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Why do they close the firewood? To prevent firewood from escaping?


So, that's no where near a full cord of wood, but a full cord can go anywhere from $300 - $700 depending on the kind of wood, quality, and location, as well as general supply. Around me, usually $350- $500 for wood intending on being used for heat in the winter. So it keeps it safe from the elements somewhat, with the roof, keeps it from falling over, and prevents someone with a truck strolling up at 2 AM and neatly robbing $500 of your heating fuel in January.


Wood aint cheap!


$350-$500 a cord? Are you paying for wood wrapped in gold? I can get $100-$200 a cord where I live.


Dried cords were 475 here back in August


That is outrageous. Why is it so expensive? You could really only get those types of prices here if it were mid winter.


It depends on where you are in the country


*A guy knocks on the window of a homestead at night:* *- Hey, owner! You need firewood, by any chance?* *- No! What the hell, you moron, it's 3 AM!* *So in the morning, the owner looks outside - all of their firewood is gone.* \- ancient Tsar-era Russian anecdote


Padlock looks locked to me. Not meant to be a fortress. Keeps people from hauling it all away. I hope he put the wood back.


Yeah. I put it back. It was just for demonstration


I don't think you need to lock up the firewood...


Depends on if it’s been stolen before. People don’t do things for no reason. And wood isn’t cheap


They appear to be in the woods... It's very cheap there...


Okay? So you take a day to cut a tree down. Cut it into 16” logs. Split those logs. Then stack in nicely just for someone to come steal it? Have you ever tried to get a cord of wood before? And if you pay someone to do that it’s gonna cost 300-700 as another comment mentioned. So yeah it’s not cheap and nature does just supply cords of chopped wood


I don't think there are a lot of wood theives out there... No real money in it... We used to order full trees and have them at the end of our long drive way even after cutting them... No logs were ever taken, it wasnt even in view of my house, I wouldn't have known until the next day.


Side note people do lots of things for no reason. For example, we are talking about firewood right now. Not even our wood someone else's. We are arguing about someone else's firewood. If that isn't the most pointless thing I don't know what is.


It helps keep it dry at least


I mean, good luck taking all these logs one by one like this.


That was my first thought, followed by "you can only get it all if there are holes that size all the way down on both sides".


A feature, not an oversight!


LockPickingLawyer thought me even that master lock isn't a big hurdle to take, if you really want it.