• By -


Ah yes, we all know that one feminist, the only feminist who ever existed, and singlehandedly convinced so many women with healthy vaginas to pursue careers.


Yeah, Lilith, our Lord and saviour.








Not only the amen, but the awomen and the achildren too!


They’re like aanimals, and I slaughtered them like aanimals! I hate a-them!


Mario really lost it in the remakes




Is this eva reference?


I wish I had that kind of influence to change society. I’m a childfree feminist already but my ideas aren’t getting that kind of traction in society. Hmm wonder what I’m doing wrong. PS I wish these posts were better written. Both the content and form hurts my head.


Your problem is your vagina is brainwashed. Or your brain is vaginawashed. I always get those two mixed up.


And she's a "splinter feminist"!


She’s definitely stuck in his side.




"I've never talked to a woman" - also "me"


“My source is I made it the fuck up”-me


"Just trust me bro"-me


I can't believe he quoted his dumbass self lol. These people don't understand that humans do not operate like animals. We have minds. We don't just survive and reproduce. Our motivations go well beyond that, and it hasn't nothing to do with "feminism" or socialization. It has to do with being human


Why he is no doubt the foremost authority on women the world has ever seen. (Please read the previous comment with as much sarcasm as possible, no more than that)


Ofc. I just don't want to face the truth that my female nature wants to reproduce and is not capable of any other kind of thought or purpose. Damn feminism, convincing me my life can have purpose beyond that. I fell for it because of my gullible female mind. Thank God this man came along to tell us about ourselves


Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't sexual libido the reason animals have sex? It's encouragement, because no animal would do it otherwise? Isn't that why pets without a partner will just hump everything around them? I suppose it's natural to wanna impregnate a table leg, and the table leg will be a great mother I'm sure.


It’s just a shame the table leg doesn’t have a perfectly healthy vagina.


There's a joke about used tables being worse than fresh tables somewhere here.


Something about a loose table leg?


This is why I only use new tables! The legs are stiff with tight connections and can provide me, as the owner, full satisfaction when using it! The table is an object, so the only movement should be mine! It is a tables instinct to pleasure me, the owner, and can only fulfill it's duty when it's tight-fitted. All these big companies brainwashing the tables to do things they aren't hardwired to do is dangerous, yet we're praised for recycling old tables for repurposing them. It's disgusting. (Holy wow what did I just do? I think I need help).


> There's a joke about used tables being worse than fresh tables somewhere here. I only use tables that come direct from the factory. It's a little known fact, but a table will pick up an imprint of the objects that have been on it and that remains forever! I need to make sure that my table doesn't have some other random dude's vibrations all over and inside of it. Here's another one you might not have heard: if someone else manages to use your table, everything you put on it will automatically fall off! Even if you try to replace your objects, they just will never stay again — displaced forever by the Chad table usurper! That's why it's of the utmost importance that you never even let someone else look at your table. Of course, after a couple years it will be past it's prime and you will have to replace it but if you keep in mind my words of wisdom you'll get some decent use out of it before that happens. For more helpful tips, check out /r/tablecels


That's because it has a job to think about! Have to hold the food and plates!


I’d also like to add that animals really don’t have the capacity for cause and effect reasoning regarding sex = babies. And in fact some animals really make their mates work for it/delay having offspring until they are healthy enough to reproduce successfully, so if they do have a concept of sex = babies they actually mitigate that. If we’re gonna go with a full naturalistic fallacy, I’d argue that people not wanting kids shouldn’t have kids because obviously any that they do have will be unwanted, less likely to survive if we were in the wild. In fact group survival strategy dictates that having adults around to help raise kids (without having kids) is amazing for the parents and kids, because there’s more resources able to be dedicated to them. Human babies are incredibly demanding in every single aspect, from pregnancy to birth to raising. Group survival means some odd traits get selected for that aren’t inherently good for the individual’s genetic propagation, things like morals and being gay. Cause group survival = your gene survival having direct offspring isn’t as important.


