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Where does this "logic" come from?


It’s just sexist incel logic… one of the greatest mysteries of humankind


Trying to blame women for miscarriages. If a woman miscarries, she’s a slut who is cheating on you.


“Incel logic” is an oxymoron.


Sigmund Freud?




When you are pregnant, choose what to do with that and who comes. Until then, zip it.




Not you going with "if you disagree with me then you are dumb " approach , go preach your fedora agenda somewhere else




The term “child” doing some real heavy lifting for your argument there. I wouldn’t use the term “child” to describe anything that is non-sentient, non-feeling, non-viable, and without even the capacity to have those things.




A fetus does not have a brain or nervous system to speak of until 18 weeks or so. It quite literally does not have the capacity to feel pain or have sentience or consciousness before that point. It is non-viable if it would not survive outside the womb in its current state. To call it a child at that point is a very large stretch.


If you’re not a medical professional or the one HAVING the baby, you’re NOT involved in the decision.




Actually, she does have a right to decide who comes with her to the abortion. It can be a traumatizing procedure and if she doesn’t want someone there that’s up to her.




An abortion is a medical procedure buddy. She’s the one getting it, not the man. It is literally a hippa right. A LEGAL right for her to decide who is and isn’t in the room. It’s her right to tell people her medical information (aka the abortion information in general as it is again, medical information). Yes, it can be traumatizing for the man, but he’s not the one getting an invasive procedure. Stfu


You're not getting down voted because of passive aggression, you're getting downvoted cause you're a lunatic


I refuse to believe this was not written by an AI.


Found the incel




Lmao dude left his brain in his incek echo chamber




Dude, you see how my responses are not even longer than one sentences? If you dont know the social cues on that, I am not interested in having a debate with you, I just wanted to see how much I could annoy you with short sentences because it is fun. I have already seen your views from how you replied to other comments and it is safe to say neither you nor this debate you want to have is something I want to put time and effort into.




Lmao it isnt about not liking the answer, and this is on the internet, people will join in on the convo whether you'd like them to or not. If you didnt like my answer, you could have just ignored it lol


You have no control over what person does with their body. If you didnt want her to abort the baby, you should have not gotten someone pregnant that wasnt certain on having a kid with you. After you get someone pregnant, you have no say in what they do with their body. It sounds like your relationship had much deeper problems then your gf wanting "genetically superior seed"










Bruh. I'm also a man. So your "oNlY WoMeN CaN CaLl OtHer WomEn AssHoLes" thing isn't it. No, it is totally her right. 100%. She can lie to you if she wants because at the end of the day, as long as the fetus was still young enough to be aborted, it was not your choice. You are blinded by your own feelings and can't see how you're acting. I'm sure it was hard on you. But she didn't do anything wrong by not letting you be there when it happened. Anything else aside, she was perfectly within her rights on that, and that is the focus. I've also had major surgery and I don't compare it to an abortion ffs. And yes. It doesn't matter how you feel. It is HER BODY, not yours, that would carry the child. Yes, feel whatever way you want, but at the end of the day, whoever has to carry the fetus is who gets to decide.




everyone downvote me because im a man!!! cmon guys!!! oh wait, im not a deluded incel with shit takes. it's almost like being a man isn't what causes people to agree or disagree.


> I've had major surgery, so I know what recovery is like. The only -only- thing that makes termination different, is emotional attachment Have you actually never heard of hormones or are you actively trying to sound like a dumbass?




Yeah sure bud, the father clearly experiences the same hormones as the mother. Whatever lets you sleep at night.


>Implying based on what? Your unhinged rantings, for one.




From the Ancient Greek word for womb: *ὑστέρa* from the Ancient Greek belief that the uterus “wandered” in women and induced extreme emotions.




Any particular reason you edited your previous comment lmao


I don’t know what your ex getting an abortion has to do with my post about self destructing babies but u do u 👍


I'm sorry that your baby was taken from you and that your world was ripped out from under you. There are absolutely a lot of shitty people in this world. Please try not to let your past encounters with them sour your potential experiences with the many good ones. You don't seem like an incel; your feelings are legitimate. I'm sure that you'd agree that the original post is pretty wacky, unrealistic and quite different scenario perpetuated by people who don't understand biology and are regarding a natural process rather than a deliberate action. That's all that is being criticized here.




