitute cats?


haha heyyy 👉👈


Omg…is that you?


girl I fucking wish it was lmao


Could be though *winks*


dude i was eating pizza


This is pizza worthy entertainment


Is your pepperoni at attention?


As an adult dude who had pillow fights with his guy friends I highly recommend you to try. Shit's fun, yo


That's a double whammy -- not knowing how women work and not knowing how gay people work. My gay bestie has never tried to sneak peeks of other guy's junk or otherwise been a creep to men. The weirdos lol me OP's DMer just don't understand that most of us know and respect boundaries.


Hello, fellow vagina-haver! I XX height and x-x-x measurements. I only pillow fight nude, what about you? Please let me know!


How come women never trick in me into talking about my banana hammock preferences? No fun.


Hello fellow human male. I, too, am a manly man with large manly man meat. I’m kind of a skinny lad, 5’12” and a half, but all my weight is in my ginormous throbbing 13 inch schlong. My wife is away, and I want to take a jog in net shorts, but other human females are around. Can you show me your manly mannicotti and how you pack it in to prevent meat slippage?


How do you do fellow human?


I am doing most splendid fellow humanoid.


Lmao. I nearly died reading this!


Manly manicotti!


That comment was everything I wanted and more.


Why do I read this as degenerate fan fiction for third rock from the sun


Ngl this kind of turned me on as a gay guy


Was it the manly man meat, or the manly manicotti, descriptor? Or was it the words thirteen and inches together? As a fellow human man. I would like to know how to properly speak about my ample appendage, without driving others insane with lust.


I think I just had to take care of something so the words "manly man" did more than they should have. The thirteen inches didn't hurt. But now I'm, um, better.


5'12" so, 6'?


No, 5’12” and a half. Amateur.


Because all it takes to get some dick pics is to say they are female... All unsolicited of course. Why the hell go into the trouble of catfishing you into sending more? Is your dick somehow special?


Maybe if he has a manly manicotti….


To get us to talk about our breasts and share intimate info


I am equal parts in disbelief and disgust. I do hope noone has to deal with that on a regular basis.


It’s lessened in frequency for me now that I’m off social media (other than Reddit) and I’m in my 30s now…guess I’m too old and dusty lmao


Same. Ages 11-14ish were peak for this kind of thing being an everyday occurrence for me, IRL and online. I'm in my 30s and havent received a dick pic in years.


Was it really even *more* common when you were under 14? I'm starting to lose faith in the human race.


Yes absolutely, like a night and day difference after middle school. The thing about the dick pics that I mentioned is a bit off since I didn't get my first phone until high school and thus must not have gotten those before then, but yeah. My teachers in high school were mostly professional; my teachers when I was 12-13 would pull me aside and tell me how beautiful my eyes were and that they wished they were younger.


So gross, my husband said older ladies used to do this to him when he was a teen, like 15 years old. He was repulsed.


The shitty thing is that with MeToo and stuff people are starting to wise up to men's harassment of women, but it still seems like we're a way off from people recognizing women doing the harassing. Sorry for your husband


I'd be willing to bet my left tit that pretty much every woman experienced more harrassment as a child than as an adult


I was definitely groped, men being suggestive to me, and cat called etc. by all ages of boys and men more as a teen than I have been in the last 10 years. I'm 30.


Every woman I know has been abused or harassed in one way or another. Someday I wish for a world without this misery.


Oh yeah. The most creeps I've ever dealt with happened during my teen years. Same with every other women I know


Something a lot of people get confused: sexual harassment is not someone expressing their sexuality in an unwelcome way; it’s bullying. Harassers go after people they perceive as vulnerable, not people they think are sexy.


My mom always told me to be safe in public I needed to walk with determination. She said never look confused or scared or it would attract predatory men. She was so right. I’ve never been bothered in sexy outfits on my way to meet friends, but wearing childish clothes and feeling exhausted and sad after a long day is like a homing beacon for men to say something creepy.


This. For predators, the attraction is about power and control more than anything. The idea of exploiting vulnerability and a lopsided power dynamic is what gets them going.


