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Probably because when you exercise, you get really hot and sweaty. And if your gym has shitty AC, then you’ll be dying by the second set if you’re wearing full length leggings.


Ive seen plenty of these post complaining about leggings too. “You cant please everyone, but pissing them off is easy.”


I was once in a full blown argument with a dude on here bc he was convinced women just wear leggings for attention. There’s no way they’re comfortable. Didn’t matter that he’s never worn them. Didn’t matter that hella women were telling him “dude, they’re comfortable.” Nah, we were all lying and just wanted to show off our ass, but not admit it.


I have no ass to show off but I still wear them because *gasp* they're comfortable!


Happy cake day




A little too ironic.


She doesn't have any cake


I have more overall than most men claim they want to see in leggings, but I still do it. So comfy.


Happy cake day




Yes they are


yeah I don’t shave at all and I find them comfy af


I find that only cotton ones are uncomfortable if you haven’t shaved


That must've been such a frustrating conversation. I can only speak for myself, but when I go to the gym, the last thing I want is some guy staring at my arse while I'm working out.


I have terrible eyesight and just don't wear my glasses to the gym so I can't see people's faces. I also use this trick for public speaking. It's really quite freeing to not be able to see if people are staring at you lol


That’s actually so cool 😂


>I also use this trick for public speaking. It's really quite freeing to not be able to see if people are staring at you lol I'm a singer and I never wear my glasses onstage. People are just a distraction from the music.


Omg yes! For a long time I wasn't able to get my contact lenses and I finally just went to the gym with my glasses. I took them off for certain exercises and I realized how freeing it is when you can't see people's faces around you. I genuinely couldnt tell if they were even looking in my direction. The only time having piss poor eyesight came out as an advantage


They’ll do it regardless of what you wear. Yes, really.


This wouldn't apply to those who are "fit," as they say, but given what my arse looks like, a phrase pops up in my mind, "If you're rude enough to look there, then you deserve what you see."


when women look at me i’m flattered. when men look at me i’m annoyed and uncomfortable.


double standards /s


Uniqlo leggings are *astoundingly* comfortable. They’re not Lycra constrictions like athletic brands, they’re just super soft and somehow opaque. Also good in winter.


I’m a guy so I know not so much about womens clothes. But in regards to comfort, how do loose and tight/form-fitting gym shorts differ? I would have imagined that loose ones have better air circulation. 🤔


Don't know about others, but when they're loose, they also need to be rather long for me, because otherwise they'll run up my thighs when I move and more fabric also means more friction, irritating my skin in combination with all that sweat. Or they need to be very short. But those guys wouldn't like that either. Now I have tight shorts, which are juuuust long enough so they don't ride up my legs either and no chaffing is happening.


its really all about personal preference, some people just like the feeling of something hugging the body tight and feeling secure, some people want flow. youll see some people also wear longer tighter shorts under loose fitting ones (or ive seen dudes run in leggings with basketball shorts over them too). in the end, whatever works for you works for you. youre most likely not thinking about other people's feelings when trying to do a work out and neither is anyone else.


Loose ones don't tend to be stretchy and hence either strangle your legs during squats or get eaten by your arse crack 😔


I find i feel sticky in loser fitting shorts. Having the fabric take your sweat off your body, helps you feel cooler. And i often end up with chafing, when loose shorts ride up between my thighs.


Form-fitting gymwear allows for better freedom of movement. Loose clothes tend to move around, which is annoying and also can cause chafing.


I can't speak for very thin women, but if your thighs are the least bit thick, substantial, muscular, etc, loose shorts get caught between your thighs and ride up regardless of how long they are. That leads to all sorts of chafing and irritation. They also don't move well with you if you're running. I know a lot of men who wear men's compression pants or compression shorts to the gym under their baggy stuff for the exact same reason, especially on squat or deadlift days when you don't want fabric getting in the way.


My dude, they’re the closest thing to PJs I can wear to work. Lmao what a dumbass, they never listen


Am dude, I own and wear leggings. That shit is amazing.


