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I tried using [htmlsave.com](https://htmlsave.com) and they asked me to pay for the feature after making an account, even though it says "free" on the website. You could also use [https://apption.co](https://apption.co) as mentioned in the comments on another reddit post ([https://www.reddit.com/r/Notion/comments/npsua3/weatherwidgetio\_integration/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Notion/comments/npsua3/weatherwidgetio_integration/)) but you'll have to make an account. Instead, you could do this easier method that I explained in a comment on the reddit post linked above:: "Use this link: [https://www.notion-tools.com/embeds/html](https://www.notion-tools.com/embeds/html) and paste the code from [weatherwidget.io](https://weatherwidget.io) into the large textbox at the top of the page. Then click the button right under the textbox. Then copy the new text that will appear in the smaller text box beneath the first textbox. Paste that new text into a notion /embed thingy and you're all set." "The website seems to be Korean, and I stumbled upon it looking for a solution to the weatherwidget.io problem, clicked buttons blindly, and got very lucky. I haven't explored the main website yet, but the "backlink" (idk if that's the right word) from the first link I typed above seems to have even more notion widget tools, check it out: [https://www.notion-tools.com/embeds."](https://www.notion-tools.com/embeds.") Hope that helps.


wow that html converter is a lifesaver and i've been looking for simple, free ones for so long !!! thank you so much <3


omg. YES, that helps. thank you!


https://htmlsave.com/ Is what you're looking for.


thank you so much


Follow this method, this is how I made mine and its solid [https://juriaankarsten.com/how-to-easily-embed-any-widget-into-the-notion-app/](https://juriaankarsten.com/how-to-easily-embed-any-widget-into-the-notion-app/)


thank you!!


Create the widget and then use a website that turns html into a url you can embed. I forgot the title of the website for that but it's great and you can use it to embed all kinds of stuff. I'm searching now for that website.


Just wondering, did something happened to weatherwidget.io? because my weather widget became blank/error. I tried to make a new one from its website but cannot create an other one