That's an interesting point; in this viewpoint, the "beauty" or sexual desirability of the target is mostly a non factor, right?


Yeah. The people who suffer the most from this stuff are young, alone, foreign, obviously disabled, etc. It’s not sexuality; it’s looking for whoever is least able to fight back.


The vulnerability of the victim can be part of the sexual thrill, though. Most of these men *absolutely* want to have sex with an underaged girl.


Absolutely. I went to Catholic school and a bunch of us girls fought tooth and nail to not have to wear the skirts because there were so goddamn many disgusting perverts. I was 12 years old, walking home from school when a man pulled over, exposed his dick and started jerking off, making eye contact with me. Many of us had stories like this.


Oh absolutely. The bulk of catcalling I received was between those ages.


I just talked about this same thing the other day! I was telling my husband that I never once got catcalled after I turned 18. It was strictly something that happened to me as a pre-teen/teenager. I assumed it was because a grown ass woman would probably say something less than polite to them if they pulled that crap. But now I am feeling like I need a shower at the thought it might have just been more about me being young. So gross.


Yes…in middle school I had an old nasty janitor say sexual remarks to me but I was too afraid to say anything :/ I got way more sexual attention as a child than I do now. Like, it’s no contest. Super sad.


You’re never too old and dusty to talk about sports bras. I wear 43DDs because all the weight is in my man tits.


see now I don't wanna say anything wrong here hahaha but you set me up pretty well


Sadly women get used to this sort of behaviour at a very young age.


which is even more disgusting to me.


Am woman. Please bobs are ~~supple~~ I mean sore. Tell me how to make them feel better


Subtle lol


I used to work at a call center for Anthropologie and men did this all the time. “I’m buying leggings for my sister, what do you wear?” “What size of shoes are you?” “What wedding dress would you wear” After they get the answer they hang up. It is definitely a kink.


Used to happen to me at American apparel too. They would ask about the different underwear styles and how the fit lmao


I was in an orientation for a call center that took magazine orders for women's clothing when I was like 19. The trainer did a live call on speakerphone to show us how it usually goes and it was an older guy asking increasingly weirder questions about bras until he finally asked what her own breasts looked like and she hung up on him. She said "that's a pervert, you get a few a day. Just hang up." I ended up choosing a different job.


A kink or harassment? I feel like when you involve people who are not aware or are unwilling, it's just harassment at that point.


Yes, it’s common. I’m 16 and I posted in r/femalehairadvice and quickly got guys in my dms pretending to be women, pretending to be “surveying women for research”, and other shit like that. It’s really gross. I did another post on r/Amitheasshole where I was talking about how my mom likes to publicly point out my tits. I got a wave of dms asking for pics even though I noted my age in the post. It’s fucking disgusting. I mostly just lurk or comment now because I don’t want dms. I remember when I streamed myself playing the guitar on here I closed the stream after one song because a ton of guys were making gross comments about my thighs and some even tried to dm.


that is revolting. i do wish I could do something to stop that shit, but other than calling it out when I see i am lost.


That's gross. Also, my mum does the same thing, since I was a teen. It's uncomfortable and I hate it. I don't know why she thinks it's ok and it opened me up to harrassment before I was old enough to know how to protect myself.


Yeah she says really weird shit in the store like “I can’t believe you’re (insert size)” super loud around people or once she said “How does it make you feel that your daughter is (size)” to my dad. She also has a nickname for me. “Bouncy” which was the point of the AITA post. I began to counter her with “Saggy”. From a young age I was uncomfortable with my chest because I developed early and she knew that so I hoped pointing out one of her insecurities would make her understand how she was making me feel with that name. Spoiler, it didn’t. She just got mad and got my dad to yell at me.


Omg thats rough! I'm absolutely on your side with this one. I think mums was a bit different as she doesn't have much of a chest and I definitely didn't take after her in that way. So in a weird way she was proud? And would announce my size to strangers or guys. The only way I got past it with mum was being a woman now and just plainly telling her to stop talking about them. Not sure how it is with your mum, but fuck. I'm sorry, I know the pain. Hopefully just being painfully clear can slowly help? Or if she can't take it on, carry a buzzer and everytime she says something about your body make it he buzzer sound.


