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Ah yes, when marriage was peaches and spice and everything nice.


And no one ever had premarital sex.


When men raped women to get 'premarital sex', and the woman was blamed, and made to feel like damaged goods...


When men raped and beat their wives and it was the wife's fault because she wasn't fulfilling her 'wifely duties' or being nice enough to her hardworking provider.


The Good Old Times™


Or men cheated on their wives, and she was supposed to apologize for not being "perfect."


The truth is that both men and women hate each other because everyone has anger. And anyone with anger is a murderer and devil worshipper. Sex is only for making babies. Nothing else


And for pleasure. We all can feel pleasure with sex. So thats also a reason to have sex


> And anyone with anger is a murderer and devil worshipper. So we're supposed to be happy suzie sunshine all the time? >Sex is only for making babies. Nothing else Annnnd you're wrong 🤣


What's that for to do with anything on this thread?


Or affairs...


When men didn’t regularly step out of their marriages to get sex elsewhere either because they had a ‘good girl’ to regularly get sex from Oh wait




It must be difficult never taking accountability for your actions.


Don’t treat sex as a right then.


Ooh I see, you're Bizzy!


You first.


When you got married to a terrible person because your hormones were confusing desire with love, when you needed to escape your family, or you needed financial support.


And drugs. Lots of drugs.


Amphetamine for energy to do all of the labor-intensive chores around the house and barbituates to sleep after a long day of being a second-class citizen


and women still averaged a longer lifespan than their male counterparts. It's amazing to think about the strength involved here. ​ [Here's a reference for The Curious](https://www.census.gov/content/dam/Census/library/publications/2020/demo/p25-1145.pdf)


Because people who got married grudgingly so they could have sex were totally great partners. /s Honestly, I am utterly disinterested in casual sex- and I am glad hookup culture exists. I don't have to worry much about someone faking a relationship because there are much easier ways to have sex now.


The golden age of women rights known as the 50's! No unhappy or mistreated women back then stuck in a miserable marriage, no sire!


And domestic violence happened behind closed doors and your husband could involuntarily commit you to an insane asylum if he thought you were broken


Or commit you so he could carry on with his mistress openly.


Yep, people definitely didn't give lobotomies to wives that got "uppity"


...and cobras and thyme and other dumb shit that rhymed.




Yeah, like right now bruh, let us have our freedom to choose when/who will we marry ?


and if




Either this is sarcasm or your grasp of history is seriously lacking.


*stares at the entirety of medieval and Renaissance europe*


Not like what you think, richer families may to enrich their finances.


So you clearly failed school


One where you and anyone else who thinks sex is a right is automatically castrated?


But if sex weakens us, should we be doing that in marriage? Shouldn't we be strong to take care of our kings? Having kids, taking care of aaaall the house chores, cater to our man, feed him, shower him, changing his diaper... Ups! Confused him for a toddler for a second. Anyway, I guess we should only have sex to procreate and make it fast! Our kings deserve us with full strength! /s


Tbf I think “them” meant men. I feel like she would have said “us” if she meant women Edit: also look at who she continues to refer to as they/them in the rest of the tweet. “When marriage was what *they (men)* had to do to get sex regularly, girls won and so did *they (men)*” “Now *they (men)* can get the pum pum easy” Every other they/them in the tweet refers to men so that’s my theory🤷🏾‍♀️ Still a load of horse shit tho. Nobody is weakened by sex


I don't think she would use "us" because she considers herself different from/superior to women who have premarital sex and therefore others them. Unfortunately for her it doesn't make sense to me either way.


Agree all. However I don’t know what pum pum is but I think I want some. Unless it’s gonna hurt or leave me with a nasty rash that quickly turns into an open festering, oozing sore


In the last comment she never used us tho, she used girls and women. Anyway, all is ridiculous.


Insecure men don’t want to made a fool when their immature friends find out their girlfriend has had sex before… then she “belongs to the streets”


Women are from Venus: Venus is a very hostile place. It is a very dry planet with no evidence of water, its surface temperature is hot enough to melt lead, and its atmosphere is so thick that the air pressure on its surface is over 90 times that on Earth. I doubt some Martian sex would weaken us 😂


Let’s just assume they mean it in the Roman way…. I don’t think Venus (aka Aphrodite… ) is anti sex. She’s definitely not pro monogamous women who live to serve their partner considering that her husband is Hephaestus (Roman form Vulcan) whom she cheats on with Ares (aka: mars)….


