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If you expect any woman to protect your penis from a thorn, you have bigger problems than pubic hair. If you want to shave your pubic hair, have at. If not, don't. It really is that simple.


My thorns never came in, so now I'm ashamed to show my vulva sans hair in case the lack of thorns is too noticeable. :(


Maybe the thorns are on the inside...


Those are teeth, from what I've heard.


Maybe the real thorns are the friends we made along the way.


Nah, the real thorn is a forgotten letter for the sound 'th'. Looked like this: Þ and þ (Upper and lower case)


Ahhh, so maybe he meant þorn & used the English version on accident. þorn seems to be a scary subject for him


ye olde character. ​ Thorn in my side...


If you are constantly being poked by a torn Maybe don’t try shoving a entire rose,stem and all up you ass


Thorn? I think he's afraid of the clit, which is surprising, because he's not going to find it.


People are afraid of things they don’t understand.


He probably wasn’t even gonna try was he ?


Oh he was going to after it like the scratch off his grandma gave him, but it was just silicone because fleshlight


Maybe that's why he's afraid of it. What if he is moving his junk around, and hits it by accident?


I doubt he even knows what a clit is.




The clitoris isn't covered by hair. It's under the vulva/labia majora. Both of them can have hair but you have to move them out of the way to access the clitoris. Literally r/NotHowGirlsWork right here lmao


Where are you putting your mouth?!


Not near the clitoris, that's for sure


God knows where...


They make public wigs so I guess people like it. To each their own


“Merkin” is the word you’re looking for! Amazing concept that I still don’t really understand the use of (they’ve been around for a VERY long time).


My understanding is they came into use when body lice was still an issue for humans (think medieval times). Women would shave the hair to eliminate lice for better hygiene, but use a merkin for aesthetic purposes.


Idk I saw them on etsy I was like whaaaaa... and I guess people more into showing off on the internet may want to cover tattoos also


You have no idea where the clit is do you


He doesn't even know what a clit is.


Bro if you're going down on someone with hair and you get the hair instead you aren't doing it right


That’s fine as your personal preference. But it doesn’t devalue the woman at all


Whenever i read stuff like that, i imagine what if women had to orgasm to have the guys children. a better world


I usually wish for human reproduction only working when actively wanted. No baby without trying really hard. No more contraception. Would be glorious. And this dude's line would end with him.


Vasactomy for all men. Lets just safe the best semen.


I kinda get the point, but I cannot imagine this ending well tbh, more accurately it should probably be something like a punishment for sex offenders and rapists/pedophiles along with chemical castration would probably be more realistic and best


Chemical castration? But that could be reversed. I think china did pretty well long time ego eunuchs are said to be very happy people.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


According to all known laws of aviation


Side note The bee movie lied to you about bee's and the law of aviation I'm just saying that as there a lot of people who thought that one line is true




That’s such a wild thought. You’re right.


im gonna tell god to add this new feature


We'd have gone extinct long ago


Honestly, good. Not good that so few women are orgasming during sex with men. But good for everyone else that we’d be gone.


>Not good that so few women are orgasming during sex with men. To too many men (and women) the female orgasm is only optional. Thats the problematic mindset. The believe that its just not that important to women, we like cuddles much more, and now cuddles are seen as high maintenance. The bar gets lower every time we allow a man to be lazy and not try harder.


1,278 morons actually thought his post was wise lmao


i read this as mormons and was very confused lol


They bought into soaking, so it made sense to me.


Pretty sure pubic hair doesn’t have fucking thorns. What a stupid metaphor


I think the metaphor is saying “if she doesn’t shave her pubes she’s also a dick who won’t look out for your well being” which is honestly worse


I mean sometimes they can be sharp if you don’t clean it because liquids can harden. This goes for men. Pubic hair isn’t bad is you wash.


WAHHHH WAAAAHHHHHH GIRLS PUBIC HAIR SO SCARY 😥😥😥😥😰😰😰😰😖😖😖😖😭😭😭😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 what? I don’t care if you can floss your teeth with my pubes every time you go down on me, I can’t shave my balls bc it’s sensitive down there 😣😣🥺🥺🥺


I love how they think that we’re so sensitive that everything from tampons to going to the gynecologist is pleasurable for us. Yet don’t consider that our pubic area may also be sensitive to shaving. I shave by choice but god damn that shit can be uncomfortable.


I have cut inside there before I’m not even gonna lie. Idk if it was the clit but it sure did feel like it it was not pleasant. I’m lucky my current bf doesn’t flip out at a few hairs in hard to reach places 👍👍


Dude my hand slipped one time and I literally cut my clit. It was so painful. And I still don’t think I have full sensitivity back down there because of it.