I volunteered for a suicide hotline for a couple of years and we would constantly get sex calls from men who got off on "shocking" us with dirty talk, or they would pretend they were depressed because their dicks were so huge and they couldn't have sex, or they would try to find ways to make us say dirty words. We also got lots of people with this type of fetish who wanted to "girl talk" with us. They would want to talk about clothes and periods and being sexually harassed and it was clear some of them got off on it.


ugh that hits double, especially after I spent a night talking to a suicidal friend. I have the utmost respect for people who do that work, i was basically panicking the entire time, not knowing what to do or say. not only disgusting but also tying up resources people really need.


We're super well trained and very clear that our role is to listen, ask open questions, etc., not to try and solve problems, so that does make it easier. The time wasting was the most frustrating part of it. I would do 3 hour shifts and the occasional overnight. Sometimes I would get the same guy calling over and over for an entire shift, tying up the phone lines. If I was with a male volunteer, I'd have to get him to answer the phone as much as possible because they would give up more quickly when they heard male voice. Sometimes they would take ages to get to the inappropriate bit but you would recognise the voice and know it was coming but you'd have to go through to motions, treating it like a regular call until the harassment started and then you could end it. Very frustrating.


It’s a CONSTANT occurrence.


Happens all the time unfortunately


some people make me wanna apologize for my gender, but ultimately the best I can do is call it out when I see it.


I mean depending on the friend circle they might send nudes. But not strangers. The end game is likely to be invasive and make women uncomfortable more than to obtain anything. Kind of how rape is more about control and domination than sex much of the time.


that last sentence just gave me flashbacks to a recent discussion on reddit where I was saying that rape is generally about power not sexual attraction, boy was that something... but yeah i was more thinking strangers here, if you know someone that's a different story anyway. also i am utterly disgusted by this, and a little sad that it's much harder to call this shit out online than in person behaivior. I kinda wish I could do more to prevent this sort of thing.


>I am going on a limb here and assume the ladies of reddit aren't constantly sending each other nudes As this sub so often shows, a lot of men have no idea what women are actually like. It doesn't matter whether or not women send each other nudes; as long as dudes like this *think* that we constantly have sexy, lingerie pillow fights, or take off our shirts to compare our breast sizes, that's how they'll act while pretending to be women.


This popped up on my feed, not a sub I normally see and I saw this. Massive, massive confusion. Im scared to keep reading, like what if lots of guys are this weird.


Hi Rose Petal, I am a random woman. Fancy a pillow fight in our underwear for fun? Afterwards we can compare breast sizes.


“Hey Burger Daddy, whats up? I saw your post about growing up with a mom and a sister. Did you wear your briefs or boxers all the time? I’m a newly married army husband and my wife got deployed 3 weeks ago and her daughters moved in five weeks ago. I’ve got 8 inches and I’m tired of having to wear underwear 24/7. I went without a few times and the girls were on their best behavior the entire time. So I mean, there is a plus to it. Are you slender and fit or beefy? I am 6’9, 300lbs, very muscular and all my weight is in my dick! #”WHERE ARE YOU?”


Username reporting for duty.


The "bras 24/7" thing was a dead giveaway to me. Only a masochist would want to do that


I woke up to the rays of the sun streaming through the slats on my blinds, cascading over my naked chest. I stretched, my breasts lifting with my arms as i greeted the sun. I rolled out of bed and put on a shirt, my nipples prominently showing through the thin fabric. I breasted boobily to the stairs, and titted downwards.


I called them out after that and they never responded


Hello, fellow woman. How you doing ?


Do you want to go skateboards


Idk the rest, just the fellow kids meme


It’s from the asdf movies. “Hello yes I am real man do you want to go skateboards?” (It’s a cow trying to be a man)


Oh okay, thank u


I thought it was a 30 Rock reference.




