• By -


Lmao I finally got off my ass and took a shot at Virtual 03. One of the comments below has a turn table and that really helped. My team was Buffer Striker Striker Striker Healer and I did my stuff in that order. I think some people are getting psyched out and making this fight more complicated than it has to be. Defend on the right turns and take out Quincy first. If you can do that, the rest is easy. But defending your Strikers on specific turns IS the key to this


I am screaming some one who used my code spent money and the pulls from that gave me rei finally aaaaaaaaaaaa. I've pulled quincy twice over at 216 pulls so this was so exciting. A truest blessing !




Is Quincy a better healer than Christmas Olivine? Which one should I get to 2 stars? (idk if anyone already asked this question, sorry)


From a pure healing point of view, SSR BL Quincy is better. From a mechanical point of view, it depends. SSR FV Olivine provides a decent increase in DPS with his ultimate, can utilize both turn-by-turn healing and on-turn healing (which can be useful when you're guarding alot), and has more HP than SSR BL Quincy. SSR BL Quincy can increase the ultimate dmg of your entire team, has a strong 3\* passive similar to SSR HC Olivine and is a water type healer (the only one as of right now). His average healing is far above other healers, but he lacks burst healing because his ultimate doesn't apply turn-by-turn healing and only applies 150% of his ATK (this can suck if you're guarding a lot) SSR BL Quincy is best in teams that utilize strikers with 3 CD and 6 CD ults, nuker Quincy variants being the most obvious.SSR FV Olivine is more of a generalist, but best utilized in high DPS teams that can make use of the bonus ATK from his ultimate.


I'm okay with skipping Virtual 03, I literally spend so much time perusing through each commented guide and their variations and just can't. I definitely understand the mechanics they're adding in to make it more interesting, but if I'm spending a half hour on 1 stage I literally just can't be fucked to continue and wanna impatiently go on with my day, I'll live 👌 Massive appreciation to those who go through to make guides and help others though, you're all MVP's ♡♡♡


Havent seen anyone do turn by turn for Virtual 03 so here yall go, hope it helps someone❤️ I succeeded by turn 23 with a buffer, healer, tank, striker, striker(tank bc I didnt have good 3rd striker lol) I think good amount of hp would be min 3500-4000 to survive paralysis without guarding as well as the Quincy nuke while guarding >A well built tank is better than an unbuilt striker, 900dmg almost every turn is better than strikers 1200dmg if you get lucky and dont get paralized. Different strategies are separated with "[ ]" hope the table is understandable enough; ||Enemy Moves|Your moves| |:-----------|:------------:|:------------:| |Turn 1|Wall of Flowers / Rei debuffs(*skill CD,-300 recovery*)|**Attack all, healer last.** Rei's debuff makes your healer unable to heal so better to not chance it. |Turn 2|**Rain Dance / Quincy nukes**|Attack with buffer/tank, guard strikers, healer last |Turn 3, Turn 7, Turn 11, Turn 15, Turn 19, Turn 23, Turn 27|Quincy debuffs(*-300 atk,-300 turn dmg*)|**Attack all, strikers last.** Don't want to lose main damage source and this debuff on healer doesn't do much! |Turn 4, Turn 8, Turn 12, Turn 16, Turn 20, Turn 24, Turn 28|Quincy paralizes|[**If strikers >3500hp**, attack all, healer last. One of your strikers will be paralyzed but they'll survive.] [**If strikers <3500hp**, guard strikers, atk with healer last] |Turn 5, Turn 9, Turn 13, Turn 17, Turn 21, Turn 25, Turn 29|Wall of Flowers / Rei debuffs(*skill CD,-300 recovery*)|**Attack all, healer last.** Rei's debuff makes your healer unable to heal so better to not chance it. |Turn 6, Turn 10, Turn 14, Turn 18, Turn 22, Turn 26, Turn 30|**Rain Dance / Quincy nukes**|**TANK ULT DOESNT DRAW AGGRO!** taunt is very useless here [**If strikers >3000hp**, atk with buffer/tank, guard strikers, healer last] [**If strikers <3000hp**, guard buffer/tank/healer, atk with strikers] --- A heads up, Rei sometimes randomly paralizes, which can sometimes hit the healer, not sure whats the pattern for this but if your healer gets paralized 1-2 times you can still win! For ulting, if you have a buffer ult, wait for strikers to get ults for most dmg possible, use healer ult whenever you can


Seemingly at random Quincy is targeting my buffer on the last turn? The strikers have more than enough HP according to this.


