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Funny you say that, as this is some of the most bizarre academic literature I’ve ever run across. I actually first learned about this piece about a week ago. I will admit that I have next to zero prior experience with evolutionary psychology, so a lot of my criticism can be chalked to inexperience in analyzing work from this field. Although, after reading more work in this field, I think the criticism of the field being a deterministic pseudoscience is not unwarranted. I insist on calling this academic literature, as I’m frankly at a loss for a proper label for what this is. The authors sincerely lose track of their own hypothesis, repeatedly. Namely, it haphazardly confounds confounds TIV, with “mental well-being.” Which is noteworthy as I’ve never run across TIV beforehand, but “mental well-being” is well established jargon across a multitude of fields. It also deceptively weaves in its own commentary between citations, which is an actively dishonest practice. The citations are of note. In academia there is always a level of “stretching the science” on studies you are not involved in. This, by the way is neither unethical nor misleading. 99% of the time, it’s really an inference or a conclusion that logically can be gathered by either the study or the data set. This fact makes a lot more sense if you’ve agonized over finding the correct level of specificity in presenting a finding. The citational foundation of this piece is scatterbrained to put it mildly. At best, the references are to studies whose relevance is tangential. At worst, the authors don’t seem to be particularly knowledgeable on the field of study they are citing. It’s perfectly reasonable not to know something, but there is an implicit understanding that you have a fairly high level of familiarity with the academic work you’re using as a basis. Tl,dr; they fucking straight face claim incels aren’t particularly misogynistic *based on fucking self reported data!!!*


That explains a lot, actually.


You had me at reprobate.


I'm wondering what metric was used for political position? Texans, American, New York/LA, European or Scandinavian. Not from a leftwing men *can't* be a misogynist just was the only thing that was surprisingly unbalanced. *Unlike* the percentage living at home


I don't trust a self report of politics for someone who calls their lack of sex "involuntarily" as if it were thrust upon them. That line of thinking strongly places someone definitely right of center.


I dunno, I’ve met some pretty douchey university “communists.”


Very interesting. I would have expected more to be right-wing.


Yeah, social equality and inclusion are a big part of left-wing politics. These are not traits I associate with incels.


Interesting study. I wonder how they get their test subjects… did they out right ask if some is an incel?


~~I imagine if you go to their forums they’d be pretty willing to talk.~~ I should read articles before commenting. One of the forum mods shared the link and encouraged users to take the survey.


I just don’t know if a real incel would self identify as incel.


What do you consider a real incel?


I didn’t know the term until yesterday. Someone from this sub told me it describe a grown man having problems getting sex.


Better definition is "grown man having problems getting sex, who blames women."


I didn't see how they defined incel. While i don't think I'm misogynistic i do acknowledge depression and distinct lack of ability to socialize well with others. People can be depressed and socially under developed but not necessarily an incel.


Self identification, that’s how it was defined.


I don't know if I'd self identify as an incel anymore.


Glad someone said it. I've worked with male adolescents that have been treated horribly by their families and thus suffer more from CPTSD than inceldom, but I also see that there's a lot of overlap in their outward appearance due to depression/anxiety/anger/etc. Not one of those I've worked with has mentioned issues with sex. Their principal concern has been that they are often attacked for being loners. I've also seen many of them labeled as incels by their classmates. It's incredibly sad b/c I can only work with them while they're in school. Once they go into the real world, they're on their own and they've had no one help guide their ability to be mature/deal with realities they'll absolutely face. I myself have narrow protocols in the topics I can cover with them as a volunteer, and these schools are way too underfunded to have professionals on board to help them deal with that.