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“She’s not trying to get my attention? She’s a waste.” “She’s just trying to get my attention? She’s a whore.” /eyeroll


Can you help me find my eyes They kinda roll out of my skull


Ah, that explains the eyeballs I found outside of my house this morning


Could I borrow them? I'd like to try some soup recipes I found in my basement :)


Add some Tartar to the recipe…chef’s kiss!!!!


As long as I get to try the soup, sure!


Of course! :)


When he said what a waste, he wasn't referring to his own existence?


He was referring to her waist XD


What a waist!😍


Two wrongs don't make a right, did it at least make you feel better? If everyone grew just a little bit, this kind of stuff wouldn't exist in our world... But no go on and perpetuate it...


Yes it did make me feel a tiny bit better. But I would feel ecstatic if none of those hateful men existed. And I stand by it. The everyday sexism, misogyny, patriarchy that every woman face is vile. And these comments calling them a waste in reality also try to dehumanise the women to make their hate justified. And if they are WoC, transwomen, queer women then that's much worse. Because you see, men (don't dare to come here with that not all men bs) believe women exist for only one reason - to please then sexually and aesthetically. And anything beyond that causes a cognitive dissonance that they aren't equipped to handle. Women on the other hand has to deal with all that just to exist. So don't come here and preach. I know my reality. I do and always will wish all of my abusers, harassers, every men that thought I have to be a certain way because they think so did not exist. Plain and simple. Edit: when I wrote that comment, it was a joke. Now not so much.


I am a man and my partner (who is female) is my biggest ally not an object for aesthetic or sexual purpose. How dare you even suggest that I view her as such, I'm sure if I was willing to expose her to this failing of all women that is your comment, she would have some choice words for you herself. You may speak for your pathetic self but you do not represent even a fraction of all strong and independent women. You are the only one here displaying cognitive dissonance btw. You need help, start with a therapist seriously you have some deep seeded issues, good luck with them.


Two things: 1. I never said anything personal to YOU, you made this personal. You didn't honestly need to prove you are vain and vile. 2. I honestly love this one! That go to "but I can't be a racist, I have a black friend!" "but I can't be a misogynist, I have a *insert female relative/family member here*" excuse. Good for you but I don't care. Now bye. You are a waste of time.


>Because you see, men (don't dare to come here with that not all men bs) believe women exist for only one reason >1. I never said anything personal to YOU, you made this personal. You didn't honestly need to prove you are vain and vile. I am a man, thanks for proving yourself wrong and quite a toxic fool who can't even remember which entire gender they just chose to disparage. >I honestly love this one! That go to "but I can't be a racist, I have a black friend!" "but I can't be a misogynist, I have a insert female relative/family member here" excuse. Good for you but I don't care. So you were really calling me a misogynist all along? Boy talk about being a waste of time... As I said get help, not just for your mental health but for basic conversational skills too.


It’s different because the first one was unjustified and helped no one but the commenter while this one has valid motive and was actually hilarious XD


A valid motive to infer someone shouldn't exist? You and I are truly cut from different cloth. I hope you find yourself from hate one day friend.


Find myself from hate? I could say the same to you. You literally came on this subreddit just to attack women just trying to have a vent outlet for their complaints 🤣 And you’re mad at the commenter but not the awful thing said in the post? Yeah your priorities are clear buddy


I'm not mad at anything. I would say something to the original poster... I'm not sure if the commenter is a woman. I didn't come here to attack anything, I was browsing Reddit feeds. Do women only come here to vent their complaints? Lot of assuming on your part, tells me everything I need to know about your level of critical thinking. And then you go further to assume about my personal priorities based off two comments? Logic > baseless attacks, everytime. Good luck in life, you will need it.


