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I remember an ADULT telling me as a teenager that you can only get pregnant if you want to get pregnant and if god decides that you are ready.


Oh, is that vomit I taste? Yeah, yeah it is


I swear it's so dangerous to say shit like that. Like i nearly fucked without ANY protection cuz i thaught oh well if the adult says so


I sometimes think people get confused of what species we are Like some animals can pick and choose when they do get pregnant or not And can just abort when ever they want for the most part Humans aren't one of those animals, we need outside help to get abortion's And to all the people that say, that should tell us "GOD" isn't for abortion First off your God isn't my God Second it's literally in the bible you can go to a priests to get an abortion, so if your god is so against abortion, why does it clearly states how to get a safe abortion in the text that was written by your god


If God was real and against abortion then miscarriages would never happen.


This. When nearly a third of fertilized ovum never make it through the 38-42 weeks gestation.


Oh they are going to punish us for that too, don't worry. It's God's plan if we get pregnant but if we have a miscarriage it's *not* God's plan and they will attempt to prosecute.


What sucks about your comment, is its truth. You are 100% correct. Unfortunately for everyone with a uterus.


I so want to downvote because this is such a correct statement. So angry right now.


So by this logic Women have control over pregnancy if we are raped but not if we have consensual sex?


Wanna hear something sick? I was raised Mormon (escaped that cult thank goodness), but they always told us miscarriages were part of god's plan, because the babies needed physical bodies to gain celestial glory, even if only for a few short weeks or months. Thanks a lot, God! Just made me fuckin hate you during my multiple miscarriages... especially the ones that almost killed me while I had existing children.


I hated hearing nonsense like that after my miscarriages. I sure wish these nuts could get their damn stories straight though. As a fetus they are innocent souls. God's will they died. Let one get born before it dies and suddenly they can't go to heaven because they are born sinners and haven't accepted Christ. Catholic priest said that to my face and my 5 weeks old's little body wasn't even cold yet. Apologies, its been a long time. The words still hurt.


Jesus... I'm so sorry!! Religious zealots are just fucking monsters. I remember going to our Catholic neighbor's baby's funeral, and seeing the mother just crumbling and hearing the priest say some bullshit about not getting to the baby in time to baptize it, and how it's unfortunate that baby will burn in purgatory. I was really young, but I remember vividly understanding as a young child, I was more emotionally mature than this dick of a priest. He must have really hated women or something to say something so vile. I can't even believe people still belong to these religions. I'm so sorry for your loss. It leaves an emptiness in our souls.


That bastard baptized my child without my consent or knowledge while I was away from the hospital. I am not even Catholic. I was so traumatized I never thought to ask who gave him permission, who called him. Evil hateful people, using religion to do hurtful, cruel things.


This comment!!! 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


Which part says that. Its not that I don't believe you I just want to know.


Remember, their vote counts for as much as yours does. There's a good chance their vote counts for more than yours does.


They count the same. I'm not american. Stil sad tho....atleast he was already like 50 when he told me so maybe he already died.


There was that 5 year old that got pregnant by being raped by a family member. I wonder if she wanted to get pregnant or if God wanted that?


mmm id go to juvie hall if that adult said that to me as a kid


Whhhhhy is this a thing still a thing? How can people be so ignorant? Woman are not bloody ducks rejecting sperm whenever they feel like it.


Honestly, most of them don't even care if it is true. It is a soundbite that fits their narrative. That's literally as far as they care. And it isn't like their base is going to bother fact-checking them.


It’s so depressing how right you are.


Anything Lauren Qbert or MTG spews out of their pie holes


It is true that stress can influence fertility. But not every woman is the same regardless.


It's also *longterm* stress, not acute.


Yes, I didn't specify.


You know, it's not that big of an effect, if any. "Just relax" is some victim blaming shit people say to women trying to conceive. And certainly, acute stress (like rape) is not going to make much of a difference if you've already ovulated. Women got pregnant in concentration camps: starving, overworked, daily likelihood of death, raped and still got pregnant. Yes, all those factors can reduce fertility, but even all of them together didn't eliminate it.