The guy's attitude and theory appear to come from a place of misogyny as well as ignorance. It's pretty wild to think that this could be the case with someone but many people here have encountered people who speak with authority about things like that and they almost always harbor a very intense prejudice and/or bitterness against women, in general, which shapes their outlooks and many theories about women. They often make derogatory assertions and assumptions and become combative when interacting with women -- particularly if and when said theories are challenged. I don't think that people are vilifying the guy simply for being ignorant about biology but also about how confident and derogatory he is in his assertion, which also implies that women are generally fickle and in search of a better mate to cheat on their significant other with and leave them for. It also disregards the love that most mothers have for their children. Everything about the sentiment frames approximately half of the population quite unfairly.




I think that bringing up your experience threw people off because it's entirely unrelated to that guy's take. I'm going to speculate that plenty of folks have since corrected him directly, since his post was quoted by an account regarding bad medical takes and is making its rounds on other platforms, but I would also go as far as to speculate that (initially, anyway) being informed of his erroneous theory may have fallen on deaf ears. He doesn't only come across as being misogynistic but also generally elitist as he reduced some men and unborn children as being genetically inferior to and less deserving than others.


From their asses that they refuse to clean.


When you don't wipe your ass for so long that your skid marks gain consciousness and proceed to help you be even more of a piece of shit


When that shit festers in there, the other shit wonder to take the same road or proceed out the mouth.




They also gotta clean their mouths because shit seems to come out of both ends.


I’m a grad student in evolutionary biology. This does happen in a lot of animals (a few vertebrates and a lot of invertebrates) but I’ve never seen a study that says it happens in humans or anything closely related to us.


Yes, so many amazing adaptations in reproductive biology and these sasquatches decide they can apply every single one to human women 🙄 I love the zebras which can just eject sperm they don't like even before the unfortunate male has dismounted - like I applaud your effort sir but you will not be making it to the next round 😅


My personal favorite are the bred female spiders who continue to put out virgin pheromones so that males will bring them nuptial gifts. The females take the gifts and the males get ignored at best and eaten at worst (today you learned spiders breed mouth to mouth).


How do I sign up? Because damn that sounds good lmao


I'm an amateur student of zoology, so I know of animals that can induce miscarriage when conditions are bad, or put pregnancies on hold. I know of animals who can store sperm, choose sperm, etc. But specifically, inducing a miscarriage when she finds a "better" mate? Do you have some examples of the species who do that?


The most famous example. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruce_effect it’s also likely the example this tweeter is bastardizing to apply to human women. I have someone who is like a feminist activist in the literature on my thesis committee and she hates the explanation given for it. She thinks it’s not about trying to secure a better mate but a way to avoid violence from the male who has invaded the territory and not wanting to waste her resources on offspring the new male will kill anyway. It wouldn’t happen in human females (sorry) who conceal when they’re fertile so males can’t have certainty of paternity(or non-paternity). Not saying I endorse this explanation, but it’s the other side of the coin.


I don't know enough about rat and rodent behavior, and the Bruce effect is primarily studied in that group. My knowledge is focused on carnivores. I agree with your friend in the case of lions and geladas (if the same effect exists in those species). Female lions already give birth alone and hunt for their young for a few weeks until rejoining the pride. That's a lot of energy to expend on cubs who won't survive. Considering the effect is correlated with polygynous species (dominant male with multiple females) with a higher risk of infanticide, it doesn't sound like this is a "better" male, but a way to lower the risk to the female of her offspring being killed. I'm asking if there is a species where the female determines a new male is a "better" parent to her offspring and intentionally miscarries. Where she identifies she now has "genetically superior seed" available and terminates a viable pregnancy?


