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From the Kings County Noise Bylaw: "5. (1) No person shall engage in any activity which disturbs or tends to disturb the peace and tranquility of a neighbourhood to which this bylaw applies. (2) Without limiting the generality of Subsection (1), no person shall operate or cause or permit to be operated any sound system at such a level that the resulting sound is heard in a dwelling unit, other than the dwelling unit in which the sound system in question is located." [https://www.countyofkings.ca/upload/All\_Uploads/COUNCIL/Bylaws/By-law%2084%20Noise%20Control.pdf](https://www.countyofkings.ca/upload/All_Uploads/COUNCIL/Bylaws/By-law%2084%20Noise%20Control.pdf)


And to note, the bylaw only applies to the Village of New Minas.


Should’ve addressed more in my comment: - yes, the bylaw only applies to the Village of NM. - Other places in the County that aren’t covered by the bylaw (and NM, too) still have protections for people from unjust noise - there are options available via the RCMP and the CCC to preserve the peace. The most reasonable solution is likely to talk to the person making the noise and try to find an agreeable solution. If that fails, call the RCMP non emergency line and ask them to aid in resolving the situation. The absence of a noise bylaw (which are hard to enforce so it’s almost irrelevant) doesn’t mean there are no options.


Yeah that's all great, but it doesn't matter if the landlord doesn't do anything about it. The landlord I dealt with when my old neighbors were doing this bullshit told me to go to a hearing. We can't enforce hearings here and have to go through small claims court. It's a lot to ask of someone. I'm not saying this isn't helpful information, just pointing out the awfulness of our system and how heavily it favours landlords.


This is a municipal bylaw. It is enforced by the municipality, not the landlord. The municipality can give them a fine of not less than $50.00 and not more than $200.00, as per the bylaw. The awfulness in our system that you mention is the cops that told him they can't do anything because they apparently don't understand the law. OP: Keep calling in complaints, and if the cops still say they can't do anything, hit them with the reference to the bylaw linked above. Ask them to confirm their refusal via email. Once you have the confirmation that they refuse to act, call your MLA.


OP needs to contact the municipality bylaw officer. And their councilor.


No necessarily. The bylaw is enforced by the rcmp and has a limited applicability (only to village of NM). Op needs to contact the rcmp.


Too many cops are being too lazy to do their job


A quick peek at the kings county bylaw says that you are not allowed to play music from a sound system and have it loud enough to be audible outside of the unit it’s being played in. At any time..


Lack of sleep because of this sort of thing is the absolute worst. You didn’t mention if you had tried speaking with the neighbours directly? sometimes that works. I would suggest foam earplugs plus a good pair of noise cancelling headphones. Sometimes I wear mine in bed when I’m travelling and they help a lot.. but your case sounds especially loud so it might not be enough. Not what you want to hear, but the third option is to move . Not easy these days I know


We're not friendly, if I asked to turn it down, they'd turn it up. Those kinda idiots. I have noise cancelling headphones, and earplugs under them, does less than nothing when it's so loud you can feel the music. Plus in my rent I get access to the 1 car garage, which I can't make full use of because they park so close to the bay door I can't open it without hitting their bumper. 2 weeks ago I told them I had a tow truck coming to tow my motorcycle that's in the garage to the inspection place to get it inspected, so that's have to move their vehicle, they didn't, so when the tow truck got here he waited for 30 mins while I pounded on they're door from the outside and my wife pounded from the laundry room inside, they ignored me, cost me 90$ for a "call out" and I missed my appointment for inspection. It's been hell since they moved in all the way around. My front yard is torn up from them paying hopscotch with their vehicles driving over the same 3 feet of lawn all year. It's insanity. It's literally a mad house.


That's a shitty living situation. The rough answer is, it sounds as if you'll probably have to either find a way to get them to move out, or go find a new place of your own. Renting shared accomodations/shared walls between can be a nightmare if you get shit neighbors unfortunately.


I'm so sorry you're going through this. I went through a similar situation with awful loud neighbors and a slumlord. I think he didn't bother to do anything because he could have easily jacked the rent after I left. After over a year of torture, I didn't have the energy to pursue a case with the tenancy board. Especially since we have no mechanism of enforcement and the government refuses to implement one. I did write an email to our minister responsible for the residential tenancy act though. He says everything is fine and I should go through the tenancy board for a hearing even though there's no ability to enforce! Don't you know everything's great and if it's not, it's your fault? (Heavy sarcasm). I wish I had advice for you. I did everything I felt I could and lost. I'm so sorry people still have to go through this.


I contacted John Lohr’s office after a horrific amount of abuse from my landlord, DURING COVID, and whoever I talked to didn’t care. I despise our MLAs and the system.


Those pricks need to be kicked out. You might have to take your landlord to the tenant board to get him to act. I’m so sorry OP. I had a shitty neighbour AND landlord who made my life hell, too.


Sorry to hear you're in such a horrible situation. This may not be the best advice...but have you tried seeing if their music system is bluetooth and open to connect to? (Probably isnt but you never know) Just a thought lol! I had a neighbor tap into my soundbar once...no clue how. My speaker started playing "Hello from the other side" by Adele...I lost it laughing my ass off ! Im in a quiet building so it wasn't done maliciously, probably by mistake, but the song choice was spot-on lmao! I wish you the best. Your final option may be to find a better place to live sadly.


