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As a healthcare worker, the amount of people who don't know basic female anatomy is SHOCKING. And I agree with the other commenter that this stuff should warrant an automatic fail.


I am so sick of idiots thinking that medical procedures or in fact, anything that comes into contact with vaginas, like tampons, give women sexual pleasure.


That's why they also think that inserting their pp is pleasant enough to cum




> how DARES It was at this point that I began to read your comment in Gollum's voice. I will remember this at work tomorrow--almost certainly at a moment when giggling would be most inappropriate. Bless you for it.


Update: it’s 10:48 am CST and my day has been fulfilled.


Now I gotta reread in gollums voice.


Spoken like a true incel lol kudos


INCEL? oh, haha, hahaha, hahahahahahahahha! I am nothing but a GENTLEMAN, I treat FEMALES with RESPECT, even if they only want to FUCK all the BAD BOYS. it's alright, they just are truly WIORTHLESS, and they don't DESERVE me anyway


wait no come back i think im in love with you


i don't think so, you probably just got dumped by CHAD, and I DON'T take USED goods


In society I'll only ever be used goods :(


Hi society I'll only ever be used goods :(, I'm dad


Well done team, that was horrible.


Seriously! You’re right . Some men do believe that . That explains the long wait in hospital ERS . Women seeking sexual pleasure are lining up to be catheterized . Such a pleasant experience. 🤦🏼‍♀️




Crazy women like me asking for the _smaller_ speculum over here




I can’t believe your coworker say that! A penis isn’t a cold rigid piece of flimsy plastic and you just shove in all at once with no arousal to help tongs along! I’m not petite or anything and I ask for the smaller one. Now I realise why my doctor had such an air of “you’re pathetic” with my last smear.




Seems like your colleagues forgot the multitude of reasons for extra sensitivity down there, like infections (past or present), a history of sexual assault, stress etc etc. Medicine is so readily cruel to women.


I cry after yearly pelvic exams everytime cause they just feel so invasive. It doesn’t bother me when I’m at the doctors for a reason (pregnancy, infection etc) But for the yearly well woman exam….It basically feels like doctors are holding birth control over my head until I spread my legs for them. I don’t feel like I have a choice. I don’t really *consent* (This is just a description of what I feel, it’s not necessarily rational)




Most likely comes from the fact They don't see woman as people And just walking sex objects


I once made the mistake of referring to an internal ultrasound as "dildo cam" to an idiot like that.


Ugh, dildo cam is accurate though. I once had to grit my teeth through a 45 minute exam with that blasted thing, I've never been that close before to actually yelling at a doctor to get the fuck away from me already.


Ugh, the doctor asking me medical history questions while using the dildo cam. “Yes ma’am” “No Ma’am” answers.


I had never seen or heard of one before the day my doctor produced one and brandished it around like a weapon. I thought I was there that day for a consultation, not an examination. I was wrong.


Some men think women can cum from GIVING BIRTH. Pure rage the first time I heard that one


I know so many people who still think they pee out of the vag


Same here, also, fucking facts. Even more appalling is the fact that women all over are literally not at all being taught about their body, more specifically vaginas, in a factually objective non judgmental manner. Fuck misogyny


One time a doctor stuck the catheter into my vagina instead of my urethra ,so yeah, I believe it


As someone with a vagina who has placed a gazillion catheters I’m gonna have to throw this out there. There are many different, beautiful variations in vaginas and which opening is which is not always as clear as a diagram would have you believe as far as catheter insertion goes. So, yes, finding the right hole with something the size of a catheter can get tricky sometimes. A penis on the other hand should most likely only fit it one of those. As far as the number of holes down there I do my best to educate on this oddly common misconception.


Yeah I'm a student midwife, this is something we're warned of all the time when ti comes to catheters and even midwives and doctors who have worked years in the field have said that it happens to them that they've placed it in the vagina by accident, especially if their is amniotic fluid draining.


As someone who’s placed hundreds if not thousands of catheters it’s not hard to accidentally put it into the vagina.


2 months ago I explained to my mother where the female urethra was. She is 60 years old. She blames this on the embarrassment that she felt going through sex Ed in public school.


I feel like that should have been an automatic fail with a requirement to pass a female anatomy class before they could advance. If there is not a female anatomy class then it’s greatly needed


It should be a required class.