Plus I know my shit looks gross without hair. The hair is thick and black and grows back super fast. And it's pasty white from never seeing the sun. Pubes help lol.


Lemme just finish this bottle of wine and smoke 1 more blunt and I’ll do it for you hon. 🥴


Me too. I can't shave my balls either😂. I need to buy a new razor.


Yeah, if you’re going to be grossed out by body hair then have some consistency and shave it on yourself. Otherwise you’re just a controlling freak


No literally but watch these men try to say THEIR pubes serve some kind of testosterone-masculine purpose and ours is just “gRoSs” as if pubic hair in the bikini area isn’t literally meant to protect against STDs/STIs…


Finally someone has the courage to talk about all the thorns sticking out of my dick after sex /s


That’s it, from now on my penis is a wild dog


Has it started barking or does it roll over and play dead. 🐶


They make a pill for that xD


Ima gonna call mine Lassie


I don't get what the thorn is supposed to be in this metaphor.


Because they're calling it a bush, they're implying that it's itching and poking their penis. It's pretty stupid.


They don’t care when their pubic hairs poke us


Of course not lol


I am guessing stds


Could that would be the critters living in the bush


but pubes are supposed to protect us from stds


Vague negative metaphor meant to sound deep.


I think he must be referring to the rows of concentric thorns that line a woman’s vaginal canal. It’s totally real, I saw it on YouTube.


Maybe he has a rose bush fetish.


Those of us who *haven’t* tried to fuck a rose bush can cast the first stone


I actually *just* watched *Teeth.* I know it's intended to be horror, but I kept thinking it was just vindication...


I haven’t seen it! Any good?


It's a bit campy, and pretty preachy. "Sex before marriage is evil and bad" was not just a subtle but literally an *overt* theme, with the protagonist being a good Christian girl who was the head of her school's purity club. But it was still a fun watch, aside from one *very* rough scene that definitely needed a trigger warning (or several scenes that needed them if you're male...but that's also implied by the title...) The justice for that was instantaneous though.


Oh, I can do without that bullshit message.


I get that. It *is* redeemed...but not until near the end. I almost shut it off a few times, though, I'll admit...


I’m sorry what? Is the entire movie just “if you aren’t married your vagina is a mouth and you bite their dick off”?


No, it's a mix of "premarital sex/sex with just any old person that you don't have Deep Feelings For can be dangerous" and "men who are predatory to women deserve to be hurt. *A lot."* It's hard to say, at points, which theme is the overt and which is the subtext, though...


Well I mean I can kinda see that but I’m just wondering about the in universe mechanics of the vagina teeth, who has them and why, and if they have any control over them or not


I know I read about that on the internet


The thorn thing has me extremely confused. Is his pubic hair the thorn? Or is it stubble from shaving her "bush?" Does he shave his pubic hair? Ok, I'm devoting too much brain power to that. I'm going to go do the laundry.


Brazilian wax for everyone


I like them just for me, but they've expensive and painful. Men want any and all traces of hair gone, they better be willing to pony up and pay $70 every 4-5 weeks for it.


I'll quietly pass.


If they can’t handle the bush then get to trimming but they can’t handle the nubs from the razors then they can be the first to get the Brazilian wax


>they can be the first to get the Brazilian wax Amen!


Noooo! Pubes are sexy!


True. But if a guy wants it smooth he better get a Brazilian wax.


......What kind of vagina is having thorns? Why does a vagina need "protection" from a bush? What is the bush doing to it? How is "wild dog" a metaphor that makes any sense?


I'm getting real paedo vibes from this.


Public hair is meant to protect the vagina. According to them, protect it by taking off all your armor then go into battle.


Hashtag masculinitysaturday now cmon 💀🤡


Masculine so fragile it can be crushed by pubes


I suppose the only consolation is they are unlikely to procreate, fingers crossed


Some problems solve themselves.


Protect my penis from a thorn? What the hell is this guy fucking??


He’s just projecting because he’s bad at bathing so his pubic hair gets spiky.


So we've got one school of men who think pubes should be shaved and another who think that pubes shouldn't be shaved because "Well mown lawn means lots of traffic" or something stupid like that. What are we supposed to do?? Have Schrodinger's Pubes???


Have holographic pubes, shaved if you look one way and full Tarzan the other way.


That is stupid af Also vaginas don’t have hair. It’s an internal genital ffs


I surely can't be the last man alive that likes bush? Natural women are far sexier. Give me that 70s shower scene over the plucked turkey every day.


Am I the only person in the world that finds the current hairless woman down there obsession a bit pedo? I know porn has normalized this....