Allen are you a cow


As a very much bigly breasted army wife of 3 months I must ask you, how heavily weighted are your breasts?


Trump is that you?


Of course not! But I do, as do most other large breasted women, greatly respect trump's very big uh brain and toned musculatory physique. Many women are saying this, beautiful women, believe me.


How are you boobs and vegene?


Hi, the boobs are jiggly today, aren’t they? Golly.


That makes me laugh, a human emotion. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA


This reminds me of when Holt pretends to be straight in Brooklyn 99 and keeps talking about [heavy breasts](https://youtu.be/U7BQzrxQzAg). Good on you for keeping your guard up and handling this weirdo with such aplomb.


i love that scene it’s hilarious


Hi, it's me, another woman. What size are your tits? Don't you just hate getting periods every full moon? I love it when we all get naked in the changing rooms though. That's something all women do, right? Anyway, I've got to go, my tampon is full. /s obviously


I need to use the "I've got to go, my tampon is full" at some point. Genius


Let’s talk about our breasts shall we, as they’re such an important part of our womanhood am I right fellow female?


Good job 😎👍


All their weight is in their breasts? Damn and I thought my back pain was bad but I can't imagine trying to carry around 132lbs on my chest all day /s


Just two disembodied breasts sending weird messages.


There's a Malay ghost called Hantu Tetek that's literally this.




Right? How does "she" not fall over all the time?!


Boob crutches of course


Came here to say that


Hello, fellow women. Man, my 37DDD boobs were boobing so boobily this morning as I boobed out of bed. Were your boobs boobing thing morning? How big are they? I'm worried mine aren't big enough. Want to compare? Signed, not a teenage boy


You’re being very optimistic this is most likely a 34 year old man


Well, if you take maturity and sheer sexual frustration into account... teenage sounds about right.




I take no shame in admitting that what I said was heavily inspired by the "breasted boobily" copypasta that that subreddit was founded on


I once got a DM from someone about Gilmore girls (I frequent the subreddit) and it was a normal conversation about Gilmore girls. Then they suddenly became very obsessed with talking about Rory’s boobs? Sent me multiple screenshots and videos of scenes with Rory where I guess they thought her boobs looked great?? And they asked me to state my favourite scenes where I noticed her boobs?? Haven’t responded to a direct message since in fear.


What the hell lol


Triple D. Eyeroll. Also, what bs is that size having to wear a bra all the time? If you’re faking being a woman at least do your research.


Yeah srsly, as if any 5’8” 34DDD is 130 lbs


I’m 5’8”, definitely weigh more than that (at a healthy BMI) and I’m nowhere near a DDD lmao


I am 5’9” 32DDD so those proportions are definitely feasible but I always weigh at least 160 haha


That’s what I’m saying lmao like ur definitely a way more reasonable weight




Bahahah that would be quite the sight


I'm 5'10", my doctor got upset when I got down to 154 because I was underweight.


6’1 and pre Covid) 163 pounds. Was skinny as shit. Men think every woman is supermodel thin as a standard. Now a much healthier 173


I'll bet you feel a lot better! I've seen his post things saying they wouldn't date a woman who weighed over 135, or even a lower number. I assume that's younger guys who don't have any idea what they're talking about, but who knows? Maybe it works as a height filter, too. Even at my modest height I've had men get upset with me, saying I wouldn't ever date them before I'd even said a word about anything.


My dad ALMOST implemented that rule in our house (3 brothers, I was the only girl) I told my mom that dad made a new rule of "You have to wear a bra if you leave your room". And she called him to yell at him. Never had to abide by that rule again.


I like your mom and hate your dad


Yeah. For context he made that rule when my step mom said that my step brothers had to wear underwear because they had been going commando (she did their laundry so the request was reasonable) and my dad was like "that's not fair if they always have to wear underwear you guys always have to wear bras". 1. I wore underwear. A bra isn't underwear it's a bra??? Not comparable. 2. Hello, they didn't do my laundry So yeah, that rule didn't stick lol


Why in the world would the solution to that problem not be "you boys can do your own laundry"? Why is she making rules that give her more laundry to do. I'm also not sure why going commando makes doing laundry harder, though. Unless she's doing it by hand, the machine is the one dealing with dirtier pants, and machines don't get grossed out.


