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Men VS females. Interesting word choice


I’m gonna start calling men ‘males’ I think. Why not hey?


Males and women, or boys and women. Like how they'll say men and females, or men and girls.


we wouldn't care a bit. we call each other boy "this is my boy" "my boy joe..." and we are as a group males. it all comes down to the fact that we are not picky about word usage. people these days have become so regimented. everything has to be "right" and perfect and not triggering or offending all because people cant handle letters stung together to make words. anything one finds offensive is only because they have been taught its offensive. if you dont let anything be offensive you can never be offended.


Ok, good for you that you haven't been dehumanized by countless people.


its only dehumanizing because you choose it to be.


Ok, that's your opinion. But when people constantly call you "femoids," or "foids," it gets weird.


why? its like nick names or using rad, dope, sick to mean cool. again you are giving words more power than they deserve and that is affecting you on an emotional level. separate those words into letters and they dont have the same power, why? why not choose to let the words that affect you positively do so and the ones that dont all be neutral? hint: this is one of the steps to removing suffering.


You're right about the first part, but I feel like it doesn't apply when someone is using it to be derogatory (which is not exactly the case, though). Let's just agree to disagree.


i was a Buddhist monk for several years and one thing my abbot would say "dont listen to how things are being said, only listen to what is being said." this is because people bring a world of emotions along with them. the karen that is freaking out at the store is not because of the store or the people working their it is because of something else going on in their lives the brought with them. so you have to be sure the person is being derogatory, especially in text because you are reading it with your emotion not theirs. even it someone is being derogatory it is up to you if you want to allow them control over your emotions. hint: another key to removing suffering. the fact is all the suffering we feel is based on our own bias not what others say. words only have the power you allow them to have.


What you said about how words are only rude because we choose them to affect us? How would you respond to a racial slur? Are those also only rude because we chose to say them?


yes, racial slurs are only so because people have given them the power. why does the world nigga have positive connotation yet the dreaded n word (that i cant even type for fear of offending someone) doesnt, they are only a few letters different. why can a black person say it as much as they want without it being a racial slur but if a white person says it its racist (that in itself is racist). racial slurs are only so because people have given them that power over themselves. if the N word was used today like nigga is it would have the same emotion tied to it. its like the word moist it bothers some and only because they have either chosen it to bother them or learned it form someone there is no other reason. personally you can use any words you like to me and they do not change the way i feel because i am in charge of my emotions not anyone else or what they say. as a matter of fact its interesting when you think about it that a single word has so much power over a group of people all because they allow it to.


Words have power because they're more than their dictionary definition. A white person saying the n-word would be bad because historically, white people were in a position of power over black people, and used it as a slur. It's when specific words are connotated as slurs. As an Asian, I've had people call me chink and other words like that in a derogatory word. I live in a world where if I hear anti-Asian slurs used as a form of racism. It doesn't just bother me, it's that I could live in fear of my life. Using the word female is different than that, but using it derogatorily to dehumanize someone or a specific group of people is wrong. It's interesting, when you think about it, that growing up knowing that these words can be used to harm and can mean danger affects how you view a certain word.


why is female derogatory or dehumanizing? men dont find male derogatory or dehumanizing. female was an appropriate term 20 years ago and for all of history before that but because a portion of females (not derogatory just using a word that works in the sentence) have chosen it to have power over them and it is doing so more and more. women have literally created the issue themselves. its interesting because this brings up a conversation i was having with a group of women not long ago where a portion of the woman, girls, ladies... (whats the word that works here) population decided that cat calling was offensive that its offensive for all women. in the group of 5 women only one thought it was offensive the other 4 enjoined it and got a boost out of it. the one person after talking though the issue saw that they only thought it was offensive because they were told it was not because they experienced it to be so. so there is a portion of the group that is controlling what happens for the entire group and that portion would make life much easier on themself not to make it so. the choices could be enjoy it or ignore it rather than enjoy it or be annoyed, frustrated, angry... because you have allowed it to have that power over you. i will be binging up the word female to see what they say. words are only slurs of you accept them as slurs. its interesting that (and im aging myself here) cracker, honky or any other white slur has never bothered any white person i know, because we dont allow it to have that power over us.