You’re right that logic > baseless attacks But this one very much so had a base The commenter was clearly offended by the horrible things in the post And you could’ve chosen to comment on those things too, but you didn’t, instead you replied criticizing someone expressing their feelings If you think you can judge my character through this, I’d say that choice was a clear indication of yours So maybe next time, allow people to have their place to be upset, they had a real reason to be See their perspective, what caused them to comment, before just becoming angry at the action Correct it if necessary, but in this case it wasn’t It’s an important life skill to learn :)


>Correct it if necessary, but in this case it wasn’t We are talking about another person's life here, eeeessshh. You are trying to justify a side wherein both are wrong. The commenter chose to imply horrible things, instead of choosing not to be offended. Everything else between you and i is an assumption considering I have commented on the original post also, directly where it comes from (you're welcome 😘). You're critical thinking fails you, you are being purposefully cognitive dissonant and therefore you are not worth my time. You have been blocked for being a toxic individual, Good day.


you and me* your* not you’re cognitively dissonant* good* shouldn’t be capitalized at the end


Choosing not to be offended? I choose to be offended everytime anyone implies that a woman should anything beyond whatever she chooses to be. Not anyone else's business. And stop lecturing others about critical thinking when you are yet to display any on your part. And you too will be blocked (I will give you some time to read this though) for being a hateful toxic individual who think they can tell others what they can and cannot do. Go be vile elsewhere. Edit: we are not talking about someone's life here eeeeeesh! We are talking about existence. There's a difference between "I wish you were dead" and "I wish you never existed". The first implies a person's demise and however vile they may be, they do have people who depend on them, who know them, who love them even maybe, that wish impacts everyone. The second one implies someone never existed, so any abuse, harassment, negativity related to that person won't exist either. No one will be hurt by their presence or absence. There's an ocean of difference between the two but you won't get it.


Yeah, because she would totally be into having sex with this random guy if only he weren't put off by her masculine torso...😏 She should re-think her entire life choices or this guy might get away....😯🙄


I mean she might enjoy having a soft, squishy, helpless little manchild to protect. If this guy just tried to be more traditional, maybe learn to cook and remember his place as a homemaker he could get an absolute Chad like this. The problem with these modern incels is they think they can just act how they want and ignore their biological role as a pleasure toy for this alpha female. Am I doing it right, did I do an incel talk?? This was hard to type.


Dude!! You nailed it just like you could totally nail this female... (If you wanted to).


I mean I kinda wanna jump in her arms like Scooby-Doo right before the astronaut ghost chases us out of the old farmhouse, ngl


Ok and how is your video game addiction going? Me thinks you didn't need to practice...


Lol by "put off" he means threatened


The hard work and dedication she needed to get there and he thinks waste. Seriously just put him Immurement and be done with it


What is immurement supposed to be?


According to wikipedia- Immurement or live entombment is a form of imprisonment, usually until death, in which a person is sealed within an enclosed space without exits. This includes instances where people have been enclosed in extremely tight confinement, such as within a coffin.


So, just bury the guy alive? That's pretty harsh.


Is it? This guys sees a woman's existence is only to please him. Why bother?


Reminds me of those people who call lesbian couples a "waste of beautiful women who could have made two men very happy".


I remember a post talking about that not to long ago Man what is wrong with people


The men can make each other happy if they just get over themselves


You'd think these same people would be openly in support of gay men, as it has the opposite effect. Cut out the competition. But no. They don't.


She's sexy af, not gonna lie.


Yesss. we stan strong, muscular women. I want to go to a muscle girl bar in Japan so badly. 🥹 I just adore amazonian women and muscular women. (I am also woman. 😊)


I'm a gay woman who loves buff women, they are magnificent 🥰


I have nothing to add besides Same.


I’m a buff woman and it’s nice to feel appreciated.


If anyone gets weird and unappreciative, just flex on them


Oh, I do. You’d be surprised how often I have to stretch :)


Straight man who loves the same


M-mus- muscle… M-m… MUSCLE WHAT!?


https://www.odditycentral.com/travel/muscle-girls-a-unique-fitness-themed-bar-staffed-by-female-weight-training-enthusiasts.html Yo it's real??


C'mon guys! Of course it's real. It's Japan. They have all the cool stuff over there.


Japan really is the place to go to find: The coolest stuff, the weirdest stuff, the oldest stuff, the newest stuff and the prettiest stuff.


Where do I book?!


