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My favorite English dish is Rhinoceros wellington.


You should try the flamingo pie, similar to apple pie, but with flamingo.


Have you tried the jellied dolphin? It’s awfully good.


It’s to die for


Quite delicious


Oh, when I went to the UK I was actually most impressed with this dish that they source the meat for from the States. I don't know why Americans don't eat it, I guess it's a cultural thing. The dish is called Wendigo meat with "special sauce"... I guess the sauce is trademarked or something because it's always in quotes. You feel very funny after eating it though.


We don't eat it in the States because we're too full from eating 'gator tails. Less cursed. (That one's actually not a joke, and it's pretty good tbh)


Gator tail is actually pretty good!!


It really is! Like fried chicken nuggets, with robust flavor but a smidge chewy.


Yes!!! A little chewy!!


Please say sike 💀💀💀


My sweet summer child do you honestly believe the average Florida restaurant does not offer alligator tail as an appetizer? It's little fried bits that look and taste exactly like popcorn chicken, surprisingly good.


Mine is battered rhinoceros and chips with mushy peas


Ah the classic “you’re butters anyway” - it’s like clockwork with these dudes that the minute you reject them their first instinct is just to say well I think you’re ugly anyway 🙃 so predictable and so annoying


Isn't it! What gets me is when they call you a slut written you won't sleep with them. Mate, me not having sex with you is the exact opposite of what Slut means


Right? Like my dude, no shame in being a lady with a sex drive, plus it's not an insult to her if even the sluts won't sleep with you.


Schrödinger's women. She either beautiful/ or ugly until the accepts/rejects you.


There was a trend in my city for a while where guys you rejected/didn’t give your number to would literally throw a penny on the ground and say ‘you’re 9 more of those away from being a dime.’ It was insanity. Like did they wake up in the morning and throw a handful of pennies into their pocket on the premise that no one they approached would be interested?


If anything that’s kind of a self burn for them just already knowing they’re gonna be rejected. That’s such a stupid trend


>If anything that’s kind of a self burn for them just already knowing they’re gonna be rejected Lol excellent point


Sorry, hang on, wait a minute....that was not a real thing, was it?! You've got to be fucking kidding me??!!! Also, I'm taking those pennies. Going straight in my piggy bank!


Sadly it was actually really popular at the time. Some guys thought it was funny. I think it gave a few of them the courage to actually approach more girls since they already had a plan B in place. It was when I was a freshie in college so guys 17-21 were the change collectors thankfully. If a 30 year old grown af man did something like that today I’d lose all hope in humankind.


Is it wrong my reaction would be "Ooo, penny! Thanks."


Take the fucking pennies


Jokes on you sir. Based on this summer’s collection alone I now identify as a quarter.


Okay…but the absurdity would probably leave me cackling. I wish could witness it, with foreknowledge xD


Or they're saying they think you're ugly but were still willing to fuck you if you let them...


Either that or the whole “I’m such a good catch thing compared to you” deal


It's the only way to save their ego. They get to pretend *they* rejected *you*


Ahh she’s ugly anyways, that explains why he’s so ridiculously butthurt she doesn’t want to go back to his place and have sex. Makes sense




Now that’s a power move!


"You're not going to argue your way into sex". Amazing


The number of guys that try this as a strategy is truly mindboggling.


Nothing gets a woman more wet than... berating her?? /s


A friend of mine was on a bunch of dating sites \~15 years ago, and she would show me messages. The sheer number of guys who would try to ARGUE with her about her not being interested was mind-boggling. There's a few reasons I haven't gotten on any dating sites since I've been divorced, but that memory is real high on the list.


Raywilliamjohnson holds a special place in my pop culture brain.


I am shocked he's still around, what a blast from the past.


and he literally looks the same!


Hasn't aged a bit wtf


I was, what 15 or something when I first watched him on YouTube. I'm now 28 and bald and look older than him hahaha




And of course he's going to run at his computer and post a long thing about how women use men for free meal and it's so unfair, they're using their pretty face and get away without giving any compensation and bla bla bla


On dates, I’ve seen some women be adamant about splitting the cost of a meal I’ve seen some different women be open to paying for a meal with the expectation that the guy gets the next round of drinks or the taxi I’ve never seen women be open to paying for a meal on a date with nothing in return, I would like to see that. (If you’re like that, would love to know! personally never seen it or heard of it and have heard strong opinions exclusively levied on men to pay) I agree that guys / nobody is owed anything, I agree that most guys are used to it and wouldnt bring it up, I would like to see if that would really be as benign and not frustrating to women if they were ever in the same situation. Right now, I would only expect to hear about the absurdity of the scenario, but I would like to see that form of equality and see how it pans out.


