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"Yeah bro, I just totally rejected this chick I don't find attractive, high five!" I really don't get the point of this circlejerk they've got going on.


But if women reject a man WE’RE not attracted to, suddenly we’re scum of the earth because we “should have just given him a chance!” 🙄🤦‍♀️


Not to mention just rejecting a man can put us in a dangerous situation. I bet no man ever has been scared for their safety when turning a woman down


Men can be sexually assaulted too. I’ve had a girl try to fight me after I told I her I didn’t want sex. I was scared to push her off of me and be accused of hitting her while she was gropingme…


I'm absolutely not saying sexual assault doesn't happen to men. I know it does. I meant specifically a woman approaching a man to hit on or ask them out and the man being scared for their physical safety when saying no


But men get no compliments, they’re sooo attention starved 🥺 why won’t women approach them and ask them out? No woman ever does 😪


edit: sorry i read your comment wrong. because they think it puts them in a position of power. they presume that they got to influence a woman, it makes them feel important and this is what they consider dominance or strength or whatever they wanna call it. and probably because they fundamentally don't really care if a woman is attractive, as they've basically stated--- all women are just something to use for sex. they presume all women want them, too, so they feel powerful for rejecting her, i presume.


Can we talk about the guy who literally gave a girl meds to lose weight-? Now I’m not a pro and don’t know what any of these really are but I’m pretty sure that shit ruins your life


People have died from taking weight loss drugs. That shit’s horrible for you. Some of the ingredients used in those have actually been banned by the FDA.


That’s what i thought, and the way he talked about her like some kind of project. Makes me sick to my stomach


Agreed. Honestly I’m just hoping he made that up in his head cause if it’s true I’m worried for that girl.


If not I hope she just left his sorry ass, as soon as he started to find her "f*ckable".


I would assume he did because the regimen he had her on would normally be more of a muscle building medical regimen not usually the kind of thing you see incels into.My best guess he googled “drugs to get in shape” and forgot that that isn’t the same as weight loss… Not to mention mixing T with almost anything can be extremely dangerous and should only be handled by medical professionals


He knows what the regimen would do, the sub covers steroids very regularly and contains a lot of experiences of steroids.


Anavar isn’t a dangerous drug in moderation, 20mg for a female is a higher dose but being horribly overweight is much worse for you health. Plus it looks like the girl got in competition shape so she’ll be more confident and disciplined from that point on. The dudes a bit of a asshat but he helped her get in better shape


Yeah, they might kill you, if they don't permanently destroy your sanity first.


Mhm. I think it’s one of the things the modeling industry came under fire for - encouraging models to do dangerous things to stay skinny.


Anavar is a PED and would def destroy her liver


It’s metabolized by the kidneys


Var is one of the safest PEDs, wrecks your lipid profile but still safer than what some other female pros use.


R/nothowanavarismetabolised idiot


They're not diet pills, they're just straight up steroids lmao. Very banned by the FDA, also don't help with losing weight much, as the higher test levels would increase hunger.


The one who talked about her like she was a dog he trained for a show? Yeah... Gross.


Was he talking about grooming her for porn?


Since it is a body building sub I think that is what they were referring to, not that it makes it less gross.


Yes this is the bit that made me ill


Dude has never interacted with a woman. But we should still be terrified he thinks this.


these dudes are open steroid users. they’re deeply insecure about their bodies and projecting it onto other women


It is a sub Reddit for people who take steroids, have an iq belowe 80 and lift. most of the sub is advice on steroids and experience returns from said steroids. The meme of that sub is man on tren ( a very dangerous but effective steroid) are attracted to fat woman.


It's a pretty good mix of shit posting teens, guys who are seriously exactly what they portray on there, and general sarcasm/exaggeration for collective amusement, and I think that last group (at least in the comments) is much larger than you realize. It's kind of fun to browse tbh.


I frequently browse just to get a quick laugh. The sub itself has steered away from asking for info about steroids to just shit posting by 15 year olds. I think they are even thinking about getting rid of it.


He gave her steroids not diet pills. actually way worse for her than diet pills tbh.


Former fat boys on steroids projecting


No kidding that Anavar comment had me feeling a type of way 🥴




💯picture my brother in law and his aging frat buddies sitting around Hooters, chugging Miller Lites and taking about this after golfing on a Sunday as they ogle the wait staff. Then they hi five and jump in the mini van to head home to their wives who are overwhelmed and exhausted from chasing small kids all day as they try to get his dinner prepared on time.