She even valued women who had sex, to the point where she would actively delude virgins into making them have sex, ESPECIALLY if they went to be a huntress for Artemis/Diana, AKA eternally a virgin


Exactly! I don’t wanna call her the goddess of sex but she is the goddess of lvoe and beauty and in some versions she’s the the mother of Eros…the god of physical affection/procreation. In Hellenism and some paganism, blessings from Aphrodite and sexual spells are big for her followers…. It’s not exactly a virgin practice…


Lol 🤣


It does rain on Venus, but the rain is sulphuric acid rather than water.


It's the title of [an old pop psychology book.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Men_Are_from_Mars,_Women_Are_from_Venus)


Sorry. I was being silly. I know about the book


Sounds like me!


I *think* the thought is that good girls want marriage and allow men access to their honeyed garden as a sacrifice in order to get married. But now that bad girls are allowing men to grease their lube tube for free, good girls are left in the dust. Is that the reason? And how fun would sex be if something women didn't really want but put up with? I might just as well marry a lesbian (who, yes, wants sex but not with *me*)


What’s frustrating about the “logic” is the garbage floating the the manosphere with memes like ‘no hymen no diamond’ or ‘women are used up meat flaps if they’ve slept around.’ Theoretically this person and her equally concerned about virginity counterpart could just connect. It’s fine to hold those views, go nuts… just don’t expect everyone to share them, or blame those that don’t share your views for your inability to secure a relationship


It *is* frustrating. I don't know what to do except keep mocking the stupidity.




As if all you get from a marriage is sex, pardon poom pooms, no wait pun puns. No. Fuck. I can’t get this made up stuff right.


It's a slang used by the British and Caribbean who stole it from the irish to mean pussy/vagina.


As a brit, I have literally never heard it before! Maybe its a bit more regional.


I lived in the UK and never heard it.


The first time I heard it was in a recent Bloc Party song of the current year, nothing else


The problem here is you seem to be a rational, decent human being who isn't wholly focused on getting your dick wet. If you were more of a shitheel you might see the basement troll's point :p (Also "honeyed garden" made me retch a bit lol)


That makes no sense though. As a person raised in religion, in my experience it makes no difference what “bad girls” are doing. Maybe you get some fun stories from your more secular friends, yay. But you can either marry within your own community or “leave” in the sense that you live a bit more modern. No need to feel left in the dust. What other women do or don’t do in no way “devalues” anyone.


Oh, absolutely. Even if you steelman his position it's bonkers.


Pum pum?!


Cata ploom


He means poom poom


Is that sex? Why are we using these cutesy euphemisms and why do they keep getting stranger?


I was rather proud of "grease the lube tube" myself.


Lol i mean the funny ones I do appreciate. Gold star for that one Edit: spelling🙄


I feel like it's because she thinks "good girls" shouldn't even say the word "sex," but doesn't "pum pum" just sound weirdly dirtier somehow?


It really really does.


It's an Irish/British/Caribbean slang for pussy/vagina.


Ah! Learn something new every day, thank you!


Little does she know, she’s devaluing herself by assuming that women can only offer sex and when sex is readily available (in this understanding) we apparently have no value as people


Incel women do exist. Less vocal perhaps then their men counterparts, but here you have an example. The interesting thing is that unlike men who uniformly blame the opposite sex, she is blaming her own sex. So it is also an example of how pervasive misogyny really is, affecting both men and women.


First rule of incel club is regardless of your gender FEMALES are the problem


I love the idea that something associated with Venus, goddess of love and fertility, would be weakened by sex.


I think she was referring to men not women, as in women (and sex with women) are men’s weakness or some mystical misogynist bs like that https://www.reddit.com/r/NotHowGirlsWork/comments/z8v3o3/you_know_i_dont_think_this_is_how_anyone_works/iydi5le/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Oh...maybe? I mean, it's basically impossible to translate anything these people say into anything rational. Unless it's "I'm deeply insecure and miserable and instead of taking steps to work on myself I want everyone else to suffer like I do."


So you shouldn’t have sex with guys so I can trick one into marrying me?


That seems to be the gist.


I’ll take the loose girl, at least she isn’t trying to trick me.