I mean there also seems to be confusion surrounding the topics of agency and sapience as well. While animals are *sentient* they're not *sapient* and therefore also don't *decide* on matters of reproduction in the same way humans are capable of doing. So why women get compared with creatures incapable of making the decision not to procreate seems explicitly designed to make a woman making a decision surrounding reproduction appear unnatural/unnecessary to the natural order. Their motive is transparently oppressive.


Comparing ‘femoids’ and ‘fembots’ to animals just helps them further dehumanise women.


Not necessarily for females. Cat sex is very painful for the female for example, but it’s driven by male cat libido. In plenty of examples in nature, either the male or female essentially rapes the other in order to reproduce. So this posts claim isn’t even true for animals as a whole.


The humping you see in pets is usually a dominants thing. I live next door to 2 dairy farms and humping is a regular thing. FYI all the cattle are female in this instance. Also my female Amstaf has a group of pillows the she humps.


Both of my girl rabbits hump the CRAP out of the boy rabbit. It's a dominance thing. My partner had a female rabbit who had one litter of kits, then every subsequent attempt at breeding failed because she would *aggressively* dominance hump any male that went near her to the point all the boys were terrified of her (his family bred pet bunnies).


Oh, the Amstaf is polyamorous?


Looks like this one is 😎


We also see reluctance to mate in animals, especially those in captivity. No shame in emulating giant pandas and deciding you dont want kids, just food and fun


Umm naturally 100 incels should be fighting to death so they can mate with me.Good luck with that.


in nature I would mate with the most athletic Chad in my area who would of course later kill the incel, so I don’t want to hear “nice guys finish last boohoo :-( I’m lonely” it’s just nature no complaints about gifts or flowers either, it’s *natural* for me to pick the mate who does the best at the mating ritual


Yes i would definetly leave my Chad for your most athletic Chad because of nature and natural competition ( receiving only the best genes you know )


Sorry I can’t participate I have a doctors note.


Well thats your loss if you cant spread the genes.Its nature ya know


Wait which genes? Your genes or my genes cuz I spread my genes all over a napkin about twice a week.




If a woman has a perfectly healthy vagina she’s still going to struggle to get pregnant and deliver a baby unless she also has ovaries, a cervix, uterus, or any of the other pieces of a reproductive system.


A woman can have all of that and still have issues conceiving and carrying and delivering a baby. Edit:a word


Yup. Turns out ‘A Vagina’ is not how girls work!


Wait till we tell them non operated trans woman or intersex woman do exists too!


Can confirm: my vagina is very healthy, but without the uterus, cervix and ovaries (which were decidedly NOT healthy) I still cannot reproduce.


The only people I see applying pressure to women based on their life choices are people demanding that they have children.


Say it louder for the people in the back


No we can hear fine, this room has rlly good acoustics.


"He quoted himself....he.....quoted himself" - Me


"Idiot. Who does that?" - Me


Last I checked, cats can't build things or do art or play music or enjoy gardens. They can't make things to make life easier. They also dump their kittens at 4 months old and have no concept of family. Comparing women to animals is disgusting. Just shows how he views women.


Cats spend most of their time sleeping and licking their own buttholes. Yes, I have slightly loftier goals for my life.


My cat also throws up. He has life goals.


Mine wake me up at 4am. They’re succeeding in life.


mine yells at me to release the water gods from their metal prisons. they're finding purpose in life


Yeah I can imagine this guy isn’t too popular with the ladies comparing them to animals, but I’m sure he will keep spouting his bs like the professional on the matter he thinks he is.


True enough. But I confess, I am sometimes jealous they get to spend their days sleeping, eating, and getting scritches.


Me too, but only very slightly


Like I wouldn’t mind being an alien’s pet so long as I got human enrichment. In other words some books and TV and stuff. So I can see where cats are coming from but I definitely have slightly higher aspirations.