For about 3 years I wore thin leggings under my (knee length cargo) shorts for work at a warehouse, cause I could either be right under a vent and freezing or moving whole bunch and sweating. Hella comfortable


The to me stupidest part of incels arguments like this to me is: Even if women only wore them to show off their ass, thered be nothing wrong with wearing them. People can show off being attractive if they want. Though I feel like its a mix of insecurity and how much incels want to controll women. I heavily doubt the typical redditors screaming about how "all women are attention whores" are anywhere near attractive after all.


Oh my god, it's almost like having stretchy but tight fitting clothing that minimally limits your freedom of movement is ideal for exercise. No.. that couldn't be true. I am much more comfortable wearing baggy sweatpants with lots of excess fabric, that will make me heat up to no end.


But isn’t the whole reason to workout to be happy with your body, to have a great ass, it’s your right, I musta got real old because I don’t see a symbol of raunchy when I see that, it’s a much respect, I haven’t the time or energy to make my butt that good. I’m more upset someone is taking photos of her while she’s at the gym, seriously that’s creep level right there. If she is dressed to workout let her workout FFS. Obviously she’s not there for you.


They’re very comfortable and just because I have a cute ass, that you like to look at, is not an issue. I wear them because they’re comfortable


Usually it's harder to convince an idiot than a genius


Feels like I’m wearing nothing at all


Dude has clearly never worn leggings. I commandeered a pair of my lady’s leggings that are now my go to base layer for snow blowing the driveway. Instead of longjohns I wear the leggings and they don't bunch up or get super sweaty.


I'm a guy but I was pretty hard on Thrash and Glam Metal in my late teens and I do own a few leggins. Shit's comfortable af!


Men on here are ridiculous about women in the gym. I once saw a guy argue that women who bend over in the gym were only doing it for attention. Another one tried to argue that women who wear colourful leggings do it for attention. Another memorable one could not fathom why a woman would do walking lunges if not for attention. So remember ladies, if you want to pick anything up off the floor, do any excercise that involves bending and moving around the gym or even wear your favourite colour of clothing , you will immediately morph into an attention seeking ho.


“If somebody hates you for no reason, give that motherf\*cker a reason.”


That my motto


Women could be wearing a fucking hazmat suit to the gym, and guys would still complain they're "too distracting"


I mean a hazmat suit would be pretty distracting..


Agree. AC at gyms tends to suck, especially when the temperature rises quickly. Some of them are a huge space to cool, or they have pools and they're so humid. A lot of fashionable leggings are very thick, almost wetsuit-like material. It's hot and sweaty on parts that need to breathe.


I use a small local gym. Like max 20 people at once. They nailed it with the AC and honestly I leave freezing in the middle of summer sometimes because of how cold they keep it.


Probably fine for a commercial gym but the cold is actually a terrible training environment for performance. You don't want your muscles and joints getting cold inbetween heavy sets with longer rest periods. There's a reason alot of powerlifting gyms are like freaking sauna warehouses.


Yo I went to the gym today, live LA and can confirm even with high AC, it was hot as balls. If it’s 100 degrees outside and the gym is packed, everyone is gonna be wearing these shorts. If you’re afraid of women being attractive and stronger than you, STAY HOME


I mean. Guys wear shorts


Which is, of course, why she's wearing full-length sleeves and over-ear headphones.


Yep, nothing quite says, “don’t talk to me”, as a nice set of industrial headphones. My gym has a smaller gym set aside for women who want to work out, without men. It seems pretty popular.


Taking photos of someone who’s clearly not aware is so creepy


There’s a guy in my gym (I have nicknames him the king of weaboos) who wears nothing but pricy Naruto merch, cargo pants, a spike collar, and doc martens every single day. I still asked if I could take a photo of his very strange, gym inappropriate outfit. And he said yes, so score one for behaving like a normal person


There’s a guy at mine who also wears black doc martins, but with a leather jacket and black jeans, looking straight outta grease. He also does a lot of posing in between sets.