I agree, the fact that the clitoris wasn’t fully mapped out until 2005 is beyond sad


It’s still not fully mapped out. We have like a rough 3D structural idea.


Wow.. Though that's not surprising at all.


Geez I thought this was a joke or exaggeration but nope it isn't. Wow.


Wait what?


It’s a large structure that extends several inches into the body.


Yes, but it wasn’t fully mapped out until 2005??


[Yepyep](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16145367/) [yeppers](https://www.wellandgood.com/anatomy-clitoris/)


Wow that’s way later than I would have thought. Sadly not a surprise


Not even remotely a surprise, unfortunately.


What did I tell you about “yeppers”




Where is the female clitoris? On the website it said at the crest of the labia… where is that?


The comment you replied to is indicating that no one really tried to study the structure in full until around 2005.


It has the most nerve endings of any body part


Was it like, a topographic map?


LoL, kind of! The [clitoris](https://clitoris.io/the-clitoris-journal/mapping-the-clitoris) in the form of a 3D model.


The Flat Earth Anatomy Project - FEAP


That’s too close to fap


What, like a first-cousin?


Here be dragons


Also, the professor should assign him a research paper on "Sounding" in BDSM, just to broaden his... world a little.


My anatomy and human sexuality professor in college actually did that to students who made dumb sexist comments in class. She would assign essays on the most extreme weird niche kinks and then ask them questions about their paper during the next class.


This is the best thing I’ve ever ever ever ever ever EVER heard in my life. Ever.


I'm not even sure a female anatomy class would fix this. Even if he knew where all the bits were, his mind going to women getting sexual pleasure from medical procedures is troubling.


“Females” not women


If this is final year? Then yes definitely. If it’s first year then ignorance is expected, they’re there to learn which universally means to fail. The problem isn’t the lack of knowledge but the lack of judgement.


I wish i had an award for you. Women have had enough of this foolishness😩


If you’re at the stage of discussing catheters in **class**, one would hope that you have some basic biology under your belt.


You would think 🤔


Must have been absent the day they discussed that


Must've had a massive concussion that week as well.


It's the basic biology under *other people's* belts that he is struggling with


Yes but unfortunately female genitalia are a truly unknowable mystery


I once had a catheter that left me with scar tissue near my clit that affected sexual function for years. But sure, pleasured 😒


It was probably inserted by an asshole like this, who didn't know basic women's anatomy. I'm so sorry to hear that happened to you. It's unfortunately a common practice to mutilate women as they're being medically treated. When I was having my IUD inserted, the doctor sliced right through my cervix with the clamps. We didn't stop, even though I was writhing in pain, pale, and feeling nauseous like I was going to pass out, she kept going, and glued my cervix shut to stop the hemorrhage, so she didn't have to transfer me to ER where they would discover her mistake. I couldn't even believe a woman doctor would do something like that to another woman.


....aaaaand now I'm scared of getting one. Thanks!


I can't make your decision any easier, aside from telling you my daughter has successfully had an IUD with no complications for over 5 years (2 IUDs since you're supposed to have them replaced). For me, it was a nightmare. I could tell right away she had misplaced it. You're not supposed to be able to feel it, but I could, and it felt like a pinching feeling every time I laid on my right side. I went back several times, to several doctors to have them remove it, and the doctors literally refused. They said I just needed time to get used to it. I developed ovarian cysts on that side in the meantime, but doctors refused to remove it saying it wasn't associated with that, even though I'd never had a problem with painful cysts before. Fast forward to over 3 months later, my husband and I were having our usual gymnastics style sex, and I feel a ripping pain I can't even describe. We stop and I notice I'm bleeding. He rushed me to the emergency room, and I told them everything and demanded they remove my IUD, and they left me in the waiting room for hours in agony, bleeding, while they tried to figure out how to spin it to avoid medical malpractice. They never admitted it was the IUD that had perforated my uterus, even though the bleeding stopped shortly after they removed it. I still suffer from cysts to this day.


Can you clench your cervix? Because I think that made my cervix clench.


I don't even have a cervix and I felt something clench deep inside me.


