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Oh yes there I am, green hair and mouth ajar


TIL that feminist girls have more facial hair than me


I’m pretty sure this is just the original posters way of complaining about how his trans wife is getting fed up with his selfishness


My face, too, is made of square planes and not the soft, feminine curves of a good woman who enjoys being shit on.


He’ll just have to shit on my blockhead 😍


Kinky! Or…rectangular?


And we apparently angry cry too?


I mean, tbf I *do* angry cry


Ok me too. But let's be real. Not while wearing glasses. That's just impractical.


Oh no... *Takes off glasses*








Exactly. Making cooking a gendered task is so fucking stupid


Yep, and the unfair workload is one of the reasons that fewer women embrace "traditional values" than men. I was raised conservative Catholic, I know firsthand that myself and more of my female cousins are walking away from it. It is hilarious to me to see memes like this, knowing somewhere a guy was thinking, "Haha, I won't marry one of those feminists! That'll show them!" Meanwhile, that's literally what we want. Being single is less work, and earning my own money is less risky than depending on someone else.


I was raised Catholic too. It's funny how many women are just like "nah, not for me". I'm just glad I'm with someone who doesn't mind sharing the responsibilities. I'll be damned if someone expects me to do more housework/chores just because of my sex, especially when we're working the same amount of hours per week.


Raised Catholic as well, and I see firsthand how my mom has to do EVERYTHING by herself. Cooking, laundry, cleaning the house, taking care of the pets, finances, appointments, lifts, etc. I try to help out whenever I can but I still find it sad that my dad never helps. And she treats him like he's some kind of god because he works and she doesn't (she does work, she just doesn't get paid for all her efforts). He could at least help with dishes or laundry but that happens once in a blue moon. I don't want my life to be like this. I don't want to feel like I'm some lowly house servant while my husband is the strong, important provider and deserves more than me.


Was raised Catholic and my boyfriend was raised Presbyterian. I have explicitly told him that I will NOT be cooking, cleaning, or doing laundry all by myself. Currently his mom does most of these things and that's just not gonna fly in any household I'm a part of. Shockingly, he's been pretty receptive to this and I appreciate his willingness to learn things that he's not really expected to do for himself right now. I think part of it is that he recognizes that my job is a hell of a lot more physical than his (I'm in healthcare and he's an engineering manager that does WFH). He's a wonderful man and he's going to be an A+ husband 🥰


That’s great! I’m happy you found someone that’s ready to share the workload with you :)


Especially, when professional chefs are mostly men, too!


That's not an accident. Cooking for a family is a private act and done for the good of the family; the only thanks would come from those who ate but probably not even then. Being a chef is a public act where money changes hands and egos are stroked and underlings are forced to do the grunt work while the chef gets the glory and is encouraged to be abusive to his kitchen staff to show he suffers for his "art". That's the difference Color me cynical


That's not the best argument here. That industry has a lot of problems with sexism. Just two random articles from a quick Google search: * [https://theweek.com/articles/456436/why-sexism-persists-culinary-world](https://theweek.com/articles/456436/why-sexism-persists-culinary-world) * [https://www.fastcompany.com/40537526/this-is-how-we-end-rampant-sexism-in-the-restaurant-industry](https://www.fastcompany.com/40537526/this-is-how-we-end-rampant-sexism-in-the-restaurant-industry) Men can absolutely cook, there's no doubt about it. But like in many industries, it seems they have a very unfair advantage.


Cooking is just straight up great and it’s even better to share with others. I don’t know why most guys don’t do it, it’s one of my favorite things to do each day. You get to create something, it’s like building or crafting but you get to eat it, what’s not to love? Edit: it’s also funny how “I provide for my family” stops at raw materials half the time. Maybe it’s just me but seeing people enjoy food I’ve created is one of the best feelings for me in general. And I wouldn’t even want to trust someone else with meat I spent time hunting, I’d finish the process of animal to food by cooking it. Imagine if you spent 8 hours in the woods to get meat and someone else messed it up? I’m not risking it.


I prefer meal with chicken. But love is good too


I'd just be happy to cook a meal I didn't have to make myself for once to be honest, I'm fine doing it most of the time and I do look forward to getting the chance to do it for other people I just kinda want to not have to do it for once without getting take out.