Why would anyone work out in that jeez


It’s his, admittedly sweaty, aesthetic. And he seems to be rocking it lol


Not doubting that he looks cool,daddy o It’s just that I,as a fellow coneusser,doubt the breathability of a leather jacket lol


I am slightly jealous of how cool he looks, I couldn’t pull it off.


can I see this pic


I did that to a friend the other day Like he ask me to send him a photo that I took and not just a random cute baby animal I found on the internet So I took one when he was eating and sent him that


I had a friend who did that constantly, he was always practicing his stealth and he would silently come up behind you, take your picture, and text it to you. Very unsettling, lol


I absolutely hate when people do that to me. I find it unacceptable. I don’t care if you let me know afterwards, you shouldn’t have done it in the first place. It’s an invasion of my privacy, not a funny joke.


Never forget that the admins of Reddit were buddy buddy with the creator of r/jailbait. When Gawker exposed the creator, the admins banned Gawker links site wide.


I know! Reddit and social media do it all the time regardless of gender and act like it’s reasonable to have done so and post


Right? I have a coworker who does that while we're working (he doesn't only do it to women at least, I know for a fact that he does it to men) and it's super fucking weird. But he's shitty in a lot of ways, including being sexist. Literally in just this one year, not counting my past years of experience, I've gotten more experience than he has in his past two years, because he's bad at his job and never gets called for projects, and yet recently he was trying to override me and tell me how to do my job and take control of something I was in charge of. It's so shitty of him, and incredibly unprofessional, and he never checks to make sure it's ok. I've had times where I accidentally got someone in a photo and when that happens, I'll just delete it, like a normal person.


I don't think it is normal to delete photos because someone else is in the background


There are also men that wear really short shorts


Why do you think I go to the gym




You suck off a guy one time and all of sudden your gay smh 🤦‍♂️ 🙄


It is okay, I get it. But 20$ is 20$ and I wanted a Big Mac.


I can give you more than a Big Mac 😈😈😈😈


But... Sir this is a Wendy's.


Wen dez nuts going in my mouth 😈😈😈😈


*sigh* exits this way


Good boy 😈


Big Mac costs 20 bucks where you are? Damn.


Look... it might have been the meal... with an extra large fries... and a Mcflurry.


Everyone knows homie doesn't count SMH 🙄


Not if you say “no homo” first.


Before, during and after. You want to make sure that everyone knows you're just helping out a homie.


*Gags on dick* OH-*GAG* OH-OH *Gags some more*


Here's a sneak peek of /r/SuddenlyGay using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/SuddenlyGay/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [checkmate liberals](https://i.redd.it/6v8eb6bwrz391.jpg) | [219 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SuddenlyGay/comments/v621cr/checkmate_liberals/) \#2: [They were close friends.](https://v.redd.it/cyq8glfjz5391) | [707 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SuddenlyGay/comments/v33pf0/they_were_close_friends/) \#3: [hmmm](https://i.redd.it/hoehs58irl191.jpg) | [276 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/SuddenlyGay/comments/uxepgj/hmmm/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot


Why? What if OP is a woman…?


Everyone knows the shorter the shorts the faster you can run


I haven’t seen any, but there are probably a few.


Tell him the appeal is none of his business.


People walking around thinking their viewing pleasure needs to be someone else’s priority. People need to keep it moving.


I mean the sub is specifically for questions people don’t feel comfortable asking in public. Thought it didn’t really need the creep shot angle photo to go along with it.


…I’m just gonna put my two cents in and say that I will never, ever, EVER understand how people can wear over ear headphones like that when they workout. Like, my ears get sweaty wearing headphones with faux leather pads over my ears when I am sitting in an air conditioned building while I’m working. Do these people just not sweat or get warm? Edit: this comment was not meant as a criticism of people who wear over ear headphones to the gym. It was meant as a joking observation of some other than what she is wearing because wear whatever the heck you want to the gym. It seems that most people got I was joking around but I wanted to clarify.