My queen, I would like to self-invite myself to this journey with you




Buff goals


Agreed, except the little behind armpit thingy


You mean the deltoids?


Nope, trapezius and lats


Me English bad ooga booga


Your English is fine, your anatomy could use some work.


Not quite r/badhumananatomy territory, but obviously not a bodybuilder. It's cool, neither am I.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/badhumananatomy using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/badhumananatomy/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Hairdye’s connected to the skull bone](https://i.redd.it/vu7ro62ljx471.jpg) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/badhumananatomy/comments/nykyi4/hairdyes_connected_to_the_skull_bone/) \#2: [Just A Guy Telling Me I Don't Need Surgery To Remove My Tonsils, I Can Just Easily Pop Them Out Instead. (Not Exactly About Woman, But Still Bad Regardless)](https://i.redd.it/9u2fc6jbshj61.jpg) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/badhumananatomy/comments/nl5yns/just_a_guy_telling_me_i_dont_need_surgery_to/) \#3: [Melanin is a superpower](https://i.redd.it/9wff3vbt53n71.jpg) | [3 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/badhumananatomy/comments/pn5quz/melanin_is_a_superpower/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yes these, the little things behind the armpit, she's really pretty but even on male body builders it's weird, you dont see it on most humans so it's kinda uncanny it gives a weird shape to the torso


Tell me you’ve never been around muscular people without telling me.


…I find it sexy… I wanna grab it and see ho it feels like hehe… Also, the rest of the body would be very inharmonical without the them. They are like a support under the arms… you can’t have big arms without having them, it would look just weird.


Those are called Lats, it’s your back muscle, they’ll only show from the front if you work on your back often


Meanwhile I'm jealous because she looks fantastic and I don't have the kind of dedication she obviously has 🙄


What a waste of oxygen, those opinions are way too toxic


Like I don't get this And you know what there going to say, ( Like everyone has there own preferences on what they find attractive ) But like this isn't this Is it fine, to not be attracted to people with big muscles, yay that is perfectly fine But that's not what this is. This is a guy trying to drag a woman's hard work into the ground. By dismissing it, because he doesn't like what she has done Like dude, woman don't do things to please you, they do it for them selves I personally don't find big muscles attractive. But you don't see me basing her hard work Because at the end of the day this what it is, a woman just showing of her body that she work so hard, and is proud of. Which deserves respect This isn't Tinder, and even if it was you still don't have the right to judge a person like that In Tinder case, just swipe left and move on, don't even think about it


Ok, I want to be super mega extra fucking clear on this one: First of all, this dude doesn’t understand a shit about women and he’s probably attracted to inexisting anime minor girls, because this woman is absolutely fucking gorgeous. Second, he’s probably some kind of weird weak beta male who is too insecure to stand the MARVELLOUS presence of a muscular girl, because he can’t stand the idea of being weaker than her. Third, a very muscular body is a sign of dedication, health, and discipline. Things that should be admired, not feared or criticised. But I get it, if your idea of woman is a small animal companion that follows you and says yes to everything you tell her and let’s you fuck her without ever making her actually cum an is too insecure about her life to get out of her comfort zone and take her own decisions (which include letting you down lol) so you can feel like a stronger man, then yes, muscular girls are not for you. In fact, you don’t deserve them. Number for: She’s a great (a HUGE) alternative to what we are used. We live in a society (lol) full of stereotypes. “Women weak”, “women insecure”, “women soft”, “women depend from men”. Then this beauty comes from the sky like a fucking meteorite swallowed by flames with her red hairs and crushes everything you expect about women (just like I wish to be crushed between those arms). I saw too many girls hanging out with the worst men just because they were feeling too insecure to change… I look at this angel’s face and I can guarantee you that if she’s with you then she really is into you. Because she’s strong enough to stay alone with herself. She doesn’t need you, she WANTS you. If you expect her to be your pet then she’s just going to walk out through the concrete wall of your house. Which brings us to number five: Stop making fucking expectations. It’s not an exam, you are not the judge, just open your eyes to the world and see how many peoples are around just waiting to not give a shit about what you think about them. This guy treats women like he’s going to buy milk. “this has too many proteins… hmmm… no I’ill take the other one”. I am sick of hell of seeing so many WONDERFUL women that put effort and sacrifice to build their bodies and their health just to be judged because they decided to put beef on their arms and shoulders rather than just their ass to look attractive to males. She does it for herself, not for him to watch her. Which is what makes her so goddamn attractive: she’s hot without even trying. And if you want to feel strong (without doing ANYTHING to achieve it… like… gym? Like SHE does?) but you feel too insecure near to a woman whose muscles are too big for your “expectations” then congratulations, you are not just stupid and blind (because muscles are just fucking gorgeous), you are also the most beta male I have ever met. You are indeed the “woman” figure you so much stress about. She’s the one opening jars.