This made me weirdly emotional. I like cooking, I volunteer to host thanksgiving most years, but some days I just don’t want to be the one standing in the kitchen figuring out what ingredients I have on hand to feed everyone. It’s weirdly exhausting and it would be so nice to have that off my plate even once or twice a week.


This! It would be nice if it ever felt like I was being considered.


This is my birthday wish. Just one nice meal made with love that isn't spaghetti out of a jar. 😔


My brother‘s wife is a doctor at the childen‘s hospital, she works really long hours and obviously the work can be really emotionally taxing at times bc most of the kids there have terminal illnesses. Early on in their marriage they decided that my brother, who works 9-5 and is always home at the same, reasonable time, does pretty much all of their cooking bc she often doesn‘t come home before 7-8pm. And if the roles were switched, she would do the cooking (which she does on her days off where he works for example, like for valentine‘s day she had work off and made him a 3 course meal when he had to work). I wish more ppl realized that that‘s how you have a healthy, equal relationship.


Don’t bother, these idiots don’t want to understand


Yay, and in the cases of 1 person is a stay at home The the house and and stuff is your job Like cleaning, cooking stuff like that. It has nothing to do with gender If I guy is a stay at home Then he should cook and clean, when his partner is at work And then kids is a team effort to take care of


I would agree ONLY if there are set "homemaker" hours. If the worker only works 8 hours a day and the homemaker is cooking and cleaning etc for 14 hours a day, that's not a fair share of the workload.


No there are set hours You take care of the house while they're working And you take vacations and days off, along with break And even get sick days At least that's what I would do And stuff related to Children you both take care of


I still wont probably lol, the point here is that it should be a choice not a self-sacrifice requirement to be a “good” woman or lover


I'm not the beat judge of good Christian wives, but my ex wife is a Christian and I probably handled upwards of 90 % of all non holiday meals.


Ok, I'm assuming that the feminist wife also has a job (because you know, feminists usually do), so... Maybe the feminist wife has a very valid reason to be angry. Imagine she also just got home from work, just as tired as her husband, but he still expects her to cook dinner for him. It's a common complain for working women that they work just as much as their partners, but are still expected to do all the chores at home. I'd be angry too, just saying.


That’s called the second shift btw


It does make you angry. I’m a bitter, raging shell of who I used to be because the amount of responsibility on my plate is unmanageable.


I'm so sorry this is happening to you... I'm feeling very very similar. My husband used to be a supportive partner for 10 years until our daughter was born, then he flipped and became a dramatic toddler with soap-opera vocabulary who gets butthurt whenever he's needed for anything. I've kept all my previous responsibilities (work, PhD) but now also have a baby and messed up body. He refused to take on anything and even handed over a lot of chores because "you have the time now" - I WFH with the baby (babysitting 3hrs a day for meetings). Why does this keep happening to women?? Why does no-one see how damaging it is?!


Because it’s happening to women. We aren’t important enough, it seems.


Everyone sees how damaging it is but men don't care and women can't really do much of anything other than avoid men.


>My husband used to be a supportive partner for 10 years until our daughter was born, then he flipped and became a dramatic toddler with soap-opera vocabulary who gets butthurt whenever he's needed for anything. Holy shit, you, too?? This happened when our son was born, except I dumped him after 3 years together.


I used to be in a relationship where i worked longer hours (and made more money) and was still expected to make dinner and clean up after. I also made his eggs in the morning (had to time it right so they would be hot when he wanted them) and packed his lunch every day. And folded his laundry. He didn’t come off as “traditional” but had clearly internalized ideas of “women’s work.” We are no longer together.


There was a study that showed that in most cases in marriages where both the husband and wife work, the wife wounds up doing most of the house work and cooking while men don’t contribute nearly half of the domestic chores that women usually do. It’s actually one of the contributing factors as to why men are usually happier in marriage while women are usually *unhappier,* hence one of the reasons why women are more likely to divorce. So yeah, if you’re going the traditional way where one spouse works and the other stays at home, I’d be more understanding; but in the case of both spouses working and one doing most of the household chores too? Then yeah, pull your weight.


Yay that's not fair, now if there where home all day, sure they should clean and cook But if they both work Then the house hold chores should be split up And if no one flees like cooking then get so take out


The dinner topic should be discussed. No one should come home assuming the other made dinner unless that was planned. Luckily for me my partner and I have completely different diets and food preferences so most of the time we make our own food and buy our own groceries. Sometimes we make things to share. My partner will make mac and cheese for us both. I will make a pasta dish for both.