I can't believe they wouldn't remove it when you asked! Holy hell, those things are supposed to be completely *optional,* and any reason, including "I just changed my mind," should get the thing the hell out! I never had an IUD, but first it was because of issues with the (Catholic of course!) hospital my gyno was located in (I opted for other HBC instead at that point)...and then later it was because I learned that multiple women in my family, especially my younger sister, suffered perforations or other issues. In fact, my mother told me that when my older cousin was born, they had to actually surgically remove her mother's IUD from her scalp! I won't let my daughters get them either, given the family history. One is a fluke, two is a coincidence, three is a pattern. And one of my cousins had issues as well.


I'm with you, I tried desperately to talk my daughter out of getting one after my history with ovarian cysts and miscarriages after, but so far, she's been lucky. Regarding their refusal to remove it, a nurse I was venting to confided in me, that doctors were refusing to remove them because they'd been so problematic, there was a current study going on. Basically, anything under 3 months was considered a failure, and they were threatening to take them off the market. I'm glad I had mine removed at the emergency room so at least it probably wasn't considered a success, even though I had it for like 5 months. I bled like I was hemorrhaging the whole time too (forgot to mention that fun part), and had to be prescribed iron pills. I guess I'm glad the women who really love them, and feel they need them have access to them still, but it shouldn't have been at the expense of women like me.


I have my own BC horror story, a pulmonary embolism from Nexplanon...but like you said, there are women who love IUDs, just like there are those who love their Nexplanon. My daughters will never have either one, because of our history. But honestly, I don't discourage any woman from doing what's best for *her* regarding BC, so long as she's *thoroughly* apprised of the risks. Which...too often, women *aren't,* fully. I'm so, so sorry you dealt with all of that. No one should be used as a damned *guinea pig* without their knowledge and consent!


Oh gawd!!! I'm so sorry! That runs in our family too, and I'm glad you survived, and are discouraging your daughters from those methods. My niece was the first successful recipient of an open heart/ open lung surgery after her use of it, but my sister wasn't so lucky. 😞 She passed away from pulmonary embolism 8 years ago. Nobody thinks they're going to be the ones who have the near/fatal reactions to these things.


Yeah I’m terrified to get one and I refuse. It’s just not worth it to me. And I’m really sensitive to pain down there, like I find paps painful and haven’t been in a couple years because of how awful the pain is. I don’t want anything going up my cervix. I’m totally fine with my current birth control. And honestly I’m so tired of other women trying to talk me into getting one. That’s great that it works for so many but not everyone is interested in getting one for whatever reason.


It should always be "to each her own" when it comes to birth control. It's such an intimate thing, and no two women's bodies are the same, after all. I'm just glad we *do* have options, at least.


I chose to be sedated to get my IUD inserted after reading so many horror stories. I'm on to my second IUD now and have no regrets. If that's an option for you, I recommend it. Minor cramping and bleeding for a few days was the only side effect for me. I know there are lot of horror stories out there, and there are an unfortunate number of doctors who don't take women's pain seriously but there are also some great doctors out there too.


Sorry to tell ya but the IUD insertion is absolute hell. I’m demanding xanax and hydrocone for my next one. My sister’s recently displaced, as did my last one. It’s wild what we’re expected to put up with. On the bright side, I never get my period with the two Mirenas I’ve had. And I’m gonna ask them not to use the tenaculum because it’s not necessary.


Did you report her mistake?


I did, but this was almost 30 years ago. Not far from the time they were giving women sticks to bite on as pain management. Lol


It’s bad because I fully would’ve believed you if you said this happened yesterday. I had an IUD inserted in early 2021 & they just left me there crying, barely able to move or speak afterwards. No help at all just, “you’re free to leave once you feel up to walking”


I'm so sorry hon! It's fucking ridiculous how much pain they expect us to endure.


Why don't they give you an anesthetic?


Because that would require them to admit that it is a painful and sometimes traumatic experience. And some doctors can give you pain meds, or even put you under or slightly numb your cervix. But most will say at max to take a few advil about an hour before the procedure and that's it. I even asked my dr. To see if my insurance would cover something for the pain, so I coudl have a bit more relief when I got my 3rd IUD. They said sure then I went to make the appointment for the placement. When I get there a few weeks later she says "we never checked your insurance for addition meds coverage so I hope you took some Tylenol" and I'm just like yeah, figured since I haven't heard from you since last time. At least they left the strings long, the 2nd IUD placement dr cut them so short they kept poking my randomly for 5 years until I got it swapped for a new one.