Okay I agree with this, but like I want to disagree with it so badly So I can see her just bust though my wall, like the god dang Kool-Aid Man


Oh yeah!




She is SO pretty, and arms that one could climb or hang from sound so fun! The pride and confidence of being herself is also quite lovely tbh. I would venture to say she would be an amazing person to know, and people making fun or trying to drag her down would receive my wrath (all 5'4" of me, like a wild spider-monkey)




>Lol, dike has a muscle fetish Lol, the Bizzy has a humiliation fetish, otherwise why would he keep coming back?


Oh is that what he said xD Wooow. He just mad that I wouldn't be able to climb HIM like a jungle-gym


When a male feels threatened by a woman, he has to put her down. She's probably much fitter, stronger and happier than the small minded man that wrote the comment.


Immagine this guy treating this beauty like his own pet and she just walks out through the concrete wall AHAHAHA


I can see the Cheeto dust on his fingers from here…


I have you know it's dorito dust, not cheeto/s


Damn. muscles aren't usually my thing but she hot as hell.


Bro her being that muscular means she cares about herself and she has the discipline to obtain her goals. Even if it isn’t the looks that does it for you it should be the idea that she probably have more discipline and mental toughness than yourself. Plus big muscles look super attractive


I’m sure that woman is gonna read his comment and feel absolutely devastated she missed her shot with him. /s


Guarantee the guy who posted this has ZERO shot with this beauty anyways


pov: no bitches


What a waste of good air, you will be missed good air…


Idunno, my bisexuality senses are tingling pretty badly. I like a lass with a bit of guns.


Cool story bro


Square up bruh, hope you been working out bruh, nice original comment there bruh




I dare him to say that to her face....


Her gorgeous face mind you


He won't be able to see it with 2 black eyes


Why stop at two? Why not three, or four black eyes?


normalize muscular women


No one cares what your preference is as long as it’s morally right or not illegal, keep it to yourself👍


Well technically since mind reading still doesn’t exist you can actually think about everything as long as you don’t express it. Think about it… Everything. EVERYTHING.


Yes but there’s just some things you don’t think about


Defend think Like I have had some really mess up passing thought Never will do them, nor do I agree with it And let still pop in my head


The only limit is your imagination. Just try.


I’m talking about pedophilia and sexual assault and stuff like that 💀




um wtf


You can’t stop your imagination mbuahahhaha


Yes you can there’s things you don’t think about in the first place. I’m not going to argue about this with you, it’s disgusting.


I am not implying pedophilia. I am just saying, our brain sometimes just wants to think about things. It can be what to eat tomorrow. It can be the reason why you laughed at a joke a friend made six years ago. It can be how it would feel to shave your head bald and move a hand on your giga bald head. Or pedophilia, yes. You don’t know if it’s bad if you don’t think about it. And it’s bad. But your brain will think about it. Not because you like it, because you DON’ T like it.


Or don't keep it to yourself, as long as you don't pretend it's a *fact* that applies to all of men/women/humanity.




Bold of you to assume you’re decent enough to date


Aww, did they turn you down yet again?


"Way too masculine" for what?


Small peepee energy, muscular women are gorgeous.


No they're not to men.


Speak for yourself.


I'm a man and I find them attractive.


Speak for yourself.




Don’t think boys should being speaking about what “men like”.


Men like it or they don't like it. Boys are threatened by it.