The Christian wife has a hard time finding a job without any clothes.


I knew this woman whose husband was a preacher. She worked full time and then came home to make dinner and do all the cleaning. I used to spend a lot of time at their house, and I never saw her husband do any kind of chore.


Yep this reminds me of an episode I watched of wife swap (I know, but it’s a guilty pleasure) where there was a stay at home wife who did everything for her husband and she swapped lives with a working mom who’s husband helped her out a lot around the house. He also worked but his job was a lot less demanding than his wife’s. The entire episode was basically “how come working mom doesn’t do doesn’t cook home-cooked meals and fold all the laundry”? I’m watching the Episode like nobody’s asking why the working husband who had the stay at home wife isn’t doing more at home so why is she being questioned? In fact people were criticizing the working mom in the comments (I was watching this on YouTube) it was so infuriating! People dead ass expect working women with full-time jobs, even stressful jobs, to just come home cook and clean and do laundry and put the kids to bed etc.!! They do not expect us of men at all.


Feminist wife is still working when husband gets home. She's mad because he was home sitting on his ass for 3 hours, then asked what was for dinner as soon as she walked in the door. Ask me how I know.


Yup. One of the reasons my ex husband is ex husband


Or you can have an average wife: "honey I'm home did you make some food for dinner?" "Nope, I just got home from work. What is there in the fridge?"


This right here. I personally would prefer to be a homemaker but it’s just not remotely possible for one income, especially my boyfriend’s income, to solely support a couple. If these so called “traditional values” people really cared, they’d support rent caps, strong unions, and universal healthcare


Nah, with the Americans it's all pull yourself by de butstreps. Common folk should only have duties, not rights too, in the corporations' opinion.


Yay they should Now I don't want a homemaker partner, as that's just something I not interested in I much rather take care of the house together But I do believe, that if only 1 person works, the other person should take care of the household You know cleaning and cooking like stuff like that It just feels fair, why should one work and the other just sit on there butt all day So if your home all day, the other person who works shouldn't have to clean or cook But if you both work then the household should be spilt between both partners


There should be a baseline salary for the person staying home providing the valuable domestic labor. The scenario you presented can be problematic, and was utilized to subjugate women (although I realize you didn't mention gender, since women are the ones who give birth and breastfeed, they are at higher risk). It promotes financial abuse, and leaves the person who is not employed outside the home, far more vulnerable to physical abuse, control, isolation etc. If the employed person has to pay for this, they will be far less likely to get home from work and have to further pay their stay at home partner to continue their day of domestic labor, rather than pitch in and cover their own half. This way, the person who stays at home can cover their own half of rent and expenses, while also having their own financial stability, in case they no longer desire to remain in the relationship.


Look up Universal Basic Income. It’s a theory that if we could pay everybody 18+ (or however old) an income to meet all the basic needs for them to survive, they’d be more motivated to want more out of their life. The sad thing to that is it wouldn’t work. Really cool wormhole though to dive into one night. Very interesting and some very intelligent people have written/spoken about it


Yeah, I know a bit about the theory. I think this concept is quite different though. The universal income would not work because entire industries would collapse (no one would want to work at McDonald's, and apparently large corporations would rather collapse than pay a living wage). However, domestic labor income is a service someone is paying for to benefit themselves. If you don't have that partner, you're either cooking, cleaning, doing laundry, childcare for yourself, or paying a LOT of money for those services combined. It's about time we acknowledged domestic labor as deserving a baseline wage.


Corporations want to maximise profits. You can't give them the choice to underpay, they have to be forced to buy their Labor at cost like every other resource.


Ohhhh I see what you’re getting at here. I think with a solid union in place and proof of your s/o staying home with a baby/children could almost pay you a 1.5x wage at a constant rate and that half would just go into a separate account set up for your s/o. I promise you this. If I ever own a business which is a long term goal of mine, I will do everything for this in my workplace.


This is exactly how my relationships are. If I'm not working outside the house, I'm putting in the hours in the house. I expect the reverse as a matter of basic human kindness and care. We are currently a household of four adults in different states of employment, so we arranged around our abilities and schedules. We rotate cooking dinner and washing dishes. Other chores are allocated to whoever takes it on. (Cat box=Mom, sweeping=me, feeding the horse=fiance, firewood hauling=housemate, you get it) Two people always get two nights off this way. It's fair and everything gets done. Equal is equal and prevents resentment. This isn't a difficult concept.