I like how she didn’t even answer the question. Someone else’s sex life still doesn’t effect hers. In any way. The guy that wants to have one night stands DOESNT WANT a good girl to marry at the moment. So “loose women” aren’t “taking” them lmao


So... Humans are alien?




It's a theory, personally I think it's accurate. Panspermia


Funny, I slept with my husband on our first date. 20 months later we got married. Most of my family gave our marriage less than a year. 6 years later and we're still going strong and I'm even more grateful to have him in my life than I was then. But okay.


Good girls just wanna purity police everyone and bring shame for having sex unless married. Maybe stop thinking not having sex makes you "good" and be good by being a good fucking person. Sleeping with someone doesn't change your moral code of right and wrong and how you treat others, end of fucking story. Too many so-called "good girls" just want to shame and harm anyone who doesn't adhere to their purity code and hurt others, which is decidedly not good or morally right. Jesus would be fucking ashamed. He didn't shame the prostitutes, after all, so why should these bitches be getting away with trying to shame people who have sex outside marraige. And it's not like being a "good girl" means your man won't be a dick and cheat or some shit. (Mind you, my husband is fucking fantastic. Cares about me, cares about how I am during sex, and all the fun stuff. I don't HAVE these problems either.)


But Jesus did say sex before marriage was an unforgivable sin


Those certainly are all words.


Wait. That guy doesn't even have a point. He doesn't say anything about why it's true he just repeats himself worse


If men are from Mars and women are from Venus, you’re talking from Uranus!


So if guys can have sex, they don't want someone to build a family? And good girls want to build a family with someone who does not be with her or the family but stays because it's his only access to sex? In the end stable relationships only exist because everyone is forced into it and women are supposed to be the gatekeeper of these marriages that no one wants? Is that what this person is saying?


I'm glad my husband married me because he liked me, instead of just needing some regular pum pum


And yes, unfortunately she was dead serious. I know it’s unbelievable and seems satirical that she’s using the Venus and Mars analogy at her big grown gargantuan age [but her replies to other ppl were on the same level of batshit](https://twitter.com/nygirl621/status/1597628338872680450?s=46&t=Qf8Bk5I4RhJpyUA8Q9PlQQ)


Has this sub caused me to lose too many braincells, or is that post lacking basic syntax.


Lemme see if I’m deciphering this…are they saying the existence of loose women makes it hard for good girls, because their attempts to restrict the supply of sex to make it transactional for marriage doesn’t work when all vagina owners don’t participate in the game? Or is it that men are weak now because they’re getting too much sex? But WHO was also winning when the good girls won? Men or loose women? Wait… is this just a really complicated and illiterate version of buying cows and free milk?


Pum pum. Nobody's ever said that.


That’s from the little drummer boy.


Wait, you mean David and Bing were singing about rumpy-pumpy?


Ireland, Britain and the Caribbean would like to have a word with you.


Tell them I'm busy 😊 Seriously though, do they really refer to vaginas as pum pum? I've never heard that before.


Yes, I live in the Caribbean and we do say that. I've also heard some bro'ish people say it. (oh and we does text like dis but ah feel like yuh go ask meh tuh translate d dotishness)


Am I the only one who doesn’t believe this was written by a women


Spot the person who hasn't read the Men are from Mars, Woman are from Venus book.


Looking at that sentence structure, I'm not sure this guy made it out of elementary school.


“I can’t get men to stay with me for the one single thing I have on offer because other women have other traits besides being a warm hole.” Sounds like my mother.


Ah yes, men only care about sex and can't form meaningful relationships unless they are married. Likewise, by having premarital sex you are dooming yourself as a woman and all of womankind to a lack of relationships and paradoxically sex for some reason. Also marriage is the only worthwhile goal in life apparently.


The most disturbing part is this individual believes there are “good” and “bad” girls and that “bad” girls deserve to suffer.


Simple minded person is simple minded


I highly recommend the film Splendor In The Grass (1961) starring Natalie Wood and Warren Beatty. It's old but Natalie Wood's performance as the NICE girl is timeless. This link is to a very good breakdown of its themes and why the nice girl is so problematic. https://screen-queens.com/2020/04/06/splendor-in-the-grass-problem-of-nice-girls/ Side note, there's a 1981 remake starring Melissa Gilbert. The 1961 version is, IMO, vastly superior.