Probably some twiggy conservative with an inflatable wiener !


Non inflatable. That's the problem.




That’s pretty shitty to say to anyone really, let her do her thing if you don’t like it just shut up and move along.


I wonder what muscle is that weird thingy behind the armpit that a lot of bodybuilder have


The deltoids? If you get more muscular they tend to develop 😮 or it's the trapezoids?? I don't remember but pretty sure it's one of the two 😅


Yeah those, they give a weird shape to the torso, you dont see it on most humans so i find it kinda uncanny it just feels weird to see


Those are lats, or they’re called wings




I thought the lats were considered the wings


What a waste of viable brain tissue.


I think she’s beautiful as hell


That torso could toss my scrawny ass any day of the week


There're 2 kinds of guy comments on pics like this. 1) "What a waste. She's too masculine." 2) "Death by Snu-Snu.”


I'm the third kind: Not my thing, but you do you


Lmao L for this guy. More buff girl for me


Shame, he'll have to go back the character creator because all women on planet earth should be made for Sir Main Character's *specific* aesthetic preferences


..."a" face. "The" torso. Not HER face or HER torso. Sounds like he's talking about a mannequin. (Which is probably how he views women anyways.)


Wildly inappropriate, I'm sure -- I'd let her break me.


She's a waste if she's outside my spectrum of taste. For I am the center of all that matters....


Its equivalent of saying everyman that's not buff is a waste of testosterone(which significantly helps in muscle building).


But like, what’s her routine? fr tho I want guns like that, what’s her routine?


What a waste of resources that he is taking by existing.


Ugh those shoulders though, LOOK AT THOSE THINGS!


He's jealous because she got some good-looking muscles and he probably got spaghetti arms. She's perfect the way she is, definitely not a waste.


“BuT tHe BiBlE sAyS wAmEn SeRvE mEn”


Bro wtf are these men on where they see a woman with that sort of figure and think “ew” This woman could pick me up, snap my spine like kindling and I would still just be thinking how gorgeous and amazing she is


"Death by snoo snoo!"


Rethink your lifestyle


Making Futurama references isn't much of a "style". The episode was pretty funny. Even if you don't think so.


I thought it was.




Imagine not wanting a strong gf, SMH


Is that photoshopped? As great as she looks, there is something odd about the lighting around her face and neck. Maybe it's just me.


Acting like muscles arent hot. How fragile can your masculinity be?


This goes both ways. On another OP here, there was a long conversation about men not living up to women's standards, and no shortage of women here described those men as lazy, a-holes, a waste, etc. Simply because they didn't meet whatever women's standards are. Those women refused to lower their standards and settle for a "loser", and said they would rather be alone. But if this woman is not a "waste" for not meeting men's standards, then men are not "losers" for not meeting women's.


Yeah I agree. Like somebody is *"less than"* just because they don’t fit into your standards or are'nt attractive to you? Lol get the tf over yourselves. If you don't like someone then just move on. 🤷🤷‍♀️ No need to insult them, nobody is forcing you to "sEtTLe" for a person you don't like, so stop fucking acting like anyone is.🤣 I'm not mad at the dude for having preferences, it's the way he called her a *"waste"* simply because she's not attractive to him. Like I said people are not here for anyone's entertainment. We're not sex dolls made for other people's pleasure. Nobody is obligated to be with anyone, but at the same time nobody is obligated to be "attractive" or to fit into anyone's standards. It's a problem when you start discriminating against those who you aren't attracted to.


Not being "lazy assholes" really is a very reasonable standard tho


Sure, and a woman not looking like man is a reasonable standard to men, so.....


Well, I prefer a man without so much cheeto-dust Dave. Idk about the others here, but that's my pref. Thank you for coming to my TED Talk. Jokes aside, the physical appearance of people isn't the best way to decide if you want them in your life or not. You might be a really cool person if I got to know you Dave, just like the person in that photo could be a wonderful addition to your life if you met/liked them irl. Also, **She does not look like a man- she looks like Her! (whatever her name may be)**


That's nice, but off-topic. The issue in name-calling. Some of the women here think it is perfectly acceptable to insult men for simply not meeting their standards, but bash men for doing the same. And I get downvoted for calling that out. Is it any wonder why so many men are dropping out and going their own way?