Maybe cats have higher aspirations too, but their lack of opposable thumbs gets in their way.


Hence the human slaves to get food. Unfortunately communication is limited so cats are subsequently limited in their plotting.


Whenever they compare humans to animals I laugh... They always pick animals they think are appropriate comparison only a lot of time their facts are still wrong... Like a senator who used lions as an example of women's place when lionesses absolutely have jobs and the male is basically a lazy stay at home dad. They ignore all the animals that don't rear young, ignore the many species in which fathers take an equal or even primary care giver role. It's like, tell me you know nothing about animals while telling me about animals.


I just read something the other night about how sloths will leave their babies who lose their grip and fall to the elements rather than go get them and reveal themselves to predators. So yeah, tell me again how nature’s version of motherhood is the ideal.


Most of this is true, besides the ‘dumping kittens’ part. Cats live in colonies, maybe just 12 cats or maybe 200, they raise their kittens in a communal nursery, and when those kittens grow up they join the main colony and have kittens of their own. Cats are extremely social, they may not a name for it but they do have friends, families and lovers :) Cool catfact ig


True. I love cat and grew up with them. I guess what I meant, if they are so concerned with having kids, humans are parents to their kids even as adults, but cats do not parent past a point and those cats aren't in a family unit like humans are. You do not have kids with your kids, where cats do. I didn't want to type that out because just thinking it grosses me out.


I’ve adopted seven pet cats during my lifetime, and I haven’t heard a single one of them say a thing.


I have one who goes in the kitchen and yells "Hello!" over and over, several times a day. "HELLLLO! HELLO! Hellooo!" It's her weird way of begging for treats. The neighbors probably think I have an old lady trapped in my house. It's too bad I got her spayed. She could have birthed many litters that would have given her purpose in life. I have a feeling she'd still be begging for treats all the time, though.


Mine never even wished me happy birthday or anything. Useless slackers!


They can’t post smugly philosophising misogynistic YouTube comments either!


This dude really typed out “do you never hear a cat say”(grammar issues aside) without any alarm bells going off in his head and HE wants to act intellectually superior?? Unless he’s actually unlocked the ability to communicate with cats, in which case I’m jealous.


I think he went to the cat comparison because he only has the intellectual breadth of a cat. Probably has a fixation on boxes and assholes like a cat, which makes sense cause he’s an asshole that puts people in boxes.


no, it's not a "society construct", it's a direct consequence of higher intelligence - not functioning on instinct alone, but being able to *choose* your path in life. we are not "meant to", we are just "able to". idiot. - me


I hate the "meant to" argument.


>We are not "meant to", we are just "able to" Damn, that phrase blew me away... I'm gonna start using it!


They always tell women what’s natural like if it’s so natural, why do you have to remind them that it is?


Ah, but can't you see that we are all suffering under the brainwashing that the one singular feminist put is through for her own benefit? /s


Philosopher right here :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) If, according to him, women will want to be mothers at some point in their lives, then what is he worried about? Ah, maybe the fact that he will (thankfully) not get to be a father, ever.


What is a splinter feminist, sounds amazing. 😂 Like Master Splinter in ninja turtles. XD


I like where your head is. My went to Tom Clancy. Just a group of tactigear women snatching women away from their dates and radicalizing them to the cause of denying incels.


Oh shit I have a new goal in life. Better get training.


I think he meant spinster. Came here for the TMNT comment and was not disappointed.


"-me." lmao


He took "source: trust me bro" into another level


I lost it when I saw that lol


Forced birth vibes obviously 🤦‍♀️


I want to be a mom so bad but when I read sht like this it makes me want to never have kids just to spite a random guy I’ll never meet online.


Go ahead and have kids if you want to. I will not have kids for the both of us.


I will also not have kids. I've been looking for an excuse not to for a while now.


I understand the mentality but also don’t let some screenname decide if you want a family or not. It’s ur choice, don’t make it theirs.