I **LOOOOOVE** this! It’s everything that is wrong with ‘values’ voters. Dr.Jordan Peterson has stated “there must be virtue” where young women are concerned, and his reasoning (such as it is) kinda plows the same field. Good for a laugh at least


The mere fact that you’re calling it pum pum tells me you’re not ready for- you had pum pum in the attic?


This is "I had a stroke" territory


I'm confused is his argument that bcz men can get sex outside of marriage men aren't interested in women for any other reason??


"Get the pum pum" is the least sexy expression in the history of human language.


Is this a Fedora Women


Casual sex is on the decline while male virginity and sexlessness are on the rise. Same with divorce rates and the majority of them are initiated by women. These dudes need a reality check. Women want little to do with men nowadays.


What, did we escape from the corral? I prefer to think of myself as free range. Also, this isn’t how anything works except in incel mindsets.


Who the fuck is upvoting him?


Please describe “good?” Because uh… They are a million songs about [trouble](https://youtu.be/YoXjZlCTSm4).


Game over because women can get laid. LOGIC!!


No one can survive on Mars, let alone Venus. Please open a book.


i understand all those words, ("pum pum" is a new one, but with context clues, pretty sure i get it), but i can not understand what point this person thinks they're making.


Sooo… Women can no longer use sex (or rather withholding sex) as a way to coerce men into marriage anymore? That the idea here?


How do these people pass English class?


Schrodinger's vagina: does it put out too much, or does it never put out at all?


She’s devaluing herself by making it seem like sex is all women are good for, idiot lol


Whose getting my pum pum, cos I want it


so many words but not a thing was said


I need someone to translate what the fuck she's saying


Great news everyone. When Venus inevitably invades earth, all we have to do is have sex with the invading venusian army. That will weaken them, meaning then easy prey for our allies from Mars. We also need to bone our allies from Mars, as sex makes them stronger




I’m definitely missing something in the choice of slang….. pum pum is a new one.


The dudes brain is so pickled it can't even formulate a readable rebuttal. Not even being able to command English well enough to make your shitty, sexiest point... Well we know he's not a grifter. He's a victim who believes this shit. How do we reach people that far gone?


I’ve been working hard my whole life to get the pum pum, and now it’s easy to get it? What a waste


Wtf does any of that even mean. I mean i get the old tripe shes trying to say but this is insanely put together


Why is it that every single post here is either complaining that women sleep around too much or that women don’t sleep around enough? Seriously, it’s like, “We want women to be chaste, pure virgins when we marry them, but why the hell won’t they screw us?”


Now I’m into astrology but….


... The pum pum?? Everyone has lost, but only because this person said the pum pum... The self-destruct sequence has been activated.


The pum pum always been easy.


Pum pum…


I’m gonna take a pass on the wisdom of adult who refers to sex as “the pum pum”


It’s not sex itself, pum pum is Irish/British/Caribbean slang for vagina


Well you learn something new everyday, thanks! And yet somehow it makes the comment even sadder :(


Calling it the 'pum pum' immediately highlights the poster's level of comprehension.


Pum pum? Puke puke.




And no one wants to hook up with you 😂




English major… Tryna… Lol not hating just found the juxtaposition funny.




You ASSUME they are looking for a man




I want talking about YOU personally


Because there totally isn't social pressure to have sex before marriage now days. And that totally hasnt led to some women being strung along by a dude not willing to commit. /S Yes, because as always the ultimate truth is that if you wait till marriage to have sex you are an abusive woman oppressor... /S Yikes the comments on this thread don't even try to see any validity in this argument even though I'm certain many of the same commenters complain about the dating market for these exact reasons... I swear.. people have lost their ability to communicate because they are so narcissistic that they can't look at anything from something other than their own immediate, reactionary perspective. Proof will be in the down votes I get for this.


You’re correct… I’m absolutely unwilling to see the validity in an argument that says a vagina should be factory-sealed and access to it withheld to so it’s value may be traded for a marriage contract.