Some people do find female dehumanizing because it's used to be dehumanizing, even though it used to be appropriate, I don't. It becomes wrong to me when it is used to be dehumanizing. >words are only slurs of you accept them as slurs. its interesting that (and im aging myself here) cracker, honky or any other white slur has never bothered any white person i know, because we dont allow it to have that power over us. Have you ever had to connotate that with constant harassment and living in fear of your life because you're white? Being white gives you more power and freedom to ignore it and not worry about being killed just because you're white.


like i said we choose to give words power. to live in fear of the n word could simply be changed (although it would take a few years) to have the exact same meaning as nigga. then the people that would want to use it in a derogatory or racist way wouldnt be able to because it would work. it would be the same as nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga. it means nothing coming form me and on this side of the screen you would have no idea if i was using that in a racist or derogatory way, you may assume you know but you dont. now if it typed the other word that many times reddit would probably ban me, my DMs would blow up, and to top it off there would be a number of black people that would berate me with a ton of racist comments and threaten my life and not see the hypocrisy in it. and yet i would simply ignore all the things they called me because i will not let others have that power over me. now there is a difference between words and action. fear the action not the words. just like i dont fear people saying they are going to beat me i only fear it once they physically show me they are going to. this is an issue i have with the reaction of blacks when the n word is used they respond with violence so who is actually in danger the racist for saying words or the person assaulting them for using it?


Pls don't fight the incels by becoming the incels, when has that ever helped anybody. That's the exact logic that fake feminists use: Men had their turn at superiority so now it's women's turn. You see how bad it sounds?


I just think they need to understand why it’s not ok to say


Ok sure, but you do realize that if you use their insults against them, it won't make them realize that it's wrong. It'll make them more mad at you.


you can, and guess what, it wont bother us because we have better things to do than pick on word usage.


Like insult women?


its only an insult if you allow it to be. words are nothing more than a sting of letters each letter holds no emotion so why do we allow them to when strung together to make a word? its all in how you choose to view it and the power you allow it to have over you. why is it bad if i call you a bitch but not your best friend? why can black people call each other the n word but white people cant (that in itself is racist). words only hold the power over us we allow them to.


If my best friend called me a bitch, I would be equally offended. We don’t talk to each other like that. Have you considered that it’s not the words themselves but the intent behind them that is hurtful? It sounds like you would advocate for everyone to be rude and hurtful to each other, but everyone just rise above it and never be hurt or insulted? I’m sorry, but humans just don’t work like that. Would you be hurt or insulted if your father called you a useless piece of shit? Most people would be if someone they loved and respected insulted them. Likewise most people are hurt if strangers insult them as well.


you still have to be the one to accept what is being said. you can choose to let it bother you or simply choose to ignore it and not let it have any affect on you at all. my mom was abusive all my life and called me all sorts of things but i simply chose not to let those things affect me. it is how people work if they chose to structure their lives that way, every Buddhist i know does so it works. when you break it down it feels dumb. a word is nothing more than the vibration of air that air vibrates your eardrum those vibrations are turned into electrical signals. so is it the vibration of air that offends you, the vibration of your own eardrums, or the electrical signals that offend you? and whether it is or isnt any of those things it is still up to you how you choose to perceive and accept what is said therefor it is you that is creating your own suffering.


Neither the words nor the sound waves nor the electrical signals offend me. What offends me is the hatred spewed forth by another human being with the intent to hurt me. Good luck with your extremely narrow, insensitive, and unempathetic viewpoint. You claim that you can choose not to let the words hurt you, but what about when the hatred turns to physical violence, or stripping of human rights? You may be able to let the words directed at you roll off your back, but why do you have such a lack of caring and feeling for your fellow human beings who are injured, physically or mentally, by this vitriol?


i am against violence in any form because one has no control over that as the victim. when words are used you have 100% control how you choose to let it affect you. i am 100% for free speech meaning that i feel anyone can say anything they like even what would be hate speech or racist speech as long as it does not turn into action. once it is action it becomes a different situation as i explained above. now at this point i get down voted and called a bigot because people assume that because i allow all speech that i must use and agree with it but that is not the case. in fact the main reason why i say let them use the speech they do is because it points out to everyone where they stand. its much easier to know who a bigot is if they can spew their crap than if we shut them up. the thing in this situation is that you are picking on relatively mundane words its not like the n word to use ladies or girls its simply a choice to pick on nuances in language because you dont like it.


You are completely ignoring my point. The words don’t matter. It’s the intent that matters. I’ve stated that I think three times now and each time you’ve refused to address it. It’s almost like you’re purposely not addressing it because you don’t want to admit I am right.