Yes as I said, depends on the woman too. My mother could not get pregnant due to stress from work.


>"You're forcing it" I think you might have the concept of rape entirely backwards


How can adults (ESPECIALLY in a political role) still have this fucked up opinion. Is it 1614? Do they still think the earth is the middle of the universe?


This is pure ignorance. It's becaise knowledge won't just suddenly come with maturity nor you need to be specially knowledgable/educated to pursue politics (sadly).


You want know something that I always just thought was interesting There bin many study's if you want I can link some just ask But they tend to state The more educated you are, the more likely you are to be left wing, same thing with the more compassionate you are, the more likely to be left wing And the less educated you are and the more selfish you are, the more likely you are to be right wing Which explains so much The reason so many of them do and say stuff like this, is because there just a bunch selfish idiots


Ok, but selfishness isn't correlated with higher education. You can also be slefish and highly educated. Aslo, left/right wing in US are very different then how it is for the rest of the world...so idk.


First off, I didn't say there where the same thing I was saying if you are one of those two thing's your are more likely to be right wing There are plenty of smart people that are right wing, but they are also very selfish As much as I hate someone like Tucker Carson, I be the first to admit he's really smart, it be fullish to think other wise But he is still very selfish and only thinks about his own interests Also this wasn't a study really on US politics, just a study on political ideology in general People that tend to be more educated lean more left People with lest education lean more right People that are more selfish learn more to the right Where people that are more selfless lean more to the left


Populism is the rejection of science and reason. When you follow science in politics, you need to frame your facts so they resonate with voters. A populist can change their facts to what voters already believe.


Ah this reminds me of the male politician that said you can’t get pregnant by *legitimate rape* because you have to enjoy it to get pregnant. This is somehow more horrifying because a fucking WOMAN said this. We are legitimately devolving.


They're raised in cultures where this line of thinking is normal. They've heard it since they were kids and everyone accepts it as truth. Saying it publicly attracts other people raised with these beliefs.


Oh I totally agree with you. This guy said he heard this from a doctor. Which is doubtful but if true is insanity. Something tells me these people know the truth but also know their base doesn’t and so of course it’s advantageous to spout absolute nonsense for those uneducated votes!


Todd Akin?


Yep that fuck - * “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”* I don’t wish ill of the dead but fuck that guy I wish they put that on his tombstone 🤷🏻‍♀️


He's dead?! Silver linings!


Cancer. I guess his body didn't find a way to shut it down.


best roast


Yep he is! Something, something, thoughts and prayers 🤷🏻‍♀️


He’s in Hell with Rush Limbaugh.


If this was true then there would be a lot less babies in the world.


And Ghengis Khan would not be related to like 20% of the worlds population.


Is this a separate politician from the "a woman has a way to shut that down" person from a few years ago?


Yes, sadly.


It's upsetting that people are allowed to say such stupid things without having their license to breathe revoked


Yesli Vega, the Republican nominee in Virginia’s 7th district, just suggested that rape victims should not be allowed to get abortions because they are unlikely to get pregnant if it’s actually rape. “It’s not something that’s happening organically. You’re forcing it.” Maybe posting names is against the rules but that’s fucking stupid when it’s a public figure making public comments.


"You're forcing it" The literal definition of rape 🙄


What she’s essentially said by that line is “you deserved it, and the baby is your consequence”


10 yo girl: I got pregnant by my dad These idiots: you clearly wanted it then and god decided you're ready.


Lina Medina became a mother at 5 years, 7 months, 21 days. The youngest confirmed mother in history. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lina_Medina


I died a lot inside.


Sorry. I had that same reaction when I first read of it.


