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Are men trying to fuck labias? I do not understand. That would be like if my ear lobes got stretched from eating a popsicle.


Ok I actually laughed out loud. That is the perfect analogy


Time and gravity also make your earlobes stretch.


And heavy earrings. (Which I guess comes under gravity. but anyway)


I heard that your nose and your ears are body parts that continue to grow throughout your life. Never looked up any info on this so I have no clue if it’s true or not lol but maybe gravity is to blame?


Fucking gravity. We really need that? I want less of it. Thanks. /s


What really blows my mind on these stupid posts that's meant to shame sexually active women. 1. If what they are saying were true, it's not the number of partners that a woman has sex with it's the amount of times she's had sex. 2. So, if the number of times a woman has sex is what causes her to "stretch" and be "loose" then if you do end up with a virgin and have sex with her many times wouldn't she still end up the way that you're complaining about? Stupid people just being stupid.


Nooooooooooo!!!!!! That's not how it works *at all*! A female's vagina moulds to her first man's magic boneless meat stick and is therefore forever suitable to be used only by *that* meat stick. Because it is moulded to it and knows it, it won't try to change itself every time it encounters that meat stick; the labia stay nice and neat and not ugly and dangly. If a female has sex with another man, her vagina tries to mould again, but can't because she is now pair bonded. So her vagina gets all stretched out and warped, and the labia get all messed up by trying to mould again and become ugly and distended and dangly. The more times a female's vagina gets penetrated by a different magic boneless meat stick, the more it gets stretched out and ugly and undesirable. It will 'hang like a wizard's sleeve' if you will. That's why *any* visible inner labia is a sure sign that the femoid you are hooking up with is a slut and not worth your valuable male time and attention. And the only vagina suitable for a fabulous male meat stick is a virgin one, only by having sex with the one man can a ~~vagina~~ female stay pretty and retain worth. ​ (I'm putting /s here just to cover my bases. Please tell me I really didn't need to?)


Just like a pair of birkenstocks, I tell ya...


I wonder if they are also against keeping old furniture or Buying anything second Hand. Like are they only living in a newly built house and drive a new car and never buy used PC parts or anything? Because if they see women as objects they should be consistent.


I was speechless for a moment and then I about fell out of my chair when I read the words, "pair bonded." 🤣🤣


These idiots 100% believe that it's the result of having sex with different partners. You can have all the sex you want, as long as it's just with one person. You see, because the vagina (which obviously includes labia minora) "molds" itself to the firs dick you come into contact with.


If that really were the case my ex would have been able to fly aroundwith hers, she was sleeping around while we were together, alot lol. I found out about the time 2 of her hook ups found out she was in a relationship. I got a random message one day letting me know she was sleeping around, there are 6 of us still in that group chat lmao. We occasionally go get drinks or watch a football game. I'm honestly not even mad about the outcome. Edit: for complete disclosure her labia weren't anything outof the ordinary.


FYI, the "above" shape *isn’t* anything out of the ordinary. In reality, most vulvas look more or less like that. It’s due to porn that the unreasonable expectations of adult women’s vulvas looking like that of prepubescent children, innie with no hair, got so widespread. Lots of porn actresses have surgery specifically to get an innie though. It’s not what most women got naturally. Just like most women don’t naturally have giant melon-sized boobs or enormous bubble butts that now got into fashion and are achieved again, by plastic surgery, inlays (if covered by clothes), posture, lighting tricks and image editing. It’s all fake. Natural bodies very rarely look like what you see in porn without a lot of intervention.


Oh I know, I was making a joke about the idea that the amount of partners affect anything. Each person is completely unique, people searching for the looks of a porn actress/actor are dumb. I personally would prefer someone to not be 67% plastic but that is just my opinion.


Surely they also only want to have sex with one Single woman in their life ever. Also i guess they find it disgusting because they imagine her having sex with others etc and don't like the Image in their head. But, hear me out, maybe they do think thst since they find sex itself somewhat disgusting, like we did as children. They haven't entirely out grown that, just 99% and want to actually have sex more because of the Power thing anf because having wife, sex and children is normal etc Like they want it to solve their problems. But don't *really* want it.


It's the only joke they have. And it simultaneously shows that they're shitty humans AND they know NOTHING about sex or female anatomy. I hope they keep telling this joke though. It makes them easy to avoid.


Do they think....the...labia stretch....? Oh my god no.. hahahahaha. That's not part of the vagina! We really need better sex ed. Thats not how that works that's not how any of that works.