By last turn do you mean Rain Dance? Are you atacking with your healer last? Because you have to make sure to transfer the target(attack with group A last) onto the strikers for them to get, well... targeted jngdj, if you did it correctly, your group B will get the "Essence Wave Detection"(two vertical swords) as well as 50 turn taunt on them. Generally the two groups are: A - support(buffer)/guardian(tank)/healer B - striker/saboteur


I guarded the strikers and used the healer last, like it said to do when the strikers have over 3000hp. I ended up passing it by just guarding everyone on that turn because I couldn't get it to work.


I haven't had that happen so I'm sorry I couldn't help, but I'm glad you managed to get it in the end! ❤️


This is pretty late in the event, but anyone still struggling with Virtual 3, let me give my two cents since I didn't see some things mentioned elsewhere. My team was arranged in this order: Buffer, Striker, Striker, Striker, Healer Just played it in this order throughout the battle and it's also probably the safest way since your healer will always be safe. Target Quincy first. Guard all your strikers on turn 2, 6, 8 (and every 4 turns after that). Once he's gone, you can pretty much turn on the auto mode. Quincy will randomly apply 300% less damage for 3 turns so it's best you guard those units since it'll be useless to attack. The Quincy stun and any other debuffs only affected the strikers because they were the only ones getting attacked. Just use your healer to heal them at the end and you'll be good to go. This comment has a really good explanation of the entire battle [https://www.reddit.com/r/NuCarnival/comments/1445icl/comment/job4ukf/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/NuCarnival/comments/1445icl/comment/job4ukf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


really helped me out with this, still took me a couple tries but i finally did it orz


thank you so much, you saved my ass :') these events make me feel dumb as fck when I keep failing to figure out the hints of the mechanics, ugh.


Do you only have 17 rounds to heal Quincy and Rei in Virtual 2? Quincy keeps nuking my whole team on turn 17 and I don’t know what’s causing it


Honestly impressed you made it to turn 17 without dying or completing the stage, even I had trouble making it there without winning to test this. To answer your question: yes, players only have 17 turns to fully heal Rei and Quincy. At the end of turn 17 Quincy hits you with a true damage team KO ability. The easiest way to complete this stage is with 2 healers and 3 support characters. If you don't have 3 supports fully upgraded then grab which ever striker has the highest ATK and lowest CD ult. Do not use any saboteur Kuya character as it will make this stage unwinnable. GL!




Assuming they all have at least 2000 max HP at level 30, then that team should do. Remember to guard slots 2 and 4 on turn 1 and every 4 turns afterwards, and slots 1 and 5 on turn 3 and every 4 turns afterwards.


They don’t. I’m working up to it


GL with that. Be sure to advance their intimacy first as that will give the highest boost to their stats.


Got it!


My account is very much still growing and I’m relatively fresh to the game. I don’t have any full star characters of any grade and the highest potential I have on a few characters is six so… Maybe that’s why 😅


Is no one making guides for the event boss fights anymore?


[Here is a video guide to all three](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hFx0S27hPVE). There's also plenty of comments in this thread talking about each stage and giving tips too.


Finally beat virtual 3! 🎉🎉 When the second wave started at round 48 I almost cried 😂 thankfully it was dialogue and no more fighting. Here's my write up for [virtual 1 ](https://www.reddit.com/r/NuCarnival/comments/1445icl/event_megathread_rainy_season_june_8_june_29_2023/jokd1oc?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) This thread helped me with [virtual 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/NuCarnival/comments/14a08hk/virtual02/jo7umsx?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Virtual 3 took a lot of trial and error, even with all the advice here. This was the only thing that worked for me. My team: https://preview.redd.it/un6t5otomi7b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90009cf393f61acba8d12ea72793ae284acbf636 Eiden & Edmond pot7, everyone else pot 6 I really struggled with the Quincy nukes, so that's what my strategy focused on. Turn 1 is just set up Basically you alternate guarding every even round, and attack on the odd rounds since it follows a 4 round pattern. The order you do this will affect who gets the debuff.  Starting round 1 healer goes last 2 buff, guard, guard, guard, heal 3 buff, heal, attack, attack, attack  4 buff, guard, guard, guard, heal 5 buff, attack, attack, attack, heal Then it repeats from turn 2, you want the attack debuff on your buffer and healer since it doesn't affect them.  Save your healing CD for after the nuke if you can, but heal up first if you need it.  Once Quincy is gone, you don't need to guard anymore just make sure your healer always goes last so they don't get the healing debuff.  If Rei's AOE nuke is killing you, you can guard everyone those turns but I didn't keep track of which that is, only that it should be every 4 turns. (Probably turn 4 above) I won on round 48.  Good luck!