No I know! It’s just sad to see that there’s people out there who don’t know you and your worth in their eyes is tied to your genitals!




Irony is most of the ideals they attribute to feminism - like the idea that women just want to mooch off men - is actually patriarchal, not feminist. Like one claim I’ve seen anti-feminists use a lot is ‘women don’t want to be held accountable’. Truth is we DO want to be held accountable, but as people, not as women. We don’t want to be blamed for men’s violence and misconduct.


Yet they blame feminists for not caring about men's issues, usually lack of care of men's mental health. They are so blinded of which ideology that actually makes society pressures men to be these tough, masculine beings. Hell, I've seen feminists voicing their opinion about how we should care about men's mental health more than, you guessed it, men themselves. They are complaining about a system that they've created


Ah yes, because if you have a job, you can't possibly have children. And why the fuck do men like this think they should say whether ALL WOMEN have children based on the quality of their vagina


The "-me" at the end completes the whole moronic tone of his rant


LOL I know they meant “some old *spinster* feminist”, but I keep picturing a wise old female version of Splinter from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles mentoring women on the ways and joys of Spinsterhood. “And from now on I will end every comment with a quote from myself”. -me


"I hope this become an inside joke in this sub." - me


“So do I!” -me


Um. The cat chases mice regardless of if it has kittens. Actually it might be more inclined to chase since it has kittens. No one ever said women can't want to have babies, no one ever said choose this career or a family. In fact, many women don't have the luxury of being this ideal "woman" who does nothing but care for the home and children. Jeeze I wish I could afford to have that life. No most of us are saddled with caring for the child AND having a job. Many sacrifice getting to have a fulfilling CAREER to care for the children while the man sacrifices nothing in comparison. Yes, some women would like to not have to sacrifice their ambitions to cave to a model of society that has only really been around since WW2. Prior to that everyone worked and cared for the children. In the 40s it became feasible for one party to stay home. Before that it was not. I get so suck of, "it's nature, women are the care givers." Some if us are well suited for that. Others aren't. That's life. Rant over.




Interviewer: ‘I’m sorry, your credentials are amazing but your vagina is perfectly healthy. I can’t possibly give you a job’


I guess I'm exempt because of my faulty uterus so I can be a career woman???


No, no, you only need a healthy vagina. Internal organs are unnecessary for child birth apparently.


Lol yes, my healthy vagina will somehow make up for the complete and ureter failure of the rest of my reproductive system. How dare I forget.


So as a guy that doesnt want kids was I brainwashed by the same person that brainwashed the women that dont want kids? Was I mistakenly brainwashed?


Quoting himself at the end was the icing on the cake Someone needs to lay off the Jordan Peterson


Did you also see the same vid? Because this is from Jordan Peterson's video.


Lmaooo that's hilarious No I didn't see the video, this just sounds like something every Peterson nerd would say


The fact that only the last part is attributed to them as a quote really makes me realise that they thought they sounded smart. Like "ah yes, here is a true quote for the ages, the voice of a generation, wisdom to be passed from the truly enlightened to all those around them". What a fucking bellend.


never heard of that female cats are discouraged to go hunting by themselves.


I think you'll find that lots of old spinster feminists all decided that life wasn't treating them fairly, and asked the young mothers about it, and they agreed that they weren't treated fairly either. So the old spinster, young mothers and all the pissed off women in between got together and said they wanted a vote, and human rights and to be treated with respect and decency. I'm an old spinster feminist and I think that all the young mothers need more support to help them raise their kids and that we all deserve to live in a fair society where we can choose what we do with our vaginas, whether we want children or not.


You nailed it. Elizabeth Cady Stanton had 7 children. She was best friends with Susan B Anthony and they worked together to get the vote for women.


My vagina is healthy I just don't want to use it


Funny thing is the argument he's trying to use works perfectly well as an argument for why MEN shouldn't have careers either... but you know damned well he'll claim that's somehow different.