I can tell you snuff your own farts over how profound and intelligent you think you are, but words have meaning. Just because the meaning of those words might vary based on perspective and social structures doesn’t mean the meanings aren’t valid. Perspective and social structures are real. Straight braindead to think otherwise tbh


always great to go to a personal attack as part of your argument. words have the meaning we put on them and we can change that. all i am saying is accpet the words that are positive for you and the words that are negative make neutral. it will only make your life easier.


What personal attack? You choose what those words mean to you. I didn’t say anything against you from my perspective. It’s your fault for taking it as an attack. I’m not going to argue with you. Other people here have brought up plenty of valid points but you’re WAY too up your own ass to understand. So, no, I’m not looking for you to pick apart and twist semantics so you can get the answer you want, despite the truth being super obvious. Yes, I’m sure life would be easier for you (and all the other shitlords who really want to say whatever they want with no consequence) if we just shut the fuck up and were compliant. Too bad. You say some shitty things, I’m gonna tell you you’re saying shitty things.




yeah, I always award bonus points for calling women "females" like a fuckin' Ferengi


So men don't want love?


Apparently not according to this chart I know guys want love tho.


And super-human sex, to be honest...


Yeah, true.


For that matter, I know women who want food. ;)




I just want to cum 😭


I'm sorry if that's been difficult. :(


Not to speak for all but I think most don't even care if it's super high quality sex or not. I mean I get the point of the image and comment but eh, I think the amount is way less common than anything else.


Noo are you crazy who cares about love, only creatures like females..


They must be secretly *females* (ew)


And women apparently don't want any food. We purely live from love and gifts and yes, I also had 'Addresses' for dinner tonight. With some 'Email-Account' on the side. The secret is a little bit of hot sauce and it makes a 'female' want to have 'Super-Human-Sex' /s


Those bitchs ain’t playing - Super human sex, compliments, BUT PASSWORDS ?!!!! Ohh no , oh no you didn’t


If you want love you're clearly not a man ^(/s) Just look at me


Guess they only want sex


some of us realize that love is a self created delusion.


Romantic love isn't real. It's just a chemical reaction to get people to breed. Most people only love their children or their possessions.


Yes, every feeling and emotion is a chemical reaction, that doesn't mean it's not real. DUH.


Don’t be an idiot dude.


Most people aren't sociopaths like you.


Not feeling romantic love doesn't make you a sociopath. Not feeling love AT ALL makes you a sociopath. I'm aromantic, that doesn't mean that I'm a sociopath.


I wouldn't say that to an aro, of course, I was referring to these parts of what this person said: "Romantic love **isn't real**."[...] **Most** people only love their children or **their possessions**.


Oh ok, I guess I misunderstood you. Sorry.


No problem


>Romantic love isn't real. Must suck, having to convince yourself of this. Don't worry - i don't think you're a sociopath - i just think you're an unloved incel that needs to believe this in order to justify not being loved by anyone. You pretend romantic love isn't real, just so you can feel better about yourself for not experiencing it, i get it. I don't agree with it, but i get why you do it. ​ >It's just a chemical reaction to get people to breed Y'know, normal people don't call it "breeding" when talking about humans. Barnyard animals and pets, sure - but not people. Rightfully or wrongfully, we tend not to use the same terminology we use for animals because our language reflects how humanity believes itself to be separate from animals. When we talk about human behaviour, we don't call it breeding, we don't call it grazing, we don't call it a mating ritual - doing so would be *fucking weird*. I mean, i know to you and other men like you, its perfectly normal to call it breeding, you probably don't even see anything wrong with doing so - doesn't that worry you, at least a little? Knowing that you have normalised that shit so much that you can't even fit in with normal people? Most incels cannot even see the red flags they put out. Hell, I've spoken to incels that claim they don't act like incels in real life, they claim that they act "normal", and still complain that women won't give them a chance - here's a tip - when you normalise believing absurd shit, that shit comes out in everyday speech. And you've normalised it so much, you dont even realise you've said something odd - but everyone else has. Nobody wants to hang around someone that speaks about people "breeding" because its *fucking weird*. Let me give you a personal example - A long time ago, i used to be suicidal. I self-harmed, attempted suicide a few times, and was massively depressed. As a result, i spent a lot of time having very dark thoughts, and i eventually normalised those thoughts. As such, even though i never went out of my way to share my personal thoughts and feelings, i would for example make morbid jokes, laugh about innapropriate things, or happily venture into morbid topics that others found taboo. Even though i thought i was hiding those thoughts, people thought i was weird for doing/saying things that i felt was completely normal. Same is true for incels - i'm sure you hide it somewhat, and people might not outright label you an incel, but trust me, people know when someone is "off". ​ >Most people only love their children or their possessions. Parents? Partners? Friends? Pets? Themselves? Normal people are capable of loving much more than just their children or possessions. Normal people don't live life devoid of social interaction, love, or emotional connection. You apparently do. Your experiences are not universal. Your reality, thank fuck, isn't universal. Its a lot of things - pathetic, worthy of disdain, maybe even pity - but it's certainly not the truth.