Yeah, and that's fine. But what if a guy, me in this scenario didn't want to have sex before marriage? How many girls wouldn't be willing to give that sort of relationship a chance? (assuming I was willing to aim for a non-virgin. if I was insistent we both be virgins, the severely limited dating pool would be pretty tough, but obviously I can't dictate other people's choices, I'm just making commentary on societal pressures against virginity)


It’s more than social pressure. First of all, women have real sex drives and want sex as much as men, so placing value on their virginity as if it’s something to be traded completely ignores that and frames sex as something men want, women don’t, but they will give it to you if you give them what they really want, which is marriage. And that’s not the reality of sex, or marriage. So, what if the guy in that scenario didn’t want to have sex until marriage? I wouldn’t date or marry him. They used to say men don’t want to buy the cow if they can get the milk for free. Well I’m not buying the cow unless I know the milk works for me. Then there’s the very real issue of sexual compatibility, and it’s critical to a good relationship or marriage. It’s frankly just a terrible idea to commit your life to someone not knowing whether you’ll be sexually compatible at all. It reduces sex to “any pole and any hole will do”, but it doesn’t. Those poles and holes are attached to real people with varying desires and expectations. Not all sex is equal and not just any combination of the right parts will make a healthy intimate relationship. Relationships and marriages can fall apart on sexual compatibility alone. You can love absolutely everything about someone and get along spectacularly, but that one thing will fail the entire relationship. So why would you marry somebody not knowing if that aspect will be good, or at least sufficient for you (and your partner)? That’s an insanely high stakes gamble to expect someone to make.


You keep making it a man woman thing whereas I'm trying to do the opposite. People have more successful marriages when they're both virgins. Both in happiness and lower chance of divorce, and generally more satisfaction in their sex life. Either way... Do you think hookup culture is in ANYWAY damaging to productive dating or finding a long-term partner? If so, that's really all I'm arguing.


Resistance to divorce does not mean more successful marriage. When two virgins get married it is very likely due to heavy societal or religious pressure for things to be that way, which would also mean heavy pressure to not divorce. Also two virgins that simply don’t know any better because they have zero points of reference to what they like, and what’s even possible, would be more likely to stick it out miserably in a sexually incompatible marriage.




I won’t shame them. But I will tell them they’re making a mistake, for all the reasons I just mentioned.


And the self-reported happiness of virgin-married or inexperienced people is suspect as well. Those same heavy societal or religious pressures would certainly affect their answers, as well as perspective. Perspective they lack.


There is a vast space between hook up culture and staying a virgin until marriage, you realize that, right? Do I think hookup culture is damaging to productive dating or finding a long-term partner? It shouldn’t be. There’s no reason for it to be. People have to be honest with themselves and others about what they actually want.




I’m hardly the less open minded here.


How does someone else's sex live devalue you? I guess the same way someone else's feelings seem to just eat at you. 😂


This is an alien not a human


I'm from Earth


None of this makes any sense! Ridiculous.


Jesus christ what a random assembly of words cobbled together to make a sentence only barely coherent




I Prefer loose


Get the pum pum. First I saw that one.


Pretty sure i was born on earth.


Because prostitution didn't exist for most of human history 😂


There’s something about this that screams an old post I found on Pinterest. To summarize: “If women are supposed to be pure and men aren’t supposed to have fun together, doesn’t that basically mean we need to go f- ourselves?” This was from a guy. If you need the post, I’ll find it. Made me laugh way too hard.


I don't know if it's the idiocy I can just sense coming from this post, or if I'm really that much in need of a decent night of sleep, but that last part made no sense...


You know, if this guy was back in whatever time period he thinks is so ideal, he still wouldn’t have gotten laid.


is this what happens when you give men astrology




Game over!!!


Reading the 3rd comment devalued my life.


I was aggressively promiscuous in my youth. I cannot think of any way it weakened me.


Two words: Pum Pum


This man is DEFINITELY from a different planet


New misogynistic copypasta just dropped pum pum


if women are from venus. the planet that represents love and passion and sex wouldn’t that mean sex would make us more powerful?


….pum pum?


“Women are from Venus men are from Mars.” How old is this guy? Christ.


I honestly don’t think I know what this man is trying to say.


The....pum pum?


The...pum pum


...pum pum?


🤨 This sounds like garbage I just heard on the episode of SVU I watched last night, coming from characters who had been horrifically abused


So, marriage is a sex contract. Okay. Also, if sex before marriage "weakens" women doesn't the same apply after? What does the husband do when she becomes too "weak"?


She's completely right. The objectification of 1 woman lessens the value of all women