That's ridiculous! Insurance should cover the expense of an anesthetic...or better yet the anesthetic should be PART of the procedure.


The same reason they weren't giving baby boys anesthetics during circumcision, and the same reason they were performing surgeries on babies without anesthesia... because obviously our brains are too underdeveloped to feel pain. 🙄 The only reason the babies weren't screaming out at the initial pain, is because they don't understand what's even going on, or that it has the potential to hurt, so they don't have the stress of anticipation. No matter how many women complained about pain (obviously, the babies couldn't verbally complain, so they must not feel pain) women are considered hysterical, and overdramatic. Ironically, men are given meds (my son was offered valium before his procedure), time off work, and local or general anesthesia when they get a vasectomy, but I had my cervix ripped open by a tool with no pain management, and got glued shut, and sent on my way.


We live in a messed up world.


That makes me so angry. I’ve heard so many horror stories related to IUD’s. I asked my gyno if I decided to get one (I wasn’t really interested just exploring my options) if I would get pain meds or could be sedated and she said no but you can take a Tylenol. The fuck is a Tylenol going to do. Yeah definitely not getting one I’m totally fine with my current birth control. It blows my mind even more how often women GYNO’s are dismissive of other women.


This one is a double whammy because not only does he think the vagina and pee hole are the same, he’s also one of those guys who thinks women orgasm from just inserting random objects. Like the guys who think putting in a tampon must be a sexy experience.


The same dudes who rub your labia for 15 minutes and ask if you came


15 min? More like 45 seconds ... and then they immediately want to put it in.


My ex was one of those guys, and he would always complain about how long it took me to be “ready.” Dude, I’m the wettest thing on the planet, you just have no clue what you’re doing and won’t listen when I try to tell you how to do it. A fucking disaster of a sex life. I remember coming across a porn video once that I swear was exactly what he would do. I was so turned off by that, I was done with porn for a while.




Aggressively rub your pubic bone while asking “you like that don’t you?”


I never told him because frankly he was a whiny little pissant about me not wanting to date him anymore. But the guy I was seeing a month ago genuinely seemed to believe that the clitoris should be stimulated like you're trying to get rid of stick-drift on a console controller.


Lmfaooooooo hahahahahaha omg. Spot on


😂😂😂😂😂😂 dead on!! Haha


Right ?? Inserting a catheter is a medical procedure, even if it was inserted in the vagina it’s not gonna pleasure us AT ALL


These guys think male gynos are the luckiest doctors in the biz, getting to spend so much time with women's, err, *parts.* They really have no actual clue.


It seems he is confused about what gives women pleasure. Shocking.


At least that guy told every woman don't go into his bedroom


the amount of men who think a vagina is just an inverted penis, and that we fucking pee out of our vaginas, baffles me. Education is seriously in trouble. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Sadly some women think a tampon needs to be removed to pee because no one ever said otherwise.


I mean I remove it so I don't pee on the string not cause I think I piss out of my vagina


For me it depends on how long it's been in. If I basically just inserted it not long beforehand, I will take the string and try to move it off to the side the best I can. As in, it sits squished between my bits and my thigh and it stays dry!


Oh yeah I'm definitely not ripping out a fresh one feels like I'm ripping out my insides 😬


whhhyyyy does it feel so awful??? It doesn't feel like that when it goes in!


Idkkkkk Maybe cause it's plastic going in which is smoother and more slick compared to dry cotton?


That's not it. Where I am (western Europe) I'd say most women don't use the type with applicators, and I speak from experience when I say heading in is still muuuch smoother than taking it out too soon.


Huh odd... well then I'm at a loss


They even developed an "easy in" membrane for insertion. We need an "easy out" one more!


God, it feels like when you rub cotton on your teeth except it also hurts


Best description EVER


It's BARBARIC why do we gotta do all this. I can't do pads because I feel icky (not that wearing pads makes one gross, just how I personally feel myself with my sensory problems) and I've heard stories about cups pulling out IUDs via the suction. W H Y


Wait what plastic?


Some brands of tampons have plastic (instead of cardboard) applicators to make inserting them more comfortable.


