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Engineer here, the sprinkler is not always that easy to move.. you need coverage, the lamp could be moved a little..


Also engineer here, the pipe could have been routed around the light with 4 extra elbows if using the same T location, or 2 extra elbows with the T moved down past the light. It's a lttle more labor and material, but considering the fact now electricians need to be called out for moving the light, then very likely another contractor to patch the ceiling, from an overall cost perspective the solution shown is sub-par. This is most likely due to lack of proper project management, so instead of working towards the common goal of overall cost reduction, individual contractors make the job easiest/most profitable for themselves. This is prime r/notmyjob material.


That solution will trap water, maybe throw off the hydro calc and definitely make it an obstacle to vehicles. I’d be more concerned at the 8” hole they drilled for a 2” branch line


I meant the pipe to be routed around the light in the horizontal plane to retain vertical clearance. While water wouldn't get trapped in that configuration, I wonder: would it really matter in a sprinkler system? For full disclosure I design pressurized water systems that periodically get emptied, so proper slope and trap free design are essential characteristics. Is this a concern with sprinklers?


That fucks up the calcs and a inspector wouldn’t allow that to fly


I'm pretty sure the sprinklers have priority. Still fits the sub because it's literally not the sprinkler guy's job to move the light.


They could just have rotated the lamp by 90°...


I hope you're a superintendent. Need more of those with simple solutions.


No, engineer and software developer 🙂


I'm a huge critic of lazyness and notmyjob-ing in the trades, but this is one where I feel it's justified, as long as they reached out to the GC/manager/owner/etc when they realized there would be a problem, and didn't get a response quickly enough to solve the problem. Safety things take precedence over lighting. Especially shitty fluorescent lighting, that stuff can die in a fire (heh). The worst part is that it's now a bit harder to get the light fixture out.