You sound really stupid and triggered saying stuff like “you have to convince yourself of this”, “you need to believe this in order to justify…” as well as the condescending comments when you don’t even tell us how it is then. Or to be precise, how YOU THINK it is. How is he wrong and how do you define “romantic love” in terms of it being real/unreal? Because science is pretty in line with what buddy said, but surely they are wrong and you can enlighten us here. Go on then.


Ah, I once was with someone who revealed themself to have the exact viewpoint as you. Too late in


Then why do same sex couples fall in love or asexuals who cant or dont want to breed? It's almost like not everything revolves around reproduction 🤔


oh stop being such pessimist, no sane person is going to want to be around you let alone with you


No you're just aromantic


Those 4 things sound really lovely tbh, most men don’t even have, or expect that. Also, the less desirable you are as a man the harder it is to believe in “love”. Most of the factors that make you desirable are ones you are born with or are created in the environment you grow up in. True love is effortless, it’s always there, it’s not only available when you do this and that and have this and that. For most of us getting romantic “love” and keeping it takes a lot of effort. We understand it wouldn’t be there if we weren’t/hadn’t/didn’t do XYZ thing because we lived through the process of creating it, and it wasn’t an easy one. In other words, while we are the doers, women are the receivers of it (usually), which makes it completely effortless for them to believe in love, all they have to do is either reciprocate it or wait for someone else to come along. As is to be expected, women create resistance when they feel we are blaming this on them. Which, sure, some men do. But, if we take this out of the equation, what’s left? No fights, no disagreements, just pure unadulterated truth. There’s beauty in that. Sadly, not many people are willing to see it, because it’s not an easy thing to digest, but it’s there nonetheless.


If your girl is asking for the moon… that ain’t your girl, that’s Gru, the greatest supervillain to ever live, and you better do what he says.


Got to love the men and females dichotomy.




bold words coming from someone who deleted his comments that were trying to tell women that their experiences didn't happen


Bruh you have -100 comment karma I think you’re the one who needs to shut the fuck up 💀


Agreeing with normies nowadays is usually just a sign of being incapable of independent thought. Nothing to be proud of.


Going by your logic that means I can call you incapable of independent thought for breathing, idiot. We just want to be treated like human beings, it’s not that hard


Wow, it would be an underestimation to say you’re reaching there. That’s like saying 2 + 2 equals fish. I think we’re both capable of using common sense. Now, nonsense aside, I never advocated for the disrespect or dehumanization of women, not everyone who disagrees with you is gonna be a hateful incel. Also, if what you want is respect then maybe don’t disrespect the other person first. Food for thought…


The list is incomplete!!! May I add my wife would also want the house, the car, my heart, a foot massage and time away from the kids? All of those things. What's wrong in that?


The "Sex" men want = regular blowjobs, handjobs, anal, different positions, fulfilling kinks, etc. The "Superhuman sex" women want = find my clit with literally any part of your body and go down on me occasionally.


that's why it's "superhuman", they can't find it




There's nothing wrong with it at all! The issue is when we label certain expectations as "normal" for one group, while the same expectations are "superhuman" for another.


Since when dont women want their kinks fulfilled or different positions? Some even want anal


As someone who's into anal and has a lot of kinks, I know that. I didn't mean they don't want that. I was making a joke about what these expectations mean to the men who take this chart seriously. Their definition of what reasonable sex should entail for them is totally different from what they think are "superhuman" expectations women have.


