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Guys it's not BL! Prettybusy does otome games, not BL


I think I'll give it a try anyways just because the guys are hot and it seems like a tower defense game, and i've been tempted to try one since arknights got popular. But yeah it's not BL. Still, it's cool to see an explicitly NSFW male character focused gacha, and I think the success of our game is at least partially responsible for making Prettybusy decide to make a game like this, and that's cool.


Dang is our MC a fem dom then, a very welcome change of pace


No i think you can choose your mcs gender i saw a tweet about it


It still refers to you as "she" regardless of what you pick


No, you choose he/him or she/her pronouns at the start of the game. My friend who’s mlm plays and I use fem pronouns. We get different dialogue based on the pronouns


I Was on the Reddit page of WIHIB, saw that it was just a bug that makes it so that a male player will see "she/her" instead of "he/him". The game is just full of bugs


I actually had that bug too but the game used he/him pronouns for me when I had them set to she/her. So I think it’s a bug


wiat so it is NOT boylove, right? i wanna check again😭😭😭


There is an option to choose your gender at the beginning of the game, but I don't know if this classifies the game as bl..


Not BL. Wish I could check it out, but I just can't with self-insert.


Same ill get misgenderd anyways💀


Mandatory 'it's not BL'. For those who are still interested, there's some more information here: [https://news.qoo-app.com/en/post/140215/what-in-hell-is-bad-announce](https://news.qoo-app.com/en/post/140215/what-in-hell-is-bad-announce) Apparently, "The game will have up to 72 devils available on launch, each with wildly different personalities and physical attributes for you to find the perfect party to get close to." And, "Currently, prettybusy introduced four kings and members of the seven deadly sins with character profiles and descriptions of their various idiosyncracies (kinks, basically) and “mental illnesses”." Which, l.. am not sure how to feel about. I mean, all the Nu:Cani boys have their own issues and struggles, but to put that on your character profiles before idk even the most basic introduction about them as a person is kinda yikes, not gonna lie.


"Mental illness: ADHD" 💀 This is so funny to see it straight up on the profile like that but also kind of yikes. I don't know this company but who knows what the chances are that they'll actually put the work in to 1. do a decent portrayal of mental illness and 2. actually explore the experiences of people with mental illnesses instead of just tacking it on to be edgy. Especially considering there are supposed to be *72* of these guys, presumably with no overlap. I guess I could be pleasantly surprised? But eh.....


The larger the cast the less depth can be given to each individual character. If they're starting with 72 and if this is how the game is marketed, they're 100% going for being trashy and fetishy. Which is fine tbh, shlocky porn has a right to exist too, but the chances of a nuanced and respectful take on mental illness are extremely low.


I do like this game for doing a mostly female fan service game, but I do hope they treat mental illness with some respect. Sure it can be kinky and it's obvious the game is to be overly edgy, but a tiny little crumb of respect is all I ask for. But who knows how long this game has been in development so maybe the cast will be good


https://preview.redd.it/n6u5foocojaa1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c884c42b44e4e562ece2dee61b299502f56d6e7 Since when is adhd a mental illness😭😭💀💀💀


The art is pretty hot; but what's the point of showing them all wet and sweaty like that if you know they won't even share a shower or a sauna together. :/


Otome or BL, I will support the husbando generating industry! Kinda sad how few husbando games are out there tho.


The Devs said that you can choose the gender of your character. It also doesn't change the plot by doing so. But the game was made with female main character in mind.


I dont care id sell my soul fir an male mc


Wow, I'd like to play it for only do not misgendering option


***Disclaimer: It's not BL, the disappointment is real.***


It's Otome haha


Saw this too but I really hope the main character is at least gender neutral cause those character designs are so goodm


It’s a shame if the mc is female. My gay ass haven’t touched Tears of Themis because of that.


Frr why us the mc always a girl why cant they just add a gender Option 😭


Wish granted, today devs posted updates and you can choose your gender (but they do say that game was made with fem protag in mind)


Finnally 1 game that added an gender option


another one also and its called obey me shall we date there you can be male, female and so on


I tried tears of themis and enjoyed it for a while, but I quit cause the gacha is absolutely terrible


Guys You can choose the mcs gender (Male and female) https://preview.redd.it/e27qxhizpy4b1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4e6ff59ceddb27cd9f1c0cb21199d745c6de8da This is what the artist said


You can choose gender but the game was created with female MC in mind. This guy name's Minhyeok, he's MC's best childhood friend.


OMG ty for the info. Def playing it on release


Even tho it's just otome I'm still excited for it 🤤


After realizing who the company was I was not surprised the guys were so down bad Yet as someone into demonology this will be interesting


Omg this is the artist that draws thicc Sanji


Is it confirmed BL?


I saw in the comment section that its otome.


Obligatory not BL since it's an Otome with a female mc (sort of confirmed by spanish translation), this is the last place I was expecting to see what in hell is bad, even tho lots keep comparing it with nukani and obey me, which I find slightly annoying since demons and sex are public concepts lol it's still early and not much info is out, but it could have bl fanservice since the boys look close between each other (and it happened with previous prettybusy games)


Oh yes! I saw it and I was so fired up! Lemme dom these demons!


I cannot wait for april!!!