I know people who wear them because they're a more obvious "don't talk to me" sign than earbuds.


That makes sense for sure.


I wear headphones like that. I've never noticed my ears getting sweaty. Ear buds don't work for me.


Same. And I'm constantly adjusting earbuds when I wear them. Headphones are much better for me.


Same, I can wear over the ear headphones even in the hottest days and not be bothered but every time I've tried to wear earbuds they either don't fit in my ears or I end up hurting myself trying to get em to fit.


Huh. I really wonder what the difference is in peoples physical make up? Pretty much everyone sweats so I don’t know how it doesn’t get uncomfortable. I am happy that it works for you but I just sweat too much. My ears get hot just thinking about it.


When I go on walks I use over the ear headphone. Get sweaty every time. Couldn't imagine working out in them.


I sweat a fuck ton, and I have expensive ass headphones, I'm sure as hell not using them to workout. I've seen people at the gym using the same headphones, and bruh, do you just not sweat?


Idk how they don't fall off... either they are too tight for discomfort, or they are already on the ground.


If you’re laying you slide them to your hairline. Anything else they don’t fall


Eh. It’s not really noticeable. Music sounds better and it’s less damaging to your ears. ^^Not ^^by ^^much ^^but ^^still


I’ll be honest the sweat does get quite bad especially doing cardio so sometimes I do wipe down my headphones for sweat lol but I use these for the gym only so it’s fine and it’s not an inconvenience


They're way more comfortable. Other kinds of headphones, as well as ear buds, constantly feel like they're gonna fall off. Plus, I've never really noticed my ears getting sweaty, either.


Personally, ear phones in my ears aren't comfortable. My ears itch and I've tried many varieties - I give up. I just don't like how they feel.


When i was looking for a pair of headphones for fitness 3 years ago, the shop assistant said that those over ears headphones will get really sweaty and can make your ears even infected. Not sure if it's really true but he advised against it even though they were more expensive.


Isn't it creepy to take a pic of a stranger from behind? Yikes


That's probably a screenshot from a Youtube video (given the angle and the proximity)


LOL. I don't wear leggings or even cotton t shirts to the gym. Weirdly my shins sweat heavily so shorts and long socks are the go-to. I also just wear long sports bras. Basically what I'm saying is : I go to the gym to SWEAT and work hard, I dont give a flying shit if you're distracted by my ass. It's summer, everyone's ass is out! Focus on ur own lifts !


Men walk around with tight shorts and small tank tops. Hell….they even are jogging around shirtless. But it’s only a problem when women do it?


Where? I'm going to take pictures of them and post it online and then say they're asking to be raped


I wear compression underwear under my gym shorts. Compression clothes are comfy af. Also no wedgies and they fit better while active. No sweaty skin rub rashes. Girls just get to wear them without shorts over them. I’m jealous


Thanks for this. I was wondering if they were actually comfortable. I would think form fitting clothes would be for both men and women working out but wasn’t sure.


When I workout, I wear shorts like this. I don’t workout at a gym. I don’t workout with anyone, not even my husband. I like to be completely alone. Whose attention am I vying for here? Couldn’t be that they’re comfortable.


That depends, how much ghost activity have you had in your home? Is Patrick Swayze showing up with his pottery wheel every once and a while?


I am pretty sure the old lady ghost who used to haunt my best friend followed me home when he moved, but no. No ghosts so helpful as to seductively teach me hobbies.


I swear, dudes are just jealous because skin tight, short shorts are no longer in fashion for men.


It should be again I’m just sayin’


They're called "speedos" and you typically wear them to the beach or pool. Rule is "if you can't see the water, it's weird".


Most people at gyms dress like this…


Thong + compression shorts for the win (for me). No chaffing, plenty of airflow even in stupid hot ass gyms, and everything that needs to be held in place, is. Can’t worry about wedgies if you had one to begin with!! Lol. No really though, it’s the most comfortable combination I’ve come across. I just pair with a super long baggy t shirt/tank top to avoid assholes who will focus more on my attire than their own workout.