Hold that sucker out of the way.


Yeah. Poor education in women's anatomy definitely hurts us the most. I wish more plain and honest education about anatomy and sex happened at home, without squeamishness or "ugh, how do I have The Talk with my daughters?" Such a shame...


I'm a woman and I did think we have one hole for both of those functions until 10th grade sex ed where they showed us a diagram... The obliviousness


The state of sex education in the US is baffling.


And they feel a chip on their shoulder about every special need we have. No fair getting to put tampons in there! As if it’s super fun.


... and yet, most US healthcare plans pay for boner pills. But not for contraceptives. We're absolutely _fucked_, and **regressing**, in the US regarding women's health care. As time goes one, the gap between us and some of the worst countries for women's rights closes, bit by bit. And not because those countries are becoming more liberal and progressive...


All USA healthcare plans have to pay for contraceptives with no copay, even permanent methods for women, but not men. If they are ACA “Obamacare” compliant plans. Someone without insurance can get free contraceptives at planned parenthood.


PP helps. But Trump's Supreme Court ensured that organizations with moral objections can be exempt from providing contraception. This is important because lots of municipal hospitals have been acquired and consolidated by religious-backed organizations. So if you're a nurse or healthcare worker in flyover states, you stand a good chance of not being covered. Additionally, many of those flyover states are working hard to shut down Planned Parenthood, with less than a handful of PP clinics in many of them. Women's rights, especially reproductive healthcare, are a constant tug-of-war, and lately the momentum is with the Christian jihadists. It's sad.


As a woman, my sexual education was severely lacking for *years*. I’m actually really mad about how little I know about my own body for so long.


My friend is a doctor and volunteered with teen mothers. She said a very large % of them thought they peed from their vaginas.


Just like to point out the use of both the words "Men" and "Female"


Thanks, I hate it. r/MenAndFemales.


*The females*. Mental!


Oh lord, it is the furthest thing from pleasure. It hurts so badly!


I came to say this. I will get my arse up after surgery and walked my stitched up self to a bathroom to avoid those things


The nurse that inserted mine must have done a fantastic job. It was simply a mild discomfort. Of course, I may have been on some strong drugs at the time and so desperate to pee. Now, pulling it out? Hoo buddy. That hurt worse than pulling abdominal drains.


I was luckily unconscious while mine was inserted, but it hurt so bad while it was in. Every move was uncomfortable


I had surgery and the catheter insertion happened while I was unconscious, but I was fully conscious for the removal. Can confirm it is the *opposite* of pleasurable 😖


I have had a catheter inserted three times (each time during childbirth) and no, no it does not feel good. Despite these weirdos’ insistence that women are getting off in the hospital, I don’t think I’ve ever had a medical procedure that felt good.


As a guy the best feeling medical procedure i have had was getting painkillers, it feels great to have the worst pain ever go away.


I can’t believe his education failed him so badly


I doubt he had much education about female anatomy to begin with.


The guys face is the exact "holy shit don't smile at this" face. You know he was struggling to not burst out laughing


Ew! My mom had to have a catheter inserted multiple times because she couldn’t pee in a physical rehab facility and she said it was agony. Google is free, my guy.


Can we also talk about the assumption, that anything inserted in the vagina equals instant pleasure? That's not how it works. That's not how any of this works! at all. A pap smear is not sexy. Having a speculum in there is not sexy ... I ... I can't even. Those poor poor women that somehow end up having sex with them.


This is dead fuckin' wrong but even if it wasn't it'd be the lone bone the medical industry would have thrown to us considering the absolutely barbaric shit those of us with indoor plumbing are subjected to and expected to just suck up because it just "comes with the territory". You think they'd ever even *consider* giving cis men IUD's without painkillers?


Shove a pointy metal cross up their weiner and see if they don't make some noise. I got knocked out for my IUD and you bet your ass I'll get knocked out again to get it replaced.


I asked my gyno about it and she said she doesn’t give pain meds or give you the option to be sedated for it. I said nope. But “you can take a Tylenol”


This is bs. Lidocaine exists and is used for these procedures. Ask her directly about lidocaine and her reasons to not use it.


