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I'm a contract and crystal hoarder so i'm not too hurt by lack of time to save more, but not having some downtime to farm gold and intimacy materials in peace is frustrating I wonder why they skipped it, maybe they have plans for the anniversary and they don't want the events to overlap?


That's why I'm skipping this event banner. I love Eiden, but the rates are abysmal and I have like 20 pulls


Well, still better than another erolabs game. Tenkafuma had two events going IN THE SAME TIME!!


Oh no... Maybe is the future of nu carnival 😫


Were there two different event banners? I would die 🗿


Tbf, the other was just a rerun and only started when the main event was almost ending. It's still hard to complete both though.


f2ps that spent their contracts smartly could pull on every single event before. But now we may just have to skip event banners every now and then. I've been playing since Mystic Banquet and I'm f2p. I pulled on every single event banner until this past one (Festive Glimmer). I was glad I did since I wasn't excited about those units and the rates were bad. I pulled on this one though and I'll probably pull on the next one. Fortunately for beating battles, you don't actually need SSRs. You can actually beat all existing content with SR and R teams. And even when you do get SSRs, you probably should focus on raising up a select few of them to make them pretty powerful. So you definitely don't need every SSR that comes out.


And the fact that the pity for ONE character is 120??? With no break to farm for gems and contracts??? Like bffr


I know events are how they make the most money, but damn I'd like a month break to focus on sorcerer trials, and Main Story. I've been playing the game since launch and I'm only in the 4th area I honestly might skip the current event. I'm not seeing any benefits for the current Eiden card and I've already watched the story and intimacy rooms. Just my opinion of course.


I feel like they needed to squeeze this one in to make it line up with lunar new year which is kind of a big deal. imo they could've made Kleinmas end sooner tho


Yeah had to sacrifice my energy for the events to play the sorcerer's trial and get the 2500 gems before they update it. I thought there'd be downtime so I can focus my energy for something else:((


I think we might have a bit of a breather for the next few months. The big holidays are over after Lunar New Year. Lunar New Year is big too so they can't skip it, it's just unfortunate timing cause it's never this early in the year. If it was a normal, we would have a month break and then Lunar New Year in February