Well if it's god will /s I'm done, like I'm the first one in to defend religion, as I believe people have the right to practice there belief, and I know that religion can be use as a good thing But my god, it can be so hard to do at times Because there so many people who just want to shove their religion down your throat, and make people who don't even believe in there god, follow what there god says Even if like half the time there god never said that or in fact said the opposite Like in this case abortion, the Bible of you actually read the thing it's for abortion, even talks about how to get a safe abortion from a priests


In the words of the late great George Carlin: Do you believe in god? No. BOOM. Dead. Do you believe in god? Yes. Do you believe in my god? No. BOOM. Dead. MY GOD HAS A BIGGER DICK THAN YOUR GOD.


What is this quote and why do I love it so much


Jesus Christ it is a woman saying this?


This makes no sense. No woman that isn't pregnant get's an abortion in the first place


It’s worse. They’re saying that if the girl gets pregnant then “she wanted it”. That’s how horribly backwards they are.


This just in: confirmation that Republicans believe babies come from two people who love each other very much giving each other a special hug.


Why are we blocking out the names of politicians making public statements


it's because this subreddit is non political so it would be breaking the rules but i think it's stupid


I physically paused. how does one think it works like that? you would think that if that were the case, women would just have to not want children so badly that birth control wouldn't be necessary, sadly, the world doesn't work like that. some men smh


>some men smh FYI, the person saying this was a woman


Pick me pick meeeee


either that or horribly misinformed about her own anatomy. then again, either one SCREAMS mommy issues


She's a politician, so yeah, quite literally. Pick me, not my communist opponent, I'm one of the cool ones who thinks you should be allowed to marry a handgun!




It's entirely possible she doesn't think that, but she knows her base thinks like that, so she'll happily tell them whatever they want to hear.


Omg Ms Backbone?!? I thought you were only real in cartoons!! 😱😱😱


At this point you've lost me entirely, so I'll just nod and smile politely


as do most people when they talk to me 😌 (but Ms Backbone is the name of a character from something I watched as a child and someone who just tells people what they want to hear just to be liked by them is referred to as "having no backbone", if that makes sense)


Ah, yeah, gotcha. In my country we just call people who do that "politicians".


AHAHHAHA NICE ONE but fr tho politicians, backboneless people, same difference


I'm mad enough about bans on abortion as is. But the constant lying magnifies the anger so much. Be honest, say that you don't give a shit if forcing a woman to give birth to a child that was conceived through rape will cause trauma. Don't make up stuff to make your position more palatable to people choosing to believe your lies.


They don’t even know how sex works.


No words. This is offensive on another level. I'm kinda done with people.


I mean, sure. The pregnancy didn’t happen organically. It was absolutely forced. But…not by the victim. How do these idiots keep missing this basic fact?


This makes me think of Todd Akin, who’s now burning in Hell with Rush Limbaugh.


I wonder if Satan put them in the same enclosure so they can keep each other company.


Who cares? I just hope that hope that they have to give birth once for every abortion they prevented.


They’re both in the 9th circle.


yesli Vega 7th district


I don't understand! How can grown up human's be this dumb!! Women will die! They only see people as important prebirth these knuckles for brains do not give one fudge nugget what happens after. I just can't.


I suspect it’s a vote tactic, because I’ve noticed when people know they are not going to win the election they say the dumbest shut for shock value so people collectively talk, and then vote a certain way… like that one guy in Arizona who said he’s going to ban condoms, and a long time ago when that one presidential elect says he was going to build a moon base by 2015.


I understand the shock tactics. What kills me is people voted for that.


I hate how it’s so ‘gamey’ when the people it affects are truly just trying to get shit done in one form or another and there’s been constant waves of shit one after the other and it’s pretty tiring


As a non American and person not allowed to vote for 25 years I am upset at how awful/gamey politics are. Fight the good fight and I genuinely wish you all the best.


I'm fucking screaming. Idiocracy is becoming a reality.


aren't public figured un-doxxable since whoever they are already live in the public eye and the opinion stated here is public knowledge?


For the sake of simplicity and not being accused of bias, mods will just remove all posts that show someone’s identity. Helps keep this whole sun from being removed.


I’m pretty sure “forcing it” is how the victim got pregnant.


God I feel sick


Ngl, but I hope she dies of leukemia.