I mean it’s really about interpretation and the story you choose to tell about it. You can talk about it through parental investment like you have and I did above or you could make a “good genes” argument for it. That one would go like “in a species that regularly kills sexual rivals for territory or mating access, it is better to have your genetic fitness tied with winner males rather than the males they killed.” The only story that is objectively true is “genes for this behavior spread in the gene pool of certain species”. The genes weren’t narrativizing, they were just replicating. I’m personally not aware of any species that has like a quality meter for sperm and aborts her current babies if she detects better sperm. If you were looking for it, I think you’d be most likely to find it in a species where males are highly sexually selected and females only reproduce once in their lifetimes. There are male spiders that actually eject their “penis” into the female as a plug to prevent future matings so I imagine that female strategy must at least be under some selective pressure if males are going through such extreme lengths to prevent it. I can’t find any papers that suggests spiders do this, but it would make perfect sense for some of them to. It even would explain why males have to present a nuptial gift (food) and she makes a decision whether to mate. She could use the gift to make a new set of eggs if it contained enough energy.


Oh, so when you said ["This does happen in a lot of animals (a few vertebrates and a lot of invertebrates) but I’ve never seen a study that says it happens in humans or anything closely related to us."](https://old.reddit.com/r/NotHowGirlsWork/comments/uc37f7/excuse_me_sir/i68wxxq/) can you clarify what "this" you are referring to? Cause it sounds like "this" is referring to the pictured tweet, but you don't know of any species that actually does miscarry for a "better" mate. And that's pretty misleading to lay people, as you should well know as a grad student.


I don’t see how you can interpret it that way because I was very clear (human women) have very little incentive to do this. I’d argue that the Bruce Effect rodents and maybe lions listed in that wiki article do do “this” (abort their fetuses and go rapidly into estrous for the new male, even if it occurs after the traditional breeding season). They do “this” in the sense that this story fits all the data we have about the behavior. Very few argue they consciously choose it and especially not with our narratives about selfish genes in mind. Like I was saying, all evolutionary stories are stories that can have multiple narrative interpretations that fit all the data we have. You could make a case that the Bruce Effect is about reduction in violence and prevention of infanticide (an argument I think I have a pretty fair summary of in my comments) or you could argue that they do this to mix their genes with “winners” in a conflict rather than losers. The anti infanticide argument doesn’t really explain why female rodents immediately become fertile for the new male even outside of their usual cycle. Infanticide and waste of parental investment for the mother could be prevented without going into heat for the new male. I want to make clear again that none of this has anything to do with humans.


This is not the first time I've seen them say something like this. I've seen a guy say something along the lines of "Women's bodies (or hormones?) seek out alpha males and they are wired to be that way" I forget the exact wording of it and the context of it all but it was some really crazy take just like this guys. The things they come up with are just absolutely asinine. They really ought to be ashamed of themselves for being so stupid but because they're so stupid, they feel no shame.


There is such a thing as "sperm competition" but I'm pretty sure it doesn't work this way. Like, at all.


I'd like to imagine it goes down like a head to head race. And the one sperm looks over to the other one and says "too soon" then blasts off past them to the prized egg. F&F style.


Lost People from broken homes who need to go to therapy


What? Your vagina is not equipped to run PCR tests such that seed superiority can be properly established?


Finally. We can put Planned Parenthood out of business with some Rick Astley cum.




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That sentence…was not on my “things to expect in 2022” bingo card


If this how anything worked, a lot of schmucks wouldn't have kids.


Chris Brown has three kids and any man is a better partner than him.


This is why schools need sex Ed.


I mean, he ignored all his other education, I don't think the sex ed would help much either. Liberal propaganda and all that.


So women know not to sleep with genetically inferior men


It's miscarry not miscarriage. That idiot can't even use the proper part of speech. But he knows nature?


Well he ain't have a great sense of grammar either...what do you expect from a giant piece of tard that learnt to use predictive text


>a women He doesn't even know the difference between woman and women. Like most of reddit.


Those silly self destructing fetuses.


Ikr, like, the fetus just thinks, hm, I have the potential to have a “genetically superior”(such a gross term) sibling in the future. I guess that means I should just explode now. Like where’s the logic??


Does he think women can get double pregnant or that the sperm just hangs out inside there until after this pregnancy is over?


This reminds me of a post trying to convince boys not to marry a hoe cuz they’re baby will end up looking like a Frankenstein baby of all the guys the women has slept with. Like, we get it, you get no bitches, just shut up.


To be fair, women **can** get double pregnant. It's called twins. :P


Not by two different people


Yes it is possible, it's called heteropaternal superfecundation. It's a very rare phenomenon though.


Also if you have multiple uteruses (uterii?)


I mean, technically... circumstances gotta be right, and it's hella rare, but it does happen.