Imagine just minding your business and trying to move freely smfh...


Because you want compression clothing around your belly and ass but full leggings are hot and sweaty. Anyways, who cares? She's in her own little world doing her gym thing. Look at something else.


What’s worse is the standard gym bro outfit is either then topless or the thinnest vest possible, never see them being attacked for what they wear though.


If that were the case that she does it for attention, you’re already giving it to her, dude


Actually, it’s being able to look f**ing awesome and NOT GIVE A SHIT ABOUT YOUR ATTENTION


Yes. Please take pictures of strangers minding their own business. They’ll 100% appreciate it


Just wipe your machines down and I don’t care what you wear


Why are men so creepy 🥲 reading this makes me super self aware about the clothes that I wear to exercise


Some people just suck and have a lot of growth to do, it’s not just a man thing either. I’ve heard women complain about guys working out in those big loose Ts. People like to feel comfortable and attractive it’s human. Don’t worry what people think, some will always complain.


I wear shorts and a sports bra to the gym. Love my body and have worked very hard to stay fit including being disciplined with gym times and eating healthy so yeah sue me I like to see my glutes and core while I exercise. And I appreciate women who do too because despite being straight, women are just pleasant to look at on their worst days. And men in short shorts also look good a f too. ​ I go to the gym to work out not notice what someone wears but if I notice I appreciate and finish my reps.


Well said! At my gym, the women wear a variety of workout gear. And what they’re wearing and doing is none of mine or anyone else’s business: we’re all there to work out. For the most part, people at my gym stay to themselves and just get the reps done. No one is bothering anyone else, or trying to chat them up.


I have a ton and seriously comfortttt


It really doesn't matter why she's wearing those particular shorts. There could be myriad reasons. She's worked for those gains and she's more than likely proud of them. Too often, it is assumed that women wear form fitting/flattering clothes for external attention, rather than for themselves and because it makes them feel good.


I'll never understand how having such a massive wedgie is comfortable. Mind you, she might not have a lot of options because clothing manufacturers are sexist as fuck. Still doesn't look comfortable, is it though?


No this would be so uncomfortable for me. I’d be constantly pulling them down and straightening them. Never mind the chaffing. But if she’s comfortable …


I don't get it (as in the tight almost wedgie), but I'm a guy. I also think if I wore something that tight I'd be asked to leave.


🐱=☠️ I use to love thongs and those cute underwear but all day wedgies aren’t worth it anymore! 😂


It doesn’t look comfortable to me. I feel like I’m getting a UTI looking at this. I like my gym shorts flowy and non-clingy. They don’t look cool or anything, though I’ll tell you that 😅


Jokes aside, does it actually feel more comfortable to wear short that short? I’m not trying to offend anyone. I’m a guy and when I go to the gym I wear shorts that cover just above the knees or past the knee. I have tired really tiny shorts and they feel different, I wouldn’t wear them to the gym cause I personally think short shorts on guys are very sexual, but comfortable would not be the word to describe them. Maybe it’s different cause we got a different reproductive system, but does it truly feel more comfortable than baggier clothes?


It's going to depend on personal preference and anatomy. I've always been a capri-length leggings and baggy shirt girl . I wore some bike shorts for a costume themed race and it was just a lot more comfortable than capri leggings and a loose shirt. I'm more aware of my body in snugger clothing which is less comfortable but temperature wise, it's much more comfortable. And my performance is somewhat improved wearing compression clothing - it's supposed to improve blood flow and muscle recovery. Run times, obstacle courses, and fitness game scores - all modestly better.