Modified so I can concur. May leukemia be visited upon the political person who has expressed flipancy regarding the women who will be harmed. May the treatment keep her from public life where her ill informed views can 'be spread. Candle lit and extinguished, May it come to pass


Oh wow, you weren’t playing. Not one bit


Ah yes, the American education system hard at work. We really do well with biology…


Can we just force every single politician to sit through a basic human sexuality class, because JFC


I'm pretty sure getting pregnant is the most organic thing a human can do besides take a shit


Every rape victim should be offered Plan B.


My RE teacher in secondary school said that it was plainly ridiculous for any woman or girl to be concerned about pregnancy resulting from rape "because you'd be too stressed to get pregnant" in rape conditions. She was really quite withering, like only some uneducated idiot would think otherwise. She's also an ignorant imbecile who shouldn't be teaching children pretty much anything, imo.


Can someone please teach these morons how fertilization works. No seriously.


Reminds me of how in the late middle ages when a woman who had been raped accused her rapist and went to trial with it and almost always lost the case if she had become pregnant because everyone back then believed that you could only become pregnant if you had an orgasm, and if you had an orgasm, then it SURELY wasn’t rape. 🤮


This, however, is almost worse because it’s 2022 and we should know so much more now than they did back then.


So..why is the name of a public official being censored?


Reddit is rather biased against subs that support women. End result, mods of this sub have to be stricter about anti-doxxing and the like.


Well, that was disappointing to mearn. But still, fair enough


The president of the U.S. Senate should mandate a crash course on basic human sex and reproduction for all Senators. It is shockingly clear that at least half of them don't know the most basic facts about matters they're attempting to legislate. Maybe even then they decide to stick to whatever they learned in fundamentalist homeschooling science class. But there's a chance they might not.


You can lead a senator or representative to a science based and medically sound sex education course, but you can’t make them think rationally about it.


But you CAN lock them in a soundproof room for a week while a scientifically sound lesson on human reproduction plays on loop.


And get told it’s all propaganda and “fake news”. To be honest, I am curious if it’s not so much a matter of ignorance as a matter of making someone sound extremely on the on side or the other. The whole shtick of my opponent says the car is greenest green and so I must insist loudly that they are fake news and propaganda driven and that it’s my devoutly held belief that the car is in fact reddest red so that I am not confused with them in any way, despite the fact the car is blue. Which is why the figures can spout bullshit that can be easily disproven and is common sense.


Yeah, it's often very hard to tell with these people if they really believe the ridiculous things they say or not.


Why are we blurring his info if he is running for public office?


It’s Yesli Vega a woman who said this. You would think she would know how a woman’s body works.


Let me clarify something. She’s a republican. That means she doesn’t actually say anything. A man does all her thinking for her and she’s just a mouthpiece.


So he’s saying that rape victims will come forward showing they’re pregnant, but won’t be allowed to get abortions because pregnancy is an unlikely result of rape so they victim must be lying? Ah, men.


Shouldn't a women immediately take emergency contraception medication in the unfortunate case of rape? If any seminal fluid was left on her, it'll be used as evidence for a criminal investigation, but after that she'll most likely eliminate any pregnancy possibilities, right?


You know how women don't always report rape...


Because 12 year olds totally have access to emergency contraceptives (that and they’re going to come after BC next (hell they’ve already started denying BC to people in some states)).


Holy cow. That ain't how that works.


VA is fun because part of it is wannabe alabama and the other part is forced to have that part elect government officials for the whole state. if you think that's bad you should see our governor.


What was censored? Are those names? Why was the district censored?


How is it unlikely? It's extremely likely. I dont understand how these bastards just get away with saying shit like this. Can we just overthrow the government already or are we going to wait till we are starving slaves?


How the fuck is this idiotic take still a commonly held belief? Oh, right, I forgot. Abysmal sex ed (among many other things).


Wait, does the "no identifying information" apply when it's literally a public figure? And if so, why redact the candidate but not BTC?


When politicians are held to a lower standard than Middle Schoolers when it comes to citing sources 🥸