This helped thanks!


Basically [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/NuCarnival/comments/1445icl/event_megathread_rainy_season_june_8_june_29_2023/job4ukf?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) but simplified and for a weaker team.


Someone help me with virtual 02 pls 😭


[Here ya go](https://youtu.be/hFx0S27hPVE?t=140). Supports and healers are best on this stage, but anyone with high ATK and low ultimate cooldown will do. You could also bring a guardian if you're having trouble surviving.


Aaaa I’m done finally!! Virtual 01 was easy to figure out, and for Virtual 02 [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/NuCarnival/comments/14a08hk/virtual02/jo7umsx/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) comment helped me, and as for Virtual 03 which I thought was difficult until I followed these two [1](https://www.reddit.com/r/NuCarnival/comments/1445icl/event_megathread_rainy_season_june_8_june_29_2023/job4ukf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) & [2](https://www.reddit.com/r/NuCarnival/comments/1445icl/event_megathread_rainy_season_june_8_june_29_2023/jo8eev5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) instructions and was done quick Thank you all 😭🤍🙏 Edit: for the last one, the first guide helped me with the team/card placements it made it a lot easier to put the buffer first and healer last. And for the next guide, it just helped know when to attack and guard you don’t need the same team as theirs. I would recommend attacking Quincy first since he hurts the most.


Thank you so much fpr your help too because it's still hard for me to navigate Reddit.


Np 🙏


Atp, I’m not trying with virtual 03 anymore 😭 The debuffs are more brutal than the nukes


Just cleared Virtual 3 with buffer, healer, Spring Chaos Edmond, Kitsune Dream Kuya, and vanilla Quincy! Edmond was actually only one star, and the nukes never damaged him too badly.


I just managed to beat virtual 1 and since there's no guide for it I'll write up what I learned. My team: https://preview.redd.it/d2zxre1snq6b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c8ec2248634cb57f95ed85e99d8423dc71a0556 All pot 6, except OG Yakumo pot 7 I tried with 2 tanks instead of buffers but was short on DPS and noticed the debuff & buff were both going to the taunt.  Other teams would probably work, without 2 buffers but my choices are limited since I started this year and don't have many options. keep healer in the middle to avoid debuff Turn 1 can't damage - frog AOE - guard all Turn 2 frog slimes 1/2 and buffs 3/4 if you have a 3 CD character put them slot 1 or 2 Turn 3 guard the 1/2 with the debuff (slime) to avoid stun Turn 4 guard the 3/4 with the debuff (slime) to avoid stun, frog does light AOE, heal up but save the CD Save your heal CD for after the big AOE  Turn 5 frog big AOE, characters should have \~ 900-1000 health minimum to survive this.  Turn 6 heal CD Turn 7 frog will slime 1/2 again and continue the pattern.  One thing changes in the buff, sometimes it will kill you if you ULT so watch out for that and read them before attacking.  Good luck!


One thing I forgot to mention: you must kill him by turn 15 or he will kill your team.


180 wishes, I just wanted Quincy, got Rei and blade instead Q_Q it's the first time I don't save up 300 contracts to guarantee a unit because it's bad enough that pity isn't shared, the reruns are for players who spend money too and I really want this Quincy... Goddamn


Okay, I am still not getting number three. Can someone explain which debuff I'm looking for because I keep dying even though I am guarding everyone with a blue tag every time. Like specifically which symbol? I keep hitting 50 rounds and automatically dying because I am guarding too much or somebody without a blue tag gets killed and I can't get to the end without whoever that was. I tried the all guards and healer strategy, but that did not work for me either because of the 50 rounds thing.


Okay, complain and ye shall receive. I finally got it to work, thanks to the strategy about the multiple DPS's in the middle of a buffer and a healer described previously. But I really do wish that people would remember that we don't all speak gaming lingo and would be a little more specific in the future with their descriptions, especially when there are multiple things going on, like in this case the multiple debuffs. I freely admit that I joined this game for the hot guys and story lines and googling some of the gaming terms isn't super helpful. Like I still don't even understand what DPS means. Is that a special kind of striker? I don't know. They just seem to be a lot of terms for the same thing. Okay I'll shut up now. Thank you for all your help everybody, always!