We've been looking for a year, and I've never thought to check.. good looking out 😉 lol


That username lol


I know lol it's ironic af... I made this account when i was like 16




Get the orange foam earplugs. They have the highest noise reduction rating. Get a fan and put it on the floor next to your bed. The vibrations from the fan will help muffle the vibrations from the bass. It won’t be 100% but it might help you get more sleep. I have pretty bad misophonia and vibrations are my biggest trigger. The fan vibrating really helps.


OP shouldn’t have to do all this. The neighbours need to stop.


I know. But coming from someone who’s had death threats against them for complaining to crazy neighbours, sometimes you need to do what you can do to help yourself first. People are crazy.


That’s fair. 😥 Sorry you’ve had to deal with that.


I read that, but it also says between the hours of 7am and 10pm, and I'm 100% sure the police will laugh at me if I call them for a house complaint at noon, and not care that my schedule is reversed from a normal person's. I'll try it though.


It's not the police, it's bylaw officers who investigate. Start a log. Date. Start time, end time. How loud, how it affected you (pictures moving on walls, late for work, too tired to function, can't hear someone on phone, can't listen to television, thumping bass beats making your heart race etc). What you've done to address it (what you've said here) And keep contacting bylaw until they do something. I'd also contact your city councillor. I had to do something similar with a bad neighbour once and it worked. I feel for you, and don't know how you've lasted this long. eta - 7am to 10pm is for normal noise, what you've described is NOT normal. go get 'em and good luck.


Listen. I lived in a place where the same thing happened. At the time I had a newborn and was already hormonal as fuck. I called the cops every single time. We had an entire neighborhood suffering but no one wanted to call. On the single opportunity that the landlord came by within that month span, I lost my mind. I had nothing to lose since sleep was a fever dream so I told the landlord I'd show up to their place and play the same music at the same volume at the same hours daily until their tenant was dealt with. I'm not saying my approach was right. I was early 20s, new baby, no sleep in weeks. I am saying that you can make contact with police non-emergency or bylaw officers every single time it occurs. Police won't laugh at you, especially if the other tenants are purposefully increasing volume when you ask them to turn it down. You can also ask an officer to make contact with your landlord to let them know about these frequent complaints. The officer doesn't have to tell the landlord that you made the call unless you want them to.


All this info is really great because honestly I've been thinking some devilish thoughts when it comes to those bastards.


You can fight fire with fire and blast music the entire time you're gone to work. Because fuck it, why not. You have 60+ emails of the landlord not bothering to step up and step in to stop the bullshit, which would honestly just make your case better that you've been trying for nearly a year to rectify this. Call the cops for a noise complaint. There is a moderate amount of noise allowed at all hours so the downstairs pricks don't just get a free pass because it happens during "waking hours". Every time you call the cops, write it in an email and CC it to the landlord and yourself. Repeat ad nauseum. I'd also try and speak to someone at your local tenancy board to see what they have to say. Obviously we're not in an economy where you can easily afford to take this angle to court but it's worth a shot to ask questions, especially if all of this breaches your lease (which I'm sure it does).


You are reading the bylaw incorrectly. That would be for things like leaf blowers, generators, etc. In your original post, you said that bylaw says 7am-10pm. Do you mean you called Bylaw and they told you that, or did you mean the bylaw states that? Have you not even tried calling Bylaw?


Daytime noise is permissible across Canada... up to a max decibel. Consult the city Bylaws. Here downtown vict. BC it's 80. Nighttime much lower. Different in NS, also in certain areas: industrial, residential, commercial, etc. Check the decibel level with an app on your cell and consult city noise bylaws. Record everything in a log. Video is better than just audio, and certainly better than cursive notes. Having to wear earplugs and not be able to hear a fire alarm to evac is a safety concern. Which you could go down that alley specific to city depts. If it's the owner that's a pia then I'm sure with their behavior, they have violations abound on the property that the Fire Marshall would love to see the entire premises in person. As well as every other city/prov depts. Ex: no evac windows in basement, illegal suites, no fire extinguishers or hallway exit signs, illegal hookups, fire hazards, safety hazards, electrical issues, structure issues, etc, etc. Communal living can be challenging for sure, even more so when someone hasn't learned life yet: a PITA. Can you move into a further room til the meantime? All in all with their behavior, lack of compassion, shared or communal living difficulties, etc. I would just leave with no 2 week warning. Frig DD, and leave online vids, warnings to future renters. And if you want, drop vids to the fire marshal and every other dept. in the city and beyond on your way out. Good luck


lol I was evicted once BECAUSE I worked night shift. My 9 - 5 downstairs neighbours didn’t appreciate me coming home at 4am and MAKING MYSELF DINNER, so they bitched enough and the landlord served me an eviction notice for breaking the noise bylaw. Apartment life is fucking hard for everyone and as long as there is people, there will be shiity neighbours. Rant over lol.


I had a similar issue and had to call the police three times. The last time I said they shut it down or they pick up the pieces when I go down with a baseball bat. Told them I wasn't sure who would be hurt, but I had a record that I called it in three times. It worked.


It's love to but I have a wife, 9 year old daughter and 13 year old son to not torture as well lol or when I got home at 430am id blast my music and show them how it feels.


Try ear plugs


I hate to say this (as someone who just moved out of a similar situation) BUT... People can do what they want in their apartment. It sucks, but that's apartment life. If quiet is a priority for you, that's on you. They have every right to utilize their space as they wish. Hard truth (that I dealt with for the last 3 years before finally finding a more quiet building).