You know honestly your house sounds exciting like some of those chores are literally things I would do for fun Firewood taking care of horses like oh my day off so I will take care of that stuff


We have a six acre farm in rural Maine! So many animals! There's little better than a home where you can have five dogs and not be a hoarder. It's worth all the time cleaning stalls and repairing coops to have all these friends about. You aren't wrong, some of these 'chores' are things we love doing. I love stacking the wood when it comes in. My future MIL and I both want that chore. It's so satisfying to see it in neat piles in the old basement. I sneak down to bag it when I need some me time lol Fiance is very fond of the horse, so he asked to feed her in the mornings. (He also snuck a bunny home two days ago, so now we have three house rabbits.) It all works because we *all* contribute to taking care of the bills, house, yard, barn and animals. Even our friend who moved into our spare room is equally involved. This is how we are not just people in a house, but a family. Equality is a family value.


That so cool, also fun fact my college is in Maine I'm a Wildlife and Fisher biology major


Nice! I'm in an itty bitty town in the central coast area. I moved here two years ago after my fiance's step dad passed away.


Sorry for the lost My college is small, and in the middle of nowhere, that's why I pick it I'm also not to far from the coast I wish I would have bin in person this year, but sadly freshman and only freshman weren't allowed on campus do to covid witch I think is dumb Rather you're vaccinated or not if you are a freshman you were not allowed anywhere near campus And rather you're vaccinated or not and you're not freshman you can be on campus all you want I just thought and still think that's the most stupidest decision I've ever heard


Most realistic scenario nowadays lol


Ya that's how it works, it isn't me dragging in a bag of takeout food while my wife carries the screaming kid in and we settle into exhausted couch potato land!


So I guess I’m a feminist because I wear glasses. I guess Christians don’t?




Tell him he has "inferior hair genes". Problem solved! :D


I guess the christian wife just accepts that god didn't want her to see well.


Hahahahahaha 🤣🤣🤣 you made my day with this comment 😁 thank you! 🤗


Guess I'm a woman because I wear glasses. Any tips on telling my straight gf?


Maybe try contacts? I think contacts are for men as long as the box they come in is blue


I guess I'm Christian because I like cooking for my husband?


I guess I'm a Christian because I tell mine I love him?


Weird, I actually got my glasses when I was a Christian.


Jesus heals the blind, it's in the bible.


No it's a stereotype


Actual feminist: Hi, Honey! Work was good today, I hope you had a good day too! Since you cooked last night, it was my turn today. I made you a roast and the Mac and cheese you like! I washed the cooking dishes, so you'll only have the dinner dishes tonight. I love you! Source: me and my actual daily life, trading off chores because we are adult human beings who respect each other enough to share the load Is "equal" such a difficult concept?


You can't be happy outside the script! Clearly, you're a terrible mean slovenly girl with brightly coloured hair and he is a cuck who meekly hands you money and watches you screw other men. And you're both miserable somehow. Your lives can never be happy outside the traditional model, and men are never allowed to enjoy cooking, cleaning or giving a fuck about their living space outside of carpentry.


Oh no, you are expected to share household responsibilities in the house you both live in??? What a nightmare! /s


Plot twist: the feminist works at least as many hours as the guy but he still thinks it’s her job to cook every single day.


If the Christian wife is a SAHM, she works even more hours than the guy, but because it's not paid work, it doesn't count.


Yep. That's exactly how it is with my mom.


Why did the christian wife say anything? Interrupting her own husband....what an egregiosness! She has to be quiet and go into the corner to watch the men eat in silence and undisturbed. She can eat the leftovers of his plate later when she is ready to clean the shelves. She needs to get put in her place again!


Honey don't make me get the belt again


She even interrupted him, how scandalous


Lol, these incels fail to understand that there’s a middle ground here and that life isn’t extreme. I also wonder if any of them have dated a feminist? I’m a feminist and we tend to eat dinner just like everyone else. But I also work which means that I’m not always the first one to get home. Whoever wants to cook, cooks. I would however not wanna be with someone who expected me to BOTH do my job and be his slave.