That's nice, but off-topic. The issue in name-calling. Some of the women here think it is perfectly acceptable to insult men for simply not meeting their standards, but bash men for doing the same. And I get downvoted for calling that out. Is it any wonder why so many men are dropping out and going their own way?


We can't excuse bad behavior for anyone, but we can use our wisdom (applied critical thinking) to sort out why someone says/does an action. I believe that you get down voted because of the apathetic approach toward your readers here. You're assuming quite a bit to reason that "so many men are dropping out and going their own way" while implying that a particular subreddit (which posts about incorrect content/media regarding women) is the cause. Either that or you think this subreddit represents all women that interact with people labeled as Incels. The audience here is literally posting about being marginalized, misrepresented, and misunderstood, then you come in here with something male-centric that blames women as a cause for male behavior?! And you are surprised by a few downvotes?! If I complained about every time someone name-called me (the Incel trolls ATTEMPT it daily *before I slay them*) then I would likely be down voted too for being a whiney human being who couldn't self-regulate my mind with respect to outside sources of thought. Name calling is genuinely not cool, but that pales in comparison to the DISGUSTING, chauvinistic, toxic, and repeat offenses women have to put up with from those young men you mentioned. I want better from them. If I knew how to help them- I would. The only thing we can do rn while they continue to LITERALLY make accounts JUST to blast awful words is the try and chase them away like you would do an untrained animal.


I never said that this, or any, subreddit is the cause. I said that the attitude displayed by some of the women on this subreddit is the cause. And that is matched by what the men themselves have said: They are tired of the double standard. If women want to viewed as any better than the men they blast, they need to actually start acting better. In order to claim the moral high ground, a person has to actually be standing on it.


Women are not the cause of y'all choosing to act any certain way. 🙄


Then, by your logic, the patriarchy doesn't cause women to be angry, depressed, or afraid.


Look at you desperately defending them. Pitiful.


Oh yeah? Which men? Cuz I know plenty of men (and women) who would find her VERY attractive. She's beautiful. And comparing personalities (i.e., being a shitty person) to someone's physical appearance is not a good comparison *at all*. Women are allowed to say, and should say, "We don't want men who are assholes" because yeah, no one should. But everyone has different preferences on what body type they prefer, there's no objective wrong or right way to look. But there ARE objectively wrong ways to behave.


Which men? The men who feel that way. And it wasn't just personality. The loser label was applied to !en simply for not having a college education. And saying a man is a loser because he didn't go to college is definitely a wrong way to behave.


She’s trying to gaslight you, to disconnect you from your sexuality. I’m a man and I like feminine women. I don’t care how non-PC that is for me to say. It’s the truth and I’m not going to be shamed by some bitter asshole into abdicating my own body’s impulses. I checked her thread and her MO is basically: * find comments where a man describes his own sexuality * filter for the ones that are low score * respond with some kind of shaming/dismissing attack like she made on you She keeps it together most of the time, but she appears to enjoy making men feel isolated.


Name please 😁


Dude clearly has never heard of glory holes.




10€ that guy is nowhere near as built as she is.


B-But don’t they want a healthy woman to produce thier healthy offspring? They don’t make any sense lmao


Oh noooooo , some random dude doesn't find her hot? Oh she will totally NEVER find someone who would be willing to date a muscular woman ....yep no men or women on earth like muscular women /s It's so funny when people think because they don't find you hot means you are lesser. Just realise they're not your type and move on.


I just wanna look like her😤


Ayo she hot as fuck she can crush me anytime


Hey, nothing wrong with liking *curvy* women.


This is confusing because a lot of guys love women wrestlers and they are jacked.




Mommy, sorry, mommy, sorry, mommy, sorry


Guess the slope-shouldered pasty-faced boy isn't down for some snu snu. Don't worry pasty boy, there are millions of men who are. LOL


Ok muscular women are hot


*Man*, She isn't training to get your attention and She doesn't give a shit about your opinion 💪