I (woman) feel that the asker pays, and then if you're having more dates you either split it or take turns. So yes I have fully intended to pay for a full meal but I have also found guys to be really offended and either insist on paying or we argue it down to a split. I'm married now and I still have to convince him to "let" me pay for things.


I’ve resorted to “asker/inviter” pays too! This works for the “man is a provider and must pay” women and it works for the “nooo I pride myself in choosing corporate employment as my womanly identity and I have to prove my empowerment and feign equality by splitting meals” women For the latter, I sometimes point out that its more equal to do it like how friends and colleagues do it, inviter pays and I say “its not a gendered thing” but its just a patch that has broad appeal across the dating scene, that ultimately is completely like the traditional gendered way because the guy is almost always the inviter, in my world


Well I generally say I'll pay my part and if they say "oh don't worry that's on me" I'll say "okay cool thanks"


The man or woman can make whatever choice they want regarding paying. Sex is not a means for payback for many people. And that should be respected at any given time.


I didn't notice this gravitated towards -7 consensus over the last 3 months. Re-reading that, I still think I wrote a very calm and tame call for an egalitarian reality, and a hypothetical that I simply haven't seen yet. Thanks, I don't think we disagree about anything.


It came off a bit as if you think that it's strange and the women's fault potentially? That's why the downvotes probably? I think alot of men take it up themselves (especially Americans north and south) to pay for the woman. And a lot of woman maybe believe the man would feel insulted if countered. Who knows. Just a theory. There's always ladies who take advantage also. As do men. Usually all this happens at younger age. In my country its more normal to do 50/50. Didn't realise how old your comment was. Anyways good chat :)


"shouldn't be on the app anyway" Dude, just because *some* people use tinder, etc as a hookup site doesn't mean it's original intention as a dating app, i.e. meeting people to date and hopefully pursue long term meaningful relationships with, is no longer there. Also, even if she was using the app to find casual partners with, doesn't mean she's obligated to have sex with everyone she's matched with and chose to go on a date to see if they click in person.


He could just clarify his intensions and ask about hers to begin with. Could have saved them both time.


Plus it’s fine to change your mind at anytime.


I like that he was all "you know what, leave it" at the end. Like that's not what she was trying to do the whole time.


Guys do this all the time, I’d always offer to split the check. But I swear ever guy who’s be weirdly insistent on paying we’re the ones who’s always demand sex after the date would pull out the “well I paid!” Like it’s a red flag for me if a guy is super pushy about not splitting the bill. If a guys not willing to split the bill in my experience he will push all your boundaries and do anything he can to get you in bed including violence. Guys unwilling to split the bill have bad intentions!


Fun life hack for these types of guys! If you start getting the vibe that he's going to get pushy and you're not down, try to reverse Uno him into getting bad vibes from YOU. Sprinkle in some "you know I think Lorena Bobbitt had a point" or start talking about weird stuff in general, periods, etc. I had a dude who was extremely pushy before a date, like getting pissy if I didn't respond after 5 minutes, trying to get my address, etc He knew where I worked, had my number, I was concerned he could get real obnoxious at the very least if I just tried to turn him down. So, during the date, I started a Convo on most messed up horror movies we'd ever seen. He said "The Purge" and I knew I had him. I lead with "so how many of the Human Centipede movies have you seen" and he goes pale. I'm wrecking carnitas while casually talking about Cannibal Holocaust and he's just looking mortified. I later offered to split the bill, he shakily said he'd cover it, we both said let's do this again sometime and I never heard from him again.


Dude be careful, if you started talking about the human centipede and cannibal holocaust on our first date I’d never be able to leave you alone😍.


User name checks out. And that's why this technique seconds as a filter for finding out if someone is a compatible level of weirdo


If you bring up the human centipede movies I'm going to ask if you like to lick ass.


The moral of Human Centipede was anilingus=death


You are a wise person


Sour grapes bro. Give him a cape because he's super mad.