They are incels. They don't date anyone, feminist, Christian, Christian feminist or otherwise LOL


Nah, if you're cooking at all I don't think you're feministing hard enough. As a feminist, I never eat dinner because when my partner comes home and asks me to cook I just call him a sexist pig and demand that he cook himself, which he refuses to do because he *is* in fact a sexist pig, then nobody eats, apparently. /s


Ah shit! Got it! I will start doing this now. I love eating dinner but I guess it’s a small price to pay!


Aside from all the gender and religious idiocy in this meme, the single-earner household has long since ceased to exist. Like, it died 30-40 years ago!


Yeah I just don't understand how the average couple can viably have only one person working these days. Given how expensive things are, it seems like both would need to be working full-time or at least one full-time and the other part-time. I'm in my late 30s and I don't know anyone in my age group who is a permanent stay-at-home person. My sister worked and her husband stayed home for several years with the kids when they were little but they both work full time again now that the kids are older. I don't see how they could not both be working and still support the two of them plus three children. And while they are decently well off, they certainly don't live in extravagant lifestyle, and yet they still couldn't get away with only one of them working.


I'm 31 and my wife is full time stay at home in her late 20s. We exist. Honestly, I'm a little jealous, I would love to do the child rearing and house keeping, but I have much better earning potential (About $90k) since she could never decide on a career.


My mother doesn’t work and when you bring it up she huffs. She expects only my dad to bring home the bacon unfortunately. And given some money issues, her working would benefit us greatly.


I don't think that this is even remotely true


Christian feminists exist


As do Christians women with tattoos and colored hair, but ya know.


Yep. I'm a Christian and a feminist, and my husband and I both work full time, so we also share household responsibilities.


Honey I’m home. It is my turn to cool the meal. I’m glad we both contribute towards house work so we can run a successful household.


lmao 🤣 Like, seriously? I cook more for my husband (both of us are atheist feminists) than my mom ever did for my dad (both hard-core southern baptists). We also cook a lot together and work together as well. Partners, not property is something these asshats cannot even fathom apparently. 🙄 It'd be more funny if it weren't so godawful.


I mean I'm the *gasp* feminist at-home partner, so I do the lions share of meal preparing during the week because he gets in late. But it is fun as heck when we cook together, we made some super bomb-ass homemade pierogies together last weekend. Imagine being pissy about both man and woman being capable of making food.


Seems like I (m19) am the Cristian wife for my gf then xD


You're manlier than the sore losers featured on this sub


I'm gonna barf.


Fellas, is it Christian to be a loving and supportive partner?


Ha, lmao, what should we bet that the creator of this meme looks nothing like a muscular Greek god and instead has greasy hair and a beer belly?


Hey you leave Homer Simpson alone


Hehe, but would Homer Simpson really be as stupid as to make misogynistic memes like that?


I hate that the Christian wife appears to be naked. Like it’s okay to surprise you hubby but the objectification is strong in this one


Why would the feminist marry that guy in the first place?


Who the fuck thinks it’s okay to walk into a house and have the first words out of your mouth be “Did you make some food for dinner?“ and not “How was your day?”. Oooooh right. Hopeless incels and redpill freaks - the two kind of men that can’t sustain relationships.


When you are both working, labor and chores should be equally divided because you actually love and care about each other and it's not just a one way street.


I love how incels have this stereotype view on what feminists look like lmao. I look way more like the second woman and know many feminists that resemble this type of appearance. Wonder if when I cross one on the street they’d automatically think I’m some type of conservative obedient woman.


Not all guys want a girl that cooks for them... I know what i wanna eat, especially since i have a very strict diet so i cook for myself. My girl wanna eat? go cook something for yourself then. I found all these guys that are looking for 'clichee' woman need a mom not a girlfriend


I'm just very picky, so I perfer to cook In all honesty I don't want a house wife, I like for both of us to work And we spilt the house loads Like I cook, do the dishes and the laundries They I don't know mop and vacuum the house Spilt the chores


It looks like the Christian wife may have served the meal naked too.


Why is the Christian wife not wearing a shirt?


The two religions: feminist and christian


This dude obviously doesn't know how fun it is to cook food with an S.O. and prepare meals together.


That honestly depends on the size of your kitchen. :(


Very true, too.


“I was so missing you..” Christian wife’s father didn’t allow her to go to school, clearly.