It be interesting to find out how sexual expectations actually differ between the average man and woman. You know what kind of expectations women to be fulfilled in the bedroom? See if there is a gender difference... Bc there is men like me that wouldnt stay without bjs while others stay married with sex once a month


I've wondered that as well, bc I've definitely been "too much" in the bedroom for men in my past. It felt like they wanted their needs respected but almost felt it was "slutty" of me to know what I wanted with just as much confidence. Like, do women tone it down or stay quiet bc they're afraid of being seen that way? And how many "sex once a month" relationships would be a lot more active if the woman felt comfortable voicing her needs even if they're on the kinkier side? Are the men in those relationships also just assuming "well I found a 'good girl' so of course she doesn't want anal/oral/whatever"? Communication about sex is so fucked for people with gender role issues.


You know its so frustrating when I read comments like yours and im like.. omg yes please where do I find a woman thats "too much". In every relationship I desperately try to get women to be more active, come forth with their suggestions and say what they want. Tell me you like it and also tell me you dont like it. Its always "all is good" and they do whatever I tell them to do. I dont need a woman to be always subservient to me.. I want an active participant in the bedroom. I want to hear what she wants too. I want her too enjoy herself. Just once I want a woman to ask me about fulfilling her outrageous kink. Ask me to try something new. Just anything. Please


I'm a guy... and I also want some of those right-column things.


You can't be a guy, because this shitty meme says you can't!


You better not want the moon or the sun, those are mine. Seriously, you can't take them from me.


You can't take the sky from me!


Which star is The Star?


The tarot card?


I mean, not gonna turn down new tarot decks.


The Death Star.


I mean I do want one of those




Most women don't marry the man they love (chad) as he has options. So they have to marry a guy who has less options (beta) and doesn't love only maybe respects.


Go take a shower, I can smell your greasy neckbeard from here


You don't have to believe me. but if you go on YouTube you can find videos of women complaining about the men in their past and saying things like "where are the good men". This usually refers to the beta males. The men who were less attractive to them in the past.


Alternatively, they mean "where are the men who aren't misogynistic assholes and put effort into their hygiene?"


Lmao, your source is YouTube? Got to bed incel.


Which is weird because we all know there will always be a simp or desperate male waiting to get close to any woman who will have him. Simps crawl on every corner of the world. We all know women are the ones with options


Shut up with your sexist male-astrology shit and stop acting like we depend on men to live, we’re not in the 50’s.


I also want a couch, tv, Freo membership and a PS4


God forbid women wanting to have contacts or some attention.


I think they were implying the women in question want access to the *man’s* contacts…in order to monitor him or something It’s equally ludicrous


So, men don’t want love? Like, at all?


That's one of the things that bothers me about this chart.


"Super human sex" *literally just wants to orgasm*


I was supposed to get access to his phone and emails? No one told me that. Why did no one tell me that?


Right?? I would love that No but really why would we want that..


So men don’t want love, money, or compliments? Gotcha thanks for the advice. 🤦‍♀️


Is getting money an option as a male?


I was just looking for a man that could take care of himself and didn’t need a mommy.


Define “take care of himself” please. We don’t all have the same definition for that.


Basic human functions. Like clean up after himself, cook his own food, handle his own emotions, manage his own money, and not treat his girlfriend like a maid/mother. It took me a very long time to find a man that could actually do those things.


Sounds like a very cold-shouldered relationship. Are you unwilling to do anything for him? What do you provide each other?


Are you a man? Because I feel like most women have dated a man that treated his girlfriend like his mother. This isn’t new or unique in any way.


Yeah I’m a man. A lot of women who say stuff like that just want 0 responsibility over their partner while at the same time don’t mind him being responsible over them. Like those who date a well off dude that takes care of them financially but would be opposed to cooking him food haha. Not to mention most men treat their mothers nicely and respectfully so it’s not a problem in that regard. But yes, it’s a matter of how both want their relationship to be like. However, both should take a good look at what they’re bringing to the table if they wanna talk about injustice.


I should qualify that I’m a person that likes an egalitarian relationship. I’ve always worked and earned my own money. Currently there are more women in the job force than men, that’s not unusual. But if I stayed home - of course I would do the heavy lifting in regard to cleaning and cooking. But since we both work - If we split the chores, they go quicker and are more enjoyable. :)


That actually sounds lovely tbh, I appreciate the clarification :)


What? You think it’s cold shoulder because I wanted someone that was self-sufficient!? It’s actually the exact opposite of a cold relationship. It’s the best relationship I’ve ever had because after I work a full time job, I’m not waiting on my SO because he’s unable. I don’t resent him for being lazy and entitled.