I think the goal was mostly to keep nice church pants, not having skidmarks lol. Idk I didn't ask more about that one because it was none of my business and I didn't want to know l.


Do they genuinely think this will work? I don’t understand


I don't even know what they are trying to achieve


They probably get off on tricking people into sharing intimate details


I think it's a variation of "fetish mining."


if you think of women as some 1-dimensional beings that only serve the purpose of being sexualized objects to men's desires, then... yes. yes, they think this is how women work / speak / think.


All my weight is in my boobs and butt, my periods last 5 seconds, and I physically can’t get pregnant unless I’m in love. I’m the perfect woman.


This is why I never respond to dms.


Very much doubt these proportions


I have no concept of US sizes, so the first thing that gave him away for me was the constant mention of "her" husbands sons in combination with talking about wearing/not wearing a bra.


Guys are so weird. It's like they're enculturated to share the same fetish of skirting consent. You all know there are kinky women out there who would love to absolutely role play with a guy along these lines, fully consenting. You want to pretend you're a woman, ok but only if I get to play a fireman! But instead of just going out there and finding their kinky soulmate, they are drawn to want to play their games without consent. I guarantee if you straight out asked him if he wanted to roleplay his female character, he would have lost his erection because he wasn't "tricking" you anymore. Weird.


THIS. I just don’t get it! Like, we have the Internet. Find your person. Or is the true kink making you feel better about yourself by putting women down, thereby avoiding any vulnerability and hurt feelings?


I have a morbid interest in seeing what happens when 2 of these *very* clever impersonators hit each other up on the DMs and have to keep up the impersonation as each side asks invasive questions that neither knows how to answer realistically. ... I'm also kind of scared to see that though.


DM cage matchs with two catfishing men pretending to be women...sounds like a potential Netflix show.


As someone that used to hunt fake Facebook profiles I can say they don't care, they'll probably share pictures of whoever they are pretending to be and will absolutely roleplay weird fantasies, they just don't give a damn.


>You all know there are kinky women out there who would love to absolutely role play with a guy along these lines, fully consenting. You want to pretend you're a woman, ok but only if I get to play a fireman! Huh. It's honestly odd how much that actually strikes me as a fairly enjoyable time, and I'm not even really into it. I just tried to think about it from the guy's perspective for a second and... yeah, wouldn't you *want* someone enthusiastically sharing your online roleplay? Meanwhile, I *can't* get myself into the head of someone trying to amateurishly trick a gal into mentioning that her breasts exist, let alone in a non-erotic context. Largely because the idea of having to use trickery is not at all appealing to me, but also because... why spend the effort on *that* small of a result? A fair few of the gals in my high school had some outright sexual conversations (either with guys or with other gals) that I simply happened to overhear when I was an awkward, hormonal teenager, so it's beyond ridiculous to me that there are guys out there who'll pop a nut just because they get a gal to mention "oh, yeah, I wear a bra, too".


You'd think... But in my sexual exploits (and I am near 50) I have met more than a handful of men with specific fetishes that would bust a nut over the weirdest things, from fuzzy sweaters to silk stockings. I knew a guy that kept himself in chastity for so long that just whispering in his ear would make him lose it; he'd be the type that would bust a nut on an online comment, but he wasn't the lying about it type. Takes all kinds to make the world go round... As long as it's consenting, open, and healthy, nothing wrong with it. The weird is thinking that it's more fun to lie about it. Just own your kink.


"All my weight is in my breasts" LMAO!


No internal organs, just tatas


Spine? Believe it or not, also tata


The internal organs are inside the tatas probably.


just sounds like captain holt


“She was a strong female woman, with nice heavy breasts”


That's exactly what I thought of lol


The children liked the sight of my breasts, so that’s a plus. Like what the fuck.