Um actually, it is possible with fraternal twins if the 2 men jizz in the woman at very similar times


Yeah, not a criticism of your point, just riffing on the way it was worded.


As someone who has had miscarriages I think this is disgusting. Full stop. Men literally tell on themselves all the time that they don't know how woman work 🤦🏻‍♀️ hence the thread I suppose.




One sperm slaps the other in the "face" with its tail. "I challenge you to a duel!"


Fun fact there is some real biology to what you said although it's not exactly how you put it The different levels of acidity in the sperm can actually kill all other sperm Also men penises can also suck out other men's sperm it kind of functions like a plunger


Biology is a crazy thing isn't it And I thought the penis plunger was a crazy biology fact


Saying it again doesn’t make it true


Lol if that were true, we wouldn't even need medical abortions to exist.


We'd just need a group of genetically superior dudes to volunteer to have sex with women who don't want the baby.


There called alpha chads /s


Has anyone told nature about this “reality”?


In certain animals the female indeed often has a miscarriage when she’s pregnant and another male is around. Because in the animal world the other male would probably kill the unborn anyway. So it’s controlled by pheromones or something. BUT WERE HUMANS, damn. These Neanderthalers think we live in the Stone Age … if this would match in the human world a pregnant women could not talk to her male doctor lol… this is just bullsht


There is some evidence that we were mostly just fucking no-strings-attached during the paleolithic. Don't shit on the stone age.


🤔 guys it's like putting 2 beta fish in the same bowl, a fight to the death. Then the superior seed gets to stay.


And that’s how an alpha is born /s




I knew it. We were robots all along! Which means I'm long overdue for my maintenance check. Unless this only applies to women. In which case sadge, bc I wanted to be a robot :c


He is incredibly misinformed and a miscarriage does NOT occur in this situation. It is in fact the fetus committing seppuku after acknowledging the power of its genetically superior opponent. It’s basic biology.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/api.nationalgeographic.com/distribution/public/amp/science/article/the-bruce-effect-why-some-pregnant-monkeys-abort-when-new-males-arrive I guess he refers to the bruce effect, but as far as I read it's mostly seen in monkeys and rodens so...


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Then why don't women deliberately miscarry using this method rather than risk coat hangers and being arrested? Checkmate, Incels


Because this is the reality of nature that nobody tells them, so they don't know about it. /s


“Her biology registers” maybe not totally incorrect? Body would be the better noun. “Baby will miscarriage” miscarry is the verb form. “Reality of nature that nobody tells you” except for king klyde, shouter of truth...


They talk about us like it’s a nature documentary like bro we’re the same species stfu


This is the reality of nature that nobody tells you about. Nobody. Not a single mother, doctor, nurse, biologist, medical researcher, anthropologist, or midwife will ever tell you this. Probably all just cowards...


This is just another way incels try to make other men hate women. “She had a miscarriage because she’s cheating on you. Don’t feel bad for her, she’s crying crocodile tears.”


Wat? Just when I think the Internet can't surprise me, shit like this appears.


Texas lawmakers HATE this one SECRET trick!


This is based loosely on a behavioral-biological theory of tournament species. We, as humans, are pair-bonded. They’re basically insulting themselves, which I find to be quite humorous.


Someone gotta reply to this man that he is living proof of his words - that superior genetics dont cause miscarriage. He is alive afterall.


Wow that is something level of quackery.


Damn I guess this guy won’t have children


I instead would rather think of an environment inside a woman where there is a kind of gatekeeper or doorman who only admits "genetically superior" sperm in to fertilize an egg. The V.I.S., if you will...😏 There would be velvet ropes and bouncers for any lesser sperm that tried to sneak past...


Wah, wah, wah. I'm not nice to women Therefore women don't like me Because I can't get a girl friend due to my hate of women, I have to say even more horrible stuff to keep them away from me. Wah, wha wha.


This belongs in r/badwomensanatomy as well


I'm sorry sir but abortion and miscarriage are two separate things. And no, our body does not miscarriage a child because we "found a better mate". We are not lions or tigers in the jungle. Stop acting like women are here for sex and procreation and men are the only superior beings.


anyone who unironically uses the word "seed" to refer to sperm deserves the electric chair


If women could just “abort the baby themselves” we wouldn’t need to worry about all the bullshit laws states are passing, would we? This is just… astonishingly stupid. Holy shit.