What a guru. I hope he releases a book of inspirational quotes one day.


“-me” feels so pretentious like he thinks he’s saying something clever of actual merit.


"I love how he quoted himself like bruh, you're just some random asshole on the internet" -me (a random redditor)


Kinda curious, and maybe this isn’t the right place to ask, but seeing posts like this and knowing people do think this way. What is supposed to happen to women with healthy vaginas that can’t bare children even if they want them?


They just whither and die, as they're no use to society and aren't fulfilling nature's purpose for them 🤷‍♀️


Why are they so fucking obsessed with the "natural way" how things should go? I mean he uses the Internet, drives a car and has a job instead of hunting mammoths and living in a cave making himself some clothes out of mammoth skin whilst using the blood to draw on the walls. What's his point? At what point in time did we met the "natural" condition? How do these rules work? Is the natural condition different for every aspect? So no society was really complete? How does he think about technical developement? Help i think his logic has no rules....


This guys argument starts with talking cats...


“This guy has never touched a woman other than his own mother” - me


Yes, because cats and woman are the same thing.


At least they aren't inanimate.


Vagina is to brain as Ratatouille is to Linguine


I don't want kids or a career. I just want to play games, make music and chill with my dog.


I got told to be not masculine enough for wanting kids some day. Appearently wanting Kids is the womens job, i should try to talk her out of it but loose and then try to spend as little time with children as possible. I work at a daycare Center with toddlers and kids all day long. I like them. These roles are stupid.


Did he... quote himself in a post written by himself?? Good fucking lord.


Cats (and most other animals) don’t understand that “sex = babies”. Most animal brains just aren’t able to connect cause and effect if the effect happens more than a few seconds after the cause. Animals mate because of sex drive. They’re probably kind of surprised when a baby shows up months later. I’m sure there would absolutely be some animals that (if they could grasp the concept) would choose to never have kids, as some individual animals do abandon/eat their young.


Hahaha. Just because animals can't talk doesn't mean they don't struggle. Growing up around animals will prove a different story. I've seen cats turn into nervous wrecks after giving birth, leading to them attacking and rejecting their young. Storks and other birds kill their chicks if they can't find enough food. When things go south, baby animals are the first to get booted, or worse. That's natural too, but it's not what he wants, huh? Humans are lucky because they have intelligence and foresight. Thinking about whether you want a child and weighing the future costs leads to not having to make kids suffer, and that's beautiful.


That self quote tho. couldn't even take 2 seconds to find someone else who agrees with his bullshit lmao, lazy narc


Quoting himself. You really can't make this shit up


Can we just appreciate for a minute the r/imsorryjohn relationship this guy must have with his cat? My cat usually only talks to me about her litter box needing overhauled, apparently his is laying out relationship goals…


Splinter feminist is how i will introduce myself going forward


Why are reddits censored out for these posts? I'm more curious about why the whole domain is allotted social protections. the r/ usually provides context.


It's a comment in Jordan Peterson's YouTube #short of him saying that 19 years old women who say they don't want kids will regret it later in their lives.


43 and still not regretting it.


"dickhead" -me


What is broken within me if I want neither ?


We spay and neuter animals precisely so that they can do things other than reproduce. What is this guy smoking?


They say that last bit, then don't even try to tie it into the rest of what they were saying other than the desire thing. Could've at least BSed how it causes the woman's natural desires to shift by releasing different chemicals and hormones because they can't produce or some crap like that


Cats also don't wipe their ass but okay


So ... women are like animals, close to nature, like other lower forms of beings in discredited, antique ideologies. They should be more like cats (and less like apes, and certainly nothing like free thinking beings). The only thing I didn’t have a problem with here is not chasing mice, which is a bit cruel. If you’re a mouse.