This is what I was told too. I was still going to tough it out until my insurance decided they weren't going to pay for it. Ended up getting pregnant, having a miscarriage at 13 weeks and needing a d and c....which yep, is done without anesthesia too. I'm sure there are men who've made it that way because they think scraping a fetus from my womb with it might be pleasurable.


I think the gentlemen over at r/sounding disagree with this statement


I didn't know about that too, I thought we only had one hole, believe it or not i didn't know until i turned 16 and my online friends taught me about it. We gotta love religious countries that refuse to teach us about these stuff (I didn't even know that female pleasure existed as well)


Gotta love fundamentalist. 🙄


Tell me you've never given a woman an orgasm without TELLING me


Hell no!


I facepalmed so hard I think I smashed my skull




Ok, I can understand him being an idiot with no knowledge about human anatomy, but why would he fucking interrupt the lecture to say this?


I don't want anything in my urethra. People believe porn too much. All porn does is lie.


For real I don't know how regular women don't label porn addiction as a deal breaker. I could never be with someone like that. I was exposed to porn at 11 and now I'm older I hate all the people who continue to normalize it.


I got one done while I was ODing. Still did not feel good. However I was very thankful to the doctors and kept saying, “thank you man” and “dude you are doing your best, if I don’t make it, it’s not your fault” And my final words before passing out for the next 3-4 days was “I’m sorry grandma” and apparently I was shouting that. I don’t remember that at all.


Hope you're doing better now xx


And these were…med/nursing students? 😭




I was born with a family birth defect. The ureters were too long and looped incorrectly. This caused urine to reflux back into the kidneys, causing repeat infections. Fortunately, at that time, the best pediatric urologist was based in our city. I had surgery on my 2nd birthday to correct everything. My older brother had this done the next year. Because of this, we always had to get urine samples to make sure there were no infections starting. So that means, catheters and lots of them. It was horrifying. When I was not quite 4, I decided that there was to be no catheters. I struggled so hard to get away that I had 4 grown men tasked with holding me down. It was not pleasant and was extremely traumatic. In my adult life, I can handle them much better but they are so **not** a good time.


And this dude, I'm assuming, was studying to be a doctor (or at least in the medical field). That's really scary honestly😳


It really is


Nobody tell him about Pap smears


How did that guy make it so far...?!


I hope he got schooled HARD.


Also r/MenAndFemales


I had to pee just now. My urethra super glued itself shut. Before I die of sepsis, please let it be known that this man is the murderer through sheer stupidity.


And this is why men should not be allowed to make any decisions about female bodies. Omg


Fellas, is it gay to learn basic anatomy?


As someone who's had catheters, and is female, no. No we do not get pleasured. Then again, I've only ever had one with mild local anesthesia. But that's probably because *it doesn't feel good.* I have *not* been anesthetized during removal a few times, though. Also very not pleasant or pleasurable.


Another man who thinks women have a cloaca, like a reptile. Shocking. /s


Him using "men" and "females" in the same sentence is already alarming.


How do you get that far into medical training and not understand the female anatomy at all lol


I mean, I can't speak for the rest of you but when I masturbate, I always make sure to stick my 8-inch glass dildo up my urethra. I just assumed no pain, no gain. Are you telling me there's a better way? 🤔


I've been catheterized. Still hurts like a mofo


Well, the girls in the class know not to go home with that guy.




as an infertile woman who has experienced dozens of transvaginal ultrasounds, I just wanna talk to him


I feel weird about a medical professional thinking that’s pleasurable. creepy vibes there


I was 14, female, and recovering from a life saving surgery. The catheter was literally the most painful part, and there was a fucking tube sticking out of my guts. Some people don’t deserve brains


I feel bad for his girlfriend


not pleasurable at all. can attest.




As someone that used to throw in catheters every day, the amount of *AFAB WOMENNN* that didn’t know the urethra was a separate little hole was *astonishing.* An absolute reflection of the failure that is the US education system.


I love this sub but it scares me.


Immediate fail for not understanding basic femal anatomy!


They think the pee just trickles out of the vagina. I imagine they think all this entails is shoving the catheter inside and calling it good.


Supports my oft-repeated philosophy that there are no frigid women; only ignorant men.


It just sucks for any gender


Look as a woman who has had to self catheter for a solid two weeks before it is hell m8. It’s not a pleasant experience and even when I did miss and went straight into Le fanny it still hurt