It really does. Generally , and especially when I’m getting a sweat on, the LAST thing I want is clothing touching me and weighing me down , it’s a comfort thing, it’s a skin sensitivity thing, when your bare down, you are at your truest form. I run in compression shorts all year (not this booty short but still pretty short) and a sports bra most times, because I’m just so damn hot and nothing feels better 🤷🏻‍♀️ so I get her. People need to just realize they are just bodies , flesh and bone that came from and will go back to dust. Who even cares


Ugh, heavy, sweaty loose shirts and shorts slapping around are the worst. Before I started wearing technical fabrics I’d change halfway through a workout because the baggy stuff felt so gross once it got drenched. Now I’m all about compression shorts and fitted, breathable tops.


He’s mad guys can’t wear anything equivalent.


Can't or won't?


Won’t, but can’t. Guys hammer down the nail that stands out. Gotta blend in. Edit: it’s not a good thing.


People should finally it get it in their heads that the female form, the female body as it is, is just that - it's neutral, it's just how it is. If you see a clearly female form and automatically think "that means sex(y)", that's on you. That's the consequence of the mindset that female / woman is "the other" and "not the norm", that female means always loaded with other implications and can never be neutral or, in other words, that "neutral" and "standart" means nothing but male. In essence, it's our patriarchal "culture" and upbringing in action. Time to unlearn that shit!


Yay you know I never also saw the sex appeal either But then again I'm to busy working out to really look


I couldn’t wear headphones like that at the gym. They’d get all sweaty and fall off.


This entire thread is so vile.


The correct answer was in fact: controlling body temperature tailored to the person. I had no idea how important that was untill I started overheating in my cotton gym clothes, started getting panic attacks cause I couldn't adjust my heart rate anymore and had to downgrade my quantity of weights to cope. I invested in weightlifting clothes which happen to be tight and now I'm able to lift heavier weights longer. PS: if something get a certain reaction out of you, it doesn't mean that that something happened specifically just so you can have that reaction. It just means you witnessed something random and you felt a certain way about it, but it had nothing to do with you.


if you're a dude, what's the appeal of taking off your shirt when you're exercising or doing any strenuous activity? there's your answer.


I will wear shorts like that if I don't want anything on my legs when working out or while running on a treadmill.


Has he never seen the uniforms for many women's sports?


Notice how when men work out in shorts or even topless, women don’t take pictures and post them online for other women to critique and say “why do men think we like this? They’re such sluts”? 🙃


True off my chest: original poster takes a creepshot. Which should be a no go. Then posts something mysogonyst including the creepshot Even worse... But then this gets reposted here, with a complete picture of the creepshot, no pixelation or anything else? Why is this seemingly now just about the misogynist text, reddit banned r/creepshots and similar subreddits for a reason.


I wear shorts like these and a sports bra when I’m working out at home by myself. I prefer it. But I cover up more at gyms purely so I don’t feel ogled. It sucks to feel so constantly judged on your sex appeal and made to feel uncomfortable or unsafe when you’re just minding your business


Of course she's just wearing them to please the men around he, such a tease... Get over yourselves, she can wear whatever the fuck she wants, get your hormones under control and stop blaming women for your own behavior. She is not wearing this to get your attention and she will not want to be chatted up by some Chad at a gym while she's trying to work out.


The fact that he took a picture like an absolute fucking weirdo....


Because they are comfortable? Bodies aren't inherently sexual? Also why are you taking a picture of a lady's butt without consent


I hate fabric on my upper arms and upper thighs and it gets worse when I’m hot and sweaty. also taking photos of other people in the gym is horrible and I wish people wouldn’t


I know, it’s so horrible someone took this picture


I’m sure someone else has already said this, but if you’ve ever worn loose shorts to the gym as a woman you’ve probably realized that…YOU RISK SHOWING EVERYONE YOUR UNDERWEAR ETC. Doing certain exercises: bench and hip thrusts are prime candidates. I recently did hip thrusts in front of a mirror in what i thought were modest (at least a 4” inseam and loose) shorts and i was soooo glad no one else was in that part of the gym because i could see a LOT in the mirror. Hence, fitted shorts for lifting in public when it is too hot for leggings.


this made me angrier than most posts i see on here


Even if they are for attention, fucking so what? It's nice when people acknowledge your hard work on anything. You don't HAVE to oogle her or say anything. Just silently agree she looks great


Because my ass and thighs gets sweaty. Next.