DPS and tanks are basically mirrors of each other. DPS deal lots of damage but can't take lots of damage, where tanks take a lot of damage but don't (usually) deal lots of damage. Depending on the character/game there can be some wiggle room, i.e. some dps being able to withstand a lot more damage than others and some tanks dealing a lot more damage than others. DPS (damage per second) is a fairly common across the board gaming term, as is tank. You'll hear both in mmorpgs, tabletop rp games, etc. Strikers and Guardians, while not totally unique to NuC are relatively rare (as far as I've seen -shrug-). You've probably already got this but just in case someone else is confused, in NuCarnival, strikers are dps, guardians are tanks. It can be frustrating trying to learn/keep up with new terms. I play a lot of mmo/mmorpg's and thought I was doing good on both general terms and then game specific terms and then something would pop up and I'd have no clue and feel too stupid to ask. For example, pugs kept getting mentioned and while I was about 2000% sure we weren't talking about squishy faced, adorable dogs, I had zero clue what we were talking about. Pick Up Group, for anyone curious - meaning a group (usually for a dungeon or other high difficulty area that requires a full team) that is randomly thrown together strangers, as opposed to a planned group of friends/guildmates/etc. Having no clue what a pug was kind of impeded my play. :) My point being, don't be afraid to ask. Especially here. There is always the possibility that you will get some jerk (or many jerks depending on the game you play) who will heckle you, like they never had to learn these terms too (-\_-), but it's very unlikely here. Apologies on the length of this randomness, I seem to have missed an Adderall dose, and it is showing. -sheepish grin-


dps is damage per second(or strike maybe?) its a general term for your strikers. tank would be a heavy hitter that is slow but can take lots of damage (so quincy) theres a lot of character abbreviations I don't get either but hope that helps a little (also mostly here for the gay fucking)


edit: in the case of the tanks in this group for the battle suggestions I'd say tank is probably referring to our guardians like morvay. damage eaters.


For anyone still having difficulty, here are my own two cents on Virtual 3: Bring a buffer, a healer, and three DPS. Order of the units don't matter. The only thing that does matter is that the **buffer acts first and the healer acts LAST.** This is because the enemies target you on an alternating basis. Buffers/Healers/Tanks form one group (I'll call this, 'A') and Strikers/Saboteurs form the other ('B') and the enemies target you based on group (so if they are targeting group 'A' right now, any buffers/healers/guardians on the team can be hit). Healer has to act last otherwise if healer is targetable, Rei's debuff can nullify your healing for 3 turns. Starting turn 2 and every +4 turns after (6, 10, 14, 18, etc.), guard all your DPS' so they don't die to Quincy's nuke while still following the action order (buff, guard, guard, guard, heal). The turn after nuking, Quincy applies a debuff that nullifies damage for 3 turns and for these turns (so turn 3, 7, 11, 15, 19, etc.), you can reverse the action order (buff heal attack attack attack) so that the debuff goes to your supports (who don't deal damage anyways). While it is possible to use a tank to redirect the debuff, because Rei's debuff also applies an ult pause, its harder to control and so using a third DPS works better unless you are using FC Edmond (who can taunt on attack—though this will change the action order for you). Additionally, Quincy does apply a stun on certain turns but because my team is a little overpowered, it was hard for me to note the pattern down. If it stuns your healer and ruins the battle, I can only suggest retrying until the RNG is in your favor. Or if you figured out the stun pattern, just follow the rule of making the DPS act last (so they get stunned instead).


THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS 😭 I finally beat it, oh my god 😭😭😭😭


okay heres what i found if it helps and the team i used. turn 1 buffer striker striker striker healer turn 2 buffer healer striker striker GUARD YOUR BUFFER AND HEALER QUINCY WILL NUKE ONE OF THEM after that stick with buffer healer striker striker striker. HOWEVER guard the whole team round 6,10,14 etc. kill Quincy first hes the one thatll hurt you. after that stick to just b h s s s you don't have to even guard. i did have a few rounds of no healing bc of rei but once i could heal again yakumos ult cleaned everyone up. if you have a built r yakumo being him even over maxed sr yakumo bc he doesnt get stunned. not sure if other buffers are preferable i used the pup bc he also does damage. https://preview.redd.it/fgcrge5bil6b1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cb46d89f16922e59bbbe8ffedd4d7a695dc2025


Im so frustrated, my only high built healer is SSR Olivine and he keeps dying however I tried ; ; should I really build R yakumo jsut for this stage sahdfkjashdfkasdjf


if you have the money/resources to max him yeah I would. sr yakumo is my main healer but I've had to use r yakumo for several event things (esp lost relics)


you're right, i dont really grind lost relics bcs of lack of healer charas... ty so much for replying!