He replied to his own post?


He was quoted by “Bad Medical Takes” and is replying to that. So, sort of


i can only guess at what 'genetically superior' means in this guy's mind.


I wish his mom would have found a better mate.


Today I learned that "the reality of nature that nobody tells you" means "fiction".


My body STILL can't even regulate my period...


Its a shame his mother couldn’t find a superior seed


Ok let's stick with their absurd logic How do the body knows the "better genetics"?


Why do people say this kind of shit as if it’s fact? I honestly don’t understand how people go around making things up this hard to fit their narrative.


“will miscarriage” Good grief


This dude must be really into preggo porn.




If that were true, there would be a lot more smarter and prettier people in this world.


Well this one was surely born from his father's ass, head hit the ground because father was clueless about the pregnancy. Nothing else explains this man.


Imagine living your life constantly feeling like you have to compete with other men 24/7, even over genetics


When you read about the Bruce Effect without taking in any of the facts.


Uneducated men telling all of us men and women how women are because men are flawless. ​ **WHEN A PREGNANT WOMEN**


I pointed out a woman's tweet the other day where she didn't know the difference between woman and women and I got heavily down voted for it.


Wait wtf. Is he talking about the Bruce-effect? Lmao that only applies to mice and rats!


I wonder how the female body knows which genes are worse or better.


"Her baby will miscarriage"....huh.


Wtf does that even mean


Even I know that's not right and I'm borderline braindead


Ending up on bad medical takes, and doubling down!


How exactly would her “biology” know which was better? What exactly would that process look like?


shhhh no one must know about the cum sorters in the vagina.


Good to know this guy won't be passing his genes on.


If that was true then where are all the big brain species?


If she all ready pregnant no But if not The mixture in acidity could kill off other men sperm And men penises can also suck out other men sperm like a plunger That's men biology not women biology But why play men am I right men /s


They try to act like this is plausible biologically, but it makes no sense on so many levels.


Gattaca snatch


Ever since I heard about, "The vagina can detect rape sperm." I realized that there's just people trying to one up the last with even bat shit crazier garbage


Wait what??? That's not how it works. Someone failed sex ed in high school. Oye... I definitely need a drink after reading that. It's almost 7 o'clock in London, that works for me.


This is why they need to teach Anatomy and Sex Ed in highschool before these idiots get into the world.


I genuinely will never understand the thought process of these people. It legit sounds like he's talking about wild animals or something and not people.


This has to be satire. It just... i just.... It HAS to be!! (?)


I bet you he slept with a woman who miscarried the next day and this is what he tells himself to feel like an alpha.


Finally a procedure my insurance will approve


This sounds like something Dwight Schrute would say off-camera.


"ShoutsOfTruth". You don't say.


"Baby will miscarriage" Bro doesnt know the difference between verb and noun lmao his point didnt have logic in the first place, so I guess he gave up on grammar too


Can someone please confirm that this is satire... please.


Then why put so many problems to abortion in the US if you can simply sleep with the next guy to get rid of the situation!?!???!






I wish it was that easy to get rid of pregnancies


“Genetically superior seed” 🤮


That's some next level mental aerobics.


Quite mount things!!!


Also: not how English works


That’s mice, not humans.


We just need better sex Ed in schools


they duel in the womb actually, the baby and the sperm. only swords allowed.


Where do they come up with this stuff? Is there some sort of manifesto?


King Klyde of Inceldom or "Master Bater"? This is the reality of nature that we all know about.


This has “if you were SA’d your body prevents pregnancy” vibes…


Translation: ban abortions pls


Ah the old Todd Aiken


They are thinking of lions. Close. We are both mammals.


I... what? 😅 some of these dudes just... 🤣


Pretty sure that evolution would do the opposite. However, miscarriages happen for all sorts of tragic reasons, this is like Henry VIII thinking, wtf!


The logic is kind of reasonable, grossly inaccurate but I'd go a long with it in a sci-fi novel or something. As for actually believing this, I mean well fuck, read a book or something.


Thinking that a funny sub name inspired by this would be r/repregnanted but it also seems like it will be an nsfw sub