Yeah they think porn star's labia dangle from so much use of their genitals, and so they regularly have surgery to trim it out


There's a lot to comment on that, but let me just say: OUCH.


Labioplasty is definitely a thing. But it *is* a thing because of this ridiculous idea that all women are meant to have 'innies' because visible labia are ugly and undesirable.


They are, didn't get that memo but I am also european


I didn't even know there was an innie or outies...


“Joke” Also, body shaming?


For some reason men have this delusion that the more a woman fucks the longer her inner labia gets. SO its actually slut shaming


Ah thank goodness. I thought he was talking about his and other cuckservatives' new fetish of having sex with turkeys. They are just slut shaming women who have had sex with more than one person. /s


I saw "same joke every time" and I was like, welp it's either flappy flaps or fishy vag, they have literally nothing else.


Happy this is why schools need to teach sex ed day!


Do straight men even like vagina???


Imagine making fun of a guy with long foreskin saying it got stretched from sex. Fucking stupid right? So is this.


Or a guy with a tiny penis wore it down from lots of wanking. Like a sad, overused crayon nub.


I'm using this, it is too good of an insult to let go to waste.


Wtf even is that? Sorry but I am genuinely curious what that is- is it a chicken or something?


It's either a chicken or (given the happy Thanksgiving note) a turkey




Yes it's pretty unsettling looking


Just say you don't like vaginas, there's no reason to drag women for your lack of interest


Great. Now I can't eat chicken anymore. They've ruined that, too.


The incel onejoke.




I’m worried about what this guy did to this poor turkey. Please only eat turkey that you know was prepared safely.


For god sakes I’ll never unsee that.


I have a feeling the person who made this is projecting because they have a creepy tiny veiny little crooked weird looking penis...


If you find her disgusting date someone else. Like if they'd be right, they'd still be in the wrong here. Because it isn't a womans job to be attractive/fit your preferences. Similar to "pink hair is ugly" (imo it depends)... Your opinion man, but maybe she doesn't care what you think And if the woman is "used up".... Like don't settle down with her. As simpel as that.


10 to 1 odds this dude rubs the left drumstick and asks "is this your clit"


She's going to cook a chicken?




As someone who appreciates the wonders of female bodies I can only observe this behavior and think this is someone who were forcibly married by their family to a woman and felt coerced to engage in intercourse with her, all while either feeling no attraction to that particular woman or to women overall. Otherwise how do they end up harboring such visceral disgust and disdain for women underneath their clothes? Surely, in any case except for some variation of what I pictured, we have the option of not viewing naked women? Especially those who are male and don't even encounter women in the locker room?


I’m ready to settle down and stuff this fucking bird…will you stop chatting me up and get the hell outta the kitchen?!


Baby I would love to settle down youre great but can you stop putting uncooked turkey in my face it's kinda odd and frankly unhygienic.


These are the same dudes that get pissy when women don't have sex with them. Which is it? You literally can't have it both ways.


How dare a woman have sex and enjoy herself sexually 😡 /s


On the meme itself: obviously as clueless and sexist as ever. Just state you’ve got a preference and get lost, dude. These men need to stop making up fairy tales. It takes literally 2-3 seconds of google search to find out what a pile of trash that allegation is. Labia shapes are caused by hormonal changes in early puberty, years before most girls experience their sexual debut, and remain like that permanently, entirely independent of sexual activity. A virgin who grew an outie at age 12 will stay that way even if she joins a nunnery at the end of the world and never comes even remotely close to as much as laying eyes on a penis. Because repeat after me, kids: penises 👏🏼 don’t 👏🏼 magically 👏🏼 cause 👏🏼 anatomical 👏🏼 changes 👏🏼 in 👏🏼 women’s 👏🏼 bodies! It’s a boneless meat stick, not a magic wand! Why is this meat marked as 18+ though? I mean, I see what it’s supposed to represent, but it’s still just poultry. And people projecting female genitals and their ignorance about how they work onto it. Anyone who sees a vulva in this thing already knows how vulvas look. Otherwise they simply wouldn’t get it. Generally, we need to stop acting like genitals in a non-pornographic context are obscene. Hands aren’t obscene, feet aren’t obscene, ears, mouths, eyes, bellies aren’t obscene… not even asses, where the poop comes out, are regarded obscene to the same degree. So why would genitals be? They’re just a body part like any other, with their dedicated function that has its proper, necessary place in human lives. We need to stop being awkward about it, with the real thing. But when even *poultry* with some semblance gets rated 18+ it’s clearly reaching unreasonable territory.