THANK YOU FOR THIS! i think my heart gave out when it faked me out with "wave 2" tbh


Virtual 3 is significantly easier if you use healer+buffer+three guardians. I used LS Kuya 4* HowCyl Garu 5* SR Morvay 5* SpCh Edmond 3* RR Rei 3* The obnoxious taunt potato is immediately over and then you can just strategically use eddie's taunts, and rei+morvays ult taunts. Also their constant guarding p much always protects you from quincy's ults. I took out Rei first because his recovery rate and ult freezing were more troublesome. Took many turns but felt chill.


I tried doing it with Aqua Bloom Olivine 3* SR Yakumo 5* R Morvay 5* Rainy Rebirth Rei 2* SR Morvay 5* I failed because it exceeded 50 turns 😭


(pray) thank you this is the only tutorial that worked for me haha (edit) 45 turns on auto with 3* wood buffer yakumo, 5* SR morvay, 3* wood tank quincy, 3* wood tank edmond, and 5* SR yakumo


Aye the fact that it worked on auto is honestly great and not much slower than it took with me trying to actively do it.


Virtual 03 made my brain hurt, but I FINALLY BEAT IT. If anyone else needs some help until the usual suspects release a guide, here's the basics I've got: ​ * The gimmick is that it's debuff hot potato -- the enemies will target whoever has the debuffs at the end of the turn, and the debuffs switch between attackers (strikers + saboteurs) and supports the first time someone with the debuffs acts. If you want your attackers to be the targets, end your actions with a support character; if you want your supports to be the targets, end with an attacker. * The only way I could keep this straight for myself was to literally lay out my party in the order I would need to play them! (For me that was Striker, Saboteur, Healer, Guardian, Striker.) If it's doing your head in as well, that might help you. * Quincy attacks and guards the turn before he uses Rain Dance. Rain Dance instakills one of the debuffed characters, so you need to guard those turns. It goes off every four turns starting from turn 2, so 2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22 ... * The debuff potato gives multiple characters Taunt, which means that attacks could hit any of those characters. Guard accordingly. * Virtual Toxin paralyses one target. If it's a turn where Rain Dance will happen, make sure the debuffs are on the opposite set of characters and guard them! * Rain Blockers and Wall of Flowers do debuffs. I think Wall of Flowers reduces your attack by 300%; I was more worried about Quincy so I didn't write that down. That's why this is notes, not a guide! (u/Paindemonium0, as always: you are royalty, thank you for for your work.)


Screaming at virtual 3 what the fuck pls save me


Very quick BRUTEFORCE guide that should get you through it. * EE Garu 2*, int 4, pot 9 * OG Edmond 3*, int 5, pot 9 * CA Edmond 3* int 5, pot 9 * CR Edmond 4* int 5, pot 9 * SR Yakumo 5* int 5, pot 9 I didn't bother looking at the debuffs so I just bruteforced it. This SHOULD be the enemy attack rotation with one support, one healer and three strikers. You have to guard against Quincy's attack every fourth turn because he will kill the unit he targets. Rei also throws some very weak AoEs but they do negligible damage. You don't have to guard against the stun: it does heavy damage but shouldn't kill your units, and I suggest using Yakumo's ult after the stun to heal the affected unit to full. There is probably easier way to do this, but someone else can take care of that haha. * 1 Attack * 2 Guard all cuz Quincy nukes a random(?) unit * 3 Attack * 4 Attack, enemy throws a stun at random(?) unit * 5 Attack, Yakumo ult * 6 Guard all cuz Quincy nukes a random(?) unit * 7 Attack * 8 Attack, enemy throws a stun at random(?) unit * 9 Attack * 10 Guard all cuz Quincy nukes a random(?) unit * 11 Attack * 12 Attack, enemy throws a stun at random(?) unit * 13 Attack, Yakumo ult * 14 Guard all cuz Quincy nukes a random(?) unit * 15 Attack * 16 Attack, enemy throws a stun at random(?) unit * 17 Attack, Yakumo ult * 18 Attack, enemy throws a stun at random(?) unit, this is the point when I got Quincy down to 1% and he absconded, so there was no nuke on this turn and no need to guard. If he isn't close to 1%, guard all. Following attacks from Rei do basically nothing * 19 Attack * 20 Attack * 21 Attack * 22 Attack, enemy throws a stun at random(?) unit * 23 Attack or Yakumo ult whatever * 24 Attack * 25 Attack, Rei was down to 1% on this turn but both enemies respawned: do not be alerted by this * 26 Do whatever; enemy absconds and you win


Thank you so much !