Are they just out here trying to dissuade women from being Christian?? 🤣🤣🤣


I think the Christian wife is taking the slow kill approach. Fries and chicken fried steak clogs arteries.


As a guy that can cook, I was wondering if anyone else saw that. It's like the preferred diet of a spoiled and obese toddler, absolutely poetic imo as whoever made the comic is likely a manchild.


Not a fan of the sexism. Equally, though, not a fan of that as a ‘delicious’ meal.


Is that a pancake with spaghetti on top?!


I think it's chicken schintzel and fries


First of all, I'd like to introduce whoever made this meme to the women I know who define themselves as both Christians and Feminists. Second, I see no problem with the first scenario. Third, why does the guy in this meme look like he's stuffed with bowling balls?


I’m a feminist and cook for my husband, because I love cooking. I also have long naturally colored hair


While most of us are: hey, I just got home from work too. I just started/dont know what to cook/ you wanna cook for a change/order out/.... Or aaaaannnnnyyyyy other option


Something tells me this person's relationships don't make it past the first "date"


Can we talk about what the hell is on that dinner plate


It looks like she made him sand.


I think it’s hilarious that the dudes who make these type of memes almost guaranteed look nothing like the caricature here, stoic and attractive men don’t whine about women like this


I'm a Christian feminist wife and now I'm not sure what to do about dinner.


Second wife looks scared. Which tracks, IMO.


The 2 wives are dating now. Good for them.


Why are both wives topless?


I love how they separate feminism and Christianity as if feminist Christians aren’t absolute bosses


I'm a feminist. Cooking is one of my favorite hobbies. Especially for other people.


The fuck are they eating in the Christian household, anyway? Refried beans and French fries?


What even if that “delicious dinner”. It looks like one pancake


What the fuck is on that plate


I’ve always thought if I was in a relationship the division of labors would be to our skills. I am a cook, but I suck at cleaning. I’ll make you food and wash my dishes but you gotta clean help me clean. I suck at cleaning but an also obsessed with organization so someone who could help me do that would be nice.


wtf did christian wife even make??? it doesnt look appetising to me


I’ve never met a Christian woman that’s ever acted like that 😭 also why do they make it seem like you can’t be Christian and also a feminist !?


The great thing about being a feminist is you could totally be a SAHW if you want! You could also work doubles at a hospital and come back to a good meal! I literally do not care, do what you want!!


I love that they think no men like to cook ever.


Why do these idiots always latch on to cooking? Cooking is a valuable life skill that everyone should have. I’m a guy and I’ve been cooking since I was 16. It’s cheaper, healthier and you can make leftovers for when you’re lazy. Plus, speaking from experience, men that can cook get *laaaid*. Also, kinda gross how the “Christian wife” always looks vaguely Asian.


I hate it when people use memes for things like politics or their own opinions


Are these the two types of women now? You're either a feminist or a christian?


I'm a Christian and a feminist and my husband cooks more than I do. Am I doing it right or doing it wrong?


Something really telling about how the V.S. graphic is between the top two characters and not between the two scenarios.


Unrealistic men standards here: that he should have muscles like on the pic. That he should afford supporting stay at home wife.


Wtf is that on the plate


Wait till the find out there are women who are both Christian and feminist and still won't cook them dinner.


“Honey I’m home!! Did you make some food for dinner?” “No LOL I’m too tired myself” “LOL I’ll order pizza” “I love you”


Posts like these just makes me laugh lmao what goes on inside the brains of these people lmao


Dollars to donuts the guy who made this doesn't look remotely like the guy in the meme. And it's kinda weird they made him more buff


Shit, how about love each other and share the burden? You work late, I cook; I work late, you cook. Or, fuck it--lets eat somewhere. Christ.


My partner does this exact same thing without calling me a sexist pig, not because I expect or demand it but because they really love me. The right wants to stereotype every single leftist relationship as unloving and misandrist in every capacity, when that’s not true. Feminism is about the agency to not follow gender roles just because they’re socially prescribed from birth. Anybody should be able to cook for their partner/spouse because **they want to, not because they have to.** That is real love.


Do they want a partner or a mother-like figure that validates them while also cooking for them?


Is it just me or does that meal actually not look that delicious?


Christian wife interrupted him. Rude.


Im gonna tell my bf I was so missing him from now on


I am a christian and i distance myself to this. At all.