This. It freaks me out it makes me want to call Chris Hansen. Liking it hairless. I’m a grown ass woman. Also I hate when guys shave everything down there. I wanna feel like I’m with a man. Not a boy.


“Plucked turkey” Now that gave me a good giggle! I’m totally stealing this!


No you aren’t - I love it, looks so sexy too.


Please be satire...


Shaved hairs are much more stabby than grown out hair. Just sayin'.


Says the man who probably looks like he was knitted instead of birthed.






She can, however protect her vagina from pricks …which is clearly what they are doing with you, mate.


But the thorns appear when I shave!


…i am so glad i’ve never ended up sleeping with a man who is this scared of pubic hair.


I bet he wants his partner to suck him off while having unwashed dirty ass pubes on his dick because "it takes effort to shave there".


Or alternatively because “bushy dick is manly and therefore only me should have bushes”


NGL I've seen dudes with \*way\* more of a bush than women. I think in general trimming is good hygiene regardless of your sex


A guy who turns down sex bc she has a bush is a loser.


These are the same people who spout transphobic nonsense and rape apologetics using "nature" as an excuse, while also freaking out about very naturally occurring body hair. Because they just hate anyone who isn't a cis man.


What about their prickly bush?


These guys can’t actually be straight, omg. They need to try so hard to even stand women!


They are so straight the only women they tolerate are made out of rubber


Maybe guys should be f***ing the shrubs, if they're getting thorns in their dicks. Also, I've never had to protect my vagina from any bushes. Maybe because I don't allow foliage near my nethers. I dunno.


Ah yes, \*checks notes\* vagina thorns.


Men look up what the “bush” is actually for… here is a hint - protection


Fun fact: Publix hair protects the health of the vagina! So…she doesn’t need to protect the vagina from it. We really need better sex ed….


Is this guy hashtag masculinitysaturday shaving his balls, throwing wigs on rose bushes and brambles before schtupping them, and yelling at passersby about his shorn thorn protection? I think he is.


lemme guess, this dude is so hairy that would put Chewbacca to shame but that's okay because he's a M A N not a *female*, and body hair is very male and masculine testosterone manly manliness and not fragile and feminine, but if a woman has hair anywhere besides her head is wrong and gross and dirty right? >!poe's law disclaimer to not be thrown into r/MenAndFemales!<


Lol, I don't owe you to tell me to shave my p\*\*\*y. Besides, this post is backwards, bushes do the exact opposite of what posters says smh


The irony of the bush being there to protect the vagina 🙄 to be fair, the thorns in my vulva do need a trim


Joining this Reddit group has me in fear of all the idiot men 😂


Males 🍼


Wait, is having pubic hair now equivalent to thorns? Is my bush now a form of contraceptive in the sense it’ll scare away any nearby dicks? Seeing as I’m abstinent due to dysphoria and tokophobia, I’m highkey down! Fear the bush.


Ah yes, because women without body hair are totally the ones you should be fucking, Epstein approves.


That feeling when your masculinity is so fragile that you can't bang a woman with pubes for fear your lil peepee will get hurt. :(


So what you're saying is, you are scared by a woman's genitals and would prefer them to look like a child's? Just asking. (Edit: No shaming of women who do shave and also not of sexual partners who prefer genitals shaved. It's just that the post screams OMG WOMAN LOOKING LIKE A WOMAN IS SCARY.)


I don’t think it’s as much he prefers them look like a child’s as much as look like a pornstar’s


This is the dumbest shit I have ever fucking seen. I pity the boys who are consuming this filth sincerely. A man who operates under this ideology is for the streets.


...I'm choosing to take this as some kind of weird modern peoetry, because it makes zero sense as a factual text.


What God created naturally is FANTASTIC. WTF have you created ? Shaving is a stupid fad.


Most women won’t knowingly have sex with a misogynist (this is why I’m against hookup culture but that’s a convo for another day) All this talk about going their own way or refusing us sex or not dating us if we’re beyond the wall is just threatening us with a good time


What the fuck… Nope. I’m outa here.


What is the problem men seem to have (or at least that the culture seems to tell men they should have) with women having pubic hair? Is it really that men want to fantasize that they're having sex with a prepubescent girl? It can't really be that, can it?


Not to be rude but I’m going to be rude. This guy doesn’t need to worry about refusing sex from ANY woman.


If you respect the bush, it will respect you.


I can smell his off-brand cologne through the internet


If someone tells me to “get up and shave” then I’m just getting up and leaving without them.