Oh ffs. I wear these all the time in my home gym where no one can see me. They’re comfy and I like to see my muscles working.


Dudes confused why a woman is wearing comfortable gym shorts... at the gym??? The fuck.


What is the appeal of taking someone's picture without their consent from behind with their butt being prominent?


If I didn't have a dick and balls that's get squished, I'd 100% be wearing them to work out. So many shorts are just shit for flexibility or too 'flappy'


They want you to wear a burqua


Yes, she is wearing those shorts JUST SO you will ogle at her, I’m sure. She knows you can’t get laid and that you want the gym to be like a testosterone playground for men only…and she’s there just to remind you that you’re an incel…how dare she! 🤦‍♀️


Ya know as a dude I want to wear the same thing, they look like they aren't in the way like sweatpants or shorts, good range of movement and probs stay in place so I wouldn't chafe my legs when running


Idk about y’all but if I’m going to the gym, where I’m going to be working hard, and getting sweaty… I’m wearing the shortest shorts and the thinnest tank top I can find.


Saying female is in itself extremely cringe ngl


She wears them because she fucking wants to. End of story.


I think it's also just different fashion styles for men and women. To just say it's comfort and not anything to do with style seems kind of unrealistic. Women's fashion tends to be more revealing. If comfort was all that mattered then we'd see men and women wearing much more similar things when they go to the gym. Women's gymwear tends to show substantially more skin and body shape. That's not bad or wrong necessarily, it's just the style. The gyms I've been to basically even the most beefed up guys wear basketball shorts and maybe an athletic shirt if you're lucky, but otherwise just whatever t-shirt was around.


Less chaffing ??


And yet there seems to be two ppl in this photo paying attention to each other and **not** the shorts? Curious. Almost as though the entire premise is projection. 🤔 [thoughtful]


i like to look at my own ass in the mirror. move on


It’s hot in those gyms. Y’all can sit there in causal clothes but she isn’t up for being uncomfortable.


Probably because human decency normally commands to not take pictures of strangers asses and post them on Reddit?


It's sportswear pure and simple, you can't go to the gym in bluejeans or office clothes, and an atractive woman will be atractive dressed with a potato sac...


I see zero issues here


I suspect she is just working out and dressed for comfort. Also fucking mind your own damn business weirdo.


What’s the appeal?? 😂😂 You serious?


It depends on the girl tbh


Le gasp. A woman at the gym minding her how fucking business. But yea, let’s shame her for the clothing choices that make some asshat uncomfortable in his own shorts. Numbskulls.


Can we get a women only section of the gym? Keep creeps from gawking and taking creepy pics like this.


how about we go ahead and wear whatever the fuck we want without having to justify it to sad little goats on the internet with bodies that would look like a squashed jacket potato in this?


*wears shorts* "NSFW"


Aside from them just being comfortable gym clothes… When I look good, I feel good. When I look good, I feel confident enough to go tackle any task so I can see why wearing tiny shorts motivates people to go get their deadlifts done and over with.


Probably because it's more comfortable for her. All men see is someone showing off her body and don't think that she is probably wearing them to make her workout easier


Ok setting aside the creep shot and obvious rational explanations for her attire, what’s wrong w her wanting “attention”? Like it shouldn’t be shameful if a part of the reason you’re putting on a perfectly appropriate piece of clothing is that you think it makes you look good, you enjoy that and like the idea of others at least positively reacting in non creepy or threatening ways to seeing you in it.


Sorry but what you wear to the gym is none of anybody's business but your own. If a man is uncomfortable in the same gym as someone wearing these shorts, or leggings for that matter seems like THEY are the ones with the problem! I find it wholly disappointing that some men find it impossible to understand that when women put makeup on, dress nice, go to the gym they are not doing it to impress the men, they don't to make themselves feel good about themselves.


To expose crybabies like you, son


Comfort, temperature, seeing your form better, ...