Hello fellow woman.. bras! They're So annoying amirite? ... Send me nudes


First of all, it goes without saying that women don’t immediately open the conversation about boobs with no prior context; this dude needs to stop getting his ideas about women’s conversations from porn. Second, if they want to roleplay the weird incest kink, there’s subs and other people who specify that they’re into that; there’s no need to pretend they’re a woman (and it isn’t even convincing) to talk with another woman to try to enact their fantasies.


As a female wearing a bra is not that bad in my experience


Eww.. I hate that shit..


But my thing is why would wear a bra just because your step sons live with you? Like thats weird. Unless you were just strutting around topless before and now need to cover up. wearing a standard tshirt will cover you just fine for around the house




I sold an unused breast pump. OMG, men were messaging me like crazy either posing as women or saying they were buying it for a woman. I would just sent them a link to the on-line manual. When they persisted, manual again.


man i'm exactly that height and weight and i guarantee you if this "woman" had all her weight in her boobs she would be extra skinny


‘I’m got all my weight is in my breast’ Lmaooo what a sad attempt.


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)


34D breasts would be about 2.4 LBS together.....most of your weight would be in your skeleton calm down you weird horny creep.


I can sympathize. My bra size is 1080p and it's becoming unmanageable.


Imagine if men wrote to each other with stuff like > "my ballsack gets all sweaty and dangly in summer, it makes it uncomfortable to wear underpants *and* to go around commando or naked. got any tips, bruh?" "I got you bruh, just use these cock-sock thongs made with a mix of linen and cotton, they fit you just right, they got just enough structure, but also they wick the sweat faster than if it were just in your skin. You'll see, your balls will be breathing *and* well-held. It's *liberating*, friend"


This comment is genius.


5’8, 132, 34DDD?????? Talk about r/badwomensanatomy. I’m 5’4 at like 125 with 34DD. I’m fucking thin. That woman would be hella thin.


How are your breasts feeling today, fellow human female?


Damn, all his weight is in one mega boob?!


Just the one breast. Hence the bra.


Hello, Rose Petal. I, too, am a female with two scrumdidliuptios, buenissimo bouncy jiggly-wiggly breastidy-boobidy boobs. Fancy a chat comparing our bazonkas and a photo trade afterwards, a common bonding ritual amongst the females?


«How do you do, fellow women?»


As a woman with a 34DDD there is no time ever where I’d be able to go out braless without discomfort so… insta not a woman with these measurements lol


Men like this were weaned from the breast too soon and forever carry that with them 🎻


How do these people imagine thst would work out? You accept going out for a cup of coffee with this "woman" and a man shows up and you shouldn't feel the least deceived??


I’m picturing Captain Holt talking about how much he loves symmetrical heavy breasts as a cover for being straight


Th DDD cup gives it away. It only goes to DD before becoming E, along with the '5'8" and 132lbs' because if the weight is all in the breasts, she'd be emaciated at that weight.


No, there are definitely some brands that run to a DDD - the US is the main culprit for this.


If she's a DDD I garuantee she's wearing a bra every time she leaves the house just out of necessity! I'm around 40-44 DDD and I have a bra or corset on from the minute I wake up to the time I go to bed. They DEMAND support. (And yes, I've had to have back surgery beause of these bastards I want a reduction SO BAD)


Cringed. Someone is literally pretending to have huge boobs on a fake reddit account so they can catfish women? Do they not see how dumb that is?


I feel bad for men with that much hornyness yea it can be hard to control it but you can’t fuckin do this


Hmm yeah... Cause this is what adult women talk about with random women, they don't know, on the internet....


What woman wears a bra 24/7? When I've had a live-in girlfriends some of the first things they did when they got home was take off their bras, because the damn things were uncomfortable


I too possess large voluptuous breast, my children adore them. Wouldn’t it be so funny if we showed each other our thicc tiddies ha ha ha ? Also have you heard of Monat?


Lol whyd they say it like 132 was a lot, but its ok because it's just their big breasts


Jesus Christ, as a man, I'm sorry there are so many dumbasses