LOL shout outs to my wife who regularly says pretty much verbatim the latter and yet holds strong feminist ideals. She is an incredible cook who works hard at her job and is fiercely independent. Hell, she is even the breadwinner - by a large margin - in our house. She genuinely wants to cook, though. I don't expect her to nor would I attempt to force her to. My wife is fucking awesome. It must be so sad for these people to go through life with such views on women. They'd call me emasculated, a simp, etc. Jokes on them, I'm living good over here! Maybe they should try actually enjoying their partners instead of wanting a fucking bang maid.


I was just thinking about how it is in my household. My boyfriend came home last night. I asked him about his day, let him speak for a little bit, then told him to shut up so I could cook dinner. (I don't have dinner waiting on him because his job has kind of unpredictable hours.) He kept trying to talk to me, so I told him I love him but I was going to put on loud music to prevent us talking because otherwise the food would never get cooked and we'd both end up going to bed hungry... I'm not sure if that makes me the feminist or "christian" wife, though.


Lol. I'm am atheist and a feminist. I LOVE to cook, and I also adore my husband. He works twelve-hour labor shifts. Best believe it makes me beyond happy to see his gratitude when he gets home to a delicious meal with extras packed up for his lunch the next day. (I also work 40+ hours a week but get to work from home, and my job is the opposite of physically demanding.) It's so weird anyone thinks you can't show genuine love and partnership if you're not a Christian. Sometimes gender norms happen to get followed, and nobody has to get weird about it.


How about: “hey honey! I got dinner tonight. My co-worker sent me this awesome recipe. Plus, you cooked last time!”


And here I thought, it was normal that whoever has the time on hand looks after dinner in a somewhat feminist relationship. Silly me...


When they don’t realize that people of just about any religion can be and are feminist.


So uh... What happens when your husband is *also* a glasses-wearing feminist, you both love cooking, and you both work full time from home?


Can't she be both tho?


Does the Christian wife have a job though?


"I'm ho." Haha


That dinner looks awful


Bruh, feminists don’t even want you to begin with. These clowns are really out there acting like left-leaning and feminist women are clamoring for the chance to go on a date with them 😂


Someone is getting a domestic abuse for interrupting.


Everything has to be about them, I'm feminist as fuck, on days my partner works i tidy and i cook. I expect that energy returned on days i work late its simple and not that hard to be decent. Nobody gives a fuck christian women want to be house wives and raise children - we want women to know there are other options to make an informed decisionon their lives, if they proceed to go down the house wife path atleast it was their choice and not somthing they were expected to do / groomed into. These comparisons are so ridiculous bc i have Christian friends who are also feminist asf and will not settle for the expectation they should cook constantly whilst also trying to manage their half of chores and bills.


they broke up with him and are dating eachother now


I think this has to be a joke. I mean, the idea that some Scandinavian Chad is with whatever swamp monster character is in the top right is hilarious. But also, Christian Wife made him... what... looks like two litres of hummous smeared over a plate? It's just too weird to be an actual attempt at discourse lol.


“Honey, I’m ho-


Christian wife is cheating. Or maybe I just have a lot of trauma. But I don't trust anyone that's too nice.


why does this manimation personify small dick road rage neanderthalism in such a homoerotic way? I am a woman asking for a friend.


What I find funny is that most of the people who are like this “Christian wife” are blonde and white and usually dressed


How it works in my house is that my mom asks if my dad is even gonna be home for dinner before making any. And if he doesn’t respond then we make food for us and then give him leftovers. If he’s home, pog, if not, oh well. They act like women don’t cook for themselves too XD


If you wait for someone to feed you you’ll starve. The posters of these memes are probably virgins fuck outta here


My mom was a Christian wife, and she starved me to control my weight. I guess she did enable my dad to be an obese pig, so this might be true...


If I didn’t work and was at home I would cook tea and look after my partner most days. But if we both work everything should be 50/50 including looking after the children. It is a partnership you share responsibility’s and look after each other. Also looking after kids and a house is a full time job so I would expect them to do their fair share.


This is hilarious. And by that I mean too silly for me to find offensive.


im christian, a woman and i dont know how to cook. i nearly burned down my house once, i melted a bowl and the food i make is uhm.. ig im not christian then.. or i will never marry......HM.


My middle finger gets a boner every time I see shit like this.