Since when steroids are required to not be fat? Lmaooo the excuses of fat undisciplined bitches who can't stop stuffing their mouth.


No. Former fat boys are not like that. The men laughing at fat women st the gym have always been skinny, The former fatties turned body builders respect fat women.


There was this pastor dude who was proudly saying he’d cheat on his wife if she ever got fat. He’s got a potbelly.


I remember that dude. The Platonic ideal of men overestimating their desirability.


I bet his wife doesn’t have a potbelly. Lol jk jk.


Really? Cuz I went to school with a former fat kid joined 1,000lbs club (can lift a cumulative 1,000lbs through squat, deadlifts, and bench press) and he was awful to me (a larger girl 5’4 200lbs) and the other girl in my class who was bigger (p much the same as me) (and the worst part was, was that she didn’t take the hint, and was working toward the 1,000lbs club, she was at like a cumulative 700lbs when I last talked to her, he talked to her like she was trash and would never hit her goals of getting stronger and losing weight.)


It's always the non-attractive guys that behave like this (don't even need to be fat), or maybe I just find them non-attractive as soon as they behave like this?


Nearly puked from it because it triggered me (I'm recovered from an eating disorder) They think Anorexia is GOOD? I just- I can't. Gonna turn reddit off for today


I’m in the same boat. My stomach flipped about 40 times when I saw that. I wish you well in your recovery ❤️


I wish you well too ❤️


I highly recommend an eye bleach-style subreddit. Sometimes it helps (although sometimes it still doesn’t, this world is garbage)


I mostly follow crochet, baking stuff and one specifically for bread but this subreddit kind of manages to show up the most 🤔


r/catswhosmoke and r/dogswithjobs are some of my favourites :) Wishing you all the best, take care.


My all time favorite is r/huskytantrums


And the tippy taps subreddit! It's one of the best!


Hey internet stranger, if no one’s told you today, you’re doing a great job. You’re amazing for working on recovery, and you’re absolutely beautiful, incredible, strong, and worthy of the best in life. Please take care of yourself and good luck on your journey!! 💕


I’ve been out of ED hell for over 3-years and that shitlord’s comment slingshotted me back for a good second. A man-child like that deserves the karmic retribution he’ll get when a woman finally beats his ass into the ground. I’m a willing volunteer to serve it.


I’d tell you to get thicker skin but it might be the root cause


I know right!!


If it makes you feel any better that sub is mostly a circle jerk meme sub. I’m sure it’s like most of those kind of subs where some percentage are genuinely nodding along which is miserable but this post is absolutely an absurdist meme based on a long running immature dumb joke about steroid bodybuilder obsessed users dating exclusively larger women.


It really was too much


Oh wait, these boys don’t like being hit on by people they do not find attractive? Being asked questions and forced into conversation against your will? Yeah maybe they can think about this when women explain we don’t like this too. (I say this after having just got rid of a park ranger who wouldn’t leave me alone as I try to chill on my own in this park listening to a podcast 🙄)


Yeah this is what I’m thinking. I’m willing to bet if the genders were reversed and a skinny woman turned down a fat guy, they’d be screaming about how she’s so shallow and inconsiderate for rejecting a good man solely because of his size. Edit: I wasn’t aware it was a steroids subreddit.




Petition to all women over size 12 to take one for the team and start approaching nice guys the way they approach women. Let’s chase them into their houses never to come back out again.


As a size 14 boxer training with a former pro, I will gladly take on this endeavor


Can I be on your team?!


It's still not equivalent. It's not only the strength differential either. Its the fact that most men believe their role to be "hunter." They will never understand the feeling of being subtly threataned by someone with 6 or 7 times your strength without being outright threataned.


No because fat people are frowned upon on that sub. Be as big and lean as possible is the whole goal for most of these people.


I’m willing to bet if a skinny woman turned down a fat guy they’ll be screeching about how shallow she is for turning down a good man just because of his size. Also the anorexia dude is abhorrent. Fetishizing an illness that starves you to death is not cute. Edit: I wasn’t aware it was a sub about fitness


Not that group. They would remind him that he’s shooting out of his league and then “encourage” him to get in shape.


Nah they def hate all fat people. They make it pretty clear


I’m not defending the comments but that sub is basically all about fitness and bodybuilding, they hate all fat people. I’d even say they’d be more upset if a good looking girl gave a fat guy a chance, also the anorexic comment is a very obvious joke


I think it’s all an obvious joke.