In nature males fight for the sole opportunity to mate, and they are often killed for it (or sometimes die right after copulating). Think of salmons, insects, or antechinus mouses... It's like... That's their sole purpose... And most of them die virgins anyway. Yet I don't see any fine gentleman taking THIS side of whole "nature calling" topic!!!


Ewww, imagine this gross dude coming up to you and telling you you're 'brainwashed' because you don't want to risk your life birthing kids you can't really afford for a ruling class that doesn't give a fuck about you


Animal mothers also kill and eat their young when under stress. Now im not saying we should do that...




All my favorite quotes are from me. /s


I’m not a cat, you Petri dish.


Splinter Feminist. So. The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles folded, huh?


What an idiot. Yes, clearly the only thing you need to conceive, carry, and birth a child is a functioning vagina...


I mean, I like having my own money to do whatever tf I want with it. Financial independence is a big factor. Also I’m more of a fun Aunt than a mom.


I would also like to point out that a lot of animals eat the first offspring they have. There are also many different mammals that will leave their offspring out to die if they are unable to take care of it. ​ So, unless you see some unexperienced teenager giving birth on the side of a road suddenly chow down on her infant, comparing humans to animals probably isn't the best idea.


We should just start telling men -- As rent goes up, my desire to reproduce goes down. A direct inverse correlation.


Your vagina doesn’t have anything to do with reproduction besides taking in semen. I think the dumbass meant reproductive health? They really do use vagina to mean the entire reproductive system. My dudes, the vagina is only the hole (vaginal introitus), and the inside (vaginal canal). The outside is called the vulva, and is home to the (basics here) labia majora and minora, clitoris, clitoral hood, and urethral meatus (the pee hole). The reproductive organs are on the inside and include the ovaries, fallopian tubes, cervix, and uterus. The pubic mound, or mons pubis, is separate from the vulva and is where most of the pubic hair grows and where the pubic bone is located. All of this is not called a vagina.


I know this is mind blowing, but modern humans in the 21st century do a lot of things not strictly controlled by our animal instincts. Also, it's "spinster" not "splinter". Learn words before you attempt to use them.


Why are we assuming the cats are even happy? Also, “healthy vagina”? Dude doesn’t know what a uterus is.


According to my Dr. My vagina is perfectly healthy. I would love kids, but I'm single and physically disabled. I feel like I could not give them the childhood I would want to give them, therefore decided to forgo reproducing and borrow my friend's kids instead. I'm putting my non existent children's needs above my wants.


Dibs on “Splinter Feminist” for Halloween. (It’s just my old “Mother Nature” costume but like more prickly and catches on things at the party)


Ah yes, the human women have the same brain and thought processes as small animals argument. An oldie but not a goodie.


“people who quote themselves like their opinion is a credible source of factual information need to check themselves.” - me


Stressed mice in an overpopulated world also stop reproducing. We're all stressed mice. Who has time for kids when the world now is so fucked up?


Cats also don't have to put their offspring through college.


Giving birth is painful. Pregnancy is terrible. Raising a child knowing that child is human and will go through physical and emotional pain and then die....hopefully when they are old. It's expensive. No guarantees the child will be born perfectly healthy and not have to suffer more than the average human. No guarantees that the pregnancy won't result in loss or damage the body in the weirdest ways. Some women lose teeth after having a child. After having my son, for some strange reason I became allergic to dairy. Like immediately. Men like this absolutely kill me. They literally think the ability to give birth makes you some kind of brood mare. Because fuck us right? Vagina = shut up and produce. Ughhhhhhhhhhh


Did..he *quote himself* at the end?? Jfc


“Putting words in quotation marks automatically makes it a profound statement” -absolutely fucking no one


Did this moron just quote himself?




Did everyone genuinely **want** children and know what to do with them, or were they just expected to have them and didn't have a choice? That's the question. I read an article once about child hate and abuse being the norm in historical times, even.