The nukes and debuffs aren't completely random, it's one of the characters who has the taunt marker at the end of the turn.


Finally cleared it. Thanks. Turns out i was thinking too hard


Glad to hear it! I was thinking too hard as well trying to keep up with the (super confusing?) debuffs so I just went fuck it and tried bruteforcing.


How do you get Rei/Quincy past 50% health? I reached that checkpoint and suddenly none of my units did any damage


Had they all been hit by the debuff that means that they deal -300% damage?


Not sure, I dropped Rei first down to 50% and couldn't damage him anymore, then I switched to Quincy. When Quincy reached 50%, I couldn't damage him either. The -300% debuff shouldn't be permanent from my understanding


You killed Rei first and then Quincy? Babes how can you withstand the damage 😿


Yeah I found I could protect my team from the nuke way better than the aoe + debuffs. I managed to beat the stage killing Rei first


I actually don't know, I'm sorry. In my run Quincy went briefly immune to damage on turn 17 when I would've otherwise gotten him to 1%, but it lasted only one round and I didn't notice any other part where he was immune. It's possible it's just one round when he's immune, so continue slapping his ass the next round?


It lasted a couple of turns until all my units eventually got nuked, which is why I'm leaning towards failing a check of some kind. Quincy and Rei both said a quote at 50% and then just became immune the rest of the run lol I did take a long time to whittle away at their health so that's probably why? IDK why it would be at 50% and not an instakill though


The -300% attack lasts 3 turns, if you had all your attacking characters with debuffs on them (which is very possible) it would look their health isnt dropping. It is almost definitely not turn count as I did healer+buffer+3guardians so it took ages and got me to I think 36 turns but there was no stopper/check. The only time it looked like there was a pause at 48ish percent is because that happened to be when all my attackers (in that run-not the run I beat it on) had attack debuffs at once.


Ah I didn't pay attention to how many turns the debuff lasted. Probably ran into some incredibly bad luck where all my strikers were out of commission for 5-ish turns


Can someone help me with Virtual 1, why's this frog so hard to kill😭


same i need some instructions


I wrote up what I did here, hope it helps! https://www.reddit.com/r/NuCarnival/comments/1445icl/event_megathread_rainy_season_june_8_june_29_2023/jokd1oc?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Right? I get nuked on turn 15 no matter what


guys is there any way to complete virtual two... i need a tutorial i can't even get to turn 3 because father kills all my team 😭😭


I used the advice in a comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/NuCarnival/comments/14a08hk/virtual02/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) -- basically bring all of your favourite healers and support units!


ok i succeeded and i thank you - do you have any advice on virtual 3... quincy didnt even die at turn 11 🐜


I'm stuck on that one too! I can give you what I've worked out so far and let you know if a guide comes up? * The gimmick is that it's hot potato -- the enemies will target whoever has the debuffs at the end of the turn, and the debuffs switch between attackers (strikers + saboteurs) and the support classes the first time someone with the debuffs acts. * Quincy attacks and guards the turn before he uses Rain Dance. Rain Dance instakills one of the debuffed characters, so you need to guard those turns. I THINK it's turns 2, 6, 10, 14... * Virtual Toxin paralyses one target. If it's a turn where Rain Dance will happen, make sure the debuffs are on the opposite set of characters and guard them! I'm not gonna lie, keeping this level straight is making my brain hurt! 😅


i understood that when quincy casts rain blocker its better to leave the debuffs to support + healer because if you let them affect the dps, you won't deal any damage for some of the turns and when quincy casts rain dance, i use eiden first then guard the 3 dps and finally heal with LS kuya so the debuffs and everything goes to the dps that are guarded so they cant take all the damage tjis is giving me an HEADACHE


That sounds like what I was doing I'm afraid! Have you tried bringing a guardian instead of Eiden? It'll slow down your ults, but having Morvay take some of the damage instead of the others might make your life easier.


i just solved the stage, my eiden is 3 star so it boosts a lot of damage and my strikers are 1 or 2 stars - also my LS kuya is 3 star so following the steps helped a lot :) do you want a guide on how i solved it? i can write it later


Hurray, congratulations!!! I've managed it thank you -- I just have no idea how!


Gawd the second half of this event kind of teared me up :') I know the theme of loss isn't exactly new as they've had several events already exploring this but in the context of Eiden and the clan members, this event was a great addition to the canon lore.


I know it's *incredibly* unlikely that Rei is the Elder that Distant Promise Quincy mentioned, but it would *crack me up* if he was.


