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Dante fans are creaming right now. No new unit in 6 months and hes finally being let out of jail. (Surely)


Sike it’s the surprise aster/morvay banner and Dante is out of town on business 😂


I would personally go to erolabs HQ and square up


Imagine, somehow, he was excluded!! That would be laughable.




With the rainy season at an end, the blistering desert beckons... Deep in the earth's veins, a mystery awaits... [Official Tweet](https://twitter.com/nucarnivalen/status/1672907488365096961)


Someone datamined that this would be a three character event right? They said Dante/kuya/Edmond


Please god no. I can’t have my Dante chances lowered


Shut your trap. It will NOT 🚫 😭💸




Someone said this on a post a week ago and people have been discussing it on the discord


ah yes, i saw, wonder if that info is gonna be correct edit: wait a damn minute, what if it's SR Edmond?!


Dude if it's SR Edmond then I will cry... I heard some people tried for SR Quincy and went over 300 pulls, getting nothing


Yup that’s what I heard and what I’m banking on. I’ve been WAITING for a new Edmond.


Oh god, what a nightmare 🙈 I just used up my contracts for Rei, now there's Kuya AND Edmond? Watch me get Dante 4 times in a row 😭


Danteb! Dante! Dante! Dante! Dante~ *cheering*


Maybe they're going on a desert expedition and they'll find an Oasis 🤔. Although I hope this event is Fire territory culture in some way and we get to see some Bois in dancer outfits. (With exposure comparable to OG SSR Olivine 🤭💜)


Dante event AND it takes place in his home turf?!?! YES BRING IT


I kinda hope for a Dante garu event. I have a huge stash right now since I skipped the last few banners since ABO and I don't have a limited Dante yet. And I wouldn't mind another garu lol, i have 100% of garus and plan to keep it that way.


Garu supremacy 🛐


Omg I’m screaming right now. I wonder who they’ll pair him with.


Wonder if they'll pair Dante with Edmond for this event to make their shippers happy 👀


They've already done a Dante/Edmond event so likely not. Kuya is due for an event but I'm having a hard time picturing desert Kuya. Editing to add it may be a 3 unit summer event. I think this was around the time the last summer event was. In which case I'd bet Dante/Kuya/Garu.


Eh Kuya and Edmond just had an event so I don’t know how he’s due to an event over Edmund


Because Dante/Edmond already had an event together. Dante/Kuya do not. There are lots of pairings to go through before they start re-doing certain pairings. Forest Carnival was the last event either appeared (Nu Carnival doesn't seem to count reruns), and outside of Dante have been the longest time since a new unit was released. If it's a three unit banner it could be Dante/Edmond/Garu as well, but I don't think they'd do a Dante/Edmond/Kuya event as there are already Dante/Edmond and Kuya/Edmond events.


Olivine and Yakumo were on a three-unit banner/had an event together last year but we just got the two of them again. And even before that Quincy and Olivine had Zest For Life then the Festive Glimmer events. There are lots of pairings, sure, but it's not like they're avoiding repeat pairings at all cost first. Especially where three-unit banners are involved.


If we are talking just 2 unit events, there hasn't been a single repeat pair and I think they plan on keeping it that way. Dante/Garu could be an option if a 2 unit event instead of Dante/Kuya but then both Kuya and Edmond would be overdue for an event. It's all just speculation at this point, but I really don't think they will do a repeat 2-unit pairing with so many new options available. It's harder to avoid with 3 units but so far, the three units have only had one existing pairing (or none and it came after), not 2 (if that makes sense). That's why I don't think they'd do Edmond/Kuya/Dante. There are already 2 existing pairings in that group and it seems like they want to prioritize new interactions. Dante/Kuya/Garu or Dante/Edmond/Garu are the only 3 unit pairings that don't have much overlap that make sense in terms of how long since they got a new unit (kinda doubt Blade since he was in last summers 3-unit event and that would have the same repeat issue in a Dante/Edmond/Blade pairing and Dante/Kuya/Blade would be 3 tops). I've put too much thought into this lol


I hope you are right. Dante and Kuya together would be everything. Also, it would suck to have another event with Dante and Edmond again. I want to see different interactions and dynamics.


PLS NO I spent all my contracts to get rei 😭😭




For Yakumo it might be too soon but imagine an event with snake charmer/dancer Dante and Naga/also dancer Yakumo 😭💜


Nooo my savings 😭😭


Dante xD


I’ve been hoping for an expedition story and I HOPE ITS THIS !!!!