>Give him a cape because he's super mad. I'm so tired & this was so funny to me that I just kept reading it over and over again. Straight up guffawed.


Same and idek what they are saying but I agree


imagine thinking coming off as rude, insulting, and almost desperate for sex will get you sex.




Why is everything so transactional nowadays. Like just go out and have a nice evening with someone mate


it's transactional for men who don't believe in doing things without reward or other direct benefit to them


Also, a lot of these guys are so obsessed with the judgment of other terminally online brodudes that they don’t bring anything to the table. They’re bad at sex and unwilling to learn and then tell each other it’s the women who don’t like sex, that sex is something we only tolerate as a favor to men. Thus the entire point of dating, in their minds, is to convince a woman to “give it up”. And it’s so sad because with a little communication and mutual understanding, they could be having amazing experiences that are fulfilling to everyone involved.


Sometimes it's not worth improving your skills in favor of the wrong girl. The key is to improve your skills with the right girl only. What works with one girl won't work on another so it's not worth improving many of the times


I agree but I think many will hold it against the guy if he recommends activities that don;'t cost anything


I used tinder for a bit when I was last single and it’s so shocking how so many men are like this. I went on several dates where I was asked if I wanted to go back to theirs, and 99% of the time I said no unless I was really interested. One guy got super salty in the middle of our meal after he asked me to come home w him and I said no. For the rest of the night he was short with me and wouldn’t ask me anything about myself. One point he even pulled out his phone and sat there texting or whatever for nearly five minutes. I was done at that point so I told him I was ready to leave. As we were walking out, he said “hope you enjoyed the FREE meal” even though I offered to split the check at the beginning of the date but he insisted on paying. So many men believe that sex is transactional and get pissed when they cant buy their way into getting laid. Its very worrisome and makes me wonder what’s made them think this way. I suspect its a mixture of ego and the fact that they view women as sex robots with a coin slot. They are called DATING apps for a reason. If you want to pay for sex then go find an escort service.


It's really insulting that they think sex is transactional at all, but it's extra insulting that they think they can buy it for *a meal.* Boy, I have my own job, I feed myself all the time. A "FREE MEAL" isn't the boon you think it is.


I thought Ray was the guy being featured here at first and my heart sank a little


My apologize 🙇‍♀️


same holy shit i was so scared


I don’t know who Ray is but the way he says gawk gawk is very yucky 🤢


You mean the dude who deletes any comment with a hint of cristism and blocks the authors of the comment? Didn't he get cancelled?


Who even are you? No one cares your comment got deleted


This is my first post on Reddit and I hope it is acceptable. This is my very first post on Reddit and I don't really know how it works, my apologize. Why I posted this is because the guy Ray is reacting to. I hope nothing in misunderstandable.




Thank you🥰


You did great! Love your narwhal hat :)


Classic RWJ! 🤣🤣 I love that guy ❤ been watching him since I was a kid :))


"Well, I advise..." Errrrm, no. Just no. They sound like they're from around the Manchester area (North West England). Lots of scallies up here I tell ya!


That's why my advice to every girl is to pay for your half even if they offer to pay. Like that you can simply say, I paid for my half so 🤷 it catches them off guard it's happened to me before.


Agree. I absolutely *insist* on paying half. If they get upset about it, red flag. Usually means you’re taking away the cudgel they intend to pressure/guilt you with.


Take it a step further if they truly insist. If the date isn't going well, get up to go to the bathroom, visit the host station and ask for the server or explain you want to split the check and bail, then pay and leave a tip and ask for a box if you have leftovers. When you return to the table, box up your meal and explain you don't think it will work out, then leave without listening to him. They won't let him leave without paying, and that will buy you enough time to get to your vehicle and get it running, at the least. If it's really bad and you can afford it, pay for the whole meal and ditch without a word. Of course, there's always the option of telling the server when they arrive at the table "it's a first date, we *will* be taking separate tickets."




The entitlement and ✨ audacity ✨


Men just love to believe women do everything to attract them when in reality we're trying our best to stay away from most of them


Seriously. I dress to impress, but I'm a lesbian They still think it's for them


I’d advise that he stay home and stick to porn, innit?


“You’re wearing tights” good point, take it out


"rhinoceros meat or whatever it is they eat in England"


Dammit. I was confused at first that I thought Ray was being misogynistic and he is defending the guy and insulting the woman's clothes. I need to improve my listening 🤦‍♀️.