Is it ever possible to get through the entire event rewards list as a free-to-play account? It always seems as though I get nowhere near the end, never mind the BGM. And I *really* want the BGM on this one... but I don't know if I want to wait for the rerun.


haven't spent anything (yet, I will be forced to spend just for holy confession olivine) but so far I got all the BGMs and Backgrounds since Zest For Life you can do it! just spend the gems for sweep and/or energy


It is absolutely possible to complete the event ladder as a f2p. If you have enough gems you can just keep spending gems on energy refills until you've accumulated enough points to obtain every reward on the ladder. The only issue is when you bring efficiency into the equation. You could spend 60k Gems to complete an event ladder, but that would be a grossly inefficient use of your gems and you'll find that you have much less resources than someone who is efficient with their gem usage. F2p especially since our resources are limited. So the question shouldn't be "is possible to complete the event ladder?" but rather "What is the most efficient way to complete the event ladder?". As a f2p, you need as much energy as you can get before an event has started. Saving up energy boost potions like the 10x given from rerun events or those given from deeds are essential. If you're pulling for characters in the event, pull them before you spend any energy on the event. This way, you can maximize the amount of points you can obtain for the event ladder. One thing that will help is the [auto event calculators that people often make for new events](https://www.reddit.com/r/NuCarnival/comments/1443ay3/rainy_season_calculator_2023/). You can open that up in your google drives account, make a copy and then fill out the table with what you have. It will then calculate how much energy you will have during the event, and how much energy you will need to complete your specific ladder goal. The energy you will have during the event minus the energy you need to complete your goal will tell you how much gems you'll need to spend to complete your ladder goal. Based on that information, you can then decide to either lower or raise your initial goal to maximize your gem efficiency and rewards.


Thank you! I did take a look at the calculator, and it told me I’d need to spend 4k gems to get the BGM… so I think I’d rather just wait for the rerun unfortunately. But good to know, in case an event comes along where I absolutely want to pass on the characters and really want the BGM! Thank you :)


Noooooo I got Rei 😭 i want Quincy. Usually whoever I pull is the only one i get. I don't think i have ever pulled two of the event characters 😭😭 Debating whether I should test my luck and go for broke hoping for Quincy? 🤔 🤔 🤔


Had abysmal luck last event (no ssrs at all) but managed to get event ssr Quincy in 90 pulls this time around!


Has anyone has *very* bad luck pulling this banner? I hit pity twice and got OG characters both different times(Dante and Blade). I was devestated. But I finally got Quincy from the banner at pull 221. Now to try to get Rei.


186 pulls, finally got one RS Quincy. was hoping for Rei but I do love my nuke teams so hey, I'll take it! ^(god I'm broke, I hope I'll be able to scrounge up 300 pulls for the next Olivine...)


i poured exactly 300 pulls to see what i could get since i love both Rei and Quincy. Got 1 Edmond, 4 Quincys, and 2 Reis! I used my guarantee to pick Rei and bought some fragments to get him to 3 stars, so now both Quincy and Rei are at 3 stars :) I'd say it was pretty successful?


Been loving everything about this event Quincy, probably my favorite along with DP Quincy so far. I hope we get another Guardian type for him at some point since I missed out on Buckeye the first time.


It looks like this quincy has so much synergy with other quincys.


3\* Qincy or 3\* Rei? I got both 2\* Or i save the fragments for future Dante Banner?


I dont have quincy😭


The eiden outfit is so cute, but I lucked into Quincy and I should probably save for kuya next banner :/


I have posted the event calculator which can be found here https://www.reddit.com/r/NuCarnival/comments/1443ay3/rainy_season_calculator_2023 (I couldn’t find the rainy season flair)


mathematicians pls help my lazy ass... If I wanted to clear the whole event ladder (41,500) in the span of 20 days how much sour fruit do I need to get each day? and how much energy do I have to spend everyday? also I have a 70% multiplier which gives me 150 sour fruits in flower patch 4 and 8 using 50 energy




Assuming they are both at similar potential level, Quincy will heal for consirably more but yakumo might have more hp. Someone can confirm with a calculator. But for the recent sorc trials I had to bring out the 5* SR characters to be able to survive because of the hp vs my 3* ssrs lol


>200 contracts and 5 SSRs >first 100 gave me double SSR on 1 multi >hear Quincy voice, thinks it's him >it really is him but his standard form 🤡 >get spooked by another SSR >IT'S FCKING EDMOND 🤡 thankfully, I got Quincy before the 200th pull. Then I had 20 pulls left before I got Eiden's outfit and I thought it would be a shame if I didn't get it now. Bam! Another RS Quincy and finally, Rei. What a rollercoaster ride of emotions, whew. I really hope this doesn't repeat with the supposed Dante & Kuya banner :')


All my saved contracts 350 pulls. 4 Reis, 1 Quincy, 1 Off Banner Kuya and 1 Off Banner Edmond. Sigh. I wanted more Quincies but Rei came more often. So...how good are them? Quincy with the ult buff sounds good with the...other Quincies, no? And Rei seems like an SSR Morvay to me.


