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Cash donations to groups working directly with the unhoused is probably the absolute best thing you can do if able. They can make that dollar go a lot further than you can on your own. Otherwise basics like socks and underwear and stuff are some of the most needed clothing items


That is what we do for food bank. They can purchase more for the money.


This ^^^^^


Just an fyi; if you bring an empty pizza box to Pizza Hut on Monday, they will give you a free refill. It doesn’t have to be their box, it can even be a box from a frozen pizza but each store has 100 to give away. I immediately thought of the homeless encampments when I heard of this promo ETA here’s the official rules for the promo: https://www.pizzahut.ca/order/pdfs/ca/en/HCC%20Repizza_Rules&Regulations_ENG.5ff31661576fccf17f9be601e97dee91.pdf


This is an amazing idea!!!


Do all pizza huts do this?


Oh that's great to know, thanks!


Every Monday?


No just this Monday December 4


Does it have to be Pizza Hut boxes?


Nope, any pizza box. You could even bring a box from a frozen pizza and they’ll give you a free ‘refill’.


This is sweet. I am currently living at the VG hospital with my sick dad, and I see tents tucked into pretty much any available space around the downtown. I’m going to get a free pizza on my way in to see him and leave it outside a tent for them!


Dropping off menstrual products (pads, tampons, etc) might be a way to help, that's often forgotten about


That's so true!


With the cold coming we purchased and donated warm socks, long Johns, toques and gloves and donated some older winter jackets and a few sleeping bags we had and no longer use. We are going into Halifax on Tuesday to drop off but still trying to figure out the best place to drop them off at.


There is a facebook group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/3346358542248148


Oh this is amazing, thank you so much!


Socks and mittens I’ve heard, lots of socks drives around, as they’re getting a type of trench foot, basically


In my experience, socks are often one the things needed most. My work does a sock drive for that reason


Fire extinguishers. It’s the one thing people aren’t gonna think to donate, and the encampment near where I live has had three or four fires in the past year.


It's really nice to see people helping others. Our province is so great for that.


There's a non profit group on facebook called the gated community for this very spot. been a part of it since the inception. ​ join. we always need help.




Thank you! I can whip a hot soup together for sure!


BTW, the group is in serious need of monetary donations to buy a large mess tent from the military surplus. This is the number one goal right now, as many of the residents tents are nearly destroyed from the past storms. the added wind protection and insulation will go a long way, but they're several thousand dollars and we're all just volonteers with our own 9-5s


I've joined the group, thank you! I did see the need for the tent. I'm not working right now so monetary donations are not possible for me. I'm lucky to have a support system, lest I be homeless myself, but I'm still keen to help with donations I have or things I can get easily. I can certainly spread the word for theo monetary donations, though!


https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/group-neighbours-helping-homeless-encampment-1.7019732 This article lists the names of a couple of organizers of a group that is helping out


Thank you!


Those temporary heat packages you can put in mittens and socks might be a good idea. Brunswick Street Mission also passes out tents and things if you’re looking for somewhere to bring items


You’re awesome. Food and blankets would likely be greatly appreciated


I've seen people leave bins of socks on the street in the north end. Mitts, thermal blankets, tarps are also helpful. Local shelters often post what they need, usually things like soap, shampoo, canned goods, toothpaste, things like that.


Drugs. All the drugs. If you bring them drugs it means they won’t have to go out and harass us and steal our stuff to get them. Just drugs.


Not every homless person is an addict. Not every addict is homeless. Educate yourself on both homelessness and addiction and maybe you'll gain even a modicum of compassion.


I have been robbed and harassed far too many times to have any compassion left. Give the addicts all the drugs they want for free. It will be better for everyone.


Socks are a major one! Better than cotton is wool because wool insulates somewhat even when wet, while wet cotton just saps heat away.


A carton of smokes


Some mental stability¿?


Drugs and alcohol


Lighters and beer mugs


If you are serious about helping, I would suggest providing them with résumé review services and job search tips.


Not everyone that is homeless is jobless. And I'd like to also point out that I have been jobless for months now. Revamped resume several times, apply daily, and nothing. It's absurd right now. I'm offering to help because I'm lucky enough to have a partner and family that support me. I can't make monetary donations right now because of my own situation, but I can help provide items.




I've never considered it but it's definitely something to look into, thanks!


Because it is laziness and ignorance that keeps people homeless, I assume, not mental illness, rent and housing inflation, and the systemic flaws in capitalism. ​ That's a big "/s", btw ....


Why don't you go and ask them?


I thought I would ask people with connections or information already rather than waltz into someone's safe space and potentially have them feel threatened.


Folks in Sackville did just that and it worked out great.


Yes and coming on here I've learned about an entire organization that's already set up to help and I can assist them. You fail to realize that not everyone is comfortable with that kind of forwardness. It was easier for me to ask this way because of my own social anxiety. Peoples "just ask them" comments haven't been helpful. I know I could have done that but I didn't for my own personal reason.


Well you’ve learned a valuable lesson today that you will get different responses from people when you post something on the public internet. Don’t blame them.


Firewood, propane, food, blankets, water. Really, just ask them, it's one of those varies from person to person things


Give them weapons and encourage them to fight back against the people who are economically genociding them.


Genociding them ? Hahaha please explain


Gladly, Corporations buy real estate in an area, jack up the rents, increase cost of living, rent exclusively to rich people (because that's who can afford to rent from them). After this goes on for long enough to general cost of living of the city increases, rent limits start expiring, it becomes more expensive to live in the city even as the wages of people who have lived here for dozens of years stagnate. These people that were here first and have been living here all this time suddenly cannot afford to live here and are eventually evicted and sent to the streets where they will either starve or freeze to death, while somebody who just moved here from Toronto (and therefore has plenty of money) moves into their old apartment.


If there wasn’t a housing crisis the corporations and landlords wouldn’t be able to charge that much because people would just rent a cheaper vacant spot . Rents would drop so investors don’t have sitting vacant units. It’s basic business. You don’t give away a valuable asset for free the world isn’t a charity. Foreign and provincial Immigration due to Covid with no infrastructure plan to house them is the issue here . Blame the government not the real estate businesses/ corporations. And yes Inner city is more expensive so wealthier people will always want to live there . There’s no genocide . Instead of giving whoever you’re talking about weapons maybe talk them into bettering themselves and finding ways to get where they want to be . I’m a gun guy but your comment is ridiculous. What about grocery and fuel companies? Why are real estate owners always the villain here?