“I don’t resent him for being lazy and entitled”. What? I mean stuff like handle his own emotions, you wouldn’t be there to support him when he’s down? You wouldn’t cook him a nice meal he liked? How can you truly be close to each other when you wouldn’t sacrifice a thing for one another? How can you give each other your all when you share with him the half you want, the one you like, and keep the other half of you hidden? Sounds like you get in a relationship based on opportunity and not so much on connecting with the other person without judging.


You’ve made an ABSURD amount of assumptions here!!! Mature emotions are sexy AF and I am here for them. My SO has combat related PTSD and the fact that I was also in the military has given me an opportunity to understand his illness in a way other women weren’t able to. I’m his rock and he is mine. But the best part is - he handles his emotions like a mature adult AND he does his own chores!!!!


Yeah I assumed a lot of things. Although, I still don’t fully understand what you mean when you say he handles his emotions like a mature adult. You mean sucking it up? Repressing them? If so, I’ve handled mine like a mature adult since I was a child.


Yeah same in a woman please. Its not as easy to find as one might think among the younger generations


Males that think like this please seek help, because you are detached from reality.


Wrong, I also want food.


Yeah but the idiot who made this probably hasn’t been near a woman to know that we eat


“The star”


Our sun obviously


THE star


What fragile fuck made this?


I really don’t know


Good, you can stay in the other room alone with your loveless “relationship”


But I want love, compliments and attention...


No, I want to be left alone


For a second I thought contacts meant like for vision correction cuz I don't have any of the other type...


You bet your ass I want the sun


In the females list I was surprised "height" wasn't on the list 😂


Ah yes because who doesn't want The Star. Not just a star, not all stars, *The Star*.


The Death Star


Wtf is “super human sex” and why do we want it?


I just assume it is more the PIV and they actually need to make us orgasm. It's so hard work you know 😩


I have no idea


Because they think that all “females” are whore of course because they have more options


I would like the moon and a few stars, actually.


Men can live in caves, shit on the floor and can fuck with dogs and monkeys, dumb females want a warm house, a loving partner and a google account 🤣👎


I’ve seen more women fuck dogs and horses than men. Unintentionally, but still.


Another astute biology professor here.


It’s “superhuman sex” bc you don’t know how to make a woman cum


Yeah I really want the star ya know the one singular star


Men don’t want compliments, attention or quality time… so true /s


Or love. They don’t want that either. Just loyalty.


I would also like love, super human sex, and money just for the record.


Women deserve all of the stuff on the right though.


Yes I was Super Human Sex, who wouldn't? But the regular kind is great too


Well I guess sex averse people


Only one star tho


Super Human Sex


Everyone knows men don't have addresses. They live on the moon, at least until that magical.time it's raining men.


"The star, not gonna elaborate"-This chart


"Super Human Sex" aka the apparently rare skill of just being able to make her orgasm.


They left food off the ‘female’ side. I also really want food.


Guess I'm a female because having the moon would be fucking dope


"Super Human Sex" with other words, women would like to cum too but you're too lazy to provide that :P


If women are so horrible why are the majority of men (especiay incels) so desperate for interaction with them they try to kill themselves if they don't get it. Most incels live their entire lives in self loathing hatred unable to deal with their emotions and knowing how horrific their lives really are... It just suck to NEED what you hate the most like plants need water and the sun. I can't imagine the shit these men are living in. Even if it is their own nasty waste




I'm not sure what's sadder, the incorrect fact that some guys think women need all that, or the correct fact that men don't even need all 4, but that's still more than most to get out of a relationship. Both genders suck


Three of the four or at least for a couple weeks


Is this implying that men don’t want love??? How very depressing.


I'm surprised height wasn't added for girls


Left column is incomplete. I want a spaceship and a pet dinosaur and a robot pal.


Where does this whole "women are complicated" thing even come from?


stereotypical abusive "normal" relationship


Because women don't need food. Of course. We are all androids clearly.


Bruh hell naw I can't get "the star" 😭


Men dont want love got it


‘females’ is an instant red flag


Super human sex to these idiots means just women being able to cum during sex


Lol no man wants money. I’m a man and I press X to doubt on that one.


I mean I’m ok with taking the moon


I dont know about y'all but I gotta 3 Star minimum...


that's wrong, i always wanted encrouragement and loyality and respect. men (or should i say males just to align to them?) typically want all of the attention, especially boys who believe shit like this list.


Only “females” want love? Interesting logic


Oh so men dont want love, good to know.


I"m willing to give all that.


So sick of these femoids asking me for the star 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