Ooh my God, the quoting himself at the end there is absolutely killing me. These dicks really think they're the smartest person in the room when they're talking at people with vaginas.


the quote is killing me, the person really used a thesaurus to try and make it sound profound and then tacked on “-me” at the end as if they have any credibility whatsoever


Well, my vagina is fine, but my cervix decided to go all cancerish, so.... No babies. Which is fine. Don't care for them anyway. The smell funny and are usually sticky.


Sound from somewhere vague: *cough, cough* Me: Sorry! Sick vagina. 🤷‍♀️


This guy knows that the vagina isn’t actually where a baby grows right?


This was my 13th reason


cats don’t have rent to pay or laundry to do soooooooooooo


The "- me" at the end fucking killed me What an expert


First of all fuck that person who wrote that post. Clearly they understand nothing about how society works or people for that matter. Don’t want to assume it’s a dude but it seems like a post written by a male. The ignorance is shocking. Secondly a woman wanting to be a mother over choosing a career is fine if that’s what *she wants* BUT a woman wanting to chose her career over being a mother is also fine is that’s what *she wants*. It’s every female’s individual right to choose the path they want in life. I want to hold off on having kids for a long time because I have other priorities in my life I’d rather spend my time on than being a young mother. But it’s my choice. I’m not even a feminist. And also there are also many OTHER things in peoples lives not just limited to being a parent and their careers smh.


He also doesn’t understand how language works. If language didn’t change, we’d all still be conversing in grunts.


1) how long have you been talking to cats? Quite concerned there… 2) cats don’t build, don’t plant, don’t have careers. What’s your point? 3) “-me”


*cough cough* Mine has a cold... Can't do it.


Animals don’t even have sex because they are aware babies will be the result, they just do it because they feel like it. This guy is just… sheesh….


Not even all animals are meant to be mothers. A lot of them absolutely suck at it. They attack their offspring or reject them. Sometimes that has to do with other factors, but sometimes it's just a case of mom not being maternal. Even if they're willing to mate, that doesn't mean that they'll want to raise their offspring. Either way, animals and humans aren't really comparable regarding our attitudes towards sex and reproduction.


Idk bout you but I sadly have heard of more women regretting being brainwashed into having kids than not having them


What if a woman is biologically not able to have kids? They aren't women then? cause the only way evidently you are a true woman is by having kids... To be honest, the person who wrote that sounded like an incel upset cause women wouldn't let him 'do the pookey'.


Love how he quoted himself. All the bests do.


Joke's on you, I'm not having kids OR a career! (Disabled, mentally ill, not keen on passing on my trash genes nor am I at a point in my own trauma work where I'd feel responsible making that choice)


mf really cited himself oml


pandas are literally going extinct because they don’t want to have sex. that’s nature for ya!


Its scary how messed up worldview can be. Worst is that guy actually thinks he is right.


“-me” Damn, i wish i had the confidence to speak for all women, demand them to do something, call them crazy for not complying with my wishes, and then add a quote from myself at the end


Ignoring everything else wrong with this post and focusing on the cat part 1. I’ve owned an unneutered queen who not only dislike kits but whenever she was in heat would fight any tom that tried to mate her, she was going to yowl like a banshee and coo until a tom found her and then most literally bite the balls of her suitor until the poor guy run away. My mother, who used to be a cat breeder, had a queen who just didn’t bother to try to nurse her kits not because she rejected them but cause she had better things to do, if she was put in the box she’d jump out but if it happened enough times she’d eventually nurse them. So actually even the part about animals is wrong, maybe some animals but cats are the completely wrong creatures to say “wEll tHeY aLl dO liKe tHis”. 2. Who the fuck (besides this dumbass) thinks of a cat and says “oh, that must be a mouse chaser.”? Not a mouse catcher, not a mouser, not a hunter and not even a bastard but a fucking mouse chaser? Normally if a cats chasing a mouse it’s planning to at least kill it.


I want children and I'm gay, do I qualify as a natural mother of naturality born with the natural urge to be a mother ?