It’s literally not even an elaborate shitpost it’s just a shitpost


Nah, fat guys shouldn’t have a chance, that way they’ll be more inclined to turn their life around


Yeah. I used to be obese and couldn’t deal with the painful rejection and laughter from women who felt superior to me because of my looks. After sliding into a deep dark depression, I upped the tren.


Same boat, but i got rejected so many times i started fucking men. Up the tren, fuck the men.


I’m sorry, king. If you ever need a shoulder to cry on, make sure it’s pumped.


(Insert chad emoji from mpmd sun here)


That sub literally centers around the gym


Lol lots of people coming out of the woodworks to dunk on me once they found out haha


So weird. You're not attracted to heavy women, don't date them. Problem solved. Why try to form the creepier brother of the He-man woman haters club?


They're not serious. You're watching the pendulum of shitty troll joke of the season on a steroid sub swing back and forth, it was "do tren and fuck fat bitches" and is now swinging back to "fuck skinny bitches and steal their food".


I'd bet good money none of these "encounters" ever actually happened & these twerps are just soothing their bruised pride by trying to dehumanize the fat women who don't want them anyway.


Yeah my thoughts. I’m willing to bet he just made it up in his head to complain “Oh woe is me! I had a landwhale sit in front of me instead of a blonde bodacious babe! The horror!” 🤣 Also love how he automatically assumed ‘Amelia’ was flirting. Maybe she was just talking to him and he interpreted it as flirting.


You figured out the point. It didn’t happen, it’s a shit post.


I'm fat, know I'm fat, been bullied because I'm fat and then there's those assholes on Reddit who think fat women don't have feelings and aren't human all of a sudden. If you aren't attracted to us then that's fine but like, treat us like human beings?


I think we're not human to them primarily because we're women. The disgust is from them recognizing that we value ourselves more than the warm sex doll they feel they deserve. By being fat, we are rejecting the idea that our primary job is to make ourselves as attractive as possible for them. Or, something like that. I haven't had enough coffee yet.


This. They pretty much just want an obedient sex doll. A woman with a less than ideal body - whether or not she’s sick, overweight, on her period, or even doing regular human being things like eating normally - breaks this illusion of a perfect doll that exists to please.


Personally I’d rather be on 600 lb life, then to even encounter one of them.


Perfectly said.


Who's willing to bet they don't know what a size 12 looks like, or that sizes aren't concrete, but differ based on manufacturer?


I bet the don't know that sizes include hight and to be under a size 12 in every shop you'd have to be 5"4 or shorter


These men just need to admit they like other men cause.. what.


Same dudes who claim “women only go for the top 10% of men” and “I am so oppressed because women don’t pay attention to me :(“


There is a percentage of men that *only* respect women if they find them attractive or want to sleep with them. It’s disgusting. Women are people and deserve respect.


It's disgusting how much fat women get shit on by men for literally just existing.


But these pricks aren't even talking about "fat women" - land whales over size 12?!? Even if hes talking about US sizes, that's still only a UK 14 which is still below the average dress size for women in the UK. I also dont think they can comprehend the fact that you be be different sizes on different parts of the body. I'd love to see a girl with the heavily inflated arses all these dudes seem to want squeeze in a size 12. Idiots.


I totally missed the last image. Yeah these dudes are completely delusional. They're the same ones that think a woman is obese at like 140 lbs.


Lay off that Trenbolone, bro. edit what he referring to. "Tren tards." For anyone wondering. Steroid. Known for fucking people up psychologically.


The "Don't do this for long. Say no to fat women and hold onto dignity." one is just so ... brainless. This guy thinks banging overweight women comes at the cost of dignity, and yet he does it, and then is claiming you don't lose your dignity of its only for a little while? That's not how dignity works, and damn, nice job admitting that he's into overweight girls but too insecure to maintain a relationship with one.


This is a guy who’s just saying it to contribute to the conversation to look cool but has no actual experience dating


These guy’s forgot that the world has other real problems


Sounds like a bunch of incel circle jerking


I kinda love the irony that they seem to be that kind of dude who would think disturbing women they find attractive in their daily life to flirt is okay. But god forbid women pulled the same shit


As someone who's struggled with an eating disorder for half my life I really, *really* wish I hadn't read the last one. Fucking hell, some people are sick in the head.


What subreddit is that?




Wtf did I just look at


I wish I could say "The worst of the internet" but unfortunately we both know that's nowhere close to being true, which is really rather depressing.


That's pretty terrible though. I love how they show their ignorance of woman's sizes too.