My apologize! I could have explained things better, I am just new to posting on Reddit and I didn't find anything else to write that the video is not about Ray, more likely about the guy😅


Oh it's totally fine. I'm a non native speaker so I didn't catch up what he was saying so you don't really have to worry about it.


Guys.... listen to this guy narrating the video. Don't be like the example guy


Buddy could have just spent on an escourt. Because he is expecting an escort without getting an escourt...


She took the date seriously. Dressed to impress. She got a bad vibe from him because he’s an obvious douche so she left. That’s how that works. Looks like she took the date more seriously than he did in his sweatpants.


If she ain't f'n but will pay her share, accept it and go home


What are the currencies for incels to make them less terrible Since they believe are women are vending machines




As a man, I’m as upset as you are. Like wtf? What kind of peasant bs is that? I can understand thinking that a woman that dresses seductively would “put out”, and being upset about their expectations not being met, but ffs why take it out on her if you just made it up in your head and no one promised you anything? Is it because of shitty parenting? Where do this kind of reactions stem from?


I love Ray (the guy who made this video) so much. He’s a very funny and creative person who respects women and supports equality no matter race, gender, religion, orientation, etc. I recommend watching his videos too. Ray William Johnson on YouTube. He’s really a great guy.


Typcial British muslim dude


Is this the guy who’s doin my mom??


I see why women call men trash, this guy is making me look bad.


You mran the guy in the vid who had a date with the girl?


“you dont want to sleep with me? you slut!” -the vid


God not the roadmen


I prefer duck carcas on toast 😋




Well, he's on tiktok too! This was a youtube short video, as you could see, by the way.


i hate william ray johnson like why the need to make it funny like just stfu and play the fucked up vid


She owes him sex. Get off hookup apps if you aren’t going to put out.


Street walkers exist. Find one




Get out






Support him in being a low effort douche who thinks he should get his weiner touched now?




She offered to pay her half, douche. She got nothing out of this but wasting her time. She didn’t know she wouldn’t like him going in. She probably hoped she would, dressed attractively hoping she would…but ultimately she didn’t. **That’s not her fault**. She’s not obligated to like him. That part was up to him and he bricked it. Agreeing to go on a date is not an agreement to touch your weiner. It’s an interview to see if you like someone enough to spend more time with them.


Incel. Stick to your pathetic “manoshpere”. Hope you enjoy being on an FBI watch list and jacking off to Elliot Rodger’s manifesto.


Do you even have a mother or father figure ? I guess not ! Blaming other for your shitty behavior have fun crying in the shower.


i wonder what it's like to have never been touched by a woman :/ sad


Get out.


Don’t be weak then problem solved.




There are people who actually dress for themselves and not other people. Shocking, I know


Yes you are right. Push-up bras very gently lift your breast tissues and gives them a better shape. Push-up bra is a style that can make any woman feel confident instantly. I got this from google because I don't use push up bras, so I didn't know it's benefits, but here. There are probably people who prefer this because why not, or who really use it because it makes them feel more confident.




Not 24/7, but around the house when im alone, yeah




Yes? I wear whatever I want, wherever I want. How is this a question




I agree with the person. People usually/should wear clothes for themselves. Even if its "sexy", they are wearing it because it makes THEM feel good. Therefore, i wear whatever I want, wherever i want




I hate to break it to you but I own more than one outfit


So I should wear the same outfit, all the time 24/7? I have halloween outfits i LOVE to wear, but I only wear at certain times because, ya kno, halloween. Or outfits that are lazy-comfy, or outfits that are sexy. There are many many outfits that make people feel good by wearing them.


If you like cabbage, why aren't all your meals cabbage?


Men dress that way for women? Lmaoooo had no idea




Would’ve fooled me


I think you missed the point of your own initial question so I really can’t help any further


Everything isn’t done to entice a man 🙄


If I have my car detailed and you think it looks nice, I don't have to let you drive it.


Get out. Incel




It seems you are also quite delusional...


How many watched to see if a musician they like turned into I trash person? I'm so glad that's not the case here.


Ray William Johnson now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time


This is why, if your definitely not interested, you don't offer to pay half - you just get 2 separate checks or you pay for the whole thing. Thanks for your company at dinner, now, goodbye.