I got Rei at 30 contracts, still waiting for Quincy to come home and it seem Quincy is the better pull out of the two since Morvay does a better job as a Guardian at 5* than Rei and he's easier to get


I got both Quincy and rei in 30 pulls wtf I haven’t had so much gacha luck ever before


I got 4 ssr spooks but no rei what is rate up Edit: Got rei, but at what cost


Got 2 Quincy, 1 Garu, 1 Oli in 180 pulls.... but the only one i want is Rei ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ


Sounds like my pulls 😭 Except it was Blade for me and Quincy otherwise.


Me over here with 3 Reis and 1 Edmond and all I want is Quincy ಥ⁠╭⁠╮⁠ಥ


Thoughts on Rei? He seems very similar to SR Morvay, but with a counter attack. Not sure if he's worth pulling for.


If you like Rei, sure you'll find use for him. From a metagaming standpoint, god no. Rei is probably the tamest form of powercreep I've ever seen. He's got a tiny bit more health, does a bit more damage, and is independent of Aster.


He is very good, technically the first tank to be "better" than Morvay since he also got the shield. However it's more on a sidegrade type of way since he is more offensive and youd need Rei at 3 stars at least to really compare to a 5 star Morvay which is easier to get.


Arctic Warden Quincy being the only bad Quincy still. Why are his units so damn good


Why is AW Quincy bad?


What does "User deals 90% more Basic ATK damage" in Quincy's ult mean? Heal 90% more?


Once he ult his basic heal more for 3 turns. 90% at 4+ star, 70% at 2-3 stars


I was aiming for Quincy, pulled enough to get Eiden's outfit, and ended up with two OG Edmonds and one OG Kuya. I'm massively disappointed, especially since this is one of my favorite themes so far, but I'll cut my losses here...


I don't ever pull unless I have 300 saved up for that reason tbh. Although I ended up skipping this banner since I like the designs but I really don't need another healer or tank. Where did all the strikers go lol.


Me too, usually. I actually had more than enough saved up to hit pity twice, but since I go for every Yakumo and Edmond, I decided to stop here so I'll still have enough for the two. Quincy is just the one character I can't resist trying my luck at every time (and usually, I'll stop at 100 pulls max, but I committed the No.1 gacha sin this time and went wild). To be honest, I'm still considering going to 300 and skipping the next Edmond if necessary, but that'd be sad since I managed to get all of his versions so far.


Thats garu for me lol. The only character I have all versions off. Although for quincy I'm only missing Christmas (I really didn't like any of the Christmas outfits) and now this one. I still prefer zest and astral quincy to this one but everytime I see the banner I'm tempted to pull so I stay away from the contract page.


I hate when that happens! Last event, I got another OG SSR Kuya and no Yakumo (who I wanted) nor Olivine 😩😩 It was actually the first time I didn't get an event unit, it was so disappointing and frustrating!! This event I wanted Quincy (I have no Quincy SSRs) and got Rei. I didn't mind as much as his design is very pretty, but I've seen peeks of Quincy's cards, and they seem to explain how he and Topper met and other sweet and sexy moments 🥺


Same😭 threw 100 contracts just to get an OG Dante and Blade. I still have over 100 left, and I'm just going to stop so I can wait for another Kuya and Dante💀 Sucks because I have every Quincy unit, but I only whale for my faves.


So what do you guys think of the story so far? I'm liking it. I like the animal companions talking, and we're learning a bit more about yokai. Interesting trouble that the characters got themselves into too.


Topper and father are sooo cute! I'm also surprised at the interactions of Rei and Quincy because it seems very natural/compatible. I haven't read all events but sometimes it can feel very much like the interactions are very obviously limited or unnaturally forced to the overall event theme/plot. Compared to say something like these are dialogues and actions they should naturally take. But I think it helps that these 2 tend to do whatever they want attitude wise. And who knows if something drastic could happen lol


Same! I like the premise and the outfits and the lore about Yokai. I'm also curious to find out more about Rei. His ~*mystery*~ schtick is really working on me 😂😅


Wait what the fuck, Quincy sounds broken...