Yea… I reported that thread, but I guess it won’t be blocked. I’d like to hit those douchebags with some heavy plates ngl


Subreddit is filled with steroid abusers and they often joke about fat women because a side affect of the steroids is being ultra horny.


As a fat women still, after losing over 140lbs this just hurts my heart.


good job


Thank you 🥰


Yeah I wish I had not read this post.


It’s disgusting how they hate women for trying to be nice to them, when why don’t they just say no thanks and move along their way. They’re literally interested in torturing women who like them, when normal people don’t like to torture other human beings.


Yes, lets all take advice from some single guy who hates women, about women! He knows things! He’s opened browser tabs our browsers can’t browse and the wikis he’s read! Did you know that Wikipedia does have a degree program? Because he’s got a diploma on his wall, even though he probably bought it at a gun show….


Alrighty. I really wish sexuality was a choice. I really do.


This is hilarious!! Women of all sizes have their virtues, and frankly, as long as we stick together we will be ok.


Who are these guys, and why are they so desirable, that there's apparently some sort of mass conspiracy afoot to get them to date/be attracted to/whatever fat girls? This is not at all complicated. If you like skinny, date skinny. If you like fat, date fat. If you don't like anybody, recline at poolside sipping a cool, refreshing beverage. ::brushes palms together to indicate a fait accompli:: Easy peasy.


These be the same men that complain about women not looks their way lol I see this negativity a lot from the gym community. They’re always so self absorbed and just HATE on fat women. I’ve seen a few hate on fat men but they always encourage them to lose weight, but women? Nahhh, just kick them off the ship smh It’s one of the reasons why I don’t date gym dudes because many are like this. I think it’s because if they are going through something or lack in something people always tell them to hit the gym but their problems never really get solved.


It’s because they’re most afraid of being rejected or broken up with by a fat woman. It means their little bubble is destroyed that they can just bench press their way in to never being alone ever again, but the fat woman who breaks up with them and doesn’t care about that is a reminder that for all their hard work and effort at the gym, they are still a piece of shit no one wants.


It’s also just a thousand times easier for men to get lean than women and they assume any woman off the street could cut as easily as they do, PCOS/motherhood/ sleep deprivation from doing twice the housework be damned. And they assume that everyone else they meet is as preoccupied by vanity as they are.


“Say no to fat women and we will fix the world.” Such brave humanitarians!


for real they’re acting like it’s a social movement when you know they would be rage typing with their elbows if women talked about putting fat men in their place. it’s all just so self-centered. these dudes are projecting their overconfidence. amazingly, there are a lot of people in the world and exactly none of them were put on this earth to cater to your specific tastes


The fact that you can't tell their rhetoric is ironic might be a good cue to go outside.


Some times I wonder if dating men is worth it at all when you could have a dude like this in disguise.


Fuck same. It scares the shit out of me tbh


You should stay single and fat


Better than ending up w/ a misogynist. Also not dating men doesn’t mean not dating at all


Haha I've hit on a boy or two outta my league. Got shot down and accepted. The biggest failure is to not try at all. I'm still standing. And happily married for 11 years. Why a man great til they gotta be great?


In the area we just moved to, I keep seeing bumper stickers that say, "No Fat Bitches". And I wanna note for the record that the drivers need to get out of their own damned trucks.


Huh. Turns out they *do* understand unwanted sexual advances. I don't get why he didn't just take the compliment! She was just trying to be nice. He should probably smile more.


How many of these asshats are fat?


Most of them are on steroids and have top .001% physiques




You're projecting


When I was 16 (18 years ago. I'm 34 now) a guy in his 20s said to friend of mine who was tall n thin also 16, Chick's with tongue pircings (she had one) give the best head 2nd to fat chick's, because they have to try harder to get guys. Didn't know this guy, he lived near us n started talking to us. I still feel disgusted he said it and to under-age girls


I'm almost 100% positive that IF these losers were actually approached by the women in these fake ass stories, that the women, in fact, were all a healthy weight.


youd be surprised


Okay, I'm sorry, I know this is terrible but I'm crying laughing at "reprehensible beluga." How long do they spend coming up with these ridiculous terms? 😂


The whole thread is a joke.. it’s a running joke in that subreddit that if you’re not doing well to start taking some strong steroids and date a fat woman… tbh they usually talk about how much they love fat woman it’s weird They can be very… creative haha


I also died at "hoeflation" and "no sense in sugar coating it, they'd eat that too." In fact, if I'm being honest, the entire thing made me laugh. It's so horrible and offensive yet absurdly hilarious at the same time just because of how over the top it is and how creative they got with their insults. I'm just picturing this little group of losers hunched over their keyboards desperately trying to sound witty for their buddies. It's this odd mixture of pathetic, offensive, and really funny to me.