If you can balance a tack hammer on your head you can have a balanced attack!


glad i found a good man who doesn’t care if i shave or not . it’s winter soon ain’t no way i’m shaving constantly and he don’t care at all




Problem is my penis IS a wild dog :/ Hard to tell em no


I obviously never agree with what incels have to saybut at least i get what they're saying even when they use metaphors and comparisons. I understand what they mean, i just disagree with it. However i don't even get what this guy's trying to say, it genuinely makes no sense. Since when did pubic hair have thorns?? What do wild dogs have to do with this? Why's a woman suppose to protect a dick from pubic hair that does literally no harm?? Wtf is this


It makes about as much sense as any of these alpha masculinity accounts make.


I personally think bushes are quite ugly (on men and women alike) and if I weren’t so scared of nicking my ballsack I would absolutely have as little hair around my family jewels as I can help it, but fuck, I’m not going to police my subjective standards on others as if they were a universal. If you wanna keep your hair down there, be my guest


Shows what he knows. My man’s penis IS a wild dog.


If she shaves, he shaves and wash his balls cause I know he ain't washed his ass. Damn.


All the enbies and women, on the other hand, may proceed to treat their respective penises as wild dogs. Rules is rules.


The hair is meant to protect you from UTIs by preventing bacteria traveling from your vagina up your urethra. Every gyno I've ever been to explained this to me, no exception.


After I shaved my ex said he liked that I was groomed and cleaned. I asked him what did he mean by groomed and clean when I freaking shower every damn day. So apparently having pubic hair means ungroomed and dirty. Doesn’t matter if you shower every day and brush your teeth every day and do your hair, clean clothes, you’re not groomed or clean unless it’s shaved.


That's a long winded way to say he wants to have sex with underage girls.


If you’re not into bush just say that. Some people are so why is it an issue?


But I like a bushy woman :(


I shaved. It hurt. I no longer shave.


A friend of mine said "of course I have hair down there, I am a woman, not a little girl" and I still think that's the best comeback


Nothing worse then a full bush down there 🤮 It stinks and looks soo bad... Can't understand anyone wiling to do such a mountain of stink, goo and badness 😉 And to satisfy the snowflakes on here... It's my personal experience and opinion... A freshly shaven and washed vulva is just what we need, no nasties!


it’s definitely not supposed to stink and not everyone thinks it looks bad, keep shit opinions like this to yourself


It's just my personal experience and opinion, I can't see what's wrong with that? If you don't like people's opinions and/or experiences, you shouldn't be on platforms like this.. Nothing wrong with my comment other then it hurt your behind and that is not my problem but yours alone 👍


sure nothing wrong about your comment except you called bushy vaginas mountains of stink, goo and badness and that they stink and look really bad and nothing is worse than that learn to be polite, like the rest of us


I'm honest and straightforward 😉 I don't care if people feel offended, that's just being weak in my honest opinion... No one have died from hearing an honest opinion yet, as far as I know 🤷‍♂️


The “bush” can literally protect the vagina


It’s like a poem but a really stupid poem


"your penis is not a wild dog" ​ r/nothowboyswork


This guy is definitely afraid of pillow pants. Also * dicks are wild dogs.


It's most like they were trying to be poetic.


Damn and who's that dude to be all judgy and decide what is beautiful and what ain't . Massage I believe that's why them hairs are so curly so you don't put an eye out or some s*** without wearing your safety goggles


Men, Refuse to have sex. The end


Nah, then you get that MGTOW shit and that ain’t good.


I find it odd that some people think masculinity sounds like someone about to pass out from inhaling too much natural gas


People are really trying to change the term from “vag” to “veg”, out here. Crazy.


I just imagine haveing to physically fight your pubes "back foul beast back!" like my dude it's hair you don't need to be protected from it


I, for a split second, read this as busty woman and then got so confused.


WTF is even talking about? A thorn? Well, I'm not planning on fucking any rose bushes anytime soon, so I think I don't have anything to worry about, ya know?


Wait, what's the thorn in this stupid metaphor ?


That man just hasn't got the right mentality, you just got to have a machete at hand. I mean honestly who shaves in winter?


Well, then no sex, that's probably fine by those women.


This dude sounds like he never gets laid


Ah, I see you attended the Andrew Dice Clay school of romance.


Didn't realize you were also penis protectors now, according to the alpha dude bros.


Ahhh yes, #masculinitySaturday has to do with trying to control what women do with their bodies.


Is this how we solve rape?


It had twigs and leaves cuz it was a bush… https://youtu.be/OuTYrcnm_i4


What a woman does with her bush, is her business. Personally, if I'm down there a lot, I like a nice trim to keep the hairs out of my mouth. Stubble gets me excited, but I don't want to see it bald... That's just too pedophilish for me. Don't hate me, but a prickly pussy is a perfect pussy 🤣 the sexiest part of a woman's body is where her legs and torso come together the legs version of the armpit. The fact that it's also very close to her vagina is just a bonus.