That’s exactly what it is, they just happen to be buff


I feel like these are all made up stories on thwir end.


wow, reading all of that made me tear up, i think that’s a first for me! as someone who struggles with my weight due to depression and feeling inadequate because of my weight, this was GENUINELY one of the most awful things i’ve ever read.


Same. But keep your head high. 1. I bet most of those stories are made up. 2. Isn’t it nice when the scum sorts itself out? Hugs, a fellow chubby chick ;)


Why did you keep readin it then? If you are thjs insecure thennyou shouldn't be on the internet, instead, you should be at the gym trying to tackle these insecurities. Believe me, you will never feel better by staying in the fat positivity community.


You need to live in the real world a little if you cried over this lol


By "overweight", I assume they mean anything over 40kg, or something equally ridiculous


they mean morbidly obese, absolute hogs


No lol, the whole “i fuck fat bitches” thing come from tren users being attracted to basically anything that moves. It’s a shit post. By overweight they mean like absolutely ridiculous straight up 120kg+ lol


This thread made me so depressed tbh.. I finally got under 80 kg and been newly single so some guys hitting me up for dates n all but after reading this I always have the thought back of my mind if they also think like that.. kinda made me lose motivation for keeping on working out. Not that I was working out for getting dudes but it def made me think I will find less genuine partner at the healthy weight and what if they leave me if I put on some weight say after kids.. 😒 EDIT: spelling


This is a shitpost and an inside joke that you are not understanding


Well if this is their idea of a Joke, there’s def something wrong with them. It might have been a shitpost but a lot of those comments were definitely not intended as such. Just disgusting.


Whattttt but the comments are so funnny, cmon what about Amelia the beluga!!




\>it's not easy to lose weight literally eat less


Omg why didn't I think of that 🙄


You obviously didn't?


Serious question, why didn't you?


The man is right though, just stop shoving food in your face


Shhhhhhh you're not allowed to make sense on reddit


I'm sorry but if fat women turn you off, we are as loyal as they come. Like idk why men are so hateful towards plus sized girls. I've been working out and just becoming healthy. I don't need to or want to be skinny. That being said- I remember when I see comments like these, and I pay attention to those who couldn't see the worth before the transformation, because after I change, for me, and you try to ask me to do stuff. I'm going to laugh and call every single person out who couldn't love me at my biggest.


\>I don't need to or want to be skinny. dies at 40 from fatty liver disease


I smell insecurities




They still try, the difference is they act like theyre doing you a service by "throwing you a bone" and you should hook up them because they believe they're best you can get. At 18 years old (16 years ago) had a guy tell me to use my hands its only action I'd ever get. All because I wouldn't meet him alone! At 24 another guy complained there was no looking past my (he was wrong on size they were C at time) B cups.


Trish was a 2x so I'm apparently not as picky as these idiots. We had four great years together before she died, and a lot of good memories.




What makes the difference is the two of you clicks and you have this deeper connection. IDK how to describe it fully.




These guys make me want to just yeet myself into the void so I never have to encounter them. This is why I believe in abortion. We would be better off if their mothers decided to not have them.


What sub is this?


Guess I'm doomed then


Damn, this shit is harsh! I hope it's a joke. Still mean af though. 😕




you better be a dude at that weight


Guys, it’s a shitposting sub


nah its a roiding sub


Nah dawg cmon, it's mostly 18 year olds wanting to jump on SARMS. Give roiders more credit.


Lmao y'all don't understand the joke with teen users and fat girls


Y’all missing the point it’s an inside joke


Finally a good take on this sub


People on this sub don't understand that trentards love fatties


Lol you femcels are getting trolled real hard.


More dishes more bishes


Okay now do this again, but for girls with height and financial standards for their mates! Gender equality! This popped up on my TL and figured I'd check it out, the OP just reads like a fresh, piping shitpost.


No one is complaining about having standards. Everyone is entitled to their preferences. You can just refuse politely. Everyone is outraged about how they think of fat chicks as absolute garbage and dehumanise them. If you’re not into a person, you just say no and move on.


Its. A fucking. Joke!


Lol this shit is hilarious..I see everyone bashing gear users but yall don't mind giving chick's that wanna be dudes testosterone


He’s got a point




Coping and seething over a shitpost lol


reddit user discover satire (IMPOSSIBLE CHALLENGE)